HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-27-01
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned
regular session in the Second Floor Conference Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez,
County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 10:00 a.m. on April 27, 2001.
President Hockett called the meeting to order. The attendance of the following Board
Members was noted.
Boneysteele, Menesini, Hockett
Nejedly, Lucey
There were no comments from the public.
Mr. Charles W. Batts, General Manager, introduced Mr. Gerald R. Davis, who will act as
Interim Director of Administration during the recruitment for that position.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the goals of the District's Capital Improvement
Program are to:
Protect public health and the environment;
Maintain existing assets;
Respond to community concerns; and
Accommodate planned future growth.
These feed directly into the District strategic goals of:
Excellent customer service;
Full regulatory compliance;
Responsible rates; and
High performance organization.
Mr. Batts stated that there are three major sources of revenue for the Capital
Improvement Program: 1) ad valorem taxes, which in the future may be in question; 2)
connection fees; and 3) Sewer Service Charges. Last year, $16 of the capital component
of the Sewer Service Charge was taken to balance the Operations and Maintenance
(O&M) Budget. It will be necessary to build the capital component of the Sewer Service
Charge back up in the next three years to support the Capital Improvement Program.
Mr. Batts introduced Ms. Ann Farrell, Director of Engineering, to provide an overview of
the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and 2001 Ten-Year
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
Member Menesini stated that the Capital Improvement Budget/Plan is a large document
and difficult to fully absorb. Member Menesini suggested that a walking tour be organized
to help Board Members better visualize where this money is proposed to be spent.
Ms. Farrell agreed that is a good suggestion. Staff struggled with how best to present the
large volume of information and a tour could be helpful.
Ms. Farrell defined Capital Improvement Plan jargon, including authorization, allocation,
and expenditures. Ms. Farrell noted that authorizations will always exceed expenditures
due to multi-year projects. Staff is attempting to keep the authorization level to the
lowest practical amount through realistic performance estimates. Mr. Farrell showed a
bar chart depicting historical CIP authorizations, General Manager allocations, and actual
expenditures for the period 1990 through the present. In recent years, focus was lost
with the change in Engineering management staff and with old projects and wish list
projects that were not removed from the CIP. That has now been done to bring this
document down to a reasonable level. The figures included in the 2001-2002 and 2002-
2003 CIB do not include the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project because it skews
the numbers since the District will be reimbursed for this project. In addition, the figures
do not include any of the San Ramon projects. The District will be challenged if it is
necessary to move them forward. (Note: On May 1, 2001, a settlement was reached.
Staff will prepare an addendum to the C/S to include the San Ramon projects and request
additional authorizations as needed for those San Ramon projects whose schedules have
changed. )
Ms. Farrell stated that because the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project has been
subtracted out, it is proposed that $1,665,339 be returned to the Sewer Construction
Fund this year. (It should be noted that this may change when the CIS addendum
incorporating the San Ramon projects is issued.) Ms. Farrell stated that the total proposed
authorization for projects that are active in the 2001-2002 fiscal year is $39 million, $1.6
million will be returned to the Sewer Construction Fund, and 2001-2002 expenditures are
estimated to be $25.1 million.
Ms. Farrell reviewed the major project emphasis for 2001-2002 and briefly described the
following projects which make up about 50 percent of the total planned expenditures of
$25.1 million.
Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor, Phase 4 ($5,745,000)
Orinda Crossroads Pumping Station - Long Term ($1,963,000)
Moraga Pumping Station - Long Term ($1,932,000)
Collection System Renovation Program - Near Term ($1,210,000)
Pumping Station SCADA and Power Management ($822,000)
Recycled Water - Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor, Phase 4 ($800,000)
Ms. Farrell stated that in the 2002-2003 Fiscal Year, planned expenditures total
$20,976,000, and the following major projects are planned.
Collection System Renovation Program ($2,040,000)
Lower Orinda Pumping Station Renovation ($2,000,000)
Concord Industrial Forcemain ($1,377,000)
M4-A Forcemain Relocation ($1,235,000)
Collection System TV Inspection Program ($1,000,000)
Pumping Station SCADA and Power Management ($817,000)
Solids Conditioning Building Ventilation Improvements ($817,000)
Collection System Urgent Projects ($750,000)
In summary, Ms. Farrell stated that the Fiscal Year (FY) 2001-2002 and 2002-2003
Capital Improvement Budget meets spending targets of $25 million for FY 2001-2002 and
$21 million for FY 2002-2003; includes large investment in pumping stations of $5.5
million in FY 2001-2002 and $8.0 million in FY 2002-2003; includes large investment in
collection system renovation of $2.8 million in FY 2001-2002 and $3.7 million in FY
2002-2003; makes a commitment to collection system television program of $0.5 million
in FY 2001-2002 and $1.5 million in FY 2002-2003; makes a commitment to
development of a plant equipment replacement strategy with the goal of developing the
same type of information for the plant as we now have for the collection system; and
provides for a new approach for the District's information technology.
