HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-06-86 . Centri :ontra Costa Sanitar' )istrict .. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER NO. v. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE ""AAD OF CONlRACT FOR REMOVING DIGESTER "A" ROOF SlRUCTURE AND REMOVING DIGESTED SLUDGE DATE TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE AWAAD SUBMITTED BY J ames Bel cher Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: On February 18, 1986, sealed bids to remove and relocate a 62-foot di ameter di gester cover and remove approximately 1000 cubic yards of di gested sl udge from Di gester "A" were opened. The Board of Di rectors must authorize award on a contract or reject bids within 30 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: Di gester "A", 1 ocated at the Di str i ct Treatment Pl ant, was 1 ast operated in 1978. As the Pl ant expanded from a primary treatment process with anaerobic digestion to an advanced wastewater treatment pl ant, Digester "A" was removed from service. It is now desirable to remove the deteriorating roof structure and remove the digested sludge to a landfill. The project was advertised on February 2 and 7, 1986, inviting more than sixteen contractors to review the project and submit sealed bids within fifteen days. To encourage contractor participation the bid sheet allowed the contractor to bid on the roof removal and/or the sludge removal, receiving a five percent credit on a combi ned bi d for performi ng both serv ices. Four bi ds were received. After analyzing the bids it was determined that by spl itting the contract between two contractors, the Di stri ct woul d save $5700 more than by awardi ng both phases of the contract to one contractor. Husky Contracting and Rigging and Winton Jones Contractors are the lowest responsive and responsible bidders. The timing of the contract award will depend on both the safe disposal of the digested sludge and the resources to address odor concerns. Funds are budgeted for thi s proj ect under Capital Project No. 3772, Digester Cleaning. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract to Husky Contracting and Rigging for providing all labor, equipment, and material to remove and relocate a 62-foot di ameter di gester cover at the 1 ump sum contract pri ce of $12,120, and award to Winton Jones Contractors for providing all labor, equipment, and material to remove approximately 1,000 cubic yards of digested sludge at the lump sum contract pri ce of $23 ,480. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JLB DAO INITIATING DEPT./DIV. , , .:..,......'... (- ( Central Contra Costa Sanitary District February 20, 1986 TO: JAN:S BElCHER, PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTN:NT ASSOCIATE ENGINEER FROM: PAT O'CONNOR, SENIOR BUYER p~ . SUBJECT: BID REQUEST T0356P - PROVIDE AlL LABOR, EQUIPr-ENT, AND MATERIAl TO REMOVE AND RELOCATE A 62 FT. DIAN:TER DIGESTER COVER, AND/OR REMOVE APPROXIMATELY 1,000 CUBIC YARDS OF DIGESTER SLUDGE. Formal bidding commenced with publ ication of Notice to Contractors on February 2 and 7, 1986. Sixteen bid packages were mailed to bidders who had expressed an interest in bidding this type of project. Four bidders responded to this mailing and completed the site inspection as required. Bids were publicly opened and read on Tuesday, February 18, 1986. Four bids were received: 1. Winton Jones Contractors, Inc~ 2. Husky Contracting & Rigging. Inc. 3. Cooper Crane & Rigging. Inc. 4. Bigge Crane and Rigging Co. A commerci al eval uati on was conducted by Purchasi ng (see Attachment 1.) The evaluation reveals that a single contract award to the lowest bidder. Winton Jones, would be $41,306.00. It is in the best interest of the District to issue two separate contracts, one for $12,120 and another for $23 .480. The bi ds from Husky Contracti ng and Riggi ng for $12,120 for removal of the digester cover, Item 1.2, and from Winton Jones for $23,480 for cleaning of the digester sludge, Item 2.1, are the lowest responsible bids and have a total cost of $35,600. This combined total cost 1s $5,706 less than if a single contractor, Winton Jones, were used. Purchas1ng, therefore, recommends that you prepare the position paper to the Board of Di rectors recommendi ng awards to Husky Contracti ng and Rigging for providing all labor, equipment, and material to remove and relocate a 62 ft. diameter digester cover at the lump sum contract price of $12,120, and to Winton Jones Contractors for providing all labor, equipment, and material to remove approximately 1,000 cubic yards of digester sludge at the lump sum contract price of $23,480. POC:bbm .,.,..,...,....................-...... , ( ( ATTACHMENT NO. 1 LID SITE A $23,000 $12,840 $19,844 $29,476 1.1 LID SITE B $20,000 $12,120 $18,986 $29, '4]6 11.2 CLEAN ONLY $23,480 $34,592 $47,322 NO BID 2. 1 ISITE A AND CLEAN $46,480 $45,060 $67 , 166 NO BID 13. 1 . ! SITE B AND CLEAN $43,480 $44,375 $66,308 \ NO BID i3.2 , WINTON JONES HUSKY CONTRACTING COOPER CRANE BIGGE CRANE & CONTRACTORS, INC. & RIGGING, INC. & RIGGING, INC. RIGGING CO. . NONE OF THE BIDDERS TOOK EXCEPTIONS TO THE BID REQUEST. LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDERS: 1. HUSKY TO REMOVE DIGESTER COVER: 2. WINTON JONES TO CLEAN DIGESTER: $12,120 23,480 $35,600 . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar~ &listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 NO. VI. POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 6, 1986 SUBJECT CONSENT CALENDAR 1 DATE February 28, 1986 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 86-8 (DANVILLE) AND P.A. 86-9 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Parcel No. Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Area 86-8 Danville Kingdom, Inc. (78D7) 882 Diablo Road Danville, CA 196-290-020 (3.03 acres) 86-9 Alamo John J. Naylor (7/E6) 75 Holiday Drive Alamo, CA 94507 198-111-032 (1.02 acres) TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. Remarks Lead Agency Existing house - failing septic system. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption.1I CCCSD Existing house on septic system. Owner desires to connect to the public sewer. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption.1I CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 86-8 and 86-9 to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JI//! 1302/1.9/85 &V DH JSM 70 10 ~, " '.., -0" )II" 0::1 '1 ~.: " .. ~10. " ~'\."t ..~'w ." , . .. 71 'I 15 ~ su 9IIAC .:s..~\ 4.'..., OA., ~~~'-' ~:~C I,,' ~ '00 2 7~ AC 2."AC 't~];. 'tI ,COAt " h I ~ ~ '!W-..L .., ...c' 6"'-" ..,. ~:J .. r Ir-:- ~16"~ ~ ~~ I ..u=- f ''roo'~' r:; I~~ ...0' '0 DUYILLI UIIIOII 'It:::::. 'i- ,t:: .CMOOL D'.1T.fCT II .'7~ -:- -::, - if\ I.....C. lI'-" S ' 1;--'5 l- ~ ~"~t.';~~""5 _,"o/~ 4ro\~" II 'T t;) , 1: · \' ~ . ;\..' 3- ~ ~~J~ <: ~~ 1 ;P.6 1."" ,~,;~~ .!!.... l4I'\.: r ~ f';';Z .1>1 jt,.... I · irtf t ?>! ~t'C:~~~: j f. ',) ! .:' I " r/ S ~. ~, /, \.. \~.: :%......',. ~,': lq\~~ iYi \~Y' ~V ..' ~'vO "'\~~~\ ~) .. O\,:~::':;._~. ". 1I'i .. '''I'L~'' r 10 .. .. S" I It .o:i," ,,' !., X/Z .)t:0 .'" '. ,,- .~. ~ 17 . 21 . 20 Ii ~ 11" ~ n ~':~a ~ .. 11'~U~~ I'~ . ." I NTGO'CT/ ~/ ~,~ t - " II 11 ..11111 IIOAC \,) "o!' 5 " \ D':>"~'~T~ ~17 IS ~-: \s I~ 12 /, :'. U5~( ~~./ V- \0 A 10 ,,4. II JON! S 0,03 AC ,.......,..... .,ttt ::':..,:: ;:,-::.-.... :::':, .."NIlS 1, '! OAC PA'f 1',.1 At co IOUIO'f &0&. &0 AC COIOUIO'f "~ .',01 AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION HA. 86-' (77H) . Centr~_ Contra Costa Sanitar. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETINGMC:rch 6, 1986 SUBJECT NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 DATE March 4, 1986 CLOSE OUT THE CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM, LINE ~6 PROJ ECT <DISTRICT PROJ ECT 3586) AND REIURN $5,030 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Munawar Husain, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Cathodic Protection System, Line ~6 Proj ect and thi s proj ect can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The work on this project included drilling a 300 foot deep well for pl acement of anodes and furni sh i ng and install i ng a rectifier, anodes, backfill and other appurtenances. The installed system provides cathodic protection to two 20-inch diameter steel force mains in Martinez. The contractor, Smith and Denison, Inc., commenced work on November 3, 1983. Completion occurred on January 6, 1984. Time extensions were negotiated in the amount of 37 calendar days. The project was accepted by the Board on April 5, 1984. The project closeout delay was necessary to allOtl the system designer, HARCO, to bal ance the cathodic protection system and to monitor its performance for a sufficient period of time after construction. The Engi neer' s estimate for the constructi on contract was $25,810. Smith and Deni son's constructi on contract was for $18,780. There were no Change Orders issued on the project. The total project budget was $80,712. The total completed proj ect cost is $75,682, which is $5,030 less than the budget. Staff is cl osi ng out the project which will result in $5,030 being returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board for information. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 MH JSM ()Iff RAB GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. J/J ~ pi RSK ROGER J. DOLAN . Centr&..._ Contra Costa Sanital District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 March 6, 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF AUTHORIZE A THREE-t.{)NTH MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR ROBERT RIPPEE, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II, EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 10, 1986 DATE March 3, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE LEAVE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson, Mana er Cell ecti on S ISSUE: Board Authorization is requi red for a medical leave of absence. BACKGROUND: Robert Rippee has been off work due to a medical condition since November 18, 1985. During this time, he has exhausted his accumulated sick, vacation, and earned overtime leave. Mr. Rippee is expected to require a medical leave of absence without pay for another th ree month s. RECOftENOATION: Authorize a three-month medical leave of absence for Robert Rippee, Mai ntenance Crew Member II, effective February 10, 1986. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION eJSjf CF . Centr&-. _ Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZATION fOR ATTENDANCE BY BHUPINDER DHALIWAL AT SHORT COURSE IN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS - PRIORITY POLLUTANTS TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT OUT-Of-STATE COURSE INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Dha1 iwa1 u e intendent Plant 0 e ations De ISSUE: The American Chemical Society and Battelle Memorial Institute are co-sponsoring a two-day intensive short course in priority pollutants analysis of waste and wastewater, March 8 and 9, 1986, in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The Plant Operations Department is requesting to send Bhupinder Dhaliwal, Laboratory Superintendent, to this comprehensive course. BACKGROUND: The Regional Water Quality Control Board and Environmental Protection Agency believe that priority pollutant monitoring in wastewater and sludge is a necessary and essential part of proper waste discharge control and for protection of beneficial uses of water resources. Therefore the Regional Water Qual ity Control Board has mandated a pri ori ty poll utant moni tori ng program for the Di stri ct. The District has been sampling influent and effluent for priority pollutants since April, 1984. In December, 1985, the Regional Water Quality Control Board expanded the priority pollutants monitoring program for the District by including sludge and ash as a part of the overall program. It is anticipated that in the very near future the District will have to commence a priority pollutant monitoring program as a part of its Industrial Pretreatment Program. Priority pollutant monitoring methodo1gy is a relatively new and rapidly expanding field. New analytical instruments are being introduced into the market, and test methods are rapidly being improved and/or modified. It is important that Laboratory Secti on personnel keep abreast of these rapi d changes in the field of priority pollutant monitoring. The American Chemical Society has no immediate future plans to offer this course on the West Coast. Since this item was not specifically authorized in the 1985 - 1986 budget, and as out-of- state travel is necessary, District policy requires specific Board approval. There are adequate funds to pay for thi s expendi ture in the P1 ant Operati ons Department Employee Education account. RECOtvf.1ENDATION: Authori ze Bhupi nder Dha1 iwa1 to attend the course on pri ori ty pollutants in Atlantic City, NJ, March 8 - 9, 1986, at an estimated cost of $1450. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302,0.9/85 BD WEB O'IB ~ w85 INITIA TlNG DEPT./DIV. . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 6, 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 AUTHORIZE $2,001 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PITNEY BOWES MODEL 6110 MAILING SYSTEM (MAILING MACHINE AND STACKER) DATE February 28, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Pat O'Connor, Senior Buyer Administrative/Purchasing ISSUE: Board authorization for funds from the Sewer Construction Fund is needed for the purchase of one Pitney Bowes mailing machine. BACKGROUND: A 48-month lease was entered into by the District in June, 1982, for a new Pitney Bowes Model 6110 mailing machine. The lease is due to expire in June, 1986. The District can purchase it at the fair market value of $2,001, if purchased prior to May, 1986. If the new minimum lease of 48 months was entered into for a mailing machine, the Di strict woul d receive a new Model 6110 machi ne, exactly the same as our present machine. The Model 6110 is a very sophisticated machine which handles all of our present requirements and is anticipated to be suitable for any future needs. The payments on the new lease would be $244 per month for 48 months, or $11,712 for the term of the lease. Purchasing recommends that the mailing machine be purchased instead of entering into a new 48-month lease. The savings to the District would be $9,711 plus any salvage value when the mailing machine is sold. The current maintenance service agreement will remain in effect and will be renewed at expiration of the agreement to ensure continued proper maintenance. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $2,001 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the purchase of one Pitney Bowes Model 6110 mailing machine. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 KL PM . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 of 18 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 6, 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 3, 1986 TO CONSIDER REVISIONS TO TITLE 8 OF THE DISTRICT CODE RELATED TO GARBAGE COLLECTION DATE February 25, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: Revisions to the District Code in Title 8, related to garbage collection, will be required to conform to provisions within the recently renegotiated refuse collection franchise agreement. BACKGROUND: The District Code includes provisions which specify the terms, conditions and requirements under which refuse collectors, customers, and the District operate for the collection and disposal of refuse within the District. These provisions are contained in Title 8, entitled "Garbage," of the District Code. Changes and additions in Title 8, as summarized in Attachment I, Summary of Changes to the Garbage Ordinance, are proposed to achieve consistency with the terms of the renegotiated franchise agreement, and current conditions. The revised Title 8 of the District Code is appended as Attachment II. RECOMMENDATION: Schedule a Public Hearing on April 3, 1986 to consider the proposed revisions to Title 8, Garbage, of the District Code. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WF JH ~ ATTACHMENT I SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO THE GARBAGE ORDINANCE 1. The existing Ordinance has been amended to add def ini tions of the pertinent phrases used therein, including a def ini tion of garbage which is consistent wi th that of the franchise agreements. (S 8.04.005) 2. Language has been added which specifically excludes from the parameters of this Title, the collection of industrial waste, septage and hazardous waste. (S 8.04.005 D) 3. A new provision clarifies that it is illegal to sewer garbage other than through an approved mechanical device which shreds and grinds refuse. The provisions further make it unlawful to burn or keep garbage on premises, provided, however, that sanitary composting is permitted. (S 8.04.075) 4. Additional language requires that the drop boxes and bins used by the contractor be fireproof and further requires the display of the identification of the contractor on its property. (S 8.04.080 B) 5. The Code specifically requires the contractor to provide service to all entities within the zone if the contractor is an exclusive franchisee. Specific language reserves the right to the District to collect garbage and makes collection of garbage by a person or enti ty other than as authorized by the District unlawful. However, the language provides that a person or entity which itself generates garbage may collect and remove that garbage so long as it is done in a sanitary manner. (S8.04.090, 8.04.095) 6. A new section is added which specifically sets forth the District's right to salvage and to participate in recycling or waste to energy projects. (S 8.04.096, 8.04.097) 7. The language concerning the location and description of zones is deleted and a general reference to the 600 scale maps retained in the office of the Secretary of the District has been substituted. (S 8.08.010) 8. The requirement that the District Board hold a public hearing prior to setting rates for the collector is modified from a mandatory requirement to a permissive status since state law does not require a public hearing under such circumstances. (S 8.08.020) 9. The customer complaint provisions are expanded to provide for complaint handling concerning both customer service and rates. (S 8.08.030) ----..~--,-._,---..-.-'"-'"..- _.__.,-,_.,~--_._-_._._..."..,-_..,"-_._--- .".- ----~..__._._._._._._~...._,__~__~.___"__.~_..____...___~.._".>o,"_'" "',,, .__..__._._____._____"._,..._."._.....~._.._ 10. A new prov~s~on provides that the District may undertake the collection of garbage in an emergency or upon early termina- tion of the contract. (S 8.12.040) 11. The insurance provisions have been modified to delete the express amounts and generally conform the Code to the new franchise agreements. (S 8.12.020) 12. A new provision has been added in regard to collection of the franchise fee by the District which conforms the Code to the new franchise provisions and specif ically sets forth that the fee will, at minimum, be based on the attributable overhead including outside professional fees incurred in administra- tion of the franchise. (S 8.12.060) 13. A provision has been incorporated which makes failure by the contractor to comply with all federal, state and local laws regarding the collection of garbage a violation of the Code. (S 8.12.070) 14. An addi tional section has been added which specif ically requires the contractor to maintain adequate records in regard to their franchised operations. Furthermore, the presentation of falsified or intentionally misleading re- cords by a contractor is unlawful. (S 8.12.080) 15. A new chapter has been added and several related provisions have been amended to specifically authorize the Board to enter into a Joint Powers Authority with other public enti- ties for the purpose of jointly providing or regulating garbage services. (Chapter 8.18) Chapters: 8.04 8.08 8.12 8.16 8.18 Sections: 8.04.005 8.04.010 8.04.020 8.04.030 8.04.040 8.04.050 8.04.060 8.04.070 8.04.075 8.04.080 8.04.090 8.04.095 8.04.096 8.04.097 ATTACHMENT II Title 8 GARBAGE Storage and Collection Rates Exclusive Franchises Nonexclusive Franchises Joint Powers Authority Chapter 8.04 STORAGE AND COLLECTION Definitions Storage of garbage at point of or1g1n Garbage to be placed in containers Requirements for containers Requirements as to containers not applicable to certain types of garbage Area where container kept to be clean Frequency of removal Exceptions to application of Sections 8.04.010 through 8.04.060 Keeping, burning or sewering of garbage General requirements for hauling garbage Unlawful collection District to collect garbage Right to sell valuable commodity Salvage, recycling and waste-to-energy projects 8.04.005. Definitions: A. "Contractor": A person or enti ty wi th whom the District enters into a franchise agreement for the disposal of garbage within the District. B. "Customer": Those who have contracted with the Con- tractor for the collection, removal, recycling or disposal of garbage as provided for in this Ti tIe and/or in a Franchise -1- Agreement between the Contractor and the District, or who are otherwise required by law to accept garbage collection services administered by the District. C. "District" : The Central Contra Costa Sani tary Dis- trict, a public corporation, and the term District as used in this Chapter shall include a Joint Powers Authority, of which the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is a member agency, which exercises franchising and regulatory functions for garbage col- lection within District boundaries. In the event the Central Contra Costa Sani tary District becomes a member of a Joint Powers Authority, which exercises franchising and regulatory functions for garbage collection and/or disposal, then the term "District" as used in this Chapter shall include the Joint Powers Authority. D. "Garbage": 1. Animal, fruit and vegetable refuse. 2. Offal. 3. Leaves, cuttings, trimmings from trees, shrubs and grass. 4. Inorganic refuse and rubbage; 5. Anything thrown away or abandoned as worthless; provided, however, that garbage shall not be defined so as to include hazardous waste, septage or industrial waste. E. "Joint Powers Authority": A public authority entered into by the District and one or more additional public agencies which exercises franchising and regulatory functions relating to garbage collection, transportation and disposal. F. "Hazardous Waste": A waste, or combination of wastes, which because of its quality, concentration, or physical, chem- ical, or infectious characteristics may either: 1. cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapac- itating reversible, illness; or 2. pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed. This definition will include, but not be limited to, hazard- ous waste as defined by the State of California and its agencies, or the United States or its agencies. G. "Septage": Non-sewered liquid or semi-liquid waste which may be trucked to the District or other treatment facility for disposal, to include, but not limited to, waste from resi- dential septic tanks, commercial grease cleanouts, and industrial waste holding facilities. -2- ---'----'~_..._-.--.--.__.._~_._...,.____.~__._,__ .___'~'___'___'___"'~'____M_..,_.._.___...__..,_._._. ." _._ __...._'__.___._..,.______..__.._..~___..._..__..,_~_...,.__".,___._._."_..,_.~_...... ...'_.._..".......___ H. "Industrial Waste": Non-sewered liquid waste and solid waste produced as by-products of industrial processes, or other refuse produced or accumulated as a result of industrial proces- ses, including waste produced by the District and other public enti ties as a resul t of treatment or other processes undertaken in providing public utility services. I. "Person": Every natural person, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation. (New provision) 8.04.010. Storage of garbage at point of origin. No person shall keep or dispose of garbage in a manner or upon any place which affords food or harborage for rodents or insects, or which causes a public nuisance or public heal th hazard, or which is in violation of this chapter. (Ord. 45 ~3, 1961: prior code ~12-201) 8.04.020. Garbage to be placed in containers. Every person having charge or control of a place where garbage accumulates shall provide suitable and sufficient garbage con- tainers. (Ord. 45 ~4, 1961: prior code ~12-202) 8.04.030. Requirements for containers. A person having control of a place where garbage accumulates shall place the garbage in a container which: A. Is watertight, and made of galvanized metal, or of a material of equivalent quality such as heavy grade rubber or plastic; B. Is of not more than thirty-two gallons capacity; C. Has two adequate handles; D. Is covered continuously except when being filled or emptied; E. Is placed in locations accessible to the collector; F. Is kept clean by the users. (Ord. 45 ~5, 1961: prior code ~12-203) 8.04.040. Requirements as to containers not applicable to certain types of garbage. Garbage consisting of commercial, horticultural, construc- tion or other accumulations may be collected and disposed of without reference to the requirements of Section 8.04.030. Gar- -3- bage accumulated at mul ti-uni t residential facili ties may be collected without reference to Section 8.04.030 A through C, so long as the al ternate collection containers are fireproof, water- tight and compatible with the Contractor's operations. (Ord. 45 S6, 1961: prior code S12-204) 8.04.050. Area where container kept to be clean. A person who has a garbage container shall keep the area where the garbage container is located clean and free from garbage. (Ord. 45 S7, 1961: prior code S12-205) 8.04.060. Frequency of garbage removal. Garbage shall be removed once each week or as often as required by the heal th officer. (Ord. 45 S8, 1961: prior code S12- 206) 8.04.070. Exceptions to application of Sections 8.04.010 through 8.04.060. Sections 8.04.010 through 8.04.060 do not apply to persons collecting: A. Dead animals, bones, or meat scraps for tallow plants; or B. Industrial wastes. (Ord. 45 S9, 1961; prior code S12- 207); or C. Septage; or D. Hazardous waste. 8.04.075. Keeping, burning or sewering of garbage. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or keep any refuse on, in, or under any premises, except in containers as heretofore provided. These provisions shall not be interpreted to prevent com- posting of refuse in a manner which does not create a potential heal th hazard and which otherwise complies wi th all state and local regulatory provisions. -4- It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any refuse in any District sewer or plumbing fixture or pipe connected thereto, except through an approved mechanical devise which shreds and grinds refuse. It shall also be unlawful to burn garbage, swill, animal remains, ofal, or fecal matter. (Ord. 45 ~8, 1961: prior code ~12-206 - new provision) 8.04.080. General requirements for hauling garbage. A. All garbage removed and conveyed on or along streets in the District shall be hauled in an all-metal, watertight bodied motor truck and conveyed in a manner so that the contents do not sift through or fall upon the streets and do not blow upon the streets or adjacent properties. B. The truck body, drop boxes, bins, or similar type equipment owned or leased by the Contractor, shall be constructed of metal of sufficient strength to withstand fire within, without endangering persons or property. The trucks, drop boxes, bins, or other similar types of equipment shall be kept neat and clean and in good repair. Said truck bodies shall be washed as often as necessary to keep them clean, but in no case less than once each week. The Contractor shall paint its name, permit number and telephone number on the side of each truck (in letters at least four (4) inches high) and each drop box, bin, or similar type equipment owned or leased by the Contractor. C. Each truck shall be equipped with a tarpaulin or other suitable covering which shall be drawn over the load completely covering same. Garbage in the truck shall be completely covered between points of collection and disposal. (Ord. 46 ~l, 1962: Ord. 45 ~10, 1961: prior code ~12-208) 8.04.090. Unlawful collection. The District, in order to more effectively promote and protect public heal thand safety and reduce the danger and hazards of fire, reserves unto itself the exclusive right to collect garbage as defined in this chapter, produced or found within the boundaries of the District, save and except for those areas in which a municipality has undertaken to collect or franchise the collection of garbage. (New provision) 8.04.095. District to collect garbage. A. The collection, removal and disposal of garbage may be performed by the District under the direction of the Board of -5- Directors, or by any person wi th whom the District has entered, or may enter, into a contract for the collection, removal or disposal thereof. The District may permit, by agreement with a Contractor, or otherwise, for the collection and disposal of garbage by a person other than the District or a Contractor. B. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person or enti ty, other than those persons and enti ties provided for in this section (8.04.095) to collect, remove, conveyor cause to be collected, removed or conveyed, any garbage from any location or upon or along any street or alley or any other public place in the District, without written permission as provided by the District Board, except as may otherwise be specifically provided for in this Code. C. The Contractor shall make available garbage collection service as provided for herein to all occupied premises and other garbage-generating entities within its service area. D. All occupied premises and other garbage-generating en- tities within the District shall be required to have the garbage collection service, as provided for by the District or a District authorized Contractor, provided, however, that a person or entity which itself generates garbage may collect, remove and dispose of such garbage provided such accumulation, collection, removal and disposal is done in a clean and sani tary manner in conformance wi th all provisions of this Code and other applicable laws and regu- lations. (New provision) 8.04.096. Right to sell valuable commodity. This chapter does not intend to affect or limit the right of any person to sell any valuable commodity to a person or entity other than the Contractor or the District, provided that the valuable commodity is separated at the source by the generator and the person purchasing the valuable commodity does not collect or dispose of other garbage. (New provision) 8.04.097. Salvage, recycling and waste to energy projects. The District shall be entitled to the right of salvage from any garbage collected pursuant to this Title within the District. The District may set up or participate in a curbside recycling project and/or may require a contractor to cooperate with the District in performance in such a project. The District may undertake a waste-to-energy project singularly or in conjunction with another public entity and may require the Contractor, as an element of that project, to deliver the garbage collected within the District to a waste-to-energy production si te. (New pro- vision) -6- Chapter 8.08 RATES Sections: 8.08.010 Legislative findings and designation of geograph- ical areas Establishment of rates for garbage collection Hearing upon complaint based on unreasonable char- ges 8.08.020 8.08.030 8.08.010. Legislative findings and designation of geograph- ical areas. A. The Board finds that, because of the large size of the District, the diversity of geographical characteristics within its boundaries, and the concentration of population centers in specific and definable areas, a uniform rate for the collection and disposition of garbage which is fair and equitable to all resi- dences and businesses alike cannot be fixed. B. The Board finds that in order to provide fair and equitable rates the District boundaries shall be divided into zones, and likewise the Board may find that it is appropriate to divide the zones into subzones. C. The zones and subzones shall be designated by the Board and said zones and subzones may from time to time be al tered in the discretion of the Board as may be required by annexations or deannexations to the District or as otherwise may in the Board's discretion be determined necessary. D. The boundaries for the designated zones and subzones will be maintained and particularly described on 600 scale maps on file in the office of the Secretary of the District. E. The District will provide reasonable notice to the Contractor of changes in the zone and subzone boundaries, such notice shall comply in manner and form with any requirements set forth in a franchise agreement to the extent such requirements exist therein. 8.08.020. Establishment of rates for garbage collection. The Board shall from time to time establish rates for the collection of garbage for each zone and subzone. The Board may undertake a review of the garbage rates at such times it may deem -7- appropriate or upon a request from a Contractor presented to the District in a manner consistent with any provisions within the franchise agreement relating to applications for rate setting. The Board shall adopt garbage rates by resolution and thereafter a copy of the rates shall be maintained in the District offices and be made generally available to the public. The Board may require a noticed public hearing prior to the adoption of new rates. (Ord. III ~1, 1975: Ord. 108 ~1, 1975: Ord. 107 ~1, 1975: Ord. 106 ~1, 1975: Ord. 104 ~1, 1975: Ord. 100 (part), 1974; Ord. 98 ~1, 1974; Ord. 96, 1974; Ord. 90, 1973: Ord. 88, 1973: Ord. 85, 1972: Ord. 83, 1971: Ord. 77, 1971: Ord. 76, 1971; Ord. 74, 1971: Ord. 70, 1968: Ord. 66A, 1967: Ord. 66, 1967: Ord. 56, 1965: Ord. 54, 1964: Ord. 46 (part), 1962; Ord. 45 (part), 1961; prior code ~12- 502) 8.08.030. Hearing upon complaint by customer. A customer who complains that the level of service, charges or performance of service is unreasonable or lacking shall file a written complaint with the Board or a person designated by the Board, setting forth the facts of the complaint. The Secretary for the Board, or other person designated by the Board, shall notify the person alleging the complaint and shall investigate the matter of the complaint. The person designated by the Board shall present a report to the Board if the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved administratively, and the Board may in its discretion order a hearing regarding the complaint, or take such other action as the Board deems appropriate. In the event the District Board of Directors determines to have a hearing in regard to the complaint, the hearing shall be scheduled at such time as to allow the District Secretary to provide the complainant and the col- lector with adequate notice of the hearing. -8- ,----."..----~~,~.-~...----.-...--.-.,----.~-.--.-,. -----'~----~-.-..--.--'--..-"--..--..----.--..,-.,,-.___r_.,,_ . .....___..,_,...__."___,M______.~..__._.~_..._,__,_..._.... Sections: 8.12.010 8.12.020 8.12.030 8.12.040 8.12.050 8.12.060 8.12.070 8.12.080 Chapter 8.12 EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES Exclusive franchise Contractor to furnish bonds and insurance Exclusive right of contractor to collect and dis- pose of garbage Revocation of exclusive contract Board shall hold a hearing before revocation Franchise fee Compliance with federal, state and local laws Maintenance of records 8.12.010. Exclusive franchise. The Board may determine that the District will not itself collect and dispose of garbage which accumulates wi thin the District. The District may enter into an exclusive contract, or may enter into exclusive contracts covering specified geograph- ical service areas to provide for the uniform and speedy collection and disposal of garbage. In the event of a public emergency or the early termination of an exclusive contract for the collection and disposal of garbage, the Board retains the right to take all appropriate action to ensure the collection and disposal of garbage which accumulates within the District, including, but not limited to, the direct undertaking by the District to collect and dispose of said garbage. 8.12.020. Contractor to furnish bonds and insurance. The Contractor shall furnish a bond in the amount of $50,000, or more, as determined by the District and provided for in any franchise agreement entered into by the District, in favor of the District, conditioned upon the faithful performance by the Con- tractor of the duties imposed by ordinance, contract and rules and regulations of the District. The Contractor shall maintain and continue in force during the full term of any franchise, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and worker's compensation insurance in amounts as from time to time may be set by the District Board of Directors, or in such manner as provided for in the franchise agreement. -9- -------_._._..._-~._--,_...._,,-_...-._-,-------~,._._,.....--...-.-..........-..".- --..._-.__..._.,-------~-_._._..__._-_._"._-_.._-----_._.,,,,., Such insurance shall be obtained from a company or companies licensed to do business in the State of California and acceptable to the District. The District shall be named as an additional insured on the public liability and property damage policies and each policy, including worker's compensation, shall contain a clause providing that the insurer will not cancel or decrease the insurance coverage without first giving thirty (30) days' notice in writing to the District. A certificate of insurance shall be provided to the District at any time the Contractor al ters a policy or changes carriers. A copy of the certificate for each policy, or at the District's request, a copy of each policy shall be provided to the District. In addition, the Contractor shall also furnish such other insurance as the Board may require and as may be set forth in the franchise agreement. 8.12.030. Exclusive right of Contractor to collect and dis- pose of garbage. Contractor shall collect, convey and dispose of all garbage accumulated in the geographical service area specified in the contract. No person other than the Contractor may collect, convey over the streets in the District, or dispose of garbage accumulated in the area specified in the exclusive contract, except as provided for under the terms of this Title, the directives of the Board, and the contract agreement. (Ord. 45 ~13, 1961: prior code ~12-303 - new provision) 8.12.040. Revocation of the exclusive contract. The District may revoke an exclusive contract entered into under this Chapter if, in the determination of the District Board, the Contractor has violated the contract in a manner so as to constitute a material breach of the contract, or has violated provision of this Ti tIe or other rule or regulation of the District. In the event of termination prior to the natural expiration of the term of the contract, the District shall have the right to temporarily assume the obligations of the Contractor and shall therefore have the right to forthwi th take possession of all trucks and other equipment of the Contractor and exercise the Con- tractor's right to enter and use any disposal facility for the purpose of performing the services agreed to be performed by the Contractor until such time as the District can make other arrange- -10- ments for the performance of said services. Such a temporary assumption of Contractor's obligations shall not be continued by the District for a period exceeding twelve (12) months from the date such operations are undertaken by the District. Such other terms of takeover and operation of the garbage collection services by the District shall be as set forth in the existing franchise agreement to the extent provided for therein. All other terms of operation shall be negotiated between the Contractor and the District. All parties to a franchise shall be required to make good faith efforts in regards to the negotiation of terms as may be needed for the efficient carrying out of the garbage collection operations by the District. (New provision) 8.12.050. Board shall hold a hearing before revocation. Before revoking an exclusive contract under Section 8.12.040, the Board shall hold a hearing on the question of revoca- tion and give the Contractor at least twenty (20) days' notice of the hearing. If after the hearing the Board finds that the Contractor has violated (a) the contract (by way of material breach, (b) this Title, or (c) other rule or regulation of the District applicable to the Contractor, the Board may revoke the contract. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to be in conflict with additional terms, if any, included in a franchise agreement with the Contractor. (Ord. 46 ~2, 1962: Ord. 45 ~15, 1961: prior code ~12-305 - new provision) 8.12.060. Franchise fee. The District may require in exchange for granting of an exclusive franchise a fee from the Contractor which shall be fixed by the District. The annual franchise fee shall be fixed by the District at an amount which, at minimum, is reasonably calculated to reimburse the District for its direct costs in administering the franchise. This fee shall include, but not be limited to, outside professional fees incurred by the District in addition to a reasonable allowance for overhead of the District as said overhead relates to garbage franchising. Said fee shall initially be set by District staff wi th approval of the District Board. In subsequent years District staff may give notice of such fee so long as said fee does not reflect a change in amount. Board approval shall be required for refixing of the franchise fee in a greater or a lesser amount than theretofore assessed. Said fee shall be collected on a yearly basis wi thin thirty (30) days of the -11- initiation of the District's new fiscal year, or thirty (30) days after the District gives notice to the Contractor, whichever date is later. 8.12.070. Compliance with federal, state and local laws. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations that are now in effect promulgated or amended from time to time by the government of the united States, the State of California, the County of Contra Costa, the District and any other agency authorized to regulate the services to be performed herein regarding the collection, removal and disposal of garbage. Contractor shall further comply with all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations that are promulgated by federal, state or local governments in regard to the identification and handling of hazardous wastes. (New provision) 8.12.080. Maintenance of records. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to maintain a proper set of books and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles which accurately reflect the business done by the Contractor under an exclusive franchise agreement with the District. The Contractor may be required to provide such financial records are set forth in this Title and in the exclusive franchise contract. Failure of the Contractor to provide such records as may be required under this Title or in the franchise contract shall constitute grounds for termination of the franchise contract. Presentation to the District of falsified or intentionally misleading records in regard to the Contractor's business opera- tions shall constitute a crime, a misdemeanor. The Contractor and any other principal to the presentation of the false or inten- tionally misleading business records shall be subject to prosecu- tion hereunder. This misdemeanor violation of the Code shall not be the exclusive remedy, and nothing in this section shall prevent the District from seeking other civil and criminal remedies as may be available under the laws of the State of California and this Code. (New provision) -12- Chapter 8.16 NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES Sections: 8.16.010 8.16.020 8.16.030 8.16.040 8.16.050 Alternate procedure Application for license Issuance and duration of license License nonexclusive Suspension or revocation of license 8.16.010. Alternate procedure. If the Board has not granted an exclusive franchise under Chapter 8.12, or if an exclusive franchise ceases to exist, the Board may elect to make the collection and disposal of garbage nonexclusive within a geographical service area and may grant licenses in the manner provided in this Chapter. (Ord. 46 ~4 (part), 1962: Ord. 45 ~26, 1961: prior code ~12-401) 8.16.020. Application for license. An applicant for a nonexclusive license shall apply in writing to the District on forms provided by the District. (Ord. 46 ~4 (part), 1962: Ord. 45 ~27, 1961: prior code ~12-402) 8.16.030. Issuance and duration of license. If the Board determines that the applicant is able to comply with this Chapter and the rules and regulations adopted under this Chapter, the Board may issue a license to the applicant for the conduct of the garbage collection and disposal service within the service area for which the license is requested. The license gives the licensee the privilege of collecting and disposing of garbage in the area specified for the period prescribed by the Board. (Ord. 46 ~4 (part), 1962: Ord. 45 ~28, 1961: prior code ~12-403) 8.16.040. License nonexclusive. The license issued under this Chapter is nonexclusive and does not confer upon the licensee any exclusive right or privilege. The Board may at any time terminate the license and grant an exclusive franchise as provided by Chapter 8.12. (Ord. 46 S4 (part), 1962: Ord. 45 ~29, 1961: prior code ~12-404) -13- 8.16.050. Suspension or revocation of license. The Board may revoke or suspend a license if the licensee violates the license, this Chapter or a rule or regulation of the District. Before revoking or suspending a license, the Board shall hold a hearing and give the licensee at least twenty (20) days' notice of the hearing. If, after the hearing, the Board finds that the licensee has violated the license, this Title or other reg- ulation of the District, the Board may revoke the license or may suspend it upon such conditions as it considers just. Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to be in conflict with additional terms, if any, contained in the license agreement concerned. 405) (Ord. 46 ~4 (part), 1962: Ord. 45 ~30, 1961: prior code ~12- -14- Chapter 8.18 JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY Sections 8.18.005 Formation of Joint Powers Authority 8.18.010 Powers of the Joint Powers Authority 8.18.005 Formation of Joint Powers Authority. The District Board may determine that it is in the best interests of the District and the rate payers within the District to enter into a Joint Powers Authority with one or more other public entities formed for the purpose of providing adequate garbage collection, transportation and disposal service for per- sons wi thin the District and the adjoining communi ties. The District may enter into a Joint Powers Authority Agreement with one or more other entities as the Board in its discretion may deem appropriate and is otherwise authorized by the laws of the State of California. 8.18.010 Powers of the Joint Powers Authority. A Joint Powers Authority entered into by the District under the terms of this Chapter shall include all authority and powers as provided for under California law and shall include, but not be limited to, those powers authorized under Title 8 of this Code as well as the authority to engage in collection, transportation, disposal, waste-to-energy production, recycling, and salvage to the extent the District itself has authority and power to perform such functions. -15- . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar District ., BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma rc h 6, 1986 NO. VIr. ADMINISTRATION 1 SUBJECT DATE March 4, 1986 INSURANCE AND RISK FINANCING STUDY; RECEIVE DAVID WARREN REPORT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE REPORT S~~~~T~. Btampbe 11 Administrative Operations Manager INI~~1iI~~fst}/~~i ve/Ri sk Management and Safety ISSUE: At the December 5, 1985 meeting the Board authorized a study of the District's insurance and risk financing program. Mr. David Warren, CPCU, was retained for the study and he has submitted his report to the District. BACKGROUND: In June 1985 the District was confronted with a more than 500 percent increase to the property and 1 iabil ity premiums for the insurance coverage it had been carrying for the past several years. The Board funded this increase for 1985-1986 but requested the staff to seek ways to reduce the Di strict's insurance costs. Several alternatives were explored such as el iminating earthquake coverage and increasing the District-retained 1 imit for the 1 iabil ity insurance. However, because of the instability of the insurance marketplace, significant premium reductions could not be obtained. The staff then recommended a complete review of District risk financing~ the results of which could be used when the 1986-1987 budget was prepared. The Board concurred with thi s approach. The study was initiated in December 1985 and Mr. Warren's report was submitted to the District on February 27, 1986. His conclusion is that, given the current insurance crisis, type of risks faced by the District (both insurable and uninsurable), the loss record, and the District's current financial position, the District should discontinue purchasing insurance and, instead, establish a structured self-insurance program for all types of coverages. This would be a significant change in the District's method of risk fi nanci ng and the staff requests Board concurrence before proceedi ng further with analyzing the details of this and preparing a recommended program for Board approval. Copies of the report are hereby submitted to the Board for review and Mr. Warren will be present at the March 6 Board meeting to answer questions on the study and the recommendations made. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the Risk Management Study performed by David Warren, review the recommendations, and provide direction to staff as to proceeding with the development of a self-insurance program for the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.' PM .....-.------..-------.--.....--..,.------..-.-..--.------,._.._~.,._--_._--"-_._.._--_.._--'-----_.._.,_._--~'-_.,~.......~._._. . Centr,- Contra Costa Sanital.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 6, 1986 NO. VIII. EN SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH OONTRA OOSTA WATER DISTRICT TO FURNISH NONRESIDENTIAL WATER USE INFORMATION DATE February 28, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZ E AG REEMENT SU~}~D~arner, Wastewater Control Tech. INJJIATING DEPT./DIV. tngineering Dept./Planning Div. rSSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD). BACKGROUND: The basis for the calculation of annual District nonresidential sewer - .........."- ...-- "--- service charges is the previous cal endar year water consumption. Previously, CCWD has provided CCCSD with computer printout water consumption reports, in accordance with our current agreement. Commencing the 1986-87 fiscal year, nonresidential sewer service charges will be calculated and stored on the District's FMIS computer system. MMI Management Systems, Inc. has compl eted the necessary software programming for the operati on of this new sewer service charge procedure. As part of the required programming, water use information will be entered into the system with magnetic tape input. The FMIS system will then calculate estimated sewage discharges for each nonresidential user. Magnetic tapes containing water use information will be supplied by three water service agencies: East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBtJlJD), City of Martinez, and CCWD. CCWD requires a signed agreement for the release of the water use information within its jurisdiction. The District and CCWD have an existing agreement for rel ease of water consumption data in hard copy computer pri ntout format; the CCWD Board and staff have informed District staff that a new agreement is required to provide data in the magnetic tape format. The new agreement is an open-ended agreement that does not requi re annual renewal. EBMUD and the City of Martinez do not require the execution of agreements for the release of their respective water use information. Funds for obtaining water consumption data are budgeted in the District's O&M budget; no additional funds are requested at this time. CCWD will charge us actual costs for providing the information; the costs this year were approximately $1,500. REOOMJ.f:NJ~AIIQN: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with CCWD to furnish annual, nonresidential water use information via computer generated magnetic tape input. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA~PT./DIV. A v{J 5"~K. II!f$ 130211.9/85 KD BLB JMK RAB JH ---"-----_..._~._-------,_._.",._..._--- -.--.-------.'"".---.-.-------.-.--------------;-.'--. .. .-- . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar ill District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 6, 1986 NO. VIII.. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT ADOPT RESOlUTIONS REQUIRED TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO CREATE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 56 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SEWERS IN THE LA CASA V IA-BRODIA WAY AREA OF WALNUT CREEK DATE February 28, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The Board is required to adopt resolutions to begin the process of creating Local Improvement District (LID) No. 56. BACKGROUND: Property Otmers in the above-referenced area have petitioned this District to form an LID for the purpose of financing and constructing a public sewer system which will benefit their properties. The proposed sewer includes approximately 3,500 feet of 8-inch sewer main with the potential to serve approximately 29 building sites as shown on the attached map. The proposed LID is composed of 22 separate parcels located along La Casa Via and Brodia Way in the unincorporated area of Walnut Creek. Eleven of the 22 parcels have existing homes which are served by private septic systems. Of the 22 parcels to be served, 1 andowners owni ng 79.5% of the total acreage support the formati on of the LID. State 1 aw prov ides that if the 0tI ners of more than 60% of the 1 and acreage within a proposed LID are in favor of the proposal, the LID may be formed by the local agency. Owners of 17 of the 22 parcels favor the proposed LID. The remaining owners of the five parcels who oppose the LID formation will have direct access to the proposed sewer and coul d eventually connect to it. The District has three options in establishing the assessments for these five parcels as follOtls: 1. The 5 pa rce 1 s ca n be i ncl uded in the LID and each 0tI ner req u i red to pay his/her assessment. Under this proposal the assessment for each parcel will be approximately $7,800. 2. The assessments for the 5 parcel s can be spread over the remai ni ng 17 parcels. The OtIners of the 17 parcels would receive a rebate when the 5 parcels connect. The initial assessment under this option for the 17 parcels would be approximately $10,100. 3. The District can pay the assessments for the 5 parcels and collect equal ization fees from the OtIners when they connect. Under this proposal, the OtIners of the 17 parcels and the District will pay $7,800 for each parcel. The District's total cost under this option will be 5 units or $39,000. The District would be reimbursed for this total amount as connections occur from the 5 parcels. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. illY 1302,..9/85 0 H SUBJECT ADOPT RESOLUTIONS REQUIRED TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO CREATE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 56 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SEWERS IN THE LA CASA VIA-BRODIA WAY AREA OF WALNUT CREEK POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 4 DATE February 28, 1986 The most favorable option from the District's standpoint is No.2. All costs are borne by the LID and no owner is forced to pay before he/she is ready to connect. The final spreading of assessments will be determined as a result of the process which will follow the actions which the Board is presently considering. The final assessments will be the subject of a publ ic hearing which will occur this summer. Three resolutions are needed at this time to initiate proceedings. They are as follONs. 1. Resolution Accepting Petitions 2. Resolution Approving Proposed Boundary Map 3. Resolution Requesting Jurisdiction from the County Board of Superv i sors D. K. and Associates is the LID engineer and will design the sewers. Their design fees will be included in the total LID costs. Funds will also be included in the LID proceedings to cover all District staff costs in providing support during design and construction of the LID facilities. The prel iminary costs for the LID improvements, i ncl udi ng constructi on, engineering, District fees and charges, bond counsel, and bonding are estimated at $227,000. Future Board action including establishment of actual assessments will be required to complete the formation of LID No. 56. These actions are enumerated in Exhibit "A" (see attached). RECOMMENDATION: o Adopt a resolution accepting petitions to initiate Local Improvement District proceedings. o Adopt a resolution approving proposed boundary maps. o Adopt a resolution requesting jurisdiction from County Board of Supervisors to conduct assessment district proceedings for the formation of Local Improvement District No. 56. o Establ ish Opti on No. 2 above as the approach to be used to assess the properties within LID No. 56. --------- 13028-9/85 LIt:> 56 r-, :u, \ ~ \ ~ \ ----'.. \' ----- --- ,-- - \--- ~~~@-- j:=' \~ --... , . -...m. ___ ~------- I -L.4 -____ __ __ .,~ ---, :.______.- I' CA6A ____ \'\___ _0, -/.0-\ _ \ __'- ',___' : ___' __~ _:.:::.:--,l \~0-- .. .---.\ ([) PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 56 LA CASA VIA BRODIA WAY WALNUT CREEK AREA -______,___---r-___"_____.__._.__...~_'__._______ Page 4 of 4 Pages EXHIBIT wAw FUTURE BOARD ACTIONS REQUIRED FOR LID NO. 56 1. Adopt resol uti on approv i ng "Negative Decl arati on. " 2. Adopt Resolution of Intention and approve LID boundaries. 3. Accept engineer's report for review. 4. Establish Hearing date for review of engineer's report and receive public comment. 5. Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids. 6. Hold Public Hearing, approve engineer's report, assessment spread, and Assessment District. 7. Award construction contract. . Centr", Contra Costa Sanital District .. BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 52 SUBJECT BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF 1985 ANNUAL SELF-MONITORING PROGRAM REPORT NO. IX. TREATMENT PLANT 1 DATE ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts Plant 0 erations De artment Mana er INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Self-Monitoring Program annual report for 1985 has been prepared for submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Section. This report is presented to the Board at this time for its information and acceptance. BACKGROUND: All effluent requirements were met through the year with the exception of 20 non-zero chlorine residual violation readings out of 8,738 analyses. These non-zero violations were because of process control problems with a total duration of less than 4 hours. The total duration of these violations represents less than five one hundredths of one percent of the total and a reduction from the 5.8 hours in 1984 and 35 hours in 1983. The effluent discharge to the Bay is several miles dow nstream of the sampl e poi nt. Because of th is extended contact time in the outfall line, the chlorine residual probably never reached the receiving water to cause any detrimental effects on the water quality. The District did quarterly monitoring on selected organic and metallic pollutants as requested by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The results of these tests show that these pollutants were not detected in the Treatment Plant effluent in any significant concentrations. There was a total of 13,945 million gallons of wastewater treated for an average daily flow of 38.2 million gallons. This flow is a 2.8 percent decrease over 1984 and a 26.4 percent decrease over 1983. The Treatment Plant operated throughout the year and produced an effl uent with an average BOD and total suspended solids concentrati on of 5 mg/l, and 7 mg/l, respectivel y. The BOD and total suspended solids removal efficiency for the pl ant averaged 96 and 95 percent, respectively. Sol id disposal during this year involved the incineration of dewatered sludge in the District's multiple hearth furnaces; 4,997 tons of furnace ash was disposed of by landfilling. There was a total of 3,067 tons wet weight of dewatered sludge hauled to Acme Fill; this material met the regulatory criteria for off-site disposal. Upon acceptance of this report by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors, the Annual Report will be submitted to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of the 1985 Annual Self-Monitoring Program Report. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302.4.9/85 Page No. _ of _ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISCHARGERS MONITORING PROGRAM REPORT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA REPORTING DISCHARGER SANITARY DISTRICT DATE OF REPORT February 11, 1986 REPORTING PERIOD Jan. - Dec. 1985 SUBJECT: ANNUAL REPORT COMMENTS: Enclosed is the 1985 annual report. The report presents yearly totals, averages, maximum and minimum values of the District's influent, final effluent, and receiving water quality parameters. Selected important data are also presented graphically. All sampling analyses were performed in accordance with the Water Quality Control Board's resolution No. 74-95. A total of 20 hourly, non-zero chlorine residual violations readings were recorded this year. The maximum and minimum readings recorded were 2.5 and 0.1 mg/l respectively. Seventy-five percent of the non-zero readings recorded were less than 1 mg/l. The maximum and minimum duration of any single chlorine residual violation was 38 and 3 minutes respectively. The total duration was 3.8 hours out of 8,738 hourly readings recorded. The majority of these violations were caused by temporary chlorination/ dechlorination process control problems. It should be noted that the District's outfall is about 15,000 feet downstream of the dechlorination monitoring station and the bench scale tests show rapid chlorine decay in the outfall. These two factors combined with a minimum 10:1 dilution in Suisun Bay convince us that these short term excursions did not cause the receiving water chlorine to exceed 0.0 mg/l. The District has successfully carried out the Regional Water Quality Control Board's special quarterly exploratory monitoring program on selected organic and metallic pollutants. The results of the last four quarterly samples are presented in Tables Nos. 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32. The results show that no known dangerous organic pollutants were detected in effluent in any significant concentrations. To the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and correct. Sig ture, Director of Laboratory Certified by California Department of Public Health ~. , :1 "l'AULE 1 CENTRAL CO~TRi\ COSTl\ SMII'fl\RY DISTRICT WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION REQUIRENENT Cm1PI.Il'.NCE SUl'l~Il\RY 1985. YEl\R Final Effluent (E-001-0) I I ~ :"1 ! ..-f (J i .n .;J m () 1 (l) ~ .., ..-f () >- d. .p .p ~ +J .p 1:J I () m P. (I) :::0: f I . .G ~ , .G ~ '-- , I ~ ..-f e M o. . c") r-i 0 I . . 0 .J.J S X -M I t,') (:j .., ~ :>. :::0: -~ lj rj .-1 I () <d (1) :::0: ::J ~ 0 () :> () -ri -M ~ .J.J .J..l rj () ::J +I E c ~ .G 0 lIS +J (,') .J.J -ri ~ (I) ~ 0 ~ ,:::: UO H Jan. =.eb. >.a.r. - !.~pr_ ; ~..;~y i .Jun. I , .Jul. I .. , !.....ug. Scp_ 'J::t. ,~ov _ Dec. , , ~J~(. t_ ,0. 0 ;~'!ax. J :!,tin. : iwg . \'1l\STE EFFLUENT <tl (!)01 I 1 CIJ I :>.. <tl 'd ~ lIS +I ~ {/) t:: (lJ -ri::J -.-f I .(l) 'd lIS (I) ~'d Total. le61 i form 0 Po -M lIS o -.-f -.-f 1 0 (l}r-i r-i ~ 01 (,) I x 0 ::J 0 -ri ~ .G G :I: 0 m rot/) 00 o~ P. 8 I I . rt ,.1 " ~ f " (l) I t;> ~ .p I r-i r-i r-i r-i r-i E v ::J r;1 "- "- , , , :> o :~ t:J> t:J> tJl t:J> .tJl 0 t::-ri ,s::; () 1 e E c1I' _ e E 0\' E . m+l I .p , 0 III 0 U) 0 0 E -ri ::s \p(I} MO r-- III co {/) MO r--lll co V) M~-l :J <Q 0 (i'\ d M """ :>.. M <q' :>. . 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CENTRAL CONTRA COST A SANITARY orSTRl\J [ TABLE- 5 SElF-MONITORING REPORT EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS 96~HOUR BIOASSAY RESULTS SUMMARY (UNDILUTED SAMPLE) Final Effluent (E-OOI-D) Average r,lONiH DATE Percent Survival PERCENT SURVIVAL { 10 100 JANUARY 100 24 100 FEBRUARY { 7 100 100 21 laD { 7 100 MARCH 95 21 90 { 18 70 APRIL 75 30 80 MAY { 16 60 75 30 90 { 12 100 JUNE 98 27 95 { 18 100 JULY 100 25 100 { 8 95 AUGUST 98 14 100 SEPTEMBER { 11 100 98 26 95 OCTOBER { 17 100 24 90 95 { 14 75 NOVEMBER 85 21 95 { 12 100 DECEMBER 19 100 100 6117-2-80 .__.______._._.___'.'._______"...._o_.'.._._~___._.______...__~...___+_,__.._..._.,.. -"'-"'--'~-"~-"''''''-'' "---'"'-'---'~-~ .._- C) t- Z U - 0 0:: <t: t- O en ....J 0 0 >- Z 0:: <t: <t: t- en Z U <t: t- oo '4. en 0:: <t: w W t- ....J t- en 0) U 0 <t: <t: u t- o:: <t: <t: 0:: :x:: t- u z w 0 t- U en <t: ....J ::= <t: 0:: W t- C) Z <t: w a: U w > <t: >- 0:: <t:...... ~ l') ::?: <1J :J-2 en ~ S: '- <1J -c: .... 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N N ..J:) ~ 0 0 0 . 00 0 0 2 a.. w:E ('J M r- IO ...J 0 0 0 N N o.u "- a 0 <:> <:> <:J <:> :E . . . <:> <:> 0 0 0 . . 0 0 <:> r- .... co w >- <:> ~ w W M r- 0 r- W 0 co Q) w "- .. . . . 