HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-01-01
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular
session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra
Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on February 1, 2001.
President Hockett called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
Nejedly, Menesini, Lucey, Boneysteele, Hockett
Mr. Donald Parker, Electrician, was introduced and welcomed to the District by President
Hockett and the Board of Directors. Mr. Jeremiah Walsh, Vehicle and Equipment Service
Worker, will be introduced at a future Board meeting.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution
No. 2001-007 be adopted, recognizing Board Member Gerald R. Lucey for his service to
the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as President of the Board of Directors. The
motion was approved by unanimous acclamation.
President Hockett presented a framed resolution to Member Lucey and was joined by the
Board and staff in commending him for his leadership during the past two years. Member
Lucey accepted the proclamation on behalf of the entire Board of Directors, stating that
these successes are a credit, not to the chair or anyone person, but everyone working
together. Member Lucey stated that he believes the greatest thing that the Board did over
the past two years was to hire the new General Manager and Director of Engineering.
1 )
Mr. Charles W. Batts, General Manager, stated that each year the District
must publish a notice in the newspaper of those commercial and industrial
dischargers to the District in significant noncompliance with Federal source
control regulations. Mr. Batts introduced Ms. Roberta Peterson, Senior
Source Control Inspector, who stated that federal regulations require that
all Pretreatment Programs publish a list of industrial users in significant
noncompliance for the previous calendar year. Ms. Peterson stated that the
handouts provided to the Board include a copy of the notice which will be
published in the Contra Costa Times on February 6, 2001. The criteria for
determining significant noncompliance status are defined in Federal
regulations and include discharge limit violations, reporting deadlines, and
compliance schedules. Ms. Peterson stated that there is one more
subjective criteria, and that is if the discharger is found to have a pattern of
noncompliance that could also put them into the category of significant
In response to questions from Member Menesini, Ms. Peterson stated that
fines and Notices of Violation are not necessarily part of this requirement for
publication of a list of those in significant noncompliance. There are other
parts of the District Source Control Program which require compliance and
failure to comply could result in fines or issuance of Notices of Violation.
The publication of the notice of significant noncompliance is not an option.
The District is required to publish this list at least annually and it must be in
the largest newspaper in the area where the District is located. In recent
years the District has followed the practice of listing businesses separately
that fail to meet reporting requirements as opposed to those businesses that
have actual discharge limit violations. Proof of publication is included in the
annual report. Ms. Peterson stated that the following are businesses with
discharge quality violations:
Contra Costa Radiator - Discharge limit violations relating to copper,
lead, and zinc;
. Excel Linen Supply - Discharge limit violation relating to oil and grease
Ms. Peterson stated that the following businesses have reporting violations:
Benson's Radiator Service - Failure to submit required report within
30 days after the due date; and
Varian, Inc. - Failure to submit required report within 30 days after
the due date.
In closing, Ms. Peterson stated that these four business are currently in
compliance. Ms. Peterson stated that in the nearly ten years she has been
working in this area, this is the shortest list the District has had.
Following discussion of the nature of the discharge limit violations and the
follow up action taken, President Hockett thanked Ms. Peterson for the
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that with the changing energy situation,
the Board asked for an update to be scheduled for each Board meeting to
keep them apprised of the general situation and the District's energy
position. Mr. Batts stated that he has asked Messrs. Kelly and Belcher to
provide the Board with an update on the sources and uses of energy at the
Treatment Plant, and how the District is responding to the ongoing energy
crisis. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. James M. Kelly, Director of Plant
Operations, who stated that the District has a long history of trying to
conserve energy and electricity. In 1984, the District received an award for
its electrical conservation efforts. Between 1985 and 1995 there were a
number of projects that included energy conservation components. In 1995
cogeneration came on line. Early last year, flourescent lights were
exchanged for more energy efficient lights. Mr. Kelly stated that the
Treatment Plant is very energy flexible so it is possible to use primarily
electricity or natural gas. Even with that flexibility, the District is not
protected against the energy crisis California is facing today. Mr. Kelly
displayed and described the Treatment Plant energy model for natural gas,
landfill gas, electricity and steam. Use of the standby generator is limited
by regulation to about 300 hours per year, which is enough for emergencies
but not much if the District wants to produce power routinely. Mr. Kelly
reviewed 2000-2001 budgeted and actual, and 2001-2002 projected
electrical (PG&E Import), natural gas, and landfill gas costs stating that the
totals are projected to increase from $2,370,220 to $5,160,000. EJectrical
costs are projected to increase by 30 percent. Mr. Kelly cautioned that
electrical costs are extremely volatile now and the estimated percent
increase is just a guess on th.e part of staff. Natural gas is expected to
increase two and one-half times. Staff believes that is a fairly accurate
estimate. Landfill gas will be covered later in this agenda. Mr. Kelly stated
that the annual energy budget for the current fiscal year, 2000-2001, is
expected to be significantly over budget. Natural gas is projected to be
$2,600,000 or 65 percent over budget, landfill gas is projected to be
$800,000 or 20 percent over budget, electrical is projected to be $575,000
or 15 percent over budget, for total energy costs of $3,975,000 or nearly
double the amount budgeted.
