HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 12-03-09
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular
meeting at its regular place of business, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra
Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 3, 2009.
President Nejedly called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, McGill, Menesini, Nejedly
ABSENT: Members: None
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no public comments.
It was moved by President Nejedly and seconded by Member Lucey to appoint Member
McGill as President for a one-year term commencing January 1, 2010. Motion passed
by unanimous vote of the Board.
It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by President Nejedly to appoint Member
Hockett as President Pro Tem for a one-year term commencing January 1, 2010.
Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Menesini to adopt the
Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
a. Approve expenditures dated December 3, 2009. Reviewed by Budget and
Finance Committee.
b. Receive October 2009 Financial Statements. Reviewed by Budget and Finance
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c. Approve minutes of November 5, 2009 Board meeting.
d. Approve the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) as of June 30,
2009 for submission to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
Approval recommended by Budget and Finance Committee.
e. Adopt Resolution 2009-108 confirming publication of a summary of uncodified
District Ordinance No. 257 establishing reimbursement fees for the properties
which could directly or indirectly connect to District Project 5919 (Alhambra
Valley Trunk Sewer AVAD 2007-1); and directly connect to Job 6412 (Monteira
AVAD 2007-4); 6439 (Reliez Valley AVAD 2007-3); 6441 (Quail AVAD 2007-6);
and 6442 (Gordon Millthwait AVAD 2007-2) in Alhambra Valley.
f. Adopt an amendment to Memorandum of Understanding between the District
and the Employees’ Association, Public Employees’ Union, Local One, effective
July 2, 2009 through April 17, 2012.
g. Authorize an extended leave of absence without pay for Engineering Assistant II
Erika Liskamm through March 5, 2010.
h. Approve a cellular phone program between the District and the Management
Group pursuant to the memorandum of understanding effective June 18, 2009.
1) Household Hazardous Waste Annual Report
General Manager James Kelly stated that the Household Hazardous Waste
Program has been in operation now for twelve years and is an important element
of the District’s Pollution Prevention Program.
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor David Wyatt presented a summary of
the fiscal year 2008-2009 Household Hazardous Waste Program Annual Report,
which includes operating data, temporary collection events, small business
program and 10-year statistics. It was also presented to the Household
Hazardous Waste Committee at its November 16, 2009 meeting.
Mr. Wyatt reported that the two new elements in the Household Hazardous
Waste program have been very successful. The Pharmaceutical Collection
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Program, which began in February 2009, collected nearly 1,500 pounds in its first
five months of operation and a total of 4,000 pounds to date. Mondays were
added to the collection facility’s schedule of operation in June 2009. An average
of sixty-four cars have been served on Mondays.
Participation has increased as 28,210 participants were served in fiscal year
2008-2009, compared to 27,940 in the previous year, and the reuse program
saved $431,821. Total operating costs (including capital costs) were $76 per car,
compared to $66 in the prior year, during which the cost was lower due to
understaffing by one technician. The average amount of waste per car was 67
In 2008-09, 1,913,307 pounds of hazardous waste was collected, compared to
1,891,363 in 2007-2008. Battery collection was up to 50,300 pounds, compared
with 44,370 in the prior year. Fluorescent lamp collection amounted to 271,720
feet in 2008-09, equal to 4.4 pounds of mercury, versus 251,612 feet in the
previous year.
There was one temporary collection event in San Ramon, where a total of 606
cars were served and 48,000 pounds of waste collected. Small businesses,
through the Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) program,
conducted 416 appointments, compared to 386 in the prior year.
Compared to the 1998-1999 fiscal year, 1,014,876 more pounds of waste were
collected during the 2008-2009 fiscal year and at a cost of $9 per car less. The
facility has recently identified a company that recycles collected cooking oils for
use in biofuel production.
Member Hockett suggested tracking how the life pattern of the facility’s
customers, the aging population, and the progression of the housing economy
overlay with the amount of waste received. Mr. Wyatt noted that during the year,
staff noticed a spike in waste collection coincided with the surge in foreclosures.
Board Members thanked Mr. Wyatt for his comprehensive report and had no
proposed changes.
2) Contractual Assessment District (CAD) Update
General Manager James Kelly stated that at the June 18, 2009 Board meeting, a
representative from the Sunnybrook Road neighborhood in Alamo requested the
Board support a Contractual Assessment District to finance construction of a
public sewer. At the time, District Counsel Kenton Alm advised the Board and
the neighborhood representative that the District was prohibited from forming
CADs by changes to State law enacted in 2008. Legislation correcting this
prohibition will become effective on January 1, 2010.
