HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 02-06-86 . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Februar 6, 1986 NO. V. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDER ADOPTION OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE PROJ ECT FOR WATERSHED NO. 35 SOUTH SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DATE February 3, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING, ADOPT NEGATIVE DECLARA- TION AND APPROVE PROJECT SUBMITTED BY Jacqueline L. Zayac, Planning/Grants Technician INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Planning Division ISSUE: A publ ic heari ng was set for February 6, 1986, at the Board meeti ng of January 16, 1986, to consider adopting the Negative Declaration for the proposed Watershed No. 35 South Sewage Coll ecti on System Improvements Proj ect, herei nafter called "the project." If the Negative Declaration is adopted, approval of the project is required. BACKGROUND: The proposed project, located within the City of Danville, consists of installation of pipeline in three separate reaches (see Attachment 1), Based on recent District staff estimates, wastewater from existing and approved developments in the project area would cause almost all reaches of Segment 1 to exceed capacity and several reaches in Segments 2 and 3 to exceed capacity if the proj ect were not bu 11 t. Segment 1 of the proposed improvement proj ect is a committed project of .the Sycamore Valley Specific Plan Assessment District. Segments 2 and 3 are not projects of the Sycamore Valley Specific Plan Assessment District. These segments are being proposed for construction now based on a unique, one-time opportunity for the District to incorporate project construction with construction of the already approved Sycamore Valley Specific Plan Assessment District roadway improvements to Sycamore Valley Road and Camino Tassajara. The District guidel ines require the Board to consider the Initial Study prepared for the project and public comments received on the Negative Declaration prior to approving the Negative Declaration for the project. The Initial Study for the project was prepared by Earth Metrics, Inc., an environmental and planning consulting firm. District staff concluded that the Initial Study for the project adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluated the proposed project's effect on the envi ronment. Based on the Initi al Study, it was determi nad that a Negative Decl aration is the appropri ate document to address the environmental effects of the proj ect. In compliance with the CEQA requirements and after receiving the Board's approval, District staff arranged for a legal notice to be published which solicited comments and provided notice of the District's intent to adopt the Negative Declaration for the proposed project. If the Board adopts the Negative Declaration, approval of the project will be required to complete the CEQA requirements and allow the District to file a Notice of Determination in the County Clerk's office. RECOMN:NDATION: Conduct a publ ic hearing, consider adoption of the project Negative Declaration, and consider approval of the project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED F R BOARD ACT/ON j ~ 1<'- .~.'.' r_ ,-i / " \';~ , . "", '\ .~' . ~ \ CD .,. ~,__y_); It'J Page 2 of 6 l OOUG~It~ Itt)-"--= ! ' 11 = I .. ~ E i ~ a ! r 1&1 1ft ~ A. :I. M '" II X Q C C u ~ .2 GI ~ '" ~ E to- c: .!! ~ < ~ 8 e I t ! i ~ .~ ~ i ~ ~ ~. .{! '--..:." ~ ~...z w !Z~Cio VI w>:!:w :!:~ ~ll:~g W:J~w~Wd ~ fECi ~~ ~~Cl VlC:!: oz"'Z ~ ~~ ~ III ~ iil ~ r;; ~Q ~t;! ~t;!Oi >< QIl: oe: ...e:'" W 1f::E ll:!a 0111111 - lLC z68 II! I ~ Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DEQARATION FOR lHE WATERSHED NO. 35 SOUTH SEWN;E COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJ ECT RESOLVED, by the Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that WHEREAS, the project upon which this determination is made is described as follows: The proposed project involves the installation of approximately 11,300 linear feet of sewer pipeline in three segments along Sycamore Valley Road/Camino Tassajara between Camino Ramon and Dougherty Road. Segment 1 of the proposed improvement project would be the installation of approximately 4,100 linear feet of an estimated 33-inch diameter pipeline beneath Sycamore Valley Road between Camino Ramon and Old Orchard Road. Segment 2 would be the installation of approximately 4,200 linear feet of an estimated 24-inch diameter pipel ine beneath Sycamore Valley Road/Camino Tassajara, beginning approximately 250 feet east of the Park Hill/Sycamore Valley Road intersection and continuing eastward along Camino Tassajara. Segment 3 would be the installation of approximately 3,000 linear fee of an estimated 24-inch diameter pipeline beneath Camino Tassajara beginning approximately 6,750 feet from the eastern end of Segment 2 and continuing eastward to Dougherty Road. The nominal pipe sizes indicated are based on pl anning-level f1 ow capacity studies and will be finalized in design based on District design standards and proj ect site slopes. WHEREAS, an initial study of the proposed project has been conducted by Earth Metrics, Inc., an environmental and planning consultin'g firm. WHEREAS, District staff finds that the initial study adequately, accurately, and obj ectively eval uates the proposed effect on the environment. WHEREAS, a publ ic heari n9 has been hel d to receive any comments and the results of the initial study have been reviewed by the Board. ~W, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, DEQARED, AND ORDERED that the above named project will not have a significant effect upon the environment; and THAT, the Secretary of the District is hereby authorized and instructed to file a certified copy of this resolution and of the aforesaid study at the District Office to be available for public inspection and copying. Page 4 of 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 6th of February, 1986, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: AS SENT: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERS IG NED: Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California I J I age 5 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WATERSHED NO. 35 SOUTH SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT RESOLVED, by the Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that WHEREAS, the project upon which this determination is made is described as follows: The proposed proj ect invol ves the install ati on of approximately 11 ,300 linear feet of sewer pipeline in three segments along Sycamore Valley Road/Camino Tassajara between Camino Ramon and Dougherty Road. Segment 1 of the proposed improvement project would be the installation of approximately 4,100 linear feet of an estimated 33-inch diameter pipeline beneath Sycamore Vall ey Road between Cami no Ramon and 01 d Orchard Road. Segment 2 would be the installation of approximately 4,200 linear feet of an estimated 24-inch diameter pipeline beneath Sycamore Valley Road/Camino Tassajara, beginning approximately 250 feet east of the Park Hill/Sycamore Valley Road intersection and continuing eastward along Camino Tassajara. Segment 3 would be the installation of approximately 3,000 linear feet of an estimated 24-inch diameter pipeline beneath Camino Tassajara beginning approximately 6,750 feet from the eastern end of Segment 2 and continuing eastward to Dougherty Road. The nominal pipe sizes indicated are based on pl anning-level fl ow capacity studies and will be finalized in design based on District design standards and proj ect site slopes. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, DECLARED, AND ORDERED that the above named project is approved; and THAT, the Secretary of the District is hereby authorized and instructed to file a certified copy of this resolution and of the aforesaid study at the District Office to be available for public inspection and copying. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Di str i ct Boa rd of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 6th of February, 1986, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: JlB SENT: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Co State of California ~ Pagl of 6 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION Responsible AQency: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 Name of Project: Watershed No. 35 South Sewage Collection System Improvements Project location of Project: In the City of Danville along Sycamore Valley Road and Camino Tassajara between Camino Ramon and Dougherty Road Description of Project: The project involves the installation of approximately 11 ,300 linear feet of sewer pi pel1ne in three segments along Sycamore Valley Road/Camino Tassajara between Camino Ramon and Dougherty Road Jacqueline L. Zayac Contact Person 415 Area Code 689-3890 Phone 392 Extension The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, on February 6, 1986, determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and on February 6, 1986, determined to approve the above project. A Negative Decl arati on has been prepared pu rsuant to the provi si ons of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended. Date: Joyce E. McMillan, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Februar 6, 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH RUDOLPH M. MOHAR, ETUX, JOO 3966, PACHECO AREA DATE J anuar 28, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The property owner has requested permission to construct a wooden retaining wall within a portion of the sewer easement on their property (Lot 4-Sub 6407) . BACKGROUND: The retaining wall will be installed along the property line of Lot 4 as shown on the attached map to permit a more useable rear yard area. At staff's request, the owner has agreed to keep the retaining wall support piers at least two feet clear of the existing 8-inch sewer main. The height of the retaining wall varies to a maximum of four (4) feet. The Real Property Agreement requires the property owner to remove the retaining wall if requested to do so by the District. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement rel ati ng to Real Property with Rudol ph M. Mohar, etux, Job 3966, authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Agreement and authorize the Agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 DH $ffJl RAB ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~ -----..---,.._.._._.___._m__.~_,,_~____~__,,_...__~___...._........._ ,.. ._.._....__.~._-~--~.__,......_.._.___...~_~__.._H..~_....._ ....__......_. \. ._~ _ .........na...... Sf.............. _ ~ __ _ ..... .. '"' 1OlU__ _ : --.w Da ~ fl"IOS"ri"'. o.C.- .:.- -- :::l-~:-r-:----i T--- CUll 2 "'1>> MfDW. . ,.. PllPCllATID- IUI ... Dlntft --: msr~~-~ _ i , ,- .Ul: wma... c...&::.Jal aKUl1_-_ - ~ - fIllS f4' o.c. S\Te - - - ~. - _:. _: - ~ ~ iu:.~'.n ~ mm- COKPUSSn'! - .. 2IlIn.~ 1& 1lW----- (2) auDDC ..u."lUlGRD loa ~ I'WstU. . . >> "' A8 IAllm nalUU OJ 4Ol)'SF , _.. 'lID rm ~ l'LUTlWl'""" : wo,..._a1SWI:QAll!. . ..-- .___.1---::__ ,.-: -- .. - ._."~. -; . - " ~~--:- -_.~t:.:~=f:~=:~: ->~~ ICALI. t. 1/2.-. 1"'-0.- - : --....:...--... - - .- :.......-- ~QB-Y~ L~- .. 