0 <:J M r- -.;T N N - ~ Z <( >- N M <:> U ...J Q) "- N r- M r- <:J 0 <:> 0 r- N :: . . . 0 0 <:> <:> 0 . . <:> <:> a: 0: 0: a: UJ >- >- w w ..Jw l- I 0: 0: t- oo a: co w UJ UJ co <{C> :E I- <( <( :r: en :E CD ::2: ~ z :)~ ~ 0 :) ::J U ..J UJ ::J w 0 w W 0: >- a:: :E Z 0: 0: >- Z C> t- t- > U Zw ~ co ..J 0. 0- <( W <( 0. <( :) ::J ::J w U 0 UJ Z> -, u. :E <{ :E -, -, <{ (I) 0 2 a <{<{ <0 ~ .... .... I a> r-- o <0 >- ex: <x: - ~ '" ~ Cl:l ::. ::> -.. (I) en :>. el Cl:l I- Z el) U - en 0 ..... 0:: <x: Cl:l I- 0 :>. en en ...J 0 Cl:l 0 ..... en ---- >- z 0 ex: <x: Cl:l I <x: -.. I- (I) -Cl 0 G.l <:l Z U .... o +' I .- <x: t- Cl:l W 111 (I) CD (I) ~ 0 ex: 0.. <t 'r-<- w o~ +' E l- t- e 0 (I) w U G.l L> 0 ..... <x: '" :J U 00 Cl:l ~ L <x: ex: ..... 4- :J <x: ::. <x: I- el) 4- 0 :x: o- w:c ex: U ..... I t- Z '0' ~-:::r w CON 0 t- Cl:l e U (I) .... a <x: c:: LL ...J ~ <t Cl:l ex: w '" t- el "- ~ Z <x: ..... w ex: Cl:l U w ~ > <:) <x: '" ...J '" <x: Cl:l -.. ::> c:: z ::::> z - <x: l!) <X> O'l . .\ >- O'l N <( l!) M ..... <X> l!) 0 <X> U) U) M N L .... . , . .-.. N ~ Cl N C> C> . . t-< :><: C> ....J V 'V V \/ \/ ....J c::;:: l!) ::r: -' N 0 l!) In <X> l- .... C> C> C> C> C> Cl , . C> C> C> :;: C> C> . . . V V ~ C> 8. V >- M 0\ - <{ o:::r M C'J <X> <X> 0 r- U) ..... M o:::r ~ .... . . U) ..... In "'"- ~ Cl C> C> . . . t-< :><: V V .~ ~ e :z: t-< ....J r- In W -' C> C> In In o:::r VI .... C> C> C> C> C> Cl . , C> C> C> :;: C> C> . . ~I 'v V -8 .~ >- M ..... o:::r <( o:::r N M ..... ..... ~ 0 r- r- o:::r M '""- -...;. r- ~ . . . r- r- t-< Cl 0 C> C> . . :><: C> ....J V V fi ....J V V >- 0::: r- r- r- W -' C> C> C> CD .... C> C> C> ...- r- Cl , , . C> C> :2: C> C> C> C> C> V V '-J A O. v V >- M M M <( o:::r <X> o:::r M 0 C> o:::r o:::r r-::- M o:::r >- .... o:::r M Cl .' . . :z: C> C> . . :><: C> 0 V V B V ~I L t-< l- r- M M M N :z: -' C> C> C> c::( .... C> C> C> Cl C> C> C> C> :2: . . . C> C> . 5 . V '\/ 8 e '" cr: ex: 0:: ex: lLl >- >- w ex: UJ w .....W t- J: ex: ex: t- oo 00 w <x: UJ o:l <tel ::!: t- <t :I: (I) :;;: 00 ~ ~ <( Z => :::> u ..... :::> w 0 UJ =>~ 0 w w cr: ex: ex: >- >- el l- I- > ZW :2: Z ex: Z ..J U <( 00 <t 0.. <x: ::> 0.. U 0 z> 0- <t w ::> :::> w w .., u. :!: <t ~. .., ., <x: (I) 0 Z 0 <x: <x: C) r:- ~ ~ I CJ r-- C> <.D ex: <t w >- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 8 '- PARArJlETER SOL I OS TOTAL SUSPENDED CON CENTRATION LOAD ING NUMBER mg/ 1 kg/day OF MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE SAMPLES MONTH JANUARY 1 8 1 7 2620 1 47 1 00 3 3 1 , FEBRUARY 22 1 6 450 1 \ 33 98 3 28 MARCH 1 6 1 7 2336 204 1 042 31 - APRIL 1 6 1 5 '- 21 39 1 36 71 1 30 MAY 1 8 1 8 2454 1 25 1 025 31 .JUNE 1 8 . 1 5 2336 1 24 686 30 JULY 1 0 2 6 1 268 250 784 31 AUGUST 1 5 4 7 1 864 498 806 31 SEPTEMBER 1 4 5 8 1 941 477 1 081 30 OCTOBER 1 8 4 1 0 2545 92 1 364 30 NOVEMBER 27 2 1 0 4439 1 90 I 1 564 28 DECEMBER 24 3 1 0 3495 457 1 521 31 ANNUAL . . - . TOTAL 27 4501 NUMBER OF MAXIMUM SAMPLES ..............."'......../'....... .:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:..;':.:.":':': ANNUAL ,. 1 . ~ 92 . 362 MINIMUM ~l{:;:~~~~~l~~ ....................... ........... ~~~::::~::::~:~::~::~::f~:::~~:::: . .:::::::......... . ANNUAL ......'" 11j'"~~~jl!\~II\ ., AVERAGE 7 ~~~~~I~~; . .~~i~ 1 048 6034- 1 .7n -- .... ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-OOI-D) YEAR 1985 24-Hour Composite CENTRAL CONTRA COST A SANIT ARV DISTRICT PARAMETER B I OC HEM I C AL 0 XV G E N D EMAN 0 C ON C ENTRA TI 0 N LOAD I N G NUMBC:R mg / 1 kg /d a y OF MAXIMUM MIN 'MUM AVERAGE SAMPLES MONTH MAX IMUM MI N 'MUM AVERAGE jANU ARY - 6 8 2 4 \ 1 5 9 2 7 I I 3 3 I - FEBRUARY 8 2 4 1 43 2 2 6 7 6 8 4 2 8 MARCH 1 8 3 7 3347 42 7 1 1 5 2 3 1 APm L 1 ',. 8 ? 6 249 6 ? 7 4 7 6 6 3 0 ~ '- .... M AY 1 0 1 4 1 30 9 1 2 5 49 9 3 1 : .tUNE 6 2 3 7 85 2 5 2 43 6 3 0 I . .Il JLY 6 2 4 7 7 0 24 5 508 3 1 AUGUST 1 9 3 6 2 3 6 1 3 6 1 686 3 1 SEPTEMBER 9 2 4 1 2 29 2 3 5 5 8 4 3 0 OCTOBER 1 2 2 6 1 87 9 42 7 98 30 NOVEMBER 2 1 1 7 326 7 1 40 1 0 7 5 28 DECEMBER 26 2 8 3 682 29 4 1 1 3 7 3 1 ... . -. ..... '. ... . . . ........................ TOT AL .:,.;.:.;.:-:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;. ............................................... ANNUAL .............................................. ............................................... 26 3682 ::::::::::::::::;:::::::0;.1-:::::::::::::::::: NUMBER OF :.:.:-:-::,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: M AXIMUM .::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .1'...... ...1'>5;........... :~:;:;:f~:;~:~:~:~:f~:~:;:;:~:;~~:f SAMPLES :~~~~}.;~~~.... :~~~:~~:::~~~~~~~ .n.................... . ;::::~:::::::::::*~::::::~::~::::~:::: . . ANNU AL ............................................. 1 ~~ftftf~rmf~i~~~~~ 42 36 2 M INIMUM ....................... :;:::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............................................. ....................... ....................... ...................... ...............-....... ANNUAL . . 5 . 1:11 7 4 5 AVERAGE 6034.. 1 -7fi TABLE 9 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-0) YEAR 1985 24-Hour Composite . .'.---~' ~.- ." .-,-., --. --.,. .-...-.-.....'-.----..- -_.. - .... '- '.-' .'-.. ....- .. '..--. --"-- -'--' --_. .- ----... -..--..-.. .-.-.-.- ~_-. ~._--~ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PARAMETER 0 I L AN G REAS E 0 C 0 N C ENTR AT I ON LO AD I N G NUMBER mg / I kg /d a y OF MAXIMUM MIN IMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE SAMPLES MONTH JANU ARY 2 . 9 0 . 2 1 . 6 407 3 29 6 2 I 6 5 3 . . . - - FEBRUARY 1 9 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 . 0 . 3 1 . 0 2 2 1 . 3 1 . MARCH 1 3 0 5 0 9 1 9 6 3 7 0 8 1 49 7 4 . . . APRI L 2 8 0 r- 1 8 .- 3 98 6 66 7 2 5 5 3 4 . . ::> . . . . M AY 1 7 0 3 0 8 2 3 ') 5 3 6 9 1 06 1 4 . . . L- . : .It IN E 1 5 0 5 0 8 1 9 5 9 64 0 1 0 3 1 4 . . . . . . . I . . , .Il J LY 1 3 0 5 0 8 1 6 1 1 6 1 0 1 04 7 5 . . . . AUGUST 2 0 0 4 1 0 244 3 38 4 1 26 1 4 . . . . . SEPTEMBER 2 . 1 0 . 5 1 . 1 200 . 4 67 . 0 1 2 5 . 5 4 OCT08ER 2 . 6 0 . 4 1 . 3 36 5 . 4 42 . 8 1 9 2 . 0 5 NOVEMBER 1 . 5 0 . 9 1 . 1 2 3 7 . 6 1 2 3 . 7 1 7 2 . 5 4 DECEMBER 1 . 0 0 . 7 0 . 8 1 44 . 0 1 0 1 . 2 1 28 . 3 4 . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .... . . ............................................... TOTAL ................................................ ANNUAL ;::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;::::~:~~:::::::: 2 9 407 3 ............................................... NUMBER ........................-.......-.............. OF . ....................... MAXIMUM . .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ................~............................ ....................... :~:I~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~:~:~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: SAMPLES ........................ . ....................... it. . ':::::::':::::::::::i-:::::::::~::;:;::::::::: ANNUAL ...................... ::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::~:::. 0 2 :~:::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::~::::: 29 6 49 . ....................... . M INIMUM ,...................... ...................... ....................... ...................... ....................... ..............................~.............. .............................................. ....................... .............................................. ....................... ....................... - -- III . ANNUAL 1 1 1 5 2 0 AVERAGE . . 60 4. 1 -7f> TABLE 10 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-0) YEAR 1985 GRAB H_J..~ 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 11 PARAMETER pH C 0 N C ENTR AT I ON NUMBER UN I T S OF MAXIMUM MI N IMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MIN IMUM AVERAGE SAMPLES f.10NTH J ANUARY 7 . 3 6 7 6 . 9 3 1 . F E8RUARY 7 3 6 7 6 9 2 8 . . . MARCH 7 . 2 6 8 7 . 0 3 1 APR I L 7 4 6 3 Z O. .:>. 30 . . . . . M AY 7 1 6 7 6 9 . . . 3 1 . .II IN E 7 . 2 6 . 8 6 . 9 3 0 . I I .11 JLV 7 . 0 6 . 5 6 . 8 3 1 AUGUST 7 0 6 7 6 8 30 . . . . SEPTEMBER 7 . 1 6 . 6 6 8 . 29 OCTOBER 6 . 9 6 . 6 6 . 8 28 NOVEMBER 7 0 6 6 6 . 8 28 l~ECEMBER 7 . 0 6 . 4 6 . 8 3 1 ... ""Il\'~lr . . . ::~::;-;:::::'::"" :::::::::::::::;: TOTAL ANNUAL .:.:-:.:.:.:.~: ..:.:.:.:.:.: M AX I MUM 7 . 4 :~~;i~~~;l ;~~~~~~~ NUMBER OF '~~i~;~~~~~~i:i~~:~~:i:i:~:;:~;;~~U~ SAMPLES . .... ................... ANNUAL . 6 4 ~lllljll\~!lliill!lllllllllll!ll. . 3 58 M I NIMUM ...................... ....................... ....................... ::i:i:}i:i:~:f~~:~:;:~:~:~:~:~:f~:~: ....................... ANNU AL . lfl 6 9 . . AVERAGE . 6034. 1 -7fi ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final effluent (E-001-S) YEAR 1985 Grab CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 1 Z PARAMETER S HT L EABL E MATTE R C ON C ENTRAT I ON La A 0 I N G NUMBER m 1 / 1 thou r OF MAXIMUM MIN AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM A VERAG E SAMPLES MONTH IMUM JA NU ARY < 0 1 < 0 1 ~O 1 3 1 . . . ~ F EBRUARY <- 0 1 <-0 1 <..0 1 Z 8 . . . M ARC H < 0 1 L., 0 1 .(0 1 . . . 3 1 APRI L < 0 1 < 0 1 <0 , . . . 1 3 0 ~ M AY < 0 1 < 0 1 < 0 1 1 . 3 . .IUN E < 0 . 1 < 0 1 < 0 1 30 . 0 . I oil J LV < 0 1 < 0 1 < 0 1 3 1 . . 0 AUGUST <. 0 1 < 0 1 < 0 1 3 0 . 0 0 SEPTEMBER <. 0 0 1 < 0 . 1 .c:.. 0 0 1 29 OCTOBER < 0 0 1 < 0 0 1 < 0 0 1 28 NOVEMBER ~ 0 0 1 ..( 0 0 1 <. 0 0 1 I 28 ~CEMBER < 0 0 1 < 0 0 1 <..,0 0 1 3 1 . . ... .. ....... ... [II ANNUAL ~:~~:f~:~;~:~~~:}~;~~:~~:~~:~:~:~ TOT AL < 0 0 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~ NUMBER OF M AX I MUM :::::~::::;:::;:::::::::::::~::::::::::~:::: SAMPLES .:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.z.:.;.:..jo:,.:-:.:. ........................ . ::::~:~~:::::::::::::~:~::::::;:;~:~: . .j'lllllil"lltl!llrlll1~11 ANNU AL ~ 0 1 :::::;:;:;=:::::::::::(,;:::::::::=::::::;:::. 3 :.:-:--:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:...:.:-: 58 0 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::. 11.1 I N I MUM ....................... ...................... :.:.:.:-:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:-:. ...........-...........................-...... :~~:~~~~~:~:~:~:~:;:f~:~:~:~~:~:~*i~ .-...............-.................-.......... :.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ANNU AL 11_ . < 0 1 .. 0 AVERAGE - 6034 1 -7ft ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-$) YEAR Grab 1985 PARMJlETER _ . ,._..._.u_.',_ _\. -.' -_ _ .... ." .--' -- -- .' ......'>- _.' _ _ .--- ,~.. ----. -.'- -...,..'- ----~"_." .,".. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE f 3 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-5) YEAR 1985 Grab TOTAL COLIFORM FIVE-DAY MEDIAN SINGLE SAMPLE MPN/100 ml MPN/l00 ml MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE NUMBER OF SAMPLES 210 < 20 < 120 2400 <:... 2 0 <: 333 23 , < 20 (123 2400 < 20 <.287 21 20 63 790 (20 .( 136 22 ( 20 < 29 ~ 230 ( 20 < 34 22 .- <... 20 <.20 230 20 <. 33 23 < 20 <' 20 70 <20 < 20 20 1 <: 20 <20 20 <20 <20 23 < 20 <20 80 <-20 ( 23 22 ~ 20 <.20 130 <.. 20 L. 36 21 < 20 <37 1700 <20 <.108 23 <.20 < 74 340 < 20 <.94 20 ~20 <91 5400 <20 <346 23 490 170 170 20 20 70 20 20 110 220 230 490 .. 5400 <20 .. ..i;:~~F . . (20 263 .. 6034. l-1n ~Ii. ~53 <122 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 14 PARAMETER OR GAN I C N C ON C ENTR AT I ON LO AD I N G NUMBER mg / I kg /d ay OF Ml IMUM A VERAG E SAMPLES MONTH MAXIMUM MI NIMUM AVERAGE MAX IMUM N . JANU ARY 4 7 2 I 2 8 69 5 6 2 9 2 2 39 5 8 I 0 . . . . . . , . F EBRUARY 3 . I 2 I 2 7 5 5 0 7 2 9 6 2 406 I 8 . . MARCH 4 1 ') 5 3 ') 798 6 3 58 ') 524 3 8 . '- . '- . . '- . APRI L ,. 4 2 2 1 3 . 0 5 70 5 29 2 . 5 4 1 1 . 7 9 M AV 3 5 2 8 3 1 45 6 9 345 9 40 5 4 9 . . . . . . : .IUNE 3 . 2 2 2 2 . 6 40 2 . 9 27 9 . 6 33 5 . 8 8 , I .11 J LV 7 . 3 2 5 3 . 7 9 26 . 0 3 1 0 . 2 460 3 9 . AUGUST 3 9 1 9 3 1 503 9 2 3 5 0 388 1 9 . . . . . SEPTEMBER 4 . 4 2 . 8 3 . 3 581 . 5 3 3 5 . 9 43 1 . 1 8 OCTOBER 4 . 5 2 6 3 . 2 649 . 5 3 5 5 . 9 438 . 5 1 0 NOVEM8ER 3 . 8 2 . 4 3 . 2 6 24 . 8 37 0 . 2 48 5 . 3 7 DECEMBER 3 . 9 2 . 6 3 . 2 58 5 . 4 382 . 3 484 . 3 9 .. ,'.......... ... 0......._ .........-.... . . ::~::::::::::::::::::~:::.:::::::::::::::=:::: :i:;:~:;:;:~:~:~:~:~:;:;:~:;:;:;:~:;:~:;:~~~ TOTAL ANNUAL 4 7 9 26 0 ~j\~~\\I~~\~\~\\~~~~i\jjI~~Mj\\\j\ \1111I111111111'111"!~llt NUMBER OF M AXIMUM . . :::::::~:::::::~:::::::::::::::~::::::::::: ....................... SAMPLES ;:::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::: ANNUAL . 1 9 \\f~\~~\~\l\l~\~\~\~~~\~~~j\\\~~\j~\ . . 279 6 \11111111l1!ll!jlj~lj~11!1~lltj\ 1 04 . .:.:.:.;.:.:.:-:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.' . M IN IMUM ...........-........... .......................................,.... .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.. :;:::::;:::::;:;:;:::::::::::;;;:::::?::;:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::::::::: ....................... ....................... :.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:-z.:.: :.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .... .. . ANNUAL . . 3 1 .. 