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Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson presented data to the
Board to assist in the decision whether or not to pursue resuming the CAD
program in anticipation of a renewed request from the Sunnybrook Road
homeowners and potential requests from other neighborhoods.
The District Board discontinued its last CAD program in the 2003-2004 fiscal
year. Since that time, in the absence of a CAD program, District staff has used
its past practice to extend sewers to neighborhoods by assisting with public
meetings, counseling homeowners, and serving as an agent for the financial
The District’s 1997-2004 CAD program funded twenty-three CADs at a cost of
$3.63 million. To date, about 70 percent of that principal has been repaid, and
$307,000 in principal and interest payments are expected this year. The hybrid
Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) program, which was begun in
2007, has financed six AVADs at a cost of $1.53 million. There is up to $4 million
in demand for potential CAD projects that have not yet been formed.
Member Menesini requested a cost analysis of how restarting the CAD program
would impact the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan and the District’s
reserves, and what private or governmental funding options may be available.
Member Lucey stated he has always been opposed to the CAD program and
continues to uphold that position. He referenced the Sewer Construction Fund
revenue summary report for the period ending October 31, 2009, where AVAD
participants paid $577,000 up front, which greatly exceeded the $359,000 staff
had estimated receiving. This means the participants are able to finance their
sewer without using the CAD program. Barring a dramatic change, he stated
that the District should not entertain a program that is not significantly utilized by
its participants.
Member Hockett spoke in favor of the CAD program and its benefits to the
environment, homeowners, and ultimately the District.
Member McGill questioned the impact a CAD program has on facilitating
conversions from septic tanks to sewers. Mr. Swanson estimated that before the
1997-2004 CAD program was started, 1,000 to 1,300 homes were on septic
tanks, and while the program was in effect, approximately 300 homes came off
septic tanks. Member Lucey clarified that each conversion did not necessarily
result from the District’s CAD program.
President Nejedly stated that he has always been an advocate for the program
because it assists residents who are on septic systems and cannot afford to use
their own money to install a sewer, and such a benefit is worth its added
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Financing options for restarting the CAD program will be brought to the Board at
a later meeting.
3) Update on Contra Costa County Employees Retirement Association
(CCCERA) Terminal Compensation
General Manager James Kelly reported that there are two upcoming CCCERA
meetings of interest. One is a special meeting scheduled for 9 a.m. on January
11, 2010, at the Concord Hilton, located at 1970 Diamond Boulevard in Concord,
to discuss the legal opinion letter from CCCERA Fiduciary Counsel to the
Retirement Board regarding final compensation and retirement benefits. The
purpose will be to gain input from all interested parties. Staff and labor counsel
will prepare a memorandum for the District Board, which will include options for
the District Board’s position on the issue, if one were to be taken.
The second meeting will be held on January 13, 2010 to present the results of
the depooling analysis. District staff will attend both meetings and will brief the
Board at the Financial Plan workshop scheduled for January 21, 2010.
Member McGill questioned if the District has an independent responsibility to
evaluate the policies of the Retirement Board, and if the District has incorrectly
reported data to CCCERA. Mr. Kelly stated that staff submits information in
accordance with CCCERA’s guidelines. Member McGill also asked to what legal
authority the District answers in regards to its distribution of retirement funds.
Member Lucey noted that in the past the District Board has acquiesced to the
policies of the Retirement Board. He stated that while the District is overpaying
former employees who retired since 1997, based on the legal opinion letter to the
Retirement Board, the District is not currently in a position to take action and it is
too early to do anything but watch judiciously. He added that the fact that certain
Moraga-Orinda Fire District retirees were overpaid, undetected for years,
indicates major problems with the system. He suggested that one problem is the
way people are appointed to the Retirement Board, and that not many of them
are representatives of special districts.
4) Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF) Annual Report
Presentation to Mountain View Sanitary District
General Manager James Kelly announced that District staff will present a
summary of the 2008-09 HHWCF Annual Report to the Mountain View
Sanitary District (MVSD) Board of Directors on Thursday,
December 10, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at the MVSD offices, located at 3800
Arthur Road in Martinez.
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5) Managers to Attend California Specialized Training Institute
General Manager James Kelly announced that he, Director of
Administration Randy Musgraves, Plant Operations Division Manager
Randy Grieb and Maintenance Supervisor Dante Marchetti will attend the
Earthquake: An Introduction to Emergency Management training from
Monday, December 7 through Thursday, December 10, 2009 at the Crown
Plaza Hotel in Concord. Another group of managers will attend in January
6) Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers, D.P. 036545ENG
General Manager James Kelly announced that the Capital Projects
Division utilizes television inspection to determine the condition of the
existing pipe, location of laterals, and verify record information. The
results are used to evaluate alternatives during design and to minimize
change orders during construction.
