HomeMy WebLinkAboutACTION SUMMARY 09-03-09~~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board Room
September 3, 2009
2:00 p.m.
President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925) 218-9500
FAX: (915-676-72!!
PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, McGill, Menesini, Nejedly
ABSENT: Members: None
a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
BOARD ACTION: Said pledge of allegiance.
a. Presentation of National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA)
Platinum 11 Peak Performance Award.
BOARD ACTION: Received the award.
b. California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) 2009 Technical
Achievement Award for the Aeration Air Renovations Project.
BOARD ACTION: Received the award.
a. Approve expenditures dated September 3, 2009. Reviewed by Budget and
Finance Committee.
b. Approve minutes of August 6, 2009 Board meeting.
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c. Adopt Resolution 2009-054 establishing the Sewer Construction Fund
appropriations limit in the amount of $78,814,305 for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year,
in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution; and select the
change in the California per capita personal income percentage for use in
computing the appropriations limit. Approval recommended by Budget and
Finance Committee.
d. Adopt Resolution 2009-055 accepting grants of easements in the unincorporated
area of Martinez, Job 5889 -Parcels 2 and 3, from Randal E. and Karin F.
Wonnenberg, trustees of the Wonnenberg Trust, and John D. Curtis, and
authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
e. Adopt Resolutions 2009-056 and 2009-057 accepting a grant of easement from
the Presbytery of San Francisco, and authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed to
the Presbytery of San Francisco regarding the property at 1601 Mary Drive,
Pleasant Hill, District Project 4985, Parcels 22 and R-22, and authorize staff to
record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
f. Adopt Resolution 2009-058 accepting offers of dedication from Contra Costa
Real Estate Investors, LLC for easements in the unincorporated area of Danville,
Job 5436, Parcels 4 through 6, and authorize staff to record documents with the
Contra Costa County Recorder.
g. Adopt Resolution 2009-059 accepting an offer of dedication from Shapell
Industries, Inc. for an easement in the unincorporated area of Danville, Job 5436,
Parcel 7, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County
h. Adopt Resolution 2009-060 accepting an offer of dedication from Shapell
Industries, Inc. for an easement in the unincorporated area of Danville, shown on
the map of subdivision 8002, Job 5436, Parcel 8, and authorize staff to record
documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
Adopt Resolution 2009-061 accepting an offer of dedication from the 2000 Rhett
Family Trust for an easement in the town of Danville shown on the map of
subdivision 9058, Job 6404, Parcel 1, and authorize staff to record documents
with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
Adopt Resolution 2009-062 accepting an offer of dedication from Centex Homes
for an easement in the city of San Ramon shown on the map of subdivision 9019,
Job 6405, Parcel 1, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra
Costa County Recorder.
k. Adopt Resolution 2009-063 accepting an offer of dedication from Braddock &
Logan Group III LP for an easement in the unincorporated area of Walnut Creek
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shown on the map of subdivision 8939, Job 6416, Parcel 1, and authorize staff to
record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
Adopt Resolution 2009-064 approving the revised 401(a) Money Purchase Plan
document. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee.
m. Adopt Resolution 2009-065 to approving the revised Section 457 Deferred
Compensation Plan document. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee.
n. Accept the contract work for the Miner Road Trunk Sewer Improvement Project,
District Project 5951, completed by Insituform Technologies, Inc., and authorize
filing of the Notice of Completion.
o. Authorize an extended medical leave of absence without pay for Engineering
Assistant II Erika Liskamm through December 3, 2009.
p. Deny request for extended medical leave of absence without pay for John
Censoplano, Network Coordinator. Denial of request recommended by Human
Resources Committee.
BOARD ACTION: Adopted Consent Calendar as recommended.
a. General Manager
1) Sewer Service Charge Considerations. Reviewed by Budget and Finance
BOARD ACTION: Directed staff to return to the Board with sewer
service charge increases required under different capital projects
bond-financing scenarios. Also directed staff to return with
resolutions to allow possible retroactive bond funding of several
major capital projects under construction.
2) Announcements
a) Government Accountability Office Staff Visit
b) A-Line Gravity Interceptor Project Ribbon Cutting
c) Contra Costa Historical Society's Exhibit
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d) WEFTEC Conference Attendance
e) Truck Loading Facility Pile Driving
f) Tetra Tech Review of Source Control Ordinance
g) City of Concord Reorganization
h) Contra Costa County Television to broadcast District informational videos
i) Pollution Prevention Awards Reception to be held at 1:30 prior to
September 17, 2009 Board meeting.
b. Counsel for the District
No reports.
c. Secretary of the District
No reports.
d. Board Members
1) Board Member reports on future meetings or conferences for which they
will receive the stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses;
recent meetings for which they received the stipend; and meetings or
conferences for which the District paid their expenses.
