HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 07-05-07
HELD ON JULY 5, 2007
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular
meeting at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra
Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 5, 2007.
President Nejedly called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, McGill, Menesini, Nejedly
ABSENT: Members: None
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Board Members welcomed newly-hired Public Information and Production Assistant II, Kit
Ohlman, and congratulated Amy Hernandez on her promotion to Senior Engineering
There were no public comments.
It was moved by Member McGill and seconded by Member Menesini to approve the
Consent Calendar with the amendment to the minutes as proposed by Member Hockett.
Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
a. Approve expenditures dated July 5, 2007. Reviewed by Budget and Finance
b. Receive May 2007 Financial Statements. Reviewed by Budget and Finance
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c. Approve minutes of June 7, 2007 Board Meeting.
Member Hockett proposed an amendment to the minutes, which was accepted by
Board Members. The proposed wording on Item 8.a. should read “Member Hockett
stated that she felt the attorneys were better qualified to litigate such matters and
would prefer to leave the SIR as it currently stands,” rather than “Member Hockett
stated that she did not feel she had the expertise necessary to support the proposed
change, and did not feel comfortable with the higher dollar figure.”
d. Direct staff to terminate enrollments of Medicare-eligible retirees in Kaiser
Permanente Traditional and Cost Plans effective July 1, 2008, and assist
retirees/spouses enrolled in Kaiser Permanente Traditional and Cost Plans to enroll
in an alternate Kaiser or Health Net health plan no later than June 30, 2008.
Approval recommended by Human Resources Committee.
General Manager James Kelly reported that, on June 19, 2007, the District received eight
bids for the construction of North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 3, DP 5963. The
project consists of the installation of approximately 6,400 linear feet of 6-through 15-inch
sewer lines within public right-of-way, private streets, and easements by both open cut and
trenchless methods. The work will also include three spot repairs and two material test
demonstration sites. After review of the bids, staff recommends to award the project to
Pacific Trenchless, Inc. for $944,720.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett to award the
construction contract in the amount of $944,720 for the construction of the North Orinda
Sewer Renovations, Phase 3, District Project 5963, to Pacific Trenchless, Inc., the lowest
responsive bidder, and to authorize the General Manager to execute the contract
documents. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
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General Manager James Kelly reported that during September 2006 it was determined that
the conductors running from Substation 40 to Motor Control Center 48 (MCC48) were
undersized for their application. The existing feeders are at risk of overheating and need to
be replaced with larger electrical conductors. The electrical feeders provide power for the
utility water pumps supplying water for plant processes and for the recycled water pumps.
Bids for a project to replace the undersized cables were opened on June 22, 2007.
Mr. Kelly stated that the apparent low bid was not responsive to one of the specification
conditions. The specifications required that the bidders use one of two vendors to modify
the programming for the existing GE switch breaker control. The apparent low bidder
proposed to use a non-listed vendor. The position paper incorrectly identified the vendors
as subcontractors. State Contract Law prohibits sole sourcing of subcontractors for publicly
bid projects unless a prequalification process is utilized while public agencies can, for
publicly bid projects, preselect professional services vendors such as for engineering
services or software programming without competitive bids. For this project, staff
preselected vendors for a critical programming effort. Staff has evaluated the vendor
proposed by the apparent low bidder and determined that the proposed vendor is qualified
to perform the programming work and therefore the specifications are too restrictive and
resulted in higher costs to the District. Since awarding the project to the apparent low
bidder with an unlisted vendor results in an unfair competitive advantage over the other
bidders who complied with the specifications, staff recommends the Board reject all bids at
this time. Staff will modify the project documents to either preselect additional vendors or
have a qualification requirement for the programming vendor and re-bid the project in the
later part of July.
Member Lucey requested further clarification of the issue. District Counsel Kent Alm
explained that different rules apply to subcontractors who have a State contractor’s license.
Vendors are considered to perform work that does not require a contractor’s license, and
are treated more like consultants who can be selected on the basis of merit.
Member Lucey inquired whether it is legal for the District to send out bids requiring that
certain consultants be used. Mr. Alm responded that it is in fact legal to do so for portions of
the work where there is no contractor’s license requirement.
Director of Engineering Ann Farrell explained that if a project cost is less than $30,000, staff
can select a consultant. If the cost is $30,000-$100,000 staff goes through an abbreviated
process, and if the cost is over $100,000 a formal Request for Proposals is conducted.
General Manager James Kelly pointed out the bid process would lead to the contractor
picking the low cost vendor, and that is part of the public bidding process.
