HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 06-18-09 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON JUNE 18, 2009 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular meeting at its regular place of business, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 18, 2009. President Nejedly called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, McGill, Menesini, Nejedly ABSENT: Members: None a. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. INTRODUCTIONS Board Members welcomed newly-hired Staff Engineer, Richard Foss, and congratulated Don Parker on his promotion to Electrical Shop Supervisor. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS a. PRESENTATION OF SAFETY SUGGESTION OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR 2008 TO BOB YATES, MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN III, FROM THE MECHANICAL AND MACHINE SHOP General Manager James Kelly stated that, every year, the District Safety Committee reviews the safety suggestions submitted by employees during the preceding year. The review identifies the suggestion that offers the most significant reduction of hazards to employee safety. This year, the committee recognized one employee. Safety and Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch introduced Bob Yates and described the impact of his suggestion, which was to install railing around the catwalk section of the primary sedimentation tanks. Book 59 – Page 37 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 Following the report, President Nejedly presented the award and thanked Mr. Yates for his contribution to District employee safety. b. PRESENTATION OF PIPE USERS GROUP (PUG) APPRECIATION PLAQUE BY JONATHAN LEE, CHAIRMAN OF THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA PIPE USERS GROUP General Manager James Kelly stated that the District has been an active member and supporter of the Northern California Pipe Users Group (PUG) since 1992. PUG has been instrumental in propagating the use of Trenchless Technologies throughout the Bay Area. Jonathan Lee, Chairman of the Pipe Users Group, presented a Plaque to the District in recognition of its support and participation in the group. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR General Manager James Kelly noted that, with regard to Item n., a conceptual agreement with the County has been reached. It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett to adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. a. Approve expenditures dated June 18, 2009. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. b. Approve minutes of May 21, 2009 Board meeting. c. Accept the contract work for the Treatment Plant Site Improvements, District Project 7251, completed by Lister Construction, Inc., and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. d. Accept the contract work for the Danville Sewer Renovations, Phase 2, District Project 5954, completed by McNamara and Smallman Construction, and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. e. Advise the Board of the closeout of the Aeration Air Renovations, Phase 1, District Project 7207. f. Advise the Board of the closeout of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 6, District Project 5972. g. Advise the Board of the closeout of the Ultraviolet Disinfection Expansion Project, District Project 7240. Book 59 – Page 38 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 h. Advise the Board of the closeout of the Camino Pablo Trunk Sewer Improvement and Flush Kleen Force Main Renovation Project, District Project 5946-5949. i. Advise the Board of the closeout of the South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 3, District Project 5985. j. Advise the Board of the closeout of the Service Air System Improvements, District Project 7210. k. Advise the Board of the closeout of ten Capital Improvement Projects. l. Authorize the General Manager to execute a technical consulting services agreement with a cost ceiling of $80,000 with KTA-Tator, Inc. to assess the condition of existing coatings on equipment, tanks, structural supports, and piping within the treatment plant for the Treatment Plant Protective Coatings, Phase 4, District Project 7247. Member Lucey removed this item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. He asked why staff cannot perform the assessment. Director of Engineering Ann Farrell responded that staff does not have the expertise to evaluate coatings. m. Authorize the General Manager to renew insurance coverage for excess liability, pollution legal liability (Household Hazardous Waste), and employment practices liability as quoted with expiring terms and conditions, to renew property coverage at rates not to exceed a 15 percent increase or $105,000 and to renew and report final Workers’ Compensation premiums to the Budget and Finance Committee upon receipt. Reviewed by Budget and Finance Committee. n. Adopt Resolution 2009- 035 accepting a grant of easement from Contra Costa County on the lands commonly referred to as Buchanan Fields Golf Course (APNs 125-010-022 and 125-010-023), and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 5. HEARINGS a. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH REIMBURSEMENT FEES APPLICABLE TO PROPERTIES WHICH COULD CONNECT TO JOBS 5684, 5855, 6435, AND 6453 General Manager James Kelly stated that the property owners who installed four separate main sewer extensions in Orinda, Danville and Walnut Creek have requested that reimbursement accounts be set up for the new sewer facilities. The District Code requires that the Board of Directors conduct a public hearing prior to considering establishing reimbursement fees. Book 59 – Page 39 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 Principal Engineer Jarred Miyamoto-Mills gave a presentation regarding the recommended reimbursement fees and showed the location of the new sewer facilities. He stated that one response was received from a resident of Cherry Lane, objecting to the reimbursement fee. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Paul Bledsoe, Orinda resident, thanked staff for their work. He objected, however, to having to pay the escrow account fee of $750 and $154 check fee in order to get reimbursed. He felt the fees should have been evenly distributed among those connecting to the sewer. President Nejedly asked that staff look into apportioning the fees equally among those connecting to the sewer and to notify Mr. Bledsoe when the matter comes back to the Board. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by Member Hockett to adopt Uncodified Ordinance 256 establishing reimbursement fees applicable to properties which could connect to Jobs 5684, 5855, 6435, and 6453. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. b. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DISTRICT ANNEXATION 167A – NORTH GATE (DISTRICT ANNEXATION 167-1 AND 167-7) General Manager James Kelly stated that staff will be asking the Board to approve a Negative Declaration and District Annexation 167A, which consists of 77 properties in the North Gate area of unincorporated Walnut Creek. Engineering Assistant III Russ Leavitt presented a report and referred Board Members to the position paper contained in the Board packet. He stated that both annexations areas are within the District’s sphere of influence and the County Urban Limit Line. He stated that a negative declaration is appropriate for the annexation. The public hearing was opened and closed without comments. It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by Member Menesini to adopt Resolution 2009-036 approving a Negative Declaration and District Annexation 167A – North Gate (District Annexation 167-1 and 167-7). Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 6. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER Item 10.b. was taken out of order. Book 59 – Page 40 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 7. BIDS AND AWARDS a. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,314,125 TO PRECISION ENGINEERING, INC., THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR THE LAFAYETTE SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 6, DISTRICT PROJECT 5958; FIND THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA); AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Manager James Kelly stated that the Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 6, will renovate 13,200 linear feet of 6, 8, and 12-inch sewer lines in Lafayette. This project was advertised on May 12 and 19, 2009. The Engineer’s Estimate for construction is $1,800,000. Eight sealed bids ranging from $1,314,125 to $1,729,812 were received and publicly opened on June 2, 2009. Staff recommends awarding a construction contract in the amount of $1,314,125 to Precision Engineering, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member McGill to find that the project is exempt from CEQA; to award a construction contract to Precision Engineering, Inc.; and to authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 8. REPORTS a. GENERAL MANAGER 1) California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Private Sewer Lateral Legislation Update. General Manager James Kelly stated that, as discussed at previous Board meetings, the District is very concerned with CASA’s proposed statewide legislation that would require all agencies to enact a Private Sewer Lateral Ordinance. Such an ordinance would require that private sewer laterals be inspected at the point of sale and replaced within 180 days if they fail the inspection. Although the legislation provides agencies with the ability to “opt- out,” the District is concerned with the unintended consequences. The District has been very active in opposing the legislation. Capital Projects Division Manager Tad Pilecki provided the Board with an update, stating that CASA’s Private Sewer Lateral (PSL) Task Force is proposing statewide legislation to enact a PSL ordinance. The PSL Task Force has finalized draft language for the legislation. Michael Dillon, CASA’s lobbyist, has been directed by CASA’s Executive Board to make contact with the League of California Cities, Association of Counties, and the Association of Rural Counties, and determine their position on the proposed legislation. Book 59 – Page 41 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 CCCSD has presented an alternative perspective to CASA’s Executive Committee, has distributed a letter opposing the legislation, and has contacted other General Managers. Staff continues to participate in the PSL Task Force and is preparing an outreach handout encouraging but not mandating PSL inspection at the point of sale. Staff will be contacting the League of California Cities, the county associations, and be working with realtors and home inspectors to promote the idea of a voluntary program and active outreach. Some cities have already expressed concern with increased costs associated with such a program. The next PSL Task Force meeting will occur once input is received from the League of California Cities and county organizations. A vote of the CASA Member Agencies would occur in August if the PSL Task Force decides to proceed with the legislation. The ultimate decision will be made in November 2009 by the CASA Executive Board at its Annual Retreat. Member Lucey objected to CASA expending funds on lobbying for the legislation when the membership has not voted on it. He asked for a written opinion from District Counsel Kent Alm on how the District could withdraw from CASA and requested a copy of the CASA Bylaws. He also asked permission from the Board to address the EBMUD Board of Directors regarding this matter. Member McGill inquired about the work of the Task Force. Mr. Pilecki responded that CASA attorneys are evaluating whether such legislation is necessary, and will provide a report to the Task Force. District staff are members of the Task Force. Member McGill stated that his understanding is that Mike Dillon is not lobbying, but rather obtaining input from other agencies regarding the proposed legislation. General Manager James Kelly stated that Mr. Pilecki is representing the District’s interests, as well