HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 02-20-86 . Centr, Contra Costa Sanitar District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETI~B~uary 20, 1986 NO. v. HEARINGS 1 ~~b~uary 14, 1986 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FORFEITURE OF A PORTION OF P AND J UTILITY COMPANY'S CASH DEPOSIT TYPE OF ACTION HOLD HEARING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: A publ ic heari ng is requi red pri or to consi deri ng the forfeiture of a contractor's cash deposit. BACKGROUND: P and J Utility Company (P&J) has been 1 icensed to do work in this District since 1979. The company has constructed a small number of sewer projects in the past six years. On their last project, P&J worked on a Saturday which required an Inspector to work overtime. It is District practice to inform contractors that they must pay for the overtime and to subsequently invoice the contractors for the overtime in situations like this. They were billed on two occasions for the cost of the overtime inspection, including a late charge (a total of $261.80), and did not pay. Additional follOti-up letters by certified mail were sent, without any response from the company. The foll Oti-Up 1 etters were returned unopened by the postal service. The General Manager-Chief Engineer has made a determination that P&J has violated its permit by not paying the overtime inspection charges. The Board of Directors, at its meeting of February 6, set February 20 as the date for hearing this matter. Staff has sent notification of the proposed hearing to P&J. It is the position of staff that, unless P&J provides substantial evidence at the hearing that they are not in violation, the Board should authorize $261.80 to be deducted from the contractor's cash deposit. RECOMMENDATION: Make a fi ndi ng that vali d charges have not been paid and di rect the Secretary of the District to notify P&J of the proposed deduction of $261.80 from P&J' s cash deposi t. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON JSM RAB 1302A.9/85 ~ DH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. .---.----...----.----..-.---.--,.--... ..---......... ... .... ~ P 057 337 444 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) / ;! SeAt to . , ~ I"' and J lJti-trt .. i St~~1n~~caneiforte d P.O" State ~nd ZIP Code a; A ~ Postage =:) ... Certified Fee 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 (G February 21, 1986 $ Special Delivery Fee CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED P and J Utility Company 523 Branc1forte Street Vallejo, CA 94590 Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered ~ Return receipt Showing to whom ~ Date, and Address of Delivery , .g TOTAL Postage and Fees LL ,--"'-- $ On February 20, 1986, the District's Board of 01 " "- )... :;-:. '. ',' v ;,. \ \ ~c })~ ! .5,~' I '\~~~) -j " c. j that valid charges due the District have not beeu pa 0 IJ:J ,....... --"'r-'~.,,;/ and authorized the deduction of the charges in the amount of $261.80 from your cash deposit with this District. g Postmark or Date. co C') Gentl emen: FORFEITURE OF CASH DEPOSIT E o LL CIJ a. Please be advised that unless you pay the $261.80 within ten calendar days from the date of receipt of this letter, the District will deduct sa1 d amount from your deposit. The bal ance of your deposit will be retu rned to you, and you r company w ill be removed from the li st of contractors who are eligible to do work in this District. Sincerely, ~CLt.ln~~ ~y:e E. McMill an Secretary of the District JEM/jl cc: Board of Directors R. Dolan J. Hazard bee: R. Baker D. Ha 11 J. t~eCoy .46. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 February 10, 1986 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED P and J Utility Company 523 Branciforte Street Vallejo, CA 94590 Gentlemen: FORFEITURE OF CASH DEPOSIT This letter is to notify you that the Distric its meeting of February 6, 1986, established forfeiture of a portion of your $1,000 cash de in the amount of $261.80, the value of the 0 which your company owes this District. The 20, 1986, as the date for hearing this ma Board will make an official declaration unless you pay said amount prior to the h appear at the hearing and provide testimon to speak at the hearing, please notify the Sincerely, /~, 6- ~ . 'rh (lL}.A.~~~ ~yce E. McMlll an Secretary of the District JEW jl cc: Board R. Dolan J. Hazard bcc: R. Baker J. McCoy o . Ha 11 . Centr\ Contra Costa Sanital District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 4147; SUBDIVISION 6230, WALNUT CREEK AREA DATE TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITClAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: Albert D. Seeno Construction Company, ao/ner-developer of Subdivision 6230, has requested the District to quitclaim a sewer easement which lies within Parcel "D" of Subdivision 6230. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was dedicated to this District when the subdivision map was filed. The alignment of the sewer was subsequently adjusted. A new easement has been granted for the revised sewer al ignment. The subject easements are no longer needed. The property ao/ner has paid our processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Albert D. Seeno Construction Company, Job 4147, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the Di strict to execute sai d Quitcl aim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 ~..... DH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. RAB 56 ()~ ~ < ~~ ~ f:t .. ..~ (;j ..~ ,p Ju~ .v" .../:: ~(T ,~ "". ~k "...... :i';" ~ ~, /:?"':... , ... -:. .':~" .... ..... / , , ...... (": ./ ..- .......:. ,-,. ::.::. .:~.: ~ .,:",. ,." ...... . . .. .- . . .... (75AS) QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 4147 WALNUT CREEK AREA . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar District .. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETI~~Fruary 20, 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT DATE QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 522, WALNUT CREEK AREA February 11, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: Mr. Jerry Loving, the general partner of The Woodbridge Partnership and The 255 Limited Partnership, which a-/ns Lot Nos. 16 and 7 of Block 11 in the Pringle Addition to Walnut Creek, has requested the District to quitclaim a sewer easement which is within their property. BACKGROUND: The subject sewer easement was sha-/n on the map of the "Pringle Addition" when the map was filed in 1912. The subject easement and sewer line ctossed several lots (bull di ng sites) and was subsequently relocated as part of Local Improvement District No. 4 in 1949-50. The subject sewer easement is no longer required for District use. The property a-/ner has paid our processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to The Woodbridge Partnership and The 255 Limited Partnership, Job 522, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~f 7~ 1302".9/85 DH JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ .1 i' /l I.:' I i ~ , -\ :xl \ J ./ /.' . " ,,,.'" p40 "; /.. / , '.: l ."/ " . P29843C p3g~2'L. P39581/'4 " () ~ () ... " '0 IQ ~ Q.. 16 17 4 3 ~ 'It ~ ~ I ~ f\.. ..... IQ ~ ~ I\. ..... 1.0 it) ^' ..... &.. ..... ~ "- ~C)\o ~r\I .....~ ..... ~ a~~ ~ ~ " -?~ 'f'> ~ " ~ ~ '>...~ ? ~"1" !tl~~ 'It ~/~ ~ ~ 11)" ~ Q.. 12 13 "- 0\ IQ ~ .... Q.. ~ '.. ~ ~ ..... eo, II) .... 0- ~ f\.. It')~ ~" 25e'-,ovc- 522 196~6VC 522 It) ~ /0 P87'~9 ..... P60325F I\. ~ PI0332 ..... QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 522 WALNUT CREEK AREA ~ I ~ , ~ \.: ~ '8/64F ~ I ....... P6$69L Ch <8 Centr~. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF February 20, 1986 CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT NO. VI. DATE February 14, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 86-6 (DANVILLE) AND P.A. 86-7 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Parcel No. Area 86-6 Da n vi 11 e Dennis Casagrande 409 Front Street Danville, CA 94526 216-102-006 (0.45 acres) 86-7 Alamo Maximilian Mfg. Co. 460 Roland Way Oakland, CA 94621 197-170-016 (37.04 acres) ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. Remarks Lead Agency Proposed Office Building on Hartz Avenue. Negative Declaration by the City of Danville. City of Danville Property owner is building one single family house and must extend the public sewer 900 feet (appx.) in Stone Valley Road. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 86-6 and 86-7 to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302".9/85 ",,.y DH !l JSM RAB It i~ ~ ~ --.. ~;! ~ '" <(C[RRO c.r~ ~ '" I ..~ \Ow ~ ~ " ~~ 25 ... 1 l! 117 ....... II. -: 8 ; , : 'J~ ~ 0 ~~ \/'448 13483 'ID"'" '8 SUllo r'"'l.~t!.A~:~~ ~~+~~!I"~ ~~3 ~< 34 \:!,.,l'; \ .,;sr I 10 'f' I "pW ! ~ . I S71J'B' I ,,'" 5 44 2 ,C'~ ~Ir 133 1 " ...::!J ~, "..I.~ L IS J ro ~ ~~ ""0 .., 0 I I " LN 1Ib_ . \ IS / · ,tXI 6:T4 T' c I~s ,,~SI\ V K~ ',,- II 152.~ 5..'. ,~~ .,OOAO " D * .. ~\ II .s t! r<' 1...:.L,.;.j I~ ,_ He 'm4e 10 SUB 4918 ~ 1--! !- ~t6z155 ~;".~Al / .. 'wi:" ~r- ;;c. _ i-- -.:. ..~, 156 i" ,...v:~ 'i ' 3 IS J ' ~.o... =- I ,_, " . .~!.~ 130 .E 46 l'\a 57 i 5 1~ " / / ,~r-- '~:: '1" j~ ....... I t5 ,5' 5. 15 \ . / -:I 5aAe ,- '- ,.) , ....- ~ j.:HA( r---;:; ..... 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III In' _, -r. n -, CT I::i' i'Jca .. ~ PROPOSED ANNEXAT I ON I '\ ~ ~.o ~ -u,,,~~ ;::;. ...;:: . :::. S "'iiE .' ~\J' ~7.~~Z ~ ~. q:jr tll I r ;-t~\b "[J ~~.J U r;-\ 55~8 n I I - . 'f; ,..... '.2a~ fi'oJ ~{. ,.\...~ \.~~ 110 ~ \\' '~~ -_...~"\~~.:~~ ._::=-\ ~ --__________'..'~4__.~ .. '1 . "" '7 ~ ~ 10 ~ '~:'" ",'.... , , , ' ~'~>" ,I ~ \- SUB :>, T 543 ~ LNT'- ~ ~~~~/ZIZ 13tH ...J ~ \ .. ::I - 10 ;:;:;::; .'~- '," ',::~. ~5 .. .. .... ::t: 1'1:1'0 78 .. :: " ~. .'0' ti tI; 1\ . c:::::r. P!A.8~'" - ,_. _,_.~-==-=~__~!\'';7...~~~~ T';J' y 0,1 10. '~~1~' ~,.., 22 i I \ ALAWO PROPERTIES CO " NOW \t-l D' S"T~\ Co ,.. ( D,A.QO-7 '. .. 1360 AC I!A. 8''''7 .~...L .._.-l~~;:~ili;LL". .....).,\\:> '" . Centr" Contra Costa Sanitar. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF February 20, 1986 NO. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 SUBJECT CONSIDER REQUEST TO REVISE CERTAIN INTERNAL AUTHORITY LIMITS DATE February 14, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION REVISE AUTHORITY LIMITS S'Ff~~T~D.f.Y Dolan General Manager-Chief Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: As Assembly B11l 1036 (Frazee) became effective January 1, 1986, the limit for bidding construction work projects was increased from $5,000 to $10,000. Within the District several internal limits are keyed to this $5,000 figure. BACKGROUND: On December 2, 1982, the Board of Directors instituted a procedure whereby expenditures from the Sewer Construction Fund of less than $5,000 would be reviewed and approved by the Board by inclusion on the Consent Calendar. On December 3, 1981, the Board of Directors delegated authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer to initiate capital projects and to expend up to $5,000 subject to subsequent Board authorization. No money is or would be expended from capital funds without ultimately being approved by the Board. In the event that the project requi res further expenditures, the $5,000 initi al advance woul d be incl uded in the project authorization position paper for Board approval. If the project fails to proceed beyond the $5,000 initial advance, an explanatory position paper would be prepared and presented for Board consideration on the Consent Calendar. The Board has del egated