HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-29-02
HELD ON APRIL 29, 2002
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned
regular session at in the Collection System Operations Division Training Room, 1250
Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 3:04
p.m. on April 29, 2002.
President Menesini called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
Nejedly, Lucey, Boneysteele, Menesini
Member Hockett had advised that she would be late and had requested that the meeting
start without her.
Mr. Charles W. Batts, General Manager, thanked the Board for attending this workshop,
stating that staff appreciates the Board's interest and is anxious to discuss how we get
the District's work done. One of the most important issues raised in the last decade is
how do we maintain one of the District's most important and largest assets: the collection
system. The overall assets of the District are in good condition. We have an excellent
compliance record, great employees, and a solid collection system, most of which is fairly
new, and a well-maintained treatment plant built in the late 1970's. The District has
evaluated both the collection system and treatment plant and found their capacity to be
adequate for the future in most cases. However, it is important at this time to consider
the renewal and replacement of our assets and to plan for the future. This workshop will
deal with the sewer overflow issue and the CSOD construction backlog issue. Today's
proposals are just measured first steps. Later in the meeting, Director of Operations Jim
Kelly and Collection System Operations Division (CSOD) Manager John Pearl will define
the extent of the problem, the steps needed to address the issues now, and the measures
that may be needed in the future. This workshop will also focus on the long-term need
for resources to protect and maintain these public assets. '
Mr. Batts stated that the job of CSOD is to stop overflows, or to reduce overflows to the
extent possible since it is impossible to eliminate them completely. Overflows of greater
than 100 gallons into the waters of the State is the District's reporting criteria to the
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The main tool the District has to deal
with this problem is cleaning the sewers, primarily dealing with root intrusion, minor pipe
failures, and grease in the system. Mr. Batts stated that the strategy for reduction is to
use a systems approach. The short-term approach to address the problem of increased
overflows, minor pipe failures, and the growing backlog of spot repairs, is to work better
by using technology, improving schedules, and improving the work flow; to perform more
work by allocating more resources, people, equipment and support; and to work cheaper
by gaining efficiency, reducing unit costs, and improving access to lines in easements.
The long-term approach to address replacing failing pipe, preventing accelerated failures,
and improving the life of new pipe, is to work better by reviewing Engineering
specifications; to move from the current replacement rate of less than one mile of pipe
replaced per year to two to five miles per year; and to work cheaper by looking at the
total long-term costs and prioritizing to minimize the impact on the Sewer Construction
Mr. Batts stated that there is an increasing regulatory focus on management of assets
including Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) regulations and Capacity, Management,
Operations and Maintenance (CMOM) regulations and guidelines. Both SSO and CMOM
are expanding the view of what we must do and how we must maintain District assets.
Part of this regulatory focus is directed at the District assets and part is directed at the
laterals owned by the homeowners.
Mr. Batts stated that over the years the number of District overflows had dropped until
recently when there has been an increase over the last couple years. Even though the
number is still not considered high, it has increased. To address this, we need to first
look at cleaning and second look at the pipe failures to assess how many there are and
how much it would cost to repair them. The $15 million CSO Capital Program has several
components including Renovations, Capacity, Pumping Stations, and Regulatory. The
CSO Capital Program is about 60 percent of the total Capital Improvement Budget and it
is growing every year. The issue is keeping that growth manageable. The short-term
strategy is to maintain the pipe in the ground longer. To do that, the District is:
Looking at crown spraying to stop/control concrete chemical attack;
Increasing root chemical use to control roots in lines;
Improving equipment for better and faster cleaning;
Increasing the number of spot repairs;
Televising the system to provide for future direction for both the Capital and
O&M programs;
Protecting pipelines from ground conditions and corrosion; and
Looking at grease control.
Mr. Batts stated that there is a limit to how much we can do in this area. The issue is
where do you start losing ground with sewer cleaning, where it takes more time and
money than can be seen in results. Mr. Batts stated that the short-term approach is fine
but it does not really address the long-term issues of pipe failures. The advantage of the
short-term approach over the long-term approach is that the cost of cleaning is about
$ 5,000 per mile while the cost of new construction is about $1 million per mile. The
long-term approach is to:
Improve on new pipe and easements;
Replace failing clay pipe;
Survey the system to establish needs and priority for replacement; and
Balance costs against need and revenue.
Discussion followed with regard to how televising the pipes can help reduce overflows.
Mr. James M. Kelly, Director of Operations, stated that in the areas televised to date,
staff found a place where a spot repair is needed about every 1,500 feet. Each one of
these are areas that could cause an overflow.
Member Lucey requested a supplemental report for the last three years that shows the
number of overflow claims including the total amount requested and the total amount paid
for these claims.
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Mr. Batts stated that staff will provide that information. As well as overflow claims, the
issue includes regulatory violations, scheduling issues, and staff overtime. Mr. Batts
stated that what staff is trying to determine is an economic way to address these issues.
