HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 02-19-81 . ccC5D ....-. Centr - Contra Costa Sani Jry District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. d--,q-~J POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 2/11/81 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE MINI-PICKUP TRUCK , SUBMITTED BY Bob Hinkson, Manager, Collection System Maintenance Department BACKGROUND: A mini-pickup truck is required to support the Biological Phosphorus Removal Pilot Plant operation. The California State Water Resources Control Board is expected to approve the budget for the Pilot Plant work, including $3200 for rental of a mini-pickup truck. The District Can purchase a mini-pickup truck for approximately $6500. By purchasing a truck for the Pilot Plant work, the District can obtain a truck for $3700 out-of-pocket expense ($6500-87~% of $3200)). Upon completion of the Pilot Plant work, the mini-pickup truck would be assigned to the vehicle pool or used as replacement for another truck. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the expenditure of $6500 for the purchase of a mini-pickup truck for use on the Pilot Plant Project. Authorize the expenditure of $3200 from the Pilot Plant account and $3300 from the Collection System Maintenance Depart-- ment Capital Equipment Budget for this purpose. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ SHEET I OF I IN TIATlNG DEPT./DIV. ,. - .... · <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO'VI. Cap. Improve. 2/1 /81 DATE Feb. 11,1981 SUBJECTAUTHORIZATION TO AWARD THE PURCHASE OF POLYMERIC FLOCCULANTS TO ALLIED COLLOIDS, INC. FOR THE PERIOD THROUGH JUNE, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION Award of Purchase SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Baker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Manager, Plant Operations Issue: The large doilar amount of polymer purchases at the treatment plant requires a bidding and award procedure. Background: Previously, the Board had authorized the Plant Operations Department to implement a testing and bidding procedure for the purchase of polymer flocculants. Seven suppliers were asked on April 28, 1980, to prequalify for testing polymer flocculants. The request was also publicly advertised in the paper on May 4 and 5, 1980. Three suppliers qual ified, based upon their laboratory and field trial tests. Sealed bids were received on January 19, 1981. Based upon the evaluation formula given to the bidders, Allied Colloids, Inc. is the low bidder. The unit bid price by All ied Colloids, Inc. is $2.13 per pound which includes all freight and taxes. Recommendation: Authorization to award the purchase of polymeric flocculants to Allied Colloids, Inc. for the period through June, 1982. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. RAB RJD ....... February 18, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: R. A. Baker, Manager, Plant Operations FROM: Alan R. Grieb, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: POLYMER BID EVALUATION The following prices were bid on January 19, 1981 for polymer to be used for sludge dewatering for the period through June, 1982. Allied Colloids, Inc. American Cyanamid Co. Hercules, Inc. Percol 763 Magnifloc 1563C Hercofloc 874 $2.13 per pound $1.1788 per pound $2.268 per pound I have evaluated the prices according to the comparison price formula which I stated in my memorandum to you on November 17, 1980. The formula calculates the difference in performance cost between each test polymer and the standard polymer at the time of each test. The results of this evaluation are shown in the table below. Company Test Polymer Performance Cost Standard Polymer = Performance Cost Compa r i son Price Allied Colloids, Inc. $ 74.56/ton feed TS $73.32/ton feed TS $ 1.24/ton feed TS American Cyanamid Co. $111 . 10/ ton feed TS $80.60/ton feed TS $30.50/ton feed TS Hercules, Inc. $111.22/ton feed TS $79.10/ton feed TS $32.12/ton feed TS Allied Colloids has the lowest comparison price and should therefore be awarded the polymer contract. ARG:gv 11~~~ Alan . Grieb Assistan Engineer January 28, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: D. G. Niles, Manager, Plant Operations VIA: A. C. Russell, Senior Engineer SUBJECT: BID REQUEST TP-103, POLYMERIC FLOCCULANTS Purchasing hereby recommends that the purchase order, in the amount not to exceed $475,000, and for the period through June 1982, be awarded to Allied Co11ids, Inc. for the subject goods based upon the facts that All ied Co11ids, Inc, is the lowest responsible bidder and meets all other requirements of the bid request. NOTE: 1. Seven (7) suppliers, on April 28, 1980, were asked to prequa1ify for testing of polymeric f1occulants. The request was also publicly advertised in the paper on May 4 and 9, 1980. Six (6) suppliers qualified for phase I laboratory testing and for the phase II 8-hour field trial. Five (5) suppliers completed the 8-hour field trials and were invited to participate in phase I II, the 48-hour full scale test; however, only four (4) suppliers elected to start the 48-hour full scale test. Three (3) suppliers qualified, based upon their test performance, to submit a formal proposal for the supply of the District's treatment plant polymer needs. Three (3) sealed bids were received and publicly read aloud on January 19, 1981, at 2:30 p.m. 2. Based upon the evaluation formula given to the bidders, Allied Colloids is $33.22 per ton feed T.S. below the next bidder, American Cyanamid. 3. Hercules, Inc. took exception to the 5-day delivery requirement and quoted on eight (8) days. 4. Allied Colloids was the only bidder to quote on the firm price purchase option for 1982 through 1983. 5. Allied Colloids bid a unit price of $2.13 per pound which includes all freight and taxes. D. G. Niles -2- January 28, 1981 6. Payment terms are 2%-10 days, Net 30 days. Please proceed to obtain the necessary approvals. , /J // '. /.':.... .. ;/(h1r-:?~b Ken Laverty Purchasing and Materials Supervisor KL:bc Attachments Reviewed by: ~" A. C. Russell Senior Engineer " r, ~, .~ .. -- u t ~ I' I .ul ( <u ... - oll: ...11. - 10 w -u z - ::>0: .. <") - .JW () " ~y 00: ........ ... .. I ~ ... 0 loW - U Z - ::> rr: ~ .. 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(((sD Central Contra BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. 02--)tl-<t) POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 18, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION 1980-1981 SIX MONTHS BUDGET REVIEW BUDGET REV I EW SUBMITTED BY WALTER N. FUNASAKI, FINANCE OFFICER INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ACCOUNTING DIVISION ISSUE: A comparative review of actual and budgeted Operations and Maintenance revenue and expenditures for the first six months of the 1980-1981 fiscal year was requested by the District's Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The results of a review of the actual and budgeted Operations and Main- tenance revenue and expenditures for the first six months of the fiscal year are sum- marized in the following sections. DISTRICT REVENUES $10,909,000 was recorded from all revenue sources through the six months ended December 31, 1980, representing 81.5% of the $13,379,000 of total revenues bud- geted. The principal revenue sources budgeted are $10,479,000 of Environmental Quality Charges and $2,100,000 of Service Charge Revenue from the City of Concord. $10,205,283 of Environmental Quality Charges were recorded through December 31, 1980, a major portion of which was collected through the county tax rolls and credited to the District's account. The balance of the budgeted EQC revenues of $273,717 primarily represents amounts due from direct-billed accounts. $508,206 has been paid by the City of Concord as an advance payment of one-half of the service charges for the first six months of the fiscal year. The balance of the service charge revenue budgeted, $1,591,794, is expected to be billed to the City of Concord for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1981. As the two principal revenue accounts budgeted are considered to be fully achiev- able, the total revenue budget of $13,379,000 is projected to be real izable with- in the 1980-1981 fiscal year. DISTRICT EXPENDITURES A comparison of actual expenditures and budgeted expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 is shown for each department or division in the following summary: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI ING DEPT./DIV. ?