HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 10-18-01 258 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2001 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on October 18, 2001. President Hockett called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Menesini, Lucey, Boneysteele, Hockett ABSENT: Members: Nejedly Member Nejedly had advised staff that he would be unable to attend this meeting and requested to be excused. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. David Seiler, owner of Excel Linen Supply, distributed and read a letter dated October 18, 2001, with regard to his belief about a miscommunication concerning the permits and fees required for relocation of his business and the hardship this causes. Mr. Seiler stated that he was originally advised by a District employee that the new location was in the City of Concord service area and he was advised by the City of Concord that the permit fee would be approximately $2,000. Sometime later after signing the new lease, he was advised by the District that the new location was in the District's service area and the Capacity Fees would be approximately $167,000. Mr. Seiler requested that the District fee be waived due to the mistake by the District. If the District does not waive the fee, Mr. Seiler stated that he will be forced to close his business, layoff 25 employees, and file for bankruptcy. Member Lucey stated that the Brown Act prohibits the Board from taking action on this matter today since it is not on the agenda. Member Lucey asked that this matter be calendared on the next agenda and that a staff response and recommendation be prepared. President Hockett requested that staff meet with Mr. Seiler in the meantime to try to resolve this matter. Mr. Kenton L Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that the Capacity Use Charge Program was adopted by the Board of Directors by ordinance. Staff does not have authority to lower or waive this fee. If there is to be a solution other than application of the fee, Board action would be required. 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS a. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS RECOGNIZING SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENTS H. DAVID ALBINUS. DENNIS ALMOND. CHARLES BATTS. RUTH BENNETT. SHIRLEY BENNETT. ALLEN CAMBRON. LESLIE CHAPMAN. WILLIAM CLEMENT. DOUGLAS CRAIG. KEVIN COLLINS. DAVID FREITAS. RONALD GALLOWAY. MARK GOSS. ROBERT HODGES. PHILIP HUNTSMAN. PAUL KELLY. LESLEY KLEIN. JIMMY LUJAN. MATTHEW MAHONEY. EARLENE MILLIER. JARRED MIYAMOTO-MILLS. SON HUNG NGUYEN. KENNETH NULL JOHN PEARL ROBERTA PETERSON. TAD PILECKI. JOSEPH POMROY. JUDY RIVERS. D. ROBERT ROBERTSON. DAVID ROLLEY. DARLENE ROSS. R. STEVE SAUTER. RANDY SCHMIDT. MICHAEL SILVA. DAVID STROUP. HENRY THOM. AND DONALD TURK 10 18 01 .259 Mr. Charles W. Batts, General Manager, stated that each year the District honors long- term employees for their contributions tothe success of the District. The 2001 Service Awards Lunch will be held on Novembe(3Ù, 2001 at 11 :30 a.m. at Vic Stewart's Steak House in Walnut Creek. It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Lucey, that Resolution Nos. 1001-129 through 2001-1 '9-1 be adopted, commending and thanking service award recipients H. David Albinus, Dennis Almond, Charles Batts, Ruth Bennett, Shirley Bennett, Allen Cambron, Leslie Chapman, William Clement, Douglas Craig, Kevin Collins, David Freitas, Ronald Galloway, Mark Goss, Robert Hodges, Philip Huntsman, Paul Kelly, Lesley Klein, Jimmy Lujan, Matthew Mahoney, Earlene Millier, Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Son Hung Nguyen, Kenneth Null, John Pearl, Roberta Peterson, Tad Pilecki, Joseph Pomroy, Judy Rivers, D. Robert Robertson, David Rolley, Darlene Ross, R. Steve Sauter, Randy Schmidt, Michael Silva, David Stroup, Henry Thom, and Donald Turk for their years of service. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved with Member Nejedly being absent. b. REC~IVE fRIEII/DS OF THE eSTUARY OUISTAII/DIII/G C~~;~~~~~E ~LAN (CCMP) IMPLEMENT D FOR THE DISTRICT'S ZONE ONE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the District received an Outstanding Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) Implementation Award from the Friends of the San Francisco Estuary for the District's Zone One Recycled Water Project. The award was presented to Mr. Joe Pomroy, the Project Manager, at the Annual State of the Estuary Conference on October 10, 2001. The CCMP is the document/plan developed by the Friends of the Estuary as a blueprint for maintaining the integrity of the San Francisco Bay and Delta. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Joe Pomroy, Associate Engineer and Zone One Recycled Water Project Manager, who presented the Friends of the Estuary Outstanding CCMP Implementation Award to President Hockett and the Board of Directors. President Hockett commended Mr. Pomroy and the project staff for their efforts. Member Menesini stated that the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) is one of the most important documents that saves the Delta from degradation. Member Menesini applauded the District's efforts in this area. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Menesini, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of Item a., be approved as recommended, resolution adopted, and recording duly authorized. a. The Grant of Easement from Mr. Richard R. Ryan was accepted, staff was authorized to record said Grant of Easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder, and Resolution No. 2001-142 was adopted to that effect. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Menesini, Lucey, Hockett NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Nejedly 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER None 10 18 01 260 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO PACIFIC BELL SBC GLOBAL NETWORK FOR PROVIDING INSTALLATION OF NEW COMPUTER NETWORK Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that installation of a new computer network is considered the main building block in the Information Technology Development Capital Project Master Plan. A strong network infrastructure will allow the District to develop the applications and systems needed to meet our future technology needs. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Mark Greenawalt, Management Information System (MIS) Administrator, who provided an overview of the MIS Master Plan and how the District came to the conclusion that a new computer network was needed. Mr. Greenawalt stated that the MIS Master Plan was completed in November 2000. It is a flexible five-year plan that will be reviewed each year. It was developed with input from an MIS survey of employees, and input from managers, focus groups, and MIS staff, and used in defining the Information Technology (IT) Development capital project. The IT Development Capital Project, DP 8195, was approved by the Board in the 2001-2002 Budget. A priority of that project was replacement of the District's computer network infrastructure. The current Token-ring network is slow, difficult to maintain, and will not support the needs of future projects. Mr. Greenawalt stated that it is proposed that the network be upgraded to Ethernet topology with a 1 Gigabit fiber optic backbone, 100 Megabit CA T5 cabling to desktop computers, installation of intelligent data switches from Cisco Systems, installation of a central switch which will accept CAT5, and installation of fiber optic and wide area network ports, using existing Ethernet network equipment and cabling at District locations where it is already in place. Mr. Greenawalt stated that the State of California Department of General Services established the CALNET Integrated Services contract in a competitive bid process under California Contracts Code Section 121 02(b). A seven-year contract was awarded to Pacific Bell SBC Global Network based on the overall value of the services they will provide. The CALNET Program can be used by tax supported public entities such as the District. Qualifying entities may purchase from this contract without going to bid. Through this process, the District will also be able to take advantage of a partnership with Cisco Systems and Contra Costa Electric. Mr. Greenawalt highlighted the breakdown of contract costs and requested Board authorization to award the proposed contract to Pacific Bell SBC Global Network. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Menesini, that award of a contract in the amount of $406,246.50 be authorized to Pacific Bell SBC Global Network through the State of California CALNET Integrated Services contract to provide the installation of a new District computer network. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Nejedly being absent. Mr. Batts thanked Mr. Greenawalt and his staff for the remarkable job they have done and the progress they have made on the very ambitious Five Year MIS Master Plan. b. AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO ARROW DRILLERS. INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE WILKINSON LANE SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT. DP ~ Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the Wilkinson Lane Sewer Relocation Project was initiated in 1999 to address a creek crossing pipe that was damaged and losing support. The project will relocate one sewer lateral, abandon a creek crossing, and construct a new rodding inlet. Engineering staff prepared plans and specifications and received bids for the project. Member Lucey expressed concern with digging up Moraga Road and contributing to the traffic congestion in that area, and asked whether the District could force the reluctant property owner to repair his portion of the retaining wall. Discussion followed with regard to relocation of the sewer and elimination of the creek crossing, the alternatives considered, and the use of directional drilling and restricted 10 18 t' 01 261 construction hours to mitigate traffic impacts. Mr. Batts stated that this is the most cost effective solution and it removes !he,.pÇ>le,r)~ial future liabilities associated with the retaining wall and creek crossing. . "." . It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that award of a construction contract in the amount of $44,400 for construction of the Wilkinson Lane Sewer Relocation Project, DP 5472, be authorized to Arrow Drillers, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder. The motion was approved with Member Lucey voting no and Member Nejedly being absent. c. AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO CONTROL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. INC. AND AUTHORIZE A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR THE PUMPING STATIONS SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION PROJECT. DP 6127 Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the Pumping Stations Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Project will provide a District-wide monitoring and alarm package with remote control capabilities to all District pumping stations. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Joe Pomroy, Associate Engineer, who stated that the Pumping Stations SCADA Project is an alarming and reporting system for the 22 District pumping stations. Telephone lines will be used for communication, and computers and networks will be used for data handling. The District now has a telemetry system which was installed in 1989. It is a very basic system with limited capacity and outdated technology. The telemetry system gives the District limited alarm information and has limited capacity. The proposed SCADA System features include: . Expandable system, more capacity . Consistency of equipment and operation . Alarming to plant and to mobile phones . Data collection of alarms, conditions, flows, maintenance intervals, and related data . Operator interface screens that provide better information Mr. Pomroy show a sample operator interface screen and described the information that would be available. The benefits of the SCADA System are implementation of upgrades to large pumping station projects, remote control of large pumping stations, and improved alarm response capabilities. Mr. Pomroy stated that the project cost is $1.4 million and it will take approximately two years to complete the construction. Discussion followed with regard to integration of the SCADA System with other District networks and systems, the limited capacity and alarm capability of the existing telemetry system, and the breakdown at the Orinda Crossroads Pumping Station a number of years ago. In response to questions from Member Lucey, Mr. James Kelly, Director of Plant Operations, described the Orinda Crossroads Pumping Station failure and stated that the proposed SCADA System would have told us there was water in the drywell area and the situation could have been remedied. It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that award of a construction contract in the amount of $1,471,628 for construction of the Pumping Stations Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Project, DP 6127, be authorized to Control Manufacturing Company, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder; and that the General Manager be authorized to execute a professional services agreement not to exceed $200,000 with Electrical and Control System Engineering, Inc. to review shop drawings and submittals, respond to design questions, evaluate change order requests, and perform site visits to verify compliance with the design intent. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Nejedly being absent. 10 18 01 262 d. AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO KAWEAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE DEAERA TOR STORAGE TANK REPLACEMENT PROJECT. DP 6160 Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that during the Steam System Improvements Project, DP 6144, the deaerator tank, which is essential to boiler operation, was found to be in poor condition and not up to current code requirements for pressure vessels. While minimum internal repairs were made, the District reviewed the options of a project change order or bidding a new project. It was decided to bid the replacement tank as a new project. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by President Hockett, that award of a construction contract in the amount of $147,431 for the Deaerator Storage Tank Replacement Project, DP 6160, be authorized to Kaweah Construction Company, the lowest responsible bidder. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Nejedly being absent. 7. REPORTS a. GENERAL MANAGER 1 ) Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that this month the District and its partners have completed four years of operation of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF), providing a public service that remains in constant demand. Having these four years of experience has enabled the District to make some recent administrative changes for improved customer service and efficiency. The number of permanent HHWCF staff have been increased to five to accommodate the consistent high participation rate, and operating hours have been changed to better meet the needs of our residential and business customers. Mr. Batts introduced Ms. Elaine Jacobs, Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor, who provided the Operations Status Report for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. Ms. Jacobs described the one month trend in the new schedule, noting that Tuesday and Wednesday are two critical days. Previously Wednesday was designated for small businesses and the facility was closed completely on Tuesday. Ms. Jacobs stated further that the number of cars served represent residential participation only, but at least one business has been served on each day of the week of the new schedule but most businesses are still concentrated on Wednesday. Ms. Jacobs stated that participation has increased by 11 percent over the previous year and overall participation is 9.3 percent. The program goal was to achieve 4 percent participation per community and each community has achieved that, with participation by community ranging from 5 percent to 16.9 percent. Ms. Jacobs stated that as Member Nejedly has pointed out, the participation is not going down and that is shown on the chart showing a four-year comparison of cars per day. As participation increases, the District benefits from economies of scale in operation. As participation increases, still approximately 45 percent of the customers are first time customers. Ms. Jacobs reviewed the breakdown of household hazardous waste processed by weight, noting that there is also an 11 percent increase over last fiscal year. Almost 50 percent of the household hazardous waste processed by weight is recycled and reused, and only 1 percent goes to a hazardous waste landfill. The average pounds of household hazardous waste per car remained constant from last fiscal year at 77 pounds. The operating cost per car decreased from $93 during the first year of operation, to $75 the second year, $71 last fiscal year and $67 per car this fiscal year. There was a corresponding decrease in the operating cost per pound from $1.23 to $1.19, $0.93, and finally $0.86 per pound this fiscal year. Ms. Jacobs indicated that the significant drop in operating costs from the first year to the second year of operation was in part because Philips Services 10 18 'U"'. ..