As part of that, we must look at where the resources will come from. Currently the
Capital Improvement Budget is funded from various sources. About 21 percent comes
from Connection Fees. This is good for the short term but the District is close to build
out. About 12 percent comes from interest income. The current low interest rates and
diminishing Sewer Construction Fund balance means this source of income is decreasing.
About 31 percent comes from ad valorem taxes. This source of income continues to be
in jeopardy. About 21 percent of the Capital Improvement Budget revenue comes from
the City of Concord but that money cannot fund the Collection System Program. About
1 2 percent comes from Sewer Service Charge. The remaining 3 percent comes from
miscellaneous sources. Mr. Batts stated that the Sewer Service Charge is the only major
revenue source under the Board's control. We must plan for future issues including
covering annual cash flow, paying for increasing costs in both O&M and Capital, covering
bond funding costs for major projects, covering replacement costs of existing assets
including the $420,000,000 treatment plant and the $1,000,000,000 collection system.
In summary, Mr. Batts stated that it is proposed that we proceed with the short-term
approach to reduce overflows, meet upcoming regulations, and gain public acceptance.
Continued emphasis will be placed on controlling costs, using the "better, more, cheaper"
approach outlined earlier. The District's collection system is in relatively good shape
compared to other systems, for example in the eastern cities, where infrastructure is
much older. The District should allow rates to meet future capital needs including greater
bond financing. Failing assets should be replaced, with the 600 miles of clay pipe as the
first priority. A long-term capital program for the collection system is being developed.
Steps are underway to understand the problem by assessing the condition of the
collection system. SSO and CMOM are already appearing in permits and the District must
prepare to meet those regulations. Projects must be prioritized and the program must be
funded using a portion of the Sewer Service Charge coupled with prudent bond funding.
The District cannot expect assistance from the federal or state government since they
have no or limited funds for these purposes.
Mr. Batts introduced Mr. James M. Kelly, Director of Operations, who presented proposals
to reduce overflows and construction backlog, and requested input and guidance from the
Board as to an acceptable approach. Mr. Kelly reviewed graphs showing overflows since
1962, and the length in miles and age of the collection system. The lowest number of
overflows was in 1994. Since that time the number has been slowly increasing. The rate
of collection system growth has fallen off significantly since 1990. Last year there were
a total of 141 overflows in the District's collection system, 36 were 100 gallons or more
and were reported to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Roots caused
70 percent of the 36 reportable overflows, about 14 percent were caused by grease, and
the remaining 16 percent resulted from various causes. Two (2) of the reportable
overflows occurred in line segments that were in the construction backlog. It is believed
that the other 34 could have been reduced by more cleaning. CMOM, SSG, and State
regulations will require fewer overflows in the future. In addition, the cost of property
damage claims is increasing significantly. New National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permits were adopted this spring for Orange County and Folsom. One
incorporates CMOM and the other allows no overflows.
Mr. Kelly reviewed the coordination model between CSOD and Engineering. In the past,
coordination was driven by time and event. It was a reactive model where issues were
identified by the SIMMS/SUSSEX system, outside public input, CSO TV inspection, and
emergency situations. About six months ago, the TV Inspection Program, easement
walks, manhole inspection, special studies (i.e., corrosion), regulations, and source
control/grease were incorporated to gather information on the condition of the collection
system. This information is adding to the CSO backlog, the Renovation Progràm, and
urgent repairs.
Mr. Kelly stated that the challenge is to reduce overflows. In the short term, it is
proposed that more cleaning ($5,000/mile) be done, that grease control be emphasized,
that consideration be given to laterals, and that spot repairs continue to be done. In the
long term, it is proposed that failing pipe be replaced ($1 ,OOO,OOO/mile), that
specifications and inspection of new pipe be improved; and that replacement of failing
pipe be continued. Last year about two (2) miles of pipe was replaced. Based on a 100-
year life, one percent per year would be 14 miles.
Mr. John Pearl, Collection System Operations Division Manager, stated that based on the
overflow reduction proposal, it will be necessary to increase routine cleaning, improve
scheduled cleaning, increase chemical root control, and improve the cleaning process.
The present "routine" cleaning interval is 10 years. It is proposed that system-wide the
average cleaning interval be reduced to 7.5 years; and that in the "overflow crescent,"
where there is a significant amount of vitrified clay pipe and overflows occur more
frequently, the average "routine" cleaning interval be reduced to 5 years. In addition, it
is proposed that the footage of pipe cleaned be increased by 500,000 feet per year. Mr.
Pearl stated that this will require an additional two-person crew.
Mr. Pearl stated that about 80 percent of District spills occur in the "overflow crescent"
shown on the map attached to the position paper. There is about 700 miles of pipe in
this area. It also contains older and smaller vitrified clay pipe. It is proposed that routine
cleaning focus in the "overflow crescent." This promotes cleaning of a watershed to
reduce downstream impacts and to reduce travel time for crews.
