HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-17-80 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-4 1/17/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 9, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $2,000 FOR DISTRICT PARTICIPATION IN THE UPGRADING OF THE ROADWAY CROSSING AT THE AT&SF RAILROAD NORTHWEST OF THE TREATMENT PLANT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: AT&SF RAILROAD has requested that the crossing be paved to prevent further damage to crossing facilities. BACKGROUND: Th is Di stri ct, IT Corporati on and CCCWD have an agreement for monetary participation in the maintenance of the road which runs along the District's west property line to the IT ponds. CCCWD is included in the agreement because the road serves their water softening facility. Costs of road improvement and maintenance are shared 60% IT, 20% CCCSD and 20% CCCWD per the agreement. AT&SF Railroad has been experiencing problems at the roadway crossing in conjunction with the crossing protection equipment and electrical coriduits and wires. AT&SF has requested that the approaches to the crossing be paved to eliminate the problems. A sketch of the location and work to be done is attached. The cost estimate for the total project is $10,000. Central San has a responsibility for payment of $2,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize 20% of actual cost of corrective work, estimated not to exceed $2,000 for District participation in the upgrading of the roadway crossing at the AT&SF Railroad northwest of the treatment plant. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI TI7/)JzZ' ~SM e.z: ~ CLW -"- c::. ~~ '\. '" ~ \S- "\. "\.~'" '\. pJ.?OJECr ~, SITE ~ ..... <:> ~ , 4 . J/WV 10 (!/CIIM/JNO .......... FIN/?J/EI7 L?t1AOWAV HEY tJPE-Rd7EP GAIEG- /MP,(!PY~p ,(?.f?. ~I?U~"!J'NG- .g(!A~I!i: /"=50' ro ~?/J(IP6 - ~ ROLlO IMPRtJI/E,MEA/r.e5 . LlT- df ~ 8./:" I?d/L t?tJL10 1- It) -80 .,., .......-"'-'-"'---,,:..----~.~--,~.......~~... ---~-~~-"~~....."=;:;:.=~.;:.'_..;...;..c.~~__"___.___~,_.,_._~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI!. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE NB-2 1/17/80 Jan 10, 1980 SUBJECTANNEXATION OF THREE PARCELS OF LAND (240 ACRES~) LOCATED NORTH OF ALHAMBRA VALLEY ROAD NEAR VACA CREEK ROAD. TYPE OF ACTION ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: Stonehurst Valley Partnership, owners of the subject property have requested annexation to this District. The project has been designated "Proposed Subdivision 5693 - Stonehurse'. BACKGROUND: The project is planned for 115 lots (0.6 Acres/Ave.), with a total area of 161 acres reserved for open space. The project will require the extension of the existing sewer main from Gilbert Lane in Martinez (approximate distance 10,000 feet). The owners engineer, Mr. John A. Wollman, has indicated that the sewer main would be extended at the sole cost to the developer, and no rebates would be charged to the future downstream connectors. The downstream system through Martinez is currently overloaded in the winter. A major sewer project will be required in the future to alleviate this problem. The capacity of the District's treatment plant is an ongoing problem. The largest of the three parcels (223 Ac~) is located outside but adjoins our sphere of influence boundary. L.A.F.C. must consent to a change in our Sphere of Influence to include the whole project. This project is not contiguous to the present Di stri ct boundary and woul d requi re a "cherry stem'l type annexa- tion along Alhambra Valley Road or, with L.A.F.C. permission, it could be a noncontiguous annexation. The City of Martinez has indicated their concurrence that the annexation of this parcel by the District is a matter for the District to decide. The developers of this parcel are required to prepare an E.I.R. RECOMMENDATION: Defer action on the requested annexation until the environ- mental documents are prepared, reviewed and finalized and LAFCO's action on the change of the sphere of influence is completed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CLW ~ -----,.-.~.....-_._-_....---.-..-_..______._w_____,._~_._____"___,._,_____.,_...__"..._,__,,__._,,_.,.____...__~__,___.._.._.__.______n_. