HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-15-80 ce<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-5 5/15/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 8, 1980 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION 'IO TRANSFER SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS 'IO HOLDING BASIN MODIFICATIONS - I, ACCOUNTS 51010.3058 AND 52000.3058 TO CLOSE ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED BY John Larson - Senior Engineer-Project Management Bac."'<gronnd: Authorization is required to transfer fnnds in the am:mnts listed below to close acconnts 51010.3058 and 52000.3058. Item Acconnt No. Estimate Final Cost Construction Cost District Labor 51010.3058 52000.3058 $182,145.00 None $196,991.14 21,846.88 The Holding Basin Modifications were canp1eted satisfactorily and the Contractor (Winton Jones, Inc.) was paid the final construction cost on Novanber 1, 1979 via Board authorization. However, sewer construction fnnds have not yet been transferred to the above acconnts to cover additional construction costs and District 1aror costs. The additional construction costs were incurred as a result of nnfores2eab1e circumstances (please refer to the attached Position Paper VI OB 1, dated November 1, 1979). The District labor costs shown above canprise the total design and construction management effort required to canp1ete the project. An original budget estimate of the labor was not provided for acconnt No. 52000.3058. Reccmnendation: Transfer sewer construction fnnds to close the above acconnts, 51010.3058 and 52000.3058 in the amount of $36,693.02. INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Special Projects Engineering JAL- e.t.W 1 OF 1 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIr. NB - 6 5/15/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 8, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION OF $1,252 FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PORTABLE COMBINATION COMBUSTIBLE, TOXIC GAS AND OXYGEN DEFICIENCY ALARM METER, AND ONE MSA H2S SUPERSIZE GAS MASK TYPE OF ACTION Equipment Request D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department SUBMITTED BY Issue: A need has developed for a safety meter for measuring TLV in PPM of H2S concentration, and an appropriate respirator to be used with this meter. Background: In the Solids Conditioning Building and other areas in the plant which are not oxygen deficient, we occasionally have a low-level concentration of H2S from the drain systems. Currently we have no accurate method of determining the concen- tration levels of H2S. The Dynamation Combo 33 unit will afford a reliable method of H2Sconcentration measurement and employee protection from this gas. Recommendation: Authorization of $1,252 for the purchase of a portable combination combustible, toxic gas oxygen deficiency alarm meter, and one MSA H2S supersize gas mask. \ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. e~ DGN ."" .:;~,. ,- I",,',",.',' (.!~. c~s: f ~ oa-:. ,', , t,. tbuiJet:: .... ( ~. " m,., "" 61.. t ,.. . ~ ('. ,~.- ::. i< ~ <I.. ~- ~-" "_ -' Kti .e~ ( '- ~ ~ COMBO 033 Combination Combustible, Toxic, & Oxygen Deficiency Alarm t\P?L1CA TIONS Waste Treatment. . . . . . ',' . . Sewers and Manholes Fire Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surveys Shipping. . . . . . . . . . . . . Compartments and Holds lJ~ilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manholes and Vaults Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tunnels Chern ical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tanks Ref~.leries ..................... . Process Areas . 1ining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Underground ,'etroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gas Fields lnspection .........,...... .AII Enclosed Areas . Continuously monitors air for combustible and toxic gases and oxygen deficiency. . Sounds a loud alarm in unsafe air. . Colored lights show combustible, toxic, or oxygen deficient conditions. . More than eight hours continuous ''Opera- tion before recharging is required. . Alarm tone warns of low batteries. . Simple operation-no operator interpreta- tions. . Aspirator and calibration accessories easily attached. . High impact plastic splashproof case. . Exchangable, rechargable battery pack; belt worn and weighs less than 2 Ibs. :" '.-:~ ...,;..... , . . ,~."l'~~<:~ ,-,'- ,,- " ,..... . ~.-"' <." ,._~w..-., ..,.;.:."".....":~.:-.~.. .. , . k -~---- -, ".'~_.'" . '" ~ G""t N E-rt A L : The COMBO will continuously protect workers in t11'1derground or enclosed areas against combusti- ble, toxic. or oxygen deficient atmospheres. Small and light enough to be worn on the belt, the COMBO can travel with the worker and warn of pockets of gas that might be missed by aspiration testing at the e..ntrance. Attention getting alarm tones and colored indicator lights both warn and distinguish between combustible, toxic, or oxygen deficient conditions. A twin solid state catalytic sensor system detects combustible and toxic gases. It needs no compen- sation for temperature, humidity, or electronic changes. Both combustible and toxic gases are detected continuously. Because of the stability of the twin sensor system, a meter is not required for normal alarm operation or calibration. The inex- pensive sensors last up to 3 years in normal use and plug into the unit for replacement. A chemical electrolytic cell with temperature compensation measures 02 levels. and has up to one year or life before replacement. If needed, this cell may be easily calibrated with the test switch, 02 light, and an internal adjustment. 