Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 (925) 228-9500 . www.centralsan.org
Chair Hockett
Member McGill
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
3:00 p.m.
Third Floor Executive Conference Room
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA
a. Review 2007-2008 Equipment Budget:
1) Administrative - Director of Administration Randy Musgraves
2) Engineering - Director of Engineering Ann Farrell
3) Collection System Operations - Director of Collection System
Operations Bill Brennan
4) Plant Operations - Director of Plant Operations Doug Craig
5) Vehicles - Director of Collection System Operations Bill Brennan
b. Review 2007-2008 Information Technology Development CIB Plan -IT
Administrator Mark Greenawalt
"., Recycled Paper
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
March 7, 2007
TO: Capital Project Committee
VIA: Jim Kelly 9tJJJlr
FROM: Debbie Ratcliff ~~
SUBJECT: 2007-2008 Equipment Budget
Enclosed is a copy of the 2007-2008 Equipment Budget, which will be discussed at the
Capital Projects Committee Meeting on March 20, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. in the third floor
Executive Conference Room. Any changes resulting from the committee meeting will
be incorporated prior to approval by the full Board on April 19, 2007.
H:\Equipment Budget\DistributionMemo.doc
Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District
2007 - 2008
T:tARO lr1
The proposed Information Technology Development CIB Plan will be presented for
review to the Capital Projects Committee on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 and to the entire
Board of Directors on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at the Capital Project Board Workshop.
This report is divided into four sections beginning with Section I, the budget, status and
accomplishments of the current and remaining projects in the 2006-2007 period;
followed by Section II with the review of the proposed 2007-2008 period budget and
projects. Section III will summarize potential future projects and Section IV covers a
brief summary of accomplishments from previous years beginning in 2001. The budget
presentation will focus on the 2006-2007 accomplishments and the proposed 2007-
2008 requested budget.
The Information Technology Master Plan was developed by Information Technology
(formerly Management Information Systems) staff in 2000 to centralize efforts in the
development of computer and telecommunication technology within the District. Input
for the Master Plan was gathered through sUNey results, management project lists, and
IT staff, along with management and staff focus groups. The Information Technology
Master Plan contains projects and policies that have been applied over time to develop
the District's standards, practices and policies with information technology. The
Information Technology Development CIB (# 8195CY) was created to provide funding
for these projects.
The Information Technology Development CIB Plan provides direction and flexibility to
meet the District's future information technology needs. Each year, District staff submits
project recommendations, requests and write-ups for each budget period to the
Information Technology Administrator. Using the project requests, the Information
Technology Development CIB Plan is developed to provide funding for the following
. PC Software and Hardware
. Network Infrastructure
. Network Hardware and Software
. District and Specialized Systems and Applications
. Internet and Intranet Development
. Telecommunications
. Customer Service
The Management team gives their final review of the proposed CIB and IT projects,
providing revisions and recommendations before it appears before the Board of
Directors for final review and approval.