as a member of the Task Force. Staff will continue to actively lobby CASA members and cities and county organizations. Letters of opposition will also be sent out. 2) Landfill Gas Update General Manager James Kelly stated that, at the June 4, 2009 Board meeting, President Nejedly requested an update on landfill gas. Director of Plant Operations Doug Craig provided an update, stating that the District has a five-year agreement with Bulldog Gas and Power which ends May 1, 2012. The price is set at a 35 percent discount on the first $4/decatherm of natural gas price, a 50 percent discount on the next $4/decatherm of natural gas price, with a price ceiling of $4.60/decatherm. The District uses Book 59 – Page 42 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 approximately 400 decatherms per day of landfill gas, with an average monthly cost of $53,000. He stated that landfill gas has been reliable, but limited in quantity. Improvements in gas wells are intended to stabilize current capacity, rather than increase capacity. Gas quality has been acceptable, and the average landfill gas discount has been greater than 45 percent. 3) Receive direction from the Board on requested financial support for California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) in City of Vacaville National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Case. General Manager James Kelly referred to the material provided in the Board agenda packet. He stated that he recommends providing $5,000 funding as it is in the District’s interest to provide financial support for the case, and added that the Board approved financial support for the case in 2003 and 2006. Member Lucey asked why Mr. Kelly recommended providing $5,000 of funding when the requested amount was $10,000. Mr. Kelly responded that the District only has an interest in part but not all of the case and the reduced funding is appropriate. Member Lucey stated that he has concerns about giving money to CASA, as they are currently working on issues that are against the District’s best interests. Member McGill stated that he feels ambivalent about the matter and would like to hear from other Board Members before making a decision. Member Menesini concurred with Member Lucey’s comments and stated that it is not an appropriate use of the constituents’ money. Member Hockett stated that, as a member of the CASA Executive Board, she recommended that CASA establish a Litigation Committee, and that they add a line item to the budget for litigation, rather than soliciting financial support from members. She stated that CASA needs financial support to do this litigation, and she supports providing the $5,000 as recommended by staff. Member Menesini stated that it is not the District’s responsibility to provide such support and stated he does not support providing the funding. Member Lucey stated that, although he would like to vote no, he agrees with Member Hockett’s comments and will support the staff recommendation to provide the $5,000 to CASA. President Nejedly stated that he does not support providing the funding for the case. Book 59 – Page 43 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 Member McGill stated that he will support providing the $5,000. Member Lucey asked the General Manager to make sure CASA knows that it was a 3-2 vote to provide the funding. District Counsel Kent Alm provided additional comments on this item under the Counsel for the District item later on the agenda. 4) General Manager James Kelly announced that the District will host a public workshop regarding the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation Project (Phase 7) on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the third floor conference room at the City of Walnut Creek offices located at 1666 N. Main Street. The project will replace/rehabilitate approximately 9,842 feet of 6, 8, and 15-inch sewer pipe at several different sites in Walnut Creek using open cut, pipe-bursting, and horizontal directional drilling methods. Staff has spoken to 25 residents who will be affected by easement work on their property. 5) General Manager James Kelly announced that District Manager David R. Contreras of the Mt. View Sanitary District is retiring. A celebration will be held in his honor on Saturday, July 11, 2009, at 6 p.m., at Zio Fraedo’s in Pleasant Hill. The celebration will honor his 36 years of service. 6) General Manager James Kelly announced that Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson will be attending a Nutrient Removal Specialty Conference in Washington, D. C. from June 28 through July 1, 2009. The conference is sponsored by the Water Environment Federation. There are national and state efforts underway to investigate and establish nutrient limits from wastewater discharges. The associated cost is covered by Mr. Swanson's annual Professional Expense Reimbursement. 7) General Manager James Kelly announced that the new 12 kV switchgear for the Standby Power Facility Improvements Project is being fabricated and is scheduled to be factory witness tested at the General Electric- Zenith facility in Chicago, Illinois on or around August 3 and 4, 2009. The switchgear is critical to operation of the new 2 Megawatt generators in conjunction with the plant electrical and control system. In order to stay on schedule, it must be ready for installation by August 13, 2009. Therefore, it is crucial to verify performance prior to shipment. The District will send Senior Engineer Dave Reindl and Maintenance Planner/ Inspector Mark Cavallero to witness the testing. The cost of travel is included in the project budget. 