HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 02-07-80 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nvir. NB-Ll 2/7/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 29, 1980 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 TO CONTINUE TO USE MR. LARRY WALKER AS A CONSULTANT TO DISTRICT AUTHORIZATION FOR EXPENDITURE SUBMITTED BY K. Barker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction ISSUE: It would be advantageous to continue the use of Mr. Larry Walker as a consultant to District at the rate of $70/hour. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors previously authorized the use of Mr. Larry Walker as a consultant to District with a cost not to exceed $2,000. This limit has now been reached, and further supplementary funding is required. Mr. Walker is highly knowledgeable of the Environmental Protection Agency and State Water Resources Control Board funded programs for Clean Water Grants. District is presently engaged in trying to obtain EPA/SWRCB funding for various District projects (i.e., Project 5A-I, Project 5B-I, Project 5B-II), and it is considered that Mr. Walker could be of assistance to District Management by providing advice and counsel on EPA/SWRCB procedures and policies. A copy of Mr. Walker's proposal which outlines the proposed scope of consulting work is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a supplementary expenditure not to exceed $10,000 to continue to use Mr. Larry Walker as a consultant to District from the sewer construction fund. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 'ZU ~~~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB 9 2/7/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 31, 1980 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION OF $985 TO TRAIN FRANK VILLEGAS ON NAUKESHA ENGINE MAINTENANCE Training SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department Issue: The Maintenance Division has need for training on t.he maintenance of the large Waukesha engines located at the Water Pollution Control/Reclamation Plant and pump stations. Background: The Plant Operations Depa.rbnent has eight large \~aukesha engines. Five of these engines provide for standby pumping and power generation, and three are full time operational units, which drive the Treatment Plant's main 75 MGD pumps. with the expansion of the Water Pollution Centrol/Reclamation Plant and the IIDvement of plant personnel within the Department, there has developed a need for specialized training in the maintenance and repair of these specialized vlaukesha engines. This training is not available locally. The Waukesha factory conducts training on this equipnent at no cost to the District. The next available school is April 28 through ~1ay 2, 1980. Frank Villegas, I'1aintenance Technician III, is one of the District's senior men and has the lead resp:msibility of maintaining the engines at the Trea1:nent Plant. I-1r. Villegas has not had this training offered by the factory, and it would benefit the District to have a well-trained mechanic res!X)nsible for these units. Reccmnendation: Authorization of $985 for travel and expenses for the attendance of one person to the Haukesha Engine Maintenance School at Waukesha, vJisconsin , April 28, 1980 through U3.y 2, 1980. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION \VAUKESHA ENGINE MAINTENANCE TRAINING April 28 through :May 2, 1980 - 6 Days Air fare and Ground Transportation $625 Roam, $40/day 240 ~~a1s and Expenses, $20/day 120 TOTAL $985 _......~ "'_'~'.: ___ .~~ ......-..., , _'.' ""i "__"d'~ . ~ "~"~.""'_W_.,' ....-. ' '.,.__ _.. I'.'" I / ',~,"'t'r.1~;',~,'t:_. ,i '" (\'''~;\!.};'!,~f~;';:f:'-~~.''\''';~:-~t~''',,\I:' . \ 't -/.,t'll~1\"" .. \"J4~t\.~ I O..t ~. \~,\'~J,\1-"l , il,. ' ".':., '.~'(/::~;~:~~~\'i'.' " ,:'~. ~.~;:{;j~{,< (, :". ~\:i;\\~{.;: .\. t f\ ,1'. 