authority to staff for settl ement of damage cl aims on matters up to $5,000. The Collection System Operations Manager handles items up to $1,000 routinely. The Risk Management Committee reviews and approves settlement of items of $5,000 or less. Matters exceeding $5,000 are presented to the Board of Directors for consideration. Effective January 1, 1982, the statutory limit for settling damage claims by staff without requirement of Board action was raised form $5,000 to $20,000 by the State Legislature. However no change was made in District procedure at that time. Staff requests that the Board of Directors consider revising internal limits as indicated in the recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Revise internal procedure to reflect that expenditures of $10,000 or less from the Sewer Construction Fund will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors by inclusion on the Consent Calendar. 2. Delegate authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer to expend $10,000 or less for initiation of capital projects subject to subsequent Board approval. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A.9/85 -------------.-..."....-------...,...--.----..,',".---._-"-_._~'~---~--_._----,~-......--_.__..,.,_..,-,._....._..,....._--,--~,--_.._--_._---..". SUBJECT CONSIDER REQUEST TO REVISE CERTAIN INTERNAL AUTHORITY LIMITS POSITION PAPER PAGE ? DATE OF ? Januarv ~n. lQAA 3. Delegate authority to staff for settlement of damage claims on matters not exceeding $10,000, with the understanding that settlements between $5,000 and $10,000 would be reported to the Board as information items on the Consent Calendar. l...._______. 13028-9/85 . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Februa 20, 1986 NO. VI I 1. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT DATE AUTI-lORIZE $64,490 FROM TI-lE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR TI-lE February 14, 1986 MARTINEZ (M-2) FORCE MAIN EMERGENCY REPAIR PROJ ECT <DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION PROJ ECT NO. 20036), ACCEPT TI-lE COMPLETED WORK, AND AUTI-lORIZE AUTI-lORIZE FUNDS, ACCEPT THE FILING OF TI-lE NOTICE OF COMPLETION. WORK, AUTI-lORIZE FILING NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY Steve McDonal d Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Engineering Division ISSUE: Funds must be authorized for the emergency repai r of the Marti nez (M-2) Force Mai n. BACKGROUND: On August 22, 1985, the Board declared an emergency situation pursuant to Public Contract Code Secti on 20806 so that a 1 eak in the Marti nez (M-2) Force Main could be repaired as soon as possible. The leak occurred in the 20-inch line where it passes through an easement on the Industrial Tank <IT> Corporation property. If the leak had not been immediately corrected, service to the Marti nez area coul d have been interrupted and damage to the IT 1 evees coul d have resul ted. A project team composed of District forces from the Engineering, Collection System and Plant Operations Departments, as well as the construction firm of McGuire and Hester, immediately secured the pipe with temporary pipe repair couplings. Later a replacement section of pipe was spliced in with flexible connection couplings to render a permanent repair. Staff recommends accepting all repair work as complete at this time. Staff believes that pipe settlement from an unauthorized IT levee is directly responsible for the break. Negotiations are currently proceeding with IT for reimbursement of repai r costs, as well as removal of a second 1 evee over the pipeline at a different location. District and contractor costs to complete the temporary and permanent repair total $64,490. A breakdown of costs is presented in Attachment 1. Following authorization of the requested funds and acceptance of the completed work, a Notice of Completion will be filed with the County, and the project will be closed out. This project was not in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan because it was an unanticipated emergency. RECO~NDATION: Authorize $64,490 from the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the Martinez (M-2) Force Main Emergency Repair Project <District Project No. 20036), accept the completed work, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. St{ {RlJ J0 JAL INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A.9/85 SM DRW Attachment 1 MARTINEZ (M-2) FORCE MAIN EMERGENCY REPAIR PROJECT (D.P. 20036) ProJect Cost Breakdown February 10, 1986 DISTRICT FORCES o o o o Proj ect Management Design Plant Operations Construction Management Subtotal PROFESSIONAL SERVICES o o Soils consultant (Woodward-Clyde) Corrosion consultant (Jose Villalobos & Associates) Subtotal CONSTRUCTION o o McGui re & Hester Materials Subtotal TOTAL PROJ ECT COST $ 708 7,174 1,261 2,026 $ 2,433 2,343 $ 46,782 1,763 Page 2 of 2 $ 11,169 4,776 48,545 $ 64,490 . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar. District ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 11 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF February 20, 1986 NO. IX. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 SUBJECT DATE February 14, 1986 RECEIVE 1985-1986 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET REVIEW FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE BUDGET REVIEW SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSlE: A report of the resu 1 ts of a compa rat i ve rev i ew of actu a 1 and bu dgeted Operations and Maintenance (O&M) revenues and expenses for the first six months of the 1985-1986 fiscal year is provided in this Position Paper. BACKGROUND: A general summary of actual and budgeted Di strict O&M revenues and expenses for the six months ended December 31, 1985 follows: DISTRICT REVENUES District revenues from all revenue sources through the six months ended December 31, 1985 totaled $15,817,960, representing 87.8% of the total revenues budgeted for the entire fiscal year of $18,012,477. The primary revenue amounts budgeted for the fiscal year are $13,794,977 of Sewer Service Charges and $3,600,000 of Service Charge Revenue from the City of Concord. Sewer Service Charge revenues of $14,190,930 were recorded through December 31, 1985, of which $13,632,808 was credited to the District through the Contra Costa County property tax rolls, and the remainder collected directly by the District. $856,642 has been received from the City of Concord as an advance payment of one-hal f of the service charges for the fi rst six months of the fi scal year. The bal ance of the budgeted City of Concord service charge revenues of $2,743,358 is expected to be realized during the remainder of the fiscal year. As Sewer Service Charge revenues, which comprise 76.6% of District budgeted revenues for the fiscal year are $395,953 greater than budget, the total budgeted revenues of $18,012,477 are projected to be exceeded by $400,000 for the 1985-1986 fiscal year. DISTRICT EXPENSES District expenses of $8,766,308 for the first six months of the fiscal year were $253,180 less than budgeted expenses of $9,019,488. A summary of variances between actual and budgeted expenses by department for the six months ended December 31, 1985, and the projected variances from budgeted expenses for the 1985-1986 fiscal year are presented in Attachment I. Variances between actual and budgeted expenses by major expense categories are shown in Attachment II. Causes of major overexpended or underexpended accounts for the six months ended December 31, 1985 are described for each department in Attachment III. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 1985-1986 Operations and Maintenance Budget Review for the six months ended December 31, 1985, and provide comments and guidance to Di strict staff. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON ~~ 1302A-9/85 WN F Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Suanary of Actual and Budgeted O&M Expenses By Department For the Six Months Ended December 31. 1985 ATTACHMENT I ATTACHMENT II Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Summary of Actual and Budgeted O&M Expenses By Expense Categories For the Six Months Ended December 31. 1985 Chemicals 445,537 Favorable <Unfavorable> Budget Variance 5,799,679 105,6190 ) 592,404 146,867 (2) 1,537,436 64,885(3) 3,258,483 68,751 11,188,002 386,122 <2,168,514> <132,942> (4) 9,019,488 253,180 Expense Category Labor and Employee Benefits Actual $ 5,694,060 Utl1ities 1,472,551 All Other 3 , 189,732 Total Expenses $10,801,880 Total Capitalized Expenses <2,035,572> Net Expenses $ 8,766,308 Variance Review (1) Labor and Employee Benefits: The favorable Labor and Employee Benefits variance of $105,619 is primarily the result of the deferral of filling authorized job positions during the first half of the fiscal year, principally within the Engineering and Collection System Operations Departments. (2) Chemicals: The favorable Chemicals variance of $146,867 is primarily the result of a lower than anticipated price increase for Lime, lower requirement for odor control chemicals due to a cool summer and lower influent flows than p roj ected. (3) Utl1iti es: The favorable Utilities variance of $64,885 is primarily the result of lower than projected Natural Gas expense for the Plant Operations Department as a result of the deferral of the start-up testing of the second multiple hearth furnace. (4) Total Capitalized Expenses: The unfavorable Capitalized Expenses variance of $132,942 is primarily the result of the deferral of capital projects of the Plant Operations and Collection System Operations Departments to the second half of the fiscal year. ATTACHMENT III EXPENSE ACCOUNT VARIAr<<:E EXPLANATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARllENT Six Month Review: Operations and maintenance expenses for the six months ended December 31, 1985 totaled $1,444,590, and were $13,749 less than budgeted expenses of $1,458,339. The .9% underexpen- diture is primarily the result of the following variances: Property Insurance expense of $189,847 is $41,408 higher than the budgeted expense of $148,439 as a result of a Board decision to retain earthquake and flood insurance coverages until completion of a review of the District's insurance program by a risk management consultant. The property insurance expense budgeted was based on discontinuing earthquake and flood coverages. This account is projected to be $80,000 overexpended for the 1985-1986 fiscal year. Legal Services-Staff expense of $26,890 is $8,516 higher than the budgeted expense of $18,374 because of legal services required of the District Labor Counsel and Di strict Counsel rel ated to recent changes in personnel procedures required under the Federal Labor Standards Act, and assistance in negotiating the Southern Pacific Railroad easement acquisition, respectively. This account is projected to be $9,000 overexpended for the fiscal year. Public Information expense of $5,356 is $2,076 higher than the budgeted expense of $3,280 because the expense of produci ng the 1984-1985 Annual Report exceeded the budgeted amount, and the expense for Update '85 was not budgeted. This account is projected to be $2,000 overexpended for the fiscal year. Recruitment expense of $8,633 is $8,167 less than the budgeted expense of $16,800 as a result of providing for the services of an executive recruitment firm which ultimately was not required. This account is projected to be $17,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. The bal ance of the net underexpenditure occurred within accounts in which variances between actual and budgeted expenses were less than $7,000. However, these accounts were underexpended on a cumulative basis by $57,000 for the six month s en ded Decembe r 31, 1985. Fiscal Year Projection: The Administrative Department's operations and maintenance expenses are projected to be equivalent to budgeted expenses for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1986. Although overexpenditures are projected for the fiscal year in the amount of $80,000 in Property Insurance, $9,000 in Legal Services-Staff, and $2,000 in Public Information, offsetting underexpenditures are projected in the amounts of $17,000 in Recruitment and the balance of $74,000 in all other departmental expenses. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Six Month Review: Operations and maintenance expenses for the six months ended December 31, 1985 totaled $999,832, and were $152,654 less than budgeted expenses of $1,152,486. The 13.2% underexpenditure is primarily the result of the following variances: Salaries and Wages and related employee benefits of $1,522,098 are $66,278 less than budgeted expenses of $1,588,376 because of unfilled positions during the first half of the fiscal year. These accounts are projected to be $85,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Other Outside Services expense of $51,591 is $8,909 less than the budgeted expense of $60,500 as a resul t of the processing charge by the Contra Costa County for including the District's Sewer Service Charges on the County's real property tax bills being less than budgeted. This account is projected to be $9,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Printing expense of $9,843 is $8,232 less than the budgeted expense of $18,075 because the District's Standard Specifications document was not produced during the first half of the fiscal year as planned, and has been rescheduled for the second half. This account is projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal year. Salaries and Wages-Contra and related capitalized expenses of $663,063 are $55,796 higher than budgeted capitalized expenses of $607,267 as a resul t of devoti ng a greater than anticipated portion of staff effort to capital projects during the first half of the fiscal year. The capital ized sal aries and wages and rel ated accounts are, therefore, projected to be $60,000 higher than budgeted for the fiscal year. 2 The bal ance of the net underexpenditures occurred withi n accounts in which variances between actual and budgeted expenses were less than $4,000. These accounts are projected to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenses for the fiscal year. Fiscal Year Projection: The Engineering Department's operations and maintenance expenses are projected to be $154,000 underexpended for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986, as a result of underexpenditures of $85,000 in Salaries and Wages and related employee benefits, $9,000 in Other Outsi de Services, and a $60,000 higher than budgeted capital izati on of Sal aries and Wages - Contra and related capitalized expenses. COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Six Month Review: Operati ons and mai ntenance expenses for the six months ended December 31, 1985 totaled $1,352,345, and were $119,699 more than budgeted expenses of $1,232,646. The 9.6% overexpenditure is primarily the result of the following variances: Salaries and Wages and related employee benefits of $1,005,722 are $51,902 less than budgeted expenses of $1,057,624 as a result of unfilled positions during the first half of the fiscal year. These accounts are projected to be $90,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Operating Suppl ies expense of $110,131 is $54,153 higher than the budgeted expense of $55,978 as a result of a 54% increase in the number of pipeline repairs during the first six months of the fiscal year compared to the same period last year. The repair activities are anticipated to continue at this rate through the second hal f of the fiscal year. Therefore, this account is projected to be overexpended by $106,000 for the fiscal year. Outside Repair and Maintenance expense of $40,290 is $19,337 higher than the budgeted expense of $20,955 due to the unanticipated need to use special ized outside sewer cleaning contractors in instances where specialized cleaning equipment was required, or to provide equipment during periods when the District's equipment was undergoing repair. This account is projected to be overexpended by $38,000 for the fiscal year. Rents and Leases expense of $20,662 is $8,114 higher than the budgeted expense of $12,548 due to the recordi ng of certain lease expense during the first half of the fiscal year, which were budgeted duri ng the second hal f. However, it is anticipated that additional construction equipment will need to be rented during the last six months of the fiscal year. Therefore, this account is projected to be $16,000 overexpended for the fiscal year. 3 Technical Services expense of $71~497 is $53 ~841 higher than the budgeted expense of $17~656 due primarily to the use of temporary workers to fill vacancies caused by unfilled positions. The overexpenditure in this account is largely offset by the underexpenditure in the Salaries and Wages and related employee benefits expense accounts. This account is projected to be $100~000 overexpended for the fi scal year. Salaries and Wages -- Contra and related capitalized expenses of $2~486 are $39~922 less than budgeted capitalized expenses of $42~408 as a result of the deferral of planned sewer installation projects to the second half of the fiscal year. The capitalized salaries and wages and related accounts are~ therefore~ projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal yea r . The