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII-NB-3 1/17/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 7, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION OF $850 FOR THE PURCHASE OF A CHENlCAL INJECI'ION PUMP FOR THE CLYDE PUMP STATION TYPE OF ACTION Capital Expenditure SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations DepartIrent Issue: '!he Clyde Pump Station requires the installation of a chemica 1 feed pump. Background: The control of hydrogen sulfide generation at the Clyde pumping station has been through the addition of Chlorine Dioxide to the wastewater flow. This Chlorine Dioxide feed has been through a gravity feed system which has presented problems in maintaining a controlled, regulated feed rate. 'lb provide a rrore effective control of the Chlorine Dioxide feed, the addition of a chemical injection pump is required. Recorrrcendation: Authorization of $850 for the purchase of a chemical injection pump for sulfide control at the Clyde Pump Station. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. OON >"--~---~"----_..._-",..- ."___._..~,,~,__...,__.__..m_______..,__"_______,,_________'___'___....__..~~_...____._.~_"..~___....._..'._M.______.~ ,'_ n' . ~__.."_.,__._._,, BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIr. NB-5 1 /17/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 4, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $3,500 FOR THE PURCHASE OF THREE SCBA UNITS - MSA MODEL 401 WITH CYLINDERS Capital Expen.di ture SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Plant Operations Department Issue: SCBA air mask units canplete with full cylinders must be maintained at all times to be instantly ready in the event of an emergency at the Treatment Plant. Background: CUrrently the Treatment Plant has enough SeBA units to be used jointly as working units and emergency units. This equipnent is used during the handling of chlorine equipnent, noxious gases, or entry into confined areas where proper oxygen does not exist. The same units have been used in the past for emergency situations. During the recent chlorine incident, it was brought to the attention of District personnel that this joint use of the same equipnent can result in a severe safety hazard. A study of the emergency situations that may possibly occur at the plant reveals that three SCBA units are required as emergency standby to be ready at all times. The cost of this equipnent will be approxima.tely $3,500. Recarmendation: Authorization of $3,500 for the purchase of three SCBA units - MSA MJdel 401 with cylinders. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IV. IX;N BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. NB-6 1/17/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 4, 1980 SUBJECTAUTHORIZATION OF $7,000 FOR THE INS'I'AIJATION OF CL-6 SECURITY FEt\CE AT THREE LOCATIOOS ON THE TREA'll1ENT PLANT SITE TYPE OF ACTION CAPITAL EXPENDITURE SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Plant Operations Depart:Iren Issue: A need has developed at the Wastewater Pollution Control/Reclamation Plant for additional secure storage sites. Background: Currently the only major storage site that is secure is the warehouse. This building was acquired from the contractor. Approximately one-half of the building area is totally enclosed. The remaining half of the building is an open shed enclosed on three sides with a roof. This nnsecure area is being utilized for storage space. Recent events regarding pilferage have indicated the need for additional secured areas. By fencing in approximately two-thirds of the semi-exposed area at the warehouse, part of the present needs will be fulfilled. An additional area located inside turmel '1'-4, adjacent to the Solids Conditioning Building, is presently not utilized as this turmel extension has been constructed for future plant growth. By placing a drive gate at the appropriate area, a secure dry storage area would be cheaply obtained. The other area that needs to be secured lies i.nnediately to the north of the diesel storage tanks. This area is being utilized as an outside storage area for equipment to be salvaged or disposed. The cost of securing these areas is approximately $7,600. Reccmrendation: Authorization of $7,000 for the placing of chain link fencing and drive gates in turmel '1'-4, the warehouse area, and the outside storage located north of the diesel storage tanks. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION OON INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. ~ I l....--.-...---"'-.-......--...------ '~ I ~ . l I I I I I I I I I' ,;' ,frOO . J: ~ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITA_d DISTRICT SCALE: NONE APPROVE&: -rt:.