HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-05-81 -. <<<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. Cap. Improve. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Februar 25 1981 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT PROJECT NO. 3330, SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING REPAIRS, PHAS E 1. ADVERTISE FOR PUBLIC BIDS SUBMITTED BY K. Ba rker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Ccnstruction ISSUE: FMC Associates, Consulting Engineers, have completed Plans and Specifications for the subject Project. The estimated cost of the work is $100,000.00# which was included in a previous authorization. BACKGROUND: On September 24, 1979, a natural gas explosion caused extensive damage to the exterior west wall and other areas of the Solids Conditioning Building. This particular project is one phase of the repair work and con- sists of the following: 1. Remove temporary plywood and wood framing weather protection, certain precast concrete panels and damaged steel siding, gratings, roofing material, portions of concrete beams, exposed steel reinforcing bars, and other materials as shown and as specified. 2. Furnish and install new metal ledgers, girts, steel siding, louvers, gratings, redwood sill, sheet metal coping, flashing and closures, cant and roofing material, miscellaneous metal, safety ladder with cage, handrails, acoustic wall panels, and other material as shewn and as specified. 3. Patch damaged concrete, apply caulking material, clean and prepare certain surfaces, and apply paint or other protective coatings as shown and as specified. It is considered that most, if not all of the Districts costs for this Project are covered by insurance. RECOMMENDATION: That the Secretary of the District be directed to advertise for and ac~ept public bids for the subject Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI!. Cap. Im(>rove. 1 3/5/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 26, 1981 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH WASTE & WATER INTERNATIONAL FOR TYPE OF ACTION NGINEERING SERVICES FOR RENOVATION OF DISTRICT PUMPING STATIONS ISTRICT SEWERING PROJECTS 3431 & 3433, AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION F THE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE $54,300 FOR THE COST OF THE ENGRG SUBMITTED BY Ja McCoy S stern The District staff received proposals from six engineering firms, interviewed three and chose Waste & Water International as project engineer for renovation of the Lower Orinda and Martinez Sewage Pumping Stations. An agreement has been negotiated including a fixed lump sum payment of $48,300 which will not be exceeded unless the scope identified in the agreement changes. One part of the engineer's work is to evaluate an existing variable speed control and determine the best method of improving the control. The design of the best method of improvement is not a part of the scope but will be added later. The cost of this design will be amended to the agreement. It is anticipated that District costs associated with the renovation work will be $6,000. The cost of the renovation work isestirnated to be between $250,000 and $350,000. It is requested that $54,300 be authorized for the engineering work for the pump station renovation. RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement with Waste & Water International for engineering services for renovation of District Pumping Stations, District Sewering Projects 3431 and 3433, authorize the execution of the agreement and authorize $54,300 for the cost of the engineering. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e:..r....4) CLW <c<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. Adm. 4 3 5/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NEW ORDER OF BUSINES FOR DISTRICT BOARD MEETINGS TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT^/l;lIV.. . . Clyde M. Hopkins, Secretary of Dist. Homlnlstratlon ISSUE: The need for additional headings on Board Agenda. BACKGROUND: It has become apparent since the adoption of the new format for Board Agendas, that additional headings are necessary to properly catagorite items of business. Therefore, we are proposing to add three headings between IIAdministrativell and IIBudget and Financell. They are Engineering, Water Pollution Control Plant and Collection System. See attached Resolution. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution Establishing New Order of Business for District Board Meetings. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ce<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. V. Adm. 3 3 5 81 DATE February 18, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF 1980 ANNUAL SELF-MONITORING PROGRAM REPORT ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Manager, Plant Operations Issue: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Self-Monitoring Program annual report for 1980 has been prepared for submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Section. Background: All effluent requirements were met through the year with the exception of 15 non-zero chlorine residual tests out of 8,784 analyses. These non-zero violations were measured at the Water Pollution Control/Reclamation Plant. There are several miles of outfall line downstream of the sample point, and it is felt that full dechlorination is occurring prior to discharge to the receiving waters. There was a total of 14,118.2 million gallons of wastewater treated for an average daily flow of 38.68 million gallons. This flow exceeded the design flow of 35 MGD by 10.6 per cent. The treatment plant operated throughout the year and produced an average BOD of 5 mg/1 and suspended solids of 6 mg/1 for a 97 per cent and 98 per cent removal .respective1y. There was a total of 81,385 tons of solids produced this year for an average of 6,782 tons per month. These solids met the regulatory criteria for off-site disposal and were transported by truck for off-site disposal. Upon acceptance of this report by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District1s Board of Directors, the annual report will be submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. , Recommendation: Acceptance of the 1980 annual self-monitoring program report. I. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. cc<SD Central "';ontra Costa Sanitat ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. v. Adm. 2 3/5/81 POSITION PAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN DATE General Manager-Chief Engineer 3/5/81 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PENDING ANNEXATIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE NEXT FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT: ANNEXATION P.A. 80-49, 81-1, 81-2, 81-3, 81-5 SUBMITTED BY I INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jay McCoy Engineering/Collection System Owner Parcel Address Lead No. Area .Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Agency Shapell Industries Previously considered on 12/2/80 80-49 Danv. P.O. Box 469 deferred to 2/5/81 by Board of County Milpitas, CA 95035 Directors. Proposed Subd 5959 - 202-110-03, -05, 06 total of 92 single family homes. 