HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 10-02-03 53 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON OCTOBER 2, 2003 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on October 2, 2003. President Nejedly called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Menesini, Boneysteele, Lucey, Hockett, Nejedly ABSENT: Members: None a. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Mike Vogan, Public Works Director of the City of Concord, announced that he is retiring after 35 % years. Mr. Vogan thanked the District Board and staff for the cooperative working relationship through those years. Mr. Vogan introduced Mr. Qamar Khan, who will be replacing him as Public Works Director. Mr. Khan has been Infrastructure Manager at the City of Concord for the past five years. President Nejedly and the Board of Directors congratulated Mr. Vogan upon his retirement and commended him for his cooperative approach in working with the District. 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS a. PRESENTATION OF CONTRA COSTA ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP SMART PERMITTING AWARD BY DON MANNING AND LINDA BEST Mr. Charles W. Batts, General Manager, stated that the Contra Costa Economic Partnership is a coalition of businesses, local government, and schools that promotes long-term economic development in Contra Costa County. One of its goals is to work with the public and private sectors to streamline the permitting processes for businesses. For the past several years, the partnership has conducted evaluations of the permitting agencies within the County, and recognized agencies that have shown excellence in customer service and business permitting. Mr. Batts introduced Ms. Linda Best and Mr. Don Manning, of the Contra Costa Economic Partnership. Ms. Best stated that she is very pleased to present this award to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District today. Ms. Best stated that since 1998, Contra Costa Economic Partnership has been conducting reviews of business permitting in Contra Costa County, recognizing best management practices in permitting. Mr. Don Manning stated that for this year's award, as last year, the Contra Costa Economic Partnership contracted with an independent survey firm to conduct "mystery shops" at 23 permitting jurisdictions in Contra Costa County. Mr. Manning stated that it is a pleasure to present the Smart Permitting - Contra Costa 2003 First Place Award to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and to recognize the District's Permit staff for the outstanding customer service and friendliness they show at the permit counter. Mr. Kurt Darner, Supervising Engineering Assistant, stated that this award means a lot to Permit Section staff because it recognizes how staff conducts daily operations. Mr. 10 02 03 54 Darner recognized Permit Section staff Jolene Bertera, Amy Hernandez, Molly Mullin, and Brenda Wener. Member Hockett stated that it is wonderful to have an organization such as the Contra Costa Economic Partnership go to the effort of doing benchmarking. It is very difficult for an agency to measure itself. Member Hockett thanked the Contra Costa Economic Partnership, stating that their recognition is truly appreciated. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Member Menesini commended Permit Section staff Jolene Bertera, Kurt Darner, Amy Hernandez, Molly Mullin, and Brenda Wener on receiving the Contra Costa Economic Partnership Smart Permitting Award, and on the excellent work and the outstanding customer service that they provide. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Lucey, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a. through c., be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. Public sewer improvements and an Offer of Dedication were accepted at no cost to the District from Joseph P. Grillo and Victoria Grillo, Job 5503, Parcel 1, Orinda area; staff was authorized to record the easement acceptance with the Contra Costa County Recorder; and Resolution No. 2003-069 was adopted to that effect. a. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: b. Hockett, Lucey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Nejedly None None Resolution No. 2003-070 was adopted, confirming publication of District Ordinance No. 227, amending District Code Section 6.12.090 Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates, and Charges. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Nejedly None None Resolution No. 2003-071 was adopted confirming publication of District Ordinance No. 228, an ordinance amending District Code Section 6.30 Schedule of Rates and Charges for Various Environmental and Development-Related Services. c. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Nejedly None None 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER Item 9.a., Engineering, was taken out of order later in the agenda to accommodate interested persons in the audience. 10 02 0""", G,','~ ", "-' , " ~'iII '/ù 55 a. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS REJECT ALL BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE HAPPY VALLEY ROAD SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT. DP 5692 Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the Happy Valley Road Sewer Renovation Project was proposed to install 1,000 feet of 15-inch diameter pipe by open cut, 1,300 feet by pipe bursting, and 100 feet of steel encased pipe. As stated in the position paper, staff recommends rejecting all bids and re-bidding the project next year. Staff has determined that the high bids are due to a combination of factors: heavy construction workload at this time of year resulting in limited contractor interest; the close proximity of parallel water lines to the proposed sewer; and the imposition of limited hours of work by the City of Lafayette since school is in session. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Menesini, that all bids received for the contract for the construction of the Happy Valley Road Sewer Renovation Project, DP 5692, be rejected. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 7. REPORTS a. GENERAL MANAGER 1) Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that Pumping Stations Supervisor Leo Gonzalez has chaired several committees for the California Water Environment Association (CWEA), and this year he is the Chair of the State Awards Committee. Mr. Batts stated that due to Board interest, he asked Mr. Gonzalez to give a brief report on the recent CWEA Northern Regional Training Conference, and the valuable education and training it provides. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Leo Gonzalez, Pumping Stations Supervisor, who stated that CWEA is an organization dedicated to enhancing the education of wastewater professionals providing training in all aspects of wastewater, certification in various wastewater skills, dissemination of technical information, and policies to protect the water environment. CWEA provides value to its members in a number of ways. CWEA provides opportunities for professional growth. CWEA offers education and training to assist in fine-tuning skills needed by wastewater professionals at many outstanding statewide, regional, and local section events. The voluntary technical certification program is administered twice a year in six different disciplines: Collection Systems Maintenance, Laboratory Analysis, Mechanical Technology, Electrical and Instrumentation, Environmental Compliance Inspection, and Industrial Waste Treatment Operation. Members can take advantage of networking opportunities through specialty conferences, association meetings, and certification trainings to connect with one another and keep updated. Mr. Gonzalez stated that professional accomplishment is recognized through an awards program that presents more than 300 awards annually. Awards are given for distinguished service, significant contributions to the field, and for leadership in the promotion of issues affecting wastewater. Mr. Gonzalez stated that CWEA also has a scholarship program that annually awards money to students interested in wastewater careers. Mr. Gonzalez provided highlights of the recent CWEA Northern Regional Training Conference included training sessions on Safety, Collection Systems, Asset Management, and Operator Training and Certification. Sessions were well attended and informative with high quality speakers. Mr. Gonzalez stated that contact hours and Continuing Education Units (CEU's) are earned by CWEA members attending these sessions. A vendor and equipment show featured displays by 54 vendors. The vendor and equipment exhibits offer members a unique opportunity to make 10 02 03 56 10 contact with the providers of goods and services, and review new products and services developed for use in the wastewater industry. Mr. Gonzalez stated that the value to attendees of the CWEA Northern Regional Training Conference is that they receive updates on emerging regulations, exposure and training on new technology, training on applicable safety issues, networking between agencies, vendor and equipment exhibits, and an opportunity to earn required contact hours and CEU's. There were 144 agencies and 54 vendor companies represented at the recent CWEA North Regional Training Conference. Attendees per agency ranged from a low of one to a high of 18. In summary, Mr. Gonzalez stated that the CWEA Northern Regional Training Conference was a success by all measurements. Employees earned valuable CEU's and contact hours, benefiting both the employees and their agencies. Membership with CWEA offers people involved in the wastewater industry additional professionalism that may be difficult to find elsewhere. Sending employees to conferences and seminars held through CWEA enhances their ability as professionals, which in turn makes the agency stronger and keeps us on the cutting edge of technology. Discussion followed with regard to validation of the CEU's and the requirement that contact hours be within your field with the exception of safety which qualifies in all fields. Mr. Gonzalez noted that 12 contact hours are required for certification renewal. Mr. Gonzalez stated that rooms and conferences are less expensive in Nevada. Mr. Gonzalez stated that he will be Conference Chair next year for the conference to be held in Sparks, Nevada. President Nejedly and the Board thanked Mr. Gonzalez for the report and for taking a leadership role. 2) Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that as discussed with the Board previously, District staff is concerned that the future costs for the District for the Contra Costa County Employees