--.. DRAWN BY .lJ A 0 JANUARY 1980 DATE: /1~( SECURITY GATE POSITION PAPER ORilW!NG NUMBER N I I 1 tv 11M 1 BA S IN A - Sovf1..+ / / ( ,6vc.c.{;):;,c /35" x 1'20 .;5TORA6c AREA W f iH ~l CHA, kJ l..llVK, F='ef'JGi/.Jb AND TWO 'ZO' ~ATe:~ (5/0 u= FENC.l tv(.) c) \) \() {\J 4J ~ N \lJ /-3-80 -PAo ~. _...,_,.~_,._...,.._'.._..~,._,,-..______._.............'_........._____._,~...._..-J.._....;....~~_____...____..._____........_......_....~____.._._. _._-~~ ~. ~' i t t .\ -f" ~ I I I ~ -N- ~ ------ SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING CL-6 DRIVE GATE & FENCE ~ TUNNEL T - 4 TUNNEL T - 4 -- DRIVE GATE FOR STORAGE AREA WAREHOUSE - CL-6 FENCE & DRIVE GATE FOR OUTSIDE STORAGE DRIVE GATE PLACE.WHEELS ON GATES-t OFFICE WAREHOUSE OUTSIDE STORAGE AREA STORAGE CL-6 FENCE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SCALE: NONE DATE: JANUARY 198 SECURITY GATE POSITION PAPER ~N- DRAWN BY JKP DRAWING NUMBER - BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-7 1 1/11/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 14, 1980 SUBJECT CONTRACT SERVICES FOR COMPUl'ER TRAINING AND 'lIDUBLESHCXJrING TYPE OF ACTION Personnel Staffing SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations DepartIrent Issue: The Plant Operations Depart::rrent wishes to contract for 192 hours of ti.n:e from Paul Papke for computer training and troubleshooting services. Background: The Process Corrputer Engineer, Paul Papke, has left the District for enploynent elsewhere. The Plant Operations Depart::rrent is attenpting to fill the vacant position; however, the new Process Conputer Engineer will need training and will need access to Paul Papke as a resource person. Recornrendation: Contract for 192 hours of consulting and training tine from Paul Papke at $39 per hour. The 192 hours of contract service are to be corrpleted by the end of the fiscal year. The contract price is not to exceed $7,500. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION OON (c<SD Central Con .i Costa Sanitary Distric'lo. ! ' PURCHASE ORDER NO. 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD - WALNUT CREEK, CALIF. 94596 TELEPHONE (415) 934-6727 N~ 3500 PURCHASE ORDER SHOW THIS NUMBER ON INVOICES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. SHIPPING CARTONS ORDER DATE ICONTRACT ORDER NO 1/15/80 . SUBMIT QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS ORDER TO: DELIVERY REQUIRED F.O.B. As requested C.C.C.S.D. Martinez, CA SHIP VIA TERMS Net 15 days HEREIN CALLED CONTRACTOR/VENDOR HEREIN CALLED DISTRICT _ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRIC'T o 1280 SPRIN"8ROOK ROAD. WALNUT CREEK. CA 94896 o TREATMENT PLANT, END 0,. IMHOFfi' ROAD. PACHECO, CA 9.558 o TO: r: Paul Papke Jr. L MAIL INVOICES TO: I. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT. P.O. BOX 5266. WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596. 2. IF DELIVERY IS NOT OR CANNOT BE MADE PROMPTLY BY CONTRACTOR MUST SO NOTIFY OISTRICT IMMEDIATELY. ANO DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS ORDER IN WHOLE OR IN PART. S. 00 NOT FILL THIS ORDER IF UNABLE TO FILL EXACTLY AS WRITTEN INCLUDING PRICE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM PURCHASING AGENT. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES MUST BE PREPAID ON ALL PURCHASES WHERE F.O.B. POINT IS OTHER THAN SHIPPING ADDRESS. THESE CHARGES MAY BE ADDEO TO VENDOR'S INVOICE AND SHOWN AS A SEPARATE ITEM. 4. SHOW CASH DISCOUNT TERMS ON INVOICE. ALL INVOICES FOR MATERIAL ON WHICH NO DISCOUNT IS ALLOWED WILL BE PAlO 30 DAYS FROM DATE INVOICE IS RECEIVED. ITEM NO. QUANTITY MATERIAL,oR SERVICE UNIT PRICE UNIT AMOUNT SERVICE: . COMPUTER SOFTWARE' SERVICES This purchase agreement is entered .into as of January 1), l':HSU, Detween t'au1 t'apKe Jr. I.l,;ontractor and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District , and shall continue in effect until June 30, 1980 , or until terminated. WORK TO BE PERFORMED: Contractor shall perform all operations necessary and required to satisfactorily perform its services in the areas of training, consulting, design work, programming and other related services as specified by the District (Robert Baker or his designee). Contractor agrees to perform the serv1ces, dur1ng normal working hours, at least thirty-two (32) hours 1n one (1) calendar month, i.e. one 0) eight (8) hour day per week. By prior mutual agreement, add1t1onal t1me (serv1ces) may be prov1ded at tne hourly rate as fixed under IICOMPENSATION.II Page , of 3 pages SUB TOTAL. --- ~. SAL.ES TAX --- - &WHO):..':.ilI