Current 2006-2007 Information TechnoloQv Development
2006-2007 Budget Summary
2006-2007 Project Summary
.. . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. ... 1
.............................................................. .3
Proposed 2007-2008 Information TechnoloQv Development
Proposed 2007-2008 Budget .... ............... ........ ..... ... ................ ......... ...5
Fax Server .... ...... .............. ......................... ...... ........6
Permit Document Imaging Backlog ...............................................................7
Source Control Inspection Software Upgrade..................................................... ...8
PC & Server Replacement ...............................................................9
Engineering Support Upgrades ............................................................10
Engineering Collection Systems Laptops.......................................................... ..11
CSO Upgrades .............................................................12
I nte met & Intranet Deve lopm ent ............. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. ............. .. ...... .... . 13
Network Upgrades ..... ................... ..... ............ ............. .......14
Board Room & MPR Upgrades .............................................................15
Remote Access Server & Management ............................................................ .16
Laboratory Electronic Reporting ............................................................ .17
Project Management Services ............................................................ .18
SECTION III: 2008-2011 Potential Future Proiects
Summary of Future Projects ..... ........ ................ ...... ........... ....... ........19
SECTION IV: Previous Development Proiects
2001-2002 Summary of Projects .............................................................20
2002-2003 Summary of Projects ........................................................... ..21
2003-2004 Summary of Projects ........................................................... ..22
2004-2005 Summary of Projects .......................................................... ..23
2005-2006 Summary of Projects ............................................................ .26
Approved Budget: $415,000
Accelera Software U rade
Pro"ect Mana ement
Contingency / Miscellaneous
· Temp Board Room recording system
· Push software
· Graphics iMac replacement
· Switch Rooms UPS
CX Sewer Billin
GDI La to s
Laser Check Forms
Document Imaging / HTE Software
I nte ration
Annex Buildin Network
MainSaver software upgrade
Com leted
Com leted
Com leted
Com leted
Com leted
On Goin
On Going
Com leted
Com leted
Com leted
Com leted
Phase 1
$ 267
HHHWF Visitor Management System
Network Center UPS
Storage Area Network (SAN)
Internet & Intranet Development
Microsoft Office Professional Software
U rade
Procurement Card HTE a lication
Telephone Management and Accounting
S stem U rade
Laborato Electronic Re ortin U rade
Remaining 2006-2007 Projects
Estimated Ex enses thousands
April 2007
Previousl dela ed
March 2007
Previousl dela ed
March 2007
Previousl dela ed
April 2007
Phase 2
April 2007
Phase 1
May 2007
Dela ed
Remaining Allocated Balance for end of 2005-2006 period
Approved Budget for 2006-2007 period
Total Available Funds through 2006-2007 period
Less: Estimated Expenses for 2006-2007 period
(Current & remaining estimates from above)
Estimated Remaining Allocated Balance for end of
2006-2007 budget period
Projected Budget for 2007-2008 period (New Requests)
Estimated Available Funds for 2007-2008 budget period
Projected Total Expenditures for 2007-2008
Funds available to Carry Over (#8195CY)
$ 478
$ 415
$ 893
$ (546)
$ 347
$ 450
$ 797
($ 668)
$ 129
· PC Replacement Program
o Continuing 4-year life cycle replacement of desktop PCs and monitors.
Implement color network printers in centralized office locations.
· Engineering Support Upgrades
o Purchased 2 high-end workstations and CAD network server replacement.
· Plan Review Upgrades
o Implemented 30" screen display, video card, software and drawing pad for
viewing and editing of plan reviews in electronic format.
· Training Laptop Replacement
o Replaced presentation laptops available in Board Room, Multi Purpose
Room, Administration and Front Desk.
· Accela Software Upgrade
o Migrated CSO Maintenance software from MS Access to SQL Server
platform. Installed small network server to run SQL Server.
· Miscellaneous
o Installed temporary recording system for Board Meetings when
temporarily relocated to Multi Purpose Room. Acquired push technology
software to streamline installation of non-Microsoft PC software, two iMac
system replacements for Graphics and several UPS to sustain switch
room power interruptions.
· CX Sewer Billing
o Completed migration to new HTE Utility Billing software that will be used in
March to generate Prop 218 notification and 2007 sewer billing.
· GDI Laptops
o Purchased four laptops for CSO to develop portable version of GDI for
field use.
. Laser Check Forms
o Accounts Payable check print format completed and acquired pressure
sealer for sealing checks.
SUMMARY OF PROJECTS for 2006-2007 Cont'd.
. Document Imaging
o Implemented integration software tool for HTE and Laserfiche interface
that links HTE Permits system to Laserfiche Document Imaging system
and automates indexing process.
. Annex Building Network
o Extended existing fiber optic network from Bay 3 to Annex Building using
wireless bridge. Internal cabling had all been stripped from building so
implemented wireless router and cards to provide District network access
for 10 computer users.
. MainSaver Software Upgrade
o Migrated old "green screen" MainSaver software version to new
MainSaver SOL Server software version and integrated HTE Inventory
data. Phase 2 involves development of custom reports and integration
with HTE purchasing module.
. HHHWF Visitor Management System
o Plan to implement a Visitor Management software that collects customer
information through wireless handheld units attached to District network.
Units have ability to scan drivers license and enter collection information.