Retirement Association (CCCERA) were based on the over-estimate of future earnings, the final settlement of the Paulson claim, and the impact of future actuarial studies. The employer and employee contributions have been raised to cover the immediate impact of lower returns, the District contributed to the final settlement of the Paulson claim, and the latest actuarial study has been released. While the District still has several questions regarding the numbers, they actually indicate a modest decrease in rates. These issues will be reviewed as part of the Board Financial Workshop in January. Mr. Batts stated that he will suspend the regular updates and report only if there is some new development. Member Lucey requested that the Board be kept advised of what is happening with regard to Delta Diablo Sanitation District's investigation of CaIPERS. Mr. Batts stated that he would keep the Board informed. 3) Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that Conco Cement Company has submitted a permit application to Contra Costa County to construct a corporation yard and maintenance facility north of the District overflow basins on the former IT property. The County hearing on this development will be scheduled shortly and is the proper venue for the District's comments. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Henry Thom, Senior Engineer, who stated that Land Use Permit applications for use of the former IT property have been made by Conco Cement Company for a cement truck and equipment maintenance yard and wood form fabrication facility; and by U.S. Development for a cement plant, aggregate storage, and rail yard. Using a map, Mr. Thom described the locations of the proposed developments and District facilities including the Outfall, Martinez Force Main, and two recycled water conduits. Conco proposes 02 0', ., f,',,; ,..~) ;i'~ 57 to build a bridge over the District's outfall easement. Mr. Thom stated that the proposed use (light industrial with limited access by the general public) is compatible with District operations. The developments are potential good neighbors and could provide continued buffer zone. Conco has expressed willingness to work with the District on any easement issues. Mr. Thom stated that Conco will need an improved access easement and has proposed a 24-foot paved road over the existing access easement (Waterbird Way). Mr. Thom stated that the District has concern over future traffic impacts. It is estimated that approximately 200 roundtrips per day will be made by Conco and U.S. Development. The District will require Conco to prepare a Traffic Study and to install all improvements. The District will negotiate with Conco on easement compensation. Conco has requested that the District quitclaim the unused District easement on their site. Conco has tentatively agreed to District access over the entire Conco site, District exclusive right for the M-2 easement, and District discharge through the existing drainage channel south of the property. Mr. Thorn stated that long-term impacts include the District's future use of the area; traffic, security, and operational impacts including future lease sites; and protecting District facilities located on the Conco site. Mr. Thom stated that the U.S. Development issues will be addressed in the future. The following staff actions items are proposed: . That staff respond to the County's request for input on the proposed development; . That staff provide input into Conco's Traffic Study; . That staff enter into negotiations with Conco; . That staff report back to the Board in closed session; . That staff complete negotiations with Conco; . That staff present a position paper to the Board for consideration; . That staff monitor construction activities to ensure protection of District interests; and . That staff follow and respond to future developments near the treatment plant site. Following discussion of the potential for a win/win and the likely traffic impacts, President Nejedly thanked Mr. Thom for the update. 4) Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the Outfall Improvements Project, Phase 5, DP 7197, has been under construction for the pastfive months and is now nearing completion. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Alex Rozul, Associate Engineer, who stated that Power Engineering Contractor's of Alameda, California, the contractor for the Outfall Improvements Project, Phase 5, DP 7197, was issued the Notice to Proceed on May 14, 2003. The contract completion date is October 21,2003, but the Regional Water Quality Control Board permit requires that flow be returned to the Outfall on October 2,2003, today; and that is being done now. The project is 90 percent complete. There have been seven change orders on the project with a total value of $367,000, 25 percent of the original contract amount. Mr. Rozul noted that the major change order was approved by the Board to increase the number of joints sealed, also there will be a credit change order at the end of the project for approximately $225,000 or about 15 percent of the contract amount. Discussion followed with regard to the change orders. 