Mr. Jim Belcher, Senior Engineer, reviewed natural gas purchasing
strategies. In the past, the District was able to get good prices and long-
term contracts. Last year the District was not able to get a long-term
natural gas contract that met the District's price objectives and so the
District went on a month-to-month index. The District began purchasing
winter strip which runs from November 1 through March 31. Part of the
monthly use was purchased as prices went down from $5.87 per decatherm
to $5.52 per decatherm, and finally to $5.35 per decatherm, until the end
when 25 percent of the gas purchased was on the index. This is called
hedging and it has protected the District during the winter. The last natural
gas purchased was for $14. Mr. Belcher stated that the contract was held
by the District for a month and later sold for $19 on the open market
because it made more sense to sell it than burn it to make energy.
In looking toward the future, Mr. Belcher stated that the District is trying to
come up with a natural gas strategy to look at both short- and long-term
buying options. It is planned to use a team approach. Team members will
include Purchasing and Materials Manager Victoria Lamica, Director of Plant
Operations Jim Kelly, Plant Maintenance Division Manager John Pearl, Plant
Operations Division Manager Doug Craig, Director of Engineering Ann Farrell,
Capital Projects Division Manager Bill Brennan, Senior Engineer Jim Belcher,
Senior Engineer Randy Schmidt, and District Counsel Kent Aim. The team
will explore long- and short-term buying strategies. Mr. Belcher requested
the Board's support for the District remaining flexible in this area in order to
respond to the volatile marketplace. Mr. Belcher stated that over the
coming summer the District is looking at $8.45 per decatherm natural gas.
The District hopes to bid natural gas contracts at some point. The price for
natural gas is almost at the District's breakeven point where making power
at the plant is equal to the new higher electrical rates. Mr. Belcher reviewed
the estimated future "burner-tip" natural gas costs from 2001 through 2006
and beyond. Mr. Belcher stated that the District must continue to look at
the lowest cost alternative. Currently, the District's energy expert indicates
that natural gas prices will remain high for the next two years but should go
down after that.
Mr. Kelly stated that the District is also using a team approach in looking at
electrical strategies to see if electrical costs in the plant can be reduced.
The energy team will explore alternate suppliers for long-term, low-cost
electrical contract. Another strategy would be to produce as much
cogeneration power as possible. This would be a good alternative because
it is unlikely the electrical prices are as high as they are going to go. The
team is also going back and revisiting energy efficiencies and conservation
measures in light of higher costs. Mr. Kelly showed San Diego electric bill
comparisons from July 1999 to July 2000. Residential rates increased from
$ 50 to $100; small business rates increased from $166 to $334, school
rates increased from $4,441 to $8,691, supermarket rates increased from
$19,204 to $41,868; and hospital rates increased from $79,072 to
$173,048. Mr. Kelly stated that the hospital rate is most representative of
what might happen to the District. When residential rates are frozen,
commercial and industrial customers make up the balance. Mr. Kelly
reviewed current electric rates, comparing 2000 rates against rates on
January 4, 2001. Residential rates increased from 10.7ë/kWh to
11.6ë/kWh or 8 percent; small business rates increased from 11.7ë/kWh
to 12.7 ë/kWh or 9 percent; medium business rates increased from
9.6ë/kWh to 10.6ë/kWh or 10 percent; agriculture rates increased from
8.3ë/kWh to 9.3ë/kWh or 12 percent; large business rates increased from
6.4(:/kWh to 7.4(:/kWh or 14 percent; and the system average rate
increased from 9.4<;/kWh ti 19,4<;/kWh or 11 percent.