1~J,..,' . \ t.." It)l.. ~. '. ~.l~':'t\\. .', .:1 . '..f r'O~;,~ \; t" " \ ,: ~ 1 r Xt" r ,1 I,... . jV.;.... ~I" , . . ., ''o' >'>'; ,1.."'= I'." . ,.: - . t',.\ \ .;~ . ~ (. ~, ." \'} fr~. ~ 1.-... I.. . \,' 't\I''::~f'~:~.''l ,1~(.fi,:.ri\\l:' , \~"t.-"(:1~\lI1'.. \' l .. "lil.tli )', . ~ .', \'l'~;'" ~ 1 . .tl ~~) 1-- , 'j :'. .... ';~\'\!J' '1' . .:,!.\\\',>~_~',.l. \ .\',:"..."ii The purpose _of this course is to provide the: I , ,r. , ' , distributci~ :mechanic and serviceman with. practical experience. in the operation and. .: maintenance of,generato"'~et~i., . . ~:\~::::" ."'.:;:/=\.JS;\J,~;", \ ''':'i\L~~i~'I~t:..:..:, ,':' ',,'.:("\:\'. ; .:'.In;' additio,;'r, to:' .tearni.ng',)th'e '~.operating'\" " 'I' y' 'principles'. of generat'or"sets..the,' : '.' parti.cipants ":'Nill'lear~\~.'O ,w.;':.:t..,o oper.at.e~,.".,.. .'. :, serylce and: trouble,shoot ge.!lerator sets.;.::. : "~ ' ' . ., .(.;.. . : . .\,;' :)'l\~:~::~~;:' .;. "i'i;i,::\,:'~;?~:~~?I:'.1 ~ ;~}~;:f.)\'S~~: .;: ,~ .: COURSE:CONTENT "'~";ir\.":' ':',,;,';;;',\, ,. .',- . ',:.:...Y..d.:....!.;f~';\.i..Y.: ....':'.. .\~\'ni&..\~!\.ri ..' '.' '!;"\)~' /:,\:,':, t~ i \ ~,~~.".,.~r'"'f;~...tl ,.-~.~ .., ,..',.~{I.1"f...~.-\,.,~ <. ..-:......,,-...f,''; ,",' Principles!,'Of.',Power- Generation, A"::"C 'G.&nerat'or's~" Voltage;-Regul ati"on'~" '.. : Installation', Requirements. Startup Procedure," Inspection &Test~ Governor Operation ~:~~ ~aintenance. . ',.'. >;'; " " VS AND VR MAINTENANCE. TROUBLESHOOTING AND REPAIR .. I. ',. ) .-\ ',-', .: I I. ! I I I J .. .:JUNE 9-13,1980 ~ \ -'.{ '. : ~; . . Designed for deaters and distributors _to enable them to property operate, maintain, tr0ubleshoot.and repairWaukeshaVS & VR Series engines. Courses are. conducted individual/yon these two engine series. Emphasis wi I_I be placed On techniques required to.' maintain prop~ engine operat:on.' ., . . . " .::,.\\:{,~'''' -. Syst;:lm Mai~tena;,c-e, Troubieshooting and Ftepalr' . , . , . '\' '1'1 .\ . ~ ~ . i i a ~ ~ ~ .. ~ i Cooling, " Exhaust, lubrication,. Air Induction, Fuel, Governo~s.'. Ignition . t . .' ~ ,: ;. ....; . . , , engine CO'mponent M'aintenance,' Troubleshooting and Repair ., . . . ~ I .~. Cral1kca~e & Cy'lin-Cier Block, CrtJnkshaft,. Bearings, Cylinder Liners, Camshaft & Lifters, Pistons and Rings. Cylinder Heads, V,alve Mechanism . ....~ I ~:\~ ;~~'~,:\~.,; I " . ~. r , ~ , '~" ~.'...:~,.'.~i":..'.',:,'...;..,....,...",',:',',,....\:,."".:~I,~'.;.~,i\:~:.:l~,t".',.".~.".~.,,:,..:'.:.:_'...,'....,..'....... :,"'~:Y.:t2.J~?" '... ' . . j.,,'. ,.,.::.. .' ,'J\:(~JT~;\)'f.:,~~~1 I": " ',,'" , '-\'" , 'tl '.\ " "'H', '.' , r 'MARCH.-.iDNE")>;lltV' i' .' ',,, ", ,," C ~~ ,1:,'.',' _....'..,..:,;~'..'.. . "",\1-9.80", ;. " :'" ..'\'::.'~>." ;(.. - A ._"'_';-"'~.-' '., ;t.' ; J ,'...f \\~ .) m . ~\._'~~s.'."}""~' . f\.:...,'.I:t~ _ ..... \,\\.({;~.:. ~:... S1; .'. -:.~ .~.'... \ , I i ~,\ ~..t:. .> /..;:~< ~ ~': '.Of Ie '/ \;/' J. t ~ I :' ,::,\.",~:; . ' ',,',., :'.':,: .. .::<'.~']1::'.:):J{;_..\/ (fl ~\ "'-""~""'. 'I' \,.:::I:.\ .:: /!!;!.:'; ,;::.;.{(\'i}~~~~!;j.~!~~~;" .. . 1..- if" ._...I....\'.,....J..l'.' "}" o. -. ,)~;'. ,'1'\ ./:'~; .jl.~:\.:;->':,: ': '. ....' .-, ~. ,1:""jl>JL" .....~ t, ~~ , . ..,' ,': ',~ \ ~"~:,.,,~:1f<,~:f.~"f~'~'~_':'~""'" " ., ,~I -' ~, ' m. . . " " r , ~~ I . " :',~ ~~>, , :~ lIt ., . '.. "".1\, '. en ~ I, "" ~~:~)'l". "".J; ~ . '~.>.-t ,':,_~ ..~.~ ,". I. ~ . ,~f~~l'~" .. ~ '-. ';> " I . ~ I ;~ L (: ~ I.J ", r .. SCHEDULE '-".'L'"'. , , , March 3.7. 1980 VHP Maintenance, Troubleshooting & Repair "en m .:0 .,-< - ,.0. ., m', ~ Ii \, March 1,0-14, 1980 Generator Set Operation. Maintenance & Trouble- shooting .... ~ I April 28 - May 2. 1980 VHP Maintenance, Troubleshooting & Repair MayS-g. 1980 Generator Set Operation. .~ MaintenanC8.& Trouble.. " . shooting ,-, , ,.y" \ I ! i June 9-13, .; 980 VS'VR MaintenanceTrouble- . - " shooting &:Repair (for Dealers . & Distributorsl . ....... " ,-'. -:.