10 02 03 58 5) 10 Mr. Rozul showed photographs and provided a project summary as follows: . Inspected and pressure tested 1,524 joints; Installed 305 new mechanical seals and re-expanded and tightened 84 existing seals; Installed 14 new thrust restraints; Installed two (2) new air relief valves; Replaced the 72-inch gravity valve; Repaired the 60-inch standby effluent pump suction valve; Refurbished two (2) 60-inch valves at the filter plant valve structure; Manufactured and delivered a new outfall structure slide gate; Rehabilitated the inside surface of approximately 200 feet of concrete pipe and 70 feet of steel pipe; Refurbished three (3) steel 72-inch flange coupling adapters; and Sealed leaks in the concrete pipe at various locations by injecting a specialized grout. . . . . . . . . . . President Nejedly thanked Mr. Rozul for the report. Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the Lower Orinda Pumping Station is the District's oldest pumping station at over 50 years old. It is scheduled for extensive renovations in order to improve the reliability. Since this project schedule was extended, a review of the project is timely. The renovations to the existing station will include instrumentation, mechanical, structural, and architectural improvements. The District is working with other agencies and the Orinda Country Club to obtain all the necessary permits and property rights. The current schedule is to advertise the project for bids in October with construction starting in January 2004. Construction is scheduled to be completed by December 2005. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Andrew Antkowiak, Associate Engineer, who provided an update on the Lower Orinda Pumping Station Renovation Project and notified the Board of advertisement of the project. Using a map, Mr. Antkowiak described the location of the Lower Orinda Pumping Station, the surrounding area and watershed. As Mr. Batts indicated, the Lower Orinda Pumping Station is the oldest District pumping station and the equipment is at the end of its useful live and difficult to maintain. The Lower Orinda Pumping Station is next to a creek that drains into San Pablo Reservoir, an East Bay Municipal Utility District drinking water reservoir. Mr. Antkowiak showed photographs of the existing pumping station, the equipment, and access road. Mr. Antkowiak reviewed the project background, indicating that this is an essential project that has already been delayed for two years. The project will remodel the existing pumping station. The estimated construction cost is approximately $6.1 million. The project must be advertised now for spring construction. The project construction will take two years. Mr. Antkowiak stated that staff is working on various project issues. Staff met with the City of Orinda early in the project and got their input during evaluation of alternatives. Now, the City has no objection to the proposed projects and the necessary permits have been received from the City of Orinda. Staff has received the draft General Use Permit. The cost was $2,100 for the review and General Use Permit. The City of Orinda is granting the District a zoning variance and creek setback variance. A tree removal permit has been approved to remove two large oak trees and to plant four oak trees in another location or to pay $250 to the City's fund to plant other trees. Staff is working with the Department of Fish and Game to obtain the required permit. Mr. Antkowiak stated that because the existing pumping station is being enlarged, additional land rights are required. Temporary construction 02 O. "", ,',' ',i,\ \J','; 't, ð 6) 7) 8) 59 easements are also needed from the Orinda Country Club; and as part of the project, the District will be upgrading the existing access easement. As part of the project review;.it was found that the District does not have recorded easement between Miner Road and the Orinda Country Club property, the entrance to the pumping station. The District is in the process of talking to the property owner and the Orinda Country Club with regard to upgrading our rights and formally recording the easement. Mr. Antkowiak stated that because this is a two-year project that will impact the Orinda Country Club, construction mitigation measures will be put in place for: . Tree replacement; Visual screening during and after construction; Relocation of Club facilities impacted by construction; Replacement of driveway with concrete; and Restoration of any damage. . . . . Mr. Antkowiak stated that project issues for the District include maintaining operation of the pumping station during construction, and the limited amount of working space. The engineer's construction cost estimate is $6.1 million, and the total project cost is estimated to be approximately $8.3 million. Mr. Antkowiak reviewed the project schedule calling for advertisement in October 2003, bid opening November 14, 2003, award of construction contract December 4, 2003, and completion of construction by December 30,2005. Discussion followed with regard to the access and property rights issues. Mr. Kenton lo Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that if agreement cannot be reached with the property owner, staff may be coming back to the Board to request adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to obtain the necessary property rights so that project construction will not be delayed. President Nejedly thanked Mr. Antkowiak for the project status report. Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the Employees Service Awards luncheon will be held on November 21 ,2003. This year 27 employees will be honored. Mr. Batts invited the Board to attend the luncheon. Mr. Batts, General Manager, invited the Board to attend the Community Health Appeal/United Way fundraising kickoff event that will be held at 7:00 a.m. on November 5, 2003. Mr. Batts, General Manager, distributed photographs and reported that the homeowner project to repair the St. Stephens slide in Orinda is nearly finished. The existing storm drain was lined on Saturday, September 20, 2003. Rock riprap was placed in the slide area and rebuilding of the bench in the slope should be finished by the end of this week. b. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None c. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT None d. BOARD MEMBERS 1) Member Menesini, Chair of the Outreach Committee, reported that he and Member Boneysteele met with staff on September 23, 2003. Member 10 02 03 60 Menesini distributed and reviewed notes from that meeting at which major topics of discussion included dental mercury outreach, Alhambra Valley outreach, construction projects debrief, backwater overflow prevention device outreach, and Member Lucey's suggestion that the Board consider placing an ad in the Contra Costa Times recognizing employees for their outstanding efforts. Staff was requested to have information available at the Board Meeting on the costs of various size ads and a general suggestion of what a full-page, half-page, and quarter-page ad might include. 2) Member Lucey suggested that the Board take out a full-page ad thanking employees for their outstanding efforts that resulted in the District receiving the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Operations and Maintenance Excellence Award. Staff has provided information to the Board on costs for various sizes and publication days, as well as a listing of some of the major awards received by the District this year. Discussion followed concerning the size of an ad, the information that would be included, and the day of publication. President Nejedly stated that he is opposed to a full-page ad, but he does believe that the District should let the public know about the awards that the District has received. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Menesini, that a full-page ad be placed in the Contra Costa Times on a Monday or Tuesday, congratulating and thanking District employees for their outstanding efforts which resulted in the District achieving national, state, and local awards and recognition, and that staff come back to the Board at the next Board Meeting with suggested layouts. The motion was approved with President Nejedly voting no. Noting the presence of Mr. Scott Busby, President Nejedly departed from the order of the agenda to consider Item 9.a., Engineering. 9. ENGINEERING a. ACCEPT THE FACILITIES PLAN FOR WASTEWATER UTILITY SERVICE TO ALHAMBRA VALLEY. DP 5919 Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the draft Facilities Plan for Wastewater Utility Service for the Alhambra Valley was presented to the Board at the last Board Meeting. This plan evaluated the technical alternatives for serving the Alhambra Valley, concluding that the best long-term solution would be a gravity sewer system. It is proposed that the draft plan be finalized so that the technical information can be used in the developer's Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a proposed 23-lot subdivision, and to respond to requests from the County, City of Martinez, and residents about providing sewer service. At the last Board Meeting, staff also discussed this plan and possible approaches on public outreach and sewer financing. These topics will come before the Board in future meetings for consensus or direction. Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, who stated that staff has made minor revisions to the draft Facilities Plan since it was distributed to the Board at the last Board Meeting. A summary was added at the front of the document. An adjustment was made to the gravity sewer cost estimate and it was increased to $3.2 million, about a 5 percent increase to the original estimate. Staff is not sure if one pumping station is sufficient to serve the area. High head losses could necessitate a second pumping station. Mr. Swanson used a map to describe the alternative force main alignment along Alhambra Valley Road towards Gilbert Lane. In response to questions from Member Lucey, Mr. Batts stated that the Board is not being asked to make a decision with regard to a project at this time. The Board is being asked to accept the Facilities Plan so it can be finalized and given to the public who I, tÍ\\,.,.' U 0.(, . {~ (n~ G")} U~) 61 have requested information, the developer for use in the EIR process, and the County who have requested information for their permitting process. Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that for the County to issue permits, they must consider transportation, water, fire, sewer, and various other services. The County came to the District asking if the District can serve the proposed development; and if so, how the District would serve it. Additional California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance and other things would be required before anything would be built. Further discussion followed with regard to the Alhambra Valley being outside the current District service area, but within the District's Sphere of Influence. Member Menesini stated that it is important to have a road map not just for the current proposed development, but for the future. It is important for the residents to know the District is looking ahead so they can start planning the financial benefits of one route or another. Member Menesini stated that the gravity alternative seems to be a more effective and efficient than the pumping station alternative. Mr. Batts stated that Mr. Scott Busby has had contact with some of the neighbors who sent in letters to the Board this past week expressing interest in sewer service in the Alhambra Valley. Copies of the following letters were distributed and receipt was noted: . Letter dated September 25, 2003 from George E. Freschi, 132 Gordon Way, Martinez . Letter dated September 26, 2003 from Ken and Kristine Elford, 1064 Rolling Hill Way, Martinez . Letter dated September 26, 2003 from Bob Hadzor, 66 Quail Lane, Martinez . Letter dated September 26, 2003 from Rick Johnson Insurance, 5255 Alhambra Valley Road, Martinez . Letter dated September 27,2003 from Dorothy Plummer, 110 Hill Girt Ranch Road, Martinez . Letter dated September 28,2003 from Dianne Howell and Elaine Frank, 14 Millthwait Drive, Martinez . Letter dated September 28,2003 from Lynda Major, 140 Hill Girt Ranch Road, Martinez It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett, that the Facilities Plan for Wastewater Utility Service to Alhambra Valley, DP 5919, be accepted. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. At this time, President Nejedly reverted to the order of the agenda. BREAK At 4:05 p.m., President Nejedly declared a recess, reconvening at the hour of 4:15 p.m. with all parties present as previously designated. 8. ADMINISTRATIVE a. ACCEPT PURCHASING POLICIES GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES FOR THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that proposed updates to the District Purchasing policies were provided to the Board with the position paper. The material was 10 02 0, ,~iJ Ó 62 discussed with the Board Budget and Finance Committee; however, there was not sufficient time to review the policies. Staff will complete this review and return at a future Board Meeting to request Board adoption. Mr. Batts introduced Director of Administration Randall M. Musgraves and Purchasing and Materials Manager Diane Wagner who will make a brief presentation. Member Lucey, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that this matter came up at the September 29, 2003 Budget and Finance Committee, but the District's outside auditors were also present at that meeting discussing the District's annual audit, and there was not enough time to complete the review of the Purchasing policies. Member Lucey stated that the work appears to be very thorough and he does not have any problems with it but the Committee would like to complete its review with staff. Mr. Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administration, thanked the Board for the opportunity to make a brief presentation on the proposed Purchasing Policies and Procedures. A copy of the draft Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual was distributed to the Board prior to the Board Meeting. The policy portion is what the Board will be asked to adopt. The manual supports the policies. As stated earlier, staff was unable to complete the review with the Board Budget and Finance Committee and requests that this item be held over to a future Board Meeting. Mr. Musgraves stated that the philosophy of the Purchasing and Materials Services Division is to ensure that goods and services are available in a timely and cost effective manner. The goals of the Division are to: . Reduce costs through competitive pricing on goods and services with high payback; . Improve cost effectiveness of purchasing and warehousing activities; . Improve staff productivity; and . Comply with legal requirements and reduce risk. Mr. Musgraves stated that the strategies employed to achieve these goals are to: . Decrease the time to complete purchasing transactions by automating the contract document process; . Clarify District Purchasing Policies, Procedures and Practices to reduce confusion and errors by updating the District's Purchasing Policies and Procedures last updated in 1988, developing a Purchasing User Manual, and providing District-wide training; and . Improve response time and reduce District risk by implementing Annual Contracts, obtaining insurance prior to work performed, updating contract language, and reviewing Blanket Purchase Order need and usage. Ms. Diane Wagner, Purchasing and Materials Manager, reviewed the key changes being proposed to the Purchasing Policies and Procedures. The proposed Purchasing Policies and Procedures are organized around specific topics and include expanded discussion on procurement topics. Two verbal quotations will be required for items exceeding $3,500 and three written quotes will be required for items exceeding $15,000. Ms. Wagner stated that this will allow staff time to be spent on the larger value items where the payback will be greater. Eighty (80) percent of Purchase Orders are less than $3,500 and