HomeMy WebLinkAboutACTION SUMMARY 06-16-94• .,,~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BOARD MEETING ' SUSANMcNULTYRA/NEY President 1 ~ ~ • 1 1 ACTION SUMMARY 'oHNB. CLAUSEN W/LL/AM C. DALTON June 16, 19 94 BARBARA D. Hoc/sETr 3 : 00 p . m . MAR/° M. MENES/NI 1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Members: Menesini, Dalton, Hockett, Clausen, Rainey ABSENT: Members: None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: BOARD ACTION: None 3. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Accept Grant of Easement from Contra Costa County for District Project No. 4826 in the Walnut Creek area (Resolution No. 94-0401 b. Accept Grant of Easement from Bakri Boustani and Egine Boustani, for a sewer easement through Creekwood Place, Lafayette, DP 4785 (Resolution No. 94-041) c. Initiate proceedings to formally annex 10 separate areas under the title of District Annexation 131 (Resolution No. 94-0421 d. Accept contract work for the 1680/SR24 Sewer Relocations Project, Phase III, District Project 4782, and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion e. Advise the Board of the close out of 19 Capital Improvement Projects BOARD ACTION: Consent Items a. through e. approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized 1 L J 4. HEARINGS: • a. Conduct public hearing; adopt the Base Permit Fee System for Class I/II Industrial Users into the District's rates and charges; adopt the proposed revision to District Code BOARD ACTION: Conducted public hearing; approved as recommended; adopted Ordinance No. 192 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: BOARD ACTION: Item 15. Closed Session, was taken out of order to accommodate interested persons in the audience 6. ENGINEERING: a. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute Wastewater Permit Contract with Acme Fill Corporation BOARD ACTION: .Approved as recommended 7. PERSONNEL: a. Adopt Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) with the Management Group, effective June 1, 1994 through May 31, 1997 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended; recognized the Management Team for their contribution to the District and their dynamic and energetic leadership b. Adopt Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) with the Incumbent Deputy General Manager, effective June 1, 1994 through May 31, 1997 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended; commended the Deputy General Manager for commitment and efforts on behalf of the District 8. CORRESPONDENCE: a. Note receipt of letter dated June 6, 1994, from Mr. Claude L. Van Marter, Assistant County Administrator, regarding the Report and Recommendations for Special District Consolidations iri Alameda and Contra Costa Counties BOARD ACTION: Noted receipt; discussed issues and proposed presentation b. Note receipt of letter dated June 6, 1994, from Mr. Parke L. Boneysteele, of Walnut Creek, regarding financial portfolio management services 2 • 9. 10 11 12. c. Note receipt of letter dated June 7, 1994, from Mr. Parke L. Boneysteele, of Walnut Creek, regarding financial portfolio management services d. Note receipt of letter dated June 9, 1994, from Mr. Parke L. Boneysteele, of Walnut Creek, regarding financial portfolio management services BOARD ACTION: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 19, 1994 BOARD ACTION; Approved as presented b. Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting of May 26, 1994 BOARD ACTION: Approved as presented APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: a. Expenditure List dated June 16, 1994 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended BUDGET AND FINANCE: a. Approve a Board resolution to adopt the 1994-1995 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets as comprising the 1994-1995 District Budget BOARD ACTION: Adopted Resolution No. 94-043 b. Receive May 1994 Financial Statements BOARD ACTION: Received Financial Statements and reports of Running Expense Fund and temporary investments EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: BOARD ACTION: None Noted receipt of Items 8 a., b., and c., again referred the issue of financial portfolio management services to the Board Budget and Finance Committee for thorough investigation and recommendation; received comments from Mr. Parke L. Boneysteele opposing the use of financial portfolio management services 3 • 13. REPORTS: a. Gen 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) eral Manager-Chief Engineer Update on Pollution Prevention Education Program Work Redesign Update Continued discussion of Solids Residuals Reuse to July 7, 1994 Discussion of Household Hazardous Waste Approved participation in Vision 2000; the development of a Contra Costa Countywide Economic Development Strategy and contribution of 55,000 to help fund the effort 6) Announcement concerning Happy Fiscal New Year Pot Luck at noon on July 1, 1994 7) Mr. Dolan announced he will be out of town the week of July 18, 1994 and unable to attend the July 21, 1994 Board Meeting 8) Announced that Ms. Lynne Putnam, Senior Engineer, will travel to Portland, Oregon for planning meeting for WEF Specialty Conference on Disinfection 9) Distributed brochure on Copper Root Killer published in cooperation with Bay Area Dischargers Association b. Counsel for the District 1) Update on Disbursal of Legal Fees to Franchisees; scheduled this matter for further consideration on August 4, 1994 2) Update on Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) regulations relating to gifts 3) Announcement concerning contract negotiations for District Counsel contract c. Secretary of 'the District 1) Announcement concerning contract negotiations for the Secretary of the District d. Board Members NONE 4 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • BOARD ACTION: President Rainey thanked Senior Engineer Lynne Putnam and Associate Engineer Jim Coe for the information they provided for the Water Forum 15. CLOSED SESSION: Conference with Legal Counsel on existing litigation pursuant to Subdivision lal of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code -name of case: Anne L. McLaurin v. CCCSD, Superior Court of California, Contra Costa County Superior Court No. C93-04225 BOARD ACTION: From 3:33 p.m. to 3:58 p.m. to discuss existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) 16. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION: BOARD ACTION: None 17. ADJOURNMENT: a. Adjourned at 7:32 p.m. to reconvene 9:00 a.m., Thursday, June 23, 1994, for a meeting with the Dewatering Process Control Process Redesign Team (PRT) and at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 7, 1994, for a tour of the Headworks Facilities Project 5