~a~~ YTD EXPENDED DEPARTMENT OR DIVISION ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED PERCENT . ADMINISTRATION $ 778,956 $ 439,672 $ 339,284 56.4% COLLECTION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING & SERVICES 1,406,529 736,840 669,689 52.4 CONSTRUCTION 60,000 32,892 27,108 54.8 SPECIAL PROJECTS 116,901 60,061 56,840 51.4 COLLECTION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS 2,186,953 961,297 1,225,656 44.0 PLANT OPERATIONS 8,998,244 4,166,539 4,831,705 46.3 PUMP STATIONS - NORTH 384,866 322,468 62,398 83.8 PUMP STATIONS - WEST 374,387 193,849 180,538 51.8 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $14,306,836 $6,913,617 $7,393,219 48.3% As shown, the total District expenditures of $6,913,617 represented 48.3% of the total budgeted expenditures of $14,306,836. All departments' or divisions' ex- penditures exceeded, or were less than, 50% of their budgeted expenditures as of this mid-year juncture. Explanation for major causes of overexpended or under- expended conditions for the six months ended December 31, 1980, and a projection of the departmental or divisional expenditures for the twelve months ended June 30, 1981 are provided in the following sections. Detailed descriptions of: major ac-- count variances for each department or division are presented in attachments to this position paper. Administration Department: Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 totaled $439,672, rep- resenting 56.4% of the budgeted expenditures of $778,956. This 6.4% overexpen- diture of $50,632 is primarily the result of a write off of $5,051 of architect's fees, legal fees in excess of budget by $32,428 and an overexpenditure of $11,690 for personnel advertising. The Administration Department is projected to be $66,000 overexpended for the fiscal year ended June 30,1981, $50,000 of which is for legal services and $16,000 for personnel advertising. - 2 - Collection System Engineering & Services Division: Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 totaled $736,840, rep- resenting 52.4% of the budgeted expenditures of $1,406,529. The 2.4% overex- penditure of $33,757 is primarily the result of capitalized salaries and wages and related employee benefits being less than budgeted. Based on projects scheduled during the second half of the fiscal year, it is anticipated that salaries and wages and employee benefits capitalized will ap- proximate budgeted amounts and that the divisionis projected expenditures for the fiscal year will be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures. Construction Division: Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 totaled $32,892, rep- resenting 54.8% of budgeted expenditures of $60,000. The budget of $60,000 was established on a preliminary basis pending development of a final budget. The final budget of $58,020 was established in February 1981. The actual ex- penditures through the six months ended December 31, 1980ace equivalent to the final budgeted expenditures. The Construction Divisionis projected expenditures for the year ended June 30, 1981 are expected to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures. Special Projects Division: Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 totaled $60,061, rep- resenting 51.4% of budgeted expenditures of $116,901. The 1.4% overexpenditure of $16,366 is primarily the result of salaries and wages and related employee benefits being underexpended because of unfilled staff positions in the division, offset by less then budgeted capitalized salaries and wages. The Special Projects Division's projected expenditures for the year ended June 30, 1981 are expected to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures. Collection Systems Operations Department: Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 totaled $961,297, rep- resenting 44.0% of the budgeted expenditures of $2,186,953. The 6% underexpen- diture of $131,217 is primarily the result of non-management salaries and wages and related employee benefits being underexpended due to unfilled staff positions, and lower than budgeted expenditures for gasoline, oil and fuel; it is anticipated however, that gasoline, oil and fuel expenditures will reach budgeted levels by the end of the year because of price increases. - 3 - The Collection Systems Operations Department's projected expenditures for the year ended June 30, 1981 are estimated to be $50,000 underexpended within non- management salaries and wages and related employee benefits. Plant Operations Department: Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 totaled $4,166,539, rep- resenting 46.3% of budgeted expenditures of $8,998,244. The 3.7% underexpen- diture of $332,935 is primarily the result of underexpendltures for lime, $145,388, and polymer, $116,540, and less than budgeted expenditures for sludge removal, $105,000. A major overexpenditure occurred In electricity expense where a higher than anticipated rate increase produced a $53,994 variance. Lime and polymer expenditures are expected to reach budgeted levels by the end of the fiscal year. Plant Operations Department's projected expenditures for the year ended June 30, 1981are estimated to be $120,000 underexpended because of a $214,000 favorable variance for sludge removal, offset by an overexpenditure of $94,000 in elec- tricityexpense. Pump Stations - North: Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 totaled $322,468, rep- resenting 83.8% of budgeted expenditures of $384,866. The 33.8% overexpenditure of $130,085 is primarily the result of an underestimation of chemical consumption for sulfide control and increase in chemical prices. Pump Stations - North's projected expenditures for the year ended June 30, 1981 are estimated to be $217,000 overexpended because of underbudgeted chemical expenses. Pump Stations - West: Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1980 totaled $193,849, rep- resenting 51.8% of budgeted expenditures of $374,387. The 1.8% overexpenditure of $6,739 is primarily the result of higher chemical consumption and unanticipated chemical price increases. Pump Stations - West's projected expenditures for the year ended June 30, 1981 are expected to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures. - 4 - CONCLUSION: The District's total revenue and expenditures for the first six months of the 1980-1981 fiscal year are within budgeted levels. Recognizing the limitations inherent in projecting expenditures which are dependent on operational requirements, particularly in the Plant Operations Department, the following conclusions regarding revenue and expenditures for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1981 are made: 'Budgeted revenues are projected to be realized. .The following departmental or expenditures are projected: Administration Department Collection Systems Opera- tions Department Plant Operations Department Pump Stations - North divisional over or under- $ 66,000 OVER 50,000 UNDER 120,000 UNDER 217,000 OVER TOTAL $113,000 OVER .Worker's compensation insurance and state unemployment insurance are projected to be $46,000 and $32,000 un- derexpended, respectively. The departmental or divisional overexpenditure of $113,000 will be offset by $78,000 of workers' compensation and state unemployment insurance, producing a $35,000 over- expenditure for the fiscal year. - 5 - Page 1 of 3 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ADMINISTRATION EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED BALANCE YTD EXPENDED PERCENT DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 778,956 439,672 339,284 56.4 o & M EXPENSES ANALYZED: DIRECTORS' FEES 7,250 4,272 2,977 58.9 Variance Explanation: The variance of 8.9% or $647, was caused by two additional board meetings held in August 1980 which were not provided for in the budget. OFFICE EXPENSE 9,000 5,352 3,648 59.5 Variance Explanation: The variance of 9.5%, or $852, was primarily the result of an annual purchase of IBM typewriter supplies for $648 within the first half of the fiscal year rather than ratably throughout the year. The balance of the variance is expected to be offset in the second half of the fiscal year. PROFESSIONAL'SERVICES 16,925 13,513 3;412 19.8 Variance Explanation: The variance of 29.9% or $5,051, was caused by a charge-off of $5,065 of architect's fees for the Construction Division building design which ultimately was not used. Page 2 of 3 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES ADMINISTRATION SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 UNEXPENDED BALANCE YTD EXPENDED PERCENT ANNUAL BUDGE T YTD EXPENDED DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 778,956 439,672 339,284 56.4 o & M EXPENSES ANALYZED: LEGAL FEES 30,000 47,428 (17,428) 158.1 Variance Explanation: The variance of 108.1%, or $32,428, is the result of legal service~ related to a higher than usual numb~r of personnel matters for which $6,000 i~ fees were paid, and non-capitalizable legal matters involving Contra Costa County Water District, Caltrans and Acme Fill Corporation which resulted in $23,905 in combined legal fees. This account is projected to be over-expended $50,000 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1981. DATA PROCESSING 7,300 4,666 2,634 63.9 Variance Explanation: The variance of 13.9%, or $1,015, is the result of higher than anticipated charges by the Contra Costa County for data processing services which totaled $1,834 during the first six months of the fiscal year. This account is projected to be within the budgeted total for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1981. PERSONNEL ADVERTISING 18,000 20,690 (2,690) 114.9 Variance Explanation: The variance of 64.9%, or $11,690, resulted from extensive and costly advertising for Department and Division Manager positions, including Special Projects Engineering Division Manager and Plant Maintenance Division Manager classifications. This account is projected to be $16,000 over-expended for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1981. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS. 168, 123 37,482 130,641 22.3 Variance Explanation: The favorable variance of 27.7% or $46,570, is the result of an unanticipated $46,045 dividend for 1978-1979 which was received in October 1980. This account is projected to be $46,000 under-expended for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1981. " _,.__.__.H..___.__.._____._....,._____."H~'__........._____,__._...~__.._"_.._ _.___..'._'_m...____,__^.~___..__....,__.._...._...,.______.,_...____"'_,_"'_.._.,__"_.,_~.___ Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ADMINISTRATION EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED BALANCE YTD EXPENDED PERCENT DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 778,956 439,672 339,284 56.4 o & M EXPENSES ANALYZED: STATE UNEMPLOYMENT INS. 52,600 9,243 43,357 17.6 Variance Explanation: The favorable variance of 32.4%, or $17,042, is primarily the result of a decrease in the District's contribution rate f~om .8% to .4% effective July 1980. This rate reduction accounted for $13,156 of the variance. This account is projected to be $32,000 under expended for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1981. DEFERRED COMPENSATION CONTRIBUTION 365,000 136,021 228,979 37.3 Variance Explanation: The favorable variance of 12.7%, or $46,355, is a normal condition which results from lower contributions during the first half of the fiscal year (last half of the calendar year) because maximum contributions for employees whose earnings exceed the FICA ceiling would have been reached. Increased contributions will be recorded in the second half of the fiscal year as the FICA ceiling limitation will begin anew. This account is projected to be equivalent to the budgeted total for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1981. COLLECTION SYSTEM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION AND SERVICES EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED BALANCE DEPARTMENT/DIVISION $1,406,529 $669,689 $736,840 o & M EXPENSES ANALYZED: RENTS AND LEASES 22,800 8,908 13,892 Variance Explanation: The variance of 10.9% or $2,492 was caused by a cost savings realized through the leasing of the IBM copier (replacement for the Xerox). SALARIES & WAGES 213,120 83,441 129,679 Variance Explanation: The variance of 10.8% or $23,119 was caused by projecting more capitalized salaries than actually were capitalized. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 71,393 23,741 47,652 Variance Explanation: The variance of 16.7%or $11,955.50 was caused by projecting more capitalized salaries than actually were capitalized. PRINTING CHARGE OUTS 18,000 5,339 12,661 Variance Explanatio~: The variance of 20.3% or $12,661 was caused by an overestimate of the amount of printing that would be required by other Divisions or Departments. YTD EXPENDED PERCENT 52.4 39.1 39.2 33.3 29.7 J DEPARTMENT/DIVISION SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 YTD ANNUAL YTD UNEXPENDED EXPENDED BUDGET EXPENDED BALANCE PERCENT DEPARTMENT/DIVISION $116,901 $60,061 $ 56,840 51.4 o & M EXPENSES ANALYZED: SALARIES AND WAGES - NON MANAGEMENT 177 ,034 63,274 113,760 35.7 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 59,275 19,;732 39,543 33.3 VARIANCE EXPLANATION: The combined variance of 14.9% or $35,210 is due to the unexpected departure of one employee and delays in the hiring of that employee's replacement as well as delays in hiring a new employee authorized at budget time. SALARIES AND WAGES-CONTRA EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-CONTRA 106,216 35,564 23,410 7,670 82,806 27,894 22.0 21.6 VARIANCE EXPLANATION: The combined variance of 28.1%, or $39,840, is due to working at a lower than anticipated staffing level (three engineers instead of five). Work on capital projects was slowed to allow completion of the running expense projects associated with plant operations support. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION c.S.o. EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED BALANCE YTD EXPENDED PERCENT DEPARTMENT/DIVISION $2,186.953 $961 ,296 $1,225.656 44.p o & M EXPENSES ANALYZED: GAS, OIL & FUEL 105,000 36,435 68,565 34.7 Variance Explanation: The variance of 15.3% or $16,065 is primarily the result ofa decrease in District wide gas consumption of nearly 7%, and lower than anticipated cost per gallon of gas61ine in the first 6 months of the fiscal year. Recent price increases will bring this in line with budget estimates by the end of fiscal year 80/81. I GENERAL REPAIRS & MAl NT. 32,000 10,145 21,854 31.7 Variance Explanation: The variance of 18.3% or $5,856 is the result of not having paid approximately $9,000 in bills that were not satisfactorily submitted. EQUIP. REPAIRS & MAl NT. 18,500 6,198 12,302 33.5 Variance Explanation: The variance of 16.5% or $3,052 is the result of needing fewer repairs on equipment through December 31, 1980. ..' -~. Page of 3 DEPARTt.IENT /DIVISION Plant. Ooerations EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANC~S SIX MONTHS-ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED. BALANCE ' YTD" EXPENDED PERCENT.. ,. . . . DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 8,998,244 4,166,539 4.,.831.705 . 46 .-~. . .0 & M EXPENSES : ANALYZED: ~z::ating SUpplies 50,000. 35, 775 14,225 71.5 Variance Explanation: The variance of 21.5%, or $10,775, was primarJ.ly caused by the District. adopting a safety shoe .policy resulting in an unbudgeted cost .of $3,700; unifonn/la\mdry cost incr~s totaling $3,500; and purchase of washdown hose for soli~ building at a cost of $2,200. The shoes and hose were lump sum .,.expenditures within the. first balf of the fisCal.year rather.than spread through- .,.