HomeMy WebLinkAboutACTION SUMMARY 02-15-96.- ~?, -. Ij •_ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD MEETING ACTION SUMMARY February 15, 1996 2:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: 2. 3. Members: Rainey, Hockett, Boneysteele, Menesini Members: Dalton PUBLIC COMMENTS: BOARD ACTION: None AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS: PARKS L. BONEYSTEELE President Pro Tem WILL/AM C. DALTON BARBARA D. HOCKETT SUSANMcNULTYRA/NEY a. Presentation of Collection System Person of the Year Award to Dante Marchetti, Maintenance Crew Leader, from San Francisco Bay Section, California Water Environment Association BOARD ACTION: Presented Collection System Person of the Year Award to Dante Marchetti and commended him on this achievement 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Adopt Resolution No. 96-037 accepting work and offers of dedication from Town of Danville and Danville Community Development Agency, Job No. 5030, Parcel Nos. 2 and 3, and authorize recording b. Adopt Resolution No. 96-038 accepting work and offers of dedication from Charlotte Wood Developers, L.P., Job No. 5030, Parcel No. 4, and authorize ~ recording c. Adopt Resolution No. 96-039 accepting work and offers of dedication from J. Richard Lombardi, Job No. 5049, Parcel No. 2, and authorize recording d. Adopt Resolution No. 96-040 accepting work and offers of dedication from Vesko Properties, Job No. 5055, Parcel No. 1, and authorize recording BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ' MARIO M MENESIN! President 1 • • e. Adopt Resolution No. 96-041 accepting work and offers of dedication from Braddock and Logan Group, Job No. 5084, Parcel No. 2, and authorize recording f. Adopt Resolution No. 96-042 accepting work and offers of dedication from Cherry Lane Associates, Job No. 5074, Parcel No. 1, and authorize recording g. Adopt Resolution No. 96-043 accepting work and offers of dedication from Mark and Eileen Frohnen, Job No. 5029, Parcel No. 1, and authorize recording h. Adopt Resolution No. 96-044 accepting work and offers of dedication from Clark R. White, Job No. 5029, Parcel No. 2, and authorize recording i. Adopt Resolution No. 96-045 accepting work and offers of dedication from Robert J. and Cynthia L. Nichols, Job No. 5029, Parcel No. 3, and authorize recording j. Adopt Resolution No. 96-046 accepting work and offers of dedication from Gary and Nancy M. Wincott, Trustees, Job No. 5029, Parcel No. 3A, and authorize recording k. Adopt Resolution No. 96-047 accepting work and offers of dedication from Calvin F. and Jeanette C. York, Job No. 5029, Parcel No. 4, and authorize recording Adopt Resolution No. 96-048 accepting work and offers of dedication from Robert J. and Cynthia L. Nichols, Job No. 5029, Parcel No. 5, and authorize recording m. Adopt Resolution No. 96-049 accepting work and offers of dedication from Bryan L. and Susan L. Draper, Job No. 5029, Parcel No. 6, and authorize recording n. Adopt Resolution No. 96-050 accepting work and offers of dedication from Irving and Pauline Abrams, Job No. 5029, Parcel No. 7, and authorize recording o. Adopt resolution accepting work and offers of dedication from Braddock and Logan Group, Job No. 5084, Parcel No. 2, and authorize recording p. Quitclaim three pipeline easements to Herman and Marjorie Morris, Richard 0. and Kathryn J. Kamrath, and Edgar F. and Mary A. Larsen, for the Recycled Water Pipeline Project, DP No. 7164, Lafayette/Moraga area (Resolution Nos. 96-051, 96-052, and 96-053) 2 • • q. Accept assignment of right-of-way documents from Shell Pipeline Corporation (Resolution Nos. 96-054 and 96-055) - r. Accept contract work for the Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Phase I, District Project No. 6098 s. Adopt Resolution No. 96-056 authorizing application for reclamation loan funds from CSWRCB, Water Reclamation Loan Program BOARD ACTION: Consent Items a. through s. excluding Item o. approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized; Item o. was deleted from the agenda as it was a duplication of Item e. 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: BOARD ACTION: None 6. BIDS AND AWARDS: a. Authorize award of a contract to Subtronic Corporation for locating sanitary sewer mains and side sewers BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended b. Authorize award of purchase order to Cyberex and authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate 585,000 from the Treatment Plant Program Contingency Account for the purchase of a Redundant Cascade Uninterruptible Power Source BOARD ACTION: Approved . as recommended c. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Laboratory Microsystems, Incorporated for a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMB), District Project 6107 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 7. REPORTS: a. General Manager-Chief Engineer 1) Update on Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility Operations and Staffing Plans 2) Discussed Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Recognition 3 • • 3) Discussed Solid Waste Issues . 4) Commended Mr. Kenton L. Alm, Counsel for the District, on his outstanding efforts on behalf of the District in the area of solid waste 5) Announcement concerning Boy Scouts of America Environmental Achievement Awards Dinner on February 29~ 1996 at the Sheraton Hotel b. Counsel for the District 1) Update on Cities/Towns/CCCSD Solid Waste Franchising Transition Documents 2) Distributed and discussed Amendment to Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority Joint Powers Agreement to facilitate membership of CCCSD and- Cities and Towns c. Secretary of the District NONE d. Board Members 1) Report of the January 18-20, 1996 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Meeting 2) Discussed number of representatives from each member agenda to be appointed to Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority 8. TREATMENT PLANT: a. Board acceptance of the 1995 Self-Monitoring Program Report BOARD ACTION: Accepted report and commended staff on their efforts throughout the year 9. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: a. Expenditure List dated February 15, 1996 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 10. BUDGET AND FINANCE: a. Receive the 1995-1996 Operations and Maintenance Budget Review for the six months ended December 31, 1995, and receive December 1995 Financial Statements 4 11. 12. BOARD ACTION: Received O&M Budget Review Report, December 1995 financial statements and report of temporary investments EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: BOARD ACTION: Issued Declaration of Emergency with regard to emergency repair of the Orinda Crossroads Pumping Station force main; to avoid public calamity arising from damage to the environment and to protect the public health and safety, authorized exception to the public bidding standard and authorized the General Manager-Chief Engineer to take all appropriate actions necessary to correct the situation including expenditure of funds ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:. BOARD ACTION: None 13. CLOSED SESSION: a. Conference with, Legal Counsel on anticipated litigation: 1) Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subsection (b) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code -two potential cases b. Conference with Legal Counsel on existing litigation pursuant to Subsection (a) Section 54956.9 of the Government Code. Name of case: CCCSD v. Orinda-Moraga Disposal, Inc., et al -Contra Costa County Superior Court No. C96-00562 BOARD ACTION: Held closed session from 5:39 p.m. to 6:08 p.m. as noted above 14. REPORT OF DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION: BOARD ACTION: On a 4/0 vote authorized initial payment of $20,000 to Mr. Leonard in connection with an overflow occurring on his property 15. ADJOURNMENT: BOARD ACTION: Adjourned at 6:10 p.m. 5