'The cell is easily changed as it plugs into the circuit board. Because of the unit's unique design, the 02 cell will operate at temperatures as low as 00 F. DESCRIPTION: The COM BOelectronics are all solid state and packaged in a high impact plastic case. The case ;s opened with a release latch on the bottom and hinged on the top. A rubber gasket seals the case at the parting line. The rechargable battery pack C3;1 be changed by opening the case, and replacing the discharged pack with a new one. A porous plastic screen in the sensors' compartment lets the air through, but not water or dirt. The only controls are an ON switch and TEST switch. Three LEO (light emitting diode) alarm lights indicate the type of gas present; red - combustible; yellow - 02 deficient; orange - toxic. A green LEO acts as a pilot light and battery charge indicator. If the batteries need recharging, the green light shuts off and the alarm horn sounds. The instrument may be operated continuously when plugged into the battery charger. OPERATION: The ON switch is moved to,the operate position and the green LED illuminates. The unit requires a few minutes for the combustible and toxic sensors to warm up. During this time the combustible and toxic alarm lights flash without the audio alarm sounding. The horn and 02 cell's calibration may Se checl<ed by depressing the test switch. When .. . ._".-'~~=I ready to use. No aspiration is required because natural diffusion of the heated sensors supplies sufficient air flow. . For testing underground prior to entering, the(- aspirator accessory may be attached to the unit. The hose is placed into the manhole and an air sample is drawn from the area with the aspirator bulb. An alternative method of checking the air prior to entering is to lower the COMBO into the hole and listen for an alarm. FACTORY SET ALARM LEVELS: The COMBO is calibrated to alarm as follows= C'ombustible -Red Light -20% LEL Methane Toxic -Orange Light -10ppm H2S Oxygen Level -Yellow Light' -less than 19.5% 02 SPECIFICATIONS: Sensors: Combustibllt and Toxic: Replaceabllt solid-slate cat~y1ic type. <>2: Replaceable chemiCal cell. Controls: ON-OFF switch and TEST SWItch. Respons. Time: Combustible Gas: 9O.~ of max readIng with.n 5 sec. with 20"'0 LEL natur~ . gas. Toxic Gas: 90% of maxreading ....ithin 90 sec. with 10 ppm H2S concentration. 02: 900;, 01 max readIng within 30 sec. Typical Gases Delected: Combustible Gas: C" Natural gas. methane. butane. propane. gasOline ant .' other types of hydrocarllo'ls - also. organiC vapors. Toxic Gas: Hydrogen sulfide. carbon monoxide and organic vapOlS. 02: Oxygen level. Warm Up Time: 5 minutes approXImately. Enclosure: High impact plastic case. Balleries: 5 self contained C size rechargable. Continuous Operation To 9 hours. Cycle: Recharge Time: t4 to 16 hours for full charge 12 hours charge fon hour of operation). Ballery Charger TtO volts. '.', amp. Requirements: Temperature Range: 0 - tOO' F. Dimensions: 8"L X 4"W X 2"."0 Weight: 30 ounces. ACCESSORIES: Aspirator Attachment: Model 75-310 for drawing sample gas into the unit. Calibration Attachment: Model 75-311 for testing and calibrating the unit. Rechargable Battery Pack: Model 76-333 five NiCad Batteries in a plastic snap-in case. (. ~lId · ,.ndY~~~ ~ ~ m p.O. box 2253 Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 15, 1980 SUBJECT SEWER SERVICE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES BUILDING TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL DSP 3360 SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection Syst. Estimates have been prepared for three methods of sewering the proposed Construction Services Building. The cost of extension of gravity service 1,000 feet to the south to the CCCSD system is estimated at $57,000. The cost of extension of gravity service 300 feet to the west to the Mt. View system including payment of connection fees and 50 years' of service charges is estimated at $62,000. The cost of a pump system to connect to the treat- ment facilities to the east including 50 years' maintenance and power costs, is estimated at $34,000 with no allowance for inflation. 20 percent of the $57,000 gravity alternative ($11,400) can be attributed to the new office building. The remaining $46,600 can be compared to the $34,000 cost for pumping. Keeping in mind that maintenance and power costs will inflate in the coming years and that the basic service policy of this District is the provision of gravity service, the gravity sewer extension to the CCCSD system is appropriate. Mt. View's former concern over minimizing the expenditure of public funds seems to have disappeared. Mt. View does want to come to an agreement on modifications of our common boundary in the vicinity of the proposed building. This agreement can be achieved at staff level. The political aspect of providing sewer service is being solved. Recommendation: Approve plans and project manual and authorize advertising for bids for DSP 3360, Construction Services Building Sewer. INITI T7 Jit;V. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e.t. W Central Contra Costa BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. OB - 1 5/15/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 12, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $100,000 FOR ARCHITECT SERVICES PROVIDED BY MWM IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NEW OFFICE BUILDING, DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3000 TYPE OF ACTION CAPITAL EXPENDITURE SUBMITTED BY Clark L. Weddle INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering BACKGROUND: Based on the approval of the agreement with MWM and instructions given to MWM to proceed with the Schematic Design Phase of the agreement, it is necessary to authorize funds for the ensuing work. It is anticipated the cost of producing schematic designs and completing the Design Development Phase as identified in the agreement, will be approximately $100,000 and that amount is herein requested. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $100,000 for MWM services and related costs in conjunction with the new office building, District Sewering Project 3000, REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~\.~.~LW BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-4 5/15/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer rvIay 7 1 1980 DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION OF $650 FOR HANAGEIv1:ENI' FUNDAi."1ENI'AIS OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFEI'Y AND HEALTH COURSE FOR NEWLY APPOINTED SAFEI'Y AND TRAINING SUPERVISOR SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles TYPE OF ACTION Eirployee Education INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Depa.rt.rrent Issue: Safety skills and knowledge for the developrent of the Water Pollution Controll Reclamation Plant District safety program as reccmrended by the Eames and Associates safety consultant report dated ~1arch 6, 1980. Background: This is a five-day, 40-hour safety management course designed primarily for recently appointed personnel with the assigned responsibility for the developrEnt of an effective safety program. The course covers: COURSE AGENDA t-bnday Organizing and Planning the Safety Program The Human Elerrent Corrmunications for Safety Safety Inspections Human Factors Engineering Tuesday Principles of Guarding Job Safety Analysis-Job Instruction Training Industrial Housekeeping Personal Protective Equipm:mt OSHA: A Managerrent Insight Wednesday Industrial Hygiene Visual Aids that Corrmunicate and ~bti vate Industrial Noise Fire Prevention and Control Systems Approach to Training Thursday Electrical Hazards lDss Prevention and Damage Control Off-the-JOb Safety Recording-Reporting Occupational Injuries-Illnesses Occupational Health Programs ACcident Investigation Friday Sources of Help for the Safety Professional Film Questions and Answers Wrap-up i:md Critique Graduation Luncheon RecOItlreIldation: Authorization of $650 for course tuition, meals, and lodging for F. Patrick Hassey, Safety and Training Supervisor 1 for "Nanagerrent Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health" course in Sacramento from I-1ay 19 to May 23; 1980. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~~ ..f)- J:X;N c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-5 5/15/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 8, 1980 TYPE OF ACT ION SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS TO HOlDING BASIN MODIFICATIONS - I, ACCCXlNTS 51010.3058 AND 52000.3058 TO CLOSE ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED BY John Larson - Senior Engineer-Project Management Bac~ground: Authorization is required to transfer funds in the arrounts listed. below to close accounts 51010.3058 and 52000.3058. I tern Account No. Estimate Final Cost Construction Cost District Lator 51010.3058 52000.3058 $182,145.00 None $196,991.14 21,846.88 The Holding Basin Modifications were canp1eted. satisfactorily and the Contractor (Winton Jones, Inc.) was paid the final construction cost on November 1, 1979 via Board authorization. However, sewer construction funds have not yet been transferred to the above accounts to cover additional construction costs and District later costs. The additional construction costs were incurred as a result of unfores2eable circumstances (please refer to the attached Position Paper VI OB 1, dated November 1,1979). The District labor costs shown above comprise the total design and construction management effort required to canp1ete the project. An original budget estimate of the labor was not provided for account No. 52000.3058. Reccmnend.ation: Transfer sewer construction funds to close the above accounts, 51010.3058 and 52000.3058 in the amount of $36,693.02. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Special Projects Engineering JAL- e.t.W 1 OF 1