430 6 AVERAGE . . - 6034 1 -7fi ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-D) YEAR 1985 24-Hour Composite PARArJlETER CENTRAL CONTRA COST A SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 15 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-0) YEAR 1985 24-Hour Composite AMMONIA-N CONCENTRATION lOADING mg/l kg/day MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE NUMBER OF SAMPLES 16.0 11.8 31 1597.8 2008.5 14.2 2313.8 17.1 4.8 3423.8 1020.6 18n.8 28 12.2 16.9 6.8 12 7 2855.3 1319.5 1992.9 31 , 13.1 11.6 1790.0 1380.4 1610.9 30 10.? 14.8 11.8 13.4 1963.9 1510.9 1719 n 11 15.5 10.4 12.6 1982.2 1349.5 1616.2 30 I 10.4 7.7 10.4 1651 .6 997.3 1297.9 31 13.7 7.0 10.8 1718.0 860.2 1337.2 31 19.3 8.9 14.0 2535.2 1020.8 1850.7 30 19.4 14.4 16.7 2814.4 161.0 2280.7 30 19..4 11 .1 15.4 327.1 2344.6 28 3383.7 18.2 10.3 15.5 3001.1 1751.1 2364.2 31 19.4 ..N~;;~~~F .. 3423.8 4.8 .. 161.0 . . 362 .. 6034 1-7fi .. 13.3 1855.9 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE It PARAMETER N I TR I TE -N CON CENTRA liON LOADING NUMBER mg/ I kg/day OF MINIMUM AVERAGE SAMPLES MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM JANUARY I 0 0 . 3 0 . 7 I 39 . 9 4 I . 2 I 02 . 6 I 0 . - - FEBRUARY 8 4 I I 8 35 5 66 6 8 0 . 0 . 2 0 . 2 . . . MARCH 2 5 0 4 1 ') 508 8 57 5 1 92 0 8 . . . .... . . . APRIL - ,-- 1 3 0 8 1 0 1 79 8 1 06 5 1 36 r 9 . . . . . . ;) ,. MAY 0 7 0 1 0 4 96 9 1 2 7 49 3 9 . . . . . .llJNE 1 . 4 O. 2 0 . 9 1 78 . 6 26 . 6 1 1 1 . 3 8 . I I .11 JLY 2 8 1 6 2 2 352 2 1 90 9 272 1 9 . . . . . . AUGlIST 2 . 3 0 . 9 1 . 6 282 . 5 1 09 . 4 1 95 4 9 SEPTEMBER 0 . 6 0 . 3 0 . 4 79 . 4 39 . 4 55 . 6 8 OCTOBER 2 . 1 0 . 3 1 . 2 288 . 5 40 . 2 1 66 . 0 1 0 NOVEMBER 3 . 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 439 . 7 1 80 . 8 31 5 2 7 i . I DECEMBER 1 . 3 0 . 5 0 . 9 21 9 . 5 71 . 8 1 35 . 6 9 . . - TOTAL ANNUAL 3 1 508 8 NUMBER OF . . MAXIMUM SAMPLES ANNUAL . 0 1 . . 1 2 7 ~~iijli~i~~~I~i\~~~ji~~jii 1 04 . . ~~~~In~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~~~t~*~~ MINIMUM ....................... ....................... ANNUAL .. DJ 1 1 .. 1 49 . 9 . AVERAGE 6034- 1-71> ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-D) YEAR 1985 24-Hour Composite PARAMETER MONTH .JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY .JUNE . . .IIJL Y AUGllST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM ANNUAL AVERAGE - CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 17 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-D) YEAR 24-Hour ComooSlte NITRATE-N CONCENTRATION lOADING mg/l kq/day MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE 6.8 3.4 5.3 932.9 480.0 741.7 6.3 1 1 42 . 4 734.2 938.4 3.3 702.5 316.7 529.2 6.8 1074 0 615.6 903 3 7.9 1197 6 830.1 1032 3 5.5 11 01 .5 400.6 701.3 6.1 1013. 1 610 8 769 6 , 6.7 951.3 723.2 845 0 5. 1 833.3 450.2 662.3 2.7 591.1 171 .5 374.4 8.1 IL5 4.9 2.2 8.0 4 3 9. 1 7.2 8.4 3. 1 8.1 5.0 7.5 5.6 6.8 3.4 4.3 1.6 3 9 1.2 5.0 1.5 2.3 601.6 158.5 350.7 3.6 777.2 221.6 557.4 1985 NUMBER OF SAMPLES 10 8 8 8 9 8 9 9 8 10 7 9 9.1 Iflllllll!r- 1197 6 __.~ltN~~:~LOF ~j~*j~~~\~~~t~~~n;. ...... .. ..~i1\j\~I\\jI~~Ij . :~~~~j~\jm~j~jjj;)j~jili~jIf.~t~j\ j~j~jI~1jI;\\jjj\\jjjjj\\IjIj\:~Ijj~j~ SA MP l ES . 2.2 .. 158.5 . 103 .. 5.1 .. 702.7 6034. 1- 7fi .... .~_ _.. ._..._.____._ ". _'.__ -~_._ _._ _l __ _._~._~.... ......._ - . '.. .._......_ _._.____ .._u..___.. -___..___.....__.._-.-- --...----..-------- -.----,---.- -.- . CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 18 PARAMETER TOTAL PHOSPHORUS CONCENTRATION lOAD ING NUMBER mg/ 1 kg/day OF MINIMUM AVERAGE SAMPLES MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM JANUARY 6 . 2 5 . 0 5 . 6 905 . 2 707 . 0 787 . 6 1 0 - , FEBRUARY 5 8 4 0 5 0 888 3 557 5 746 0 8 . . . . . MARCH 6 . 0 3 . 8 5 . 0 1 1 80 . 5 562 . 9 81 4 . 5 8 APRIL 6 6 3 1 5 0 -~ 878 6 421 1 685 8 9 . . . . . . . MAY 6 6 5 6 6 2 938 3 729 7 807 3 9 . . . . . . . .JUNE 6. 2 2 4 4 . 1 823 . 1 299 . 9 523 . 2 8 , I .IIJLY 6 0 4 0 5 3 764 4 495 6 667. 7 9 . . . . . . AUGlIST 5 0 5 3 745 5 61 8 3 667 1 9 6. 0 . . . . . SEPTEMBER 6 . 2 4 . 6 5 . 6 833 . 3 608 . 5 737 . 8 8 OCTOBER 6 . 3 4 . 6 5 . 3 1 096 . 3 502 . 9 741 . 3 1 0 NOVEMBER 5 . 8 4 . 2 5 . 1 1 039 2 554 6 784 4 7 . . . DECEMBER 6 . 1 4 . 1 5 . 3 958 . 1 728 . 1 805 . 5 9 ~-. . . TOTAL ANNUAL 6 6 1 1 80 5 NUMBER OF . . MAXIMUM SAMPLES . ....................... ANNUAL . 421 1 ~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~t~~~J~f~~~l~~ 1 04 . ~~t~~~~~itt~~~~~~~~jr:~~~t~;~~~ MINIMUM ...................... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:-:.:.: ..............................,......,...... ':j;,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............................................. .............................................. ....................... ....................... '.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::-:.:.:.:.:.:. ....................... ............-.......... ANNUAL - ~ 5 2 . . 730 . 7 . AVERAGE 6034. 1 -76 .....r....".............,.,..... .:.:.:.:.: ~:.:::-:~.:::::::::::. :.:.:.:.:.::. :::: ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-0) YEAR 1985 24-Hour Composite ......---.....--..----..--..---.------r...-.. TABLE 19 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL AVERAGE WASTE CHARACTERISTICS SOLIDS HANDLING SUMMARY CENTRIFUGED SLUDGE (WASTE-002) CHARACTERISTICS DISPOSAL Percent Percent Month Total Solids Moisture Total Tons (Wet Weight) (Avg.) (Avg.) Jariua'ry 26.1 73.9 1977 February 29.8 70.2 0.0 - '.J_ March 28.1 71. 9 0.0 .. Apri 1 25.0 75.0 0.0 May 23.1 76.9 3P June 22.9 77.1 0.0 July 25.6 74.4 0.0 August 25.8 74.2 0.0 September 26.5 73.5 0.0 October 26.0 74.0 0.0 November 23.8 76.2 778 December 26.7 73.3 0.0 '1aximum 29.A 77.1 1 Q77 '1inimum ??q 7n? 0.0 t\verage 25.7 74.3 ?~~ ___'~_"_'____,_'_O__._._.M_...... -.-.,--.-.__.._..______---,-.--___'_~..~_'_m'._.___<__~~.._.._._..._.__u....M......._........_...H_... ASH* DISPOSAL Total Tons 377 666 418 441 251 456 418 406 399 415 288 462 666 251 416 TABLE 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SN~ITARY DISTRICT WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION REQUIRB1ENT COMPLIANCE Slfr~UffiY - RECEIVING WATER 1985 Dissolved Oxygen pH MACROSCOPIC ANALYSIS r- m S- . ZE :::l c. I :::l C E +-> QJ ~ e mE QJ 0 :::l mS-U'l .... GI .r-"- "r-- "OE ~ or- E co+-> ~ E-< ex -r- :::s +-' -r- E-r- tIl tIl -0 tIl om 4-E e m e E e "0 .c ~ ..... ..... E-:c" .- or- Orl s- or- o >.:::l ~ ..... .0 ~ 0 E -- :::s ><: c :::s E S-.a .-4 :l: ~ .-4 Ul <t: ~ VI <0 orl +-' 4- :r: 0 0 =' ..... 0 ... r- E E m +-> :r: Cl. Ul $.< .... 0 Cl. 0 "'0 _ -0 U) C e Cl. 0 GI ~ ~ en OJ .- .-4 QJ 0 N C>C ~ O(j 0 .... NE >- -... +-' U -r- +-> c e u 0 C l'J -r- .- en o.l; c S- ol-> e c ~ ell ~ ~ e ... c U) OE e OJ QJ mQJ ..... 0 ..... ~ ..... 0 ~ W ON U'l U Cl. -r-.r- C ell~ ell C ell ..... GI ~ or- 0 U'l .- 0 s.... s-.a m 0 =' .-4 0 ..... ..... c . or- 0 OJ 0 mEJ:: .-4 ~ 0" 0 .-4 0 .-4 0 ::> 0 00 r--. D- O) :>m+-' ~ 0 <: u ~ ~ <: Jan. - Feb. Mar. 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 Apr. Hay June 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 July Aug. Sept. 0/1 0/1 011 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 Oct. Nov. Dec. 0/1 Oil 0/1 0/1 0/1 nil nil nil nil 0/1 0/1 - Tot. n 0 n 0 0 0 n n n 0 0 Hax. Hin- Ave. . ....--.--..--.------.....-...-,--.....-.......----......._-... CEr ~L CONTRA COSTr. SANITARY Dlsr ~T TABLE 22 - ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUW,lAHY YEAR 1985 " PA AM,He' TER P H U N I T S NUM ?oER OF r.~Oi\lTH MAX I MUM MI N IMUM AVERAGE MAX IMU ~"l r,11i\1 I ~J'Ui\l AVERAG E SAM? u:s JANU ARY .' FEBRUARY MARCH - . - " J. 8 7 8 7 8 0 . . . 6 _. 0 APRI L .0 - - M AY .,. - - - - ". ...:,- JU N C " 7 . 9 7 . 7 .] . 8 6 - ,- - JU LY 0 AUGUST " SEPTEMBER 7 9 " 7 6 7 8 . . . 6 " 0 CTOBER I\: OVEM BER 0 ECEMBER 7 . 7 7 6 7 . 6 6 ANNUAL 7 9 1&1 1\\111"\ll111\1\1\\\\\\\\ i1l1flll TOT AL . NUMBER 0 F MAXIMUM ..~.......,....~....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~t~~;~~~~t~t SAM PlES ANNUAL ~~~:~~~~~~~~ti~~~~{~~~~~~~~~f:~:r~~ 7 .1_ III ::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::: 6 ...:.......-...................................... . 2 4 fJl IN! MUM ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%~~~~tr ANNUAL 1_&11 IIlt\1I111 AVERAGE 7 . 8 604 6-1 -76 ..------"----1"-,.-----,.. --- ---~........... ..,..-.-- .--. -~.- . ._-..-:...._.:.-._:._ ____ ~._.~:.:...:---.;...;...,...~..:,;;...,._;; ~_"!:: ,":;,~~"~.'.;':~_.:..:..dl--'~:;":,-,, _~.:.~~..:_,...,...............~~...~ _..........'--.._::'<.l ...'""...,...:................""~-'&-----..... CEI ~L CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIS' T TABLE ~3 . ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARY YEAR~ 1985-- , PARAMETER T EM P E RATU R E C 0 NUMBER OF MAXIMUM MI N IMUM AVERAGE MAX IrJlUM MIN IMUM A VERAG E SAMPLES MONTH JANU ARV FEBRU ARY MARCH 1 0 1 0 1 0 6 - - -- . APRI L - - M AY JUN E 2 1 2 1 2 1 6 . - I--- -. JU LV AUGUST SEPTEMBER 1 8 1 6 1 8 6 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 9 8 8 6 ANNUAL III' . .. TOT AL 2 1 NUMBER OF MAXIMU M SAMPLES ANNUAL all 1 0 .. . 24 M IN I MUM ANNUAL IIt,lti~ 1 4 .. AVERAGE -- 6046-1 -76 '-..--.....,---. PARAMETER MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE .IlJL Y AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM ANNUAL AVERAGE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 21 ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARY YEAR 1985 UN-IONIZED AMMONIA -N MAXIMUM m /1 MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM NUMBER OF SAMPLES AVERAGE 0.0091 0.0091 0.0091 6 <0.0021 .0013 0.0019 6 <0.0018 .0011 .0016 6 6 24 .. 6034 1 7fi ,-,-,-------,--- ,,-, - ----, ,- - --..., ..---.--. --.-.----..-.--- ...-. .----.-----,--..---- -.. ,_ ..~.;.. ~.__..,l...c-..._......__.....__~____.,,_..,~ ,_...~.. -----.-- -----.--.---- CEI Al CONTRA COSTA SANITARY 01S1 T TABLE lIt . ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARV YEAR 1985 ... PARA""ETER - 0 I S S 0 LV E 0 lJXYI;f-N C 0 NC E NT RAT I 0 N SATIIRATlfHJ NUMeER m I / I % OF MAXI MUM MI N IMUM AVERAGE MAX IMU M MIN I MUM A VERAG E SAMPLES MONTH JANUARY FEBRU ARY MARCH - , 1 1 - 7 1 1 . 3 1 1 . 6 1 04 1 00 1 0 3 6 -. APRI L - M ; - AY - , JUN E 9 . 4 8 . 3 9 . 0 1 0 4 9 2 1 00 6 - - JU LY .- AUGU ST SEPTEMBER 8 . 5 8 . 4 8 . 5 1 1 2 1 0 7 1 08 6 0 CTOBER NOVEM BER DEe EMBER 1 0 . 4 1 0 . ,. 1 0 . 2 1 0 6 1 0 2 1 0 4 6 . . .- TOT AL ANN UAL 1 1 7 1 1 2 NUMBER OF . M AX IMUM SAMPLES ANN UAL III 8 3 ..., 9 2 . 2 M 1 N I MUM . 4 AN NU AL - - 9 8 1111_ 1 0 4 . A VERAG E 6046-1 -76 - '.'--~-"'-'-"'-'--"-----"""-~-'- ,,-~_...._....... ....--..=--'-'...:...--. -'-.--'.-.'-' - .---.--.-.,-- .-_......._._--------~...............~-_..._----_.._--_..._-,._. .. CEN...\L CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIST, · TABLE Li5' . ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARY YEAR 1985 ... PARAr,1ETER . TOTAL C 0 L I FORM M P N / 1 OOm I NUMBER OF MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE SAMPLES JANUARY FEBRU ARY MARCH - . 9 20 3 3 2 5 5 . 6 . , APRJ l - - MAY , " ,. .' , . . .' JUN ... 1 1 0 50 78 6 - .. '. JU LY - AUGUST SEPTEMBER 430 240 3 26 6 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 1 30 2 7 62 6 ANNUAL .. .,. TOTAL MAX I MUM 920 NUMBER OF SAMPLES #\NNUAL : ~~~~t~~~~t~~t~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ .. III ......................... M IN I MUM :ljll\I\I\\\~I"'\\\\jlj'III\\\I\'\\\\I\: 27 24 ANNUAL . . 1 7 5 _tall AVERAGE .c. 604 6-1 -76 __~_ ,_ _'C'""._,__"_..__..".,_._.~________ '--'.---'-----.--...--....---. ...... _,-, :-0'"'-. "-'--'-.,._..._"""--'-....c.;._-_c~...----...... _.~~ ~._~_.,.. eEt\> ~L CONTRA COSTA SANITARY OIST, TABLE 26' . ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMAHY YEAR_ _19~ .. PARAMETER COLOR UNITS TURBIOITV NTII MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE NUMBER OF SAMPLES JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH 30 30 30 32 19 24 6 . APRIL MAY . JUNe 25 25 25 6.7 '5.6 6.2 6 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 20 20 20 108 108 108 6 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 30 30 30 9.5 8.5 9.0 6 ANNUAL MAXIMUM 35 . ...... ..__...... ..... ... ........ ....,.... ljiij\jiiIi~jjj\I\j\\j\j\\11~Ijjjl\\\\tj\\~II\j\tIjI~~~\I\~~\I~1~ TOT AL :.;.._~.~.\.:.:t:.~:.:.~r.:\..:.t.:.:.:...I:.;:.!:..i::f:..:.~:.\:.::.:.:;...~.:...~...~...:j:.r:'::;:.i:.~;:.~.::\::.~;.:.\::.\::~'....l:...\:j.::.I:.~;::j.:...;::l::.1:...I.:l:.'.1..:\:..j::.\.:. \.:t..:\::1..:~;.:.\:.\:.:.~;.:i..:l,.:J::}::.;.;:t:.l::\.:~:;:~~.:;;.:.I:.;:\:,..:~.~:.\::.l:...l.:::;..;:!:..~;.:..:..:\::~:.:l:.:.~....i::\:.~.;:.\:;..:.~:;:...:~;.:i:l:..\:.':.: 1 08 ......, ..............,.,...,. ......... .....:...:::. ':<w"/'" NU MBER 0 F :....:.. "~""'''''' ...... :\t\\~II\~\I\\I~~1~\~\j\\)~\\~\\: \~\\~\~~~\~~\\~t\\~\IItit*\ SAMPLES 20 .,. 5.6 . 24 ANNUAL MINIMUM \\j\I~\l\\l\l~\ll\\\\l\\l\lll\l\~\l~l~llj ~~\\~\I\\j\~\\\\l\\)\\~~\\~~Ij~~\j\: _,a, 26 .wla, 36.8 ANNUAL AVERAGE 6046-1-76 ORGANIC AND METALLIC POLLUTANT SMP - TEST RESULTS I. VOLATILE (all test results in ug/l except as noted) POTW Analytical Test Method Minimum Best Fit Value Laboratory -MethOd . - -. . Det. a Det. -Parameter Limit Limit Inf .b Ef f.c Eff-Dd Eff. Eff. Eft. Sample Date "- / "- / h/1':l hID 1/11; 1 nl11 1?/11 ~alvsis__ ~~e ~ y Flow, mgd / ""- / " PP VOLATILES Acrolein - -. -- - - - .