HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-21-02 104 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON MARCH 21, 2002 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on March 21, 2002. President Menesini called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Nejedly, Hockett, Lucey, Boneysteele, Menesini ABSENT: Members: None a. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. b. INTRODUCTIONS . RECOGNIZE ANGELA TALIANI ON HER PROMOTION TO ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SUPERVISOR President Menesini and the Board of Directors congratulated Ms. Angela Taliani, Administrative Support Supervisor, on her recent promotion. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Dyan Heath and Mr. Jason Neuhaus, 1767 Ardith Drive, Pleasant Hill, addressed the Board relative to Engineering Item 7.a., acceptance of contract work for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project, Phase 4, DP 5170. At Member Boneysteele's request, this item was taken out of order later in the agenda when Item 7.a., Engineering, was considered. 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS a. COMMENDATION OF TREATMENT PLANT STAFF FOR THEIR RESPONSE ON FEBRUARY 24 AND 25. 2002 TO A PG&E POWER FAILURE President Menesini displayed and read from the commendation which will be framed and presented to Plant Operations employees for their rapid response to the PG&E power failure, the outstanding team effort and individual expertise that was essential in getting the treatment plant back on line, and allowing the treatment plant to remain within all regulatory requirements both during and after the power outage. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Hockett, that Resolution No. 2002-016, Resolution of Commendation for Staff Response to February 24 and 25, 2002 PG&E Power Failure, be adopted. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. Member Nejedly left the meeting at the hour of 2:28 p.m. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Lucey, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a. through c., be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. 03 21 02 105 a. The contract work for the Wilkinson Lane Sewer Relocation Project, DP 5472, was accepted and the filing of the Notice of Completion was authorized. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Hockett, Lucey, Boneysteele, Menesini NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Nejedly b. The contract work for the Piping Renovations Project, DP 7183B, was accepted and the filing of the Notice of Completion was authorized. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Hockett, Lucey, Boneysteele, Menesini NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Nejedly c. Resolution Nos. 2002-017. 2002-018. and 2002-019 were adopted, authorizing the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute Quitclaim Deeds to California Kosaido Inc., Canyon Green Homeowners Association, and Canyon View Owners Association; and authorizing said Quitclaim Deeds to be recorded at the Contra Costa County Recorder's Office. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Hockett, Lucey, Boneysteele, Menesini NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Nejedly 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER Item 7.a., Engineering, was taken out of order at this time to accommodate interested persons in the audience. Member Boneysteele renewed his request that all previous comments be included here so all comments on this agenda item are consolidated in one place in the minutes. Member Nejedly returned to the meeting at the hour of 2:30 p.m. 7. ENGINEERING a. ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT. PHASE 4. DP 5170. IN PLEASANT HILL. AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Earlier in the agenda, under Item 2., Public Comments, Ms. Dyan Heath, 1767 Ardith Drive, Pleasant Hill, addressed the Board, objecting to acceptance of the contract work for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor, Phase 4. Ms. Heath described personal issues she has with this project, including delays in the close out inspection of her home which should have been completed before Christmas but was not done until recently; the District's lack of control over the contractor and subcontractors; failure to have an arborist on site when trees were trimmed; failure of the fence subcontractor to complete the fence replacement on the appointed date; and the present unacceptable condition of her yard. Ms. Heath showed photographs of her yard and the adjacent Flood Control easement. 03 21 02 106 Ms. Heath stated that the District's contractor Mountain Cascade, under the District's supervision, is obligated to correct this situation. Discussion followed in which the Board asked questions about the status of the restoration work and the cost to Ms. Heath of missing work. Mr. Charles W. Batts, General Manager, stated that these issues are potential claims. Staff is working with Ms. Heath and her neighbors to resolve these issues. Mr. Jason Neuhaus, 1767 Ardith Drive, Pleasant Hill, addressed the Board, objecting to acceptance of the project. Mr. Neuhaus referenced the District's specifications with regard to public access and safety. Mr. Neuhaus stated that the contractor failed to comply with the specifications and damaged branches and roots of a tree on his property. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Tad Pilecki, Principal Engineer, who stated that he and Capital Projects Division Manager Bill Brennan met with Mr. Neuhaus earlier this week and are working with him to resolve these issues. Money has been withheld from the contractor for this purpose. In response to questions from Member Lucey, Mr. Pilecki stated that this does not affect the Notice of Completion. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Alex Rozul, Associate Engineer, who stated that the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project, Phase 4, is a success story. Like any project, there are ups and downs and successes and problems. Mr. Rozul stated that he believes on balance, this was a very successful project. The contractor was Mountain Cascade, Inc. The scope of work included 7,600 lineal feet of interceptor sewer, 2,800 lineal feet of sewer main, and 9,200 lineal feet of recycled water line. The original contract amount was $8,565,241. There were nine contract change orders with a total value of $134,962, less than 2 percent of the original contract amount. Using a map, Mr. Rozul described the project alignment. The original contract was to be open cut for the flood control channel work and along Ardith Drive. The contractor, Mountain Cascade, proposed to do tunneling work as opposed to open cut underneath the flood control channel and along Ardith Drive. Tunneling has its good side and its bad side. Overall all residents were impacted less, but residents living near the boring and receiving pits were impacted more. Mr. Rozul showed photographs before and after the open cut and tunneling work was completed at various locations along the project alignment. Mr. Rozul described other project successes, including the cooperative arrangement with the City of Pleasant Hill for street paving. Mr. Rozul stated that as the Board is aware, one of the constraints on the project was that all of the trunk pipe (over 1.5 miles) had to be in before school was back in session September 4, 2002. In addition, all work on Boyd Road and in the school area had to be completed before September 4. Mr. Rozul stated that Mountain Cascade had to have several operations going on concurrently to accomplish this, so he has no doubt the residences along Ardith Drive were impacted greatly. Member Lucey stated that traffic control at the Gregory Gardens Elementary School was outstanding. Both the faculty and administration were very happy with traffic control in the area. Mr. Rozul stated that in August 2001, the Board had a walk through of the area just prior to the contract being nearly complete. The required work was completed before school started on September 4. Another part of this success story was the District's ability to work with the school to revise its parking lot, improving the traffic flow and making it safer for dropping off and picking up students. In addition, the roads were restriped to accommodate left turns into the school area. This was all extra work not included in the original plan, but it was done before September 4. In closing, Mr. Rozul stated that for the record, there was a high number of public contact reports on this project, about 370; the contractor met the schedule for installation of the trunk line, a critical part of the project; and collaboration with the City of Pleasant Hill was excellent. Discussion followed with regard to the exact location of property lines for the flood control property and access road between the adjoining property owners. Mr. Rozul stated that flood control owns the 15-foot wide piece of property in fee. It is not an easement. The access road is about 10 feet wide, so there is about 1.5 feet on each side of the flood control property lines where work was done. Mr. Rozul stated that there is no doubt this 03 21 (~.':ì 6"".'-." \jø k;1 107 work can be seen from Ms. Heath and Mr. Neuhaus' yard, but the retaining wall and soil that needs to be filled in are on flood çontrol property. The District has been working with flood control on these issues. When the projeèt began, there was no retaining wall and there was soil from the neighbors' property sloughing onto the access road. That was when it was discovered that a retaining wall was needed. Mr. Batts stated that the Heath/Neuhaus property is heavily impacted. From the Board's comments and concerns, it is clear that the Board is sensitive to the concerns expressed by Ms. Heath and Mr. Neuhaus. Staff is working to address these issues and those of the approximately 25 other property owners where issues still exist. Staff will continue to try to resolve these issues and report back to the board. In response to a question from Member Boneysteele, Mr. Rozul stated that the tree mentioned by Ms. Heath and Mr. Neuhaus is on flood control property. President Menesini requested that staff work with Ms. Heath and Mr. Neuhaus to restore their property to their satisfaction. President Menesini stated that he apologizes, as did the General Manager, for the time this has taken. Every effort will be made and hopefully satisfactorily so, to put this right. Member Nejedly stated that members of the public can always come to the Board. The Board will likely approve this contract but that does not have anything to do with resolving the issues raised. The District withholds a portion of the contract payment for such items. Member Nejedly stated further that Mr. Rozul is an excellent project manager and does a great job. Following discussion of punch list items remaining to be completed and the retention being withheld, it was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Hockett, that the contract work for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project, Phase 4, DP 5170, be accepted and that the filing of the Notice of Completion be authorized. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. At this time, President Menesini reverted to the order of the agenda. 