-, , ' t" ~i.'_'.. " ....< l' -'. I ~'.\ . . - ~. ..:- ~~~. '-fJi.' ~ .... / :E. 0: o u. .' , z 0 .- <t ~ . a: l- U) , , e" UJ a: r-- Q)CO . C .:::J ... o C.M CI) _ Q) Lt) '-'0 > ,~ ,c. < .S O-:'.:::J"~" Q)CIlt1;lO c. ,~ a.. u '0,':: ,.~ CIIJ-:> W::s(J);> "0... . t1;l C CI)'CO ... .c - Q).,C ClCl)...:>CI) -Q)Q)>Q) ~Qi .:.l: IIJ 0 .:.l: c:::SCl)O::s CO Q) CO cC~O~~ o .... co. 2 " ;: o Qi .0 "0 Q) ~ o 'C '" .cl:I '" .C o '.. co ~ 'Q) '" Q) ... .Q) :>t. . , co 'E ,. Q) 'Ut co ~ CL..! . ;I . _,,'.1 .r:' " '. i. '., ",; I ."if" :,...'....-7" Pol :I:: :> . :0'0 "0 o 0 0- .c .c.. .c u u tJ (/) (/) (/) Q) +:0 j::' U) flj Q) r-i r-I 'n :> .!( !:: flj H ~ " I , - \' . . i > .0 1 .... I 0 "0 , ... Q) I ::s ... .0 ,~ I Q) Q)' ';: E E'E ... .0 I CO CO .~ ::s Z Z. 0 (/) .'J.' , I 1\ - .';4 - .. ,. Q) E CO 2 r:;t:{JT~\\;,;I!j~',~r;;~::,i~tOY((f,;!j~'!ttl~j'f:;\J01,;~ j .', ",,""l ,'. ~. ' 'l ..~,I .' ' ". ,1,;0.' ~ " " "~'~~':::":~:'~":(::l;;;/;'n; , VHP MAINTENANCE. TROUBLE- .' ,,' " ' . ii',,'; . , ,).. \ . _ I - ~, . SHOOTING AND REPAIR ',': .:~;:, ",.. ,j ',r. "i..~.I::~:I'~'~;'~ \:....:'::.:\,\;':.~\I)J:L:\.:.. '~:;'f(.;.!i. ,!~ "l '" I, ~~ "' "'<-'..\:I'/t;;'rt.'~"o':;~rl:_."'r!'~;.; ,APRIL 28 - MAY 2. 1980 '. ::~../>,..t,,:,'i' lt5 . . ., " .: " ~'" .. ,.', :' ',':'," . ,.,:(y~y: \;~\(';. :'-.\:(A ~~ ,\This course .will provide mechanics, and," , ' '.' ':~'.' '::serVi~emen ~ith a 'work'i1igknowledgE:?of' .i,< '/ W/~ S,the . fnstallation. startup.. operatio',:".':'.. >::., ',~j:.t'., '.:, maintenance. troubleshooting and repair of:, . ' ' '. " "'the VHP Iin~ 'of engines: ..' ~ ., :/(" \1;:",,' ~': ,. ~ .':";;""" \/:t;.....'... .".":;,'\,:.:~..' ,:;\\,;.~\.:)~~\,>;:.,~. . ,; Emphasis' 'will . be placed on. serVicing" '. . .: techniques needed to, maintain prop~r .' engine operation. These techniques ar.e ,explained and demonstrated and then '. hands-on assignments are used to assure that they have been learned. Repairs will be ,performed on specific components. ..if:~~~ I ; . .....~... \ . " I.. I . ;, .I~ . 1'! (. ., . . .; ,'.~~~ 'COURSE CONTENT t i: '". I.~: 'j \ ;' ' t. fl, ':'~ '. Ii, h. t ';"\ ',~ ') r):.:, ; ..,. ; . ". ~ Installation. Mounting and Alignment. .. System Maintenance. Troubleshooting and '<~epair. . . " ;i:.:t , )I"ri ..-' ":'t\'lii '.i i "',\ '1\.1 .....'....'. I:"'. I ,'. .~ i\.." . ,.~ \~. . ,,-:,;';':\' " d; > .' '.. :,.' Cooling; Exhaust. lubrication. Air' '. -Induction.. Fuel; Governors. Ignition' . ,. "J (Engine Compon-ent Maintenance'; :Troubleshooting and Repair '. Crankcase & Cylinder -Block~ Crankshaft. - Bearings. Cylinder Liners. ,'. _Camshaft & Lifters. Pistons & Rings, . Cylinder Heads. Valve Mechanism .'. "i :; ," , ! ';l: \, GENERATOR SET OPERATION. . MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE- . "SHOOTING. " ,."\ \ ., I ,',:' \' , . ('f' ,j .. . .:', : ,);.:)i:,t ..,'1 ,I,:; "...... :- ... I, ' : MARCH 10-14:1980 . - MAY 5-9, 1980 " . ":~:' ~- ~'.: .. ~ '.\ . ,'c. . ..:..........;.::...,...-,..~.i{_1 -.0#;--....,. \ ! f 'j'.'0:~< \ ." ~I." ., . .)-' '1ir'.~" ; t,; t'tl ';~b~::'-\" . :....r...i(~p...?.;.~~?.., ",' r'~~""':. \J.:.t;JI~{f.' "':)'T~;;~~~":h'i""l'lf"'(,"'n"'$''':;n'',; ;.;t:....11ii,.,;>irt~.,,~.."""~..i. "';l\~~>'''', ':.: ~:~:i;~f:~:':": ';i;}~Y.t:~i~h:;iXV:t~Wj}' .'",:.:;'.~.',),W.}.~.',~.I.:t.,;.ti.,~.t,:,;,~.;~..t.~,j.:.t;,~::~(,>;,'{'{:.:..,t.:.;.;..~){i~~..1~,t.\f,~f,),~,~,j.j';';ll.;.t~.' a, ",.:~,~:,~~ ~~ ;'. ' :', ;''''/.!:''::;~r;:',': ,...,' ;1':.:J.l.:~.;'.~:,'ji'~~,::::.:{.,t:.i~,/..'1.~<(;\'.";>./.'}i:!:.:.,,~.;.;:.~:~.~,.M . ." . . . 7< 1,....\,:\.lIjt~..:, . W.HA. TT.O. B.. RI.NG "'i.~". ,:.:.:. ~. ";".:;"i,.,,: ,:....,H'.{.~:,.,1f .'. ~ '.;,receipt,of ;th~.;registration forr:n.,~ithi~, thr~e,' ~H;~\rf::::-..:. '.' ..' ':', ;!h, ~ }.:j.. . :'?iY:-:;'k:,;{/;'::>:~'>>i.:~~{~l;~rr. ',.:.;:j/,~~~~ng. daxs...;~!t~;' . confirmation ,.o~ '. mot~1 '::; ({...ri)~~}~;;:.We suggest.: In additi~n'to~~e.,usual traV~ling":f . :', i.reseniations 'and ,Monday.' morning: pick I up~': . i t.; J:t:: r~~u,i,~~,~;.