Mr. Kelly stated that at the recent California Association of Sanitation
Agencies (CAS A) Conference, one of the best attended sessions was on
energy. Two speakers talked about what agencies might want to do to
protect themselves in these times of change. Mr. Dave Reardon, of HDR,
recommended that agencies:
Have an energy team with a champion;
Get the information you need from the bill and rate schedule, and
know your rate schedule;
Train your staff so they know what to do;
Figure out where the energy goes and monitor power use in real time;
Analyze "how to reduce" demand, do "what if" analyses, and run only
the equipment you need;
Get help from outside experts on how to reduce HVAC, lighting, etc.;
Create an incentive program; i.e., time off or gifts for people who
have good energy saving ideas; and
Invest in electrical technology to ensure your equipment is cost
Mr. Kelly stated that the presentation by Ms. Shelly Malekos, Director of
Rates for PG&E, was excellent. Ms. Malekos recommended that agencies:
Understand the market and know your options;
Reduce demand - the least expensive resource is the one you don't
Become more energy-efficient - energy efficiency may be worth more
to you now than ever before;
Determine your ability to curtail load voluntarily or via a curtailment
program; and
Explore purchasing options through gas and/or electric energy service
Mr. Kelly stated that many of these recommendations the District is already
doing in large part through the leadership of General Manager Chuck Batts
and Senior Engineer Jim Belcher, and Mr. Batts' work with the Electric
Power Research Institute (EPRI), but the District must look carefully and
continue to manage its power and associated risks.
President Hockett thanked Messrs. Belcher and Kelly for their presentations.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that after the Financial Planning and
Policy Workshop last week, thought was given to condensing the
information into a summary overview. The purpose of the workshop was
to provide information to the Board and to stimulate dialogue on the
District's rate setting process. The proposed outcome was for the Board to
consider future rates and provide staff direction for future actions. Mr.
Batts stated that because there was so much information presented at the
workshop and because discussion got sidetracked on the energy situation,
he would like to go back to last year's scenario and look at where the
increases or changes occurred. Mr. Batts stated that utilities, that is
energy, increased from $2.8 million to $5.4 million, repairs and outside
services increased from $4.2 million to $5 million. Those two categories,
an energy increase of $2.6 million and an increase in repairs and
maintenance of $0.8 million equate to a $24 increase on the Sewer Service
Charge. The recommended Sewer Service Charge increase of $24 was
based primarily on those two items. In summary, Mr. Batts requested that
the Board consider:
Raising Connection Fees as recommended;
Providing ratepayer notice for a Sewer Service Charge increase of up
to $24 annually for three years; and
Raising the Sewer Service Charge between $18 and $24 annually for
the next three years with the stated goal of bringing District revenues
to equal expenses within the next five years by continuing to control
costs and enhance revenue.
Mr. Batts reviewed the next steps and schedule for considering an increase
in the Sewer Service Charge, including providing any additional information
requested by the Board to assist them in this process, presenting possible
Sewer Service Charge rate scenarios at February 15, 2001 Board Meeting,
authorizing staff to mail public notice on proposed rate hearing at March 15,
2001 Board Meeting, setting rates and approving budgets at May 24, 2001
and June 21, 2001 Board Meetings.
Discussion followed with regard to increases in wages and benefits costs,
and the fact that this year because of projected District staff vacancies
during the year, approximately $800,000 in avoided costs was used in the
expense projections.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the Hartz Avenue Storm
Damage Repair Project has been completed with the exception of the slurry
seal of the parking lot and driveway. That should be completed by the end
of March. The agreement calls for the slurry seal to be completed by the
end of April. The work must be done on a Sunday to avoid interruption to
the laundry business, and temperature and weather conditions must be
taken into consideration as well. The contractor has complied with the
schedule established by the District for this project.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that work at the Pulley residence
in Lafayette has been completed with the exception of the flooring which
the Pulley's have chosen and cannot be installed until the end of February.
The Pulley's should be back in their home at that time.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, introduced Ms. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller, who
reported that there was a meeting of the Contra Costa County Employees'
Retirement Association Board (CCCERA) regarding use of $344 million
surplus earnings on investments. Ms. Ratcliff stated that the article in the
Contra Costa Times on January 31 was confusing and contained some
inaccuracies. Ms. Ratcliff stated that the CCCERA Board decided:
Set aside $127 million to enhance the benefit to current retirees in
the amount of $200 per month. Legislation must be passed to
enable such an increase. If the legislation is passed, all retirees as of
the date of the legislation passing would get an additional $200 per
month. If the legislation does not pass, these funds will go toward
employer costs.
Set aside $73 million for potential impacts from the Ventura decision
to keep employer costs from increasing.