- <'-+9-- . 3 Acrylonitrile ...... 1 n L' 1 Bennne 4.4 1 -"/ , <::::", -<:. !: Braaodieblorom.than. 2.2 <,1 ~1 <' 1 c'5 "1rCDOf 0f1I - --.- -- '..7 - <1 <:"1 <.1 ~l) Bromlllf thn. - <1 <1 <'1 <::10 Carbon tttrlchloridt 2.8 <:.1 <:'1 L1 -- 1:11 1 orobfnnnt - -1.11 -c:::. 1 -<::.. 1 .t"1 <:. 5 Cb 1 or Of thnt - L1 -Z1 L1 "" 1 n 2~lorOftftylvinyl ,th.r - ~ <..1 Ll ~1 <' 1 n o\loroiorn- - 1.6 -4 4 7 .Ll <:.. l:; Chlorom.thln. . ~1 L1 L' 1 L In OibromochlorDl.thln. 3.t , <1 -<: 1 L 1 '~1 =D i eh 1 Ol'Of tblllf- -~:r- <'1 , 1 <:'1 <:. l) t.2-DiehlorOfthln. 2.8 - <1 c:::. 1 <1 <:. 5 I.HliehlorOfth.n. 2.8 <1 <:'1 L.1 ""- 5 trans-l,l-DithlorOfth.n. - -1~1-: <=-1 ~1 <' 1--. <::.5 D i ell 1 ora.. thn. 2.8 : -- -- <:"1 <.5 1.2-DichloroprODIR' 6.0 ~1 L1 ~1 L' l:; -'~-Dieh1OroDrOD.nf ~~ - c'1 ~1 <.1 <.. " Ethyl beRnn. 7.2 <'1 <::.1 <"1 LI; 6.9 <:"1 2"1 <'1 <...1; -rttrlchloro.tbtRt ---~ 7 -Z1 6 <1 -<: l:; lolufll' 6.0 1 <.1 <1 <. I; 1,I,t-lriehlorOtthlftt 3.8 2 <1 <.::1 <::. 5 -r TI:1:' T r jell 1 or Of tban. ~., /1 / 1 ~1 ~!: lr i ell 1 OI'Otth'R' 1.9 <.1 ~, < 1 <:::5 -vlllyTUloridt <1 T <'1 <1 <::::.10 Methyl ene chffiri-de- 29 10 17 3 15 NON-PP Volatiles Acetone c::: 20 <::10 Carbon disulfide <1 <::::'5 2 - butanone <20 <:.10 Vinyl acetate <: 2 <.10 ':' _ L ...... 1 n _1n 4 - methyl-2-pentanone <.10 c:::..10 Styrene <:1 <5 Xy1enes (tota 1) <..1 ~5 ------------------------------------ PP VOLATILES 2 - Methel - 4, 6 - dintrophenol <50 ~ '=l - Dir.h1orobf>zidine <. 40 Rpllzi dine . ~~t.~Detectlon b Inf.~Influent c-Eff.=Effluent PP=Priority Pollutant <:. 40 d Eff-D=Effluent Duplicate 2 - 2 ,-- - .--..--- ORGANIC AND METALLIC POLLUTANT SMP - TEST RESULTS II. BASE NEUTRAL ACID EXTRACTABLES (all test results in u9l1 except as noted Analytical Test Method Minimum Best Fit Value POTW Laboratory , . Method \ Det.a Det. Parameter Limit Limit Inf .b Eff.c Eff-tP Eft. Eft. Eft. Sample Date "- /' i'.. /" 6/13 6/'-3 -~I1~ 1nll1 1?1l1 Analysis Date X X Flow, mgd V "- 17 '" PP . BA~ EXTMCTABtES ~ >< -::>< .::::-:::::. ~ ~ ~ ~ ------ Ac'ftlpb~. 1.9 <,1 L 1 C:::l 4.10 Ac'ftlplltllyl tit . 3.5 L"1 <:. 1 < 1 <.10 -Anthrlc,nt _.n'___ -- --1.9 L1 --:C1 ..c:..1 <:'10 &tnz idi ft, 44.0 ..::::11 <::1 /1; < 10 &tnzo (l) anthrlc,n, 1.8 ~ 1 -/ 1 ~1 <:"10 .. Stnzo (b)' fluOl'anth,n, - It.r <'1 <"1 ./1 . < 10 Stnlo (k) fluorant",n, 2.5 ~ Ll ~1 ~ 1 ~ 10 Stnzo (l) prun, 2.5 C"'1 <:" <::1 ..c.. To Benro <Q,h,it D,rr1tn, -4 ;1-- "'-1 <1 ./1 ~ 10 Benlyl butyl phthallt, 2.5 : c::.. 1 <::'1 < 1 ~ 10 Bis (2-chlorotthyl) ,thtr 5.1 ~ 1 <"1 / 1 < 10 -ats-(2-cblorotthoxy) Dtthllt- 5.J C""l ~ <:. 1 .r:::: 10 Bis (2-chloroisapropyl) ,thtr -' <.1 < 1 .:::1 ~ 10 Bis <2-,thylhtlyl) phthllltt 2.5 <: 1 58 1.c::..1l;: 20 4-~~ophtnyl phtnyl ,th,r ---;- . ,.. Ll .cl L' 1 <.10 2-chloronlpthll.n, 1.9 <,,1 /"1 .L 1 ./ 10 4-thlorophtlyl phtnrl .thtr 4.2 /1 <1 < 1 ..' .c.. 1 0 - ChrystA' 7:r .c::.. 1 ~1 ~1 <::. 1 0 DibfnlO (1,\) lftthrlC,I. 2.5 ~ 1 ~1 ~1 ..c.. 1 0 -1lr-1l-butylpHhlhtt 7.S- <:.1 <1 ~J;O /15 c:::. 1: 0 1,2-DichlorobtftZ'Il' 1.9 L 1 c""" 1 ..c:..1 ~ 10 1 ,3-0i ch 1 orobfnZfn. 1.9 <1 <1 <.. 1 c:::. 10 1.4-oichlorobfnztn. 4.4 <"1 <:. <..1 /' 10 3,3'-DichlorobtnZidin, 16.5 c:::.? <? <2 <:. 20 Oi.thyl phthllltt 22.' .c 1 c:=:1 <::1 <. 10 . Oiluthyl phthlhtt' --- to ~1 <.1 <' ?I; <,1 <. 10 2.4-Dinitrotolufn. 5.7 <.:. 1 <::.1 <1 ~ 10 2,6-Diftitrotolutft. 1.' /1 L 1 ott:..1 ./ 1n .Oioctrlphthlhtt----- --- L:~- ~1 <:::"1 <'1 4:';. 10 1,2-Diphtnylhydrllin, - L1 <:1 <::"1 ~ 10 \ tTUOl'anthfftt 2.2 c""" 1 <:1 ~l / 10 - nuortn.u -- l.r ~ 1 .c"1 <:.1 <. 1n Htxlchlorobfnzfnt 1.9 <.1 <::1 ,1 < 1n Htxlchlorobutadifn. 0.9 /"1 ~1 ..c..l <:: 10 - HfuclllOl'ocyclopfnhditnt - -"- _. - /1 L'1 L1 L 1n Htucb I orOt thin. 1.6 L'1 ~1 <..1 <: 10 hdfno <1,2,3-cd) pyunt. 3.1 <::'1 <..1 <1 <. 10 1 sopn or OIl' - -- - . . - -- - 2.T- ~ 1 <:1 <..1 <. 10 ~btlllhnt 1.6 .c 1 L 1 <:; 1 <:: 10 "lfl tiOOtlIfDt 1.9 <.. 1 -L 1 ~ ~ 1 "" a -Det. =D-..tect ion a-Det.=Detection b Inf.:1nfluent c-Eff.=Effluent d-Eff-D=Effluent Duplicate PP=Priority Pollutant 2 - 3 ---.. ------.-r- ORGANIC AND METALLIC POLLUTANT SMP - TEST RESULTS II. BASE NEUTRAL ACID EXTRACTABLES (all test results in uq/l exc.ept as noted) - cont'd Method Det. Det. Parameter Limit Limit - -- fH4itrosodilHttly1.ilt -- -t~'- H-fli trosodiplltllyl.iat - H-flitrosodi-a-orooyllmint - -1P'tlllntbrtnf ~..-- PYr.ftf 1.9 23.7.e-lttncbloroclibtnzO'1l-d -. -1.2,4-1rictl1orobtnullt--- -- - t." ! lrichloroHuorcnttlllnt - ArlO MRACTABlES -.-C1Iloro-ft-CrfSol 1.'" 2-tt11oroohtnol 3.3 - 2.4-0icllloroohtDol 2.7 -- 2,4-Dilltthylpb'llOl -- . 2.r-- 2.4-0in i troDhtnol 42.0 4,6-Dill i tro-O-trtsol 24.' 1-fli trOllbuot "~.r 4-fli trophtllOl 2.4 Ptnhcbloroohtnol 3.6 - Phenol ---------- - t.' 2,4,6-1ric~'or09htnol 2.1 4 6 - dinttrn----2-methy1 phenol NbN-PP B~s~ Neutral Acid Extractables 6/13 Inf. u< 1 .~ , <", .t:..l <1 ~ :::::>-< <:'1 Ll ~1 ~, <.,1:\ Benzoic acid 2 - methyl phenol 4 - methyl phenol 2, 4, 5 - trichloropheno1 2 - methylnaptha1ene 3 - nitroanil i ne Aniline Benzyl alcohol 4 - chloroaniline Dibenzofuran 2 - nitroaniline 4 - nitroaniline Hexadecanoic acid Dodecanoic acid 3, 7 - dihydro - 1, 3 7- trimethyl - IH - pu ine - ? h - li'lIl1e Recovery Rates l'ypee e-Internal or external standard ~1 .('1; <11 irE" 1 ;ell <5 <1 <.1 <1 <1 <5 <.1 <1 <:1 <.1 <5 <.5 440 50 35 6/13 Eff. <-1 <1 -<. 1 <.", <1 -::-c:::""'" c::' 1 Ll ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 5 ~l ......1; <::"11 ~1 <'1 <5 < 1 <1 <1 <1 <5 <..1 <1 <.1 <5 ~5 2 - 4 3/15 Eff-D Eff. . . - <,80 <40 ----- ---.-- <25 <. ?I; 0.007 10/11 Eff. <'1 <1 <" 1 L, <'1 - >< <., ./ 1 < 1 ~ 1 <" C; <1 < I; <11 <:. 1 <. 1. < 5 12/11 Eft. <10 ,< 10 ~ 1 n ~1() <10 >< <.10 ..... , () <::In ...... 1 () <fiO <10 IL h() <hn .......1n < 1 n <.60 < 5 <.60 <.1 <10 <1 <.10 < 1 <10 <1 <10 < 5 <60 <.1 <.10 <.1 <1 0 <.1 <.10 <.1 <10 <. 5 <. 60 ~ 5 L60 _.- --------.------ ORGANIC AND METALLIC POLLUTANT SMP - TEST RESULTS 'III. PESTICIDES ~ PCBs PO'lW Laooratory MethOd - I Det. .... Det. b /12/85 6/12[8 9/17/8 12/10/ '5 Parameter Lim i t Limit Inf~ Eff. , Eff. Eff. Eff. Sample Date hl1~ h /1~, ~/1t:; 1n/11 1?111 Analvsis Date ., Flow. mad QRGANOCHLOR IHE PEST! C I DES (EPA ~) ltl ua 1 .05 ~u t~5 /005 <..n nt; Atrtrin e _ 004 1'0. a-8HC 0.003 n~h fit:; L -fl -nt:; (0 O'i "'-"'HC ..000 :U.U~ 011 <. ; ((1 "(\~ ..(nnt:; d-BHC ..oo-q L a-SHC Linn;lno ..0U't ZlJ.Th U.Z~ L o nh ' n. 01) rhlord..n.. 0.14 < 4,4" ODD .~ll . 1';, < ,.... <' ~.4'-DDE ..0010 O~ L . ( 15 <- 4.4'-DDT ..of~ . ) .ll < < I Dieldrin ..002 , )1 n~ .c. Ot:; ( ( Endo~ulfan 1 0.014 L It; Endc.~ulfAn 11 0.004 .:: , OS EndosulfAn Sulfate O.~bb '" Endrin O.oot> l'I, 7\ !:; ([).U~ <:' '(\ Ot:; (n nt:; Endrin Aldehyd.. 0.02~ L Heot..chlor v.()03 I:lJ. lJ~ I..... .c ,..... 'n ')1'; 'n It:; HeptAchlor epoxid. 0.083 <rl 01) ') nl) '" . I~ ..:.n n~ I(n nt; To x aoh..n.. 0.2<0 c ( PCB-IOlt> - ~ PCB-1221 - - . PCB-1232 - L . PCB-1242 O.Ot>:l ~ PCB-12<oe - L PCB-12~ - .. . PCB-1260 - ~ OR'""bANlJPHOSPHORUS PESTICIDES (E~ .14) A%inpho~ ..ethyl - o.......tc.n - Dia%inon o :1IT2 7\a L 0 I) . ~ L. n Oi5ulfoton - c. f Eth ion - L ~ .. L L ~lAthion - L L "- L Parathion .. ttw 1 - o.of~ L ) .;' L L par..thion ",..thvl . 0.012 ( L I) '" < .<- CARBAMATE AND UREA PESTICIDES (EPA .3<:) <10.0 AtlIinocarb - R.arban o.O~ '. \ Carbaryl 0.02 98.0 L 5.0 .: ":'1) 0 L t:; n Carbofuran 3.2 .,. 'r:hlororooh..", Om L:J; n I. t; n " <- t:; n "- t:; -n Diuron O.ooq L l"l t; L() t; .. .: ~. ~ L n t:; F.nuron - z Fenurc.n-TCA - , ~luom~turon TI.I L t ..:. / n L 1 "\ linuron o.ooq ... t- ot. L r l-, L n Methlocarb 0.02 Ll ~ ? t; H40thomvl 9.--q "- L " <. rt L C; "\ ",~y.acarb..te O.~2 L t1onuron 0.003 ..L-n t; L -n t:; 4 -n , " n h L n h t1r, nL r r, n-1TA -- 4 n- ...,~ 0.012 · n l; L -n ~ ' (') "- n ... 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Centr...._ Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 6, 1986 NO. x. COLLECTION SYSTEM 1 SUBJECT AUll-IORIZE ll-IE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAl SERVICES OF ll-IE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PUROiASE FOUR V8-lICLES FOR ll-IE DISTRICT DATE March 3, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUll-IORIZE PU ROi AS E SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson, Manager Collection System Operations ISSUE: Board Authorization is required by the State of California prior to purchasing under the state's contract. BACKGROUND: Each year the State of California solicits public bids for automobil es and trucks to meet thei r operati ng needs. The bi ds are solicited from potential suppliers by area within the state and, for a minor fee, other government agencies can purchase vehicles under the state's contract at the price submitted by the lowest responsible bidder. The prices are below the local competitive market due to the large volume of vehicles being purchased. The Boa rd approved the purchase of four 1986 veh i cl es as a part of the 1985/86 Equipment Budget. The vehicles include: 1 Sedan, Four-door; 2 Small Pickup Trucks; and 1 Pickup Truck, 3/4-Ton, Four-wheel Drive. These vehicles can be purchased under the state contract within the $43,400 allocation in the 1985/86 Equipment Budget. The state contract offers a cost savings to the District in purchase price as well as saving the cost and labor involved in soliciting bids. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Department of General Services of the State of California to purchase four vehicles for the District. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JH DRAFT 2/28/86 RESOlUTION NO. AUlHORIZING lHE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL. SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURQ-IASE FOUR VEHICLES Be it resol ved that the Board of Di rectors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby authorize the Office of Procurement, State Department of General Services of the State of California to purchase the following 1986 model year vehicles. 1 Four-door Compact Sedan 2 Mini Pickup Trucks 1 Four-wheel Drive Mini Pickup Truck These vehicles are to be purchased for and on the behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District pursuant to Section 10324, Public Contract Code, and that the Purchasi ng Officer is hereby authorized and di rected to sign and deliver all necessary requests and other documents in connection therewith for and on behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. By Nels E. Carlson, President Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors I hereby certi fy that the foregoi ng is a true and correct copy of the resolution duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District at a meeting thereof held on the Sixth day of March, 1986, and that the same now appears of record in my office. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my and and affixed my offici al seal this Seventh day of March, 1986. By Joyce E. McMillan, Secretary of the District XI. CORRESPONDENCE 1 IRVIN DEUTSCHER CO. Real Estate Investments 370 CIVIC DRIVE PLEASANT HILL, CALIFORNIA 94523 TELEPHONE 415/825-2424 February 26, 1986 JP.lIC~i~tE(ij) FEB 27 1986 CCCSD SECRETA!lY OF THE CISTAlet Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Sir: At your meeting of February 20, 1986 you addressed yourselves to my letter of suggested participation by the District in the cost of the offsite sewer. Your concern over setting a precedent in this matter seemed to be uppermost in everyone's mind. After the motion was made and seconded the General Manager suggested to the Board of Directors that the $7,500. rebate fee could be waived and that there was precedent for this. That issue was not discussed and no one made a motion to amend the pending motion so that issue it seems to me is still open for discussion. We hereby request that the issue of waiving the rebate be brought before the Board for decision. It seems with all the benefits we are providing the District, far in excess of the $7,500. rebate, the Board should have little trouble in having it waived. r-- J/(:L- Irvin Deutscher 10 : ewr XIII. REPORTS 4a. ANNEXATION C0M4ITTEE M:ETING I. La Casa Via Annexation II. Tassajara/Alamo Creek Sphere of Influence III. Mutual Annexation Policy IV. Annexation of Islands Within the District DISCUSSION SUMMARY February 27. 1986 1. Discussed proposed annexation and Local Improvement District. 1. Committee thought that San Ramon Trunk Sewer EIR should include project which serves Tassajara/ Alamo creek area. 2. Committee was informed of DSRSD's request for Joint Board Committee meeting. Committee felt that a letter should be sent to DSRSD Board encouraging them to com- municate with CCCSD after EIR compl ete. 3. Discussed letter Board had requested at meeting of February 20. 1986, to Public Agencies involved in Livermore Valley wastewater issues. Letter should encourage them to comment on the EIR. 1. Discussed process of annexations. CCCSD does not have legal power, in most cases, to force mutual annexations. 2. Committee requested information on Martinez Annexation legal issues. 3. Discussed counsel's plans for drafting the Concord Annexation Policy. 1. Member Clausen stated that it may be unfair to reserve sewer capacity for areas not paying taxes to the District. 2. Matter to be discussed at next Annexation Committee meeting.