HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-20-86 . Cenh Contra Costa Sanits, District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF March 20, 1986 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PLANNING DIVISION OFFICE SPACE IMPROVEMENTS PROJ ECT AND AUTHORIZE THE FIL ING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION <DISTRICT PROJECT 20033) DATE March 6, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Tom Trice, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: Work has been completed on the Planning Division Office Space Improvements Project in the District Office Building and the contract work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The contract work i ncl uded constructi on offices, installation of electrical and telephone installation of District-furnished carpeting within a area in the District Office Building. of full hei ght wall s for services, painting, and 2,100 square foot vacant John DeRespini Construction Company was issued a Notice to Proceed on January 6, 1986. On February 18, 1986 (two weeks ahead of the contract completion date), the work was completed by.the Contractor. The Planning Division occupied the new office space on February 24, 1986. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the Planning Division Office Space Improvements Project (District Project 20033) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 TAT RSK tJiJf vJSM ~ ~lG~HIEF ENG. ~~ Vi.- 6-ttLt,- INITIATING DEPT./DIV. IJl/ ,~ RAB , ROGERJ.DOLAN . Centr Contra Costa Sanita, District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 20 1 86 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 CLOSE OUT OF THE LANCASTER ROAD, WALNUT CREEK PARALLEL TRUNK SEWER PROJ ECT <DISTRICT PROJ ECT 4082) AND RETURN $15,846 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND DATE Ma c TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Ron Klimczak, Senior Engineer Div. ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Lancaster Road, Walnut Creek, Parallel Trunk Sewer Proj ect and th i s proj ect can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The proj ect was desi gned to correct a sewage flow capacity probl em in an existing 10-inch sewer which was the primary cause of flooding of homes at an upstream point in the local sewer system. The final project design was expedited to allow for completion of the work prior to the 1985-86 winter season to avoid any further sewer overflow problems. The work on this project included installation of 410 feet of 15-inch PVC pipe, 1,007 feet of 12-inch PVC pipe, construction of four trunk manholes, installation of 10 backwater overflow devices, and three clean outs on existing homes along Lancaster Road in Walnut Creek. The proj ect from begi nni ng of design to compl eti on of the contract work took approximately 5 months which is a very short length of time for an entire proj ect to be compl eted. Orca Constructi on Company was awarded the contract and they began work in 1 ate September, 1985. Although beginning a major trunk sewer project this late in the year creates the potential for delays due to the weather, the contractor aggressively pursued the work by working nine and ten hour days as well as on a few Saturdays. Orca's deligent efforts were instrumental in the successful completion of the project on November 1., 1985, the required completion date. The proj ect was consi dered very successful si nce no reports of sewage overflows were received during the extremely heavy wet weather which occurred in February, 1986. The in-house District design was very complete leading to a minimum of construction probl ems and only one contract change order. This Change Order was needed to relocate an existing house sewer lateral into a new trunk manhole at a cost of $395. The Engineer's estimate for the construction contract was $116,142. The contract bid price was $131,949. The total contract amount paid to Orca Construction Company was $129,014. The total budgeted amount for the enti re proj ect was $175,449. The total completed project cost is $159,603, which is $15,846 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $15,846 being returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board for information. No action is necessary. JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 L RSK INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. . Centr, Contra Costa Sanita. District ., BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 20, 1986 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 D'U~rch 12, 1986 SUBJECT QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 1554 - MISCELLANEOUS PARCEL, WALNUT CREEK AREA TYPE OF ACTION Approve Quitclaim of Easement SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering/Construction ISSUE: The Hofmann Constructi