This project will be advertised on December 9 and 15, 2009. Bids will be
opened on January 14, 2010. The cost is currently estimated at $150,000
for a three-year period. More information will be presented when the
Board is asked to approve the contract on February 4, 2010.
7) Status of Green Street Sewer Easement Acquisition
General Manager James Kelly announced that on November 5, 2009, staff
reported to the District Board about the easement acquisition process
along Green Street for the Martinez Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 3.
Staff informed the Board of the plan for acquiring easements by early
2010, including the process and schedule for condemnation.
Last week, staff prepared easement offer packages and personally met
with the property owners. As of November 21, 2009, staff has acquired all
permanent sewer easements across nine properties and sufficient
temporary construction easements to allow replacement of the existing
sewer during the 2010 construction season. As a result of the successful
negotiations, condemnation proceedings will not be required. Staff who
worked on the preparation of easement offers and negotiations include:
Severina Camorongan, Engineering Assistant III
Stephanie Gronlund, Associate Engineer
Nancy Molina, Associate Engineer
Molly Mullin, Senior Right of Way Agent
Nancy Parker, Administrative Assistant
Kathleen West, Senior Right of Way Agent
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8) Results of Annual Environmental Protection Agency Treatment Plant
General Manager James Kelly announced that on September 17, 2009,
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)/Regional
Water Quality Control Board conducted an annual compliance and
evaluation inspection of the treatment plant. Craig Blett, an employee of
PG Environmental, LLC, which is a USEPA contractor, conducted the
inspection. The District received the written inspection report dated
November 5, 2009, with an overall rating of satisfactory. No major
findings were identified in the inspection. The report noted that the facility
appears to be well operated and maintained. The 20-page report is
available upon request.
9) Series A and B Bond
General Manager James Kelly announced that Series A taxable Build
America Bonds in the amount of $19,268,522.95 closed the morning of
November 12, 2009. These bonds have a direct 35 percent subsidy from
the Federal government with yields ranging from 3.45 percent to 3.78
percent net of the subsidy.
Series B tax-exempt bonds in the amount of $36,538,264.10 closed this
morning on schedule. Series B will refund the 1998 and 2002 issues as
well as raise $12.7 million in new proceeds with yields ranging from 0.4
percent to 3.79 percent.
The combination of Series A and B proceeds will produce $30 million for
the Sewer Construction Fund.
10) Delta Discovery Donor Appreciation Voyage Reminder
General Manager James Kelly announced that a Delta Discovery Donor
Appreciation Voyage aboard the SS Brownlee is being planned for the
program’s major sponsors on Saturday, February 13 and Saturday,
February 20, 2010. Both voyages will take place from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Family members and children are welcome.
11) Employee Activities Organization (EAO) Holiday Party
General Manager James Kelly announced that the annual EAO Holiday
Party will be held on Friday, December 11, 2009, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at
Back Forty BBQ, located at 100 Coggins Drive in Pleasant Hill.
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No reports.
No reports.
1) Board Member reports on future meetings or conferences for which they
will receive the stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses;
recent meetings for which they received the stipend; and meetings or
conferences for which the District paid their expenses.
Member Hockett
Member Hockett reported on her attendance at the November 20, 2009
Contra Costa Council meeting, State Senator Mark DeSaulnier
Member Lucey
Member Lucey and President Nejedly reported on the November 30, 2009
Budget and Finance Committee meeting and summarized the Action
Summary. The Board received the report without comments.
Member McGill
Member McGill provided a written report on his attendance at meetings for
which he received a stipend or for which the District paid his expenses.
He also reported on his attendance at the November 20, 2009 Contra
Costa Council meeting, State Senator Mark DeSaulnier presentation
2) Announcements
Member Menesini commended the outgoing Executive Director of the
Contra Costa County Historical Society History Center Betty Maffei for her
key contributions in arranging the District’s exhibit in the History Center on
Main Street in downtown Martinez.
Member Lucey requested a staff report on cost savings if the District were
to apply the same changes that Contra Costa County made to their health
plan at the conclusion of their recent labor negotiations.
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Member Hockett requested updated pharmaceutical collection program
brochures including collection site information of the new partner cities.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Nejedly adjourned
the meeting at 3:08 p.m.
Michael R. McGill
President of th oard of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Jul4~ Lopez ~ ` U
Assistant to the Secretary of the District,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
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