6. REPORTS a. GENERAL MANAGER 1 ) Mr. Batts, General Manager, introduced Mr. William Brennan, Capital Projects Division Manager, who provided an update on the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project. As of Tuesday, March 19, 2002, the tunnel was 58 percent complete, about 2,700 feet. Production last week was the best to date at 412 feet in five days. The tunneling subcontractor, William C. Smith Company has been completing more than 400 feet per week for the last three weeks. At this rate, they should be done by the end of April or early May. With regard to the Dougherty Trunk Sewer, Mr. Brennan reported that final paving of Mangos and Estero will be done the first week in April when schools are out. The landscaping issues near the west portal have been resolved. Plans have been submitted to the City of San Ramon for approval. A copy of the agreement with the Royal Ridge Homeowners Association was just received and is being reviewed. Mr. Brennan stated that the Board was advised previously that two claims for homes on Mangos and Estero had been received. A representative from the District's Safety and Risk Management Section, Ms. Kim Greer, and a representative of the contractor will conduct inspections on March 27, 2002. Mr. Brennan stated that as previously reported to the Board, there has been contact from the Dublin San Ramon Services District/East Bay Municipal 03 21 02 108 03 Utility District Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) with regard to coordinating their recycled water project with the San Ramon Force Main Project. Mr. Brennan reported that he, Member Hockett, and Director of Engineering Ann Farrell attended the March 12, 2002 San Ramon City Council meeting at which the City Council was to discuss a CCCSD, DERWA and PG&E joint project. No vote was taken at that meeting and District staff left that meeting proceeding on our current schedule. Mr. Brennan stated that he does not believe that it is possible for DERWA to do all the work they need to do to get their project done this year. PG&E is looking at alternatives for their project to install fiberoptic cable. These projects are scheduled again on the March 26, 2002 San Ramon City Council meeting agenda. Mr. Brennan reported that the San Ramon Pumping Station Renovation Project is out to bid, and a pre-bid meeting was held. In response to questions from Member Lucey, Mr. Brennan stated that the District will need an encroachment permit from the City of San Ramon. The District will proceed unless something unexpected occurs. President Menesini thanked Mr. Brennan for his update and for so ably representing the District. Mr. Batts concurred, stating that Mr. Brennan has done an excellent job. 2) Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that planning for sewer service to the Wendt Ranch property east of Lawrence Road on Camino Tassajara near Blackhawk has been underway for many years. The preferred alternative for providing this service is for the developer, Shapell Industries, to construct a gravity main sewer in easements across private property to the trunk sewer in Lawrence Road in Danville. Ultimately, the Lawrence Road Trunk Sewer will be extended to the Dougherty Valley sewer system. Shapell has obtained commitments for the needed easements from all but one of the property owners. Shapell has requested that the District assist in obtaining the remaining easement and has agreed to reimburse the District for its costs. A similar approach was used to obtain an easement for the Gale Ranch Phase 1 development through the Canyon Lakes Country Club. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer, who used a map to describe the location of the Wendt Ranch property and other areas potentially tributary to the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer. Planning for possible service for the Wendt Ranch property began in the late 1980's. The preferred gravity sewer routes were indicated in the Town of Danville's 1992 Specific Plan for the Lawrence Road area, Contra Costa County's 1996 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Wendt Ranch development, the District's 1997 Specific Facilities Plan for Wastewater Utility Service to the Dougherty Valley and Tributary Areas, and Contra Costa County's proposed EIR for the Camino Tassajara Combined General Plan Amendment Study. Development potentially tributary to the Wendt Ranch offsite main sewer includes the Wendt Ranch property approved for 323 units; although Shapell has reduced the number of units to 130 for Wendt Ranch and deferred the remaining units to the Alamo Creek Project. In addition, there are intervening properties with a potential of 142 units that have not been approved but could potentially be served if they are approved. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills stated that it is planned to sewer this area via the Lawrence Road Trunk Sewer to the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills noted that neither the Alamo Creek Project nor the intervening properties have entitlements yet. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills stated that the gravity alternative to sewer the Wendt Ranch property requires an off site main sewer across three private properties. Shapell has obtained commitments for easements over two of these properties. The remaining property owner has not been responsive to Shapell's attempts to obtain the needed easements. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills 21 0,-). '.¡'.....~.'. ., , \} . ;,., 109 stated that he and Engineering Assistant III Rick Hernandez last contacted Dr. and Mrs. Howard Siu in;April2001 when they visited the site to discuss the project with Dr. SilL Mr. Miyamoto-Mills used an aerial photograph to describe Dr. Siu's property, the Wendt Ranch off site sewer route alternatives that were considered, and the pros and COns of each. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills noted that Dr. Siu has indicated that he prefers the alternative that is farthest away from the pond. Shapell has requested that the District obtain the needed easements. Shapell will reimburse the District for all costs. Condemnation may be required if the property owner continues to be unresponsive. As noted earlier, a similar approach was used to obtain needed easements across the Canyon Lakes Golf Course. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills reviewed the most aggressive tentative schedule which calls for submission of an offer to the Siu's by April 5, 2002, completion of negotiations by May 10, 2002, setting a date for a public hearing if necessary on April 18, 2002, consideration of a Resolution of Necessity on May 23, 2002, filing for Order of Possession on May 24, 2002, and the earliest date for possession by June 24, 2002. Noting the presence of Mr. Michael Vogan, Public Works Director of the City of Concord, President Menesini proceeded to Item 11.a., Budget and Finance. 11. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT'S SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CONCORD CONCERNING THE SCHEDULE FOR PAYMENT OF "SHARED FACILITIES" OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the District entered into a service contract with the City of Concord in 1974 to provide wastewater treatment. The contract has been amended on four separate occasions since that time. Director of Engineering Ann Farrell and Controller Debbie Ratcliff have been meeting with representatives of the City for the past eight months to discuss various contractual issues raised by the City. This proposed amendment changes the operations and maintenance (O&M) billing cycle from semi-annual to annual. Interest will be charged on the payment at the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) rate and the existing semi-annual prepayment will be eliminated. Discussion followed concerning the District's loss of the use of the approximately $1.5 million advance deposit and the fact that it will lower District reserves. Ms. Ratcliff, Controller, stated that instead of prepaying approximately one-quarter of a year's payment, the City of Concord will be charged interest on the full amount owed to the District for the year. Member Lucey expressed concern that part of the reason the District is raising the Sewer Service Charge is because the majority of the Board thinks that the reserves are too low. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer, stated that funds required should not be impacted by this because of the timing of receipt of funds collected by the County. The Sewer Service Charge and ad valorem tax revenue collected by the County is distributed to the District in December. The prepayment from the City of Concord is not received until late February so even if the District had that prepayment on hand it would not effect funds required because it is not during the critical period. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett, that the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District be authorized to execute the proposed amendment to the District's service agreement with the City of Concord concerning the schedule for payment of shared facilities operations and maintenance costs. Motion approved with Member Lucey voting no. At this time, President Menesini reverted to the order of the agenda. 03 21 02 110 a. 0 '""'.~ .Qj 6. REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER 3) Mr. Batts, General Manager, introduced Community Affairs Manager Harriette Heibel and Senior Engineer Randy Schmidt to provide an overview to the Board on the District's Pollution Prevention Program since this program is becoming an important part of the District's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements. Ms. Heibel stated that pollution prevention has been included in the District's NPDES permit since 1995, and administered by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The District has been recognized for its pollution prevention accomplishments by the RWQCB. In 1997 the contract stormwater discharge inspection component was added. The District's new NPDES permit requirements expand the District's role in the area of pollution prevention. Mr. Schmidt stated that the purpose of the Pollution Prevention Program is to reduce pollutants entering the sewer system and treatment plant, and to subsequently reduce pollutants discharged to the receiving water and environment. The 2001 pollutants of concern are copper, pesticides, cyanide, mercury, and tributyltin. Ms. Heibel provided a quick synopsis of some of the 2001 pollution reduction activities. In 2001, 16,000 carloads passed through the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF), 1.3 million pounds of household hazardous waste was collected, 53,000 reusable items were given away, 500 mercury thermometers were exchanged, three temporary household hazardous waste collection events were held including e-waste collection of 1 5.7 tons co-sponsored by the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority, and new hours at the HHWCF were instituted for increased service. The District's student education programs, including the Sewer Squad, Sewer Science, Kids-in-Gardens, and Environmental Connections: Newspapers in Education, experienced another successful year spreading the District's pollution prevention message. The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program continued with 13 store partnerships, creation of a three-part store employee training video, creation of an IPM public video: Health, Home and Garden: Less-Toxic Pest Control, featured on the Walnut Creek cable network, five IPM garden brochures were developed, 21 Master Gardener public workshops were conducted, and library displays were created. The Pretreatment