64.04 Acres EIR approved by County John J. Ramos Previously considered 1/8/81 81-1 Danv. 120 Entrada Mesa deferred to.2/5/8l. Owner County Danv. , CA 94526 intends to build 5 condo units- 216-101-08 . 37Ac Neg.Declar. by County Harold W. Smith Co. Previously considered 2/5/81 81-2 Danv. 2076 Mt. Diablo Blvd (deferred) Prop. Subd. 5607 - County Walnut Creek, Ca 7 Ige lots totl. 70.66 acres & 194-060-04 3 open space areas totl. 43.30 Ac. 113.96 Ac. Neg.Decl. by County Marlin R. Head Previously considered 2/5/81 81-3 W.C. 888 Trails End Property to be split into four County Walnut Creek, CA lot minor subd. Tentative map 138-141-001 (M. S . 128-77) approved by County 7.0 Acres Renown Enterprises, Inc. 81-5 Danv. 150 E. Linda Mesa Ave Proposed Subd. 5985 - Planned County Danville, CA Unit Development consisting of 200-200-01 21 units .. Negative Declaration 2.02 Ac. by C.C.County RECOMMENDATION: Defer action until April 2, 1981 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION jk;1~JMC GEY ". +.J:1IEF ENG. CLW /JJ .--- '- "- V ... (((sD Central Contra Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. Adm. 1 3 5 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 26, 1981 SUBJECT APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT FOR FURNISHING WATER INFORMATION. TYPE OF ACTION ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System Each year it is necessary to obtain water consumption data for non-residential properties to be used in the calculation of environmental quality charges. This District entered into an agreement with CCCWD in 1972 for furnishing such water data. The Water District has instituted a new procedure for release of the data and it is appropriate at this time to update our 1972 agreement incorporating the new procedure. The proposed agreement has been reviewed by staff and is considered acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the agreement with Contra Cost County Water District for furnishing water consumption information and auth~rize President and Secretary of the Board to execute said agreement. Attachment REVIEWED AN RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON ~~CL {c<SD ^'~ -< Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO.IV. Consent Ca1. 5 81 DATE February 26, 1981 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM TWO EASEMENTS - DIABLO AREA - JOB 1712 - PARCEL 32 (SUBD. 4894) TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY JAY McCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEM ISSUE: The District has been requested to quitclaim the sewer easements lying within Lots 22 and 23 of Subdivision 4894. BACKGROUND: When the uap of Subd 4894 was filed, the subject easement was shown erroneously upon the map. Only a portion of this easement actually lies within Lot 23. This portion is not needed for present or future District use, nor is any portion of the area which is shown erroneously. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Quitclaim Deeds and authorize their recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION . CLW ~ ~ <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Consent Calendar POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 26, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $1200 FOR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY TO MAP THE "KIEWIT" PROPERTY TYPE OF ACTION BUDGET & FINANCE SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Engineering Last year, topographic and contour maps were prepared for the treatment plant property. Now that the District has acquired the Kiewit property, it is necessary to expand the maps to include this newly acquired land. The firm that did the original aerial photography (Hammon, Jensen, Wallen & Assoc.) has quoted a price of $1200 for the additional mapping which is considered reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $1200 for aerial photography to map the "Kiewit" property. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION '-, ~~~CLW --- . <c<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIII. Real Property POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 20, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION SALE OF APPROXIMATELY SIX (6) ACRES OF FRONTAGE ROAD PROPERTY TO THE CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS (CALTRANS) LAND SALE K. Barker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Construction SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The California Division of Highways (Caltrans) has increased its offer to $1,560,000 to purchase six (6) acres (apprOXimately) of District property which is utilized for the North Frontage Road. BACKGROUND: In 1974, Caltrans constructed the North Frontage Road over approximately six (6) acres of District property. District, however, was not paid for the property at the time Caltrans took possession of the property. Caltrans' initial settlement offer in May, 1980, was $470,000. Subsequent protracted negotiations between Caltrans and District followed and Caltrans has now made a revised offer to District to resolve the Frontage Road issues. The main points of the Caltrans offer are as follows: (1) Caltrans will pay District $1,560,000 in cash. (2) Caltrans will install an automatic railroad grade crossing, install two new sets of gates, install approximately 400 lineal feet of fencing, and widen two Plant access roads adjacent to the railroad crossing (estimated cost to Caltrans, $75,000 to $100,000) (3) Caltrans will pay for the Frontage Road Underpass at a cost of $712,000. (4) Caltrans will drop its counter claim against District that the cost of the Frontage Road underpass ($712,000) be offset against the land purchase price. (5) District's rights are protected for crossing the Frontage Road for any future Plant expansion improvements. A copy of the proposed State Highway Right of Way Contract which fully describes the Caltrans offer is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the attached Caltrans Contract is recommended. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIAT?ZDIV. February 20, 1981 No. G-JWM-1380 G-3 MEMORANDUM TO: CLARK WEDDLE, DEPUTY CHIEF ENGINEER FROM: K. Barker, Construction Division Manager SUBJECT: PROPOSED CALTRANS CONTRACT For your approval, and further handling, please find attached the three original copies of the proposed Caltrans Contract and two copies of the Grant Deed. Also attached is a proposed Position Paper for Management's concurrence and Board of Director approval. The Caltrans Contract now covers all of the comments previously raised by Counsel and other District departments. Additionally, Article No. 15 of the Contract has been strengthened to better protect District's rights for any future crossings of the Frontage Road. The Caltrans Contract is now in final form; and via this memo, I am sending copies of it to the various District departments for their final review prior to its presentation to the Board of Directors. I had planned to have this Position Paper presented to the Board on March 5, 1981. Time is somewhat of the essence since Caltrans has indicated that they will pay us the $1,560,000 within five working days of their receipt of the signed Contract. cc: J. Carniato ~ R. Dolan C. Hopkins - J. Larson J. McCoy D. Niles