0 ~ ';.:.! .. ~~~ s~$ NH~Z 1'1$-"" "D.INL.er ; sa 1 Type .C.INt.eT I+!K) 50 ce"-~ Illf..., ,e. GP -, .::J 10' SOl 2 7M?1b LJ2J2.1}()_ _ 7 ... .. Ii; " o ~ PLAN MOHAR COURT "- .. SCAlE.I""?O' REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 3966 - LOT 4 - SUB 6407 PACHECO AREA WALL 8 ~ SEWelf!. ,N\ AlAI \ ~ \ \\, N\_ 1/ ./...?~ i'~ /;-. ~\ll ICTUAL LDC4T/CJIj OF \- TIIf ~X/5T !Ill To fJl :1, ~ <<T~JltMINlD ~101t "'~ 0 7rJ -.aJN5TJtETION"l 2: ~ ( l . ;;;~\" o !i ~ (j) ~...,,,-- ...-\ ~ \ Y ~\ "'" ~:! f (\ y 6 . CentrL Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Februa 6 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 3902 - PORTION PARCEL 1, SUBDIV ISION 6478, WALNUT CREEK AREA DATE APPROV E QUITCL AIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennnis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The Hofmann Company, general partner of Oak Road Villas II Joint Venture, owner-developer of Subdivision 6478, has requested the District to quitcl aim a porti on of an exi sti ng easement which 1 ies with i n the common area of thei r subdiv i si on. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted to the District on July 23, 1984 to provide for the offsite sewer for Subdivision 6360 located to the south of Hofmann's Subdivision 6478. The proposed offsite sewer was then real igned which eliminated the need for the portion of the easement which is being quitclaimed. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Oak Road Villas II Joint Venture, Job 3902, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitcl aim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. f!rJt III 1302,..9/85 DH RAB "(f f'-') ;::y VD" 299 )./! 44 6478 ~ or) ~ ~ f dJ0~ 0'V,~ -- ~ OJ/' ~ ~ ~ . "- ~ AB4tJDOIJED $G.VIIER ~1 v-C v~ ..Ul ~~ , ~~ I I ~l!JZ.02. 1 N8lJ'IU 'orw Su8. 6360 QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 3902 WALNUT CREEK AREA . Centr" Contra Costa Sanitar; District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Februar 6, 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT EST,ABLISH FEBRUARY 20, 1986 AS A HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER THE FORFEITURE OF A PORTION OF P AND J UTILITY COMPANY'S $1,000.00 CONTRACTOR CASH DEPOSIT DATE Januar 28, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION EST,ABLISH HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: P and J Utility Company has not paid overtime inspection fees accrued on District Job 3893. BACKGROUND: P and J Utility Company is the contractor of record on District Job 3893, which includes the construction of 2,644 feet of 8-inch main line sewer. During construction operations overtime inspection was requested from this agency by the contractor for work done after normal constructi on hours. The overtime inspection was provided as requested on May 25, 1985. The contractor was billed by certified letter on two occasions. Subsequent attempts to contact the contractor have been unsuccessful. At the present time the past due charges, including delinquent charges, amount to $261.80. P and J Utility has been totally unresponsive in this matter. District Code provides for the forfeiture of a contractor's $1,000 cash deposit (or porti on thereof) if the applicant viol ates any term of the permit. The General Manager-Chief Engineer has reviewed the background of this matter and, based on the facts presented to him, certifies herein that the contractor, P and J Utility Company, has violated its permit. The Board must establish a hearing date for consideration of the forfeiture of $261.80 of the contractor's deposit. The contractor will be sent official notification of the hearing date and will have the opportunity to give testimony at said hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Establ ish a hearing date of February 20, 1986, to consider the forfeiture of $261.80 of P and J Utility Company's $1,000 cash deposit. Instruct the Secretary of the District to give P and J Util ity Company written notice ten cal endar days in advance of the date the matter will be heard that the Board intends to declare a forfeiture of their contractor's cash deposit. JSM JH RAB ROGER J DOLAN 1302.4.9/85 ';~ DH ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /JftjJ ( . Centr~. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER BOARD~~)j~N~ary 6, 1986 SUBJECT PAGE 1 OF 3 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 86-3 (DANVILLE) AND P.A. 86-4 (ORINDA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE January 28, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Parcel No. Area 86-3 Danville Champlin & Cotton Dev. Co. 401 S. Hartz Ave. Danville, CA 94526 216-102-005 (0.45 AC.) 86-4 Orinda D. R. Doll and D. J. Lenci 4 Mira Monte Road Orinda, CA 94563 264-250-014 (0.48 AC.) ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. Remarks Lead Agency One office building to be constructed on site. INegative Declarationl by City of Danville. City of Danville Existing house with CCCSD failing septic system. Will connect to sewer which was installed in 179- 180 as part of the Thiessen E.I.R. District to prepare IINotice of Exemptionll. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 86-3 and 86-4 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. IJ( 1302".9/85 H RAB f}n$ _~___.,"""'_.___~n'_".___.,.,_~___._,"_,._._....~'__m'___"'_"~__'''____'_~''''__''__'_.__.,._....,."-"...__",,,.~.._~_~____"______~~~._~_._...__._,_.__...___...__".______.,______"".__.,"'.. ~ ll: en ----- ~ ~ :1 : 78 .. I z ~ ~ ,^ ~ ~ ~ z, ~ !:!II'I> -' ." I ..... 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CONSENT CALENDAR 7 SUBJECT DATE AUll-lORIZATION OF $1250 FOR DAVID REINDL TO ATTEND A SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP ON "ADJ USTABLE FREQUENCY K>TOR CONTROL" IN ANJlHEIM, CA, MARQ-l 10 - 14, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUll-lORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY James L. Bel cher Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department/ Maintenance ISSUE: The Plant Operations Department is evaluating energy saving projects that coul d make use of vari abl e frequency drive (VFD) equi pment. The Pl ant Maintenance Division is requesting to send David Reindl, Assistant Engineer, to a comprehensive three-day seminar on VFD for rotating equipment. BACKGROUND: The Pl ant Operati ons Department conti nuousl y assesses its operati on to mi nimize energy consumpti on requi red to process wastewater. It has become apparent after reviewing our operation and technical publications that significant energy savings can be real ized by modifying the drive mechanisms on centrifugal equipment (i.e. fans, pumps) that operate at varying loads. Examples of District equipment where this type of energy savings may merit further consideration is the 200 hp induced draft (ID) fan, the 100 hp and 150 hp process water pumps and Pumpi ng Stati ons. Prelimi nary estimates indicate that installation of VFD assemblies on the above equipment could save the District up to $40,000 per year in electrical costs as well as reduce maintenance. Over the past few years there has been introduced a new generati on of VFD equipment that offers lower purchase prices and higher reliability than in the past. The District woul d benefit fran having the expertise of an in-house engineer capable of evaluating and selecting this equipment and its application for our operation. The seminar is given by ASD, Inc. which is an independent association not associ ated with any particul ar manufacturer. The lecturers are all recognized authorities in the field of adjustable frequency motor control and its utilization. There are sufficient funds in the Plant Operations Department Employee Educati on Account to cover th i s expendi ture. A copy of the course outline is attached. This item is placed on the consent calendar due to District Policy which requires Board approval for courses over $500. RECOtJMENDATION: Authorize $1250 for David Reindl to attend the course "Adjustable Frequency Motor Control" in Anaheim, CA, March 10 - 14, 1986. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. VII. ENGINEERING 1 DATE Februar 3 1986 TYPE OF ACTION Feb ua 6 1 86 SUBJECTAUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MAN~ER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE .oGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF DANV ILLE AND J AM:S R. STEJ).1AN AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF SEWER FACILITIES THROUGH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1985-1 AND AUTHORIZE $1,054,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 4168 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jay S. McCoy, Construction Division Manage Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: Board approval is required to final ize agreements with the City of Danville and James R. Stedman and Associates for the design and construction of sewer facilities as a part of the City of Danville's Assessment District 1985-1. BACKGROUND: District planning studies during the mid-1970's identified the need for certain watershed improvements in the Sycamore Valley area, also known as Watershed 35 South. As it became apparent that development was likely to occur in the Valley, the District's Board of Directors establ ished a pol icy in 1978 which restricted acceptance of annexation petitions and connections to the District's sewer system until "needed ultimate facil ities" are installed. The Board later, in 1985, modified this pol icy to allCftl the connection of a 1 imited number of new houses which would be built as a result of the City of Danville permitting one- time property divisions in the Valley. All of the "needed ultimate facil ities" which were identified in the mid-1970's have been installed except for the segment in Sycamore Valley Road from Camino Ramon to 01 d Orchard Road. Thi s sewer has been desi gnated as Segment 1 and is commonly known as the "Missing L ink" (see Exhibit One). The CftIners of the properties within the Sycamore Valley have formed the above-referenced Assessment District to finance necessary road and utility improvements. The Missing Link will be constructed as a part of the Assessment District work with CCCSD contributing a portion of the costs as summarized below. More recent watershed planning studies indicate that additional trunk sewer parallels must be installed to provide adequate capacity for new developments already approved as well as those anticipated in the future. These parallels are designated as Segments 2 and 3 and are shown on Exhibit One. An opportunity now exists to incorporate the construction of Segments 2 and 3 with construction of projects for the already approved Assessment District in order to minimize environmental impacts, achieve lower construction costs, and avoid future excavation in newly paved roadways. .oGREEMENT WITH CITY OF DANVILLE The respective staffs of the District and Danv ill e have negoti ated an agreement which provides for the installation of the sewer facilities designated as Segments 1, 2, and 3 by the City of Danville through its Assessment District 1985-1. In REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB '_'~-~-"_-_.,-----_.._",-----,._,_._-,--,.~...,._.._...-'._~-----------------.-~,--,,,.,.<,,...^..~---,.. .._-".,----_._.,_.._-"."-_._--".~-_._---_.._... .--.,.,..- .~..",-",---_._,.. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF DANVILLE AND JAMES R. ~TEDMAN AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF ~EWER FACILITIES THROUGH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1985-1 AND ~Pl~~~CfEp~dJ~t~logP6KROM. T~~SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 DATE February 3, 1986 OF 6 accordance with the provisions of the agreement, CCCSD will pay the Assessment District for CCCSD's proportionate share of the total cost of Segment 1 and the total cost of the construction of Segments 2 and 3 (including a 1-1/2% admi ni strative fee). The Assessment Di strict w ill pay all other costs. The road, util ity and sewer work will be bid by the City as a minimum of three proj ects in 1986 and 1987. The owners in the Assessment District area are responsible for the costs associated with a new 27-inch diameter pipeline, the size proposed in the Sycamore Valley Specific Pl an which was prepared in 1979. The District is requiring the owners to upsize this pipeline (Segment 1) to an estimated 33 inches in diameter to accommodate future growth outside the Assessment District and to provide additional conservatism for groundwater infiltration and inflow. The total cost of this parallel sewer is estimated at $691,000. The cost of a 27-inch sewer (obl igation of the property owners) has been estimated to be $565,000. Staff recommends that CCCSD fund the remai ni ng $126 ,000 cost ($100,000 to the City and $26,000 District Force Account) which will be repaid through the future collection of watershed fees. This sharing of costs was negotiated with the City of Danville. Segment 2 and 3 are estimated to cost $542,000 and $386,000 respectively. These costs will initi ally be borne sol ely by CCCSD. These segments must be funded entirely by CCCSD because they will serve existing and future developments outside of the Assessment Di strict. The Sewer Constructi on Fund w 111 be reimbursed through the collection of watershed fees as future connections occur. The proposed agreement obligates the Assessment District for approximately $565,000 as shown below. The agreement also provides for CCCSD depositing funds with the City of Danville. A 1-112% administrative fee of $12,000 will be deposited with the City within 30 days of approval of the agreement with the City. The construction costs of Segments 2 (estimated at $469,000) and 3 (estimated at $335,000) and CCCSD's share of Segment 1 ($100,000), a total of approximately $904,000, will be deposited after bids are received for the Assessment District work. In additi on, the proposed Agreement with the City of Danv ill e prov i des for a maximum number of connections which can be made from the Assessment District area before Segment 1 is constructed. This limit on the number of connections will guarantee that the capacity of the existing sewer system will not be exceeded. --------- 13028- 9/85 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF DANVILLE AND JAMES R. STEDMAN AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF SEWER FACILITIES THROUGH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1985-1 AND AUTHORIZE $1,054,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 4168 AGREEMENT WITH JAMES R. STEDMAN AND ASSOCIATES POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 6 DATE February 6, 1986 The District is contracting directly with the engineer for the Assessment District, James R. Stedman and Associates, for the design of Segments 2 and 3. A cost reimbursement contract with a cost ceiling of $68,000 has been negotiated with the Stedman firm for the design of Segments 2 and 3. The Assessment District is contracting with Stedman for design of Segment 1. Stedman will desi gn the proposed sewers and incorporate the desi gn for Segments 1, 2, and 3 into the plans for the Assessment District. District forces will direct the consultant's design work. District forces will require $27,000 in funds to facl1 itate project management, engineering, and design reviews throughout the design period. A $13,000 contingency is included for potential change orders which may be needed during design. The funds which are required for the design phase is summarized in Exhibit Two. SUMMARY OF COSTS A summary of the estimated costs and sharing of costs for the design and construction of the sewer facilities is shown in the following table. Design Construction Inspection MISSING LINK SEGMENT 1 CCCSD AD 1985-1 16,000* 36,000 100,000 516,000 10,000 13,000 TOTALS Design Construction Inspection Administrative Fee Sub Total Grand Total $126,000 $ 565,000 TASSAJ ARA PARALLEL SEGMENT 2 CCCSD AD 1985-1 $ 56,000* -0- 469,000 -0- 10,000 -0- 7,000 -0- $542,000 -0- TASSAJ ARA PARALLEL SEGMENT 3 CCCSD AD 1985-1 36,000* -0- 335,000 -0- 10,000 -0- 5,000 -0- 386 .000 -0- 691,000 Sub Total Design Construction Inspection Administrative Fee Sub Total 542,000 *See Exhibit Two for an itemized breakdown of design costs. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF DANVILLE AND JAMES R. STEDMAN AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF SEWER FACILITIES THROUGH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1985-1 AND AUTHORIZE $1,054,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 4168 POSITION PAPER PAGE 4 OF 6 DATE February 3, 1986 The total estimated District share of costs of the proposed work is $1,054,000 as shown above. This share includes the design costs of $108,000, construction costs totaling $904,000, inspection costs of $30,000, and administrative fee of $12,000. The $1,054,000 is being requested from the Board at this time and includes $5,000 prev iously authorized by the General Manager-Chi ef Engi neer for proj ect startup. Appropriate funds will be deposited with the City of Danville after bids are received for the various construction projects. The District's contribution towards construction costs ($904,000) is strictly an estimate (+20%) and will be refined after the sewer design is completed and bids are received. This work is included in the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engi neer to execute agreements with the City of Danville and James R. Stedman and Associates for the design and installation of sewer facilities through Assessment District 1985-1 and authorize $1.054,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for District Project 4168. 1...._______. 13026-9/85 Page 5 of 6 Pages f' , -~....~,/ "-'. ,... ~ .. " "_ _' III . '"~-, ~-- . ~ ~ I f i S E i III 0 II r 02 :: i. A. ftt '" t:Cl c! III III .2 II -% tE ~ i i ~ ~UCL I: .! I r I_IImllllllllll~ I I -i I II11I11I1/IIUiiiiii .i HmIR/JIIIIIIII/JIIIII/JI11 '-- ~ in z ~ !!~~C I&l~ ~I&l ~ ~ !Il: ~g /!i~~lll~~d ~1!:1&l~~<~" a~ cO ~!5~ .. Uuun !' 'i I ~ g : I > I ! ; Page 6 of 6 Pages EXHmIT lWO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1985-1 AlJ1HORIZATION OF DESIGN FUNDS COST SUMMARY ($1,000) SEGMENT 1 SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT 3 TOT fol S James R. Stedman and Associates 41 27 68 District Force Account 11 2- 16 10 6 27 Contingency 2- 56 .2. 36 ..ll 108 TOTfol DESIGN FUNDS (a) $36,000 Assessment District cost (b) Conti ngency to be appl i ed to Force Account or Stedman and Associ ates as di rected by Proj ect Manager. . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Februa 6 , 1986 NO. VII. DATE ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT ADOPT A REVISION TO THE 1978 BOARD POLICY REGARDING ANNEXATION AND SEWER SERVICE PROVISIONS FOR PROPERTIES IN THE SYCAMORE V ALLEY AREA (WATERSHED 35 SOUTH) SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jay S. McCoy, Construction Div. Manager Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The Board of Directors created a special policy in 1978 for annexations and sewer service in the Sycamore Valley area. Board approval is required to modify this policy. BACKGROUND: The special Board policy was created to compensate for capacity limitations in the existing sewer system which serves the Sycamore Valley and future growth which was projected to occur in the valley. Condition No.2 of the 1978 Board policy reads as follows: "Adopt a policy that no annexations will be accepted in Watershed 35 So., without guarantee of prepayment of watershed trunk charges or installation of needed ultimate facilities, and that no service will be provided outside of present District boundary until planned facilities are installed downstream of the property seeki ng service." The needed ul timate faciliti es were i denti fi ed as trunk sewers extendi ng from Interstate 680 eastward to Hansen Lane. All of these needed faciliti es have been installed except for the portion from Interstate 680 to Old Orchard Road which is commonly known as the "Missing Link." The District and the City of Danville are in the process of entering into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) which is on this Board agenda for approval. This JEPA guarantees the installation of the last of the needed ultimate facilities mentioned in Condition No.2 above. Also, the JEPA includes a restriction on the number of sewer connections which can be made prior to the construction of said ultimate facilities. This restriction will guarantee that the capacity of the existing sewer system will not be exceeded prior to the completion of the ultimate facilities. Staff will monitor the connections and enforce the restriction in conjunction with the City of Danville. Therefore, Condition No.2 is no longer needed and can be el iminated. With the elimination of Condition No.2, annexation petitions can be accepted and processed from owners of property in the Sycamore Valley and development will be able to occur in an orderly fashion. RECOMMENDATION: Delete Condition No.2 from the Watershed 35 South Board policy adopted in October of 1978. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION fl5 1302 RAB . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF February 6, 1986 NO. VIr. ENGINEERING 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 86-5 (DANVILLE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE January 31, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. Parcel No. Owner Address Area Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 86-5 Danville Blackhawk Corp. 3820 Blackhawk Road Danville, CA 94526 202-100-022 (103.6 acres) 207-050-007 (32.9 acres) Proposed Subdivision 6196 (110 lots) and 6699 (100 lots). Danville The annexation of these parcels has been held pending the change of the Board policy regarding properties in the Sycamore Valley area (Watershed 35 South). This item may be considered by the Board provided that the Board revises its Sycamore Valley policy whic is on this agenda earlier in the meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 86-5 to be included in a future formal annexation. JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302".9165 (~V~ DH me INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. ) + / '.' """:":'::'::~'::'::':~?k~: .;,.;,:,' ....,... .'..... ........ :.~.:~; .....:. ..,....' ',",' .~ ....... ........ ........ ........ ...... AN 1\JEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ':\4;;";';'.:':':':::';':':':::::':. .~: ~?: II +- ,'.'.' :::~: ....... L II_to ;:.... 1.,-" ~ .;:?:: ........ .:.j: .:~:: -:-:.:-: ~ PROPOSED ANNEXATION f?A. 86-5 ! ).Jf,Lt . CentrL_ Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF February 6, 1986 NO. VI!. ENGINEERING 4 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE $35,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FOR STORM DAMAGE PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 DATE January 30, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE FUNDS SU5~IJi'H' ~t. Willi ams Engineering Division Manager INlTIATJNG DEP.iT./DI\l.D tm t cnglneer ng epar en Engineering Division ISSUE: Funds are required for continuing work on storm damage projects. BACKGROUND: The severe rains of the 1982-83 winter caused extensive damage to the CCCSD storm damage. A total of 49 damage locations were identified, ranging in severity from fallen trees and debris to major landslides. There was too much damage to be repaired in one summer, so an emergency project was launched to repair those sites where collection system failure was a possibility. Repairs were compl eted at 21 sites before the onset of the rai ns of the 1983-84 winter, thereby preventing collection system failure. During the 1983-84 winter, two new damage sites were identified. Thus at the start of summer 1984 a total of 30 sites remained on the storm damage list. At that point in time the emphasis of the storm damage work shifted from emergency repairs to cost-effective long-term repairs. It was also recognized that repairs at many of the damage locations were complicated by potenti al future liti gati on. In these cases the approach was to maintain the sewer service while providing technical support to the District's Risk Management Section in order to assist them in the ultimate resolution of each probl em. In July 1984 the Board authorized $91,400 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the storm damage budget for the fiscal year 1984-85. With this budget the Engineering Department proposed to continue working on projects which were on the storm damage list. Specific work identified at that time included major work at 7 damage sites and minor work at 15 damage sites. The Engineering Department requests a new authorization of funds for collection system damage work for fiscal year 1985-86. Of the initial 30 projects remaining before the fiscal year 1984-85 storm damage budget authorization, 15 have been removed from the list as a result of design and repair work being completed; five projects are in litigation or claims status and consequently are being handled by the District's Risk Management Section with the Engineering Department providing support as needed; and four of the proj ects requi red no desi gn or constructi on, thus have been transferred to the Coll ecti on System Operati ons Department for routine monitoring. Only 6 of the original 30 projects still require some level of design and construction work. The Engineering Department intends to use this authorization to continue preliminary engineering on the six projects in order to define them sufficiently so that a Boa rd authori zati on for desi gn funds can be made. Work req ui red to REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ;()RvJ jJ4AJ 1302A..9/85 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE $35.000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FOR STORM DAMAGE PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE January 30. 1986 bring the projects to the point where they can be designed includes: field investigation. negotiations with haneowners. geotechni- cal investigation. easement acquisition. negotiation with insurance companies. and inter-departmental coordination with Collection System Operations Department. The requested budget for preliminary engineering for the six remaining collection system damage proj ects is $35.000. Thi s i ncl udes $10.000 for engi neeri ng support for those projects being handled by Risk Management (see Attachment 1) . RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $35.000 in Sewer Construction Funds for prel iminary engineering on storm damage projects for fiscal year 1985-86. --------- 1302B-9/85 ATTAa-tP-ENT 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTP-ENT BUDGET FOR 1986 STORM DAMAGE PROJ ECTS District Force Account: Predesign Risk Management Support Geotechnical Investigations T ota 1 $15,000 10,000 10,000 $35,000 Page 3 of 3 . Centr_____ Contra Costa Sanital ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF February 6, 1986 NO. VIr. ENGINEERING 5 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $10,900 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PREPURa-tASE OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE CONCORD INDUSTRIAL PUMP STATION UPGRADING PROJ ECT DATE Februa ry 3, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mill s Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDII( Engineering uepartment/ Engineering Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for funding of the prepurchase of equi pment for the Concord Industri al Pump Stati on Upgradi ng Proj ect, Di stri ct Proj ect No. 4091. BACKGROUND: On August 22, 1985, the Board of Di rectors approved the North Concord/Clyde Sewage Collection System Improvements Project. An element of this project is upgrading of the Concord Industrial Pump station fran 120 gallons per minute to approximately 800 gallons per minute rated capacity. The Board has authori zed $21,000 for predesi gn and desi gn of the proj ect el ement. Part of the Pump Station upgrading will be accomplished by replacing the existing 7-1/2 horsepower/USO r.p.m. pumps with new pumps rated at 30 horsepower/17S0 r.p.m. The new pump motors will be of a high efficiency design to minimize future power utilization. These pumps, because of the need for standardization and compati- bility with other Pump Station equipment and space requirements, will be obtained fran Fai rbanks Morse, the manufacturer of the exi sti ng pumps. Lead time for delivery of this equipment is estimated to be 16 - 18 weeks. Prepurchase of these pumps at this time will assure their availability prior to award of the construction contract. The Engineering Department has obtained a pricing quotation of $10,900 for the two pumps fran Fairbanks Morse's representative and determined that the cost for these pumps is reasonable. The preliminary total project cost estimate for the Pump Station upgrading is $95,000. This includes design, construction contract, and construction management costs. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $10,900 fran the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the Concord Industrial Pump Station Upgrading Project, District Project No. 4091. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211..9/85 2- JMM tfS/Lt HSM /J1kJ DRW ENG. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. VIII. SOLID WASTE 1 CITY OF ORINDA ~f~tt~f!ff%lli)) 26 ORINDA WAY ORINDA, CA 84563 (415) 254-3900 FEB 3 1986 CCC!lD ,.lO"'l"TAnV OF -THE DI!;TNCT February 3, 1986 Mr. Roger J. Dolan General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Dolan: The Orinda City Council held a Public Hearing on whether to assume the franchising responsibilities for refuse col- lection in Orinda. At the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council voted against assumption of the franchise at the current time. The City Council also supports the recommendations provided by the City of Lafayette in their January 24 correspondence to the district. More specifically, the ten year contract based upon a five year guarantee and a five year extension is strongly supported by the Orinda City Council. As you may be aware, the collection rates were as actively discussed as the assumption of the franchise. The City Council intends to cooperate with Orinda-Moraga Disposal in working toward a rate structure more acceptable to the community in the future. Thank you for the consideration provided to the citizens of Orinda and the City Council in the review of the draft franchise agreement. Sincerely, ../i)NJ c:S/A/ c.~L-/11A:- Tom Sinclair City Manager TS:nh . Centr... Contra Costa Sanitar # District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 8 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF February 6, 1986 NO. VII 1. SOLI D WASTE 2 SUBJECT RECEIVE REVISED DRAFT OF THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND STAFF REPORT THEREON, AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION WITH PRESENT FRANCHISEES AFTER DETERMINING FINAL TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT DATE January 28, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT DRAFT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: At the conclusion of the December 19, 1985 Public Hearing to receive public comment on the draft of the renegotiated refuse collection franchise agreement, District staff was directed to prepare, and herewith submits, a Position Paper which reviewed the major issues presented in the public hearing process, and to incorporate alternative provisions within particular sections of the franchise agreement for consideration by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: At the direction of the Board of Directors, District staff commenced negotiations to produce a successor refuse collection franchise agreement in November 1984. Prior to commencement of negotiations with the franchised refuse collectors, meetings were held with officials of the Cities of San Ramon, Danville, Lafayette and Moraga, and the Orinda Association to advise affected jurisdictions of the purpose of the negotiations and to sol icit concerns and suggestions. The initial, and successive, drafts of the renegotiated franchise agreement which were su bm i tted at the Novembe r 19, 1985, Decembe r 5, 1985, and Decembe r 19, 1985 Boa rd Meetings were concurrently provided to city officials. A Public Hearing was held on December 19, 1985 to receive public comment from representatives of affected cities, residents, the general public, and refuse collectors on the draft of the renegotiated refuse collection franchise agreement. A review of the major issues on which publ ic comment was received rel ative to the draft franchise agreement is presented in the following sections of this Position Paper. The revised draft of the renegotiated franchise agreement is provided as Attachment I, and alternative provisions for particular sections of the agreement are provided as Attachments II through V. The renegotiated franchise agreement will be extended to Valley Disposal Service, Inc. and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. The execution of a franchise agreement with Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service will be delayed until this refuse collector submits a comprehensive and acceptable rate application by March 31, 1986. City Officials Town of Moraga--The Town of Moraga advised the Board in a letter dated December 19, 1985 that it is in complete agreement with a ten-year term of the franchise agreement. The letter further indicated that it endorses periodic REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WF JH ~~ SUBJECT RECEIVE REVISED DRAFT OF THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND STAFF REPORT THEREON, AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION WITH PRESENT FRANCHISEES AFTER DETERMINING FINAL TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE A Januarv 28. 