Program oversees more than 60 permitted businesses, 490 inspections of 360 businesses were conducted in 2001, 56 Notices of Violation were issued, 16 Warning Notices were issued, and 5 Referral Notices were issued. As part of the Stormwater Inspection Program, 564 stormwater inspections were conducted at 462 businesses (primarily restaurants and vehicle service facilities), the majority of inspections were combined with pretreatment inspections, 105 Notices of Violation were issued, 43 Warning Notices were issued, and five Referral Notices were issued. Other pollution prevention activities include participation in environmental and community events such as Earth Day and Chamber of Commerce events, District treatment plant tours, the District's 10th Annual Pollution Prevention Awards, publication of the District's Pipeline newsletter, BACWA/BASMAA media relations, and the Green Business Program. In closing, Ms. Heibel stated that pollution prevention is a team effort involving household hazardous waste collection, pretreatment, source control, laboratory testing and monitoring, stormwater inspection, and student and public education. Mr. Schmidt reviewed the new Pollution Prevention Program requirements which require submission of an Annual Pollution Prevention Report with a Pollution Prevention Plan for the following year. The Plan can include elements from both the Pretreatment and Source Control Programs. The District is required to maintain or expand its level of public outreach. The RWQCB sets the minimum pollutants of concern based on reasonable 2~ ~l (!\ ,¡i. 'm ';../ 111 potential analysis. The 2002 Pollution Prevention Plan requires the District to identify sources of PQlluta"!t~ of concern; to develop a Pollutant Reduction Program continuing and/or expanding public outreach; operating the HHWCF, conducting the Stormwater and Pretreatment Inspection Programs; and monitoring influent, effluent and sludge to measure Program effectiveness. Mr. Schmidt discussed the 2002 high activity pollutants of concern: mercury and cyanide. Discussion followed with regard to dental society issues and concerns. President Menesini suggested that Mr. Schmidt bring this matter to the Board Outreach Committee to discuss the proposed level of activities in these areas. Mr. Schmidt stated that other 2002 Pollutants of Concern with normal activity listed in the District's NPDES permit include TCDD TEa (Dioxin), Tributyltin, Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate, Acrylonitrile, 4,4-DDE and Dieldrin, copper, Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos. Mr. Schmidt stated that the District is working with BACWA and the RWaCB to develop the TMDL for TCDD TEa (Dioxin). The District will conduct a 2-year ambient monitoring program for Tributyltin and Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate. Source Control will undertake a preliminary source identification program for Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate, and Acrylonitrile. HHWCF will continue to accept all pesticides including 4,4- DDE, Dieldrin, Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos as well as copper products. In summary, Mr. Schmidt stated that the District's new NPDES permit requires that a written Pollution Prevention Plan be submitted by February 28. The District must maintain and/or expand its outreach, monitoring and source identification activities. The District is partnering with other agencies where appropriate on these efforts. BREAK At 4:27 p.m., President Menesini declared a recess, reconvening at the hour of 4:40 p.m., with all parties present as previously designated. 4) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that District surplus equipment is scheduled for auction on April 6, 2002 at First Capitol Auction in Vallejo. The list of property to be auctioned includes several vehicles, outdated computer equipment, and old office furniture. 5) Mr. Batts, General Manager, reported that the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Annual Conference will be held in Sacramento in April. This conference is a major training opportunity each year, and is especially helpful for staff in Operations and Engineering. The District plans to send a total of thirteen District staff to the conference, including five who are presenting papers and four who will obtain educational units required for operator certification exams. Mr. Batts stated that he has been advised that the District's Sewer Science education program will receive the CWEA Statewide Public Education Award. 6) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the San Ramon Pumping Station was vandalized some time over the weekend of March 9, 2002. The vandalism was minor. It was discovered the morning of Monday, March 11. A brick had been thrown through a window, and rocks had been thrown at external equipment. Some plantings had been damaged, and some large landscape rocks were moved. Pumping Station Operator Chris Haisley was assisted by Risk Management personnel in inspecting the pumping station and reporting the damage. Repairs and cleanup were completed and the window replaced the same day with reinforced glass. 7) Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the 30-day comment period for the proposed Basin A South Renovation Project closed Monday, March 18, 2002. No substantive comments were received by the State Department 03 21 02 112 03 8) 9) 10) 11 ) b. of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC). Since there appears to be no major comments, District staff will proceed to complete the plans and specifications for the project in the next 60 days. Bidding the project will take place this fall and construction is planned to start in Spring 2003. Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the District will be participating today in the Martinez/Pleasant Hill Chamber of Commerce Business Fair. The event will be held at the Pleasant Hill Recreation Center at 320 Civic Drive in Pleasant Hill from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the District is advertising for the Concord Industrial Force Main Project, DP 5383. The engineer's estimate for the work is $1 million. Mr. Batts, General Manager, reported that the Moraga/Orinda Crossroads Pumping Stations Renovation Project contractor, GSE, and the pump manufacturer, Morris Pump, plan to install the proposed fix for the pump vibration problem on April 2, 2002 for one pump at each pumping station. Vibration testing on the pumps will then be done to determine if they meet specifications. Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the District is planning an Employee Recognition Event for April 24, 2002 to recognize employee accomplishments as work teams. The event will include a luncheon served by the managers. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT 1 ) 21 Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that at the last Board Meeting, a presentation was made on the PG&E electrical outage of February 24, 2002. Key issues were the damage suffered by the cogeneration unit and the rapid response of operations and maintenance staff to bring the plant back into operation from a totally black condition. Staff indicated that Solar had assumed responsibility for costs associated with repairing the damaged cogeneration turbine and had expedited repairs to such an extent that the new unit was in full operation by March 9, 2002. Staff also indicated that there would be additional demand charges from PG&E as a result of the District's loss of generating its own power. The Board asked staff to look into whether the District should be responsible for these peak demand charges for February and March. The February PG&E bill is approximately $14,000 more than it normally would have been. There will also be additional charges for March but those charges are offset by what would have been incurred when the turbine was taken down for maintenance in any event. The issue is whether the District is responsible or PG&E is responsible. Senior Engineer Jim Belcher has discussed this with PG&E and they have indicated that the District is responsible for any damage to its system. We asked them to provide the underlaying information so we could evaluate it. They sent three different rules, the first rule basically deals with shortage of supply and interruption of delivery. The District would have to prove this was caused by PG&E's negligence and we have no information that would indicate that. The District has no information at all. Beyond that there are rules dealing with generating facilities and interconnections. The District has been determined to be a generating facility even though we do not sell to the grid. Those rules require that the District have facilities to protect our facilities. The District's trip switches worked as they should have. The problem was not with the equipment, the District's or PG&E's. The problem was with the Solar equipment and that is why Solar came in and repaired it at no cost. The rebuilt turbine provided by Solar is an upgraded model and is working more efficiently. Mr. Aim stated that it appears that as to PG&E, the District could bring a claim or case but it does not appear it would be worth the effort or cost, and it is uncertain as to whether the District would prevail. 02 c. d. 113 Member Boneysteele stated that the Public Utilities Commission (PUG) has two methods of resolving disputes, both are cheaper than a lawsuit. The first is an informal complaint mechanism. Member Boneysteele suggested that it would be worth District staff time to meet with a PUC engineer to identify some alternatives. The second method is a formal complaint where you would go in and appear before the Commission. It would be well to have an attorney present for that but it is less formal than a courtroom procedure. Member Boneysteele stated that he would suggest District staff determine what can be done with the PUC if anything. Mr. Batts stated that staff will look into the informal complaint procedure. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT 1 ) Ms. Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the District, distributed the 2002-2003 Equipment Budget. Member Nejedly stated that he would be unable to attend the Capital Projects Committee meeting scheduled for March 28, 2002 to review the Equipment Budget. The meeting will be rescheduled and Board Members advised of the new date and time. BOARD MEMBERS 1 ) Member Nejedly, Chair of the Personnel Committee, reported that he met with staff of March 19, 2002 to review the 2002-2003 Staffing Plan. President Menesini was unable to attend that meeting. Member Nejedly stated that the Staffing Plan was reviewed; staff was authorized to overfill a Maintenance Crew Member position with a Maintenance Crew Leader, and to underfill two existing Assistant Engineer positions with Staff Engineers and to begin recruitment for the Staff Engineers through the on-campus recruiting process. President Menesini expressed concern with the continuing turnover of staff. Training of new hires is a challenge because of this. Mr. Batts stated that is a concern throughout the District. Staff is responding. That the District continues to win awards and respond to such things as the PG&E power failure is a real credit to the District employees. Member Lucey expressed concern that with all the hiring, the District has not increased its women and minority hiring. 2) President Menesini announced that Director of Operations Jim Kelly spoke on Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL's) at the March 18, 2002 Environmental Alliance Discussion Series. 