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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-08-81 (((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 1/8/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 6, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS FOR BIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL PilOT PLANT STUDY ($140,000.00) AUTHORIZATION FOR FUNDS SUBMITTED BY John A. larson, Special Projects INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division BACKGROUND: Preliminary work to date has shown that the biological phosphorus removal process could significantly reduce the cost of reclaimed water; however, pilot plant studies are required to confirm process performance under actual conditions. The Board of Directors has previously approved the concept of pilot scale testing and $7,000 of sewer con- struction funds were authorized for the preliminary work. The proposed pilot plant study consists of the installation and eight month operation of a 2-gallon per minute pilot plant. The design, construction, and operation would be accomplished by District personnel. Direction would be provided by a committee comprised of outside consultants and District personnel (both engineering and opera- tions). The estimated cost of this study is $140,000. To date, the State Water Resources Control Board has expressed interest in the pilot plant study. They have authorized $6,000 for the purchase and preliminary installation of pilot plant equipment previously used at the Reno/Sparks Treatment Plant. Subject to an acceptable application, they would be willing to fund the entire pilot plant study (at 87t%). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $140,000 in Sewer Construction funds for the design, installation, and opera- tion of a biological phosphorus removal pilot plant subject to approval of grant funding by the State Water Resources Control Board. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e :t.. w Budget Estimate Biological Phosphorus Removal Pilot Plant Equipment and Construction Basic Eauioment from Reno/Sparks Concrete Pad/Lean-To Roof/Lighting Set-up and Mechanical/Electrical Instrumentation Samplers Equipment Rental Contingency Subtotal Operation, Maintenance and Consultants Engineer/Operator (Temoorary Employee) Laboratory Technician (Temporary Employee) Process Consultant Design Consultant Supplies Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Project Management Contingency Subtotal Total Say CWS : j m Januarv 6, 1981 s 3,500 7,500 25,300 3,000 12,000 3,200 $ 5,000 59,500 30,000 15,300 15,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 7,000 $ 80,300 $ 139,800 $ 140,000 tC<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 12, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION QUITCLAIM EASEMENT - MARTINEZ AREA - JOB 3207 TRACT EASEMENT (SUB. 5450). SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATLNG DEp,T.!Dj'l. 11 Eng1neer1ngjCO . Sys. ISSUE: The District has been requested to quitclaim the sewer easement which lies within Lot 12 of the Subdivision 5450 by the subdivision owners. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was created when the map of Subdivision 5450 was filed. District staff has determined that the subject easement is not needed for present or future District use. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON CLW e.~ ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Jan. 5, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 81-1 (DANVILLE AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN THE NEXT FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. TYPE OF ACTION ANNEXATION SUB':rcIyEPrC'~oy WITI/HING D.EPT/I..P1\l'1 . ~nglneerlng Co~ ectlon System Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Remarks Lead A enc 81-1 Danv. John J. Ramos 120 Entrada Mesa Danvi11e, CA 94526 216-101-08 .37 Ac. Owner intends to build 5 condominium units - Negative Declaration by Contra Costa County County RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 81-1 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District provided that a satisfactory agreement is reached with the County on future sharing of tax increments. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION TING fEJ?j';l'v, j, , //~ JMc e:tJ.JJ ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NONrrr. Solid W~7~78la. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT January 5, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION TO INCREASE LEVEL OF GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE IN THE TOWN OF MORAGA ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: The Town Counci I of the Town of Moraga has requested a modification to the residential garbage collection service by the addition of a weekly trimmings pick-up and three general clean-up collections annually. BACKGROUND: A Publ ic Hearing was conducted by the Board of Directors on November 6, 1980 to consider the requested increase in level of service. The collector, Orinda- Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., agreed to provide the additional service for $1.00 per month chargeable to each residential customer and individually served condominium unit. During the Public Hearing, opposition to applying the new service levels to condominium units was expressed. The District staff was directed to meet with Town officials and the collector to develop a procedure to permit condominium units to determine whether they desired the new service. George Navone, President of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., contacted the homeowners' association of each condominium complex in Moraga to determine whether they wished to obtain all of the additional service for $1.00 per unit, only the three general clean-up collection for $.75 per unit or to be excluded from participation in the additional service. The Moraga Country Club, comprised of 325 units, decided to obtain only the three general clean-up collections; all otl1er condominium complexes, totaling 414 units, decided not to obtain any additional service. Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. has proposed a rate of $1.15 per month for single family residences to offset the revenue reduction caused by the non- participation of the majority of the condominium complexes. Gary Chase, Town Manager of the Town of Moraga, has accepted this rate on behalf of the Town Council. The collector has agreed to provide the new level of garbage collection service beginning February 1, 1981, and to adhere to the additional rate of $1.15 per month for single family residences and $.75 per month for Moraga County Club units for a period of fourteen months beginning February 1, 1981 so as not to affect a garbage rate increase application which may be submitted for the period beginning April 1, 1981. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to provide the increased level of garbage collection service for the Town of Moraga. A draft resolution is attached. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INIT,/YG DEPT./DIV. ,~.. ~~ WNF c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. mprove. - a~ 1/8/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Dec. 29, 1980 SUBJECT PRESENTATION OF THE DRAFT EIR FOR THE DOS OSOS/ALTA VISTA SEWER LINE EXTENSION IN ORINDA AND ESTABLISHING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE EXTENSION TYPE OF ACTION APPROVAL DRAFT EIR SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: The Draft EIR for the sewer extension in Lake Orinda Highlands area prepared by Mr. Thomas Lavin's consultant is ready for presentation to the Board. Staff has determined that the Draft EIR is acceptable for review and recommends that the Board take the actions contained in the next paragraph: RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Make a finding that the Draft EIR is in order and that it reflects the independent judgment of the District. 2. Instruct staff to file a Notice of Completion (attached) with the Secretary for Resources. 3. Instruct staff to mail a Draft EIR and a Notice of Completion to all organizations which received a Notice of Preparation of the Draft EIR. 4. Instruct staff to give public notice of the completion of the Draft EIR by mailing a copy of the Notice of Completion to owners contiguous to the proposed project as their names and addresses are shown on the last equalized assessment roll of Contra Costa County. 5. Establish February 5, 1981 as the date for the public hearing on the environmental impacts of the sewer line extension. (Job 3481) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~Q <C<SD Central Contra Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. . m. 1/8/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Jan ua ry 5, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CLAIM OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, MARTINEZ, FOR $6,484.20 IN PROPERTY DAMAGE CLAIMS SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: This claim is the result of a stoppage in the main 1 ine sewer serving the credit union building on October 6, 1980. BACKGROUND: The sewage overflow in the basement of this building damaged the carpeting, tile in the entry way, the kitcben unit, the wooden doors, plastic accordion style doors in the meeting room, and some loan records stored in boxes on the floor. The George Hills Company was called in to provide adjust- ment services on October 8, 1980. This claim originally came in for $4,851.29 and was approved by the risk management loss committee for settlement. The credit union subsequently amended their claim to include the cost of microfilming damaged documents ($647.50) and one half the cost of installing additions to their back fl,ow prevention system we required ($986.00). RECOMMENDATION: Pay claim of $6,484.20. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION G. .;,) {ieorge JlillJ Company, Jnc. . .!Jnsurancec:Adjusters and Claim c:Administrators Established 1954 MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 294 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94597 (415) 935-3060 REPLY TO: Walnut Creek December 1, 1980 OUR FILE: 5-27736-17 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P.o. Box 5266 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 ATTN: DISTRICT COUNSEL CLAIr:(N'6:-- - ,'. CLAIl-fANT: 00009 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES FEDERAl.. CREDIT"UNION 10-06-80 D/L: Gentlemen: ENCLOSURES: 1. Copy of estimate from Champion's Plumbing and Heating Company in the amount of $1,972.00. 2, Statement from Advanced Office Systems in the amount of $647.50. 