HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-19-80 D Central Contra Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V I. OB - 2 6/19/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 17, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION PUBLIC RESPONSE TO GARBAGE RATE INCREASE None Required SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki Administration/Accounting ISSUE: The Board of Directors requested a report of all communication received from the public following the authorization of garbage rate increases effective Apr ill, 1980. BACKGROUND: After conducting a Public Hearing, the District's Board of Directors authorized garbage rate increases in response to rate appl ications from the Valley Disposal Service companies and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. The Board requested that all communication from the public received by the franchisees or District be provided for its information. Following is a summary of the letters and telephone calls received. Copies of the communications are attached. Valley Disposal Companies: Fourwritten objections to rate increases Four telephone complaints regarding rate increases or lack of notification of Public Hearing Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc.: Two written objections to rate increase Two telephone objections to the rate increases were received from residents within the Valley Disposal Service, Inc.'s service area at the District. RECOMMENDATION: The adverse publ ic response received was very small. While the Board should be aware of the sentiments expressed, no action is required. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Central Contra BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. VII. NB-2 6/19/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT EXECU'IE CONTRACT AND GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR SEWER CROSSING THE CONTRA COSTA CANAL - PLEASANT HILL AREA - JOB NO. 3319, PARCEL 3 TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF TflAY SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection Sys. ISSUE: An 8-inch sewer main must cross the Contra Costa Canal to provide service to properties in the Camino Las Juntas - Little Lane area of Pleasant Hill. An easement must be granted to pennit the construction of the required sewer main crossing. BACKGROUND: We have accepted and executed similar ease.nents fran the U.S.A. in the past. This docurent contains their usual provisions which protect the rights of the U.S.A. and hold this District responsible for maintenance and any damages which may occur as a result of District use of this easerrent. RECCMv1ENDATION: Pass resolution authorizing execution of "Contract and Grant of Easerrent", execute said dOCl.lITEIlt in triplicate and order its retmn for execution by the U.S.A. and the Contra Costa County l-vater District. (Easerrent to be accepted after the fully executed dOCl..lITEnt is retmned to this District) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~t.~ CLW ~ ""'I. ...... ........ ~ v VICINITY MAP PA;lCEL C SU!D,.5~101 P/P.?~cFtf27 /'?~J"C; ~/P E$N';;'" $P" / ':?...? (:?CJ d %/?aB. #-?'/".?..?l:?CJC; ~a 63' ;..p: /3CJ' .d :571!J/c:JC?c:r L~/...?>?7/' --"I-.. I I -A/~;;o_~O' se'lP; d'U't?3 ' , - - ##~.?~c'2; /acc' ..~.; -$~;r40'Se~ 6'ar.:J3' ..... ". A//.?~crCl O'J-j/ /..?.?: -7/' -- --- R: per L1 " 5/"'t?CJ G?c:J"- _ L :~a//' A/''':y.?''~2 V'c'c //.:5:30' ----,_ /f'a c, .. I" = 2.00' FEE OWNED 8Y /.1,5. A. GRANT OF EASEMENT CONTRA COSTA CANAL JOB 3319 - PARCEL 3 Central Contra BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 13, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 80-18 (Alarro Area) 'IO BE IN:1.UDED IN FDRTHCCMING DISTRIcr ANNEXATION P~EEDINGS TYPE OF ACTION ANNEXATION SUBMITTED.!.{y f1cCoy INITIATJNG DEPT./DJV. Engllleering/Co11ection Sys. Parcel No. Area Owner & Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Lead Remarks 80-18 Alarro Robert L. Abegg 2136 Swan Lake Ct. Martinez, CA 94553 197-270-06 & -07 (2.39 Acres) Property to be split into three parcels by Minor Sub- division 57-79, which was approved by County October 10, 1979. Negative Declara- tion by County. County RECC:MI1ENDATION: Authorize P.A. 80-18 to be included in the next forna1 annexation to the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON G. C!.