HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-20-80 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB 5 3 20 80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ma rch 1 7, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $700 FOR NICK BANE, MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT TO ATTEND A TWO-DAY SEMINAR ON PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE GIVEN BY Employee Training PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY, SEATTLE, WA, JUNE 9 AND 10, 1980 SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Issue: The District's wastewater treatment equipment requires well-trained personnel in order to effectively superintend a preventive maintenance program. Background: The Sanitary District's Water Pollution Control plant is a major facil ity with over 1000 major pieces of equipment which have to operate reI iably if the treatment plant is to meet its discharge requirements in a cost-effective manner. The key compon- ent to achieving this goal is an effective preventive maintenance program. The Maintenance Division of the Plant Operations Department has established a pre- ventive maintenance program and will be putting it into the District computer in the near future. The seminar IIManaging a Preventive Maintenance Program" is an intense two- day seminar which will enable the participant to reevaluate the District's preventive maintenance program and review the proposed computerized preventive maintenance system for the treatment plant. We would also plan to have the participant to this seminar inspect the two major treatment facil ities in the Seattle area. Recommendation: Authorization of the expenditure from budgeted funds for tuition and expenses estimated to be $700 for Nick Bane, Malnenance Superintendent, to attend the conference and Inspect the Seattle-Metro treatment facilities. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~IQEPYi~ D.G.N. , & o (V) I m N '- ~ 15 ~ E "0>- Q;)m~~ > '" ::J "C oQ)..s::::.c Z~I-LL >-r:: _0 oCi) :;::; .. ~ Q)t) >-- 0_ c c.E :::)-0 c:<( caC/) .. C/) Q)~ .c .- _C/) :::s ::J ...1m - o 0 -':0 0- 0 O..c: ca u 0.00 QJ ~~ ~bb ~~ ~ QJ < u blJa .5 ~ b.O~ ~.fa ~~ ,..~ ". >. co'- "'9C'tS aC: 1:.E <(~ l; .. t;~7 r. t1 [ .c +-' ::J cO m r:: en - >- EcCtl O.Q ~ (.) ....J.c ~ -o.Ql '- IDI C\,)CLu = o~ m~g C\,) cb 0- U) ID 0 Cf)"<j" r--.. co or- ;~, ~' ~ ~> ~~, 0:: w Z <( 0:: r-: ~ .. CANCELLA nON POLICY: Cancellations made less than three working days prior to the seminar are subject to a $50 cancellation fee; no cancella- tions are accepted after the seminar begins. All fees wiII be refunded if the program IS cancelled due to.insufficient enrollment. Substitutions may be made at any time; please advise in advance. .. 2 QUICK WAYS TO REGISTER: 1. BY PHONE-Ca1l206/531-6900, ext. 374.2. BY MAIL-Complete and mail attached re~stration form. Regis- tration may be limited and will be accepted ona first-come, first-served basis. Confirmation will be s~t)!pon receipt of your registration. ,:;,?" .. FEE: The registration fee, ~s payable in advance and includes luncheons and all meeting materials. Checks should be made payable to School of Business Administration. SEND TEAMS AT REDUCED RA TES-.A 10% discount is available for organizations sending three or more individuals to the same program. Other discounts are available for larger groups. .. TIMET ABLE: Registrants are requested to arrive at 8:45 a.m. the first day. Meeting times are 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. o LODGING: Hotellmotelaccomodations are not included in yourregistra- Eon fee. However, if you need lodging information, please call 206/531- 6900, ext. 374. II TAX DEDUCTION: An income tax deduction is allowed for expenses of education (registration fees and cost of travel, meals and lodging) under- taken to maintain and improve professional skills (Treas. Reg. 1.162-5) (Coughlin vs. Commissioner, 203 F 2d 307). ~-_._-----------------Please return entire panel in an envelope---------------------- REGISTRA TION FORM 16 PLEASE REGISTER THE FOLLOWING: 119-~M School of Business Administration PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY Tacoma, Washington 98447 .. PROGRAM AD:vIINISTRATOR: Dave Firch, 206/531-6900, exU74 Because we use multiple mailing lists, there may be occasional duplica- tions. Please circulate any additional copies you may teceive. ALTERNATE DATES: For information on these programs please call the appropriate school directly. Nov. 8-9: SMU, Houston, 214/692-3255 Nov. 12-13: Baldwin-Wallace Col., Cleveland, 2161826-2253 Dec. 3-4: U. of South Alabama, Mobile, 2051690-6528 Non-Profit Org. U.S_ POSTAGE PAID Pacific Lutheran University Name Title NamE' Title 2~?i~_::~~~tio~__" 11938016 ...:... d. dress 979 N BANE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITA PObOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK .~-_.- State Cirv Home Phone o Purchase Order Enclosed c=J ~~,~pany ~~one C Payment Enclosed CA 94596 laterial t'lease reroute to Maintenance Manager if necessary. i,,:H AND MAIL TO: Executive Development, School of Busine, '.,.""istra:.ion, I>acitic Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington \11'441 Mc.....taging a Preve...Jive Maintenance Program /\bout This Seminar Here's a seminar that is designed to save your company time and money. It'sa must for those wno want a PIM program or for those who need to modernize their current program. You'll explore in depth how to establish and implement a PIM system, how to develop labor standards, how to record feedback, how to get management coopera- tion and how to computerize your system. This comprehensive program is jam packed with information on scheduling, reports, procedures, resource requirements, dollar alloca- tions and training procedures. Register yourself and a team of your key people-today. Featured Section: a project workshop during which you will be given the opportunity to apply the practical knowledge presented in this course to your own real life SItuations. IN COMPANY PRESENT A TIONS are a\'ail,lblt'. Pleast' contact tht' Seminar Administrator