Data will be stored on an existing SOL Server located in the IT Network
Proposed Budget: $668,000
Projects (# 8195CY)
Fax Server 10 Spring 2007
Permit Document Imaging Backlog 30 Spring 2007
Source Control Inspection software upgrade 20 Spring 2007
PC & Server Replacement Program 125 Summer 2007
Engineering Support Upgrades 60 Summer 2007
Engineering Collection Systems Laptops 15 Summer 2007
CSO Upgrades 20 Summer 2007
Internet & Intranet Development 165 Summer 2007
0 Phase 1 - $85k Phase 1 & 2
. Jel Solutions redesign
. Construction Project GDI
. Applicant Tracking
0 Phase 2 - $80k
. Vendors Bids
. Plans & Specs
. Permit System
. Employee Customer Service
Network Upgrades 50 Fall 2007
Board Room & MPR Upgrades 18 Winter 2008
Remote Access Server & Management 20 Spring 2008
Laboratory Electronic Reporting Upgrade 75 Spring 2008
Project Management 20 On Going
Contingency / Miscellaneous 40 On Going
. Blackberry Server
. CAD Survey software license
. Plant Ops PC video software
. Mat Srvcs Wireless scanner
Proposed Budget (thousands) $668
Current Status
Standard fax machines are in use throughout the District. Staff will often print copies of
electronic document to be faxed, complete a fax cover sheet and print a transmitlion
verification report.
The Xerox Work Centre systems are located throughout the District and provide full
printing and scanning capabilities through the computer network.
The amount of staff time, storage, paper and other resources used to send and receive
fax documents.
The 5-year Xerox contract includes a fax card for each system that allows the sending
and receiving of faxes through a computer network using a fax server. In addition, a
fax server can be designed to work with electronic em ail to send, receive and store
faxed documents and transmittal logs.
Time Line
Install fax card, server and software by Spring 2007.
The cost for a fax server is estimated at $10,000 for hardware, software and installation.
Current Status
The Laserfiche Document Imaging system provides the ability to scan and index District
documents and maps into electonic images for easy storage and access. Laserfiche's
Weblink provides secure access to search and view for documents using Internet
The Permits Division has approximately a backlog of 500,000 documents that need to
be scanned and indexed onto the Laserfiche system. The project has been delayed for
several years in order to build an interface with the HTE Permits application.
Contract a vendor to prepare, scan and index the Permits backlog of documents. With
developments made to the Laserfiche and HTE interface, the process time has been
reduced in half by the reading scanned document areas and automatically populating
index fields.
During daily operations, new documents coming over the counter will be scanned with
and automatically indexed through the HTE system into the Laserfiche database.
Time Line
Hire contractor to prepare, scan and index the Permits document backlog beginning in
Spring 2007.
The cost for scanning and indexing the Permits estimated 500,000 documents and
maps backlog is estimated at $30,000.
Current Status
Source Control uses a custom written Microsoft Access database application store
information gathered from the field.
The Source Control Inspection database has limited remote or mobile access, and
limited application security and reporting features.
Upgrade current application to SQL Server web based application that can be access
through Internet browser. This will provide easy remote access for field or home users.
Permit tracking will have improved renewal and reporting features. Later, with the web-
based application, there is an option to provide Internet access to city and other agency
customers for information on Clean Water inspections.
Time Line
Vendor could begin migration to new platform in Spring 2007.
The estimated cost to migrate to a web-based Inspection system is $20,000.
Current Status
District servers, PCs, laptops, monitors and printer replacements are purchased through
the Information Technology Development Capital Improvement Budget each year.
The District has an estimated 225 PCs and laptops in use at this time. Currently, the
standard replacement time for PCs and laptops are four years so over 55 systems will
be replaced this year. The older PC and laptop systems are replaced because they do
not perform well or efficiently enough to run the latest software applications in use at the
District without freezing up or showing poor performance. In addition, maintenance and
staff time costs for maintaining the older systems do not provide a practical benefit to
the District.