~w CLW _ \:-- :tV 2.97AC ~/6~ u.~' '" \ 1" ~J,~v'f. ~'O~ '~C r\. ,~~ ~.. hJ' . H ...'" ~. DR .\'\"~ .....1 ~;, 12 to'" \ ~~~ ~...A,.tj \'FJo,1 /;E; ~ ""t"u/W \0 32 3" ~.. ,10 ..... , W1"(;1- 11.~~ ~ ",23 ~ ~t. .,~"A 1 "~ ~~ 67 ~~~~~~ 18 20 22" n A ~ ro Oi "7 _ .,O~" .,., ~ A' 5:.~0" \.~ 74 ~~ '-~ 'I,. s _ 4~!'J .~..,~ ~y 70 .~~\~ 8 9 4. ~~:C..., 1~19'J.. ~ 'IF 13 .;: :.1~ 'fb ~.,O "^~~,~ ~ :; 72 5 Q'U~"" ,It'" o.3b.O.a..,~~ 'J 2.25AC ,v '-~ _ V Sl 0,1 I 2 .53 ~ 62 c:,~ -~\ 20 14 '\ ~:~\ ,II ~O" \"..1~' 64 AC 59 AC 4 0 "'" ~,.., 5C~OOl- 57A 64 AC 104A AC 9 \0 12 "":- b p ~,AC 3 13 "'6> I_~~C_ .....~ ~~ '- ~O 5'O~< "A'Ol-l-.O~(, euA' .93AC -:.... 8 ~ ~"I....- __ ' , ~. OO~~'f. '3AC 1.17AC 'Rcr-\., ~ /~ ~, ~ C/ 76AC . '; ~ 2 ~ ~ 73A 1.05AC ,~ --) , 10A~ """\ ~., ~~ 58AC 53AC - ,~'\ ~ r- --...... .~5AC .58A " OIi'~~AC' :1, I' t I:a.\ ~cF E~ ~ 8 ~ /1/ (' 3 \ i ,~ .59A"~ 2~ B'i~~ ~ '~29\r\ 30'..ull ;;; 53 ..... I'l:1" '1',\ ~ II' l~ ,oc;.. .53AC 61 AC 57AC:l""0 . . ~ ~ 14eAC~" 56A.57AC :\2' I 38' 37 3;7'0 f.: 34 ~ ~<-s III .. dI \ _' <;OAC ,O\,.. ~ 40 39~ "'0 S .,. ()> ~ ,~ \,.. 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' :..' ~y......r -r I ~\,) ~ 18 A> ;l '\ . .\ 16 I~ 19 13 \ ~ 53 20 {~ 1I't El( ~~ 31 30 rz; U~'" 3~t; 32 " ~::. .....' ~ 10 W I'-C E< ~ ~C~C; i 5 ~ \ 63 3 66 , ALAMO PROPERTIES CO '.', STATE 139.366 A, )~ .s- o" PA. 80- /8 / 93 9 20 AC 95 100 11.80 AC .,,~ GAST.lN 10.0 AC 94 96 II 30 AC ~C ~~ (~ SU '\: ~ STATE OF CALIF I PROPOSED ANNEXATION STATE OF -v"" <" ,v 6 AC CORDUIID'I 202.20AC "" " co RDURO'l 68.01 AC 0 E 91 r- to to 'D' I{I I~ ~ , ~ I I DANV!llE I JOINT VENTURE 419,18AC FRIDEN 368.43 AC . ~.,. Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-5 6/19/80 J VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 13, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE THE NEGOTIATION OF A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH AUTHORIZE CONTRACT JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION MANAGE- AMENDMENT BY GMCE MENT FOR THE DECHLORINATION FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJE( T, DSP 3272 SUBMITTED BY Mike Britten I INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering/Special Projects BACKGROUND: On June 14, 1979, the Board authorized the General Manager-Chief Engineer to contract with John Carollo Engineers for the design of the Dechlorination Facility Improvements. To review the history of the project, the original dechlorination facility was constructed under Stage SB, Phase II as an interim facility to meet unexpected discharge requirements. The new facility will provide equipment redundancy to increase reliability, capacity to meet peak flows, and better maintainability. As a result, the incidence of zero chlorine residual discharge violations is expected to be greatly reduced. The design of the facility is now complete and the project is ready for construction. The project has been determined by the State Water Resources Control Board to be grant eligible and step 3 grant funds are available for construction at this time. The scope of the Construction Management includes day-to-day inspection of the construction, shop drawing review, preparation of record drawings and liaison between the Contractor and the District. Because of the Construction Division's heavy work load, the use of an outside consultant to complete the construction management is required. John Carollo Engineers has been selected as the most qualified to do this work. The cost for Construction Management has been estimated at $27,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to negotiate and execute Amendment No.3 to CCCSD's contract with John CArollo Engineers to include Construction Management Services for the Dechlorination Facility Improvements Project, DSP 3272 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. m~~\~~MB e.