1986 distribution of printed rates and services information to customers (at intervals of once every twenty-four months and following rate changes) and the increase to 30 days for the delinquent payment period prior to termination of services. The Town of Moraga was subsequently notified that its comments were entered into the Public Hearing record and advised of the Board's decision to continue consideration of the renegotiated franchise agreement to February 6, 1986. City of Lafayette--In previous meetings with City officials, the City of Lafayette advised the Board that provisions in the franchise agreement should be developed to provide the District with the required flexibil ity to address uncertainties within a ten-year framework. In a letter dated January 24, 1986, the Lafayette City Council provided the Board with its recommendations that the following be included in the franchise agreement: a ten-year term; a definition of "wastestream" in Section 1, Definitions; a requirement that written notification be mailed to each customer no less than 30 days prior to the public hearing at which rate increase applications are considered; and written notification to cities and customers whenever substantial changes in operations, level of service and cost to customers are being considered. The City of Lafayette was subsequently advised by District staff of the Board's decision to continue consideration of the renegotiated franchise agreement to February 6, 1986, at which time the City's recommendations will be reviewed and acted upon. City of Orinda--In a letter dated December 3, 1985, the City of Orinda advised the Board that collection rates are unacceptably high and that measures to reduce rates should be investigated. The City requested a period of two months to review the draft franchise agreement and the City's options regarding assumption of franchising authority. These requests were reiterated by a City official at the Publ ic Hearing. In a subsequent letter, the City requested the District's Deputy General Manager attend a City Council Meeting on January 28, 1986, at which the draft franchise agreement will be considered. District staff has subsequently advised the City of Orinda of the Board's decision to continue consideration of the renegotiated franchise agreement to February 6, 1986. An affirmative response was made to the City's request for participation by District representatives at its January 28, 1986 Council Meeti ng. City of San Ramon--The City of San Ramon advised the Board of its plan to assume franchising authority for refuse collection within its City limits. The City also wished to establ ish a process for the inclusion of newly annexed areas within its franchising authority. This concern was accomodated by incorporation of clarifying language in the draft franchise agreement. --------- 13028- 9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE REVISED DRAFT OF THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND STAFF REPORT THEREON, AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION WITH PRESENT FRANCHISEES AFTER DETERMINING FINAL TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 3 OF 8 January 28, 1986 The City of San Ramon was subsequently notified by District staff that the District's current service areas within its City limits will be excluded from the renegotiated franchise agreement boundaries, and provisions have been incorporated for the annual transfer of the franchising authority for areas newly annexed to the City. City of Danville--In a letter dated December 18, 1985, the Danville City Council provided the Board with its recommendations that the term of the franchise agreement be ten years, or less, and that local governments be exempted from refuse collection fees. The Council requested that a Publ ic Hearing be held in the San Ramon Valley on the renegotiated franchise agreement. The City of Danville was subsequently notified by District staff that: the Board will be considering terms of ten or more years at its February 6, 1986 Board Meeting; the District does not exempt local governments within its boundaries, incl udi ng itsel f, from refuse coll ection fees; and al though the Board conducted a District-wide Public Hearing on December 19, 1985, the District would be pleased to send representatives as participants to City sponsored public hearings. Residents and Public Certain residents and members of the publ ic expressed concern regarding the level of collection rates in the District; others indicated satisfaction with the rates and quality of service. Two specific issues pertinent to the renegotiated franchise agreement were presented: that the refuse collection franchises be opened to a competitive bidding process; and that incentives to recycling be incorporated in the franchise agreement. The Board expressed a di si ncl i nati on to use a competitive bi ddi ng process to select franchised refuse collectors. Staff believes that Section 24, Recycling, provides the District with broad latitude in instituting refuse recycling programs at the initiation of the Board of Directors. Refuse Collectors The major concerns expressed by the franchised refuse collectors are summarized be 1 ow : Insurance Limits (Section 15)--It was indicated that the increased amount of insurance coverages would result in significantly higher premiums, and that the limits should not be stipulated in the agreement, but should be set by the Board from time to time. Dissemination of Rate Schedules (Section 18)--It was contended that the administrative expense and technical problems in complying with the 1...._______. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE REVISED DRAFT OF THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND STAFF REPORT THEREON, AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION WITH PRESENT FRANCHISEES AFTER DETERMINING FINAL TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 4 OF 8 J anuarv 28, 1986 requirement for notice to all customers of rates and services, at least once every twenty-four months, and each time a rate increase is granted, woul d be unreasonably burdensome. It was requested that the information and manner of notice be prescribed from time to time by the Board. Industrial Waste (Section 1)--It was requested that industrial waste not be excluded from the definition of "Garbage" in Section 1, Definitions, in order to avoid exposing this collection activity to free market forces. A concern was expressed that, while very little industrial waste is collected in the franchise areas, such exclusion by the District may erode this collection activity in other regulatory jurisdictions. Term of the AQreement (Section 34)--Twenty years was indicated as a minimum term; a twenty-five year term was regarded as appropri ate based primarily on the requirement to secure capital commitments, particularly in the development of a disposal site. Staff Recommendations on Remaining Issues Insurance Limits (Section 15)--The staff recommends that the amount of insurance coverages be set annually by the General Manager-Chief Engineer, after discussion with the refuse collector; the refuse collector would have the right to appeal the decision of the General Manager-Chief Engineer to the Board of Directors. This process is consistent with the request of the refuse collectors and Section 15, Insurance, has been revised to incorporate such provisions. Insurance should no longer be an issue. Dissemination of Rate Schedules (Section 18)--The staff recommends that the requirement for distribution of printed rates and services by the refuse collector shoul d remai n. In order to meet the collectors' request for greater flexibility, staff has redrafted the agreement to provide for consultation with the General Manager-Chief Engineer, or his designee, by the refuse collector to determine the appropriate manner of notifying each customer, as follows: "No 1 ess than once every twenty-four (24) months, and each time the Contractor requests a rate increase, the Contractor shall notify each customer with printed information setting forth the rates, days of collections, Contractor's complaint procedures, and the amount and manner of refuse to be collected. The Contractor shall consult with the General Manager-Chief Engineer, or his designee, to determine the appropriate manner of notifying each customer." This proposed modification is unacceptable to the collectors. They propose the following language: "Di strict, from time to time, may di rect Contractor to mail to its -.------.. 13028-9/85 -----'-_.-._'~----_....,,~""._--"~-----"._----~-,-~.-_..--_..-."-""._-.."---..__.~,.,..,.--_."- SUBJECT RECEIVE REVISED DRAFT OF THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND STAFF REPORT THEREON, AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION WITH PRESENT FRANCHISEES AFTER DETERMINING FINAL TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 5 OF 8 January 28, 1986 customers i nformati on regardi ng rates and services and Contractor shall comply with such directions." Staff does not recommend the collectors' proposed modification because it is too broad and inappropriately removes the automatic notification to ratepayers of rate increases at each time the collectors request a rate increase or at a minimum, once every two years. Furthermore, it is not appropriate to shift the burden of increased rate notification from the collectors to the District staff. Therefore, accurate ratepayer notification of increases in rates is best served by the compromise language recommended by staff. Industrial Waste (Section 1)--The staff recommends exclusion of industrial waste from the franchise agreement for the following reasons: 1. The unique and individual ized character of the various industrial wastes, coupled with the non-standard methods of removal and disposal, prevent the establishment of a uniform and fairly determined rate schedule. Unlike the uni form rates for general refuse of resi denti al and commerci al customers, separate rates for i ndivi dual industri al waste products woul d need to be set. As such, these rates are better determined by free market forces. 2. The existing franchise agreement does not define industrial waste as a franchised activity, and the District has not previously set rates for industrial wastes. The exclusion of industrial waste collection from the renegotiated franchise agreement does not represent an alteration of pre-existing conditions. 3. As ever increasing numbers of industrial waste products are classified as hazardous, the ri sk of 1 i abil ity for damage to property and 1 i fe bei ng retrospectively assessed upon regulators should be avoided. 4. Publ ic agencies, such as the District, which produce unique industrial waste materi al shoul d be unfettered in thei r attempt to obtai n the most efficient, economical, and safe removal and disposal means. 5. The purpose of the franchise agreement is to provide for the economical and efficient collection and disposal of general refuse of residential and commercial customers. Industrial waste shares little in common with domestic and commercial refuse and accordingly staff can find no publ ic benefit from including industrial waste within the monopoly privilege granted by thi s agreement. As with hazardous waste, i ndustri al waste should, therefore, not be a concern of this Board. The collectors assert that excl usion of industri al waste differs from current garbage industry franchise practice and will create an undesirable precedent. Staff bel ieves that other garbage industry franchise agreements are silent on --------.. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE REVISED DRAFT OF THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND STAFF REPORT THEREON, AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION WITH PRESENT FRANCHISEES AFTER DETERMINING FINAL TERMS OF THE AGREE~NT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 6 OF 8 January 28, 1986 the issue of "exclusive right of disposal of industrial waste". A precedent of allowing the free market and state and federal regulators to control the collection and cost of industrial, designated, and hazardous waste disposal is appropri ate. The attached survey (Attachment VII) reveal s that withi n the District boundaries, most of the industrial waste collected is hazardous waste. The remaining industrial waste collected will likely be classified as a designated waste. Designated waste must receive special handling and be disposed of in accordance with state and federal regulations in a similar manner to hazardous waste. During the franchise term, staff anticipates many changes in the definitions of hazardous, designated, and industrial waste established by state and federal agencies. Rates and disposal requirements will appropriately be set by the free market and state and federal regul ators. Therefore, staff recommends that all industrial waste be excluded from the franchise agreement. Term of the AQreement (Section 34)--The District staff recognizes that the term of the agreement is a focal issue for Board determination. At the Board's direction on December 19, 1985, three additional alternative terms have been developed and are presented on Attachments II and III in a narrative format, and in Attachment VI in a comparative chart. As the Board has requested staff recommendati ons on remai ni ng issues, the following reasons are provided in support of a ten-year term: L...________ 1. The City of Lafayette and the Town of Moraga have recommended that the term of the agreement be ten years. The City of Danville recommends that a term of ten years, or less, be employed. 2. The term of ten years, which is equivalent to the unrenewed option period under the current agreement, would appear to be long enough to provide a stable environment to ensure responsible refuse collection and financing of equipment acquisition. The refuse collectors have, during the course of negotiations, indicated a minimum period of seven years for amortization of garbage trucks. 3. A ten-year term, which has hi storically been used by the Di strict, will allow reasonable flexibility to adjust to uncertainties of the future and thereby provide for the long-term best interests of the ratepayers. A longer term could needlessly constrain future District Boards in addressing such uncertainties. A term of ten years, or less, has recently been adopted by other franchising agencies, such as the City of Walnut Creek's agreement with Valley Disposal Service, to provide needed flexibility. 4. The requirement established in the draft franchise agreement for assuring disposal site capacity after five years recognizes the critical sol id waste disposal problem in the County, and is intended to encourage the private sector to develop a sol uti on by guaranteei ng an additi onal five year term. In the event the disposal problem is not sol "ed, the District would be able to pursue other options to protect the interests of the rate paying public. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE REVISED DRAFT OF THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND STAFF REPORT THEREON, AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION WITH PRESENT FRANCHISEES AFTER DETERMINING FINAL TERMS OF THE AGREEtlfNT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 7 OF A January 28, 1986 5. The refuse collectors' assertion that a linkage exists between a longer term of the franchise agreement beyond ten years and their ability to obtain funding for a disposal site is, in staff's opinion, unfounded. A ten-year term, and a determination by a future Board on possible extensions of the agreement, should not impinge upon capitalization of a disposal site. It is recognized that refuse which would be deposited at the disposal site would not be drawn solely from within the District's jurisdiction, but from other franchising authorities, each with varying franchise terms. 6. A term longer than ten years is unnecessary for the purpose of amortizing the refuse collectors' investment in providing adequate disposal capacity. A public refuse collection franchise is not required to provide long-term guaranteed profitability or remove all risk from collateral private sector disposal enterprises. For the reasons set forth above, Di strict staff believes that a term of ten years provides an appropriate balance between the District's need for flexibility in adjusting to future changes, and a reasonable level of stability for the refuse collectors. If the Board believes a term longer than ten years should be granted, District staff recommends the use of Alternative 4, shown on Attachment III, which provides for a base term of ten years and an additional five-year option period. The conditions established for the option period provide the District the requisite level of flexibility unavailable in the two other alternative terms beyond ten years. cttachment IV presents Section 7 of the franchise agreement which is unique to Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service, and which permits submission of an unaudited statement of operations prepared by a certified publ ic accountant on a compiled basis. Attachment V presents Section 38 of the franchise agreement which is unique to Valley Disposal Service, and provides for the exclusion of the City of San Ramon from the renegotiated franchise agreement. RECOMtENDATION: 1. Review and consider the revised draft franchise agreement presented as Attachment I, alternative sections presented as Attachments II through V, and further input from cities. II. Deliberate and decide the following issues: a. What Board actions would be appropriate regarding input from the Cities of Lafayette and Orinda? ---------- 13028-9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE REVISED DRAFT OF THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND STAFF REPORT THEREON, AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION WITH PRESENT FRANCHISEES AFTER DETERMINING FINAL TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 8 OF 8 January 28, 1986 b. Is the present draft of Section 18, Miscellaneous Obligations of Contractor, regarding distribution of printed rates and services satisfactory? c. Should industrial waste be excluded from the definition of "Garbage" in Section 1, and thereby not be provided monopoly privileges? d. What should be the term of the franchise agreement? e. Should the provisions of Section 7 be included in the Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service franchise agreement? III. Consider the franchise agreement, as amended, and authorize execution by the Board President with: a. Valley Disposal Service, Inc. and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. as of March 1, 1986 b. Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service only after receipt of a comprehensive and acceptable rate application by March 31, 1986. ~.._----_.. 13028-9/85 LAFAYETTE sarrrum t848=INUIIIPOIIATEDI888 CITY COUNCIL Richard F. Holmes, Mayor Donald L. Tatzin, Vice Mayor Ernest W. Parti Gayle B. Uilkema Avon M. Wilson January 24, 1986 Parke Boneystee1e, President, and Members of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear President Boneysteele and Members of the Board: The City of Lafayette has reviewed the January 3, 1986 draft of the renegotiated Master Garbage Franchise agreement in conjunction with the previous draft of December 9, 1985. Since this is our City's first opportunity to comment on the proposed tranchise agreement, we would nke the following recommendations considered for incluslon in the garbage franchise and entered into the Public Hearing record: 1. Add "Wastestream" and its definition to Section I. 2. The City of Lafayette supports a 10-year contract -- 5 years guaranteed, with a 5-year extension if the Contractor has a new, approved and operational landfill site in place. Given the changing regional solid waste picture, we believe this approach gives both the District and the ratepayers the greatest protection and fl exi bil ity. 3. While we strongly support the provisos of Section 18, page 16, by which the contractor notifies each customer when a rate increase has been requested, we believe, in order to assure maximum responsiveness to the ratepayers, the section should be amended as follows: "Each time the Contractor requests a rate increase, the Contractor shall notify each Customer, in writing, that a rate increase has been requested of the District. The written notification shall be mailed no less than 30 days prior to the District's scheduled publiC-hearing relative to the proposed rate increase. No less than once every twenty-four (24) months, and each time the Contractor requests a rate increase, the Contractor shall notify each Customer with printed information setting forth the rates, days of collection, Contractor's complaint procedures and the amount and manner of refuse to be collected." ,~~----_.. -. ._--- ..-. 251 LAFAYETTE CIRCLE, LAFAYETTE, CA 94549 TELEPHONE: (415) 284-1968 _ ___~__~.______.__,.____..______.,~_.~_m.'_'_'_~__'___'_.~__"'___'_' .__"._.~____~~____,__'''__,._"___._...._..._...,.._.._._"' This written notification and information can be included as part of the regular billing. 4. Sections 24, 25, and 27, pose the potential for substantial change in operation, level of service and cost to the customer. Since our City's stance is that this franchise should be responsive to customer concerns, we recommend that language be added to these sections which specifically assures that the cities and their citizens shall have written notification well in advance of any such proposed change and its concomitant scheduled public hearing. This language should be consistent with the notification and hearing process which we have recommended for Section 18. We appreciate the assistance and information which your District has provided to our Council during the renegotiation process. In this spirit, we request that any further proposed changes to the draft franchise and appropriate hearing dates be provided to us in a timely manner, thereby enabling us to provide the Board with additional input. In addition to our written comments, a member of our Council will be present at the February 6, 1986 public hearing, to answer any questions which you may have. We look forward to meeting with you at that time. Yours very truly, ~-r;e-: ~ Richard F. Holmes Mayor cc: Town of Moraga City of Orinda 1-24amw 1/3)>'; ,,?/ /' L4dv ~~ ~J/~~'L./ Cl )}?~t~1 ~ ~_tt~V?-- . c:;:, ~ /J/'....:..../~ ~:.Lf f? ~ ~ ~ ~.,L c2/u.,,'-: z!4. ~d--.0 ~J ;/ ..4'.c7c~~ ~-. c:::,r-~L ~ ~, ~.,eZ-- ~ .--/~ ~--r L~ ,.J-/../~. P ~ ~ a. ~.~ ~"" p.. ~ ,.J ?- ~t~ . ~4 V Q tf-_. ?J_-i.