Member Hockett
• August 6, 2009 -Contra Costa County Mayors' Conference -Member
Hockett (expenses).
• August 12 and 14, 2009 -California Association of Sanitation Agencies
(CASA) Executive Board Meetings -Member Hockett (stipend).
• August 12-15, 2009 -California Association of Sanitation Agencies
(CASA) Annual Conference -Member Hockett (expenses).
• August 18, 2009 -Human Resources Committee meeting -Member
Hockett (stipend) and Member Lucey (stipend).
• August 25, 2009 -Outreach Committee meeting -Member Hockett
(stipend) and Member McGill (stipend).
BOARD ACTION: Received the reports.
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• Provide direction regarding nomination of one of the following
candidates as representative to the California Special Districts
Association (CSDA) Board for Region Three -Member Hockett.
o Dr. James Kohnen (incumbent)
o Vincent C. Ferrante
o Kathryn Slater-Carter
BOARD ACTION: Nominated Dr. James Kohnen (incumbent) as
representative to the CSDA Board for Region Three (4-1; Nejedly,
Member Lucey
• August 12-15, 2009 -California Association of Sanitation Agencies
Annual Conference -Member Lucey (expenses).
• September 1, 2009 -Budget and Finance Committee meeting -
Member Lucey (stipend) and President Nejedly (stipend).
Member McGill
• August 6, 2009 -Contra Costa County Mayors' Conference -Member
MCGiII (expenses).
• August 7, 2009 -Contra Costa Council Tenth Congressional District
Candidates Forum -Member McGill (expenses).
• August 12-15, 2009 -California Association of Sanitation Agencies
Annual Conference -Member McGill (expenses).
Member Menesini
• August 24, 2009 -Household Hazardous Waste Committee meeting -
Member Menesini (stipend) and President Nejedly (stipend).
BOARD ACTION: Received the reports.
2) Announcements
Member Menesini announced that the Contra Costa Historical
Society Museum reception to showcase the District history
exhibition will be held on September 13, 2009.
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Member Menesini announced the upcoming Environmental Alliance
meeting to be held on September 21, 2009, the topic of which will be
"Oil Response in California."
a. Update on District annexation backlog elimination, and adoption of the following
resolutions of application to the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation
Commission (LAFCO).
1) Resolution of application 2009-066 to initiate Contra Costa LAFCO
proceedings for District Annexation 1676, including the finding that
annexation of each property in Annexation Areas 167-3, 167-4, and 167-5
is exempt from CEQA under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15319, and
directing staff to conduct additional review and prepare appropriate CEQA
documentation for Annexation Area 167-2 for the Board's consideration
prior to submitting a request for annexation of the area to LAFCO.
2) Resolution of application 2009-067 to initiate Contra Costa LAFCO
proceedings for District Annexation 175, including the finding that
annexation of each property in Annexation Areas 175-1 through 175-3
(inclusive), 175-5 through 175-7 (inclusive), and 175-9 through 175-11
(inclusive) is exempt from CEQA, and directing staff to conduct additional
review and prepare appropriate CEQA documentation for Annexation
Areas 175-4 and 175-8 for the Board's consideration prior to submitting a
request for annexation of these areas to LAFCO.
BOARD ACTION: Adopted Resolutions of Application 2009-066 and 2009-
067 to initiate Contra Costa LAFCO proceedings for District Annexations
1676 and 175 as recommended.
b. Approve extending the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
(HHWCF) operating schedule to include Mondays on a permanent basis.
Approval recommended by Household Hazardous Waste Committee.
BOARD ACTION: Approved extending the HHWCF operating schedule to
include Mondays on a permanent basis.
a. Receive letter dated August 13, 2009 from East Bay Municipal Utility District
(EBMUD) Board President Doug Linney requesting comments on their draft
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Water Supply Management Program
(WSMP) 2040, and offering to attend a District Board meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Received correspondence.
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a. Receive adjusted Operations and Maintenance (O&M) June 2009 Year-End
Financial Statements. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee.
BOARD ACTION: Received the report.
b. Capital Improvement Budget Year-End Report.
BOARD ACTION: Received the report.
c. Review and approve the Statement of Investment Policy. Reviewed by Budget
and Finance Committee.
BOARD ACTION: Approved the Statement of Investment Policy.
a. Receive report on emergency declared on May 21, 2009 and authorize the
General Manager under Public Contract Code 22050(b) to continue with
emergency repairs on the recycled water pipeline at Grayson Creek in Martinez;
if work has not been completed.
BOARD ACTION: Received report on emergency and continued
authorization for emergency repairs.
12. ADJOURNMENT - at 3:44 p.m.