Set aside $47 million to cover cost of living adjustment for both
employers and employees.
Set aside $20 million to prefund to new dollar power the benefit to
be provided to older retirees who retired prior to 1981 to offset
differences between cost of living increases and inflation rates. This
will pull in another year of retirees so now those retired before 1982
will receive this.
Ms. Ratcliff stated that no decision was made with regard to the remaining
$144 million, which will continue to sit in reserves until a future date.
Mr. Batts stated that the Board of Supervisors adjourned their regular
meeting to this meeting and asked the CCCERA Board to help bailout the
County's deficit.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the Assembly Local
Government Committee will hold an informational hearing on the Little
Hoover Commission Report on Special Districts Financial Reserves, as a
possible way to help the California energy crisis.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that on January 23, 2001, two
District vehicles had an accident while leaving a job site in Walnut Creek.
During rainy conditions a vehicle pulled in front of a District truck, requiring
it to stop suddenly. It was struck from behind by a second District truck.
There were minor injuries and approximately $5,000 damage to vehicles.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that Ultramar Diamond Shamrock
(formerly Tosco Refining) has made an initial inquiry about the long-term use
of up to eight (8) MGD of recycled water in its cooling towers. Staff will
meet with Ultra mar representatives and will advise the Board of any
developments. Mr. Batts stated that on a similar note, Calpine has
contacted the District to determine if there is interest in siting an electrical
power generation facility on the treatment plant site.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the 28th Annual California
Water Environment Association (CWEA) Industrial and Hazardous Waste
Conference will be held February 7-9, 2001 in Oakland, California. Several
District employees, including Pollution Prevention Program Administrator Bart
Brandenburg, Associate Engineer Gail Chesler, Source Control Inspector II
Beverly Baclig, and Source Control Program Superintendent Tim Potter, will
be making presentations or moderating discussions at the conference.
Director of Collection System Operations John Larson will also be in
attendance as incoming President of CWEA.
1 )
Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that several months ago
there was an incident where the District was asked to assist the City of
Antioch with a major sewer overflow problem. The subject of mutual aid
agreements was raised. Mr. Aim stated that since that time he has
obtained forms and held discussions to ascertain the level of interest on the
part of cities. They were courteously interested but this may be of interest
to other public utility agencies in the area. The sample agreements define
lender and borrower of property or personnel. In cases such as this, the
lender does not have to lend. The lender would be reimbursed for rental
value or use of equipment and could be compensated for the cost of
personnel. Insurance is required. Workers' Compensation is required. The
idea is that the borrower would assume all the risks. Unless the Board
directs otherwise, Mr. Aim stated that he and District staff will go out and
seek interest in this sort of program.
Member Lucey stated that he would be interested in whether there is any
interest from Delta Diablo Sanitary District, Mt. View Sanitary District,
Dublin San Ramon Services District, West County Wastewater District, and
other nearby sanitary districts.
Mr. Aim stated that he believes other utilities will be interested but he is not
sure if the cities will see this as necessary if they do not do sewer work.
Member Menesini suggested that when appropriate a more definitive
proposal and presentation be made at the Mayors Conference. Mr. Aim
agreed and thanked the Board for their input.
1 )
Ms. Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the District, distributed updated
organization charts.
Ms. Murphy, Secretary of the District, announced that the District failed to
meet the Friday, January 26, 2001 deadline for advising the Local Agency
Formation Commission (LAFCO) of the District's designated voting
representative to the Independent Special Districts Association for purposes
of voting by mail or fax for the March 19, 2001 election of the special
districts representative to LAFCO. LAFCO will be advised of the District's
representative immediately following the Board Committee appointments
today and the District's representative will be able to vote in person at the
election on March 19, 2001.
Ms. Murphy stated that the timing of the election of the District Board
President in January and the fact that Board Committee appointments are
effective February to February each year, make it difficult to comply with
this deadline. Ms. Murphy suggested that the Board may wish to consider
moving the annual election of the District Board President and President Pro
Tem to a December Board Meeting and making the Board Committee
appointments effective in January of each year. The Board voiced no
1 )
Member Boneysteele introduced Mr. James M. Kelly, Director of Plant
Operations, who distributed and summarized conference materials from the
January 17-20, 2001 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA)
Conference. Topics of discussion inc;luded biosolids disposal, petitions to
allow use of standby generators above 200-hour per year air permit
operating limit during stage three electrical supply alert, controls on all new
and existing diesel engines and vehicles, electric power issues, infrastructure
issues including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed rule
on CMOM (Capacity, Management, Operations, and Maintenance) and Total
Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL), Update on State Water Resources Control
Board issues, and a report on the Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control
District design of a wet weather strategy involving an $80 million capital
program that will be put in place over the next five years to reduce sewer
Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that the agenda for the
CASA Attorneys Committee Program was also distributed to the Board. Mr.