~~ CLW GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. I AMENDMENT NO. 3 OF AGREEMENT The Agreement entered into June 14, 1979 by the undersigned, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT and JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS ("Consultant"), is hereby amended as follows: SECTION 1 - PERFORMANCE OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Delete Items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 under "Construction Support Services" and insert "Construction Services" attached hereto as Exhibit "A." SECTION 2 - CONSULTANT'S COMPENSATION: Delete subsection "(b)" which begins "Payment for Construction support services shall. . . " and insert Exhibit "B" and "c" which are hereto attached. SECTION 11 - TIME OF PERFORMANCE: Insert the following: "Construction Services shall commence upon issuance of a "Notice to Proceed" and shall be completed 30 calendar days following date of completion of actual construction contract." It is estimated that actual construction period will be six months. The Agreement, as hereinabove amended, shall remain in full force and effect. Dated: June 11, 1980 JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BY:~~' ~u.J6BY: EXHIBIT "A" CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1. Schedules: Review the progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submissions, and other schedules prepared by CONTRACTOR and advise the DISTRICT concerning their acceptability. 2. Conferences: Arrange and schedule progress meetings and other job conferences as required and notify in advance those expected to attend; attend meetings and maintain and circulate copies of min- utes thereof. 3. Liason: Serve as the DISTRICT's liaison with CONTRACTOR, working through CONTRACTOR's superintendent and assisting him in under- standing the intent of the Contract Documents; serve as the DIS- TRICT's liaison with CONTRACTOR when CONTRACTOR's operations affect on-site operation of others. 4. Shop Drawings and Samples: Receive, review, and return Shop Draw- ings and samples which have been furnished at the site by CONTRAC- TOR for action, and transmit to the DISTRICT for forwarding to the CONTRACTOR's design staff if further determination of compliance with the Contract Documents is required. 5. Review of Work, Rejection of Defective Work, Inspections, and Tests: a. Conduct on-site observations of the Work in progress during construction to determine that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. b. Notify CONTRACTOR AND THE DISTRICT whenever any work is judged to be unsatisfactory, faulty or defective, or does not conform to the Contract Documents, as been damaged, or does not meet the requirements of inspections, tests, or approvals required to be made, and advise CONTRACTOR when he believes work should be corrected or rej ected or should be uncovered for observa- tion, or requires special testing or inspection. c. Verify that test equipment and systems start-ups and operating and maintenance instructions are conducted as required by the Contract Documents and in presence of the required personnel, and that CONTRACTOR maintains adequate records thereof; observe, record, interpret, and report appropriate details relative to the test procedures and start-ups. 6. Interpretation of Contract Documents: clarification and interpretation of the issued by the CONSULTANT's support staff. Transmit Contract to CONTRACTOR Documents as 1 of 3 EXHIBIT "A" (Continued) 7. Modifications: a. Consider and evaluate CONTRACTOR's suggestions for modifica- tion to Drawings or Specifications and report them with recom- mendations to CONSULTANT's design staff and the DISTRICT. b. Prepare change orders for processing by the DISTRICT and CONTRACTOR. Drawings and/or Specifications to be prepared by the CONSULTANT. 8. Records: a. Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, Shop Drawings, and sample submis- sions, reproductions of original Contract Documents including all addenda, change orders, field orders, additional Drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the Contract, clarifica- tions and interpretation of the Contract Documents, progress reports, and other Project related documents. b. Keep a diary or log book, recording hours on the job site, weather conditions, data relative to question of extras or deductions, list of principal visitors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific test pro- cedures. Send copies to the DISTRICT. c. Gather and record information from the CONTRACTOR and prepare Contract Record Drawings. 