Typically, network servers have a 5-year life cycle before replacement and may even be
used beyond that time to run small applications for several more years. Information
Technology maintains approximately 12 network servers for various applications and
databases such as primary login, file and printing services; GroupWise email,
GroupWise webmail, MainSaver Work Order Maintenance, Document Imaging, Anti-
Spam System, URL Blocker, Security System, OTIS, OTIS Development, HTE Naviline,
Recommend continueing a 4-year replacement life for PCs and laptops, and a 5-year
replacement life for network servers. In addition, CRT monitors will be replaced the
standard 19" LCD flat panel monitors for new systems or when a replacement is
required. Desktop printers and network printers will be replaced as needed.
Time Line
The annual purchase of replacement PCs are acquired during the first and second
quarter of the budget period with recommendations made from a selected
representative of each department. Information Technology staff will acquire, configure
and install the new systems while minimizing the impact to the user. Replaced systems
are rolled over to another user or discarded through Material Services if considered
The average cost of a standard District PC is $2,000. Laptops are estimated to cost
$2,500. New and replacement monitors, printers and accessories are purchased only
as needed. The estimated budget for 56 PCs or laptops, LCD flat panel monitors, along
with replacement laptops, printers, and accessories are estimated at $125,000 for the
Current Status
The Engineering Support Section maintains specialized hardware and software for
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that are
used to complete ongoing and quick turn-around projects in support of all departments
District wide. The Engineering Department equipment budget has been used in the
past to purchase two high-end CAD workstations per year, as well as file servers, large
format plotters and printers, and specialized GIS and mapping software packages as
The GDI server has reached its replacement life and is considered to be a highly
indispensable system. The CAD server provides primary server file and print services,
as well as acts as the software license server. If the software license server fails, the
entire server must be rebooted which results in a loss of productivity for the entire
Engineering Support Section.
Engineering Support has received numerous requests to provide real-time mapping
data on GO!. Additional software is required to perform real-time translations to GDI
from GeoMedia. In addition, software requirements necessitate the purchase of
additional MS SOL Server, Autodesk MapGuide Server and GeoMedia Public Works
licenses due to dual processor requirements or concurrent user limits.
Recommend the purchase of a new GDI network server and a small separate server to
act as the software license server. Acquire the standard two high-end workstations
replacements as done in previous years. Obtain all software listed to meet software
license requirements and staff needs.
Time Line
Ongoing through the 2007-2008 budget period.
The purchase of hardware and software for the Engineering Support Section is
estimated at $60,000.
Current Status
Currently, several laptops used by Collection System Capacity Program staff are testing
mobile access to GDI maps. The laptops are using Nextel's wireless broadband service
and VPN connections to connect and login to their PCs located on the District's
Collections System Capacity Program staff is requesting additional laptops and wireless
broadband service for remotely access to GDI maps on the District's network.
Significant programming and maintenance would be required if a smaller version of the
GDI system was placed directly on the laptops.
Recom mendations
Purchase 6 laptops with broadband wireless service. Use Nextel's broadband wireless
service if adequate since there is an existing contract for mobile phones.
Time Line
Purchase the laptops in the first quarter of the 2006-2007 budget period.
The estimated cost to purchase five laptops and accessories is $15,000.
Current Status
CSO staff is requesting several upgrades to improve their computer and
telecommunication networks.
Five additional laptops are needed for field personnel to run Accela Work Order
Maintenance software and to access the GDI system through wireless broadband and
VPN. In addition, 6 large screen flat panel monitors are requested to allow better
viewing of the GDI maps within the CSO offices.
Increased storage storage and an improved backup system are need for the CSO site.
Both are important to maintaining disaster recovery for the remote site.
The telephone sub-switch located at the CSO requires a software upgrade and
additional ports to increase its telephone line capacity.
Purchase 5 laptops with wireless broadband service, 6 large screen flat panel monitors,
a Network Attached Storage (NAS), large capacity tape drive, telephone software and
hardware upgrade.
Time Line
Ongoing through 2007-2008 budget period.
The estimated cost for the CSO upgrades is $20,000.
Current Status
An outside service provider currently supports the District's Internet. The system is built
with static HTML web pages and content updates provided by the Communication
Services staff.
The District's Internet website needs to be adapted to meet our customer needs for
submitting content and providing online services to our customers and other agencies.