on Co. , Inc. , owner-developer of Subdiv i si on 6579 has requested th i s Di stri ct to q uitcl aim the subj ect easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted to the District in September, 1950. District records indicate that this easement was never used for sewer purposes. The land which surrounds the subject easement is being developed as condominiums (CCCSD Job. No. 4125). New easements are being created to serve the improvements within the condominium project. The subject easement is no longer needed for District purposes. The owner-developer has paid the District's processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Hofmann Construction Co. Inc., Job No. 1554. Authorize the President of the District Board of Di rectors and the Secretary of the District to execute sai d Quitcl aim, and authorize the Quitclaim to be recorded. 1302/1-.9/85 dV DH RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. =~~ ,OlC\ I~ ~~. r-:- , UJ r-2C) ~ _ ,"' ~ I:'l <1tt..:J ~ :z c cr ~ ~ a ;) Ii) ~. ,41 ~' /'1 ! ~ \S'i IS"i 'Q ~ SLl ~ · ~~~~ ~g~X ~ ~ 3U~ ~ ~ ~~3 \- ~ ij~ ~ ~ s~ ~ ~~ ~fi\~ o C'l ~(<""\ '.J ~\tJ ~ ~c}. ~ Q(.O . ui a ~..L1/. oa 1S)..q- V 0 ~ <c.v ,c'.'!L. ~ UJ ~ .-~ 0 l\'; - "'/ "lo "'" ~Ci '" .~1Jr UJ ('i ~ i'/ .nl,j If'i \1J\J \3 90 ~Cl 1C\r- 01-'- F- wI-'- lS"lo.:. ~c:.~ U.JZ . -zCCD'-I :iwCit; LU_C"- .-J . It'I ~ o~<:-JO a..a..C'lz ---~> ~ ,lh ~ ~ :z 7kEAT ~ ~ CT' ~ CT' ,In ~ ~ "2 I w IS'i IS'i 9- ~ fo~ 19 QUITCLAIM Job 1554 EASEMENT WALNUT - Mise CREEK AREAPareel Page 2 of 2 ]Si.VJ), LC\ ~ - l(l ((\ If\ (("'\ \9 IU ~ ~ ~ "2 CL <r ~ r t- "2 ~ :> . Centt Contra Costa Sanita. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 20, 1986 NO. v. DATE CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 3635, SUBDIVISION 6024, MORJlGA AREA March 12, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITClAIM OF EASE~NT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. DENNIS HALL, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER Engineering/Construction ISSUE: C.W.O.K., owner-developer of Subdivision 6024, has requested the District to quitclaim a portion of the sewer easement which lies within the Lots 53 and 54 of Subdivision 6024. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted to the District in November, 1984. Subsequently, the line between Lots 53 and 54 was adjusted to provide for better use of the building site on Lot 54. The sewer plans were changed to shorten the public sewer to keep it clear of the building site. No portion to the District's sewer is within the easement area to be qui tel aimed. The exi sti ng sewer will not be extended and therefore this portion of the existing easement is no longer needed. The owner-developer has paid the District's processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitcl aim Deed to C. W. O. K. , a General Partnership, Job 3635, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 DH JSM RAB uK INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~~ I ~' ... , 8 ~ ~ I -19 2 5"6 - Ift'o -I ~ ~ I ,..., . ~N ;:):) /tf '"'< "- QIJIT'~,~'e \ S~I 0' ............:.. ~~ ~7J--.~ -- .............. fu re-- --..-c--r /" ... 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CONSENT CALENDAR 7 M'~t~h 14, 1986 SUBJECT APPROV E AND EXECUTE "L OAN APPROV AL AND ESTOPPEL PGREEM:NT" RELATED TO LEASE OF DISTRICT PROPERTY AT WILLOWS SHOPPING CENTER TYPE OF ACTION APPROV E AND EXECUTE' PGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The District has been requested to execute the subject agreement by VMS 1984-133, Ltd. ("VMS"). BACKGROUND: On January 20, 1983 this District leased property to Willows Concord Venture for additional parking at the Willows Shopping Center which is identified as "proposed parki ng area" on the attached map. The property leased is a 20 foot wide strip of land in which the District's main trunk sewer (A-line) is located. On August 20, 1985 Wil1CfNs Concord Venture assigned the parking lease to "VMS", a California limited partnership. VMS has applied for a new loan to replace an existing loan on the improvements at the WillCfNS Shopping Center. As a condition of the new loan, the subject agreement must be executed by VMS and the District. In the event of foreclosure on the loan by the lender, the lender would replace "VMS" as the lessee of the District's property. The District assumes no liability for the loan obligation and all terms of the parking lease remain unchanged. Any modification of the parking lease will require the consent of the District, VMS, and the lender. The District's Counsel has reviewed and concurs with the form of the agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the "Loan Approval and Estoppel Agreement" with VMS 1984-133, Ltd. and Pacific First Federal Savings Bank (lender) and authorize the President of the District Board of Directors to execute the agreement in triplicate. 111" . ARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 130211.9/85 DH JSM RAB JH Page 2 of 2 -0.. - a: ~ rn ... .. ~ . .a 0 tIC .... 0 ~ u. " 0 .. .. C\I .. . .. C " .. rn ~ 0 ... 0 0 .(U'8dmo:J lIO pol " '8pU'8~S ~ l! . !1 II; r _ f . II <( W a: <( "C) Z-i-\ -u. ~rn a: <(0 0..0 _ 0 CO WC\I 00.'-' o 0.. o a: 0.. ~ I I i!ll!l~~ ; IIlJH~i r!!!! ~! n Ii I i !l ~ ~ g :' ~ z < ~~ r140 r.l~ ~ .... f/J rn~ ~~ OZ< ..:I r.l Z ..:I 0 ~ r... ~O"" ~z~ .... . r...., r14 ~ ..... r14 8 ..... 0 Z ~..q= 8 E-tf/J LEASED PARKING AREA WILLOWS SHOPPING CENTER . Centr, Contra Costa Sanita~ _ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 March 20, 1986 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT AUTI-IORIZE $9,200 FROM THE SEWER CONSlRUCTION FUND FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 395 FEET OF PIPELINE IN LA FOND LANE IN ORINDA BY DISlRICT FORCES DATE March 14, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson, Manager Collection System Operations ISSUE: Capital funds are needed to repl ace a section of publ ic sewer in order to prevent sewage overflows. BACKGROUND: The publ ic sewer that serves the residences on a portion of La Fond Lane in Orinda is currently in very poor condition. The sewer has problems with root intrusion, low spots, and structural cracks. The poor condition of the sewer has been the cause of previous overflows. In 1982 this pipe plugged causing over $3,800 in property damage. In order to prevent a recurrence of the overflows this pipeline is currently maintained every 6 months. Replacement of this old 6-inch pipe with a new 8-inch pipe is recommended at this time because it is cost effective in terms of potenti al future damage cl aims and maintenance costs. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $9,200 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the replacement of approximately 395 feet of pipeline in La Fond Lane in Orinda by District forces. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JL Attachment Position Paper March 12, 1986 Page 2 of 2 LA FOND LANE" ORINDA" SEWER REPLACEtENT OOST ESTIMATE UNIT L.4BOR COST UNITS QUANTITY TOTAL COST o Excavate and Install Pipeline $ 17.00 LF 395 $6,700 o Final Paving 1.70 SF 790 1,300 Subtotal 8,000 Contingency @ 15% 1,200 TOTAL $9,200 J RCI gg . Centrt, _ Contra Costa Sanitar, District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 20, 1986 NO. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECT DATE March 17, 1986 APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF DISTRICT'S COMMERCIAL PUBLIC OFFICIALS' LIABILITY INSURANCE BY A SELF-INSURANCE POLICY TYPE" Q.F ACTION APPROVE SELF- INSURANCE POLICY SU9~'CkE~~Y Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIACtMlf RtstPa'1:i vel Risk Management and Safety ISSUE: The Di strict's exi sti ng commerci al insurance policy for Public Offici al s' Liability coverage has been cancelled by the carrier effective March 26, 1986. The staff proposes self-insuring this risk. BACKGROUND: When the District received notice of the policy cancellation, Counsel for the District protested to the carrier and to the State Insurance Commissioner. The Administrative Operations Manager also requested the District's insurance broker to find equivalent replacement coverage. None of these actions has brought results to date; but, in the meantime, the Risk Management Consultant, David Warren, presented the insurance study which recommends that the District self-insure all of its ri sks. Therefore, under the ci rcumstances, it woul d be appropri ate to begi n with this coverage. The District has not had any losses which would be covered by this type of insurance and there are no cl aims of thi s type pendi ng. However, there may be futu re liability claims against the District, Board members, or an employee which would come under the scope of Publ ic Officials' Liabil ity coverage. Payment of such a claim would not occur this fiscal year so the method for funding can wait until the overall ri sk fi nanci ng pl an is developed for the proposed all-ri sk sel f-i nsurance program. However, a District policy, as opposed to a commercial insurance policy, should be put in place by the March 26 expiration date so that if a claim is filed subsequent to that date, it would be clear to all parties as to what coverage the District would provide. Attached is an interim Public Officials' Liability policy statement developed by the staff and reviewed by Counsel for the District and David Warren. Staff and District Counsel recognize this policy statement may require additional review. This statement would be used on an interim basis until the more comprehensive District policy on risk management is developed. RECOMMENDATION: Review the attached statement for Di strict coverage of Publ ic