Aim reported that CASA joined in support of the District's suit against the
City of San Ramon and authorized filing an amicus brief. Mr. Aim stated
that he put this forward as a conditional request since he believes this issue
is better resolved as a local issue with the facts of this particular matter
rather than becoming a statewide issue. The authorization was that if there
is an amicus brief filed by a statewide organization, CAS A would also file an
amicus brief, otherwise CASA would not file.
President Hockett distributed the draft notes and reported on the January
25, 2001 Sanitation and Water Agencies meeting at which the importance
of asset management was discussed as a means of minimizing costs while
addressing the EPA proposed rule on CMOM (Capacity, Management,
Operations, and Maintenance), Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Statement No. 34 (GASB 34), and issues raised by the Little Hoover
Commission relative to special district reserves.
Member Lucey referenced the January 30, 2001 Contra Costa Times article
on the need for repairs to the City of Richmond plant, indicating that the
plant has not been adequately maintained. The Sewer Service Charge rates
were raised from $166 to $397 to help pay for this.
Member Menesini stated that the tour of the Aqua-Science Laboratory was
President Hockett presented the Board Committee assignments for 2001 as
Budget and Finance Committee
Gerald R. Lucey
James A. Nejedly
Personnel Committee
Mario M. Menesini
Parke L. Boneysteele
Capital Projects Committee
Parke L. Boneysteele
Barbara D. Hockett
Household Hazardous Waste Committee
James A. Nejedly
Barbara D. Hockett
First named Member will serve as Committee Chair.
Board Liaison to Cities and County
Concord, Pacheco
James A. Nejedly
Danville, Alamo & San Ramon
Barbara D. Hockett
Lafayette, Walnut Creek
Parke L. Boneysteele
Martinez, Contra Costa County,
Pleasant Hill
Mario M. Menesini
Orinda, Moraga
Gerald R. Lucey
California Special Districts Association
Contra Costa Countv Chapter
Mario M. Menesini
Barbara D. Hockett - Alternate
Friends of the San Francisco Estuary
Mario M. Menesini
Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County
Gerald R. Lucey
Barbara D. Hockett - Alternate
Member Lucey reported that he toured the Moraga Pumping Station last
week. Both the Orinda Crossroads and Moraga Pumping Stations are
undergoing rehabilitation to more fully serve the communities. Moraga is in
an attractive residential area on a creek. Construction is proceeding rapidly
to put in much bigger pumps to allow larger capacity, efficiency, and
compliance. Pumping Stations Superintendent Steve Considine and Senior
Engineer Ron Klimczak conducted the tour. Member Lucey stated that
construction is progressing well and the District continues to get nothing but
praise from many of the residents.
Member Nejedly noted that he will have to leave the meeting at 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that one of the critical planning tools for the District
is the Capital Improvement Plan and Budget. Over the years the Engineering Department
has coordinated the input from all departments into this process. Revisions in the current
software are needed to improve both the transfer of information and to incorporate
efficiencies related to this task.
In response to questions from Members Lucey and Nejedly, Director of Engineering Ann
E. Farrell stated that the contract has been in place since May 1997. To date, Talavera
and Richardson have billed the District $55,500. Ms. Farrell stated that the Board did not
approve the original contract and that is an issue that has been discussed at the staff
level. Some people had the impression that as long as the amendment was less than
$50,000 it did not require Board approval. Ms. Farrell stated that Member Lucey's point
is well taken and it will not happen again in the future. The Capital Program software is
specialized software developed by Talavera and Richardson using Access. Talavera and
Richardson's help is needed for these changes and modifications, but staff will be going
through a process to understand the software to determine if this work can be done by
District staff in the future or if an off-the-shelf program might serve the District's needs.