-'out ~e year. "Anew Uriifonn/laundrycontro1.system has been instituted.. The , - .' balance of the ~iance is ~ ~o be offset in the second half of the fiscal -. year. Operating Fuel 33,000 4,788 28,212 -14.5 . _ . V~iance. EXplanation: The variance of 35.5%, or $11,712, .of under expencllture. was caused by. no large:. purchases ofd~.esel fuel taking place within the first. half .: .of.the fiscal year. It had been anticipated that the'auxilcu:y boileI::s~u.ld be. ,run ondiesel while changes in the natural gas lines took place. This work has . ,been resched,uled, therefore, the balance of the variance is expected to be offset in the second half of the fiscal year. Lime 680,000 194,612 485,388 28.6 Variance Explanation: The variance of 21.4%, .or $145,388, of under expenditure was caused by the plant being able to run at reduced. dosages of. lime, the price of lime being held finn throughout the calendar year and invoicing taking place in the nonth fo.llowing actual usage. The balance of the variance is expected to be largely offset in the second half of the fiscal year. Polymer 446,000 106,460 339,540 23.9 Variance Explanation: The variance of 26.1%, or $116,540, of under expenditure was caused by coordinating polymer dosages and centrifuge operation effectively; the co~t of p:)lymer being held finn throughout the calendar year;, ,and invoicing taking place in the month following actual. ,usage. The. bP-lance of the variance is expected to be largely offset iri the ..second half of the fiscal year. . '.' Page 2 of 3 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Plant Operations EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES SIX MONTHS ENDED DEC~IBER 31~ 1980 YTlf EXPENDED ' PERCENT, ' ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED, BALANCE DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 8,998,244 4,166,539 4,831,705 , 46..3,'. . -' - , 0 ~ M EXPENSES .,:."ANALYZED: Sulphur Dioxide 25,000 16,985 8 ,01S' -67~9 Variance Explanation': The variance of 17.9%, or $4,485. was caused by higher , than anticipated cost increases; using 1-Ton cylinders at an increased cost while ':'bulk tank being repaired; and a higher usage rate. The balance of. the variance is ,expected to be practically offset' in the second half of the fiscal year. '. '~::;"Labora:tory SUpplie~ '. .26;000 5,275 20,725 20.3 '. . Variance' EXplanation: The variance of 29.7%, or $7,725, was caused by a " .,n',reduction in laboratory supply spending and the fact that this~ ac;count is new for" ". the 1980-1981 fisCal year, therefore, an exact budget basis was not available. . . " ',.The balance of tlle variance is expected to be Partially offset in the second half ,'. ''''of the fiscal year. . :': -Safety SUpplies 21,200 6,787 14,413 32.0 . Variance Explanation: . The variance of 18.0%, or $3,813, of under expenditure . . .was caused by minimum supply purchases to ensure that supplies in stock do not. . becane obsoleted by the ever fluctuating safety' regulations by outside agencies. . _ The balance of the variance is expected to be offset in the second half of the year. Electrical 707,111 407,549 299,562 57..6 Variance Explanation: The variance of 7.6%, or $53,994, was caused by a rate increase higher than anticipated and that this invoicing cycle is such that the last 'u.,U weeks in June of the previous fiscal year is paid for and charged to the current fiscal year" therefore, June 1981 billing will be on the 1981-1982 fiscal budget. The balance of the variance is expected to be offset in the second half of the year. Maintenance Supplies 21,200 12,576 8,624 59.3 Variance ExPlana:tion: The ~iance of 9.3~, or $1,976, 'was caused by p.rrchase of paint to fulfill plants.;ifety requirements and replacement of.the large rrower. The balance of the variance is expected to be offset in the second_ half of the year. , . "._--,~"._--",_._---_.._._."' ...._~_._.--~- -~-,-'-'.'-----_._-_.._".~_._--_._.._--".._---~-._...-,-_.-.-~,.,_._--,--_.,_.,~---.,,~.. ~ . r", ". .... .. ~Y: Page 3 of 3 .:f DEPARTl-IENT /DIVI SION Pl.ant Operations. ~. EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANC~S SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31>> 1980 ". UNEXPENDED BALANCE. YTn" EXPEN.DED PERCENT .' ANNUAL BUDGET 'YTD EXPENDED DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 8,998,244 '4,166,539 4..831.705 46..3 . . 0 & M EXPENSES .,' ANALYZED: . Progr~'MaintEmance'Supplies 39,600 34,192 5~408 86.3. Variance Explanation: The variance of 36.3%, or $14,392, was caused by main engine and enginator repairs which have beencanpleted.There is also a major, variance between the plant's M.I.S.' records which show only 33% expended and . AcCoUntings r~ords. A reconciliation will be done to correct this problem. . The balance of the variance is expected to be 'offset in' the. second half of the year.. . . . ~'~~:--'< ,~ Outside .Repairs & Maintenance: 150, '000 89,677 60,323 59.8 Variance Explanation: The variance of 9. 8~, or $14,677, was caused by $7,000 being spent on .safety requirements. of siren installation and autanatic closmg of machine shop qoorsi and $12,000. being spent on rebuilding'V'laukesha heads. The. balance of the variance is expected to'be offset in the second half of the year. :..: ~ ... Rents & Leases. 34,330 20,152 14,178 58.7 Variance Explanation:. The variance of 8.7%, or $2,987 ,was caused by $16,700 being spent on rental of air canpressor to ru~ while main air canpressors. being repaired. The balance of the variance is expected to be offset in the second half of the year. Salaries & Wages - Contra 217,416 1,298 216,118 .6 Variance Explanation: The variance of 49.4%, or $107,410, of under expenditure was caused by the construction projects at the plant not starting in the first half of the fiscal year. As these major construction projects start up, the balance of the variance is expected to be offset in the second half of the year. ". ..~ ".to - . DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Pump Station - North EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED BALANCE YTD EXPENDED PERCENT DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 384,866 322,468 62,398 83.8 o & M EXPENSES ANALYZED: Operating Supplies 14,000 4,419 9,581 31.6 Variance Explanation: The variance of 18.4 percent, or $2,581, of under expendi- ture was caused by having a high inventory of fuel on hand at the closing of last fiscal year, and below normal rainfall for the first half of this fiscal year has kept usage to a minimum. The bal~nce of the variance is expected to be largely offset in the second half of the fiscal yeqr. Other Chemicals 100,000 192,647 (92,647) 192.6 Variance Explanation: The variance of 142.6 percent, or $142,647, was caused by underestimation of actual chemical consumption for total sulfide control. Two additional injection stations were added; below normal precipitation and above normal temperatures for the first four months, and an unanticipated increase in chemical prices. Chemical demand should be somewhat reduced as more rainfall and lower temperatures commence. Electrical 44,500 28,903 15,597 64.9 Variance Explanation: The variance of 14.9 percent, or $6,653, was caused by an unanticipated rate increase, and the unusually cold and dry weather the last two months has increased heating demands in the pumping stations. The balance of the variance is expected to be largely offset in the second half of the fiscal year. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Pump Station - West EXPLANATION OF BUDGET VARIANCES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET YTD EXPENDED UNEXPENDED BALANCE YTD EXPENDED PERCENT DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 374,387 193,849 180,538 51.8 o & M EXPENSES ANALYZED: Operating Supplies 16,000 4,242 11 ,758 26.5 Variance Explanation: The variance of 23.5 percent, or $3,758, of under expendi- ture was caused by having a high inventory of fuel on hand at the closing of last fiscal year, and below normal rainfall for the first half of this fiscal year has kept usage to a minimum. The balance of the variance is expected to be largely offset in the second half of the fiscal year. Other Chemicals 33,000 43,784 (10,784) 132.7 Variance Explanation: The variance of 82.7 percent, or $26,284, was caused by underestimation of actual chemical consumption for total sulfide control; below normal precipitation and above normal temperatures; and an unanticipated increase in chemical prices. Chemical demand should be somewhat reduced as more rainfall and lower temperatures commence. General Repairs & Maintenance 18,500 10,346 8, 1 54 55.9 Variance Explanation: The variance of 5.9 percent, or $1,096, was caused by variable speed motor failures repair that cost $4,000. The balance of the variance is expected to be offset in the second half of the fiscal year. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.III. COn~7~g/~'1. 2 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 11, 1981 SUBJECT EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY - SUBD 5466 (JOB 3148) TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED.faYy McCoy INIT(ATING DEPT./DIV. EnglneeringjCollection System ISSUE: Claremoor Circle, a new road in proposed Subdivision 5466, runs along a portion of an existing District sewer easement. Claremoor Circle will be dedicated to the County for public use when the subdivision map is filed. BACKGROUND: The County requires a Consent to Dedication whenever a new road is dedicated to the County for public use if said road encroaches upon an existing easement. This is our standard consent document, the District retains prior rights. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute document and authorize its recording by the County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON JMc CL BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOill Con~pnt Calendar . 2719/81 3 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 11, 1981 SUBJECT EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY - SUBD 5465 (JOB 3148) TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: McKinley Circle, a new road in proposed Subdivision 5465, runs along a portion of an existing District sewer easement. McKinley Circle will be dedicated to the County for public use when the subdivision map is filed. BACKGROUND: The County requires a Consent to Dedication whenever a new road is dedicated to the County for public use if said road encroaches upon an existing easement. This is our standard consent document, the District retains prior rights. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute document and authorize its recording by the County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION '''m;;/~MC CLW '~ ((~P Cent~al Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTOr<S NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 2/11/81 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE MINI-PICKUP TRUCK SUBMITTED BY Bob Hinkson, Manager, Collection System Maintenance Department BACKGROUND: A mini-pickup truck is required to support the Biological Phosphorus Removal Pilot Plant operation. The California State Water Resources Control Board is expected to approve the budget for the Pilot Plant work, including $3200 for rental of a mini-pickup truck. The District Can purchase a mini-pickup truck for approximately $6500. By purchasing a truck for the Pilot Plant work, the District can obtain a truck for $3700 out-of-pocket expense ($6500-87~% of $3200)). Upon completion of the Pilot Plant work, the mini-pickup truck would be assigned,to the vehicle pool or used as repl~cement for another truck. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the expenditure of $6500 for the purchase of a mini-pickup truck for use on the Pilot "Plant Project. Authorize the expenditure of $3200 from the Pilot Plant account and $3300 from the Collection System Maintenance Depart-. ment Capital Equipment Budget for this purpose. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IN TIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. SHEET I OF I c((SD Central District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. A~718/S1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 17, 1981 SUBJECT METHOD OF APPROACH FOR UPDATING DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES TYPE OF ACTION ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System BACKGROUND: Except for the annexation charge which was last updated in January 1979, the fees and charges which the District currently assess developers associated with new residential and commercial sewer construction (installation and connection) have not been updated for several years. Since these fees and charges are intended to cover current District expenses and/or provide adequate revenue for future construction, they need to be reviewed to determine the appropriate revisions required to maintain an equitable, self- supporting rate structure. The attached chart lists the fees and charges which will be evaluated, as well as the original basis for the charge and the current amount. PROPOSED FEE STUDY APPROACH: (A) ANNEXATION FEE - The new fee will be based on the use of the following, historically used formula; ANNEX = (Total District Assessed Value (Total District Area X Tax Rate) ) + (Prior Accum Tax) (Payments ) (Avg Acre A.V. ) Status: calculation is being finalized. (B) FIXTURE FEE - Currently, the District uses a complicated, detailed fee schedule approach based on the various types and numbers of fixtures to be installed for residential properties; as well as fixture unit equivalents, fixture multiples and density considerations for applying to commercial properties (see attached current fixture fee schedule). In certain situations involving multi story commercial properties, the current fee schedule results in inequitable fixture charges for buildings with the same floor space and type of use. Consequently, a major reevaluation of the fixture fee schedule is proposed to both simplify the calculation as well as update the amount to be collected. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ""!lJmG~ <=.~ The revised schedule that would be developed would still be based on the existing premise that future connectors should be charged for the future plant improvements required to serve them. The following outline represents the recommended approach in establishing the appropriate residential and commercial fixture fee: Residential 1. The total number of future residential and commercial connections will be estimated for the next ten year period using 1980 u.s. Census figures, ABAG population projections, historical District connection records, and trends in the number of occupants per residence (currently 2.6 occupants/residence). 2. An estimate will be made of the additional plant flow expected from the projected number and types of connections over the next ten years. 3. The estimated cost of future plant improvement projects required to serve the anticipated population increase will be calculated. (a) Future projects included in the cost estimate will include the hydraulic expansion to 45 mgd (5Bl), solids handling facilities (5B2) as well as the proposed Phostrip project. (b) An assumption will be made that no grant funds are available for these future project costs. (c) The historical portion of the capital improvement costs paid by the City of Concord will be deducted from the project costs to be paid by future connectors. 4. The balance of project costs to be paid by future connectors will be prorated among the anticipated split of residential, commercial, industrial and institutional type connections. The breakdown percentage of connection categories will be based on a review of historical connection records. 