HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-10-80 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI!. NB - 5 1/10/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Janua ry 3, 1980 SUBJECT BACKUP CAKE PUMP I NSTALLAT ION AT TREATMENT PLANT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE GM/CE TO CONTRACT FOR ENGR.SERVS. SUBMITTED BY John Larson INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering/Special Projects BACKGROUND: Dewatered sludge cake from the treatment processes is conveyed to trucks via a cake pump and pipeline. Because there is only one cake pump serving two centrifuges and no backup, failure of one centrifuge or the cake pump is an emergency situation. CCCSD purchased an additional cake pump; however, a formal design is required for installation by competitive bid. Proposals were sol icited from three consulting engineering firms: Dodson & Young John Corollo Engineers Rickard Associates Each of the firms is capable of accomplishing the work. Rickard and Associates was selected on the basis of their proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the GM/CE to enter into a contract with Rickard Associates (HRT Engineering) for preparation of contract documents covering the installation of a backup cake pump at a cost ceiling of $5,500 from sewer construction fund. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~L <!.~ ~ CLW San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII.NB - 3 1/10/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Janua ry 3, 1980 SUBJECT SAFETY CONSULTANT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE GM/CE TO CONTRACT FOR SAFETY CONSULTANT SUBMITTEel~Yrk L. Wedd 1 e INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Background: A comprehensive safety program covering all aspects of the District's operations and maintenance functions is of paramount importance. Accordingly, it is believed that a competent safety consultant should be hired to audit the District's safety programs, recommend corrections, if needed, for st.rengthening the District's safety programs, and provide periodic review of all aspects of safety throughout the District. Proposals and interviews were solicited from the following three safety consultant firms: - Barnes & Associates - Industrial Safety and Health Consultants - Richard Buys Safety Consultant Each of the firms is capable of accomplishing the work. Barnes and Associates was selected on the basis of their proposal, interview, cost, and prior experience (see attached resume and history). Recommendation: Authorize $2,000 from the sewer construction fund for Safety Consultant Services and authorize GM/CE to engage Barnes and Associates for these services. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~:t. ~.~ GBK CM~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. VII. NB - 2 1/10/80 DATE January 2, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION QUITCLAIM EASEMENT - MARTINEZ AREA JOB 1380, PARCELS 18 & 19 RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jay S. McCoy Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: Th is Di s t r i c t has been reques ted to qu i tc 1 aim the above- re fe renced easements by the Shell Oil Company, owner of the affected fee property located south of Marina Vista at Laguna Street in Martinez. BACKGROUND: The above easements were part of a public system which served a small residential area. Shell Oil Company has purchased the entire area and removed all of the buildings. The city has abandoned the public roads in the area so that Shell Oil can construct a large parking lot. The sewers in the subject easements are no longer in use and are not required for any future use. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording with a stipulation that Shell Oil Company physically abandon the sewers in accordance with District Standards before the quitclaim is recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e~ CLW BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V I I. NB - 4 1/10/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 1-2-80 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $5,000 FOR PLANNING AND PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FOR WATERSHED 44. TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS FOR WATERSHED SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System BACKGROUND: In the Bates Avenue, Port Chicago Highway area of Watershed 44, there are several industrial park developments pending. The ultimate development of this area will necessitate revamping and increasing pumping capacity of the three pumping stations that serve the area. This authorization is necessary to correct an existing $1,112.00 overdraw of this account and to fund future planning and engineering studies as required by development. Monies used from this account will be recovered from watershed fees as collected. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $5,000 for watershed 44 planning and engineering studies. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INIT TIN~~'/7v, ~/ //,thr~ JMc ~~ CLW