HomeMy WebLinkAboutACTION SUMMARY 01-23-91Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dis~ BOARD MEETl1YG 1. ROLL CALL: 2. PUBLIC COP~IMENTS: 3. AWARDS AND COM~~IENDATIONS: a. 1990 California Water Pollution Control Association, San Francisco ' Bay Section Award for Outstanding Achievement in the area of Safety 4. CONSENT CALEP~DAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Reso lution No. 91-003 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Warren Kong Yee, Pleasant Hill . area, Job 1468 - Parcel 4 b. Authorize execution of a Common Use Agreement with the City of Walnut. Creek for District Project No. 4539, Arlene Drive Sewer Improvement Pro- . ject, at no cost to the District (Resolution No. 91-004) c. Advise the Board of the close out of the Word Processor Replacer~ent Pro- ject, District Project No. 20101- d. Direct staff to secure the services of an arbitrator in accordance with Step Four .of the Grievance Procedure e. Receive notification of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association Local #1 officers effective January 1, 1991 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: /OHN B. CLALISEN President Present: Mbrs. Boneysteele, Dalton,, Carlson, Rainey, Clausen Absent: None PJone Mr. Jack E. Campbell, Administrative Operations.~1anager, presented the Award for Outstanding Achievement to President Clausen, and announced that unfortunately the key employees res- ponsible for this award have or will soon leave the employ of the District. The Board indicated they would be missed and commended them and all District employees on this significant accomplishment Consent Items a. through e. approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized ACTION S~IMMARY PARKE L. BONEYSTL-'ELE NELS E. CARLSON WILLIAM C. DALTO: J January 23, 1991 SUSANMcNULTYRAINEY • • ~ CALL .FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT None OF ORDER • 5. SOLID WASTE: a. Authorize the allocation of $33,000 Approved as recommended from the General Improvements Program Contingency Account for the~Publicly- Owned Transfer Station Projec DP . 20096 -; ... ~• 6. ENGINEERING: ~~ . a. Authorize~$526,000 from Sewer Con- Approved. as recommended. • struction.fund for Collection System `Program Contingency Account and • authorize allocation of those funds • to complete the Walnut Creek Down- town Phase 2 Project, DP 4257 7: COLLECTIOPJ SYSTEM: a. Authorize the General.-P~1anager-Chief ~ Approved as recommended; adopted Engineer to execute an agreement Resolution No: 91;-005 with Dowell-Schlumberger to rehabi= litate 1,740 feet of sewer using Swagelining with a cost ceiling of . $94,430 8. CORRESPONDENCE: • a. Letter from Per. John.Petrak requesting. Referred to staff for .report refund of overpayment of Sewer Ser- vice Charges for.Creekside Glen Apart- ments • b. Letter from Ms. Gayle B. Uilkema, Referred to staff for a report Mayor of the City of Lafayette, requesting that a sewer improvement project in the City of Lafayette be expedited and offering to cooperate on that _project. c. Copy of letter from Mr. John F. Received for information. Connors regarding infrastructure _ concerns 9. APPROVAL OF "~1I~JUTES: - a. Minutes of December 13, 1990 Approved as presented • 10. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: a. Expenditure List dated January 23, 1991 11. EMERGENCY. SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: 12: REPORTS: a. General.t~1anager-Chief Engineer ~, .. b. Counsel for the District c. Secretary of the District. d: Board P•lembers 13. APJNOUPJCEP~!EtJTS: 14. CLOSED SESSION; 15. ACTIONS RESULTIfJG FROM DISCUSSIONS IN ri nrrn rrrrrnn~_ 16. ADJOURNMENT: Approved as recommended None T) Hazardous Waste Strike Force Report 2) Authorized addition of HDPE and Tin Cans. to Recycling Programs 3) Report on Cost of Technical Services for Watershed 23 4) Announcement concerning meeting with County Committee for Wetlands and Wildlife 5) Announcement concerning publication of Notice of Significant Violations 6) Status of POD System Pilot Program 7) Announcement concerning implementati~ • by County of charge for collection o ad valorem taxes 8)-Announcement concerning Lafayette City Council P~eeting 9) Announcement concerning repairs. of overflo~•r damage at.Overhill Court, Ori nda 10) Announcement concerning property damage overflow at Mormon Church in Alamo Announcement concerning CASA meeting None 1) Status of Solid Waste Matters 2) Report of January 1991 CASA ~~1eeting President Clausen announced that he has registered inactive on the State Bar and will no longer be practicing law 4:08 p.m. to 4:40 p.m. to discuss labor relations pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 and litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) None Adjourned at 5:25 p.m. to reconvene at 6:30 p.m. on January 24, 1991 3