5. The portion of future project costs being assessed to future residential connections will be generated from two categories of connections as follows: Category A - single family home, townhouse Category B - apartments, condominiums, mobile homes. Once the respective number of connections in each category has been estimated, a calculation will be made as to the fixture fee to be collected from a residential connection in each category. 2 Note - The approach outlined above would result in only two different fixture fees for a residential connection. There would be no variation in fee for the number of bathrooms or to account for future building additions. This "fixed fee" approach is considered more equitable since there is no definite connection between the number of bathrooms and the number of occupants in a residence. Commercial/Industrial 1. The estimated portion of future project costs to be collected from non-residential connections will be determined. 2. A total estimated volume of sew~ge discharge will be calculated for the various types of commercial/industrial property expected in the next ten-year period. 3. Using the cost and discharge figures calculated above, a dollar per volume of sewage rate will be generated. (a) For restaurants, an evaluation will be made concerning the possible use of waste strength factors to reflect the variety of restaurant types in setting the fixture fee. It is anticipated that the established fixture fee for both residential and commercial properties would be periodically reviewed for possible revision as future project costs and numbers of connections are accurately identified. Also, possible incorporation of an annual increase in the fixture fee based on a specific interest rate is also being considered to provide for the effect of inflation. Status: Method of approach is being finalized. (C) WATERSHED FEE - Detailed evaluation of the various watershed fees is not being performed as part of the current study. A development analysis will be performed for each watershed on a case by case basis at a later date. Status: Several watersheds have been analyzed for needed trunk sewer improvements, however, a revised watershed fee has not been determined. (D) INSPECTION FEE - (For sewer construction project) The new fee recommended will be based on the actual cost to the District of providing the inspection services. The total cost identified will be the sum of labor, vehicle operation and the televising expense that the District incurs. 3 As in the past, the charge for inspection services will be determined by the length of the new public sewer to be installed ($/foot) and the number of new lateral connections. However, one modification being considered is the establishment of a minimum charge to insure that relatively small sewer projects are not subsidized by larger projects. Status: Inspection fee revenue as well as all associated District expenses have been calculated for a two-year period (1978-1980). These figures and other related factors are being evaluated to determine the appropriate new fees. (E) PLAN REVIEW FEE (For sewer construction project) As indicated in the statement above regarding the inspection fee analysis, the new fee recomended for plan review services will be based on the actual cost to the District for providing this function. The total cost identified will be the labor expense incurred by the various District employees involved. The ultimate fee will continue to be based on the length of public sewer shown on the plans for review, with continuation of a minimum charge to cover the small projects. Status: Plan review fee revenue as well as salary costs for the 1978-1980 period have been calculated. Other factors are being evaluated to determine the appropriate new fee. (F) EQC (Commercial) The review of this fee schedule is currently being performed by the engineering firm of Metcalf & Eddy. They will propose any necessary changes in the classes of commercial properties and/or the specific rate structure. (G) MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES The current charge for the following existing activities will be evaluated based on the expense to the District of performing the requested service: (1) Overtime Inspection Charge Preliminary information suggests increase to $40/hr to cover inspector and equipment costs. (2) District Engineering Charge for Private Sewer Projects Tentative proposal to increase structure design charge to $300. (However, lesser charge may be appropriate to insure District gets job and can therefore select location for maximum benefit to future connectors). Existing public sewer plan preparation charge is based on current wages; however, minor updating of design costs is required. 4 (3) Prepare Quitclaim Deed Charge Review and update as necessary. (4) Rebate Account Admin Fee Review and update as necessary. Consider use of m1n1mum charge to cover District labor expense in setting up and disbursing account funds. (5) Other Fees Review and update as necessary RECOMMENDATION: Provide comment as to the acceptability of the method of approach outlined above for updating the District's schedule of fees and charges. Attachment 5 DISTRICT RATES & CHARGES CHARGE/FEE REASON FOR CHARGE CURRENT RATE (A) ANNEXATION Equalize the investment in major facilities between properties which have been on the District tax roll and those just joining the District (Capital Improvement Fund) (B) FIXTURE FEE Provide funds required to pro- gressively expand major treat- ment plant facilities - charge is based on the potential flow or ability to load the system. (Capital Improvement Fund) (C) WATERSHED Funds used by District to finance trunk sewer or pump station improvements. (D) INSPECTION FEE Compensate District for cost of Inspection services; includ- ing Maintenance TV inspection costs. (E) PLAN REVIEW FEE Compensate District for cost of plan review effort, including a portion of cost of permit counter operations. (F) EQC(Commercial) Compensate prorata share of District's O&M Costs (G) MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES: (1) OVERTIME INSPECTION CHARGE Contractor compensates District for inspector's overtime expense associated with sewer construction for private development 1 $lOOO/AC (As of Jan '79) Varies by type of fixture & land use density (1974-last update) Range of $300 - $1050 per residential unit $1 per foot of new public sewer, $22 per lateral connection (As of Jan '78) $0.20 per foot of new public sewer ($100 minimum) (Jan '78 last update) Charge is based on prior year water consumption as follows: (1) Barkeries $2.95/HCF (2) Markets 1.40/" (3) Mortuarys 1.17/" (4) Restauran1s 1. 92/" (5) Others 0.87/" $20/hour CHARGE/FEE REASON FOR CHARGE CURRENT RATE (2) DISTRICT ENGINEERING CHARGE FOR PRIVATE SEWER PROJECTS ( 3) PREPARE QUIT- CLAIM DEED (4) REBATE ACCOUNT ADMIN. FEE (5) OTHER FEES Developer/homeowner pays cost of sewer design work performed by District (Survey, Design, Easement preparation, etc.) 2 Structure only (e.g.MH) -$100 New public sewer charge based on estimate of time req'd (Should be equivalent to pri- vate engineer fee, not less). $20/hour $ SO/connection Sec. 11-303. Basic Fixture Rate Schedule for ordinary plumbing fixtures connected to the sewer system. The charges for connection of the fixtures set forth in this section are as follows: (1) toi let. $ 22.50 (2) floor drain . 22.50 (3) lavatory. 22.50 (4) bath or shower. 67.50 (5) laundry outlet . 112.50 (6) sink and auxiliary appliances 112.50 (7) swimming pool backwash 0.225 per square foot of pool surface Special commercial and public fixture charges. The charges for the special commercial and publ ic use fixtures set forth nection is permitted. (Excluded from Sec. 11-306.) Garbage grinder and disposal Dental chair, drinking fountain. Automatic washing machine (under 20 lb. capacity) Floor drain Urinal. Types of special fixture not listed. Sec. 11-304. Sec. 11-306. SUMMARY OF FIXTURE FEES FROM CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SEWERING CODE in this section are as follows, when con- $150 plus $150 per horsepower $ 15 $375 $ 75 $ 75 Spec i a I Study Rate schedule for residential uses. general commercial and miscellaneous uses and multi-storied buildings. TYPE OF USE Residential Living Units Per Gross Acre 0-5 6-10 11-20 21-30 31-50 Over 51. MINIMUM CHARGE PER UNIT FIXTURE MULTIPLE $375.00 1.0 $337.50 1.2 $300.00 1.5 $262.50 1.8 $225.00 2.0 use multi-storied building fixture multiples Multi-storied buildings (over two (2) stories) The fixture charge shall be at the rate of $40.00 per fixture unit equivalent and shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Plumbing Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. 