Phase 1 is the redesign the District's Internet website using Common Spot content
management software, which is currently used on our Intranet website. The new
website will provide a more intuitive look and feel, better search capabilities, ADA
compliance, electronic forms, online job applications and construction project maps.
Phase 2 consists of developing a more interactive website for our customers. Projects
include online vendor bids, plans and specs, permits and employee customer service.
Time Line
The Phase 1 redesign, compliancy and forms would begin with Board approval of the
Internet Development RFP and could be completed in 4 months. Construction project
maps could begin in Spring 2007. The online job applications could be implemented in
Summer 2007 after upgrades to the HTE system are completed.
Phase 2 would be under review following the implementation of Phase 1 to determine if
the website provide tools that could be use to develop the requested online systems. A
needs analysis could begin in Summer 2007.
Phase 1 is estimated to cost $130,000. Phase 2 is estimated to cost $80,000 although
staff is determined to reduce the cost if possible.
Current Status
In January 2001, the District replaced an archaic token-ring network with a high-speed
fiber optic backbone ethernet network.
The network switches and routers in use have come to their end of maintenance and
will no longer be supported by Cisco Networking.
Continue to maintain existing network with spare units when available. Begin
replacement of switches and routers with new Cisco units that now have capability of
supporting Voice over IP for telecommunications. Implement Gigabit switches and
routers to increase bandwidth of network to support large data transfers such as maps,
images, videos, and network backups.
Time Line
Begin replacement of several switches with implementation of new Storage Area
Network in Spring 2007. Replace half of equipment near end of maintenance in Fall
2007. (
Resources Needed
The estimated cost to replace the first 50% of the end-of-Iife switches and routers are
Current Status
A sound system and projection system are located in the Board Room. The Multi
Purpose Room has a small mobile amplified speaker that may be used with the
VCRlDVD player.
The Board Room is not ADA compliant for the hearing impaired. In addition,
presentations projected to the back corner of the room are difficult to see from the
audience. The Multi Purpose Room sound system can not be heard well throughout
the room and does not have microphone for presenter.
Installation of a wireless headphone system for the hearing impaired through the
existing sound system located within the presenter's podium. Install second projection
system towards the front of the Board Room to provide better viewing for audience
while not disturbing Board Members. Install speakers with wireless sound system in the
Multi Purpose Room. Review existing mobile cart for permanent placement of projector,
document camera, VCRlDVD equipment.
Time Line
Board Room enhancements are scheduled to begin in May 2007. The MPR upgrades
can be done in Winter 2008.
Resources Needed
The estimated cost for the Board Room and MPR upgrades are $18,000.
Current Status
The demand by staff for mobile or remote access to the District's systems is increasing.
Currently, several remote users are accessing our network using wireless broadband
Internet services, gaining through our firewall using VPN, and then using remote
desktop to login to their own PC.
Many field users want to have access to the GDI maps, OTIS, email and other web
based applications. The current access works adequately for most applications but
improvements are needed for accessing maps and increasing network traffic.
Provide Remote Access Server for users to login to for access to the District network.
Implement a security management software to enforce remote systems to automatically
download operating security patches and anti-virus updates. In addition, our Internet
services will need to be increased due to it reaching its maximum capacity during much
of the work day.
Time Line
Implement basic remote access server in Spring 2007 with older network switch.
Implement improved remote access server with security management in Spring 2008.
Resources Needed
The estimated cost for the recommendations is $20,000.
Current Status
The Laboratory is currently producing electronic self-monitoring reports (eSMR) via the
electronic reporting system (ERS) software designed by the regional water quality
control board (RWQCS). The responsibility for eSMR reporting is being taken over by
the state water resources control board (SWRCS). The data for the report is taken from
the L1MS and entered into the eSMR using the old format.
The SWRCS is implimenting a program called California Integrated Water Quality
System (CIWQS). In this program the District Laboratory will be required to send eSMR
to the SWRCS in the near future. The SWRCS has been working on this project for the
last two fiscal years. The Laboratory will be required to send the information in
Electronic Deliverable Format (EDF). The ERS is to be abandoned by the RWQCS. The
new eSMR will contain information not currently stored or retrieavable from the L1MS.