comprise $1 million of the $10 million total. Field Purchase Orders will be provided as a means by which managers and supervisors can expedite the purchase of goods and materials less than $3,500. The Procurement Card purchase transaction limit will be established at $500 for general employees. Managers, supervisors, and key personnel may have higher limits. Ms. Wager stated that implementation will be done in four phases. Phase I is complete pending adoption by the Board. Phase I includes update to Purchasing Policies and Procedures, 10 0, \,', G) . ~} (r'!,',',\, (¡~ ,:~,',,¡ .'l;;I ",,"'~ , ] ",~" 63 development of User Manual, modification of Procurement Card Program, and development of Annual (Master) Contracts to take advantage of buying larger volumes and getting set prices. Phase II, obtaining agreement from District management and the Board, is going on now. Phase III will occur in the November-December timeframe. In Phase III, Purchasing staff will train employees, supervisors, and managers; work with employees for compliance; and monitor the process for continuous improvement. Phase IV will be ongoing and will include audit processes to ensure compliance and success for all customers. In response to questions from Member Hockett, Mr. Musgraves described the ongoing monitoring and audit of the Procurement Card Program to ensure compliance. Member Menesini commended Ms. Wagner on the comprehensive nature of this volume, stating that it is a monumental piece of work. Member Menesini stated that if he were teaching a course in Purchasing he would use this as the textbook. Ms. Wagner thanked the Board, stating that this was reviewed by staff, and they provided good comments. 9. ENGINEERING a. ACCEPT THE FACILITIES PLAN FOR WASTEWATER UTILITY SERVICE TO ALHAMBRA VALLEY. DP 5919 This item was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. Mr. Kenton lo Aim, Counsel for the District, had previously requested to be excused and left the meeting at the hour of 4:38 p.m. 10. CORRESPONDENCE a. RECEIVE LETTER DATED SEPTEMBER 22.2003 FROM MS. ELIZABETH ALLAN. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CALIFORNIA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION. COMMENDING MR. LEO GONZALEZ. PUMPING STATIONS SUPERVISOR. FOR THE TREMENDOUS JOB HE DID IN HOSTING AND MANAGING THE NORTHERN REGIONAL TRAINING CONFERENCE AS PROGRAM CHAIR Receipt was noted of the letter dated September 22, 2003 from Ms. Elizabeth Allan, Executive Director of the California Water Environmental Association (CWEA) commending Mr. Leo Gonzalez, Pumping Stations Supervisor, for the tremendous job he did in hosting and managing the Northern Regional Training Conference as Program Chair. The Board requested that a memorandum be drafted commending Mr. Gonzalez for his leadership to CWEA and the District. 11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 4.2003 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8. 2003 b. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Menesini, that the minutes of the regular meeting of September 4, 2003 and the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of September 8, 2003, be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 12. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES a. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED OCTOBER 2. 2003 Member Lucey, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he and President Nejedly reviewed the expenditures and would recommend approval. I, (;1 , ')~! 02 03 64 It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by President Nejedly, that the Expenditure List dated October 2,2003, including Self Insurance Check Nos. 102047- 101048, Running Expense Check Nos. 146647-146800, and Sewer Construction Check Nos. 26031-26066, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 13. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. RECEIVE AUGUST 2003 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Ms. Deborah Ratcliff, Controller, reviewed the results of operations and maintenance (O&M) for the month of August 2003, noting that expenditures were $1.2 million greater than budget, representing a 35 percent unfavorable variance. This negative volume was mainly due to the Retirement Association's payment regarding the Paulson decision of $1.6 million in August. Year-to-date O&M expenditures were $919,000 greater than budget, representing a 13 percent unfavorable variance. Year-to-date O&M revenues for the month of August 2003, of $280,000 were $57,000 greater than budget. Ms. Ratcliff reported that year-to-date Sewer Construction Fund revenues were $1.5 million and expenditures were $3.3 million, cutting into reserves by $1.8 million. Ms. Ratcliff reported that the District's temporary investments were held in commercial paper and the District's Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) account. The average yield of the District's LAIF account through August 2003 was 1.6 percent. President Nejedly declared that the August 2003 Financial Statements were duly received. 14. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None 15. ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None 16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Nejedly adjourned the meeting at the hour of 4:43 p.m. tors, District, of California COUNTERSIGNED: 10 0, c;-",) " Þ";1 r~ l~)