1976 Edition, as partially listed and modified* below: Kind of Fixture MINIMUM TRAP SIZE Bath Tub . 1-1/2 inch Floor Drain 2 inch . Laundry Outlet 1-1/2 inch Shower, Single Stall 2 inch . Sinks and/or Dishwasher (residential). 1-1/2 inch *Garbage Disposal (residential) 1-1/2 inch Wash Basin (lavatory) single 1-1/4 inch Water Closet (toilet) tank type 3 inch . UNITS 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 *For fixtures not listed above or in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, the water supply pipe size, as listed below, or two fixture unit equivalents for each gallon per minute of flow discharged shall be used. PIPE SIZE 3/8 inch 1/2 inch 3/4 inch 1 inch UNITS 2 4 6 10 General Auditorium, Bank, Bakery, Barber or Beauty Shop, Church, Cleaning Plant, Delicatessen, Department Store, Drug Store, Dog Kennel, Fire House, Grocery, Hall, Meat Market, Medical or Office Building . Types of Uses Not Li sted Hereon . Cocktai I Lounge, Bar, Club, Gas Station, Garage, Restaurant, Fountain, Drive-in, Funeral Parlor Convalescent Hospital, Rest Home, Hospital Creamery, Food Processor Factory, Industry Multi-Use Bui Iding, Each Use School. MINIMUM CHARGE FIXTURE MULTIPLE $375.00 $375.00 3 3 $750.00 $150.00 $750.00 $375.00 $375.00 $165.00 5 Per Bed Spec i a I Study Special Study By Use Per Classroom -___.+__.__...,_~.,__+..__._...___._..__._.~_,_._.,.___"'"_'__M~_.__~______~...,______....__..___,__,._______.______.__.... .._....+..___..______.._,..,_.,.._..__......____.__._ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I I I. Consent Ca en 4 2 19 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 17, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE IN THE SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION EQUIPMENT BUDGET TYPE OF ACTION INCREASE BUDGET SUBMITTED B.Y h L ..Jo n arson INIT~ATING QEPT /DIV. Eng1neer1ng/Special Projects (SPED) BACKGROUND: The volume of paperwork required to support the Metcalf & Eddy project as well as document the Clean Water Grant activities has exceeded the capacity of the SPED filing cabinet. Additional capacity is required at this time. Two filing cabinets are estimated to cost $560 (including tax) . RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an increase in the Special Projects Engineering Division 1980-81 Capital Budget of $560. Authorize the expenditure of Sewer Construction Funds for this pu~pose. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JL le.~ CLW . CHIEF ENG. T./DIV. ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Adm. 1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 17, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ACTION ON BIDS RECEIVED AUGUST 6, 1980, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DECHLORINATION FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS DSP 3272 ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMITTED BY Clark Weddle INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering BACKGROUND: Bids were received on August 6, 1980, for construction of the Dechlorination Facility Improvements (DSP 3272), a copy of the bid tabu- lation is attached. In accordance with Clean Water Construction Grant Requirements, the bidders were required to make positive efforts to obtain subcontracts and/or supplies from minority business enterprises (MBE). The bid documents required that the bidders contact the MBE coordinator (Homitz, Allen, and Associates) at least 12 days before the bid opening date and that requests for subbids be advertised at least seven days prior to the bid opening date. The goal was to obtain 16.1% MBE participation. The required actions are necessary to obtain Clean Water Grant Funding. A formal protest was filed by D.W. Young Construction Company on August 20, 1980, on the basis that neither C.W. Roen Construction Company nor Pacific Mechanical Corporation (the apparent second low bidder) met the MBE require- ments. The Board of Directors held a hearing on October 2, 1980 and determined that the contract should be awarded to C.W. Roen Construction Company based on the facts presented (Resolution No. 80-210). D.W. Young requested that the EPA Regional Administrator review the District's determination on October 3, 1980. The EPA review was completed on January 27, 1981, with the result that the protest filed by D.W. Young was upheld and C.W. Roen Construction Company was determined to be non-responsive. It appears that none of the bidders on this project complied with the requirements in the bid document to notify the MBE coordinator twelve days in advance of the bid opening. Furthermore, none of the bidders advertised for subbids seven days in advance of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Reject all bids and authorize the staff to revise the bid documents and solicit bids. Authorize an increase of $5,000 in the cost ceiling from Sewer Construction Funds for John Carollo Engineers to prepare an addendum to the bid document covering conditions and requirements that have changed since the original bid date. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ CLW , ./ JJC INITIATING DEPT./DIV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Adm. 2 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Feb. 17, 1981 SUBJECT 1981 FLOW STUDY TYPE OF ACTION Administrative SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System The attached chart shows past, present and future treatment plant flows and capacity. The projection of average dry weather flow was based on records of connections and the assumption that growth during the past 10 years will continue at the approximate same rate over the next 10 years. You will note that flows are approaching the current 35 mgd plant capacity limit. Plant Operations is evaluating the "real" capacity limit for the plant. Based on past records, it is apparent that the plant is capable of treating more than 35 mgd and still meeting effluent limitations. For discussion purposes, if the "real" capacity is 38 mgd, it appears from the chart that the next hydraulic expansion project should be completed before the 38 mgd number is reached. If this be the case, there will be no need to limit or ban connections. If the plant capacity expansion takes longer to complete or, if connections occur at a faster rate than projected, or if flows increase faster than anticipated, then some limitation or ban may_. be necessary. The purpose of this study is to advise the Board of the facts, anticipate potential problems and discuss courses of action to be taken should control on future connections be necessary. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~LW -fbji.-i_'-m' --j-t- -I'-t-1++-ff'+++ --1-ili .- - I: :---H-t+W. ,- -+--+-+--:: "i : Lit.' H-++++H+-+-i.-'l-tH_l-i-!+H H-I-- -+ H--i+-1 -T::Ct+ l, ' , , , ,-++!+H-l--h , I J I r+ -TtTrrlT::rrl-I"i-~-!+-H--,-I-t' 8?+t~;+ -1f :Jf[-ffT~+-=t- fB=4-+-I- , -+:-:0 GO S 0- r- -- - i1=f=m1=EE~FB3jfEFr ~H~~I l-=l-I-1-._L,.-~.rt -P--LL~_---LL -l-H+l-!-I-,LJ+., '':'",-1 -,.li-'-_I-j-'LL ---'---,:'-~-;-~Li-:- --d::JLL-Li-_L~ -W'-I~-i-!T'-+- =-FFLI'j::j=j=it~+t::1::1~ft=,~j=1-:: ttr11' 9' '8'1' ':::F. [.Q'Wt;STUDY. . ,.::~LL-i=L1_}j=;~::L -t i'l ij-J::~i:::c: -:--r-,-+t-'-h--r'--i-,--:-;-I-r---r--r---,--t-t--, ,i ; '. ,-11-:--'1, ! .. '-j :-ri, ,1~- , ' , ." : iT;- --;-1+;--1-1-1-+-:- I ':I,t- -1-t-t-i-L:-"--l.I_jJEi, · '-LP-H.----H+.+ -~,'-I'.--+++- ',1-'+:-'--:++++++++ _LLl-~+-t--l---:-! H-l-+j-+-I-L.