HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 07-13-09~~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 50191mhoffPlace, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair Lucey Member Nejedly Monday, July 13, 2009 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JAMES A. NEJEDLY Presiden( M/CHAFE R. McGI/,L President Pro Tem BARBARA D. HOCKETT GERALU R. LUCEY MARIO M MENES7M PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX: (925) 676-7211 www. centratsan. org Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on the .agenda will be heard when the Committee Chair calls for comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Committee. ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Committee is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Committee on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for public review at the Reception, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports or information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Conference Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and California Law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229-7303. ® Recycled Paper Budget and Finance Committee July 13, 2009 Page 2 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS *a. Review outstanding questions 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT a. There are no new claims or claim activity to report. 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS a. State financial crisis ' b. GASB 45 monthly investment (staff will be sending investment to trust) c. Review Position Paper to set public hearing to consider changes to Board compensation (Item 6.a. in Board Binder) 'd. Green purchasing policy 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES (Item 3.a. in Board Binder) 7. ADJOURNMENT * Attachment ~a. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District July 10, 2009 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: RANDALL MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION /" DEBBIE RATCLIFF, CONTROLLER ,per SUBJECT: June 29, 2009 Finance Committee Meeting There were three outstanding questions from the last Board Budget and Finance Committee meeting which required additional staff research. The questions and answers are provided below: 1. What is included in the terminal compensation amount reported to CCCERA? A District employee is allowed to include up to one year of vacation accruals, one year of sick leave accruals and up to 104 hours of accrued Holiday Compensatory time in the terminal compensation amount reported to CCCERA. An individual earns Holiday Compensatory Time when his/her regular day off falls on a holiday. If an employee works an alternate work schedule, they could potential earn Holiday Compensatory Time. Additionally, any vacation sell-offs in the current or previous year, but during the twelve-month period preceding retirement, are included with a maximum of 160 hours per calendar year per the District's MOU. Therefore, a maximum of 320 vacation hours can also be sold-off and included in the terminal compensation amount reported to CCCERA. As an example, a Tier two employee with 20 years of service who had the maximum accruals allowed at the time of retirement would have the following accrual hours included in the terminal compensation amount reported to CCCERA: Vacation Vacation Sick Holiday Comp TOTAL (1 Year) Pay-offs (1 Year) (for certain em to ees 200 Hours 320 Hours 96 Hours 104 Hours 720 Hours 2. 176213 New Horizons Computer Learning Center - Provide additional information on this expense. The New Horizons Computer Learning Center provides technical training for I.T. staff. It includes 20 days of training in subject areas like Cisco Server, Active Directory and I.T. Administration. The District purchased a certain number of coupons to be used for attendance at training sessions. Typically, each training session is for five days. The classes are conveniently located in Pleasanton, San Francisco and Sacramento. New Horizons was chosen based on their course offerings, locations and discount provided (approximately 15%). We did not obtain competitive quotes because New Horizons has a GSA State and Local Government Training program contract in place. That means it was already competitively bid and local governments can piggyback on that contract. 3. Provide the total costs spent to date on the Kramer lawsuit. The total cost through May 2009 for CCCSD vs. Kramer is $37, 891.08. 5,0~. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District July 9, 2009 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ~~ SUBJECT: STAFF MEMO ON DISTRICT'S RESPONSE TO HE ECONOMY At the request of the Budget and Finance Committee,- management is reviewing O & M budgets to see how a 10 percent reduction could be achieved. Management wants all staff involved in the process and informed on why savings are necessary. To this end, a memo to all District staff has been prepared for distribution, addressing the prudence of reducing expenditures and minimizing any risk of negative public perception of the District, its staff, and its operation. The focus of the memo is simple cost saving measures -eliminating meals served at meetings; cutting back on outside trainings, conferences, travel, and overtime; and instituting an immediate hiring freeze. The goal of the memo is to enlist all District staff in cost cutting measures, soliciting their suggestions for how specific savings might be achieved, and with the intent that savings would not be achieved through layoffs and furloughs. Management is already cutting back.on outside training and conferences, meals and food at District events. We expect to greatly curtail out of state travel, and to further review the budget and expenditures to reduce costs and maintain the District's good public perception. To that specific end, the District's Communications Committee (made up of 18 representatives from all four departments) has been asked to review all of the ways cost saving suggestions can be funneled to the managers and to come up with new means for submitting such suggestions. With the Committee's concurrence, the attached memo will be distributed to all employees. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District July 9, 2009 TO: ALL EMPLOYEES FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER 9 SUBJECT: NEED TO RESPOND TO ECONOMY AND STATE/ BUDGET CRISIS The current economy and the State's ongoing struggle to resolve the budget crisis will inevitably have a significant impact on Central San, including more public scrutiny of how we do business. With fewer new housing starts, our connection fees and permit fee revenues are down significantly. The state may take our $12 million property tax, and at the very least, property tax revenue will be less than we projected due to dropping real estate values. To be prudent, now is the time to reduce our spending and our risk of negative public perception. Every aspect of how we do business should be reviewed. In some instances, cost savings will be easy to identify and adopt -whether it's a simple elimination of meals served at meetings or cutting back expenditures like outside training, conferences, travel, and overtime, or reprioritizing capital projects. For example, I have instructed the Directors to institute an immediate hiring freeze. As an exception to this, only critical positions will be considered for filling. Because you are on the front lines every day, your input is very important to this effort. Please share your ideas on ways we can save money at Central San. Share your suggestions with your supervisor, send them directly to me, or stop by my office to discuss your thoughts. Also, the Communication Committee is developing other vehicles for providing suggestions. The Board's Budget and Finance Committee has asked management to see how a 10 percent reduction in the O&M budget could be achieved as a contingency plan. Managers are already working with many of you to respond to this request. Achieving a 10 percent budget reduction will require us to focus on mission critical activities. This approach should help us find new ways to save money while still protecting public health and the environment. It is the District's intent to achieve these savings without lay-offs or mandatory furloughs. I appreciate your understanding during this challenging period. With your help, I am confident that we can save resources and fulfill our mission as we prepare ourselves for the inevitable fallout from the State's budget crisis. ~. ~. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District July 13, 2009 TO: BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE D FROM: RANDALL MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION /~~~ STEPHANIE KING, PURCHASING MANAGER SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE PURCHASING POLICY Staff presented a draft of the Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Policy at the June 29, 2009 Committee meeting. At that time, the Committee requested staff to identify the fiscal impact and develop parameters in an effort to assist the Board with a better understanding of the impacts to the District if the policy was adopted by the Board. We discussed with the Committee three common approaches to the implementation of the policy by other governmental entities, please see the attached policy options. 1. Provide some limited price flexibility (most common) 2. Refuse to pay extra 3. Establish price preferences Option 4 of the attachment is the outcome of staff's attempt to address the Committee's request. It is option 1 with the addition of a proposed review process that allows the Committee and Board an opportunity to review significant cost or policy issues, prior to action being taken by staff. The proposal is to keep the policy as drafted, with the "reasonable price" wording allowing staff some flexibility in balancing green, cost and product performance in determining the purchase. However, the proposal includes an internal review process utilizing the District's Green Team providing research and recommendations regarding green products. Significant items, defined as costly or a policy decision, would be submitted to the General Manager for implementation, rejection or submittal to the Board, through the Budget and Finance Committee. There are eight major categories of "Green" products, please see the attached spreadsheet. The first category for research and implementation is "Office". As staff researches the major category and products within the categories, decisions will be made regarding the advisability and feasibility of green purchases. Insignificant products can be purchased upon agreement with the District's Green Team and the Purchasing Manager. Significant products would be sent to the General Manager and on to the Committee and Board, as appropriate. At that time the fiscal impact would be identified and discussed. Staff is seeking the Committee's direction regarding the policy. H:\Board Position Papers\Green Purchasing Policy Memo to Budget and Fin Comm.doc Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy OPTIONS: 1) Provide some limited price flexibility: Using the phrase "reasonable price" gives purchasers some discretion about how much, if any, extra they are willing to pay. This allows purchasers to balance price and environmental considerations. (This is how the policy was presented to the Budget & Finance Committee on 6/29 and concern was that this option lacks the fiscal effects and parameter for what is determined to be "reasonable"). Option: Have Purchasing Manager or designee determine if the higher cost is "reasonable" and when appropriate bring to the Budget & Finance Committee, or Board. This may not be efficient or user friendly. 