9. Reports: a. Furnish the DISTRICT periodic reports of progress of the Work and of CONTRACTOR's compliance with the approved progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submissions, and other schedules. b. Consult with the DISTRICT in advance of scheduled major tests, inspections, or start of important phases of the Work. 10. Payment Requisitions: Review Applications for Payment with CON- TRACTOR for compliance with the established procedure for their submission and forward them wi th recommendations to the DISTRICT, noting particularly their relation to the schedule of values, work completed, and materials and equipment delivered at the site. 11. Guarantees, Certificates, and Maintenance and Operation Instructions/ Catalogs: During the course of the Work verify that guarantees, certificates, maintenance and operation instructions/ catalogs, and other data required to be assembled and furnished by 2 of 3 CONTRACTOR are applicable to the items actually installed; then forward to the DISTRICT prior to final acceptance of the Project. 12. Completion: a. Prepare and submit to CONTRACTOR a list of observed items requiring correction. b. Conduct final inspection in the company of the DISTRICT, the CONSULTANT, and CONTRACTOR and prepare a final list of items to be corrected. c. Verify that all items on final list have been corrected and make recommendations concerning acceptance. d. Revise original mylar drawings to reflect result of actual construction and deliver them to the District (Contract Record Dr awings) . 3 of 3 EXHIBIT "B" CONSULTANT'S COMPENSATION "(b) Payment for design services shall be on a cost- reimbursement basis paid on basis of time and expense plus overhead plus fixed profit and margin as follows: 1. Direct Salary at actual payroll cost. 2. Rate for direct or indirect overhead at one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of direct salary. 3. Direct expenses incurred by the CONSULTANT such as sub- contracts for special services, investigations, and costs for materials and supplies other than normal office materials and supplies, travel, concrete and soil testing and other direct expenses approved by the DISTRICT shall all be reimbursed at cost. Expenses for travel by owned automobiles shall be compensated for at the rate of Twenty-one cents (2l~) per mile. 4. Fixed fee of three thousand three hundred eighty dollars. The Budget for total charges for construction services des- cribed above in Section 1 will not exceed twenty-seven thousand dollars ($27,000) as estimated in Exhibit "c" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Budget may be increased by amendment hereto if required to complete the Scope of Work. Payment for amounts due under items 1, 2, and 3 above shall be paid monthly. Fixed fee, Item 4 above, shall be paid monthly and will be prorated according to the work com- pleted." 1 EXHIBIT "c" ESTIMATED COST CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Resident Inspector (approx. 1/2 time) 560 hr x $14.70 $ 8,232 Technical Support Staff: Engineering Drafting Total Direct Labor 40 hr x 14.00 = 560 24 hr x 7.50 = 180 20 hr x 17.50 350 12 hr x 30.50 366 $ 9,688 11,142 $ 20,830 270 $ 3,380 Total $ 24,480 Contingency $ 2,520 Suggested Budget $ 27,000 Project Coordinator Partner-in-Charge Overhead @ 115% Subtotal Direct Expense** (mileage) Fixed Fee * Based on Construction period of 6 months during last half of 1980. **TestingServices - Soil, Concrete, etc. - to be provided by DISTRICT. 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB-6 6/19/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 17, 1980 SUBJECT APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL & AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3338, HOLDING BASIN RENOVATION PHASE II TYPE OF ACTION APPROVAL OF PLANS & AUTHORIZATION FOR BID SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System BACKGROUND: Project design was Board authorized 3/20/80. The plans are completed and ready to advertise. Construction cost is roughly estimated at $650,000. It is essential that the project be started as soon as possible so that the holding basins are ready for service before winter. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize advertising for bids for the Holding Basin Renovation Phase II. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION '''TO T'v.-12;. JMc ~CLW I1-_D/I1)(; SAs/NS - X 333' g /7:::'/.;' II-J. I Za b 3 4_. o. b !J 6 7 8 o " /0 II /2 /3 14C2 ! u IS ~ '~1'Tt,/ - LJErCf<lPTION f:::'- _ ',. \-l /:; /t?- , Jo~ k) [2:!t/ ".;. ~~);~):~7:fJie ~~:"u;(,oi Ie jIrl rn;:.ICII~;j ~ i \ '..." '''''~~~.;z . ii >:.,.:\.. ~ L..S. . ~c~!~'~tr ':'&I.:.J~:) "',8; ~~jZ~,;;:~ ~ V (:' .,.~..." L5. /?ecu"hur /I/""m ~d7:f!:J!hrm5 /!. gOO c .y. L.S L ,~ ..::>, L.S. $00 L,F ~04() L,F. c:/ ~I _.J!(' ! 2/)0 1"'/ /{? , ..- L.,I- , LF. ! r: i--_, I 2 eft, fJ t of 11 In .~'" ('1(.1.(7<'7. 17. l\efrJOV::' P,' di.5f'O.J.<.. IjlvJ", ,-,Ie / '- I!e.Q?fJ.;j,ucf J1<.lSf, /e.U-EU , J3.::u I ~ 13 I r-' " (-;;' A ' [~- ".j. '.' 1- r I ;;' 1 I' r /\,. C{f/1.... r~ J', y'l, ~ . Ie ,'J-<.'.k: ~ I Afunl jJctnd J I f n L'; _ Remr,/[ YXlsf. /a'e.i!-! / 13,;:>.,;;";' C /"1 ' I L.."c77 51 rV (-/ (,.V)) ,1117 P: V. dllL:.;< Bas/~ A , r ,I ..! I . ( n' ( f, i (.,.A.r::JTr:c" (11/'?C7 1"( r, Or- j') , I:>.:>J I" 13 f~/'-/'] r l"'J/-1- "-- v .w/ _, '.' '''--"''' /, IS _;.ef,~ ~ ,So r~~ r I _ f !...-tY.{1,',(.. 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'IOLDI/I)6 B/;-S: INS - X ~"3 3 ," -7 ., Nt:) (f( t.~/1 1\" -/ / 7' 'i' f)CSC;::UPTIOIJ !if 1fT jJ Ir: /C{.J TOTAL I - 0 L3. /vlod// (J{Ht.rfl(f'.>> .shv...cf~. A/v. 3 Bc..s IIi C L.S. 500 I 7 L's. /?> / ;.2.- rWp-r!k7.,) s/)'!{c/w-e_ No. z L.s. 3,41JD g L.S. /!ew., ./()Id ~;I.i S f, I C;'2i:/7C/ L,C;. " mo cJ r~lr. ? LS. /(:z.m:r/:?.. 0" A!cun siCA dqc J:crs tnl;;[A it "r7 12- L.5, fdM . 1. S. b,,,VJ2 fc (i r'C? / . L,S, 0"' .: r r.S 1/, OOD I L.S. } t . ", - I L. S. 1-0,~ I Vi ()'): !, },)'h (',... 50 (1' Rerrwl<?-/ repl..::,cf!. r , . m;'- }.:.(I 'd./ IS-: 00 7SD Z2 ~'o )', rc.vndd'r~'h 13 L,S', Shon;",] L. S. \.3'JgO , ..~w____ ITE./~ t I I I 2f) 2 TO TI-l L J5 &35,400 3/, gOO "" S():) :::>, :i5 730,100 (!tlJT/"/GENC IE>, S% I~JCfDE.)JTALS. (0 1~ ll\r r't . I un c:.. C6JT ~ \t....... () n ..~ · C"""........ ~..."..'...,.,g ~..... ."'l- .',- ,,," .It. t. oJ( t:. ... It.. , '~.". ') " '., .~~, ~ tJj t.., .;:" .. F'., ~ ~ :. ,) 1: '''. f"' ..1,"'1 "..,;.,,~, ;.;: ~.~. ~'G"'; t'''". ."<J .(:'.,11 -~/GIV ~ l?1 S "rV Fli- 6-'5-:,''0 Central Contra BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0-\ -r;;,<J N'VI1. NB-4 6/17/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 13, 1980 SUBJECT ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR $438,431 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT SUBMITTED BY John Larson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Special Projects BACKGROUND: The State Solid Waste Management Board identified six candidate sites for Solid Waste to Energy Projects and offered $2 million in pre con- struction grant funds. CCCSD applied and has been awarded a grant in the amount of $438,431. The basis of CCCSD's application was that this money would be used to conduct predesign engineering in connection with the first stage Solid Waste To Energy Project. The proposed scope of work includes: 1. A detailed evaluation of the first stage solid waste to energy project in light of recent advances and parallel technology, 2. Identification of possible problem areas, 3. Preparation of a conceptual design that provides resolution of the problem areas, and 4. A detailed evaluation of the economics and an assessment of the technical and economic risks associated with project implementation. Upon conclusion of the predesign engineering, CCCSD will have the infor- mation necessary to decide whether or not to proceed with the first stage of the solid waste to energy project. The predesign engineering is estimated to cost $516,000 and require 12 months to complete; however, the preliminary results with respect to technical risk should be avail-able in 5-6 months. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution (copy attached) authorizing the General Manager-Chief Engineer to accept the grant from the State Solid Waste Management Board subject to approval by legal counsel. Authorize $516,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the Solid Wast~ to Energy Project. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~L. .. ~~JL ~~ CLW