-i- -- 1_1_,___'_1-")___1 I_=-tn-i-H-H-!- --i--, i-l-i+rt -H-+i-h- r- t- ,i! 1 -Lj-t-m-t-T+ -~I-r - i -'-~HI ,+~--t-b-l ,---j-- -hi- :::tb--; -:-+-t f- --~ : tt, '1::'~OO!Ii~, '::P~E *fJ~Er~ I-rr~.=f:-I ' + - +-+-__1 ' ~FL~'~R~~-~6T;~~i~~S~b'~~'I-t*IPj=j-J11 ~ i t- J- ==+=+_I_J i-+-+- r- ' J'- HIGHEST RECENT ONE YEAR -L Fi-~--H-t--~-l' ,.. - +--,_1.. =+ I I i-L -- . -1-,-- CONNECTION RATE (4'70) AND i -1- !-I-I--t-t-+ -j-+- -- +' -I ' - - L' t HIGHEST PER CAPITA FLOW.... r-H-H-t-- -lj " ,+tT r--- '- I . l---i t- RATE' r-1 I :-- -: r-; t: TI i ........ :ii-i 1 I+r- 50 : I I 'I +t-1- ---LH--- ' -j 1 -1--1- f-- '.:]__I-+_~! ~ =-::: +--- I -j- :::t~~j- - ~- -I - I i:::+- illl+-- ! : I - H-- tt=r=r-t::-ff -.- -] , ; 45MGO--H--J.-J , ~.c 1~-' I -H+t ,- ,_-+Fj-h---H:"I -j++- ' ... =IT, I I :+-I--Y-H-H-t- ' -'. H. r~-I-l- t- -U-.J +t-:----t-t--- , I I! I I Ii, I ~ _oil i_! :__J.!.-'_1. .!.!J: ! j t i L i I.~CCCSD FLOW PROJECTION ! - I -- BASED ON HISTORICAL-j+'- , . ". '-+-H-- iTRENDS (APPROX. 3"l.)H-t+ I , I +-t+-1-+++;ti' ! --t--i-l-l- f+I::tt-' FI:OW'-PROJ~. t. T, 101,i SA, S,EO: ' -T. t=U::-r:-~Jl~. -', ONi.AB.l}G r~?WT~ ~~T~_: I, -fH-+t++++: ::1, -t- H=+ r+i- j + I +-+-+..J-j r I -j--j- +H::::t -~ -'-+ -i--H--+--+-'--I I I +H -~_L~-)_+-t-L-i- j : -H+ _Lt-~_;-+-I+i~t- t L j tit;-r p:=u' I , , I I 'I 'I I 1 1 I L1, ltt- , ~- I I I '-l--t~'-4-=J=" ~ L I ! 1 r T _L~_,--,_ 1 1 I-I I I ,I I I" I !--.--.-. '. I -L-LLJ._~+. LLJ. __ :+h--. ';_ 1_: I Ii! Iii I ! Ii: : ! , . ' , i ; : ;~-=Fi=L'= =h-~r4=h-;+= ; 1}1 r, =t:;j:TTTlJ=;: , I -J-P-H+LL- ; i- -i- +t=+j',: ~-R-=t=R--=+: I 1-- -t I I I I ! t-i-I -t-t-t-iiT""ir-'.; -LLL L-i-:-r-W- -W---I-LLU,- ,- I - - __ . ". _! ,i "I! '. '-~ ',--+- -H--!-i-f.-H+" : AVE~AGEDRY_WEATHER FLOW;T m- , -j--h,-t-: ' -(3 MONTH AVERAGE);'T! - 'It-i-t-t--' j-. J" -: - ;'-;~!-Hl~--+ ! - r-~--ri-~! t-+H-i-i-1-1-+~ --r-jr-r-'rl~-:' I t-tFF~EEp= ::R=JTr~:=:::: 1 , ~1:i~ J~~J~[~jT: -- +i'--4.....j,~.-+--~H- --l~!t--f,-.~.-+--+-++ 1 I I.,. I [ I I ' . 1 I ' I . . ---+-;--r-i--r--n--rT i;--, '. ;-; -ll~1 ;--1 i ;;--j!-:;---r-r- :-T~-'-i : i - - - , T 45 + ..- -_.- I 40 t- 1 ;:;1 ]f;P ~(I'i 35 CI ~ :;E \ I 'j-35MGO t-+- ;i o ..J 1.L 1 1\ ,~OMGo. f 'll' I Z , 30 L y. .25 ,.... ~ :0.... I-n I' } ;..-.: , , v! 20'... \--H \il i~ '. =- i- 1 1!i 10 1970 2 3 4 1 1975 6 7 8 9 1980 YEAR 1 2 3 4 -1, 1985 6 7 9 90 8 2-19-81 c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'VI. Cap Improve. 2 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 13, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SOLICITATION FOR BIDS FOR THE PREPURCHASE OF A BLOWER AND ELECTRIC MOTOR ASSEMBLY FOR THE STAGE 5B-1 PROJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR BIDS SUBMITTED BY Curt Swanson, Associate Engineer IN1TIATIl'lG DE".PT./PIV. ::>peclal t-'roJects BACKGROUND: During reevaluation of the Stage 5B-1 Plant Expansion Project, District staff determined that there is a critical short-term and long-term need for additional aeration blower capacity at the District Water Reclamation Plant. An electric motor- driven aeration blower system has been selected as the most cost-effective system. Because of its critical need, District staff has proceeded with fast-track design of the blower system. Manufacture and delivery of the blower and electric motor assembly will take 10 to 11 months. Because of the long lead time, it would be advantageous to prepurchase this item. Specifications for the blower and electric motor assembly have been com- pleted recently by the District's consultant, Metcalf and Eddy. The estimated cost of the assembly is $498,000. If approved by the Board, a request for bids will be advertized for 30 days beginning February 23, 1981. Bids will be opened March 25, 1981. The Board will be asked to authorize purchase of the blower and electric motor assembly on April 16, 1981. This is a tentative date since the State Water Resources Control Board must review the bids and approve award of the purchase order. The State Water Resources Control Board has conceptually approved installation of the aeration blower as part of the Stage 5B-1 project. However, a grant for this project has not yet been awarded. The District has requested approval from the State Water Resources Control Board to prepurchase the blower and electric motor assembly. Verbal approval was received February 13, 1981. This approval will allow reimburse- ment of the cost of the assembly if a grant is awarded for construction of the Stage 5B-1 project. The Board should be aware that State Water Resources Control Board prepurchase approval does not guarantee funding. If State Water Resources Control Board does not award a construction grant, the District must pay for the entire cost of the blower and electric motor assembly. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize sol icitation for bids for prepurchase of the blower and electric motor assembly for the Stage 5B-1 project. (DSP 3509) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Curt Swanson J~ JAL ~~ CLW ENG. ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOVIII. Emp. Training POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 13, 1981 AUTHORIZATION OF $900 FOR D. G. NILES TO ATTEND A WATER POLLUTION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION CLAIMS SEMINAR SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION Employee Training SUBMITTED BY D. G. Ni les INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Issue: In order to properly interrelate and monitor to the claims/litigation process, key District personnel must be informed as to the latest techniques and problems encountered. Background: The University of Baltimore is presenting a three-day seminar dealing with construction claims directly related to water pollution control program under the auspices of the Environmental Protection Agency's funded construction projects. This course material will be presented by Joseph M. Coe, formerly Chief Counsel for the Environmental Protection Agency's construction grant program and principal drafter of the Environmental Protection Agency regulations governing grants for the wastewater treatment projects. Its discourse deals with methods and strategies for dealing with claims, disputes, negotiations, and litigation. The litigation demonstrates the role that the Environmental Protection Agency may be involved in by use of proper regulations. The three-day course provides 18 hours of training and provides a manual of several hundred pages. The fee for this course is $600. Approximately $300 will be required for expenses to attend the upcoming course on March 23~25 of this year. Recommendation: Authorization of $900 for D. G. Niles to attend a Water Pollution Construction Claims seminar. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DG INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ([!!J-B February 2, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer FROM: D. G. Niles, Manager, Plant Operations SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND A WATER POLLUTION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION CLAIMS SEMINAR The University of Baltimore is presenting a three-day seminar dealing with construction claims which may arise from the Environmental Protection Agency's water pollution control program. This course material will be presented by Joseph M. Coe, formerly Chief Counsel for the Environmental Protection Agency's construction grant program and principal drafter of the Environmental Protection Agency regulations governing grants for wastewater treatment projects and contracting under these grants. The three-day course format provides 18 hours of training and provides a manual of several hundred pages. It is requested that I be authorized $600 for registration and $300 for expenses to attend this Water Pollution Control Construction Claims course. I have attached a Position Paper. Since this seminar is scheduled for March 23-25, 1981, the registration should be sent in immediately. <0 rJ d~ DGN:bc Attachment D. G. Ni les Manager, Plant Operations