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District Counsel Kent Alm stated that the District could hire the vendor or consultant directly,
but that would divide the responsibility for the project.
It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Menesini to reject all bids
submitted for the construction of the Electrical Cable Replacement Substation 40, District
Project 7271. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
1) Report on Sewer Service Charges for second units
General Manager James Kelly reported that, at the June 7, 2007 Board Meeting, Mr.
George DeLima, a District customer in Alamo, spoke about his concerns regarding
sewer service charges for his second living unit.
Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer in the Environmental Services Division,
reported that each Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE) is assessed the one-time
capacity fee at connection, and the sewer service charge each year. Second living
units are considered a separate RUE and receive a separate charge. He referred to
District Code Sections and 6.12.040.D which sets forth the definitions of
residential units and second living units.
Mr. DeLima had stated at the June 7, 2007 Board Meeting that he did not feel that
second living units should be assessed an additional charge if they were occupied by
family members, or should not be charged at the same rate as other residential units.
Mr. Miyamoto-Mills stated that Mr. DeLima’s property is a second living unit, per the
Code definition, and a separate assessment is required. Any deviation from that
would require a Code amendment.
District Counsel Kent Alm stated that revisions to those sections of the Code are not
being recommended in the overall Code review process.
Following discussion, Board Members agreed with staff’s interpretation and took no
further action.
2) Report on options for obtaining Board input on the District’s Strategic Plan
General Manager James Kelly gave a presentation of the history of the District’s
Mission, Vision and Values statements and its Strategic Plan, beginning in 1993. The
current goals of Exceptional Customer Service, Full Regulatory Compliance,
Responsible Rates, and High Performance Organization were proposed to the Board
in December 2000. The Mission, Vision and Values statements were also revised in
2000. The Board was provided with updates in 2001 and 2003.
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Mr. Kelly summarized Board Member comments at the June 21, 2007 Board
Meeting. He recommended that the Board build on the existing draft Strategic Plan
and hold a professionally-facilitated Board Workshop with the General Manager,
Department Directors, District Counsel and the District Secretary. Input from the
Board would also be obtained by interviews and written comments.
Member Menesini stated that he felt it would be beneficial for the Board to get
together to discuss the Strategic Plan. He supported a practical, hands-on style
Member Lucey restated his comments made at the June 21, 2007 Board Meeting,
including his opinion that the Board should set the goals and staff should provide the
means of achieving those goals. He stated that, if a meeting is scheduled, he would
prefer that it include just the Board and the General Manager.
Member McGill agreed that it would be useful to spend some time that is not issue-
specific with other Board Members to get a better idea of what the Board wants to
adopt as policy. He concurred with Member Lucey’s comments that the Board needs
to set the policy, that staff should come up with plans to implement it, and that every
now and then those plans need to come back to the Board for review. He stated he
would find it helpful to get input from all of the staff about what the issues and
concerns are.
Member Hockett stated that, in her opinion, the Strategic Plan is the District’s recipe
for accomplishing its goals. The goals can be modified from year to year, depending
on what the District sees as needing to be changed. An example would be the need
to be “green.” The existing goals were defined by a consensus of the District staff in
partnership with the Board. She stated that she did not view the Strategic Plan as a
policy document, and felt that it is necessary to receive input from staff to develop the
General Manager James Kelly stated that the first step he would suggest is to have a
small session to look at the mission, the goals, and the values, and from that an
action plan could be developed. His recommendation was to come back with the
existing goals as a framework to move from that point. He stated that he has heard
from more than one Board Member that it should be a small forum initially, to include
the Board and potentially the General Manager.
Member Hockett stated that she did not want to have a small group because she
would like key staff included who have expertise on how the District functions and
what its needs are.
Members Lucey and Menesini confirmed that they would prefer a small group.
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General Manager James Kelly stated that, in seeking a consensus to move forward,
he would suggest a couple of options. He suggested that the Board may wish to
discuss its increased use of the Committee structure, which is a change from past
practice. He also suggested that, as an initial start, the Board look at the District’s
Mission, Vision and Values as well as its existing goals. He suggested limited
participants, use of an outside facilitator, either onsite or offsite, with the meeting
limited to no more than one day.
Member Lucey questioned how the role and function of Committees has any
connection to the District goals or Strategic Plan.
Mr. Kelly responded that more than one topic could be covered at the Workshop if
the Board wishes. He confirmed his recommendation to have a facilitated Board
Workshop, addressing the District’s Mission, Vision, Values and goals.