Ms. Farrell introduced Mr. Mark Greenawalt, Management Information System (MIS)
Administrator, who stated that the District's Information Technology Five-Year Master
Plan has been developed to centralize efforts in the development of computer and
telecommunications technology within the District. This centralization effort will:
Improve communication, support, and reliability;
Provide for standardization of software;
Provide for integration of systems and data; and
Develop District-wide solutions to computer and telecommunications needs.
Mr. Greenawalt stated that input for the Master Plan was gathered and developed through
the results of an MIS survey, management project lists, and the MIS staff project list
encompassing the entire District. These items were reviewed and a determination made
as to whether the items were actually needed to get the work of the District done or
whether they were just wish list items. Items were prioritized, and the costs and benefits
were evaluated. Input was obtained using management and staff focus groups. An
information technology capital project and budget were established. The Information
Technology Five-Year Master Plan will be reviewed annually by District staff to address
the changes in technology and staff needs. The plan provides direction and flexibility to
meet the District's future information technology needs.
Mr. Greenawalt reviewed the proposed budget for the five-year period estimated at
$587,000 for FY 2001-2002; $776,000 for FY 2002-2003; and $2,370,000 for FY 2003
through 2006 for a total of $2,733,000 for the five-year period. Mr. Greenawalt noted
that this is less than three percent of the total five-year Capital Improvement Budget. The
master plan contains projects and policies reviewed and acknowledged by District
management and staff. Existing capital projects that were centralized under the
information technology capital project and budget include:
Geographical Data Integration
Document Imaging/Management
Replacement of Sewer Maintenance Management System (SMMS)
Replacement of Mainsaver Computerized Maintenance Management System
During FY 2001-2002, the Information Technology Capital Project and budget will include:
PC Replacement Program. PC's are now on an 8-year life cycle.
Consideration is being given to reducing that to a 5-year life cycle.
Replacement of Network Infrastructure. This is one of the top priority
projects. The District is now running a "token ring" network which is
obsolete, and staff is having difficulty finding vendors to maintain it. Staff
is developing an "Ethernet" network infrastructure that will improve
performance and reliability and allow future upgrades.
Continued Development of Intranet to allow sharing of information between
functions and individuals, and making more information available to the
In FY 2002-2003, the information technology project focus will be:
PC Replacement Program.
Mainsaver Computerized Maintenance Management System Replacement
to upgrade and integrate this system into the network.
HTE Upgrade. Upgrade rather than replacement of the HTE software
system is planned, since it is estimated that it could cost up to $2 million to
replace the HTE system.
Sewer Network Application. This is the modeling software that is used to
predict capacity constraints within the District's system.
At this time, Mr. Greenawalt turned the meeting back to Ms. Farrell. Ms. Farrell stated
that the Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is based on the following assumptions:
Expenditure of approximately $21 million per year;
3 percent inflation per year;
Increase of the Sewer Service Charge as needed to fund the capital
Fund studies in the early years of the Ten-Year CIP to better define specific
programs; and
Dougherty Valley and San Ramon projects are authorized and funded
Ms. Farrell stated that a separate addendum will be prepared and added to this document
once it is determined what and how these projects will be funded.
Ms. Farrell reviewed the program expansion for upgrade/replacement for the ten-year
period from 2001-2002 to 2010-2011 which totals $211.6 million. Of that amount
$60.0 million is planned to be expended on Treatment Plant Improvements, $131.7 million
is planned to be expended on Collection System Improvements, $10.3 million is planned
to be expended on General Improvements, and $9.6 million is planned to be expended on
Recycled Water Improvements. Ms. Farrell noted that in future years it may be necessary
to move funds from one program to another. When the Board authorizes funds, it is done
by program as well as total funds authorized. If it is determined that more must be spent
in one program, staff must come back to the Board for an additional authorization of
funds. Ms. Farrell reviewed the income and expenditure ten-year cash flow projection,
Table A-3 from the CIB/CIP. Ms. Farrell stated that the only amount that is projected to
increase more than inflation is the Sewer Service Charges. The additional funds needed
to fund the CIP must come from the Sewer Service Charge. If the District loses the
remaining ad valorem taxes, that is an additional $5.5 million to $6.5 million per year that
must come from Sewer Service Charges.