for details. I Establishing A Preventive Maintenance Program A Preventive Maintenance defined B Selection of practical objectives C Determining the scope of the program D Organizational considerations E Responsibility assignments for critical activities F Organizational relationships G Allocation of skill resources H Inventorying of equipment and projects to be included I Collecting identification and performance data J 1ra?e-off classifications for avoiding excessive preventive mamtenance B Information Systems C Productivity Assessment V Recording Feedback Information A Job Status B History of maintenance activities C Matenals used D Labor applied E Certifying that critical procedures were accomplished F Labor measurement and analysis-Ratio of emergency to planned efforts G Performance assessments H Job costing considerations I Evaluating cost effectiveness of preventive maintenance activities S'21ninar Outline n Implemenling Effective Preventive Maintenance A Settin~ priorities B Identif)nng equipment and components C Prepanng procedures D Sources of information E Deriving a performance time for each procedure r: Lstablishing frequencies of inspections G Identifyin~ seasonal/environmental variations H Coordinating with production and other "customers" I Scheduling activities and reconciling to resources J In-house and contracted service options In The Preventive Maintenance Program in Operation A Work order systems B Record keeping C Information systems and procedures and forms D Processing "open and inspect" results E Inventory control considerations F Are emergency work requests disrupting planned preventive maintenance? G Planning considerations for coordinating multiple-craft projects H Performing annual shutdown projects VI Computerized Preventive Maintenance Systems A Cost justification considerations B Advantages C Alternatives: Maxi, Mini, Micro processors D Designing a complete system for the selected objectives E Estimating costs of automated systems r Implementing in progressive stages G Establishing a data base 1. Equipment and component records 2. Procedures 3. Schedules 4. Management planning tools 5. Feedback system controls H Generating work orders: Special response work orders I Automated feedback systems J Typical reports and records: Analysis by exception ;'.' Project Session: Analyzing and Documenting Preventive Maintendncc: A Organization VII Sustaining Management Support for Preventive Maintenance A Maintenance B Historical data that ~rovides support C Reports that show' customer" satisfaction D Effective upward and outward communications E Service sensitive attitudes of maintenance staff F Priority system for minimizing misunderstandings G Credible cost analysis and performance facts H Periodic reviews with "customers" "p.-.r-.1t 1 hI ..... {.:.1..\~ ,,,..:i...... J Who Should Attend Kenneth H. Little, r.E., is a principal consultant with K. H. LITfLE, INC., a consulting firm specializing in operations and maintenance management information systems. Prior to establishing his own firm, Mr. Little was a Senior Consultant for Honeywel1. In this capacity he provided consultations to 75 businesses in regard to preventive maintenance, mainte- nance planning and control and operations monitoring. His background includes the application of automation to these areas having been Manager, Information Systems and Data PrllCessing for the Ra)'theon Equipment Division and Chief, Information Systems Development for AVCO Research and r,<"d~'a!lced Development. He has prepared and conducted \ ,'qGrse,; <It Northeastern University and Clark University. Mr. ,- Little has lectured throughout the United States on the subject of preventive maintenance. II Chiefs of Operations " Directors of Physical Plants .. Plant Enf2ineers . Plant Facility Managers .. Chiefs 0 Laboratories or Instrumentation . Maintenance Engineers · Industrial Engineers . Plant Manal?ers . Maintenance Superintendents II Managers 0, Quality Assurance Instrumentation II Energy Conservation & Environmental Protection Directors . Safety Program Directors . Other management personnel responsible for implementing a PM program "'1F~~'~' ~.^;;~ .~~&.. -OlJFGH;::..,....:t- The Manufachlring Engineering Certiocation J nstitute has ~proved this seminar for 6 Professional Credits (per seminar .__~~~_t~~~~~~!_~~~.I'_t=~____.____________ ay attended) t~~~:~__~~e_~~~~ce~~~~~ Program. 380 Central San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V I. OB 2 3/20/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 18, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION GARBAGE FRANCHISEES' APPLICATIONS FOR RATE INCREASES Review Rate Application SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administration/Finance ISSUE: Valley Disposal Service, Diablo Disposal Service, Inc., Lafayette Disposal Service, Inc. and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. have submitted rate increase applications for consideration by the District's Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The garbage franchisees received guidelines from the District1s Board of Directors for submission of applications for rate increases which the franchisees desire to implement on April 1, 1980. The rate increase applications were received by the District staff on March 6, 1980 for review and analysis. Copies of the rate appl ications were provided to each Board Member on March 14, 1980. District staff's analyses of the applications are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the franchisees' rate increase applications and schedule a Publ ic Hearing on April 3, 1980. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. n I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION r-'APER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 19, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CCCSD POLICY WITH RESPECT TO NEWLY ANNEXED PROPERTIES ESTABLISH POLICY SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING/Collection System In accordance with direction received at the Board meeting of March 6, the attached draft resolution and form letter are presented for your review. Since the last District annexation proceeding was authorized by the Board in October, 1979, 280 acres of land has been approved for subsequent annexation. Based on 1978-79 taxes received, the yearly tax revenue from this land would equal approximately $7,000 ($25 per acre). Of the land proposed for annexation, six parcels have failing septic tanks. RECOMMENDATION: Review and comment on proposed letter and resolution and adopt the resolution (as revised) to be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI!. NB-7 3/20/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 13, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $60,000 FOR PRECONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES FOR HOLDING BASIN RENOVATION PROJECT, PHASE II - JOB 3338 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System BACKGROUND: This project is a renovation of Holding Basins B&C, a continuation of Holding Basin work done in the fall of 1979. The work consists of removal of sludge and vegetation from basin floor, reestablishment of levee top elevation and cross section recontouring bottom to facilitate draining, modifying overflow and drainback facilities. A Preliminary Environmental Assessment has been completed, finding the project categorically exempt (copy attached) . RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $60,000 for preconstruction funds. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON ~~ CLW BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIr. NB-2 3/20/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 11, 1980 SUBJECT EXECUTE INDENTURE WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TRUNK MANHOLE WITHIN S.P. PROPERTY-WALNUT CREEK AREA-JOB 3179 TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY JAY S. MCCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV'ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYST. ISSUE: Southern Pacific requires the District to execute the subject indenture which will permit the construction and maintenance of a trunk manhole over an existing sewer. BACKGROUND: The manhole was recently installed by a private developer and will serve adjoining properties to the east of the S.P. Railroad property. This indenture, like most of the other previously executed indentures, has relocation, removal and other provisions which make the document very one sided in favor of Southern Pacific. This indenture is being granted at no cost to the District. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing execution of said indenture, execute indenture and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI!. NB-3 3/20/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE MARCH 11, 1980 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM EASEMENT - PLEASANT HILL AREA - JOB 2587, PORTION PARCEL 8 TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System ISSUE: The owners of Assessors Parcel 152-010-006, William E. Taylor, et al, have requested that the District quitclaim a portion of an easement that was granted to the District in January 1976. BACKGROUND: This easement was acquired to serve property to the east and north of the Taylor's property. The upstream property to the east is being sewered in a different direction. Staff has determined that the eastern portion of the existing easement is no longer needed. Property owner has paid a processing fee of $60.00. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBMITTED BY Parcel Area No. 80-7 Danv. 80-8 City of W.C. 80-9 City of W.C. BOARD OF DIRECTORS JAY MC COY Owner & Address Parcel No.& Acreaqe Breitweiser Builders 2525 Willow Pass Road Concord, CA 94519 193-200-09 -14 -15 21 Ac. :t Donald G. Chapman 3490 Buskirk Ave. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 138-020-03 + 3.0 Ac. - R. W. Schwerin, et ux 1301 Walnut Avenue Walnut Creek, CA and Greg McPherson 1305 Walnut Ave. Walnut Creek, CA 139-090-09 1.0 Ac. NO. VII. NB-4 3/20/80 DATE MARCH 17,1980 TYPE OF ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering/Collection System Remarks Lead Aqency POSITION ftAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN r.... General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT AUTHOR I ZAT I ON FOR PA 80-7 (DANV I LLE AREA) PA 80- 8(WALNUT CREEK) PA 80-9(WALNUT CREEK) TO BE INCLUDED IN THE NEXT FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. Four lot minor sub. to be filed soon. County County has approved plan and prepared Negative Declaration (much of property is in a scenic easement). Proposed Sub. 5822 - (8 lot major subdivision) map and plans approved by City of Walnut Creek. Negative Declaration by City of Walnut Creek. City of W.C. One existing house on septic tank and one new house, both to be connected to the public sewer system District to prepare "Notice of Exemption". CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P. A. 80-7 and P. A. 80-8 and P. A. 80-9 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. IN/1IAT~Nl DW/IV. jpef4" ~Mc v REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION te '#,.\ ... - CLW GET ZlH'7I ENG. ~A'1) 'JA. //V" "\6....., Costa BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-6 3/20/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE MARCH 20, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION OF $10,000 FOR PRECONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES FOR SEWER LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES BLDG. DSP 3360 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS FOR SEWER LINE SUBMITTED BY JAY McCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEM BACKGROUND: The District is planning to construct a building to house the Construction Division personnel at the Treatment Plant. See attached map of proposed site. It is necessary to construct a sewer line to provide service for said building. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $10,000 for design, preparation of plans and specifications and right of way acquisition for sewer line to serve the proposed building. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ CLW