He stated that he would also like interviews to be held with each of the Board
Members before the workshop to understand what the Board’s concerns are.
3) Report on proposed agreement to prepare a Regional Recycled Water
Facilities Plan
General Manager James Kelly stated that staff has reviewed the District joining five
other local agencies to conduct a study of new industrial water recycling opportunities
in eastern Contra Costa County with the Recycled Water Committee, who endorsed
this effort. This was reported to the Board at the June 7, 2007 meeting. The study
will investigate potential industrial water reuse options such as industrial cooling and
electric power generation plants. As the potential demand for recycled water may
exceed the supply available from Delta Diablo Sanitation District, the District would
be an alternative source of additional recycled water. The District will pay $15,000
toward the total preparation of the regional study of $160,000 project costs. The
grant would come from the State Water Resources Control Board.
Curt Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, presented a report on the
proposed study. The five other participating agencies are Delta Diablo Sanitation
District, Iron House Sanitary District, Contra Costa Water District, and the Cities of
Pittsburg and Antioch. The total cost of the study is estimated at $160,000. A grant
is expected in the amount of $75,000, and participant costs will be up to $15,000
each. Delta Diablo is the lead agency.
The consultant would first secure the grant, and then begin work on a feasibility
study. If the grant is not received, further discussion would be needed regarding how
to fund the study. The consultant would also develop recycled water alternatives.
The study should be completed in approximately nine months.
Mr. Swanson stated that Delta Diablo currently provides recycled water to a Calpine
power plant. Mirant may construct two new power plants in eastern Contra Costa,
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and their demand for recycled water could exceed Delta Diablo’s recycled water
supply. The District could supply recycled water via an unused oil pipeline.
Member McGill asked if there was any assurance of receiving the grant. Mr.
Swanson responded that Delta Diablo felt confident that they would receive the grant.
Member McGill stated that the Recycled Water Committee reviewed the matter and
felt it was a good opportunity to use recycled water.
In response to a question from Member Lucey, Mr. Kelly stated that it is anticipated
that Contra Costa Water District will participate in the study.
Member Menesini inquired what commitment has been made that the power plants
will be built in Contra Costa County and have a need for recycled water. Mr. Kelly
responded that there is no real assurance but there is a need for new power plants in
the area and recycled water will be needed for cooling.
Mr. Swanson stated that there are several unused pipelines that could be used to
transport the recycled water, including one owned by Shell that goes across IT Baker
Board Members concurred with Mr. Kelly’s recommendation to proceed with the
Items 4) through 10) were received as written announcements.
4) Platinum Award for Compliance
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) recently notified
the District that it would be receiving a Platinum Award for nine consecutive
years of 100 percent National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) compliance. The awards ceremony will take place during NACWA’s
summer conference in Cleveland, Ohio. District staff will not be attending the
conference, but will present the award to the Board after it is received at the
NACWA changed the award protocol this year. After five consecutive years of
compliance, awardees will continue to receive Platinum Awards (i.e., Platinum
6, Platinum 7, etc.) Following this protocol, the District’s award will be a
Platinum 9.
5)Sludge Hauling to Keller Canyon Sanitary Landfill On June 26, 2007
On June 26, 2007, the District hauled four truckloads of dewatered sludge to
the Keller Canyon Sanitary Landfill in Pittsburg. This effort was performed to
simulate the District’s emergency contingency plan in the event of an outage
of both furnaces for an extended period of time.
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The District contracted with Philips Services Corporation (PSC) to provide
trucks and 20-cubic-yard covered bins. A total of 27 tons of sludge was
hauled to the landfill over a period of six hours. The sludge was delivered by
PSC and accepted at the Keller Canyon Sanitary Landfill without any
complications or delays. Extra precautions were taken to minimize odors
while the bins were being filled, and no odor complaints were received.
6) Summer Student Picnic
This year’s summer student picnic will be held on Friday, July 13, 2007 at
noon, at Hidden Valley Park on Center Avenue (formerly Hidden Lakes Park).
7) Attendance at Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) Project
Steering Committee Meeting
The Water Environment Research Foundation is currently conducting a
research project to investigate “Minimizing Mercury Emissions from Biosolids
Incinerators.” Randy Schmidt, Senior Engineer, Plant Operations Department,
is serving on the Project Steering Committee (PSC) for this research because
of his experience with mercury control at the District. He has been invited to
attend the next Project Steering Committee in Seattle, Washington, from July
24-27, 2007. The Water Environment Research Foundation is funding all
travel expenses associated with this meeting.