Also, more staff time will be required to produce this report. Less staff time will be
required if CIWQS data capability is added to L1MS and an export/transfer program is
written to automate the process
Upgrade the Laboratory Information Management System (L1MS) and develop
export/transfer software to produce a report that is in a fomat compliant with EDF and in
a format that is readable for review and appoval before final delivery to the State.
Time Line
The system would be upgraded in the Spring 2008 budget period.
Resources Needed
The estimated cost to upgrade the system is $ 75,000 for analysis, programming,
hardware and implementation. Most of the expense for this project will be custom
programming time.
Current Status
Information Technology staff support a wide variety of network, server, PC,
telecommunication hardware and software. Each year, there are typically 8 to 12
Information Technology projects to deploy new or upgrade existing computer hardware
and software.
Technical skills and experience are needed to successfully implement and deploy new
technology and specialized systems. Following implementation, IT staff performs the
administration, support and maintenance of the new or updated system.
Acquire technical services as needed from qualified vendor to support the
implementation of new hardware and software at the District. The technical expertise
and knowledge provided by the vendor during the implementation will ensure the
success of the project, while providing hands-on training and experience for IT staff to
maintain and support the new systems.
Time line
Use project management throughout 2007-2008 budget period.
Resources Needed
Provide $20,000 budget for this year's project management costs.
The telephone and voicemail systems were purchased in the mid-1990's and will
eventually require replacement within the next few years due to growth and antiquated
equipment. Staff will review the use of Voice over IP technology that uses existing
computer lines to provide telephone services and even teleconferencing capabilities.
Telephone sets are individually programmable and may be relocated without the loss of
existing settings. This would reduce the administration, change of service and yearly
maintenance cost.
Existing systems will be maintained and kept operational as long as possible until no
longer cost beneficial. It is advantageous to consider implementing a new telephone
and voicemail system when the new CSO facility is complete in Spring 2009.
CSO Staff have been reviewing a GPS Internet service provider used to track the
location of several District vehicles for improved management and dispatching.
Supervisors and Management administrators of the system receive email reports on the
vehicles indicating time, locations and if the vehicle was exceeding the speed limit.
Access to the GPS website provide real time information on the location of the vehicles.
In addition, GPS is being used to record or find exact location of manholes and pipes
out in the field. Currently, Nextel, the District's wireless telephone provider, provides
GPS functions through wireless phones.
Technical enhancements in the development of e-commerce at the District to improve
efficiency, provide customer satisfaction, streamline workflow and reduce costs through
the use of Internet and Intranet technology. The redesign and development of the
District's Intranet sites OTIS and PIMS have been completed. Redesign and updates to
the District's Internet website, www.centralsan.orQ. may begin this year. The Internet
Development project will significantly enhance the District's ability to implement
Continue to monitor technical enhancements in the development of wireless technology.
Evaluate wireless technology solutions for improving remote or mobile access to
District's network and applications. Review use of wireless technology to reduce staff
manned pump stations, improve emergency backup access and operations at pumping
stations. Currently, wireless networks are implemented in the Annex Building, HHHWF
and a many of the Pumping Stations. Wireless broadband Internet is being tested by
several remote users and should be improved this year.
Review enhancement modules available for Laserfiche document imaging system.
Additional modules available such as Agenda Manager for on-line agenda creations,
Quick Field for automated data entry to the imaging system through defined forms such
as work orders, and Workflow Suite to automate the paperwork process, approval
through electronic signatures and tracking. Also, public information could be accessed
via the Internet from the records of the Secretary of the District's office.
Plant Operations is currently implementing a separately funded new Plant Control
System (PCS) that meets District's network, servers and PC hardware and software
standards and configurations. Network security and system fault tolerances are the
primary focal points of the project as it was with the SCADA project. While the PCS
network will be protected by a firewall, the Historical server on the District network will
provide historical reporting and realtime viewing of plant control screens.
Continue review of computer and telecommunication disaster recovery plans and
techniques to be used at the District in the event of a major disaster. Currently, a
disaster recovery service is in place for the AS400 and Sungard HTE applications.
Other disaster recovery services should be considered for specialized systems, such as
GIS (Geographical Information System) that are considered vital information for
maintaining District services. Satellite phones, with voice and data transmission
capabilities, will ensure Internet connectivity during a major disaster.