Ms. Farrell stated that MIS was not asked to do this work because they are currently fully
occupied and it would have required that they learn the software so there would be no
savings. Originally, Talavera and Richardson were hired to do a set piece of work for the
Capital Improvement Budget. As District staff has used the system, it has been
recognized that enhancements would help staff to better utilize the information in the data
base. By using Talavera and Richardson, time and expertise are being leveraged. Staff
does not anticipate coming back for any further amendment to this contract.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Lucey, that the General
Manager be authorized to execute an amendment to increase the cost ceiling to $110,500
and extend by 21 months the current agreement with Talavera and Richardson for capital
software programming services. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that on November 30, 2000, a Board workshop was
held to evaluate the effectiveness and discuss the continuation of the District Contractual
Assessment District (CAD) Program. The Board provided guidance to staff on
improvements and changes to the CAD Program. District staff and Counsel for the
District Kenton L. Aim have worked together to review the CAD Policy that was
distributed to the Board. Mr. Batts stated that staff believes that the proposed revised
policy addresses the Board's concerns while conforming with the legal requirements of the
state assessment district laws that govern the District's CAD Program. Mr. Batts stated
that if the Board has any changes or input, staff will be coming back to the Board later
this year to incorporate the CAD reimbursement policy into the District Code.
Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager,
who reviewed the proposed policy changes to the District CAD Policy. Mr. Swanson
stated staff and District Counsel tried to make the CAD Program, definitions, and process
clearer; so in addition to recommending additions and changes, clarification and expansion
of the existing policy and procedures is recommended. In looking at the CAD Policy, the
following policy considerations were kept in mind:
Keep simple and flexible;
Beneficial to have more properties;
Limit participation of owners of multiple properties; and
Need to comply with assessment district laws.
The CAD Policy revisions clarify and expand on:
Purpose and intent of CAD's, that is for residential areas with failing or
inadequate septic tanks, primarily owner-occupied, and not commercial
Modify CAD formation criteria to allow up to two (2) dwellings for one (1)
Modify CAD assessment process to require that the same person or persons
may take advantage of the 10-year assessments for only one (1) property
at a time;
Specify a time limit of 18 months between initiation of the CAD and
submittal of all information and documents necessary to prepare the
Engineer's Report;
Specify a process for property owners to appeal staff decisions regarding
formation and administration of proposed CAD projects;
Expand the scope of the CAD project public hearings to include receiving
public comments about the annexation of CAD properties to the District; and
Continue the overall budget of $1 million per year for the CAD Program
through 2002-2003.
Mr. Swanson stated that in order to be eligible for participation in the District's CAD
assessment financing program, the proposed sewer extension project must meet the
District CAD formation criteria. District staff will make a threshold eligibility determination
and will provide proponents with a written determination of eligibility. The following
revised CAD formation criteria are proposed for Board consideration:
A minimum of five (5) properties;
A minimum of 60 percent of the properties must have existing homes
served by septic tank systems;
A participant parcel may not have more than two (2) dwellings;
Notwithstanding the above-listed criteria, the District's decision to form a
CAD will be determined on a case-by-case basis and is at the sole discretion
of the Board of Directors. The Board may consider technical, economic,
staffing and budgetary, environmental, and other factors in its consideration
of whether to form a CAD.
Member Nejedly requested to be excused and left the meeting at the hour of 4:00 p.m.
Discussion followed with regard to the definitions of the criteria, particularly
Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that there has been an issue of
whether the CAD formation criteria should be limited to only owner-occupied homes. Mr.
Aim stated that has not been included in the proposed CAD formation criteria at his
direction. It is hoped that by including criteria that would require that the same person or
persons may take advantage of the ten-year assessment option for only one property at
a time and that there can be no more than two dwellings on a participating CAD property
would be a solution to that. In assessment district law there is no distinction between
owner-occupied or not. Mr. Aim stated that another issue came up in terms of review of
the reimbursement fee calculation. There are some inconsistencies between this
reimbursement fee calculation and other District reimbursement fees. That is something
that should be addressed in the future.
Mr. Swanson stated that there are still two CAD payment options: 1) annual assessments
over ten years, or 2) lump sum. Participants would be limited to using the 10-year
assessment for a single parcel at any given time.
Mr. Swanson reviewed the proposed appeal process as follows:
Staff makes determination whether a proposed sewer extension project is
eligible for participation in the District's CAD Program based on the CAD
formation criteria.
Property owners may appeal that staff decision to the Board of Directors.
The appeal procedure set forth in the District Code would be followed
except as modified in the CAD Policy.
Property owners would be allowed 30 days to request an appeal of a staff
The Board of Directors conducts a hearing and decides whether or not to
uphold or to modify the staff decision.
Mr. Aim stated that inherent in this is that staff would adhere to the CAD formation
criteria rigidly and there would be appeals to the Board only if the proposed project did not
meet the CAD formation criteria.