~~~:. ~ne, pal~~t~:'~~1 ';~~~~, .~I,~~~~~~;,~, ',.. ' ,... ....;.,~.~~in;()I-.;'.:;.X}~..1..:.{',i~;,'.t~{)l;1:,{:.~~./ \7, ;:;:",::i,.~.'.~.}t.t~.,.~,t;~1~i.;N,?"f,"~,i;,il., f t.~. I: , "'~l'.~; . .;...:',t',t,~~.;...~..;...~.-:",!'.~, ;':'l~"-..'1.t"!'#~' .. (.1' /,'''.-, ..., . , '~~~,~'::'AII tr'ai~i~g' materials I su({il""'~s" paper," p~n's~il!f . 'i/rWHO MAVATTEND ,'. .,,::;,/p/;'.~::;!,/;;;-:":n~ if.:::,' 'service' manuals and bulletins, will be provid~}~', ;;?':';;{;:f~;1,6'~i; :~';;:<'~'<~/:);~~:~b'i~~:;/;' ;'::.;:~;~;f~::}t~~:A~~!.:~y:{: ':L, ~y Wauke~~a..E~gine Division:.',,~,:,...;:~:: ~~~~.!:~.;.,;~ ~1.. ""'iJl):A~~~p~~nn~!}~~~loyed bY'd~strib~tors ~re;:i ?/T!;>; ':' ,:,i.i/>\:':,'+ ':- : ..::-~t:~~?~':'>lt\:H';.~W~:~'~lt ,'~,'. .'(;;Ji,e!~gtbl~.~,R~I~~~allon~,f~~ ,.t~e,(X~ ".an~"VH.i;. ttJ-t!.!~' I~TER~,~ !!,O!'JAL P ~~.1;J~~~~~T~." ~>\:~. " . ';'/,{1;-;-;~i~~~~:~~:~'UJI!iii~;;'::;~~~~~fJ~J,:,:t~XJ~~0:~i ~t;;i2}~~~u6~;:: '~;'i:~tft~'~~~l:~~t~::~~ '.;\I(i~*f~f;~~~~~{~~~;~f~t~~!:~~."m;~2: ~1~,~~:~? p~o~~~~, !~'~~rpreters'r i,n~epreier .fe~s ~ill( ,~e~]: . ,~;,.:qJ~'f.~.'~?,it~~!-~'1'~~if.;;,\f;1:f)}::r:,;-'f':;:;.~~~rtfJ.{f/'y;;-;,<':':':tf'i ,) . 1:.;" the responsibility of the participant. ':';' ,.;0.tll~r'1.1 .' "'. .:;E~ti ~rparticlpant'~<'N.iiibelmaiie~:.-a. 'pre-test; , "f iI'.' . ;";',.'I\'J:,.,, .' '.'':;,''''' " ,''''' .. (,-, ".?:\'II}." ').:.'.'.'.a." nd:'.'ed.'. .uc. atio..n:...a..n.',d..'. e.x.perienceprofile to b'e"'..' ~",- .. ,'..i...,....,.' ,'.,,::.. 'j' r,' '1;.--li,'1 . f'f. yJr.', ""\"~'." J.."'l'",\,~, .', ..:-.' ,!Vi.'.r,;, ",... . t'!."'" .~-\'.,. , . "i'~')~' ;;.1 t .' . ',' ...~'.. '1,.1.'! ;,' :r,.. (., ..-:. '}s.~f" . "r~',').'..,re.. turn.' .ed. ' '. to',W,a.,u,kes.ha, Engine b. ivision. .Thi.s'. l:~' ..../i. .' " Ii" ,'~' .:,' :'.;,,1,:~, .,......"'.,IJ.;~t'f;. . rJ.r .~~: :". ". ,.' ',','. .' '; ::.~.:,r}-: ii.i, -J/~~};;'){:~~X'" : ',!~!IJ..-en. able' thec()urse to' be' 't.~i1~r~d to . the'.'i ,t;~.,,,:~~\:r" .TRA~,?~~~~ A TlON\ ':.~"'; /'.;;;)>/ /'~'~I:'.VSI!,~i{~.:~f~.~.~!' ;,,-speclfIC knowledge ,and expenence levels of . : ,i ~ " ".. the attendees. . .,' '~. ',..y,;'.: t~,.:...:'..~.'~,.' Tnlnspo.rtat'ion from the participa~t's dfilPar..y.:\: ' . H~1" I. ture pomt to. the motel for which reserv..,,'.1 . >:.;:.,,, -~..\:...:;r~'."'ll . r.I" ~,~.'.7!,. ations have been made by' Waukesha Engin"e.' ,L...:.;' -;, ,< ,,'.;' ':':f<< ...F"- . ~.r./:.'!..~~'.~ [1 ;.,.'.?r.,.:~.'.r ~.." . Division, as,well as the return trip from.'t. ~.e.,....";i.' COURSE EVALUATION"..',".. is''''' " motel ~o, ~he participan~'~ residence, are th,~:,;{r . ,',:[ .'1}. " responsIbility of the partiCipant. '.' ;"":';~1 Following completion of each'service course,' J ':1' l~:,. ,'. ',~~:~;:~i'~) attendeesaregivElntheopportunitytoevaluate i :,' , T ransportati~~ between the 'm~tel ~nd iJ;~',\t the, ' instructor, , coo rse content, physical ; r~i~,' ~: ~e~:~: D~~:~. is provided, bY., ~a~~~~~;;~'. faci~I~i~S~ etc. Il', MOTEL AR RANGEMEN~S I '.:~i;:';~r3~;i ::::I~::::::F~:::I:~::I~fNthe course, 'J!. .~ Upon receipt of the registration for.:n, Wau'':'. ;,', certificates of completion will be awarded to !,!,t kesha Engine Division will reserve a private; each participant:'A statement of certification i~f room for .the participant for the Sunday...' will be forwarded to the participant's employ- '\1~1 night prior to the commencement of class' , " '. . . ,. '. j~ ~. . ! .tr~~:',:, ~~~ :~~ e:~~o:~ a~~ ~sO~~d c::~o a::e~~~'l~~ I ~~':\ th e participant., I', ~';:<:i.~,;G { ,rt,'",t'.!,"" Waukesha .~~Igine Division wiil' C!cknowl~d~~~:<' I i{ " .';-<r,C: .. ,~ . , . "',,' . r of- nai- , ~; 'II" ".' ~" I. :'i;,. _.,. .; to >l'le ling fhe .1Iiq mg tad 211 mg an- :Ji1 1'19 !p~'1 ~'Il ? I....'