HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-07-81 BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.IV. Consent Items - 4 5/7/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 1, 1 981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX 10 SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 73 SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection/Engineering ISSUE: The above areas are part of a large backlog of properties that have petitioned the District for annexation over the past two years. Now that there is an agreement with the County to share tax revenues, these parcels can be processed for formal annexation. BACKGROUND: The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) has requested that the District submit no more than 10 separate areas under anyone proceeding to avoid over-loading their schedule. LAFC has indicated that they may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas we submit, to el iminate islands or straighten boundary 1 ines. RECOMMENDATION: Pass a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to CCCSD under District Annexation 73. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SM c:~ CW ENG. Parcel No. 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 P.A.# & Area 80-3 Alamo 79-27 Alamo 79-18 Alamo 79-21 Alamo DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 73 Tabulation of Parcels Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage R.E. Kreutzberg 1491 Finley Lane Alamo, CA 192-030-17 .77 acres Mike Wasden 1491 Cedar Alamo, CA 927-041-07 0.47 acres John & Barbara Wright & Jane McDonald 1621 Ramona Way Alamo, CA 94507 1.83 acres Robert Buck-Executor Eastate of E.A. Mosby P.O. Box 1645 Carmel, CA 95921 191- 0 10- 0 11 2.41 acres 79-29 H. W. Smith Const~ Co. Alamo 1524 - 150th Ave. San Leandro, CA 197-070-14 .58 acres 79-17 John H. Hayward, et ux Alamo 865 Bal i Court Danvi lIe, CA 197-190-012 29.29 acres 79-25 Danv. 80-26 Danv. M. R. Poston 567 El Pintado Rd. Danville, CA 94526 200-220-004 and 007 2.02 acres Charles M. Pitts 33 Spring Lane Danville, CA 94526 200-220-012 1.0 acre Date Approved By Board and Remarks Feb. 14, 1980 District to prepare a "Notice of Exemption" Oct. 15, 1979 District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" July 17, 1979 Negative declaration by county July 31, 1979 Negative declaration and tentative map approved by county Nov. 13, 1979 District to prepare a "Not i ce of Exempt i onll Ju I Y 2, 1979 EIR approved by county Sept. 18, 1979 Negative declaration by C.C. County Aug. 28, 1980 District to prepare "Notice of Exemptionll Lead Agency CCCSD CCCSD COUNTY COUNTY CCCSD COUNTY COUNTY CCCSD Parcel No. 7 7 8 9 10 P.A.# & Area 80-1 Danv. 80-15 Danv. 79-22 Danv. 79-20 Danv. 79-23 Danv. DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 73 Tabulation of Parcels Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Jerry Dow 1 7 Ramona Rd. Da n v ill e, CA 196-120-04 2.05 acres C. F. Kaiser 320 Cross Road Danvi11e, CA 94526 196-120-05 2.04 acres Sidney Corrie, Jr. 1324 Spring Meadows Ln. Concord, CA 94521 199-070-014, - 15, - 16 24.05 acres Brown, David Lynn & De 1 a i ne R. 161 Sonora Avenue Danvi1le, CA 94526 208-034-09 0.34 acres John Donovan, et ux 132 La Questa Drive Danvi 11e, CA 216-160-003 0.98 acres Date Approved by Board and Remarks Jan. 31, 19530 District to prepare a "Notice of Exemption" for the property April 25, 1980 District to prepare "Not i ce of Exempt i on'l Sept. 4, 1979 Negative declaration by county July 18, 1979 District to prepare 'INotice of Exemption" Sept. 4, 1979 District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" ,~ tead Agency CCCSD CCCSD COUNTY CCCSD CCCSD Cent BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~V. Consent Ite POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 4, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE "CONSENT TO EXECUTION OF DEED FOR PUBLIC ROADS TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. JOB 3200 - PARCEL 2 RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: Robert L. Abegg, and his wife are deeding property to the County for future public road widening of Stone Valley Road. The subject property 1 ies over a portion of an existing District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The county requires "Consent to Execution of Deed" whenever a parcel of land is deeded to the County for pub1 ic use if said parcel encroaches upon an existing easement. This is our standard "consent to execution of deed" document; the District retains prior rights. nECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute document and authorize its recording by the County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATI;/ flit; JSM ~~ CLW San BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT May II, 1 981 TYPE OF ACTION PROPOSED ANNEXATION 81-11 (ORINDA AREA) ANNEXATION Ja S stems SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Nava have requested this District to annex their property in Orinda, containing 5 acres. BACKGROUND: This parcel is located outside of the Districts sphere of influence. The Local Agency Formation Commission has requested that the District authorize annexation into this District prior to LAFCO action amending our $01. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 81-11 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District subject to the amending of our sphere of inc1uence by LAFCO. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INIT TIN'lE;p:jlV. . 1- JSM ~~ CLW c((SD Central Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 6, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE DISTRICT STAFF TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT WITH DATA PROCESSING CONSULTING FIRM TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORITY TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division BACKGROUND: A committee was established by District management to perform a preliminary assessment of the District's accounting and financial management information require- ments. The results of the committee's assessment is summarized in a report shown as Attachment A. The conclusion reached by the committee based on its initial assessment of accounting and management information requiremen~ is that conversion to a computer based system should be considered after a comprehensive review of the present and future management information needs of the District is completed with the assistance of a data processing consulting firm. Requests For Proposals were sent to ten data processing consulting firms; oral inter- views were held with three firms. A selection between two firms, Heights Information Technology Services, Inc. and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., will be made on May 7, 1981 after final interviews are concluded by the committee. The anticipated scope of the data processing consultant's services are described in the committee's report. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize District staff to enter into contract negotiations with the selected data processing consulting firm. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WN F : dw Attachment A DISTRICT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM A review of the financial management information requirements within the District which are presently not fulfilled, or only to a partial extent, because of limitations of the present accounting and financial reporting system has been conducted. The results of the review and the recommended action re- quired to meet management information needs are described in this report. Present System The District's present accounting and financial reporting system can be characterized as an accounting machine based general ledger card system with manually produced subsidiary ledgers. Because of limitations inherent in the system, the accounting reports and financial statements produced do not provide a satisfactory level of flexibility and detail to fully serve management in- formation and control requirements. The primary deficiency in the present accounting machine system is its minimal information storage and retrieval capability which prevents machine- produced management information reports and analyses. The accounting machine system is not designed to produce analytical or detailed reports, and is in- adequate to meet present construction project reporting requirements or financial management information reports in general. The reporting requirements of the District can be met by conversion to a computer based system to realize the benefits of electronic data processing; however, the basic decision regarding acquisition of a computer system can only be made after a properly conducted systems study. Systems Study Group A Systems Study Group was organized in March 1981 to perform a preliminary assessment of the District1s accounting and financial management information requirements, and to determine whether a computer system should be constde~~d. The group is composed of the Deputy Chief Engineer, Finance Officer, and Depart- ment or Division Managers or their representatives. The results of the assess- ment of accounting system and management information requirements are summarized in the following sections: Accounting System Requirements: Improvements in the District1s accounting system are essential since the accounting system is the core of the financial management information system. The following accounting system applications have been identified as primary requirements and should be included in the initial conversion: General Ledger Accounts Payable Capital Project Accounting Grant Accounting Fixed Asset System Cash Reporting and Management Labor Distribution - 2 - The following applications are considered secondary requirements and should be included in subsequent phases of the conversion: Budget Preparation Cost Accounting Payro 11 Personnel Reports Management Information Requirements: The following management information requirements which are not presently being satisfactorily fulfilled are sum- marized in primary and secondary categories: P rima ry Capital project reporting - the present monthly District capital project report shows cumulative totals for job-to-date District forces labor charges, including overhead, and contractor charges. Toassist in proper project management, it is necessary that monthly charges for force account labor, overhead and contractor payments be detailed by project activity components; provision should be made to conform to government funding agency reporting requirements. Department and Division operations and maintenance expenditure reports - the present monthly District expenditure reports show total charges by account for the month and year-to-date by depart- ment or division. Management information would be improved by preparing departmental or divisional operating reports which detail individual expenditures by functional cost centers and tasks for the month in comparison to budget and present cumulative year-to-date totals by account. The system should provide on-line statistical display of accounts and key operating indices. Purchase Order reporting and vendor history - The basic purchase order reporting system presently used should be incorporated within the management information system with provision made for vendor history and statistical data. Compliance with Proposition 4 requirements - A system should be provided for the reporting of revenue sources and related expend- itures. Secondary Management information system requirements considered secondary are listed below: Part and equipment inventory reporting and control system labor-related statistical reporting for sick leave, overtime, compensatory overtime Work order reporting system Preventive maintenance record system - 3 - Vehicle and equipment operational records and analysis Watershed accounting system for receipts and expenditures Financial projections Overhead rate computation annually Projection of capital project costs during the fiscal year in comparison to actual costs Systems Study Group Conclusion As a result of the initial assessment of accounting and management in- formation requirements of the District, it is concluded that conversion to a computer based system should be considered. A comprehensive review of the present and future management information needs of the District should be undertaken with the assistance of a data processing consulting firm. Data Processing Consultant The System Study Group believes it appropriate to appoint a data processing consultant to serve as a technical resource in the following phases of the conversion effort: Phase I - Determine Requirements. The purpose of Phase I is to assist in determining the present and future information needs within the District, establish priorities and describe system requirements. This review will be comprehensive in scope and include an evaluation of all existing methods of processing information in the District. Phase I I - Prepare Request for Proposal. The data processing consultant will draft the Request For Proposal and distribute it to a number of qualified hardware and software vendors. Phase II I - Vendor Evaluation, Selection and Negotiation. This phase involves the evaluation of vendor proposals, selection of a vendor, and vendor contract negotiations. Phase IV - Implementation Assistance. Assistance in system implementation can be provided by the data processing consultant. The particular assistance required will depend on the system acquired and the vendors' capabilities. At the conclusion of Phase I, a detailed Statement of System Requirements will be prepared which will enable projecting the time required for conversion of priority applications and the estimated cost of the consultant's fee and the hardware and software. BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.IV. Consent Items-5 5 7 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT EXECUTE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR THE 1981 SEAL COATING PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZE $5,000 FOR THE COST OF THE WORK Apri 1 29, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Ja INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: Contra Costa County Public Works Department requires a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with the District to cover the work of seal coating various streets in the District. As part of the agreement, the District is required to deposit $5,000 with the County to cover the estimated cost. BACKGROUND: The District requested that the County include necessary District work with their annual scheduled seal coating program. The request has been approved by the County with the condition that the District enter into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement and deposit $5,000 to cover costs. District Counsel has reviewed and approved the agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Execute agreement and authorize $5,000 to be deposited with the Contra Costa County, Public Works Department. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMc ~~ CU.I