ALL PROVISIONS ON THE FACE HEREOF, AS WELL AS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Not to excee ON THE BACK HEREOF, ARE PART OF THIS ORDER. TOTAL. AMOUNT $7,500.00 d ACCOUNT NUMBER o s.c. o R.E. PURCHASING AGENT OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE APPROVED BY ITEM NO. QUANTITY PURCHASE ORDER ~v'l REQUISITION NO. 3500 B PAGE 2 OF 3 PAGES DESCRIPTION CODe OR EQUIP. NO. EXTENSION UNIT PRICE $ s The District hereby agrees that it will make available to Contractor at least thirty-two' (32) hours per calendar month, for Contractor to perform its services. COMPENSATION: As full consideration for satisfactory performance by Contractor of the services, the District shall pay Contractor at the hourly rate of $39.00. Furthermore, the total compensation for Contractor's services per this agreement shall not exceed $7,500.00 ;'~: 'Contractormay submit an invoice, for the services it .has performed~ once each calendar month. The invoice shall have a payment term of net f5 days. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Contractor is an independent contractor, and' all persons employed by Contractor in connection herewith shall be its employees and not employees of the District in any respect. 2. Contractor shall indemnify and defend the District against all suits, actions, loss, damage, expense, and liability for injury or harm to persons or . property resulting from, arising out of, or in any way connected with the performance of this agree-. ment, including the use by Contractor of any District furnished equipment. Contractor's aforesaid indemnity obligations shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law, but in no event shall they apply to liability caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the party indemni fi.ed. 3. The District may give thirty (30) days prior written notic:e to Contractor to terminate the agreement and in such event the District shall pay and Contractor shall accept, in settlement of all claims under the agreement, such a sum as shall fully compensate Contractor for the services performed prior to the termination date. 4. Contractor shall pay all taxes, including but not limited to income,. sales, use, payroll, value added or turnover taxes, and levies, duties, imposts, and assessments. of every nature due in connection with any work under the agreement and shall make any and all payroll deductions required by law, ~~_._---- ITEM NO. QUANTITY PURCHASE OROER h __I REQUISITION NO. 3500 8 PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES DESCRIPTION CODE OR EQUIP. NO. EXTENSION UNIT PRICE $ $ - and hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the District from any liability on account of any and all such taxes, levies, duties, imposts, assess- ments and deductions. 5. Any subletting or assignment of this agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the District shall 'be voidable. 6. This agreement embodies the entire agreement betwee the District and Contractor. The parties shall not be bound-by or be liable for any statement, repre- sentation,- promise, inducement or understanding of any kind of nature not set forth herein. No changes, amendments or modifications of any of the' terms or conditions of the agreement shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by both parties. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. !- f7S[(/ 1 1 5 80 VIr. NB-8 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE JanuaJ::y 7, 1980 SUBJECT AUl'HORIZATION '10 ADVERI'ISE AND ROOUEST BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF 'IWJ WASTEWATER SAMPLERS AT THE TREAT- MENT PLANT AT AN ESTllifATED OOST OF $17, 700 TYPE OF ACT ION Capital Expenditure SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Depart:Irent IsslE: Additional sarrplers for the raw wastewater and prirrary effluent are required. Background: The Board authorized the purchase of wastewater samplers for the Treatrrent Plant's influent and prinary effluent. These sarrplers have been purchased, and Special Projects of the Engineering Division has completed designs for their installation. Present Treatrrent Plant workload would delay the installation of this equi~t, and it is recormended that an outside contractor be utilized. The estimated cost of this project is $17,700. ReCC>ImEI1dation: Board authorization for the advertisement and request for bids for the installation of two wastewater sarrplers. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~~ cw