3) President Menesini announced that at a recent meeting at UC Davis he advertised the fact that the District is looking for Engineering Co-op students. 4) President Menesini announced that the Contra Costa Resource Conservation District Manager Larry Soenen will be leaving his position. Mr. Soenen has been a great supporter of the District. 7. ENGINEERING ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT. PHASE 4. DP 5170. IN PLEASANT HILL. AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION a. This item was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. 03 21 02 114 b. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. PHASE 5. DP 7197 Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the District's outfall to Suisun Bay was constructed in 1958. With a knowledge of past problems and increased flows, a long- term program was established to protect and improve the outfall and the final effluent pumping system. The land section of the outfall was inspected and repaired in 1984 and 1987. The inclinometer reading of the land section of the outfall is performed twice a year to determine if additional protection or repair may be needed. The submarine section of the outfall is inspected by divers every year to ensure its stability and dilution of final effluent. The District's new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requires that the land section of the outfall be dewatered and inspected every five years. The Outfall Improvements Project, Phase 5, would provide that required inspection. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Ba Than, Senior Engineer, who reported on the work recently completed on the outfall and the next phase of the work on the Outfall Improvements Project. Mr. Than used an aerial photograph to describe the outfall alignment. Recently completed work included installation of a new final effluent pump, and modification of the weir structure to accommodate higher flows. The inspection of the submarine section in November 2001 revealed the outfall to be in good condition, and inclinometer readings taken in December 2001 do not show significant outfall movements. In 1984 and 1987 work was done on the land section of the outfall. That work included pressure testing about 500 pipe joints, installing 286 additional mechanical seals, installing 72 pipe joint harnesses, installing 12 air release assemblies, pressure grouting 13 pipe joints, and installing inclinometer casing at critical locations. In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Than showed photographs and described how inclinometer readings are taken. Mr. Than reviewed language from the District's NPDES permit which states that the discharger has to drain and inspect its outfall approximately every five years. The inspection, including verification of pipe alignment and assessment of physical integrity of pipe joints, bracing, and air release values, is a critical part of the plant operations and maintenance that keeps the outfall in a healthy running status. During the inspection and repair period, which normally requires approximately two to four weeks, the secondary treated effluent is discharged to Pacheco Slough, which is tributary to Walnut Creek and ultimately Suisun Bay. If major joint repairs are required, up to an additional eight weeks may be required. The discharger usually carries out the outfall inspection and repair work during the low flow period in dry summer seasons. Mr. Than stated that Phase 5 of the Outfall Improvements Project will: . Inspect the entire land section of the outfall; . Pressure test all pipe joints; . Check existing mechanical seals; . Install additional mechanical seals if needed; . Check air release assemblies; and . Digitally record the existing joint conditions. Mr. Than stated that design of Phase 5 will begin this month. Construction will start in summer and be finished by approximately October 31, 2002. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett, that the General Manager be authorized to execute an agreement with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants in the amount of $98,000 for design of the Outfall Improvements Project, Phase 5, DP 7197. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 03 2~ 1 0' ~:i~) "I "'.'...'..! .'..; ,.... 115 c. APPROVE THE SAN RAMON FORCE MAIN PROJECT. DP 5554 . , Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the District's settlement agreement with the City of San Ramon and the Dougherty Valley developers requires that construction of the new 24-inch force main be completed by December 2002. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Tad Pilecki, Principal Engineer, who stated that this position paper requests Board approval of the San Ramon Force Main Project, and filing of the Notice of Determination in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. In about 1983, the District undertook planning and engineering studies for a new interceptor to serve the southern portion of the District's service area. In 1985 the District purchased easements for the pipeline. The project was to be done in three phases. In 1988, the first phase was completed, stretching six miles from Sycamore Valley Road in Danville north to Rudgear Road in Walnut Creek. The second phase covering the 1.5 mile section from Sycamore Valley Road south to Saint James Court in Danville was also completed in 1988. The third phase will be broken into two components. The 42-inch gravity section from Saint James Court to Norris will be done at the earliest in 2006. The approximate 2.5 miles of 24-inch diameter force main from Norris to the San Ramon Pumping Station is the subject of this position paper. Mr. Pilecki stated that in 1986 