ArcSNAP is a separately funded software product. The acronym SNAP represents
Sewer Network Analysis Program. "Arc" refers to the software on which this engine
works, the ArcGIS product. This software is used to hydraulically model the flows of
wastewater from all points in the collection system to the treatment plant headworks.
Five- and twenty- year storm events are modeled. Base wastewater estimates, that
include no infiltration/ inflow component, are also included. The results are used for
design of expansion and renovation projects, for special discharge permits, and for
other collection system planning tasks.
· PC Replacement Program
o Established practical PC life cycle to improve customer service and
reduce PC problems for end users.
. Network Infrastructure
o Replaced obsolete IBM Token-ring network with Ethernet fiber optic
2 GB (Gigabyte) backbone using Cisco network hardware for high
speed and bandwidth performance in the HOB, POD and CSO
· MIS Network Center and MIS Staff Offices
o Renovated the former Bio Assay Lab into the Network Center used
as the Main Distribution Facility (MDF) for the central network
switch, fiber optic runs to the Individual Distribution Facilities (IDF)
for network switches, and communication lines.
o Constructed offices from the former Bacteria Lab to provide
workstations for 4 MIS staff persons and storage.
· District Internet Access
o Improved speed and bandwidth for entire District by replacing DSL
communication line with a high speed T1 from SBC Pacific Bell
Internet Service Provider (ISP).
· Underground Sewer Alert System
o Upgraded the USA system from a DOS based program to Windows
. PC Replacement Program
o Established Windows XP/2000 PC operating system software as
· Microsoft Office 2000 Applications
o Established District standard by migrating to MS Office for word
processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database software.
· AS/400 Hardware
o Implemented new IBM iServer 270 hardware for HTE & Mainsaver
· Human Resource Information System
o Acquired system that also included a Training Database module
and was integrated with the HTE Payroll module.
. Centralized Backup system
o Provides ability to backup multiple network servers reducing staff
time and cost while insuring an improved backup process.
. Records Management software
o Replaced aging DOS based system with updated SOL database
. Risk Management Claims system
o Acquired software and database access through Internet services.
. Sewer Maintenance Management software
o Replaced DOS based SMS with new Sussex Sewer Maintenance
System (now Accela) developed through a Microsoft Access
database. Updated map information is downloaded to individual
laptops used in the field.
. Document Imaging System
o Purchased Laserfiche software solution for Permits and Records
Management areas. Software can integrate with HTE Land
Management and Permit applications for improved storage and
retrieval process. Search functions for end user are web based
eliminating PC client software installations and improving Intranet
and Internet services.
· PC Replacement Program
o Reduced District PC life to 5 year cycle.
· PC Management Tools
o Implemented Microsoft Active Directory network to manage
individual PCs management.
o Acquired Ghost PC Imaging software to improve process for
installing new and rollover PCs.
· Permit Counter PCs
o Installed compact PCs and flat panel monitors to improve customer
service at the Permits Front Counter.
· Acquired HTE Naviline Select software upgrade
o Purchased upgrade software to be implemented in 2004. New
software provides user access to software through traditional green
screen or web browser.
· Engineering Survey System
o Installed SurvCAD software on network and laptops which works
with existing AutoCAD Engineering software.
· Bar Code Scanning System
o Implemented HTE Bar Code module in Material Services which will
improve inventory and issuing stock.
· Content Management System
o Implemented Common Spot software using Cold Fusion to develop
Intranet and improve the distribution of information.
· Board Room Presentation System
o Installed permanent audio/video system with presenter's podium
microphones, a digital video projector with connections to a
computer laptop with Internet access, a document camera for hard
copy projection, and a VCR/DVD player provided.
. PC Replacement Program
a Installed 50 new desktop PCs and laptops to meet 4 year PC life
a Installed network color printers in Engineering, CSO and MRC.
a Updating older PC systems with Windows XP operating system.
. Board Room Audio Recording System
a Installed microphones for Board Members and Management
seating areas.
a Implemented Voice IQ digital audio recording software to record
audio and create minutes.
a Installed networked PC with flat panel monitor at District
Secretary's area.