Officials' Liability and approve it as an interim District policy to be followed for Public Officials' Liability claims until the more comprehensive District Risk Management policy is adopted. TI~~IV 1302,0. JEC PM JLH March 11, 1986 Attachment INTERIM CCCSD EMPLOYEES' AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS' INDEMNITY POLICY The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District shall provide in- demnif ica tion coverage for off icials and employees. This statement describes the policy which the District will follow when a liability claim involves this type of coverage. A. Covered Individuals 1. Coverage is provided to all individuals who are, will be, or have been elected or appointed as public officials of the District. 2. Coverage includes members of the Board of Di- rectors and the members of any committees, boards or commissions appointed by the District or de- signated by the District to serve on its behalf. 3. District volunteer workers are covered. 4. All employees of the District are covered. 5. Heirs, estates, executors, administrators, legal representatives, and assigns of all the above are covered in the event of death or incapaci tation of a covered individual. B. Coverage Trigger This coverage is provided to all the above individuals only when at the time of the occurrence out of which the claim arises they are functioning in the course and scope of their District-related activity. This cover- age applies regardless of when the claim is made. The employee or official, or former employee or official, must tender a request in writing to the District to defend against the claim or action not less than ten days before the day of trial. C. Coverage Coverage is provided for liability arising from actual or alleged negl igence, errors or omissions, breaches of duty, misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance of the covered individuals. This interim District policy shall take effect pro- spectively only on March 26, 1986, and remain in effect until a formal District policy has been adopted by the Board. The terms of this policy shall apply to any claim or cause of action which may arise out of an occurrence within the period that this interim policy is in effect. -1- D. Terms and Conditions The District will, on behalf of those covered indi- viduals provide a defense and pay all sums which the individual becomes legally obligated to pay as damages resulting from: 1. Claims against District-elected and appointed of- f icials acting wi thin the course and scope of their office. 2. Claims against District staff acting within the course and scope of their professional duties. 3. Claims due to dismissal, demotion, or other em- ployment actions or inactions. 4. Faulty preparation of bid specifications. 5. Punitive damages, only if authorized pursuant to ~ 825(b) of the California Government Code. 6. Intentional acts, only if authorized pursuant to ~ 825(b) of the California Government Code. 7. Violations of civil rights, however punitive dam- age portion only if authorized pursuant to ~ 825(b) of the California Government Code. E. Selection of Counsel The District will provide a defense for the covered individuals and shall select competent counsel for such joint defense. The obI iga tion on the part of the District is to provide an adequate defense, and, in the event that the covered individual is dissatisfied with the representation provided, a request may be made for independent or alternative counsel. The District will provide independent counsel to those covered individuals when a conflict of interest exists between one or more covered individuals or a covered individual and the District. When a conflict of in- terest is determined to exist by the District Board, a covered individual may then select his own independent counsel provided that only reasonable defense expenses will be paid by the District. A covered individual may at any time select his own counsel to be compensated at his own expense. -2- The District Board will retain the authori ty to make all final decisions in instances where dissatisfaction wi th the District-selected counsel may occur and/or in in- stances where a conflict of interest is alleged. The District Board agrees to at all times deal in good fai th with those covered individuals requesting alternate or seperate counsel. F. Assertion Of Governmental Immunity The District agrees not to seek governmental immunity unless all covered individuals have been appraised of the intended defense approach. To the extent a covered individual has objection to the assertion of govern- mental immunity as a defense approach, that individual may request a meet and confer process prior to such an assertion which may lead to dismissal of the District. If a dispute arises between a covered individual and the District