the Initial Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for this project was done. Mr. Pilecki stated that the environment has changed since that time, but not significantly. There has been some development adjacent to the route including more Bishop Ranch Business Park buildings, Iron Horse Middle School, and Central Park, and the Southern Pacific right of way used as an unofficial pedestrian/bicycle path has been formally established and paved. Staff has looked at the impacts and concluded the environment has not changed significantly and the mitigation in the District's 1986 Final EIR, San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project is still adequate. In fact, the latest design for the proposed project would reduce or eliminate some of the construction- related environmental impacts described in the 1986 EIR since the plans include tunneling under all major roadways and creeks to avoid surface disruptions and scheduling construction during the summer months to avoid impacts on nearby schools. Mr. Pilecki stated that District staff is working with the County to shift the pipeline alignment to avoid impact to the Iron Horse Trail. Mr. Pilecki stated that the project team has met with all impacted agencies. Three open houses were conducted in January 2002 to get comments from the public and trail users. About 30 people attended those workshops. There are ongoing discussions with the City of San Ramon on the encroachment permit and the joint Dublin San Ramon Services District/East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) project. There will be another public workshop at 7:00 p.m. on April 8, 2002 in the Alcosta Room of the San Ramon Community Center. Mr. Pilecki reviewed the upcoming project milestones as follows: . Notice of Determination March 21, 2002 . Right of Way Resolution March 22, 2002 . City Encroachment Permit March 26, 2002 . Advertise for Bids April 1, 2002 . Open Bids April 23, 2002 . Authorize Award May 9, 2002 . Start Construction June 2002 . Finish Construction December 2002 The estimated cost of project construction is $4.4 million. Mr. Pilecki stated that with regard to resolution of right of way issues, today, March 21, 2002, at about 10:30 a.m., staff learned from Contra Costa County that not all right of way issues had been resolved. Mr. Pilecki asked the Board to approve the project subject to resolving the right of way 03 21 (~2 116 issues. A meeting is scheduled for next Thursday and staff hopes to be able to work this out. Discussion followed with regard to the City of San Ramon encroachment permit, DERWA project issues, and the importance of agencies working together for the benefit of the public we all serve. It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Lucey that the San Ramon Force Main Project, DP 5554, be approved conditioned upon acceptable right of way agreement with Contra Costa County; and that staff be directed to file a Notice of Determination with the Contra Costa County Clerk. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. NOTE RECEIPT OF LETTER DATED MARCH 5. 2002. FROM MS. JANET SCHNEIDER. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY. REGARDING THE FEASIBILITY OF ACCEPTING CATHODE RAY TUBE (CRT) CONTAINING ITEMS AT THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION FACILITY Receipt of the letter dated March 5, 2002, from Ms. Janet Schneider, Executive Director of the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority, regarding the feasibility of accepting cathode ray tube (CRT) containing items at the District Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF), was noted. Following discussion, staff was directed to prepare a response indicating that proper disposal of e-waste is an important environmental issue and that the Board considered this request, but felt that adequate disposal alternatives for e-waste already exist in the area and that storing, handling, and shipping of e-wastes from the District's HHWCF in its current configuration would be difficult and inefficient. 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21. 2002 It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the minutes of February 21, 2002, be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 10. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES a. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED MARCH 21. 2002 Member Boneysteele, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he and Member Hockett reviewed the expenditures and found them to be in order. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Hockett, that the Expenditure List dated March 21, 2002, including Self Insurance Check Nos. 101856- 101858, Running Expense Check Nos. 137198-137433, Sewer Construction Check Nos. 24330-24364, Payroll Manual Check Nos. 48824-48827, void Payroll Check No. 54003, and Payroll Regular Check Nos. 54013-54047, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 11. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT'S SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CONCORD CONCERNING THE SCHEDULE FOR PAYMENT OF "SHARED FACILITIES" OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE COSTS This item was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. ,0.. . 6). i. Uv 2' l.~. >::::1~ E'i.,.' 'I,J 6.:";" i' :",.;,l U~ ¡:;J 117 12. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board Members requested that staff investigate purchasing new Board Room chairs. 14. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Menesini adjourned the meeting at the hour of 5:53 p.m. I '-~/Z Zá?"'1 "() Y te /7 ~:: ~F~-{ . President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secret y of he Central Contra sta Sanitar ¡strict, County of Contra Costa, State of California O...~ Qj) 21 0 ~-~