8) General Manager James Kelly announced that, on June 8, 2009, Best Contracting Services (BEST) unofficially informed the District that they Book 59 – Page 44 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 made a $100,000 mistake in their bid for the Headworks and Mechanical Shop Roof Replacements, DP 7211. The Board awarded this construction contract to BEST at the May 21, 2009 Board Meeting. District staff received the signed contracts, insurance certificates, payment, and performance bonds from BEST on June 3, 2009. Per the bid documents, if a bidder should claim a mistake was made in its bid, that bidder shall give the Secretary of the District written notice within five (5) business days after bid opening of the alleged mistake, in accordance with Public Contract Code, Section 5103. The bid opening took place on Monday, May 11, 2009. Staff, with assistance from District Counsel, sent a certified letter to BEST on June 11, 2009 clearly stating that the District expects BEST to complete the project; and that if BEST does not perform, the District has the right to complete the project through BEST’s Surety and would exercise that right. This is being provided for informational purposes only. No action is requested of the Board at this time. 9) General Manager James Kelly announced that the Collection Systems Operations Facility Improvements Project plans and specifications are now ready for submittal to the City of Walnut Creek for plan review. The initial fee for the site development permit review is $15,000. The initial fee for the building permit review is $25,000, followed by a second installment of $38,200 after partial review. The total City fees are still being negotiated, but are anticipated to be around $400,000 through completion of construction. Staff is planning to make the first submittal on June 19, 2009. The design cannot be completed without the City’s review. 10) General Manager James Kelly announced that the Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations (Phase 1) Project is part of the ongoing Collection System Renovation Program. The project will replace approximately 2,500 linear feet of 6- and 8-inch sewer lines within public right-of-way in Pleasant Hill. Open-cut, pipeburst, and cured-in-place pipe methods will be used. This project will be advertised on June 30 and July 6, 2009. Bids will be opened on July 23, 2009. The construction cost is currently estimated at $400,000. More information will be presented when the Board is asked to approve the construction contract at the August 6, 2009 Board Meeting. 11) General Manager James Kelly announced that, since 1997, the District has successfully provided stormwater inspection and investigation services for the cities in Central County under an Interagency Service Agreement with the Contra Costa Clean Water Program (CWP). The current agreement expires after June 30, 2009. Due to delays within the county processes, the agreement will not be ready for the Board to consider adoption prior to the expiration date. CWP Manager Donald Book 59 – Page 45 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 Freitas estimates that the agreement renewal will be effective within the first two months of fiscal year 2009-10. District staff provided the CWP with the documents to support the processing of this service agreement renewal in November 2008, including stronger indemnification language requested by the Board. District staff will continue to work with CWP staff to process the agreement renewal document so that it can be presented to the Board. As a result of this delay, the District will suspend services under this agreement after July 1, 2009. Two inspector positions are contingently funded through the revenues from this agreement. The fiscal year 2009-10 revenue should be unaffected since the District plans to condense the inspection activities into the remaining ten months of the fiscal year. In addition to maintaining their normal pretreatment workload, all inspectors will be directed to conduct work on significant Source Control initiatives during the suspension of the CWP agreement. Those duties include: ? Conducting on-site dental facility inspections. ? Conducting Compliance Consultation visits for businesses potentially subject to the new Best Management Practices (BMP) Permits, which primarily affect vehicle service businesses. ? Conducting follow-up inspections of affected businesses to determine if the BMP Permit is appropriate. If the suspension of services lasts longer than two months, staff will evaluate the progress towards completing the above program initiatives. Alternative assignments for Source Control Inspection Staff will be evaluated to use the contingently funded positions to support other department workload. For example, the Engineering Department currently uses a number of contract inspectors to manage the construction workload. One or more Source Control Inspectors can be reassigned to conduct this work in lieu of a contract inspector. Also, several of the Source Control Inspectors have experience working at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility and could be reassigned there in lieu of contract help. 12) General Manager James Kelly announced that, on June 5, 2009, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District staff reported a multiple-hearth furnace opacity excursion to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). The excursion occurred on June 4, 2009 and lasted for 6 minutes and 20 seconds as the result of a failure of the induced-draft fan, variable-frequency drive (VFD). The VFD tripped offline, and a backup VFD was started within a few minutes. During the process of bringing the furnace back online, the burn zone became unstable, causing the opacity excursion. A BAAQMD inspector reviewed the operating data on Book 59 – Page 46 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 June 9, 2009. After further technical review, BAAQMD will determine if an enforcement action is warranted. b. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT District Counsel Kent Alm provided comments on the legal representation regarding the City of Vacaville case discussed earlier on the agenda. Board Members expressed concern regarding the legal representation on the case and asked Mr. Alm to verify who is representing California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) on the matter. Member Menesini suggested that perhaps funding for the case could be provided through BACWA rather than directly to CASA. General Manager James Kelly stated that he will hold the letter to CASA providing funding for the case until further information is obtained. c. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Announced distribution of the June 22, 2009 Outreach Committee agenda. d. BOARD MEMBERS 1) Board Member reports on future meetings or conferences for which they will receive the stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses; recent meetings for which they received the stipend; and meetings or conferences for which the District paid their expenses. Member Hockett Members Hockett and Lucey reported on the June 2, 2009 Human Resources Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary. The Board received the report without comments. Member Hockett reported on her attendance at the June 3, 2009 Contra Costa Council Annual Installation Dinner. Member Lucey Member Lucey and President Nejedly reported on the June 1, 2009 Budget and Finance Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary. The Board received the report without comments. Member McGill Member McGill provided a written report on his meeting attendance. Book 59 – Page 47 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 Member Menesini Member Menesini reported on his attendance at the June 2, 2009 meeting with Martinez City Manager Phil Vince and Martinez City Council Vice Mayor Mike Menesini. 9. HUMAN RESOURCES a. ADOPT A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE CCCSD MANAGEMENT GROUP EFFECTIVE JUNE 18, 2009 THROUGH APRIL 17, 2012 It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Lucey to adopt a Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the CCCSD Management Group effective June 18, 2009 through April 17, 2012. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Members: Hockett, Lucey, McGill, Menesini NOES: Members: Nejedly ABSTAIN: Members: None 10. CORRESPONDENCE a. Receive letter dated June 4, 2009 from Contra Costa Water District Board President Joseph L. Campbell regarding Recycled Water Meeting – Progress Review General Manager James Kelly stated that a response has been prepared and will be sent to President Campbell by the end of the day. He stated that a copy of the letter is at Board Member places and asked that Board Members submit any comments to him as soon as possible. b. Receive letter dated June 8, 2009 from Steven M. Savage requesting formation of a Contractual Assessment District (CAD) for Sunnybrook Road in Alamo This item was taken out of order, earlier in the agenda. General Manager James Kelly stated that the Board has received a letter dated June 8, 2009, requesting formation of a Contractual Assessment District to construct a public main sewer on Sunnybrook Road in Alamo. The letter’s author, Mr. Steve Savage, would like to address the Board on this matter. District Counsel Kent Alm stated that a new law may be passed, effective January 1, 2010, that would make it easier for the District to resume its formation of Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs). Prior changes to the law prohibited the District from forming CADs. Book 59 – Page 48 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 Member McGill suggested that perhaps CADs could be formed through Mello Roos. Mr. Savage addressed the Board and stated that he will have 13 out of 16 signatures of residents requesting formation of a CAD. He requested the Board’s support in forming a CAD for his neighborhood. Mr. Savage requested that staff work with him to determine costs to do so, even though a CAD cannot currently be formed, so that he is prepared for the future. Board Members asked District Counsel and staff to continue to monitor legislation in the hope that the District may once again be permitted to form CADs. 11. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION a. RECEIVE REPORT ON EMERGENCY DECLARED ON MAY 21, 2009 AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER UNDER PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE 22050(b) TO CONTINUE WITH EMERGENCY REPAIRS ON THE RECYCLED WATER PIPELINE AT GRAYSON CREEK IN MARTINEZ, IF WORK HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED Capital Projects Division Manager Tad Pilecki presented an update on the emergency repairs on the recycled water pipeline at Grayson Creek. He stated that County approval has been received for the repair and a Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent to contractors on June 15, 2009. Proposals were solicited from Mountain Cascade, Manito Construction, C. Overaa, and F. D. Thomas. He provided a report on the status of the permanent repair and stated that expenditures to date total less than $100,000. It is expected that the work will be completed by mid-September. In response to a question from Member Lucey, Mr. Pilecki clarified that the District does not have to award the project to the lowest bidder. District Counsel Alm confirmed that that is the case in emergencies. It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett to continue the authorization for emergency repairs under Public Contract Code 22050(b). Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 12. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS President Nejedly requested that staff continue to monitor legislation regarding CADs and to assist Mr. Savage with regard to his request. Staff to provide information regarding the District withdrawing from CASA and information regarding CASA’s legal representation in the City of Vacaville NPDES Permit Case. Book 59 – Page 49 Board Minutes of June 18, 2009 13. CLOSED SESSION The scheduled closed session on labor negotiations was not held. Member McGill ' thanked the Human Resources Committee for its work during the negotiation process. 14. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION No reports. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Nejedly adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m. /~ s A. Nejedly / " resident of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: . ~ ` ~. (~~QEJ2~^-e~ ~; ~ Elaine R. Boehme '. Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 1 1 Book 59 -Page 50