. Network Security Assessment
a Contracted network vendor to review, assess and update our
current firewall and network structure to increase security.
a Updated Internet firewall operating system, network switch
configurations and SCADA firewall that joins District and SCADA
. Email Spamming
a Installed Email Spamming system that filters and notifies user of
spam received and eliminates messages containing potential
a GroupWise Email can set rule to automatically delete em ail marked
as spam.
. HTE NaviLine Upgrade
a Implemented browser versions for the financial, permit and
purchasing applications.
a NaviLine Select allows users to have access to the browser or
green screen software versions that share same database.
a Provided training to specialized users of each application. Casual
users received training at Admin Training Fair.
. Network Equipment Upgrades
a Replaced several Cisco switches in areas that required additional
ports for network connections.
a Used replaced switches for creating Internet DMZ and as backup
replacement units.
· Intranet Development - Phase 1
o Developing Common Spot software for Intranet content
management system.
o Administration Department staff developing their area first through
interviews and training.
o New OTIS released in April 2005.
· Pumping Station Remote Access
o Implement Remote Local Area Network (RLAN) to Martinez, San
Ramon, Orinda and Moraga pumping stations for District and
SCADA network access.
o Provides dedicated DSL communication line with speed of 384
Mbps directly to Martinez. Avoids network access via the Internet
which provides high security and performance.
. L1MS Upgrade
o Implemented new Windows Server 2003 network server.
o Contracted vendor to program L1MS application to run with new
SQL Server 2003 database and MS Access.
o Replaced or updated several pes used for running laboratory
applications and reporting.
. GroupWise Email Software Upgrade
o Upgrade to newest 6.5 version for server, client and web access.
o Install application on small server rather than primary server to
reduce system problems and downtime.
. Multi Purpose Room Presentation System
o Designed mobile presentation system to be used for training and
demonstrations in facility.
o Self contained unit includes mobile cart, projector, document
camera, VCRlDVD player, sound speaker and wireless
. Primary Network Server Replacement
o Replaced primary network servers at HOB and CSO with new
Window Server 2003 Servers.
o Remove Netware client software and installed Microsoft client
software which allows for better management of all District PCs
using Active Directory and Windows XP features.
. PC Replacement Program
o Continuing 4 year life cycle replacement of desktop PCs and
o Implementing network printers in centralized office locations.
. Network Center Upgrade
o Installed additional server cabinet and high speed fiber switch
. Engineering Support Fiber Switch
o Installed high speed fiber switch to Engineering Support server
room to improve speed of network and reduce data transfer
. HTE Sewer Billing Upgrade
o Replacing antiquated customer sewer billing with HTE Naviline CIS
(Customer Information System) for utility billing application.
o Designed and testing billing application parameters in preparation
for April 2006 "Go Live".
SUMMARY OF PROJECTS for 2005-2006 - Cont'd.
· Implemented Cisco Internet firewall to replace more expensive Checkpoint
firewall system.
o The Cisco firewall system is secure, hardware based and self-
o Eliminated the Checkpoint firewall system software subscription
costing approximately $5,000 each year.
· Central Network Storage
o Reviewing current solutions available to provide increased disk
drive storage for large database and files such as Sewer TV Video,
Plant Operations Training Video, Document Imaging and disk-to-
disk server backups.
· Laser Check Forms
o Acquiring image software and hardware to implement Accounts
Payable check forms.
· Mainsaver Upgrade
o Contracted the Mainsaver system upgrade to new client software
which runs on Windows Server and SOL database platform.
o New software includes a web based version which allows easy
access for work order entries.
· Intranet Development
o Administration staff section on OTIS has been completed and
content updates are being added. The Engineering and Plant
Operations sections are currently under development.
o The Plant Information Management System (PIMS) is currently
under review by staff for standardization with OTIS and integration
with GIS.
· Wireless Remote Access
o Developing local wireless solution at Martinez campus for the
HHWF drive thru for network connection with hand held devices
that will collect drop off information.
o Installing and testing wireless antenna on Laboratory roof to
provide connection for the Guard Shack, Engineering Lab Trailer,
Sio Assay Lab Trailer and surrounding area.