Following discussion, it was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by President
Hockett, that Resolution No. 2001-008 be adopted, revising the District Policy regarding
the Formation and Administration of Contractual Assessment Districts with the proviso
that up to $1,000,000 per year may be authorized for the CAD Program. Motion
approved on the following vote:
Menesini, Hockett, Lucey, Boneysteele
Mr. Batts, General Manager, introduced Mr. James M. Kelly, Director of Plant Operations,
who stated that the District has used landfill gas in its furnaces and auxiliary steam boilers
since 1983. The contract for landfill gas has been revised four times, primarily to adjust
the discount as natural gas prices declined. The current landfill gas contract with Acme
Landfill expired on July 1, 1999. The District is operating under the contractual 90-day
evergreen extensions. At the September 7, 2000 Board Meeting, the Board authorized
a new five-year landfill gas contract with an effective date of August 1, 2000. The landfill
gas discount was set at 30 percent (from burner tip natural gas costs) with a floor of
$2.50 per decatherm. For natural gas costs above $5.00 per decatherm, the 30 percent
discount would increase to 50 percent of the incremental increase above $5.00. Mr. Kelly
stated that projected annual savings in landfill gas over natural gas under the old contract
are estimated at $60,000 at $5.00 decatherm and $186,000 at $8.00 per decatherm;
and under the contract provisions approved by the Board in September 2000, the
projected annual savings would be $150,000 at $5.00 per decatherm and $378,000 at
$8.00 per decatherm. As stated earlier, the estimated future burner tip natural gas costs
are expected to decrease from $8.45 in 2001 to $5.15 in 2006. Mr. Kelly stated that he
does not project that the cost of landfill gas will be $8.00, but it could be. Mr. Kelly made
the following observations:
Landfill gas will save money for at least next year under the old contract
Landfill gas is a second gas supply for the District.
Natural gas or landfill gas is needed to burn sludge.
Acme Landfill Corporation and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District have
a symbiotic relationship.
The District has received no bills and made no payments for landfill gas from
Acme Landfill Corporation or NEO Corporation since August 1, 2000.
Mr. Kelly stated that the District could continue operating under the contractual 90-day
extensions or give 90 days notice to terminate the contract.
Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that a closed session has been
scheduled if there is an interest on the Board's part whether to discuss initiation of
litigation or exposure to litigation. The issue is what to do. One of the immediate
reactions is to send 90-day notice to terminate the old contract to try to get them to
negotiate with us. Mr. Aim stated that he is not recommending that at this time because
there are two pieces of information the District does not have. Will we be dealing with
NEO or Acme in the future? NEO is a large corporation and this contract is not critical to
them. The new owner of Acme may find this to be more critical. Mr. Aim stated that he
understands there was an assignment but the District has not seen any signed document.
Mr. Aim stated that he would want to understand that before the District cancels the
contract with Acme. Secondly, the District has been informed there is a March 31, 2001
date which is a drop dead date regarding some requirements of NEO relating to their
assignment agreement. The operating agreement and lease of the landfill could terminate
at that time depending on what NEO does or does not do. That has not been given to the
District in writing. The District needs to know who it will be dealing with after March 31,
2001. Mr. Aim stated that NEO has said they would get back to the District with a
proposal this week. The District has not heard from them. The District has not been
billed or paid any bills and would not until we know who we will be dealing with so we do
not pay the wrong party.
Discussion followed with regard to reading and calibration of the meter. Mr. Jim Belcher,
Senior Engineer, stated that District staff watches when the meter is calibrated once a
month. The District measures the landfill gas used on our end and the numbers are within
the accuracy you would expect them to be.
Mr. Kelly stated that part and parcel of the contract is that if we do get a bill what rate
do we pay and who do we pay? The District could assert that they are paid at the new
Mr. Aim stated that staff intends to report to the Board on a regular basis until this is
Mr. Kelly stated that at this point barring further direction from the Board, staff will pursue
the course of action laid out by Mr. Aim.
Member Lucey stated that he agrees in terms of the recommendation that once the
District receives a bill, we have a three-party sign off. Member Lucey stated that if the
Board does not take action today, staff should not pay any bill without coming back to the
Board first. Member Lucey stated that the District should pay the agreed upon lower price.
Mr. Kelly agreed.
Following discussion, it was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member
Boneysteele, that the existing landfill gas contract not be canceled at this time; that this
matter be brought back to the Board at such time bills are received and there is sign off
with regard to the company that should be paid; and that this matter be placed on the
agenda at every Board meeting so the Board can make a decision if necessary. There
being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Nejedly being absent.