. . ., . "i!' n~1 . -~ f .. , ~.-- . ~ i ~ ' '.' --"~' '-.~ ':~ ',,\! .' ,. 'J ~'. 1; . ;", I ...... . -i' ," ~ . :'.' ;Af:b.r.~I~ '. "..''-, .' I .. , ~:<, ,';"'._' . ,<I ;;'::;'_'~ .. .:....~" \'f,./;; Complete and mail ~he registration form. Part- icipation is on' a first come, first serve basis. so early registrati,~nissugges~ed. "." . " . ; .... ......; , , ' , :,..:?~~S:~:::<. , , ';,"', :r// 'tr ..-!'t!>~;:}:.':~,~':., <~~~.~i." .. ! ,: j-jV: ~.'~.'~;" .'!~;:,;?;;:{' . ~. ',' ~ . ,,::_I.~,:,,-'.~,-...;. .'.-'0' I:. . :.':; '~.."~ '. . /~ / _ ," . d . _., l: ",' -"', n'~~'l ..,::","'.L ,~i'''',~''''; / "'r::--;-.I";'t"'(";lt.' - '(l'~"~!.t'. ',~ ~. 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'/11,' .'. d \",' .,0, . ;""', '.!!t. .I~,:;.!r ~' ,y.;' ,Vir:: , ',* locate- and. correct causes of engine mal-: i/ .' y~ .:' Thehlep~.'" :r~tical' 'se~i~~ ~hools are.'?" ~i:9,'~,j ~..., ~,~;...~\<,.:~,.~..;~.:f/J.\;l' ~~~cti2,gj.\.;')?i~,".; i[;'r',.:i::.;~':::~. ,:' I.' '~'.t'.;':~i'..~~i;.;;.:~..:~..,\.,;,~t1.l.li.:{. :J\ ., .,t-J;,~~'."..'. ,~:..!~:~~:_:.~~.:,~,:~:,:~.., ;"" . ~ t"- L'i ( . ': t I d . :....'... .~... :_.,....._,..._ .. ..-,,,,,,,,,",-;:,,, ". . :,;.-..i..,,'.::'''.~.', ~;:q;,'f~~~~I. ' * u,se o.o.~~.gaugesan testequipment'~':'.'/:"';~"Ii;.i ~ ':~~~;e'a~~:~~~IO~~~~~';~rmance ~~d~'/;: I;: f'~:~,;;);i\"", . .' .~"J~::;~:~}:'-:X.,.;" '. .r.,':,"', :'!,:/Xf.~:/';{,:;Kf~fWt~; . . f. J: -:." .. ..',,\'.,.~:'i"' ~',:. '\f~;i!~:..~ "{ "L ..~..',..-.,'~}~!t~r~.' -- ',f~:~1-.t~.f;..t- , . '."'</I':':"i!"r~:""i:'!'_J:~:"~;';' \satlS actIon' ...' :,'!.\<",'.', . =',; y.\ . :.-,;. '.';""'j-ji-',::rJA !". . : I 'fi.'J::'~'''.:t;7i.:~ 1 I'..{ "::1;[-'.'. i; ':-.":4.'4;.h~ir.J U ;"1 !",....t<..' 'H,' .:<..;.~;..,.~....;.:.: ":".,,..~;.:t;,. :".r;-r.\~i~'" TEACHING 'METHODS' ... ";" ..,.:,~,!:t;qr"~,..'~ ; <~~1~'~~~~r~~~Tbe~ ',;;';:;,;~:;':; ~G,;\~~ '. .:, v~;i~Jli&~~rng ~e:~~; ;:~;e e~~f~ig~~'.f{;;j h · . id;,~tiYandel~~in~~, ineHicie~t ~~!fes; ;';,6'1fJ '\ .' ' cap~ ~eiii~ maintain, i.~terest and to involve .' ,J~ :, i';~{."-1;.'.-. .~~, .... J../. J.!-l.t-..~~'.:;." ' ;./!/.'.;,......;l.};.'~:.'.;J..~.:..'.:.,;' ';^. '..~...';~;.:-i\.i$l\ ' partlc.lpan. .ts.... Em. phasis 'IS placed on ~'Iearning. : If..,!! . q.../,"__. ", '..', _ ,.._~,.' . . . I' .'..'.....". '" ,--.,,""-k"'-'"'' .. .,'" .' ..' 1i ~ * reduce costS and increase profits" . ':"?';J ';.';'t'~'g;~~~',; . by doin.9:";:'and. practical appl ications. .The . . f'~ . ,':. _ :j~l;.'i;.'::"-(::i/,;'~:N'I~' .' participants learn the, te<;hniques of servicing {/. r~:)/';(,~.:l,:~2:~; ). . "; the equip!'TI~n~r and t!,ie~ gain skill in putting ,I " ::/../,::~;~'\;;,;,/~~.( . 'themin~o practice'. ClasS 'size will be limited \: I , These service sChools; aimed at improving" ", .';~!'~~;.' to insure personal attention.' . . i . , J'\' .~. on-the-job perform,ance of the particiPants,/4:, '. ' : iy',.: ~ -," . ':';:,!~~:'.':..~.> " have been developed to assist distributors in '. ,':';F.:' WHO SHOULD ATTEND '. ,::.\-' ; " !l" ~. ; the training of ~~ir,.servicemen and mech- " ;r~-lt ,'>:,;:,' ;'" , . ;::;'l", . anics.,l'/.:::...;;;;yi....:'.:t\i.)j These serYi~e sc~ools'are 'of value to/'all '. '.'i.:::'" . '/.;.l./V,'.,; distributor e'mployees involved in the servicing ! Distributors use these schools as a supple- ~ of Waukesh,a engines whether a service man- I ment to their()'1nt,~,ainingefforts. . "':"'?=\'\~ ager, mechanic, serviceman or helper. It can " '~',!i.;":{0/~'~~(:::? , .' . .', "'~. serve as: a':~'how to". course for training r rhese se..vic" schools reflect the practicer "':L:~(. someone with limited experience or 'as 'a . f torfaainllindgl.........n:-e.b. udtSo' rsOf..,...~.....:'.'.'.: iC.',emen and.mechanics .;' >.:;i:.'f.,MI!j~~' "brush up':. ~ or refreshe~ for the seaso~i.~d ,"n '~.lJ.'.;' . : . . ~':J~I mechani~~r serv~ceman. ' ,:: i'~~ RESULTS./.:,/:~.:,',~,.,;.,...;:.:.