As the Board is aware, the Facilities Capacity Fees are being recalculated this year and
are proposed to increase to approximately $3,360 per connection. District staff met with
the City of Concord staff last week and they have pointed out that Concord paid a
percentage of the cost of facilities. The City of Concord maintains that when those
facilities are re-rated as part of the Facilities Capacity Fee recalculation and allocated to
the Dougherty Valley connections, the City of Concord should receive some credit back
for that. The City of Concord has budgeted to receive $311 rebate from each connection
fee based on initial staff discussions to recognize their reduced percentage of the total
flow/facilities needs. To be conservative with respect to revenue, the initial cash flow
projection assumes in the draft CIB/CIP document a credit to the City of Concord. District
staff will be meeting with Concord representatives and will be coming back to the Board.
Discussion followed with regard to the contract between the District and the City of
Concord, new Concord connections, and capacity. (Note that in the final CIB/CIP
document the Concord connection fee rebate is QQ1 included. Any adjustment that is
made in the future to return revenue to Concord will reduce the revenues shown in the
final C/B/CIP document.)
Ms. Farrell reviewed a bar chart showing the projection of capital revenue and
expenditures assuming inflation of 3 percent per year and rate increases to cover
spending, and graphs showing District level funds required for both capital and O&M
compared to funds available. In recent years, expenditures have exceeded revenues and
the difference has been made up by taking money from reserves. At some point, the
District must stop that practice and begin rebuilding reserves.
In summary, Ms. Farrell stated that in the 2001 Capital Improvement Plan:
Capacity expenditures are replaced by renovation/replacement expenditures.
An expenditures goal of $21 million per year has been established and
budgeted. This will be reassessed each year with the TV Program and
Treatment Plant Study to confirm whether that is still a good target.
Current projection of priorities are:
Treatment Plant
Collection System
General Improvements
Recycled Water
30 percent
60 percent
5 percent
5 percent
These priorities will be reassessed each year. With putting the Information
Technology Project into the General Improvements Program, there may be
a need to reassess the 5 percent for General Improvements priority
The capital component of the Sewer Service Charge will need to be raised
consistently to fund the capital program.
Loss of ad valorem taxes would create additional revenue needs.
Ms. Farrell reviewed the San Ramon facilities which will be authorized separately. The
tunnel and trunk sewer are estimated to cost $18 million including staff time and
construction. All of this expense is being paid by the developer. The San Ramon (Larwin)
Pumping Station Project is estimated to cost $10 million and is scheduled for 2006, and
the Forcemain Project is estimated to cost $5 million and is scheduled for 2003. Staff will
be looking at the financial impacts of moving these projects forward. Bond financing may
be needed if these projects are accelerated. The developers have agreed to work with the
District on the issue of this additional expense and may defray some of the interest costs.
Mr. Batts stated that the District has an excellent Capital Improvement Program. Staff
has done a good job of looking at the future needs of the District. Regulations are pushing
the District towards more of an asset management approach for all facilities. The issue
that is always at the hub of these discussions is how to raise the revenue for such
programs. Unfortunately the Sewer Service Charge is what the District must look to for
financing both O&M and capital. To have a strong program it is necessary to look at the
rate structure. Staff is taking very positive action in controlling costs. Unfortunately,
some things are out of our hands. If a pipe fails, if equipment needs replacing, the
replacement project must be done. The challenge to all of us, Board and staff working
together, is to control costs and ensure reasonable rates.
President Hockett stated that an increase of up to $24 per year for three years has been
proposed. President Hockett asked if that is still viable.
Mr. Batts stated that it is. In 2000-2001, $16 of the $31 Sewer Service Charge capital
component was transferred from capital to O&M to balance the Operations and
Maintenance Budget. In years two and three, a larger portion of the $24 per year increase
would go back into the capital program.
The Board commended staff of the work that went into preparation of the Capital
Improvement Budget and Plan and the Information Technology Five-Year Master Plan, and
thanked staff for the excellent presentations.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned
the meeting at the hour of 11 :58 a.m.
President of the Board of Direct
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Secr t ry f the Central Contr Costa
Sani y District, County of Contra
Costa, State of California