~¡ lì ~ . Jt 263 dropped their cost for disposal of certain types of waste at that time. The remainder is due to economies of scale. Ms. Jacobs reviewed the small business program participation for the 2000- 2001 fiscal year, noting that 80 businesses (down from 88 last fiscal year) were served, there were 163 appointments, 24,900 pounds of waste were processed, and revenues collected totaled $20,975. Ms. Jacobs reviewed the statistics for the temporary collection events. Participation increased by 83 percent from the previous fiscal year. This is because a new way of communicating these events was used. Previously we relied exclusively on newspapers, now we are using ad mail to cover the whole service area. In conclusion, Ms. Jacobs stated that residential participation goals have been exceeded. Greater participation at temporary collection events has been accomplished. Outreach to small businesses is continuing. The mercury thermometer exchange program is continuing. Recruitment for HHW staff has been completed and the facility should be fully staffed in the next week or two. HHWCF staff continues to look at ways to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness of operation, and will be evaluating effectiveness of the new schedule and considering electronic waste collection at future temporary collection events. The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility is a sustained, successful program. In the near future staff will be meeting with the Board Household Hazardous Waste Committee to begin discussion of the Request for Proposals process for the contract service provider. Following discussion, President Hockett thanked Ms. Jacobs for the informative report. 2) Mr. Batts, General Manager, provided an update on the recruitment for the position of Director of Administration, stating that with the retirement of Director of Collection System Operations in June, the recruitment for the Director of Administration position was temporarily suspended to allow consideration of possible reorganization or redistribution of functions. Mr. Batts stated that he believed that this was prudent since the cost of District overhead is a major concern as it relates to the cost of operations and future rates, and the need for streamlining organizations continues to be an industry-wide focus. While several oPtions were considered, it was decided to proceed with filling the Director of Administration position. Interviews were conducted on October 10 by an outside panel of three top level public agency managers. Mr. Batts stated that he will be interviewing the top candidates and bringing a recommendation to the Board Personnel Committee on October 30, 2001 and to the full Board thereafter. 3) Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that staff is beginning to plan for the coming year's budgeting and the critical links to future financial activities. The normal budget schedule and the O&M planning activities have been accelerated to accommodate the City of Concord to the extent possible and to meet the District's own needs for timely financial forecasting. Mr. Batts introduced Ms. Deborah Ratcliff, Controller, who presented the proposed budget schedule for 2002-2003, reviewing the time lines for the Staffing Plan, Equipment Budget, Five-Year Plan and O&M Budget, Self Insurance Fund Budget, and Capital Improvement Budget. In response to questions from the Board, Ms. Ratcliff stated that the Five-Year Plan has been stepped up by about one month, but the City of Concord does its budget much earlier and she does not think the District can meet the City's schedule. Ms. Ratcliff stated that she and Director of Engineering Ann Farrell continue to meet with City of Concord representatives on a weekly basis on this and other issues. 10 18 01 264 10 Member Lucey stated that Concord should be aware that everything is preliminary until the District Board takes a final vote on it. If the Board must change its position during the budgeting process, that may happen. Concord should not rely on the preliminary numbers until they are final. That is the nature of the review process. Ms. Ratcliff stated that as discussed with the Board on previous occasions, it may be necessary for the District to use bond financing for projects in the coming year. In 1994 when the District went out for bonds and in 1998 when those bonds were reissued at a lower interest rate, Stone and Youngberg served as the District's financial advisor and Jones Hall served as bond counsel. Based on the excellent service and advice provided by those firms in the past and because of time constraints surrounding the Request for Proposal process, staff would propose to use the same firms, Stone and Youngberg and Jones Hall, absent Board direction to the contrary. Ms. Ratcliff stated that staff will come back to the Board in mid-November to begin discussions of preliminary cash flow and the need for bond financing. 