-- S<8' ;I ~J).i/ ~,AL- "t7/ ''';/- I ~ ~ ft1CED\'l~t\)) JA\~ t' 1986 Edouard A. Laqache 29 Altamount Dr~ve Or~nda, CA, 94563 cccso SECRETARY Of "THE OI~'l'fl1O't January 8, 1'386 Letters. Ed.:i.tor Contra Costa Sun P.O. Box 599 3678 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA, 94549 Copy to: Contra Cos.ta Central Sanitary Diatr~ct Board. Gentlemen, This letter ~s to express my d~sappo~nt.ent w~th the act~ons of the Contra Costa Central 5an~tary D~ctrict Board. As :far as I know the Urea son d'etreU on a requlatory board ~s to prevent pOSSible abuses of pr~vate ~ndustr~es that are ~n a monopoly pos~t~on. Thus, ~t stands to reason that the board should have been very ~nterested ~n the concerns o:f Helen Boll~nq. Merely a letter of concern should have tr1qqered a :full ~nvest~qat10n on the disP05al rate structure 1n the Lamor1nda area. Unfortunately, the board has been anyth~nq but cooperat~ve, and the .atter rema~ns unresolved to th~s day. While we should all applaud the efforts of Helen Bollinq, the fact of the matter is that the present situat~on is unacceptable. We are lucky to have cit1zens who have the t~me to devote such poiitical .atters. In many co..un~t~es, people spend all of the1r t1me Just try~nq to make ends meet. If the board cannot respond to the t~reless efforts of Helen Boll~nq, where does that leave those who cannot afford either ~nflated rates or the time to uncover thelll? I urqe the board to turn a new leaf, and to renew the battle for respons~ble requlat~on for th~s ~ndustry. The taxpayers of th~s county work hard enouqh: they certa~nly shouldn't need to stay UP past .~dn~qht to qet reasonable qarbaqe rates. S~ncerly yours, ~a.~ Edouard A. Laqache P.aJ!,a'La :z itiaa. 1045 cS/ningfieLd f):)'Li1.7e <Walnut C'Leek, Ca. 94598 R~(~teD~;~lL1 'JAN 1 ~) 1986 cccso stCRETARY OF THE 015'"'10" January 13, 1986 Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca 94553 Dear Directors: At your Febuary 6th meeting you will be discussing franchise renewals for current garbage collection agencies. Consumers would, of course, enjoy lower rates were CCCSD and the various Cities to utilize competitive bidding at franchise time. Per- haps that day will come in the not too dis- tant future. Not one to beat a dead horse, I .Wi11 limit my recommendations to the following: Franchise agreements should NOT be extended for the maximum 10 year renewal period. Fran- chises should be on a year to year basis with cancellation options (for competitive bidding purposes, new technology etc) for both parties. I urge you not LOCK us in as did the City of Walnut Creek tn their franchise renQ9$tiation. Very truly yours ~b~ j~H~ ~ f! , \l ~ [5) JAN 1 6 1986 cccso seCRETARY OF THE DISTRICT January 13, 1986 Mr. Paul Morsen Deputy General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5099 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Dear Paul: The subjects of your January 3, 1986 letter regarding the proposed franchise agreement with Valley Disposal were reviewed with the Danville City Council on January 6th. The City Council does not wish to independently schedule a separate hearing on the proposed agreement. In addition, the Council appreciates your clarification of the other questions we raised about the agreement. Thank you for your response. Sincerely, G--7~~%--P ;a~ MICHAEL M. DAVIS City Manager cc: Marshall Grodin, Valley Disposal, Inc. 542 San Ramon Valley Blvd. · Danville, CA · 94526 . (415) 820-6337 THE PACIFIC MARKETING Il!IIl. Jill; ';""1\ {F' . .... ~!?:I " ;Jt.~ ;:;'.,'" I~:~ "./ ~ lbb GROUP iJAN 2 1 1986 cr.. . CCCSD f:ie,CRETAR'I' OF THE OIRT!'UOt January 16, 1986 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Gentlemen, It has come to my attention that the quality of service delivered by the Valley Disposal Service of Walnut Creek is being questioned. Simply stated, their service is superb. As an adult, I have lived in Chicago, Tulsa, the New York area, winston Salem and now, Lafayette. Therefore, I believe I can reasonably assess the quality and value of Valley Disposal Service; both are excellent. The people who run Valley Disposal are fine citizens who contribute actively to their community. These folks are good people! Again, as a six year resident of Lafayette, I believe strongly that Valley Disposal provides excellent service at a reasonable price. I enthusiastically endorse the renewal of their franchise and would discourage you from granting this franchise to any other company. Sincerely, 244 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94111 415.788.8764 t/ ~ ;:J~~ I!J ~-,7.ui.a ~ 0~ fA~_ ~~ 0-'~d 50/ q ~ /L.4.0 /J'JUvr~ &.:4. 9t1r-f".3. I... I 7- g~. IJ.uvI /~ ./3~~ ~&~ /11tt~ J ~ ./~f h ~ ~J ZU-nA: V~ ~'~ tt'vJa. ~>,L jJL'YWU I fl1J J ~d: VtU ~ ~ ~ ;thvi ~ r~' j ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ft~ ILl-r ~~~~~~~. J ~ 1Jw:r ~ ~nLb,a ~ ~ 4i?Yf A~ ~~ O;:~~l~i ),utiih'Wl..Q,j ~. J~.Ltz~AM~ ~ ;t.- ~ CL ~ WrJ J.~ ~. ~ k ~J/Y1 CA- .1t12NJ ~ .1' ,~.. ~~6~ )ff~ ~ ~'IljL /~ ~ ~ ~ cktvn-~ ~~ (hAld 4JvL~d~aJ ~~~ ~ ~vtu.. W~~ Ca- q LJr-q (0 '!" tdt~Vl/ ~2- - J . - ~ -'-.v-l.,;~~.. ft A-r d-rrn;" -.,;-~ 7t/o-../J '-y"Hl ~~~'--'~ ?"...d<..; a -I1.-d~/U'~ 6f a ./"U~K..~~~ ~,t~~~ iltd/L'i ~~f ~. .t:JILk~' Ab4J'fA/ ~~~.Z ...t~-t.' ~ 1-0 a.UtnA,,.- ~rL) -iz?,u .::6 C/l.~v ~ ~~ 'r ;(k~.' N-etA./-v~ ~1 C( a~drhl.~J cj t;~ -6 ~<<; ~~ M' ~~ I ~N tGu-,<,,,L<<'<<'p2 J-ru-1tA ~.~ tv fit ~ ~/~/' . f hj~d ~1 ~ Yk<XF"" LUuu-( ft 'l71.LL--1 ~ ~~-<.-a/ . ~ '1~ ~2)' ')1:1/L.-Kj ~~ ~ fa <fI~. ~~/. ~~4" cl)Pf ~~~ Jd-n. /~ ,jw cy)~ ~-~4/' 37S-Y ~~~.) IV. ~~..1 (~. 7'YJ-Yi "" ~ '" '" . '0 '" w, ___1 ;t'b J[: ,~ IF- Un "':' te Al fU 1'=.... :\.'f'" u.t \:I lS lk!; JAN 21 1986 CCCSO SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT January 16, 1985 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Attention: Honorable Parke Boney Steele Dear Mr. Steele, I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the efficient, reliable and friendly service provided by Valley Disposal Service. I would hate to think of having any other service. Sincerely, "" \ I l . ~!t~t<7 /?ui({( Jeanne Sharkey 190 N. Wiget Lane Walnut Creek, CA 94 5 ~{8 R I e IE n ;,~ IE !O JAN 2 1 1986 CCCSD SIlCRETARY OF THE OlsmlCT January 17, 1985 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Attention: Honorable Parke Boney Steele Dear Mr. Steele, I want to compliment Valley Disposal Service for their reliability, efficiency and the courteousness of their employees for the 12 years we have lived in Walnut Creek and been serviced by them. Sincerely, J;. J3 2f1'~ G.B. Wyman 961 Kenilworth Ct. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 ~Gte~B~f!\D) JAN 21 1986 January 17, 1985 CCCSO SECRETARY OF THE OlsTl'lICT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Attention: Honorable Parke Boney Steele Dear Mr. Steele, My wife and I have resided at 32 Elmwood Ct., Walnut Creek, for the past 30 years. During this period of time, Valley Disposal has provided excellent service and their personnel have proven to be very relyable. My compliments to this organization. Sincerely, ~ H.H. Rudige'r 32 Elmwood ct. Walnut Creek, CA 94598 John Eaton 3510 Hamlin Road Lafayette, CA 94549 January 16, 1986 central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Sir or Madam, I just moved to Lafayette last year and I want to tell you how much I like the garbage pick up services provided by Valley Disposal. I like the friendly service and the price. But most of all, I like the fact that Valley is a local group from our own community. Very Truly Yours, ~f.L John Eaton ~~ 0,90/1'18:;;- .~~~.{)~~ 6o/Q ~.rP~ .. . '.' ~4 91.j5S3 '. . . ~~tto~: ~ ~ ~.;..k&., ~ I W<. ~ ~ .A.~:;h.. Chuv ~~ ..J- ~ ~ .,-7J~--~ L th. ~ ~ (J)~_. ~ tkrP ~ t)~ ..0 /Ilo ~ r ~ &1/ ~, ~ ~~ ~ cL ~ L M ~ fYV~~~~ . 1J tk ~. ~ ~ ~/NMJ ~ ~ k~. ~{~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ r . . ~~fxu..~ ~ ~.--UutJ 1;, h ft-e ~I ~tRt ~ ~ ~ ~ O.>\.l ~ IlY\ ~ tl o.-J. ~ ~ ~;;{} ~ 4m ~ ~ rt-J ~ U; ',I o-~ VI) ~~~ cY~ 3~ <(~~ G)~k 1LJS-03 January 17, 1986 Mr. Parke Boneystee1e central contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca. 94553 ~ ~ :~ If!! n ~{ ~ !DJ JAN 2 2 1986 Dear Mr. Boneystee1ej cccso SECRETARY OF THE DISTRlcr We have been following with interest the discussion of refuse collection services for those of us residing in the central Sanitation District. After reading the recent contra costa sun article, we feel it necessary to compliment the Layayette Disposal Company. They have been our collectors for the seven years we have resided in Lafayette. The level of ser- vice provided us was never equaled in our previous re- sidences (Oakland, E1 Cerrito and Alameda). We have never experienced a problem of missed or inadequate ser- vice. Further, we appreciate the collectors' hard work~ ing ways and courteous attitude, a rarity these days. We ask that you help insure that the quality service provided by Lafayette Disposal is extended to us on a long term basis. Very truly yours mMI~ ...LIP-- and Marion lIes 3527 Hamlin Rd. Lafayette -" ~lef!IY~/(j) JAN 2 ;3 1986 January 22, 1986 cccso seCRETARY OF THE OISTRIOT Board of Directors CCCSD 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Gentlemen; Generally the public always welcomes the opportunity to pay less for a product or service. Often the problem with paying less is, that less is received by the consumer. I believe this to be a probability if the garbage franchise for Orinda and Moraga is competitively bid for. The ingredients for such a scenario are simple. A larger garbage company bids to do the work at a loss in order to get the franchise, and to increase their revenue base. The Orinda-Moraga franchise is only a small portion of their total business. Consequently, they can eat the loss for a year or two and then raise the rates to a profitable level. Meanwhile, the current carrier is out of business because they can't compete with loss bidding. The local community is the loser because they end up with the same rates but lose a local business in the process. Secondly, it seems only common sense that given a local garbage company whose entire business is the community he lives in versus an outside garbage company to whom our community represents only a fraction of their revenue; the issue of service and fair rates is significantly more critical to the local company. It also seems reasonable that the local garbage company has more interest in the general welfare of the local community. Finally, as a citizen of the Orinda Moraga community for over 30 years, it seems clear to me that collecting garbage in Orinda would be much more difficult and therefore costly than Moraga. Why? One simply needs to drive the older, narrower streets and steeper hills of Orinda. If by chance Orinda residents are charged the same rate as Moraga residents, I suggest Orinda is paying less than they should be. As a current resident of Moraga, I wish to go on record in support of the good service I have received from the Orinda Moraga Disposal Service Company. Sincerely, fttJ~ Steven A. Manuel SAM/kms ~"-'-1 h~ <! C. c.. S. :Z>. fOlq~ f~ c-~1 f ~ '1YJJ3 ~\ lib.: f{.'~'''''' ffi; 11 ...' '5 fD' tftl ~ \\:" I~'~ )~ ~ I!. JAN 27 1986 CCCSD ""F.GRET~"Y 0FIHE DISTRict ~,~~~ ~~! ~~1~~~~ ~1~~AAv~/J ~ .M ~'t ~. .~ ~ Ud ~. ALa, 't-r ~ ~ ~ ~ W . ttAt, )4u1h~ ,~~ J ~ cnv~ AA-f 'ilL ~ -/..ill, ~ ~~/ ~ a., ~~~, $CU~ ~;U ad M. ~ ~~~~ ~~ rr ~J ~~~~~~r~' ~ ~~t..U ~~i ~ ~-:.r-~tv ~.