regarding the assertion of governmental im- muni ty defense which remains unresolved after a meet and confer process, the District Board shall have the final authority in regard to the assertion of all defenses as may be available to the District. The District Board agrees to deal in good fai th wi th the covered individual in regard to any dispute which arises under this para- graph. G. Miscellaneous Terms Besides coverage for any judgments and legal expenses the District will also pay premiums on appeal bonds, interest on judgments, and any expenses incurred rela- tive to the defense of claims as set forth above. The District agrees that this coverage is provided on an occurrence basis wi th no limit on the discovery period. When the District has a commercial liability insurance policy in force which provides coverage for an occur- rence which also falls under this District policy, the commercial insurance shall be primary with this policy providing coverage for any deductible or excess a- mounts. -3- . Centr" Contra Costa Sanital District .. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 20, 1986 NO. VII. ENGINEERING SUBJECT RESCIND POLICY FOR PROCESSING PETITIONS FOR ANNEXATION OF PROPERTIES TO THE DISTRICT IN THE LAKE ORINDA HIGHLANDS AREA DATE March 18, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION RESCIND POLICY SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jay S. McCoy, Construction Div. Manager Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The Board's policy of providing public hearings on the majority of Board actions affecting the Lake Orinda Highlands area can be changed as a result of the recent incorporation of the City of Orinda. BACKGROUND: It is a requirement of the Board's previous policy for processing annexation petitions from Qlners of property in the Lake Orinda Highlands area that public heari ngs be hel d on all such petitions. This policy was adopted because of a hi story of controversy surroundi ng sewer extensi ons and development in the area. Lake Orinda Highlands area is the only area within the District where the Board hol ds a publ ic heari ng for all annexati on petiti ons. Testimony received at the hearings on the last two petitions from the Lake Orinda Highlands area was in favor of the annexations. There was no controversy in these two instances. Now that Orinda has become a city, the District can withdraw from planning issues and treat Lake Orinda Highlands' annexation issues in the same manner as other District annexations. Staff has discussed the Board's previous policy with the City of Orinda and the city staff has agreed to certain revisions to this policy which will result in less hearings for the District's Board of Directors. The recommended acti on of resci ndi ng the current Board pol icy will resul tin all peti ti ons for annexati on to th i s Di stri ct bei ng processed in the same manner. The staff procedure for processi ng of annexati ons is enclosed for the Board's i nf ormati on. This position paper was distributed to the Annexation Policy Committee and the Committee indicated their support of the proposed revised policy. RECOMMENDATION: Resci nd the pol icy for processi ng petiti ons for annexati on of properties to the District in the Lake Orinda Highlands area which will result in these petitions being processed in accordance with generally applicable District procedures. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB r1IP Page 2 of 2 STAFF PROCEDURE FOR PROCESSIt<<2 PETITIONS FOR ANNEXATION 1. If the Sanitary District (CCCSD) is the lead agency and the annexation is categorically exempt from CEQA regulations, the petition for annexation will be processed to the Board as a consent item. No hearing will be held. 2. If CCCSD is the lead agency and the annexation requires a negative declaration, the petition will be sent to the Board for processing after the negative declaration is finalized. No public hearing will be required unless the mitigation measures contained in the negative declaration are challenged. 3. If CCCSD is the lead agency and the annexation requires an EIR, the petition will be sent to the Board for processing along with the approval of the project. This action will occur at the completion of the EIR process. There will be a fact finding meeting or scoping sessi on hel d at the area of the proposed annexati on duri ng the initial stage of preparation of the EIR. Concerns of local citizens will be identified and will be included in the EIR. In accordance with CEQA, there will be a public hearing held by the Board. 4. In all cases as covered above, development plans will not be accepted for review and building plans will not be reviewed by District staff until the Board of Directors accepts the petition for annexation for inclusion in a future formal annexation to the District.