8) Temporary Hire of Former District Employee
During the busy summer construction season, the District often hires a
temporary construction inspector to supplement District staff. This year the
District will hire former employee Tom Trice for approximately 10 weeks. He
will be working as a Development Construction Inspector in the Environmental
Services Division. This appointment will allow one of the regular Development
Construction Inspectors to rotate to the Capital Projects Division to inspect one
of the District’s sewer renovation or pumping station projects.
9) John Censoplano, Network Coordinator
John Censoplano, Network Coordinator, has been on a medical leave of
absence since January 18, 2007. He was scheduled to return to work on July
9, 2007; however, he has notified staff that he has suffered another setback
and may have to extend the time off. He is currently scheduling an
appointment with his treating physician, and at this time, staff cannot advise
the Board of his anticipated return to work date. Should he not return on July
9, 2007, a Position Paper will be brought to the Board at the July 19, 2007
Board Meeting requesting additional leave without pay.
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10) Georgiana McClease, Administrative Secretary
Georgiana McClease, Administrative Secretary, has been on a medical leave
of absence since April 2, 2007. It was anticipated that she would return to
work on July 2, 2007. However, her condition has regressed and her treating
physician is requiring additional rehabilitation. At this time, it is unknown how
much longer she will be off work, but her treating physician has estimated that
it may be as long as an additional five months. Staff is working with the
employee to understand the long-term impacts of her medical condition on her
ability to return to work and when she may be able to do so.
General Manager James Kelly announced that Board Member and Chair of the
Human Resources Committee Jerry Lucey has recommended the announcements 9)
and 10), which deal with potential Board approval of request for leave of absence
without pay, and future requests be referred to the Human Resources Committee for
consideration prior to Board consideration. With Board concurrence, these matters
will be placed on the next Human Resources Committee meeting agenda. Staff
suggests the process of consideration and approval of leaves of absences within
staff authority and logistics of committee and considerations be reviewed at the next
District Counsel Kent Alm stated that these matters can be discussed in closed
session under the Employee Performance Evaluation exception.
11) District Manager James Kelly announced that Phillip Van Hooser, a
professional speaker, author, and consultant on leadership and customer
service issues, will be speaking at the District on Friday, July 6, 2007.
Mr. Van Hooser is the author of the 24-part video series, “The Leadership
Journey.” More than 70 District staff have attended or are attending the lunch-
time brown bag series which focuses on developing a leadership philosophy,
identifying performance areas needing improvement, and developing practical
skills for leadership within an organization.
12) District Manager James Kelly announced a lunch to be held with
Assemblyman Mark DeSaulnier on July 24, 2007.
District Counsel Kent Alm announced that revised wording regarding indemnifying the
District has been included in the agreement with Mountain View Sanitary District for source
control services, and the agreement has been signed. Staff will attempt to get similar
indemnification language incorporated into the County-wide agreement when it comes up
for renewal.
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No reports.
1) Member McGill reported on the July 2, 2007 Budget and Finance Committee
meeting. Member Menesini requested that items of particular interest arising
from the Committee review of expenditures be announced to the Board.
2) Member Hockett reported on the June 26, 2007 Household Hazardous Waste
Committee meeting.
Board Members discussed the topic of requests from cities within the District
requesting household hazardous waste collection events in their communities,
the latest being from the City of Walnut Creek, as reported by Board Member
Member Lucey stated that there is a long history relating to household
hazardous waste collection events, particularly with regard to the City of San
Ramon. He stated that the City of San Ramon was not paying its fair share of
the cost of collection events, and collection events there have been stopped.
He stated that he is not interested in reinstating collection events in San
Ramon unless there is new information. He encouraged use of the Household
Hazardous Waste Facility.
Member Menesini concurred with Member Lucey’s comments but pointed out
that the purpose of the household hazardous waste program is to remove
hazardous waste from the environment. He stated that the Board may wish to
consider broadening outreach by offering household hazardous waste
collection events at locations other than San Ramon. He stated that it may be
cost effective to do so.
Member Hockett expressed concern that, from recent reports, the Household
Hazardous Waste Facility is experiencing increased usage which is causing a
backlog of cars. Temporary collection events would defray that problem.
Member Lucey stated that he had not heard that the facility was experiencing
backlogs of cars.
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor David Wyatt stated that the facility is
at 13 percent so far this year, and would begin to feel taxed at 15 percent. He
stated that the facility sees 160 cars every Tuesday and Saturday, with the
prior Tuesday receiving 186 cars, which necessitated having two lines into the
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Member Menesini stated that additional collection events should be
considered as an option to addressing increased demand on the facility.