~:;_,'".. .' " .~~-::~.:~t~ CLASSDU'RAT~~N . ,.,' >~',,;X. ~,,'. :.' J., . .. As a result of attending ,these service schools, "'m~ Classes start at 8:30 a.m. the first day of the servicemen and mechanics will be better able "'\lt~ course and at 8:00 a.m. the remaining four to: .: ..'~ /5t01:':.?:' . "":(.'!'~Ii.:' days. Courses commence on Monday morning >',.,;'{~..: ,'.. . "'::'~!::"i~,t and are dismiSsed on Friday at noon. Classes and.. align engine arid driven mach- ,':1.; are completed at 5:00 p.m. each day exclud- ..';',; ,. i'.'.:';;..: ~/:.i~.;~~~~:t\K!. ing Friday~ ,'.. .: ''''',.:' ,;: . .' ;,.. ";;":.,\;:. ;, . .: i. '::;'.:':"}b. . ..' :'."'.'.;,.....,'.:;l;.:,~.~.~,_~.,\._:r.r;.;..!.,}..'.'~,\,~~\:.~_i.,',;f...:._ ""'/"" .,.' ,:~.;; __l,., .':',__: "- ,;,,;/~'}-,,:~j..j'.;. _,=~;":LiJ.J.l:a~ .,.:: .__ _ .,:,~:'~'_';.-"~ ~', -".'- _- . ___--'-"C'''''-' * install inery '( I, I \ . I \ ;t I. r , ., ,. /.;, , ' HI "''',.'-,.-- .' ~.... --:~- '-. I BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vft. NB-5 2/7/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief EngineEjr DATE February 4, 1980 SUBJECT PURCHASE OF PROPERTY (1.1 ACRES) FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR USE AT THE SITE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION DIVISION OFFICE AT THE COST OF 101 360 TYPE OF ACT ION K Ba ker AUTHORIZATION FOR EXPENDITURE SUBMITTED BY Construction ISSUE: It is highly desirable that the District acquire from Contra Costa County the 1.1 acre parcel of property directly adjacent to the District's southeasterly boundary line. This land will be used as the site of the Construction Division Office Building and has been appraised at $100,000. BACKGROUND: It has been determined that the most appropriate location for the new Construction Division Office Building is the 1.1 acre parcel of property presently owned by Contra Costa County. Due to its proximity to the Treatment Plant facilities, it would not be in the District's interest for others to purchase this property. As part of the overall Frontage Road Agreements, this property was originally intended to have been conveyed to the District in 1973. To date, however, the Frontage Road property sale and transfer agreements have not been completed, and negotiations with Caltrans to finalize this transaction are presently in progress. It is anticipated that upon the completion of these negotiations, the District will recover from Caltrans the cost of the 1.1 acre parcel. Copies of the Real Property Sales Agreement, Foley's Appraisal, and Foley's invoice are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Purchase of 1.1 acre parcel of land from Contra Costa County at a cost of $100,000 and pay Mr. Foley's appraisal fee of $1,360 for a total expenditure of $101,360. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. k ' ~ a.-\k,"", KB ~ ~w ~W CLW -_....._-_._"'--,--_._"...,._------_..._-,-_._~."~_._,.~-_....."~._-_.~_._.",.._-~.,._-----.---..,_.,.~--_.-._._..__._.~._- BOARD OF DIRECTORS NVlI . NB - 4 2/7 /8 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 1-31-80 SUBJECT CONFIRM "AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAMIi AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM TYPE OF ACTION APPORTIONMENT OF L.I.D. BOND NO.54-2-3- SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: Assessors Parcel 201-120-015 has been split into two parcels by Parcel Map (81 P.M. 39). The property owners have requested that the existing Local Improvement District bond be apportioned to the two new pa r ce 1 s . BACKGROUND: This parcel was originally assessed for 2 building sites, with one site as a full unit and one site as a 1/4 unit, and two disposal units (one per site). The property owners included within this L.I .0. were given the option of assuming as few as one unit of assessment and zero