2) Refuse to pay extra: Prohibit paying more than what was budgeted. Option: Prohibit paying more than the cost of non green items, but this would require getting quotes for green vs. non-green products. 3) Establish price preferences: Many policies give purchasers permission to pay between 3 and IS percent extra for products meeting environmentally preferable criteria. Some believe price preferences are counterproductive by providing manufacturers with an incentive to keep prices higher. Even in communities that permit price preferences, they are not always used because prices have been found to be very competitive for many environmentally preferable products. It also leaves certain elements up to interpretation, for example, figuring out how to apply that preference when we receive proposals that have differing degrees of green. For example, trying to apply a 5% preference to proposals for a year's supply of copy paper, bidder A proposes 30% recycled paper for $10,000, bidder B proposes 50% recycled paper for $10,499 and bidder C proposes 100% recycled paper for $11,000. B is within 5% of A, but C is within 5% of B, so who would the 5% go to? And there may be other environmental elements also being considered, such as chlorine free processes and whether the wood originated from forests harvested in an environmentally sustainable manner (Forest Stewardship Council Certified). 4) Maintain policy and use of the phrase "reasonable" while more clearly identifying the producUservice categories. Identify product/service categories, research and document green elements, compare prices along with environmental impact, and report outcomes. If we do spend more for green products, depending on how significant, we can create steps for approvaUacceptance and justification. Utilize Green Team to address environmental issues surrounding the products/services and recommend specifications that are environmentally preferable. Green Team: Melody LaBella, Stephanie King, Bonnie Lowe, Curt Swanson, Dan McCown, David Wyatt, Mark Greenawalt, Randy Schmidt, Roseanna Barrett, Roy Manes, Steve Linsley, and will be inviting someone from Fleet Svcs to be a member. d a ~ ~ T ~ Of ~ . U ~ a a tq U a a Q ~ -~ a ~ rn> ro~ in rn ro ~ ~ ~ ro ~ y ro ~v a c c N c c U o ~ o o; w ~ ~ ro ~ ~ U ~ m C7 oLC a m o U rn ~ ai$ . v, ~ as o C N 7 7 h N ~ ~ C ~ O c L E E s '~ c m~ c =- U E E U N ~ a C ~ ~ a N d ~ 7 0 d U ~= f= O U 7 a ~ ~ ~T m Q ro ' O~ C7 m LL~. N a L ,N.. p ro ro N ro J U C U O ~ a ro E > N N U U N ~ v m D ~ m '~ ~ ~ ro ~ a N .` U. ~ O a N ~ (b d c v.~ . .~ ~~~ ~ ~ o a~ 3 ~; a ro ~ ~ cLi ~ rno t ro a c`n ~ ~ y ~ y ~ro ro~ ~ro ro~ ~ :~. ~ ~ a c`o 7U r n ° Win. E ~U ro a ~ ' i a a a y v ~ c`o c a ~ ~ m aci o a O "~ ro E o U ro ¢ ~ o C a a c E a'LL O Q C C C C N U E y a C E i6 W a~ O W. U O W o ~3 Q fn >: c ~.~ O a ~ m ro O ro o~~ aa ~c U . w ar a~ _N ~'~aoi `=•~ co ~ co ~ Em ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~mro a 7coi a roE i >.a i >.a o ~ ~} _ c ro ro ro gj U C N . O a ~ ~ r U O d` U O d ~ ,,~_, C C ~~ ~ > d N ro' C ro C ro ro a N a ~ - N O . ~ a ~~ ~ E p ~ N ~ N j U 'y ~ ~ ~ y O m _ C N L L ' ~a a wm m~ m~ ~'~ v,n aci~ 3 ~~ y aEv a tro Q 01 N ~~ L N G N ~ ~ N m N ,C c L L ~' L L L. C L '-' ~ N L L ~ c E o c E iE ~7 m7 • ~N > ro ~ ~ ro °~ ° - i ~ ~ i a ~ i ~ ~ O O O L ro ro N~ c O' ro c ~• N N L L ro N ro N- ro N: ~ ro N: ro N ro ~ a ro c ro ro. ~ro m oE oE m>j m . m m `~ `~ a• `~ L'X ~' d v ~a~a i a o ~ a i a i a i a~ a i Q C7 a a oC U ~ U ~ OC E a OC OC U OC ro OC OC O ¢ o. ~ ¢ OC ro ro m L m m J O Q ro a ro ~ ro o a . t N N T D . 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A h k sM Y i5 fi ~ a ~ f ~' , Y ~i + r ~r~t ~ s d w. ~~ r a> ~'. ~ r ~ '. t EnvironmentallyPreflerablerPurchas~ng Pol-cy ,. ~ - < , ~.p: 6.1 Purpose This Policy is adopted in order to: • protect and conserve natural resources, • minimize environmental impacts such as pollution and use of water and energy, • eliminate or reduce toxics that create hazards to workers and our community, • promote practices that improve public and worker health, • support strong recycling markets, • reduce materials that are land filled, • increase the use and availability of environmentally preferable products that protect the environment, • identify environmentally preferable products and distribution systems, • reward manufacturers and vendors that reduce environmental impacts in their production and distribution systems or services, • create a model for successfully purchasing environmentally preferable products that encourages other purchasers in our community to adopt similar goals. 6.2 Policy In support of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's mission to protect public health and the environment, it is the policy of the District to: • institute practices that reduce waste by increasing product efficiency and effectiveness, • purchase environmentally preferable products and services that minimize environmental and health impacts, toxics, pollution, and hazards to worker and community safety and to the larger global community to the greatest extent practicable, • where practicable, purchase products that include recycled content, are durable and long-lasting, conserve energy and water, use agricultural fibers and residues, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, use unbleached or chlorine free manufacturing processes, are lead-free and mercury-free, and use wood from sustainably harvested forests, and • Consider environmental factors as early as possible in the acquisition planning and decision-making process. It is not the intent of this policy to require a department, buyer or contractor to take any action that conflicts with local, state or federal requirements or to procure products that do not perform adequately for their intended use, exclude adequate competition, or are not available at a reasonable price in a reasonable period of time. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District-Purchasing Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 -Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy Page6-I of6-II r by the American Petroleum Institute (API) as appropriate for use in such equipment, whenever practicable. When specifying asphalt concrete, aggregate base or portland cement concrete for road construction projects, the District shall use recycled, reusable or reground materials when practicable and available at a competitive price including travel time. Whenever practicable, the District may specify and purchase recycled content transportation products, including signs, cones, parking stops, delineators, channelizers and barricades, which shall contain the highest post consumer content practicable, and are priced competitively with other like items and meet Caltrans and OSHA specifications. All pre-printed recycled content papers intended for distribution that are purchased or produced shall contain a statement that the paper has recycled content. Whenever practicable, the statement should indicate the percentage of post consumer recycled content it contains. 6.3.3 Energy and Water Savings When practicable, energy-efficient equipment shall be purchased with the most up to date energy efficiency functions. This includes, but is not limited to, high efficiency space heating systems and high efficiency space cooling equipment. When practicable, the District shall replace inefficient interior lighting with energy-efficient equipment. When practicable, the District shall replace inefficient exterior lighting, street lighting and traffic signal lights with energy-efficient equipment. Exterior lighting shall be minimized where possible to avoid unnecessary lighting of architectural and landscape features while providing adequate illumination for safety and accessibility. When considering electronic products, the District will include in its specifications that for products where U.S. EPA Energy Star certification is available, the products must meet the latest Energy Star certification standards, whenever practicable. The District shall specify that desktop computers, notebooks and monitors purchased meet, at a minimum, all Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) environmental criteria designated as "required" as contained in the IEEE 1680 Standard for the environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products, whenever practicable. The District shall purchase water-saving products whenever practicable. This includes, but is not limited to, high-performance fixtures like toilets, urinals, low-flow faucets and aerators, and upgraded irrigation systems when potable water is used for irrigation. Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dis[ric[ -Purchasing Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 -Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy Page 6-3 of 6-I 1 :f. Whenever practicable, the use of chlorofluorocarbon and halon-containing refrigerants, solvents and other products known to contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer shall be phased out and new purchases of heating/ventilating/air conditioning, refrigeration, insulation and fire suppression systems shall not contain them. All surfactants and detergents shall be readily biodegradable and shall not contain phosphates, whenever practicable. When maintaining buildings and landscapes, the District shall manage pest problems through prevention and physical, mechanical and biological controls, whenever practicable. The District may either adopt and implement an organic pest management policy and practices or adopt and implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) policy and practices using the least toxic pest control as a last resort only after safer approaches or products have been determined to be ineffective. When maintaining buildings, the District shall use products with the lowest amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), highest recycled content, and low or no formaldehyde when practicable when purchasing materials such as paint, carpeting, flooring, adhesives, furniture and casework. The District shall reduce or eliminate its use of products that contribute to the formation of dioxins and furans, whenever practicable. This includes, but is not limited to: • Purchasing paper, paper products, and janitorial paper products that are unbleached or that are processed without chlorine or chlorine derivatives, whenever practicable. • Prohibiting purchase of products that use polyvinyl chloride (PVC) such as, but not limited to, office binders, furniture, flooring, and medical supplies, whenever practicable. The District shall purchase products and equipment with no lead or mercury whenever practicable. For products that contain lead or mercury, the District shall give preference to those products with lower quantities of these metals and to vendors with established lead and mercury recovery programs. The District shall also seek to replace existing products that contain mercury whenever practicable. When replacing vehicles, the District shall consider less-polluting alternatives to diesel such as compressed natural gas, bio-based fuels, hybrids, electric batteries, and fuel cells, whenever practicable. 6.3.7 Forest Conservation To the greatest extent practicable, the District shall not procure wood products such as lumber, paper, furniture and fixtures that originate from forests harvested in an environmentally unsustainable manner. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District -Purchasing Policies and Procedures Chapter 6-Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy Page 6-5 of 6-I r 6.5 Implementation 6.5.1 The Purchasing & Materials Manager, or designee, shall implement this policy in coordination with the General Manager and appropriate District personnel. 6.5.2 Implementation of this policy will be phased based on available resources and District priorities. 6.5.3 The District shall ensure that wherever practicable, specifications are developed or amended to provide for the expanded use of environmentally preferred products such as: durable products, reusable products, energy efficient products, low pollution products, products (including those used in services) that contain the maximum level of post-consumer waste and/or recyclable content, and products that provide minimal impact to the environment. 6.5.4 The District's Green Team is composed of members from across the organization. They will assist to implement this policy within their departments and recommend ways and means of improving environmentally preferable procurement. 6.5.5 Every department is responsible for ensuring that any of its employees who have been issued credit cards are fully aware of their responsibilities under this policy. No purchase, including those made on the District's credit cards, is exempt from this policy. 6.5.6 As applicable, successful bidders shall certify in writing that the environmental attributes claimed in competitive bids are accurate. Incompliance with State law, vendors shall be required to specify the minimum or actual percentage of recovered and post consumer material in their products, even when such percentages are zero. 6.5.7 If the buyer making the selection from competitive bids or the requesting department seek to purchase products that do not meet the environmentally preferable purchasing criteria in this policy, the buyer or department shall provide written justification for these product choices upon request. 6.5.8 If a vendor that is under contract with the District for providing products and/or services that have environmentally preferable specifications and is no longer able to provide these products and/or services, the vendor shall notify the Purchasing and Materials Manager and provide written justification explaining why compliance is not practical. Prior consent from the Purchasing and Materials Manager, or authorized District representative, shall be required before substituting any alternative product/service to any District employee. 6.5.9 Purchasers shall include businesses certified by the Bay Area Green Business Program in requests for products and services where practicable. 6.5.10 Vendors, contractors and grantees shall comply with applicable sections of this policy for products and services provided to the District, where practicable. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District -Purchasing Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 -Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy Page 6-7 of 6- I I 6.7.10 "Compostable plastic" means plastic that is biodegradable during composting to yield carbon dioxide, water and inorganic compounds and biomass, at a rate consistent with other known compostable materials and leaves no visually distinguishable or toxic residues. 6.7.11 "Contractor" means any person, group of persons, business, consultant, designing architect, association, partnership, corporation, supplier, vendor or other entity that has a contract with the District or serves in a subcontracting capacity with an entity having a contract with the District for the provision of goods or services. 6.7.12 "Degradable plastic" means plastic that undergoes significant changes in its chemical structure under specific environmental conditions. 6.7.13 "Dioxins and furans" are a group of chemical compounds that are classified as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 6.7.14 "Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool" (EPEAT) is a procurement tool to help institutional purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select desktop computers, notebooks and monitors based on their environmental attributes. Under EPEAT, manufacturers declare their products' conformance to a comprehensive set of environmental criteria in eight environmental performance categories. The operation of EPEAT and the environmental criteria are contained in the public standard IEEE 1680. 6.7.15 "Energy Efficient Product' means a product that is in the upper 25% of energy efficiency for all similar products, or that is at least 10% more efficient than the minimum level that meets State of California efficiency standards and State Title 24. 6.7.16 "Energy Star" means the U.S. EPA's energy efficiency product labeling program. 6.7.17 "Environmentally Preferable Products and Services" means products and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared to other products and services that serve the same purpose. This comparison may consider raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse operation, maintenance, or disposal of the product or service. 6.7.18 "Federal Energy Management Program" (FEMP) is a program of the Department of Energy that issues a series of Product Energy Efficiency Recommendations that identify recommended efficiency levels for energy-using products. 6.7.19 The "Forest Stewardship Council" is a global organization that certifies responsible, on-the- ground forest management according to rigorous standards developed by a broad variety of stakeholder groups. Central Con[ra Costa Sanitary District -Purchasing Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 -Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy Page 6-9 of 6-1 t 6.7.28 "Recovered Material" means fragments of products or finished products of a manufacturing process, which has converted a resource into a commodity of real economic value, and includes preconsumer and post consumer material but does not include excess resources of the manufacturing process. 