General Manager James Kelly stated that he met with City of San Ramon
staff, who are aware of the discontinuance of mobile collection events in their
city. He stated that the District provides service to all but 6,000 houses in San
Ramon, and those homes are charged in the range of $10 per household for
household hazardous waste services, or approximately $60,000 per year.
That is according to a contract between the District and the City which is
essentially renewed each year. If the parties no longer chose to renew it then
one would need to give termination notice in August. He stated that staff is
reviewing whether the City of San Ramon receives $60,000 worth of service,
and will report back their findings to the Household Hazardous Waste
President Nejedly stated that, as long as incremental costs are covered, he
would entertain doing another collection event in San Ramon.
3) Member Lucey reported on the June 28, 2007 Real Estate Committee
With regard to the update on the County Flood Control Lower Walnut Creek
Flood Protection Project, Member McGill asked if staff had any feedback on
the 65 percent plans that were received recently. Director of Engineering Ann
Farrell stated the Flood Control District is not planning to take material from
the Kiewit property due to high arsenic content, but intends to take material
from the PG&E area. It also intends to bring back approximately 200,000
yards of material to the Lagiss and PG&E areas. District staff need to get
plans from the Flood Control District to be sure that much material can be
accommodated. Staff is working on draft terms and conditions regarding
payment and indemnification.
4) Reports on miscellaneous business meetings attended by Board Members:
Member Menesini thanked Engineering Department staff for the presentation
made to Member McGill and him regarding the closeout of capital projects.
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General Manager James Kelly stated that the District has prepared a draft Negative
Declaration as part of the environmental review process to annex 242 properties
located in the Alhambra Valley. A copy of the draft Negative Declaration was given
to each Board Member.
All 242 properties are within the County Urban Limit Line and the District sphere of
influence. Following the close of the comment period and a public hearing, the Board
must consider and approve the Negative Declaration so that it can be submitted to
LAFCO along with the annexation application.
The comment period for the draft Negative Declaration closes on July 30, 2007. Staff
proposes that the public hearing for the Negative Declaration be held on August 9,
Curt Swanson, Environmental Services Division Manager, presented a staff report
about the annexation and environmental review process. Mr. Swanson also
presented an update about the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project. He stated that
the negative declaration will address the 242 properties, and the review period will
end on July 30, 2007. It is anticipated that LAFCO will review the application in
October 2007.
The National Park Service will issue a right of way permit in July 2007 and
construction of Phase 2 will begin in August 2007. An informational meeting was
held on June 26, 2007 and fourteen property owners attended.
Mr. Swanson stated that there is a potential for fifteen assessment districts, and six
neighborhoods have expressed an interest in forming assessment districts. Staff will
work with the neighborhoods to accomplish the timely formation of the assessment
It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Hockett to set August 9,
2007 at 2 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing for the District Annexation
168B - Alhambra Valley Negative Declaration. Motion passed by unanimous vote of
the Board.
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General Manager James Kelly stated that a State regulation, promulgated May 2,
2006, requires the District to create a “Sewer System Management Plan” (SSMP)
that describes how the Collection System is maintained and operated and how the
capacity of that collection system is assured.
The initial components of that Plan are (1) a Development Plan for creating the
SSMP, and (2) a Schedule for doing so. In addition, these two sections of the SSMP
must be considered and approved by the Board of Directors by August 2, 2007. Staff
is presenting the Development Plan and the Schedule for completion of all
components for the Board’s consideration. Additional sections will be brought to the
Board in advance of future deadlines: November 2, 2007, November 2, 2008, and
the final complete SSMP by November 2, 2009.
Associate Engineer Gail Chesler presented a report, outlining the tasks leading to the
implementation of the final SSMP in May 2009. She stated that the District has had
in place almost all of the required components of the SSMP for several years.
General Manager James Kelly reported that draft plans of all components of the
SSMP have already been prepared. They will be presented to the Board for approval
in accordance with State requirements.
It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Menesini to approve the
Development Plan and Schedule for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sewer
System Management Plan. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
President Nejedly asked staff to look into signature requirements for approving expenditures
and meeting attendance slips. District Counsel Kent Alm stated that he will report back to
the Board at a future meeting.
The Board recessed at 4:00 p.m. to reconvene in closed session regarding Personnel
Matters Pursuant to Section 54957 of the Government Code – Performance Evaluations for
General Manager and Secretary of the District.
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There being no further business to come before the Board, President Nejedly adjourned the
meeting at 4:30 p.m.
James A. Nejedly
President of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California
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