Discussion followed with regard to improving the integration of scheduled with routine
Mr. Pearl stated that Best Practices are used for scheduled cleaning, including chemical
root control and audit cleaning with TV. An established protocol is used for changing
schedules where an overflow occurs. In addition, a group of field personnel formed a
Process Redesign Team that focused on cleaning issues and developed and implemented
recommendations for improving schedule cleaning. Regular section meetings are also held
to promote sharing of information, problems, and solutions. Mr. Pearl stated that the
District has participated in a number of outside efforts that have improved cleaning
practices. Those efforts include the Sewer Cleaning Process Redesign Team mentioned
earlier, the California Collection System Collaborative Benchmarking Group development
of a Best Practices Manual for Hydroflush Cleaning of Small Diameter Sewers, and the
Collection System Collaborative Benchmarking Group Best Practices Sanitary Sewer
Overflow Prevention and Response Plan.
Mr. Pearl stated that a two-prong approach is proposed to reduce the construction
backlog: mobilize construction crews and contract out some of the major work. It is
proposed that:
Mobilize more construction crews
Increase planned work by 50 percent
Add two new staff members to CSOD Construction Section
Contract repair work in streets through the Engineering Department's
rehabilitation project
Aggregate certain types of work
Street spot repairs
Lateral abandonments
Some structure work
Engineering increasing completion rate of replacement of critical line
Mr. Pearl stated that the current CSOD construction backlog total folder count is 400; of
those, 130 are priority one jobs. Mr. Pearl stated that with the addition of the proposed
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construction crews and assuming 50 spot repairs are completed by Engineering, the
priority one jobs could be as low as 60 in 12 months.
Discussion followed with regard to the estimated number of new jobs added to the
construction backlog each year, the number of jobs completed each year, and the fact
that it takes up to three times as long to do a job in an easement as in a street. Member
Lucey stated that he understands that these numbers are dynamic, but requested that
after the meeting staff review those numbers.
Mr. Pearl stated that because the most difficult jobs are in easements, CSOD will retain
that work to ensure the quality of the work and excellent customer service, because of
the uniqueness of these jobs, and because it is difficult to bundle and bid them. To
improve work practices, the CSOD Construction Section will invest in utilizing no-dig
technology, will work more overtime where appropriate, and will contract non-core work
such as fencing, tree work, paving and landscaping to allow CSOD staff to focus on
In closing, Mr. Pearl reviewed the recommendation to increase CSOD field staff by four
employees, two in the Cleaning Section and two in the Construction Section; to bundle
and bid street spot repairs; and to continue to update the Board on progress, making
additional recommendations as required.
Discussion followed in which the following information was requested and suggestions
made concerning:
Additional information on total number and cost of overflows over the last
three years (requested earlier in the meeting);
The percentage of root-caused problems in easement sewers as opposed to
sewers in streets;
A supplemental report breaking down the number of chargeable and non-
chargeable vehicle accidents over the last three years and steps being taken
to improve these statistics; and
A report on the hiring of women and minorities, and suggestions made to
improve those statistics.
Member Hockett entered the meeting at the hour of 4:32 p.m.
Further discussion followed with regard to CSOD work hours, the total number of
overflows, the fact that the majority of overflow locations were not in the construction
backlog, and caution concerning contracting out street spot repairs.
The following additional information was requested and suggestions made concerning:
Use of seasonal temporaries;
Greater integration of enforcement activities; and
Use of new technologies and approaches.
Further discussion followed with regard to hiring four additional employees.
Member Nejedly requested to be excused and left the meeting at the hour of 4:48 p.m.
Discussion continued with regard to the "overflow crescent." It was noted that most of
the overflows occurred in vitrified clay pipe. It is proposed to clean the pipes in this areas
on a five-year cycle rather the current ten-year cycle.
There being no further discussion, President Menesini thanked staff for their
Mr. Batts thanked the Board for their input and indicated that a position paper will be
presented for the Board consideration finalizing the proposed approach and requesting
authorization to hire four additional CSOD field employees, two in the Cleaning Section
and two in the Construction Section.
Mr. James M. Kelly, Director of Operations, provided an update on Pumping Stations
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that a technical training session is being offered in
Foster City for the new gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. It is proposed that a
Laboratory employee attend this session. The cost is approximately $1,400.
It was noted that Agilent is the supplier and that Member Lucey excused himself from the
discussion of this matter because of a conflict.
President Menesini requested that this matter be calendared for consideration at the next
Board Meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Menesini adjourned
the meeting at the hour of 5:05 p.m. to reconvene at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 9,
2002 for an Adjourned Regular Board Meeting.
President of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra
Se re ar of the Central Co tra Costa
San ry District, County of Contra
Costa, State of California
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