6.7.29 "Recycled Content" means the percentage of recovered material, including preconsumer and post consumer materials, in a product. 6.7.30 "Recycled Content Standard" means the minimum level of recovered material and/or post consumer material necessary for products to qualify as "recycled products." 6.7.31 "Recycled Product" means a product that meets the District's recycled content policy objectives for post consumer and recovered material. 6.7.32 "Remanufactured Product' means any product diverted from the supply of discarded materials by refurbishing and marketing said product without substantial change to its original form. 6.7.33 "Reused Product' means any product designed to be used many times for the same or other purposes without additional processing except for specific requirements such as cleaning, painting or minor repairs. 6.7.34 "Source Reduction" refers to products that result in a net reduction in the generation of waste compared to their previous or alternate version and includes durable, reusable and remanufactured products; products with no, or reduced, toxic constituents; and products marketed with no, or reduced, packaging. 6.7.35 "U.S. EPA Guidelines" means the Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for federal agency purchases as of May 2002 and any subsequent versions adopted. 6.7.36 "Water-Saving Products" are those that are in the upper 25% of water conservation for all similar products, or at least 10% more water-conserving than the minimum level that meets the Federal standards. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District -Purchasing Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 -Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy Page 6-I I of 6-I I ~~•' ,- 61 Purpose To promote the use of recycled products and recyclable products by District departments. 6.2 Policlr It is the policy of the District to utilize recycled products and recyclable products when feasible, thereby diverting materials from the solid waste stream. Emphasis shall be placed on the purchase of products manufactured. with post-consumer recycled material. 6 3 General Requirements 6.3.1 Benefits of Buying Recycled ;Products. Buying recycled products benefits the District in the following ways~.._ _ a. The recycling of waste materials into new products reduces, the resources disposed of in landfills. b. Buying recycled products .conserves resources by .reducing our . dependence on virgin raw materials, the cost of which will continue to climb as sources are depleted. c. The growth in recycling results in the creation of jobs and economic development opportunities. . d. Buying recycled provides a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to our waste management. e. Enhancement of the District's image as a result of environmental stewardship. f. Many recycled products are competitively priced or less expensive than their non-recycled counterparts. 6.3.2 Recycled Content Preference. Whenever feasible, the District shall purchase products which contain, in order of preference, the highest percentage of: ~, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~. Purchasing Policies and Procedures Page 40 0l 154 ~r ,~ b. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as requiring a department to ~ procure products that do not perform adequately for their intended use or are not available at a reasonable price in a reasonable period of time. c. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as requiring a department to procure products where the warranty for recycled products is not equal to virgin products or where the recycled material voids, shortens, interrupts or cancels warranty of other supplies or units of components. 6.& Defi'nliions 6.6.1 Recycled Material. Waste material and by-products that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste and that can be utilized in place of raw or virgin material in manufacturing a product. Recycled material may consist of materials derived from post-consumer waste, manufacturing waste, industrial scrap, agricultural wastes and other items, all of which can be used in the manufacture of new products. 6.6.2 Post-Consumer Recycled (Recovered) Materials. A material or product that has served its intended use and has been discarded for disposal or recovery by a final consumer. Examples of post-consumer recovered materials include, but are not limited to, used newspaper, office paper, yard waste, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, oil, asphalt, concrete and tires. ~' ~'~~ 6.6.3 Pre-Consumer Recycled (Recovered) Materials. Material or by- products -generated after manufacturing of a product is completed, but before the product reaches the end-consumer: Examples of pre-consumer recovered materials include, but are not limited to, obsolete inventories of finished goods, rejected unused stock, and paper wastes generated during printing, cutting and other converting operations. 6.6.4 Feasible. Sufficient in performance and available at a reasonable price and within a reasonable time period. 6.6.5 Recycled Product Preference. To provide for the purchase of products by the District that, price and quality being equal, preference shall be given to recycled products or suppliers utilizing them. 6.6.6 Recycled Product. A product which, after its intended end use, is reusable or refillable, or can demonstrably be diverted from the solid waste stream for use as raw material in the manufacture of another product. 6.6.7 Total Recovered Material. The total pre- and post-consumer recovered material contained in a product. r Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Purchasing Policies and Procedures Page 42 of 154