disposal units when this L.I.D. was formed. The owner of the subject property signed an agreement to assume one unit of assessment and zero (0) disposal units. The District advanced funds for the unassumed assessment and disposal units with the understanding that these assessments plus an equalization charge would be paid to the District prior to any sewer connections to the subject properties. RECOMMENDATION: Assessment Diagrams to be amended as follows: Original Assessment Number 54-2-3-2 Amount $4,050.00 Amended Assess- ment No. 54-2-3-18 -19 Apportioned Amount $0.00* 4,050.00** Area Danv i lIe *= Assessment and disposal fee was not assumed when L.I .D. was formed, equalization charge due at time of connection. ''<*=Disposal fee not assumed when L.I.D. was formed, prevail ing charges to be paid at time of connection. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON e~ CLW G. ~_."--_.~'~'"'-"'------'.~~'-"-"~"'-'---"------'--_._._----,'.._-_._--,-_.~-----,.__.__._-,..__.~_.._--------.---..----, Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB -3 2/7/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 31, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 80-1 (DANVILLE AREA)AND P.A.80-2 (DANVILLE AREA), TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS TYPE OF ACTION ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT.jDIV. Engineering/Collection System Parce 1 No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Remarks Lead Agency 80-1 Danv. Jerry Dow 1 7 Ramona Rd. Danv i 11 e, CA 196-120-04 2 . 05 Ac re s Owner to build one single family home. District to prepare a "Notice of exemption" for the property. CCCSD 80-2 Danv. Ha rry Campbe 11 90 Toyon Terrace Danvi lIe, CA 200-010-023 200-020-018 6.44 Acre Property to be split into four parcels. County Planning has given approval to this minor subdivisionlMS 148-79). Nega- tive Declaration by County COUNTY JMc REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CLW ---.-'"-------~'"~-,_..,.-.-------,.--".."-..,..~-..-.._-+..__._ ,.... ...,~_..,_.. ... -"_h'_~_,."_"",_,_,,__.,_~_,__,,,_________,_,,____~,_ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII.NB-2 - 2/7/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 24, 1980 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM EASEMENT - ALAMO AREA JOB 3183 (SUBDIVISION 5153 EASEMENT) TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: The owners of Subdivision 5153 (HEMME PARTNERSHIP) have requested the above-referenced quitclaim. BACKGROUND: Subdivision 5153 is currently under construction. The sewer main which was to be constructed within the subject easement has been redesigned to Ironwood Place, which is a dedicated public street. The subject easement is not needed for present or future service. The owner has paid our fee for processing this quitclaim. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CLW ENG. INI;T?~;. JMc ~ I BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII.NB-13 2/7/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 25, 1980 SUBJECT OFFICE SPACE FOR CONSTRUCTION DIVISION AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $250,000 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR EXPENDITURE SUBMITTED BY K. Barker INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering/Construction ISSUE: Office space is required for the Construction Division operation. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors has previously recognized the need for approximately 6,000 square feet of space for the Construction Division and, by Board Action, has approved the hiring of an architect (MacKinlay, Winnacker, McNeil) to design the building. The Construction Division Building will be located at the Treatment Plant, and the design of the building and acquisition of the property are virtually complete. Accord- ingly, funding for the construction of the office building is now required in order that the project can be completed. The building will be utilized for the Construction Divisionis heavy work load as described in the Districtls Program for Work Completion which forecasts approximately $36 million in construction related expenditures by 1983. The Construction Division work load generally consists of management of the 5A-I Project, the 5B-I Project, the 5B-II Project, and Litigation Support work to Counsel on the several large lawsuits. Cost estimates have been based upon information supplied by the Architect and include all anticipated construction costs except sewer hookup to the building. A study of the most cost effective method of hooking up sewers to the building is presently in progress by the District Collection Division. Copies of the architect's drawings showing the proposed building layout are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize funding not to exceed $250,000 for the construc- tion of an office for the Construction Division at the Treatment Plant from the Sewer Construction Fund. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION G. ~~ , I BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-12 2/7/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION EMERGENCY STEAM LINE REPAIR WORK EXPENDITURE K. Barker r SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Additional funding of $250,000 is required to complete the emergency repair work to the Treatment Plant steam lines. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors have previously approved $750,000 for emergency repairs to the defective Treatment Plant steam lines. That cost estimate was based upon an incomplete scope of work and incomplete design drawings. From the experience gathered in repairing the defective steam lines, it is now apparent that the scope of the defective steam line installation is much bigger than originally anticipated. The costs of the emergency steam line repair work are being carefully documented for backcharge to the responsible party(s), and the repair work is scheduled to be completed in February, 1980. A list of expenditures to date and an estimate of costs to completion are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $250,000 to complete the emergency repair work of the Treatment Plant steam lines. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ~ '~~.,-_._._-,-_.~,,-----_.~-~,..._,..._.,_.._...,~-,._..~_'_'___"______M...__..,,_..,,_ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NevI1. NB-10 2/7/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 1, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $2,400 FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO CHLORINE LEAK DETECTORS Capital Expenditure SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operation Department Issue: Due to the close proximity of the chlorine car unloading station to the Administration Building HVAC air handling system, there have been two incidents where chlorine gas has been picked up by the HVAC system and quickly disposed throughout the Administration Building. This is a potentially dangerous condition for plant personnel and can cause extensive damage to the plant operations control system computer. There also exists a need for the automatic detection of chlorine gas in the basement of the Administration Building. The Plant Operations' Electrical Section has developed an electrical circuit design which will shut down the HVAC system upon receipt of a chlorine alarm signal. A chlorine detector is required to provide the chlorine alarm signal. The second unit will be installed in the Administration Building basement to provide automatic detection of chlorine gas in this area. Recommendation: Authorize the expenditure of $2,400 for the purchase of two chlorine leak detectors. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION J-......