HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-03-80 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.VI. OB-2 7/3/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 3, 1980 APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL AND AUTHORIZE ADVER- TISING FOR BIPS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3023, STATE HWY SEWER RELOCATION,I680 AND OAK PARK BLVD. TYPE OF ACTION APPROVAL OF PLANS & AUTHORIZATION FOR BID SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System BACKGROUND: On November 13, 1979, the Board authorized preparation of plans and specifications and right of way acquisition for the relocation of District facilities to accommodate the State's proposed modifications of 1-680 at Oak Park Blvd., and Treat Blvd. This work was mandated by a State IINotice to Relocate" dated 1-15-80 and covered by a Utilities Agreement No. 106.75.2 executed by the District Board. Plans and Specifications have been completed. The Engineers estimate is hereto attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and project manual and authorize adver- tising for bids for DSP 3023. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 17I1iXDIV. 1- JMc ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ \~ . ~ ~ J(OR TH dA~ &'EA~Y .. ~ I r----.. ~ ~ J..J. C!~NIATO . Counsel for the District Tel. 283-1552 CLYDE M. HOPKINS Secretary -;:NTRAL CONTRA COS...... SANITARY DISTRICT 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 February 1, 1980 The District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Gentlemen: RE: DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3023 OAKPARK,r~680INTERSECTION ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer CLARK L. WEDDLE, PhD. Deputy Chief Engineer Submitted herewith is an estimate of the cost of work in accordance with District plans for District Sewering Project No. 3023, the Relocation of District facil ities at Oak Park Blvd. and 1-680 to accommodate the State of California. J SM: sf Item No. Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 315 L.F. 597 L.F. 50 L.F. 2 EA. 6 EA. 1 EA. 8 EA. 3 EA. 6 EA. 1 EA. 40 C.Y. 12 L.S. Deser i pt i on 15" Pipe $ 811 01 P 8" VCP Reconnect Side Sewer Std. 48" Manhole Std. 6" Rodding Inlet MH or RI Adjust, Case MH Adjust. Case I I I MH Abandonment RI Abandonment Foundation Material Removal/Replace- ment Shori ng Subtotal Construction Contingencies 5% Incidentals (Engineering, Legal, Survey, Construction Inspection, TV, Printing & Advertising 21% Total Sewering Cost Very truly yours, Unit Price 50.00 40.00 35.00 200.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 300.00 900.00 300.00 100.00 15.00 L.S. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ;ftf~it Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager Total $15,750.00 23,880.00 1,750.00 400.00 15,000.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 2,700.00 1,800.00 100.00 600.00 6,020.00 71,600.00 3,600.00 15,000.00 $90,200.00 (7;2 ~~ Recycled Paper BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI!. NB-5 7/3/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer June 27, 1980 SUBJECT DATE TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 80-19 (ALAMO AREA) P.A. 80-20 (ORINDA AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy Pa rce 1 No. Owner Address Area Parcel No. & Acreage 80-19 Alamo D.P. SHELLOOE 1449 Casa Vallecita Alamo, CA 94507 192-020-03 (0.45 Ac) 80-20 Orinda Robert L. Howard 2 Camino Del Diablo Orinda, Ca 264-250-013 (0.72 acres) ANNEXATION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection Remarks Lead A ency Owner plans to build addition to existing house. Owner will connect house to public sewer. CCCSD to prepare IINot i ce of Exempt i onll CCCSD The Howards recently purchased this property wich is now on septic tank. They have a family of seven and want to connect to the public sewer when it is installed. This property is located in the area in which the environmental aspects were addressed by the Final EIR pre ared by S.D.Billington CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 80-19 and 80-20 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. ./DIV. JMc REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. NB-o 7/3/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 27, 1980 SUBJECT DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES TYPE OF ACTION HOLD HEARING 7/17/80 SUBMITTED.ElY S M C Jay . c oy II'i.lTIATING DEPT.lpIV. ~ngineering/Collection System ISSUE: There are 27 parcels for which sewer service charges are delinquent. BACKGROUND: In 1977 and 1978, certain residential property owners were billed directly from the District office for environmental quality charges. These particular charges were found to be owing through an audit of the charge system. The majority of the owners who were billed paid the charges. There are 24 owners who have not paid to date and are delinquent. In addition, three owners who are being billed from this office through the old elective fixture charge system are delinquent. RECOMMENDATION: The Board adopt a resolution directing the preparation of a written report, the giving of notice and the holding of a hearing on July 17, 1980, with respect to delinquent sewer service charges. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Ti /Jil;:'V. r JMe BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~I 1. NB-3 7/3/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 27, 1980 SUBJECT GRANT TEMPORARY EASEMENT TO SHELL OIL COMPANY, SOUTH OF MARINA VISTA, IN MARTINEZ TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF \.JAY SUBMITTED BY J S M C ay . c oy INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering/Coll. Sys. ISSUE: Shell Oil Company has requested that this District grant an easement for Roadway purposes, across a portion of District owned property adjoining the Fairview Pump Station. BACKGROUND: The subject easement will provide access to a large parking lot which Shell Oil Company intends to construct in the near future. The easement crosses land which is not presently used by the District. Staff does not anticipate any District use of this parcel for the future. The easement is intended to be temporary, with an initial term of five years at a cost of $5,000. The easement can be renewed on a yearly basis at $1,000 per year plus an amount to compensate for inflation. Shell Oil Company shall defend and hold CCCSD harmless from any liability or claims except those caused solely by the negligent or willful act of CCCSD. CCCSD and/or Shell Oil Company can cancel the easement after the initial 5-year period. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute temporary easement and forward to Shell Oil Company for their execution and recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON JMc BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. VII.-NB-4 7/3/80 DATE 6/27/80 SUBJECT EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY - SUBD 5598 (JOB 2908) TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITU'-TIN.G DEPT../DI"t 11 S tnglneerlngl 0 ys. ISSUE: Gerald Drive, a new road in proposed Subdivision 5598, runs along a portion of an existing District sewer easement. Gerald Drive will be dedicated to the County for public use when the subdivision map is filed. BACKGROUND: The County requires a Consent to Dedication whenever a new road is dedicated to the County for public use if said road encroaches upon an existing easement. This is our standard consent document, the District retains prior rights. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute document and authorize its recording by the County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION T~NJ~Y~IV. '4 pU7 JMc Central Contra Costa Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS ..~ VI 1. NB-~ 7/3/~O POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT EXECUTE CONTRACT AND GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR SBVER CROSSING THE CONTRA COSTA CANAL - PLEASANT HILL AREA - JOB NO. 3319, PARCEL 3 TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection Sys. ISSUE: An 8-inch sewer main must cross the Contra Costa Canal to provide service to properties in the Camino Las Juntas - Little Lane area of Pleasant Hill. An easement must be granted to penni t the construction of the required sewer main crossing. BACKGROUND: We have accepted and executed similar easerrents fran the U.S.A. in the pa,st. . This docurent contains their usual provisions which protect the rights of the U.S.A. and hold this District responsible for mintenance and any damages which may occur as a result of District use of this easement. RECOM1ENDATION: Pass resolution authorizing execution of "Contract and Grant of Easerrent", execute said docurrent in triplicate and order its return for execution by the U.S.A. and the Contra Costa County h'ater District. (Easement to be accepted after the fully executed document is returned to this District) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I NZ;J J[Z;v, ~ ~(.,~ CLW \ IllII Vle/A//TY MAP <6 ""1 ,...... ,.....,. ~ ~ ..)..\ ""J.,..,.-, r "';"\..r \~.::. ... c SU!l]j,.~~~01 P,.f'~.Pt?SCL7 /d#J"E; ~/P E.,5;Y;r:., $-9'/'?2C?Cl" "T." /? a 8. #-?,/~7C?c:J ?; ;7": /3Cl' .4 :570/c:JC7c2" L,:/-?>?7/; -"k I I -A/-?,:rt10' Sc~ cf7.2c:?3 ' , -/t/-f2/o.?..?'t:?c:JC; /a~' .::~::; _$~9040'Sc.~ O'aU/3' -- 1.1 /"= 2.00' /V/P';/Or't7t?'/-'Y /2.:5: ?/' - - - - -- "- \ \ "--FEE OW/lJED BY [I,SA. pac, GRANT OF EASEMENT CONTRA COSTA CANAL JOB 3319 - PARCEL 3 D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 30, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION 1980-1981 0 &M BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Approval of 1980- 1981 Budget SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administration/Accounting ISSUE: The District's Operations and Maintenance Budget expenditures for fiscal year 1980-1981 must be adopted by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1980-1981 Operations and Maintenance Budget expenditures, excluding salaries and wages and employee benefit expenses, was authorized for inclusion in the final budget by the Board of Directors at the June 19, 1980 Board Meeting. At that meeting, the Board directed staff to compute salaries and wages and employee benefit expenses based on the District wage and benefit proposal and to complete preparation of the budgeted expenditures for submission at the July 3, 1980 Board Meeting. The Operations and Maintenance Budget expenditures transmitted herewith include salaries and wages based on a 10% across the board increase and all employee benefit expenses. The budget, however, does not include the detailed expenses of the Construction Division which are pending the results of an evaluation of claims support requirements. A provision of $60,000 of non- capitalized expenses of the Construction Division has been added to the District's Operations and Maintenance Budget to enable approval by the Board of the District's budget as a whole. Details of the $60,000 expenditure will be sub- mitted to the Board on July 17, 1980. Concurrent with the approval of the 1980-1981 Operations and Maintenance Budget expenditures, the Board will be required to establish the Environmental Quality Charge for 1980-1981 and authorize the transfer of sufficient funds from reserves to balance expenditures. The computation of the recommended change to the EQC rate and the amount required to be transferred from reserves is pre- sented in a separate position paper. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the 1980-1981 Operations and Maintenance Budget expendi- tures totaling $15.2 million, before reduction for capitalized wages and employee benefits and printing charge-outs. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Comparative Summary of 1980-1981 Budget and Projected 1979-1980 Operations and Maintenance Expenses (cents omitted) 1980-1981 1979-1980 Increase Budget Projected Amount % Labor $ 8,097,114 6,597,480 1,499,634 22.7 Energy and Other Utilities 2,615,743 1,738,584 877 , 159 50.5 Chemicals 1 ,501 , 000 1,267,656 233,344 18.4 Other Expenses 2,969,043 2,666,573 302,470 11.3 Total $15,182,900 12,270,293 2,912,607 23.7