~~ I&~~~~~~ .,~;tk~I~~~~' J ~~J~ ~!#r4/~ 1 ~ ~ ~~. J~6 ~.~~~tJ-tL ~~~~0~~ ~M ~M~4-~. ~~i:cik~~. ~; ~, " 1Jv..., ~ ~ , IJf:J- ~- ~. ~I ~ ftfSb3 /11.5>./ ~t/ -jl.}JCf . ,ro/~/9?~ <::cJ" .cn t,(/ . . . J I j} 1 . if? 1 ". ) ,,/,~/) ;rl,~. ;- 4. /J ~.~ ~ , '14t~ U ~ ~ . fA' Ii'II ji, ,(~ !! /1." liH~ ~~ C'~ ~u/ /~ fl,.f- JAN 271986 .5 O/f{ _ ~r I...IL::r~ s coos, ~r ECRETARY OF mE DISTRICT /)11~ ~, 9'f553 J /~~L ~~,,~,'-: tk~ ~;f- --t4,/td' ~~,~~[~~~~ o ~,e /~~ i:."O c&~/ t~o7I / ~ iJ~~ f~7fd,~~,/td~ '~<J--> /,-aL~,~r~l, -,~.* w-€/~,~~~~,U4ad~ v~pvd. .<A<- ~ "':;dI~ ~ rL.f ~.. ~ t:::~~~ "aL(,:Jd~ /la', "~/~~"" ,~~ ~'~ ~ ~::(~cp-v;z5~ aJ- ~,', j. . _ "_A.I-"'" ./~ -[0 /I_..d. '15-' .. tJ~ fA crwV ~""'--- r v#." ~ ' ~;:;tdZ::::~ -d~b::::::::-= ~ 'lD~;t:~'. . /~.~rt~~~. ~~'~"~. ~ h ..t2ef~~~ "., fl ;tfR. If ~ 13~. . ~J,tv:r. ~, J tl U ., -. /Jd~ ~I /i - jIL, ql/.5'~ U-f-" ?37-05fp>' ~ <-"""'7 ~ f810: ~ D \,1 ~ li] JAN 2'-' 1986 CCC$O SF-CRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place NClrtinez, Ci'. 9l~553 Dear Board of Directors: I c:m a long-time resident of Lafcyette and I ,'lant to say thC\t I an very pleased \7i th my gnrbagc collec tion compan~r, Valley Di spos2~1 Service. I ha',c been reLldin.~ in the paper cbout a franchi.se, and I say ,sl,rc i_ t to them -- the longer the better! I've never seen such hc:rcl-uorkinz boys. lfuen I pay my bill at least I knmr they did a lot of \':OTk for the money. Another thing. I leno,,;v the dump is filling up Gncl the:;e compo.nies l,DVC t.o buy a ne,'l one. I sny let t]-.em ,'Jerk it off over a lon[; period of time because that "i 11 probably help keep the rates lovler than n short period of time. Sincerely, L" -!) ~~ RONALD T. LARSEN 8 SON GENERAL INSURANCE BROKERS 582 Market St., #811 ~~~-~~~~Q~~~~~.~~ SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94104 TEL E PH 0 N E (4 1 5) 9 8 2 - 3 1 6 6 'F8 !"""",':\If!' U' '(," IE [D'" '. 'rn";:l '!' . ~.,\. '.- \ I 1~ '~",,, ~ /J January 29, 1986 FEB 3 1986 CCCSO ~CRl'T,AnY OF THE Ol!\TAler Board of Directors CCCSD 1519 Imhoff Pl. Martinez, Ca. Gentlemen: Upon reading the local papers, it has come to my attention that Orinda Moraga Disposal Service has been unjustly represented. I have resided in Orinda for over twenty five years, and my service has always been of high quality. They have always been most accom- ,odating on any unusual pick ups that I have needed. Sincerely, ~~rJ{A c;ry:) Ron Larsen, Jr. 167 Las Vegas Orinda, Ca. 94563 RLjr:jo HELEN D. BOLUNG 52 Barbara Road, Orinda, CA 94563 6 February 1986 Hon.. Nels Carlson, President and Members Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board 5019 Imhoff Place MartinezI' CA 94553 Dear Directors: Many puzzling questions have surfaced for me about the Garbage Monopoly Practices of the Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District and its Publicly Elected Board after attending the Rate Setting Public Hearing on 18 July 1985. 1. Has the District thru its elected Board Members done a disservice to the public by sanctioning territorial boundaries established and agreed upon between the present franchisees some 40 years ago and who are not permitted by District Board approved contracts _ to engage in competition even between each other. 2. Has this District thru its Board acted in the best interests of the general public by awarding practical-lifetime contracts to these franchisees without testing the market placeI' when clearly, two of the three franchisees. rates are exceptionally high with Orinda and Moraga having the highest rates in the general Bay Area. 3. Has this Board historically encouraged, subsidized inefficiency at public expense by ignoring constructive public comments, professional data prepared by their own staff. ...the District; and professional data provided by the prestigious firm of Price Waterhouse. Its special report, dated 7 February 1983, "Review of Refuse Collection Rates Setting Procedures. " a. "Currently the District calculates the franchise operator's revenue requirement using too operating ratio method. Essentially, this method results in a cos t plus contract with the franchise operator. ....... 'We believe the District should consider bing the Return on Equity method. The Return on Equity Method puts the Di strict in the position where they can more readily monitor the franchisor's profit..... b. "Survey of Refuse Rates: We noted for the service areas most similar to the District, it appears that the District's residential I-can rates are higher than the averaqe, but the District's 2-can ra tes are about average. In both cases I these rates are above the median. (under! ining added). /I .. On 18 July 1985, despite public input, a District prepared Data Sheet listing Page-2, 6 February 1986 GARBAGE FRANC RISE rates for communities in various counties in the Bay Area; and the Price Waterhouse findings in Febraary 1983, Valley Disposal Company and Orinda/Moraga Dosposal Company applied for and the Board Members approved the following rate increases (No info available for P.H. Bayshore~ 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 Orinda/Moraga Disp Co. 7.7% 11.7 8.6 o 7.7 16.11 Valley Dis p Co 5 % 7.35 8.24 5 10.3 18.08 4. Another puzzling practice: No verbatim minutes are taken by hand or machine. Summary minutes are taken. Why aren1t verbatim minutes taken, if for no other reason but to verify, when necessary I what was and was not stated, particularly when there is no written documentation~ After all aren't we all subject to discarding what may be unnecessary information for one person but vital to another? At best summary minutes are incomplete. Fore example: At the 18 July 85. I noted that your comparison Data Sheet showed Orinda to have the highest rate in the general Bay Area. ...... "Yet it does not include rate information on the Oakland Hills, Piedmont, Montclair, Richmond, El Cerrito. II I added, II it seemed no comparison data without this information was complete, if for no other reason but that the communities were contiguous and served by other disposal companies. II I also made reference to the cost for Orindans being more than double for l-month's service as compared to Oakland Hills, Piedmont, Montclair. II I.come before you tonight to ask tha t: a. Minutes of the meetings be summarized by hand but recorded by machine. b. Eliminate the "Feudal Rights System II as described in Forbesl 21 October 1985 is sue: liThe Garbaqe Game II... .... where it describes customers as being virtual captives to garbage companies. and allow the franchisees to act in competition with each other by lifting I eliminating the territorial boundaries. c. Future District Comparison Data Sheets include rates for the communities of: Oakland Hills I- Montclair, Piedmont I Sausalito, El Cerrito, El Sobrante. d. You support Lafayette's suggestion tta t written notification be mailed to each customer no less than 30 days prior to the public hearing at which rate increase applications are consisderedi and written notice to cities and customers whenever sub- stantial changes in operation level of service and cost to customers are being considered. e. I join the staff and others to limit the term to no more than 10 years Page---3 I 6 February 19(;.:> GARBAGE FRANC HISE f. I ask that you support your professional arm. ... the District's recommen- dation in allowing the industrial waste to remain competitive. g. I ask that you allow your professional arm.... the District to put into action Section 12 I District May Require Efficiencies in Operation. Yours truly I ~ HELEN D. BOLUNG . MCCUTCHEN, DOYLE, BROWN & ENERSEN FORMERLY SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE THREE EMBARCADERO CENTER SAN F"RANCISCO, CALIF"ORNIA 9411' (415) 393-2000 VAN VOORHIS & SKAGGS SAN JOSE OFFICE COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE ALMADEN BOULEVARD. SUITE 620 SAN JOSE, CALlF"ORNIA 9S113 (408) 947-8400 1855 OLYMPIC BOULEVARD, THIRD FLOOR POST OF"F"ICE BOX V WALNUT CREEK, CALlF"ORNIA 94596-1270 (415) 937-8000 TELECOPIER (415) 937-8004 February 6, 1986 HAND DELIVERED Hon. Parke Bonneysteele, President, and Members of the Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Refuse Collection Franchise Agreement Our File No. 71573.005 Dear Members: This letter is to clarify the position of our clients with regard to two of the issues remaining to be decided by you at your February 6 meeting. Dissemination of Rate Schedules Attached is a copy of my letter of January 21 addressed to Mr. Hazard. We urge adoption of this more flexible approach which we think will benefit all. Industrial Waste Your staff's survey (Tab VII in your packet) further confuses this issue because the wastes discussed in the survey are hazardous. We agree that hazardous wastes should be excluded from the exclusive franchise and the draft before you so provides (,[1 (e) (5)). We urge that the exclusive franchise include industrial waste which is not hazardous. This can be accomplished by deleting the words "Industrial Waste" from "l(e) (5) and substituting therefor the following phrase: "or waste produced by the District and other public entities as a result of treatment or other processes undertaken in providing public utility services." The same changes should be made in paragraph 3. Hon. Parke Bonneysteele, President, and Members of the Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District February 6, 1986 Page 2 In summary, if our suggestion is accepted, non-hazardous industrial waste would be included in the exclusive franchise while hazardous waste and wastes generated from the treatment process of CCCSD and other similar public entities would be excluded. Thank you for your consideration of these matters. SMS: lj-C/1-B2 Very truly yours, C.4i- j fJf'C! 'if/MafJ?/? sanf;~jM. Skaggs . /f b/ /'.0 Enclosure f2 ,.. ITCHEN, DOYLE. BROWN & ENEh_ N FORMERLY SAN FRA.NCISCO OFFICE: VAN VOORHIS & SKAGGS SA.N JOSE: OFFICE THREE EMBARCADERO CENTER SAN F"RANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94111 COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE ALMADEN BOULEVARD_ SUITE 620 SAN ..JOSE. CALIF'"ORNIA 95113 (408) ,,47-6400 (415) 393-2000 1855 OLYMPIC BOULEVARD. THIRD F'LOOR POST OF'F'ICE BOX V WALNUT CREEK. CALIF'ORNIA 94596-1270 (415) 937-8000 TELECOPI[R (415) 937-6004 January 21, 1986 James Hazard, Esq. 1111 Civic Drive Suite 300 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreements Our File No. 71573.05 Dear Jim: Pursuant to your request, I am submitting my suggestion for language pertaining to the rate card issue. I suggest the following language: "District, from time to time, may direct Contractor to mail to its customers information regarding rates and services and Contractor shall comply with such directions." We feel that this language will give the District flexibility to modify its requirements from time to time as circumstances dictate. We also feel that it will give us the opportunity to discuss the details of such communications with District staff rather than having such frozen into the contract language. All in all, we feel that it is in the interests of both parties to have more flexibility rather than less. We hope that you will agree. Very truly yours, ji J I '1d'!" ;. /J.' .;' ~ It ;11.,(/.' v t' .//t. .I L(':'~ I~;r:'-:.) Sanfcl-d M. Skaggs .' ... ( .c-;.-r ,K.-> SMS:ks (Dictated but not read.)