bal ance of the net underexpenditure occurred within accounts in which vari ances between actual and budgeted expenses were less than $8~000. These accounts are projected to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenses for the fiscal year. Fiscal Year Projection: The Collection System Operations Department's operations and maintenance expenses are projected to be $170~000 overexpended for the fiscal year ending June 30~ 1986~ as a result of overexpenditures of $106~000 in Operating Supplies~ $38~000 in Outside Repai rs and Maintenance~ $16~OOO in Rents and Leases~ and $100~000 in Technical Services~ offset by a $90~000 underexpenditure in Sal aries and Wages and rel ated employee benefits. PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARnENT Six Month Review: Operati ons and maintenance expenses for the si x months ended December 31~ 1985 totaled $4~493~473~ and were $90~553 less than budgeted expenses of $4~584~026. The 2.0% underexpen- diture is primarily the result of the following variances: Salaries and Wages and related employee benefits of $2~203~692 are $35~969 higher than budgeted expenses of $2~167~723 primarily due to a number of long-term absences due to illness and an unfilled position necessitating greater than antici pated overtime work. These accounts are projected to be $72~OOO overexpended for the year. 4 Lime expense of $138,850 is $65,150 less than the budgeted expense of $204,000 as a result of a lower than antici pated price increase which was effected 1 ater than expected, and lower than projected influent flows. This account is projected to be $80,000 underexpended for the fi scal year. Polymer expense of $140,900 is $29,500 less than the budgeted expense of $170,400 as a result of a deferral of polymer purchases to the second half of the fiscal year. This account is projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal year. other Chemi ca 1 s expense of $11 ,445 is $13 ,555 1 ess than the budgeted expense of $25,000 as a result of lower than projected influent flows and a cool summer which enabled less use of odor control chemicals. Additionally, chemicals budgeted for dust suppression for the furnace ash loading system have not been required. This account is projected to be $25,000 underexpended for the fiscal yea r . Electrical expense of $749,048 is $11,014 higher than the budgeted expense of $738,034 due to an overstatement in the el ectricity use estimate for the month of December. This account is projected to be $20,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Natural Gas expense of $551,337 is $47,879 less than the budgeted expense of $599,216 as a resul t of the bake-out of the second multi hearth furnace being deferred from December and January to February, and operational efficiencies realized through experience. This account is projected to be $36,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. General Repairs and Maintenance expense of $221,089 is $13,237 higher than the budgeted expense of $207,852 because of increased furnace and boiler parts requirements, and repairs to a combustion air motor. This account is projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal year. Outside Repairs and Maintenance expense of $89,576 is $17,706 less than the budgeted expense of $107,282 because a number of major repair projects were deferred to the second half of the fiscal year. This account is projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal year. Rents and Leases expense of $13,284 is $5,422 higher than the budgeted expense of $7,862 because of the unanticipated need to rent an emergency generator to backup the multi hearth furnace cooling fan. This rental will be di sconti nued when improvements to the emergency electrical generation facility in the Solids Conditioning 5 Building are completed. This account is projected to be $10,000 overexpended for the fiscal year. Technical Services expense of $25,310 is $12,930 higher than the budgeted expense of $12,380 as a resu1 t of two temporary help employees replacing two District employees who are working on temporary assignments in another department. This account is projected to be $25,000 overexpended for the fiscal year. Ash Removal expense of $45,369 is $53,651 less than the budgeted expense of $99,000 due to lower than anticipated vol ume of ash as a resu1 t of decreased 1 ime consumpti on, lower influent flow, and vacuuming of the multi hearth furnace not being required during the first six months of the fiscal year; additionally, hauling charges were not increased. This account is projected to be $90,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Sludge Removal expense of $12,640 is $51,092 less than the budgeted expense of $63,732 because furnace shutdown periods for major maintenance and during work on the Solids Conditioning Building Control Room Project were anticipated to require sludge hauling. However, mai ntenance work has been accompli shed without extended fu rnace shutdowns and the Control Room Proj ect has been delayed. This account is projected to be $35,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Computer Maintenance expense of $58,585 is $17,085 higher than the budgeted expense of $41,500 because of the unanticipated replacement of a fixed head disc and repairs to memory boards in the P1 ant process control computer. This account is projected to be $18,000 overexpended for the fi sca1 year. Other Outside Services expense of $11,026 is $11,026 overexpended as the entire expense for the fiscal year of $24,000 was budgeted in the second hal f of the fiscal year. The overexpenditure was the result of a payment of the District's allocated share of the Bay Area Dischargers Association operating budget in the first half of the fiscal year. This account is projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal year. Salaries and Wages -- Contra and related capitalized expenses of $4,031 are $87,398 less than budgeted capitalized expenses of $91,429 as a result of Plant personnel's invol vement in capital projects such as the Seismic Bracing and 5B Projects occurring later in the fiscal year than antici pated. The capital ized sal aries and wages and related accounts are projected to be $20,000 underrealized for the fiscal year. 6 The balance of the net underexpenditure occurred within accounts in which variances between actual and budgeted expenses were less than $6,000. These accounts are projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal year. Fiscal Year Projection: The Plant Operations Department's operations and maintenance expenses are projected to be $141,000 underexpended for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986 as a result of the following account variances: Salaries and Wages and Employee Benefits lime Other Chemical s Electrical Natural Gas Rents and Leases Technical Services Ash Removal Sludge Removal Computer Maintenance Salaries and Wages - Contra and Related Capitalized Expenses PlW STATIONS Six Month Review: Favorable (Unfavorabl e) $<72,000) 80,000 25,000 20,000 36,000 (10,000) ( 25 ,000 ) 90,000 35,000 <18,000) (20,000) $141,000 Operati ons and mai ntenance expenses for the six months ended December 31, 1985 totaled $476,068, and were $103,097 less than budgeted expenses of $579,165. The 17.8% underexpenditure is primarily the result of the following variances: Salaries and Wages and related employee benefits of $245,103 is $15,079 less than budgeted expenses of $260,182 as a result of an unfilled position during the first half of the fiscal year. These accounts are projected to be $15,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Other Chemicals expense of $70,641 is $28,425 less than the budgeted expense of $99,066 due to a cool summer requiring less use of chemicals for odor control. This account is projected to be $40,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. 7 Electrical expense of $97,357 is $17,476 less than the budgeted expense of $114,833 because of lower than anticipated influent flows resulting in lower electrical pumping demands. This account is projected to be $15,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. General Repairs and Maintenance expense of $17,485 is $9,189 less than the budgeted expense of $26,674 because of lower than anticipated maintenance activity caused by an unfilled position. This account is projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal year. Outside Repairs and Maintenance expense of $28,092 is $19,026 less than the budgeted expense of $47,118 due to deferral of repairs to the roof of the Or1nda Crossroads Pump Station to the second half of the fiscal year. This account is projected to be $10,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. The bal ance of the net underexpend1ture occurred w1th1 n accounts in which the variances between actual and budgeted expenses were less than $6,000. These accounts are projected to be substantially equivalent to budget for the fiscal year. Fiscal Year Projection: The Pump Station's operations and maintenance expenses are projected to be $80,000 underexpended for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986, as a result of underexpend1tures of $15,000 in Salaries and Wages and related employee benefits, $40,000 in Other Chemicals, $15,000 in Electrical and $10,000 in Outside Repairs and Maintenance. DISTRICT CONTINGENCY A District contingency account of $100,000 was included in the 1985-1986 Operations and Maintenance Budget to provide for expenses which were not included in other budgeted expenses because of a high level of uncertainty as to timing and amount. The contingency account was allocated evenly to the first and second six month periods. During the six months ended December 31, 1985, $37,174 was transferred to the Cl a1 ms expense account for a cl aim settl ement which produced an unexpended bal ance in the conti ngency account of $12,826 at the end of the first six months of the fiscal year. The $62,826 contingency account balance available for the remainder of the 1985-1986 fiscal year is projected to be applied to settlement of claims. 8 . Centra~ ':ontra Costa Sanitar~ .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 NO. X. PERSONNEL 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE REQASSIFICATION OF THE POSITION OF SURVEY TEa-JNICIAN TO SURVEY ASSISTANT AND ADOPT A NEW SALARY RANGE FOR SURVEY ASSISTANT OF G-60 ($2186-$2645 ) DATE TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy, Construction Div. Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: Board approval is required for reclassification of personnel actions. BACKGROUND: The promotion of Doug Neufeld (former Survey Technician) to Construction Inspector has created a vacant position in the Survey Section (see Attachment 1, Organizational Chart for the Section). This position is presently being filled on a temporary basis pending recruitment. The Engineering Department has analyzed this position to determine if any changes in the Class Description are appropriate. The result of the position analysis is that the present Class Description includes several duties which are typically performed by an individual of a higher classification in other agencies. These duties are as follows: o Taking notes on field elevations and profiles o Performing calculations on property closures, construction staking, grades, and triangulation traversi ng, o Calibrating equipment Staff proposes to delete the above duties from the Survey Technician Class Description and to lower the education and experience requirements for the position. This will make the position comparable to similar positions in other agencies and will align the appropriate education and experience requirements with other positions within the District. The duties deleted fram the Survey Technician position will be assigned to the existing journey-level Senior Survey Technician class. A salary survey and a review of comparable District positions were conducted in January 1986 by Personnel to determine the appropri ate sal ary to the modified positi on (see Attachment 2). It is recommended that a reduction be made in the salary range for the position of 10 percent from Range G-64 ($2,405 per month to $2,910 per month) to Range G-60 ($2,186 per month to $2,645 per month). This salary reduction will bring the position salary into the proper perspective with comparable District and outside positions. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302 CRF RAB U!I !44f3 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE THE RECLASSIFICATION OF THE POSITION OF SURVEY TECHNICIAN TO SURVEY ASSISTANT AND ADOPT A NEW SALARY RANGE FOR SURVEY ASSISTANT OF G-60 ($2186-$2645) PAGE 2 DATE OF 6 January 28, 1986 Staff recommends that the changes to the Survey Techni ci an be accompl i shed by reclassification and that the position be re-titled Survey Assistant to more clearly describe the new position. A new Class Description is shown in Attachment 3. RECOMMENDATION: Delete the Class Description for Survey Technician, Range G-64 and adopt the Class Description for Survey Assistant, Range G-60. '--------. 13028-9/85 Attachment 1 u. o ... C i C ... W cr: (J W III 1: <; ~ ~ ~ 3 i ~ ci III CXl Cl ... C/) :::> C) :::> < '" ... ~ ...z ~ . (JW c " " C:IE ~ .. 0 cr:w w ... . e ...0 ; ... :0 e '" :1:- zc III OZ ~ 2 . <; - (JC a: :IE .. ! . c N ~ 0 to '0 u U . ~ ai c z 0 0 0 u u j: ~ '" ~ .. 0. ~ .. . 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Q .'!? E ~i c lu ~ ~ III ~~~ : Q :2 . c -i: ~f :0 0 0 a: iil lDU ; ..; c: lD' '" 0 ~t: .~ ... Q. 8. c > ... . Iii E Q. lD W J . 0_ . 0 'i! <LON ~ Q. w~E > ~ :c :....:.i:"'" _Ill III cr: ~UCJ i "0 !~ g>> ::I <II .., lD E c III j ..i '" ai Q; c ... co .Q ~~~ E ~ t:l(/)~ Z Attachment 2 CENTRN... OONlRA roSTA SNUTARY DISlRICT SURVEY TEDiNIClAN S1t..ARY SURVEY Agency Ci ty & Coun ty of San Franci sco Ci ty of San Jose Contra Costa County Contra Costa Water Di strict East Bay Mun i ci pal Util ity Di stri ct Publ ic Util iti es Canmission Santa Cl ara Sanitary District Union Sanitary Dist. CCCSD Current Proposed Engineering Depart.ent Titl e Salary Range Surveyor's Field Assistant $2214 - $2600 $1946 - $2366 $2006 - $ 2'El6 Engineering Technician II Engineering Technician No comparison N/A Survey Technician I $2002 - $2448 No compari son N/A No compari son N/A No. compa r i son N/A Survey Technician Survey Assistant $2405 - $2910 $2186 - $2645 r\ttachment 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANIT MY DI STRICT Effective: Representation Unit: SURVEY ASSISTNfT DEnNITION Perform a variety of technical and routine field and office survey work. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is the journey-level in the Survey Technician cl ass series. Positions assigned to this class are assigned a variety of field and office work rel ated to the Di strict's survey services. This cl ass is distinguished fran the cl ass of Senior Survey Technician by the more limited independence which an incumbent is expected to assume in the performance of assigned duties and by the more limited compl exity and difficul ty of the work. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general supervision fran higher level supervisory personnel. EXAMPlES OF DUTIES - Duti es incl ude, but are not limited to, the following: Act as a rodman/chainman as a member of an engineering survey crew. Assist in determining lines, points, elevations, and distances for property, construction and topographic surveys, and precise levels. Perform fl agging when working in traffic. May occasionally operate survey instruments for rel ief purposes or to expedite the work of the survey party. Assist in the collection and calculation of office data relating to survey work including information regarding easements, parcel maps, right-of-ways, and boundaries. As assigned, draft parcel maps, easements, plans, and profiles. Maintai n survey ing equipment. Perform related duties as required. QUALlnCATIONS Knowl edge of: Engineering survey principles, practices, methods, and techniques. CENTRAL CONTRA OOSTA SANITMY DISTRICT Survey Technician (Continued) Survey equipment and its proper application and use. Trigonometry, algebra, and geanetry as applied to the completion of angl es, areas, el evati ons, di stances, and traverses. Basic drafting and mapping methods and techniques. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assi gnments. Abil ity to: Perform survey work effectively with a minimum of supervision. Learn to read and interpret survey notes. Learn to operate survey equipment with increasing skill and proficiency. Perform basic drafting work using appropriate equipment and tools. Perform demanding physical work as required by assigned activities. Learn and observe all appropri ate safety precauti ons as requi red by the District including, but not limited to, Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the Di strict's Respi ratory Protecti on Progr ern. ExPerience and Education Any combi nati on equival ent to experi ence and educati on th at coul d likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities woul d be: Experience: Two years of experience in an engineering-related area, of which at least 6 months of this time is on a field survey crew. Educati on: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California Driver's License.