3. Photograph showing damaged range. After delivering your release to the Credit Union, their Assistant Manager, Mr. Phil Wakeman stated that he would turn the matter over to their Board of Directors after obtaining estimates for the in- stallation of the Back Water Check valve. He aoparently called someone':.': from your office and obtained a list of contractors who would possibly by interested in doing the work and was told that it would cost some- where in the area of between $500 and $1,000. After obtaining three or four estimates, they found that the low estimate from Champion11s Plumbing and Heating was in the amount of $1,972. The other bids were in excess of $2,200. The Credit Union's position is that they believe that the Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District is at least partially respon- sible for their having to incur the additional costs for installing the Back Water Check valve, etc. They argue that if the system was properly designed and maintained, they wouldn't have to incur the additional cost of installing back-up systems to prevent accidents such as this from re-occurring. Home Ollie.: OAKLAND 300 - 27th Street. Oakland, CA 94612 (415) 465-1313 , SAN FRANCISCO 605 Third Street San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 781-1172 SAN JOSE 2444 Moorperk Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 (406) 294-3901 WALNUT CREEK 1375 Locust Street Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (415) 935-3060 VALLEJO 344 Virginia Street Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 643-1522 NAPA 2512 Jelferson Street Napa, CA 94556 (70n 255-9144 SACRAMENTO 2365 EI Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95621 (916) 484-7979 .~_.' I' Cpntral Contra Costa Sanitary District Attn: District Counsel Page 2 December 1, 1980 The Credit Union would agree to settle the loss on the basis of the initial agreed upon amount of $4,851.29 plus the additional cost of $647.50 for micorfilming the 0~aged documents and half the cost of installing the back water check valve, etc., which amount of $986.00. This would bring the total settlement to $6,484.70. After you have a chance to review this matter, I would appreciate your comments. I am taking this opportunity to submit our interim statement for sel.:.ices rendered since opening this file. I trust this will meet with your approval. VerJ truly yours, GEROGE liLLS COMPANY, INC. Buzz Maier, Adjuster Br.!; lac .~~.~..~. .1 t. o . -:\ ~ ~-~: - '7' \\\ m .~ ~-.. '"K \j- - ('~fi'~-'~' t ~ ~..~ ~ ...... --nt. ,.S'\E". ~ 0...; ~..~ ~!. ._~ i'\ \3. ~ J" - ,.. <..~ ~ ~ \) . \ \\, ~.. '''''.- ~ ~. \J .f": l>Z .-\;.H\l '1:S~"i\\ c. ..-\-;;!--~-\) -- . d 0: ~ <:: C; 0 - .~ ~.rL(.. ~ '"" \\ -~ n h ~8l{ r\O~ \j 7=l ~ -d- :"1 f3 ~ . \/l'1- <:t:.V\{'\ ~ ~. ~ %of" ~ ~ ~...~.n-=. ~. 2: \\ . ~ PI\.. ~ ... -~-t6;7fF'--'~-"'''-- . . :4-1\' l-,- "\1\' ~.z '\:)-" 1'7" '4'- ~c k.t7'" L.- ?- ~0 rn ;;c r;:r' ':r:...: . t -- -._. ...... ~.... ..... ."....- .-.....,-....... ._-,. -..~."....-- ._-~--' r) "I~~ 1-_ f, ., ~ I> ~ ,. v T' 'Po.. "'-i ..(.1\ , po ~ r- I ,- '- ti' .~ ~ )>- -\. ~1 .~._. ....-.. ~ ~ .~ -tl-.;..- .---. S' o p ,. <;:J .-;) .l,:: z::l'.._.~ 7'JQ! ~~ {.l _ tt\ ~~. ~ '" r r \ V\ ofgt' c .p- - ~ ~ ~. - .~ T..t\\ t(~ .,-: \.. ~ f ,........_,. __ ,._...,-,. _.,_,.,,>^.....~...:-__,_~<___.__w.. ,_ <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.VII. Cap. l~Hlgye. b POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Jan. 5. 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWAGE FACILITIES AT BUCHANAN FIELD AND AUTHOR- APPROVE AGREEMENT IZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT (PROJECT 3150). SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System BACKGROUND: Contra Costa County is upgrading facilities at Buchanan Field to allow for expansion of the commercial business area. Included in the County's work is the installation of a 10-inch sewer main across the south end of Buchanan Field and upgrading of two existing pump stations (all at County expense). The District has requested the County to include painting and valve replacement in their contract (at District expense) as it will be convenient to have all the work done at the same time. The cost of the District's share is estimated to be $4,180. RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement with Contra Costa County for Buchanan Field Sewer Improvements, authorize execution of said agreement and author- ize $4180 for the District's share of the project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e,..z:v.j <C!SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. y a. 1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Jan. 5, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM F.W. DONNER, JR., ET U DSP 2695, PARCEL 4, WALNUT CREEK AREA, AT A COST OF RIGHT OF WAY $1,165.00 TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: The subject easement is one of the total of 14 easements required for DSP 2695. BACKGROUND: The District Board previously authorized staff to proceed with easement acquisition for this District Sewering Project. All easements must be obtained before sewer construction may begin. Construction has been tentatively scheduled to begin in the Spring of 1981. The cost of the above easement is $1,165.00. RECOMMENDATION: Accept easement, authorize payment as specified above and authorize recording of said easement. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I/RJV' JMc ~~CLW <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Con1/57ao h. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 5, 1980 SUBJECT EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY - M.S. 43-80, (JOB 2995 - PARCEL 6) TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection Syst. ISSUE: Buttner of land crosses Minor Subdivision 43-80 adjoins the northeastern line of Road. The subdivider is dedicating a 3-feet in width strip to the County for future road widening. The 3-foot strip an existing District easement. BACKGROUND: The County requires a Consent to Dedication whenever an area dedicated for public road purposes enc~oaches upon an existing easement. This is our standard consent document, the District retains prior rights. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute document and authorize its recording by the County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION c.~ CLW