Member Lucey thanked staff for the update, stating that this is a difficult situation.
Member Boneysteele, member of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he and
Member Menesini reviewed the expenditures and found them to be satisfactory.
It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Menesini, that the
Expenditure List dated February 1, 2001, including Self Insurance Check Nos. 101689-
101692, Running Expense Check Nos. 129969-130089, and Sewer Construction Check
Nos. 22988-22996, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion
was approved with Member Nejedly being absent.
At 4:32 p.m., President Hockett adjourned the Regular Board Meeting and Member Lucey,
President of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) Facilities Financing
Authority, convened the annual meeting of the CCCSD Facilities Financing Authority.
President Lucey requested that the Secretary call roll.
Menesini, Hockett, Boneysteele, Lucey
President Lucey requested public comments, and noted that there were none.
President Lucey stated that in accordance with the Bylaws of the Authority, it would be
appropriate to elect officers at this time.
It was moved by Director Menesini and seconded by Director Hockett, that pursuant to
Article III, Section 2 of the Bylaws, the following slate of officers shall be elected for
2001 :
President of the Authority shall be Director Gerald R. Lucey, Chair of the
Budget and Finance Committee of the District Board of Directors;
Vice President of the Authority shall be Director James A. Nejedly, the
remaining member of the Budget and Finance Committee of the District
Board of Directors;
Executive Director of the Authority shall be Mr. Charles W. Batts, General
Manager of the District;
Treasurer of the Authority shall be Ms. Deborah Ratcliff, Controller of the
District; and
Secretary of the Authority shall be Ms. Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the
There being no objection, the motion was approved with Director Nejedly being absent.
It was moved by Director Menesini and seconded by President Lucey, that the minutes of
the CCCSD Facilities Financing Authority annual meeting of February 3, 2000, be
approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Director
Nejedly being absent.
Ms. Deborah Ratcliff, Treasurer of the Authority, reported that in December 1994, the
Authority issued 1994 Revenue Installment Certificates (Certificates of Participation) in
the amount of $25 million for a term of 20 years with interest rates ranging from 4.7
percent to 6.25 percent. In October 1998, the outstanding debt was refinanced because
interest rates had dropped significantly. Revenue bonds were issued to refund all
outstanding debt at 3.5 percent to 4.7 percent interest. Based on the lower interest
rates, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District will save over $ 750,000 in interest expense
over the first two years. After the refunding, advice of Bond Counsel was sought as to
whether the CCCSD Facilities Financial Authority should be dissolved. Counsel advised
that the Authority must continue to exist and meet on an annual basis until the earliest
call date of the old Certificates of Participation, September 2004. At that time, the
Authority can decide whether it wishes to continue to exist or dissolve.
President Lucey thanked Ms. Ratcliff for her report.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Lucey adjourned the
annual meeting of the CCCSD Facilities Financing Authority at the hour of 4:35 p.m. and
turned the meeting back to President Hockett.
Member Menesini noted receipt of the letter from Mr. Ivan Pouschine, Jr. of Orinda, and
suggested that Maintenance Supervisor Paul Louis and Safety and Risk Management
Specialist Kim Greer be commended for their efforts. Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated
that he would see to that.
At 4:40 p.m., President Hockett declared a recess, reconvening at the hour of 4:40 p.m.
with all parties present as previously designated.
The closed session was held to discuss existing litigation pursuant to Government Code
Section 54956.9(a). The title of the litigation to be discussed is Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District v. Joanne Lindroth and related cross actions, Contra Costa County
Superior Court Case No. C99-04092. The matter entitled Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District v. City of San Ramon, Contra Costa County Superior Court Case No. COO-02560,
was not discussed.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b), a point has been reached where in the
opinion of the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, on the
advice of its Counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant
exposure to litigation against the District. One potential matter was discussed. The other
potential matter calendared for discussion on the Board Meeting agenda was not
At 4:50 p.m., President Hockett adjourned the meeting into closed session to discuss
litigation pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9(a) and (b) as noted above. At
4:55 p.m., Member Nejedly entered the closed session. At 5:20 p.m., President Hockett
concluded the closed session and reconvened the meeting into open session.
No decisions were made or votes taken in closed session which require reporting at this
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned
the meeting at the hour of 5:20 p.m.
President of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Sec e ary f the Central ont Costa
Sani ry District, County of Contra
Costa, State of California