4) Mr. Batts, General Manager, provided an update on the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project, DP 5902. The open cut trench is 97 percent complete. Tunneling in front of the pumping station is 98 percent complete. Pipe jacking at the west portal is 20 percent complete. The target completion date for this last section of sewer construction along Estero is mid-November. The wet well extension structure at the pumping station is 50 percent complete. The west portal is 60 percent complete and the east portal site work is 85 percent complete. East portal erosion protection for the winter has been completed. To date no work has been done on the tunnel; work should begin in mid-November. There have been four more public contacts since the last Board Meeting. Three were complaints and one was for information. The San Ramon Pumping Station renovation is being considered by the City of San Ramon Architectural Review Board today. The City of San Ramon staff report was favorable. District staff will report back to the Board at the next Board Meeting. Mr. Batts stated that a tour of the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project and the San Ramon Pumping Station Renovations Project has been tentatively scheduled for November 15, 2001. 5) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the District is advertising for bids for the Filter Plant Rotary Wash Piping Replacement Project, DP 7183D. The engineer's estimate for this work is $150,000. 6) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the District will receive bids for leasing the Lagiss property located at the end of Blum Road. The objective of the bidding process is to allow for the greatest economic return to the District while assuring consistency and compatibility with the interests of the District. 7) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the Collection System Operations (CSO) Department completed a repair on Moraga Way last week in order to stop a sewage spill caused when East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) inadvertently damaged a sewer line during a repair to a water line, causing the sewer line to be plugged during backfilling. Mr. Batts stated that it is very rare for EBMUD to impact District facilities without their realizing the problem and calling our crews. 8) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that on October 17, 2001, there was a release at Equilon (Shell) that caused a shelter-in-place alert at the District. Employees were requested to take shelter and not leave the buildings. When it was determined there was no risk, they resumed their normal duties. The District received no formal warning and staff is following up on the incident. 18 ?",. -k VI 265 9) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that on October 9, 2001, there was an overflow at 79 Orchard Drive, in Orinda. The home was being remodeled and was vacant. The. overflow occurred several days before it was discovered. Restoration Management Company is performing. cleanup services at the property. Additional information will be provided to the Board as it is available. 10) Mr. Batts, General Manager, reported that this week he attended the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Technical Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Director of Plant Operations Jim Kelly's paper on measuring utility performance was well received. Community Affairs Manager Harriette Heibel assisted Mr. Kelly on his paper and also staffed the District's booth on Sewer Science: Wastewater Treatment Laboratory for High School Students, which was featured by WEF as part of their national public education exposition. The Sewer Science Program is a cooperative program with Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant and South Bayside System Authority. The Board authorized Source Control Program Superintendent Tim Potter to attend the conference and accept the 2001 US Environmental Protection Agency National Pretreatment Program Excellence Award. Several other California agencies were also among the award winners. Mr. Batts reported on major issues highlighted at the WEF Technical Conference including facility and asset management and security, new regulations and costs impacting collection systems around the country, regulations on nutrient removal and Total Maximum Daily Loads's (TMDL's), and concern for succession planning since it was noted that the average age of WEF members is 47 years. 11 ) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the District's 2001 United Way/Combined Health Appeal Giving Campaign Rally is scheduled for November 7, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room. BREAK President Hockett declared a recess at the hour of 3:52 p.m., reconvening at the hour of 4:08 p.m. with all parties present as previously designated. b. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None c. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT 1 ) d. Ms. Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the District, reviewed the draft 2002 Board Calendar. Following discussion, it was determined that due to conflict with the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Conferences in January and May 2002, District Board meetings will be held on January 10, January 24, May 9, and May 23, 2002; and because of the 4th of July holiday, there will be only one District Board Meeting in July, on July 11, 2002, subject to call for another meeting if workload warrants. BOARD MEMBERS 1 ) 2) Member Menesini reported on the October 15, 2001 Contra Costa Special Districts Association (CCSDA) meeting. Topics of discussion included the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), changes in Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) laws, possible use of unallocated CCSDA funds for public education relating to special districts, and the Mayors' Conference report. Following discussion, Mr. Batts stated that staff will investigate SEMS and report back at a future Board Meeting. Member Menesini reported on the October 9-11, 2001 State of the Estuary Conference at which the District received an Outstanding Comprehensive 10 18 01 266 Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) Implementation Award from the Friends of the San Francisco Estuary for the District's Zone One Recycled Water Project. Other topics of discussion at the conference included expansion of the San Francisco airport, new species in the Estuary and Delta, variations in salinity, and the need for a healthy Delta. 3) Member Menesini announced that Mr. Larry Kolb, Assistant Director of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, will discuss the San Francisco Estuary at the November 19, 2001 Environmental Alliance Discussion Series. All those interested are invited to attend. 4) Member Lucey announced that there has been a 40 percent reduction in contributions to local charities as givers focus on the events of September 11. Member Lucey encouraged people to remember their local charities. 5) Member Lucey announced that he was asked to mediate a dispute between Contra Costa County and the Dougherty Valley developers concerning what constitutes low income housing. Member Lucey stated that although he advised that he had a potential conflict of interest, they still wished to use his services. 8. ENGINEERING a. CONCUR WITH DETACHMENT OF THE THOMAS/DE NOVA PROPERTY ON EVORA ROAD. CONCORD FROM CCCSD SO THAT FUTURE SERVICE CAN BE PROVIDED BY DELTA DIABLO SANITATION DISTRICT Mr. Batts, General Manager, introduced Mr. Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, who stated that the Thomas/De Nova property was formerly owned by the Lesher Trust. The property consists of about 70 acres located at the intersection of Highway 4 and Willow Pass Road. Approximately 40 percent or 28 acres can be developed. Mr. S~anson briefly reviewed the history of the property and presented the plans for development. The request for detachment is before the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). As part of that, LAFCO has requested an opinion from the District before they proceed with the request. Mr. Swanson reviewed the economic considerations. The current tax allocation is $350 per year. It is estimated that the tax allocation after development will be in the range of $2,500 per year. The District connection fee is estimated to be about $60,000 to $70,000. In addition, annual Sewer Service Charge would be paid to the District if the property were connected to the District sanitary sewer system. Mr. Swanson stated that Mr. Ian Baird, representing the Thomas/De Nova Group, is present in the audience to answer any questions the Board may have. In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Baird stated that the route is in the public right of way and would be less expensive to connect to Delta Diablo Sanitation District. To connect to CCCSD, it would be necessary to go over private property and across the Contra Costa Canal. Additional permits would also be required and that could be time consuming. It was moved by President Hockett and seconded by Member Lucey, that Resolution No. 2001-143 be adopted, concurring with the proposed detachment of the Thomas/De Nova property on Evora Road, Concord from Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Hockett, Lucey, Menesini, Boneysteele NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Nejedly 10 18 01 267 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4. 2001 It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by President Hockett, that the minutes of October 4, 2001 be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Nejedly being absent. 10. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES a. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED OCTOBER 18. 2001 Member Lucey, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he and Member Nejedly reviewed the expenditures. It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by President Hockett, that the Expenditure List, dated October 18,2001, including Self Insurance Check Nos. 101789-101794, Running Expense Check Nos. 134524-134901, Sewer Construction Check Nos. 23826- 23872, Payroll Manual Check Nos. 48797-48803, and Payroll Regular Check Nos. 53825- 53865, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Nejedly being absent. 11. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None 12. ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Member Lucey requested that an item be placed on the next Board Meeting agenda to consider starting meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance. 13. CLOSED SESSION a. INITIATION OF LITIGATION - ONE POTENTIAL MATTER This closed session was not held 14. REPORT OF DISCUSSION IN CLOSED SESSION None' 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned the meeting at the hour of 4:37 p.m. ð~. dd/l President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: S cr ta y of the Centr C Sa . ary District, County 0 Costa, State of California 10 18 01