HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-04-80 ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N<VI1. NB -2 9/4/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 6, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $660.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM TEST INSTRUMENTS TYPE OF ACTION EXPENDITURE SUBMITTED BENG I NEER I NG/COLLECT ION SYSTEM ISSUE: The acquiring of test instruments would allow District personnel to adequately monitor our cathodic protection systems. BACKGROUND: It is most important to maintain the proper level of cathodic protection on our steel pipelines and pump stations to prevent corrosion failure. When malfunctions occur, the benefits of cathodic protection are lost and corrosion is allowed to continue which can be a considerable expense to the District. The District's Corrosion Consultant recommended annual surveys be conducted of our systems to assure proper operation. In the past the Consultant has conducted some of these surveys assisted by our Engineering staff. These surveys consist of taking voltage readings at each electrolysis test station on a pipeline or structure with a high impedance voltmeter and a reference half-cell. (test instrument requested) This is a simple procedure for routine monitoring of the systems. Purchase of these test instruments would allow the Engineering staff currently working in the area of corrosion investigation to do this routine monitoring without the need of a consultant. Consultant services would then only be used when malfunctions occurred or adjustments were found necessary. The savings in consultant fees would more than coyer the test instruments within the first year. For example, fees for annual surveys of the following are: 1) Port chicago & Bates Avenue Pump Station 2) 4" Natural gas service to treatment plant $650.00 750.00 In addition to these, there are seven other pipelines to be surveyed each year. Required test instruments include: 1) Harco/ESD Digital corrosion potential meter 2) Current Interrupter, Nilsson 3) Test lead wire, clips and reel $195.00 $325.00 $100.00 Tas 40.00 $660.00 cathodic protection TOTAL COST RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $660.00 for the purchase of system testing instruments. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION OF e.~ <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N\lI I. -NB-3 9/4/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR $575 PLUS EXPENSES FOR ATTENDANCE BY K. BARKER, CONSTRUCTION DIVISION MANAGER, AT A SEMINAR ON BONDS, LIENS, & INSURANCE IN BERKELEY, OCT 27-29, 198 Au ust 22, 1980 TYPE OF ACTION Authorize Funds SUBMITTED BY K. Barker INITIATING De;:PT./DIV. Engineerlng/Construction Division ISSUE: It would be advantageous for District's Construction Division Manager to attend a three-day Construction Seminar in Berkeley, California, on the subject of construction bonds, liens, and insurance. BACKGROUND: District is currently involved in construction projects and litigation totalling several millions of dollars. Information regarding the adequacy of District's bonds and insurance for future projects and the role of surety companies for projects currently being litigated by District would be available to District from these seminars. It would be advantageous to District to obtain further knowledge through the Bonds, Liens, and Insurance Seminar which is offered by the University of Santa Clara School of Law. A copy of the seminar brochure is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $575 plus expenses for attendance by K. Barker at the subject seminar. EVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. t'!. 'c'f~. CLW ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI!. NB-4 9/4/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 20, 1980 SUBJECT REQUEST AUTHORIZATION OF REGISTRATION, TRAVEL AND AC- TUAL EXPENSES FOR ATTENDANCE AT THE WPCF ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN LAS VEGAS, NEV., SEPTEMBER 26-0CTOBER 3, 1980 TYPE OF ACTION CONFERENCE EXPENSE SUBMITTED BY Clark L. Weddle, Deputy Chief Engineer Engineering Dept ISSUE: This request is for registration, travel and actual expense for attendance at the annual meeting of the Water Pollution Control Association in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 26 through October 3, 1980 for Roger Dolan, Clark Weddle, Robert Hinkson, and David Niles. The estimated cost for attendance at this meeting is approximately $875 each attendant or $3500 total. Attendance at this meeting has been previously budgeted. BACKGROUND: This conference offers the finest technical program in the water pollution field. The subjects covered are diverse and offer the conference participants the most advanced concepts and ideas available in the industry today. RECOMMENDATION: Approve request of Roger Dolan, Clark Weddle, Robert Hinkson and Dave Niles for registration, travel and actual expense for attendance at the WPCF Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 26 - October 3, 1980. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~..a ......-~:t . ~~ J.J, IlL CLW REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION A. 9.Q.t1. RHH DN OF ..... WPCF CONFERENCE COST SUMMARY Transportat i on Airline (4 @ $196) $784 Rental Car (1 for 5 days) 175 Hotel (4 @ $240/5 days) 960 Subsistence (4 @ $175/5 days) 700 Conference Registration 473 1 @ $90 2 @ 116 1 @ 151 Subtotal $3092 Contingency 10% 309 Total $3401 (say) $3500 Average Cost Per Person $ 875 ~ - <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Se tember 4, 1980 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT APPROVAL TO AWARD CONSTRUCTION BID FOR BACK-UP CAKE PUMP PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE $114,500 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS Bid Award SUBMITTED BY John Larson INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Special Project Engineering Division BACKGROUND: Dewatered sludge cake from the treatment process is conveyed to trucks via a cake pump and pipeline. Because there is only one cake pump serving two centrifuges and no backup, failure of one centrifuge or the cake pump is an emergency situation. CCCSD puchased an additional cake pump, proposals were solicited for a formal installation design, and Rickard & Assoc. (HRT Engineering) were selected on the basis of their proposal. The design was completed, and construction bids were solicited. The bid opening was September 2, 1980 with four bids received. A low bid of $87,690 was submitted by D. W. Young Construction Co. Inc. HRT Engi- neering evaluated the bids (spread sheet attached). District staff estimates the total cost of the project at $120,000 (see attached post bid pre-construction cost estimate). An amount of $5,500 has been authorized to-date, leaving a balance of $114,500 to complete the project. RECOMMENDATION: Award contract to D. W. Young Const. Inc. and authorize the amount of $114,500 from Sewer Construction Funds to cover the balance re- quired for construction contingincies and incidentals. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e..Q~~, POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT ITEM AMOUNT ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. 2. TOTAL. - Construction Contract (As Bid) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 89.690 Estimated Construction Contingencies . . . . . . $ 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . . $ Inspection . $ 6.000 Engineering . $ t;nn Total Estimated Construction Incidentals . . $ 6,500 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat . . . . . . . . . . $ 11,310 $ 6,500 N/A 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project . . . . . . . . . . $ 107,500 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Surv~y. Engineering, Printing, Advertising Special Services Right-of-Way Acquisition. . . . . . . $ 12,500 . $ . $ 7. Total Preconstruction Incidentals (as of 9/3/80 ). . $ 12,500 8. Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5 & 7) . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9. Funds Previously Authorized . . . . . .. . $ 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. (Item 8 minus Item 9) $ 12,500 . $ 120,000 5.500 . $ 114,500 %CONST. CONTRACT 15.0% 7.4% 122.0% 14.3% 136.8% 2050-8-78 <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB 7b POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Augus t 22, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION DSP-3346, INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT SAMPLERS RECO~1r'1ENDATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT WORK ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT HORK K. Barker SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The Project Contractor, McCrary Construction Company, has satisfactorily completed work and we are ready to file the Notice of Completion. The total construction cost of the Project is $36,521.37. BACKGROUND: On May 15, 1980, District entered into an agreement with McCrary Construction Company for the Construction of District Sewering Project No. 3346, Influent and Effluent Samplers. The Contractor completed all Contract construction work on August 22, 1980, which date was the agreed completion date plus change order extensions due to unforeseen delay in delivery of the effluent pump and punch list work. RECOMMENDATION: The following Board actions are recommended: (1) (2) (3) Acceptance of the Contract Hork for DSP-3346. Authorization for filing a Notice of Completion with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Authorization of final payment to be made to the Contractor 35 days after the Notice filing date if no claims are received. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~ \/..<....t JL e;t CW ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE FUNDS FOR REPAIRS AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE TREATMENT PLANT FUEL GAS SYSTEMS Authorization of Funds SUBMITTED BY John Larson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Special Projects Engineering Division BACKGROUND: The treatment plant has two fuel gas systems; natural gas for normal operation and L.P. gas for emergency operation. The natural gas system constitutes a safety hazard because of high operating pressures and lack of corrosion protection. The L.P. gas system cannot be used as an emergency fuel system because of design and construction errors during Stage SA. Work is required to place both fuel gas systems into operating order. The funding for this work will come from many sources: Fix and Finish Grant Funds (Stage 5A), New Construction GraHt Funds (Stage 5Bl), and CCCSD Sewer Construction Funds. Because of the pressing need for the proposed work, approving the use of sewer construction funds with reimbursement from Grant Funds as they become available is recommended. Engineering is required for predesign and project planning. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $15,000 from Sewer Construction Funds for predesign engineering and project planning. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIr. -NB-5 9/4/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 27, 1980 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AU'IHORIZATION OF $14,000 FOR 'IHE PURCHASE AND INSTALIATICN OF A MUFFIN IDNS'IER, r-ODEL 30000-:-12-6 Capital Expenditure SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Plant Operations Issue: The Water Pollution Control/Reclamation Plant has been experiencing severe maintenance problems with the existing mazzorators resulting in unacceptable costs in both money and rnanJ?CMer. Background: Under the tenns of the contract three mazzorators were provided to grind up the solid particles in the sludge prior to centrifuging. These units have proven to be unreliable and have resulted in excessive costs to the District in tenus of dollars and manJ?CMer. As an example, during the last year the District has expended over $20,000 in labor and parts in order to maintain these units. Additionally the District has experienced long lead times on parts for these units. Currently two of these units are being repaired. Special Projects Engineering Division has investigated the problem and recarmends the use of a muffin monster, I>b:iel 30000-12-6. Other treatment plants were contacted in order to detennine the best type of grinder. It appears that a muffin monster has the lowest maintenance requirements and appears to l:E considerably more reliable. It is recarmended that one muffin monster be purchased and installed at this time. Should the muffin monster meet present expectations, the remaining two mazzorators ld be replaced at a later date. cmnendation: Authorization of $14,000 for the purchase and installation of a ffin monster. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. e..~ GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. CLW ____.-"lI'!'{.,.~_._ _.... ilL M1.HIll'l"'__~_ ~...,,""'~. ........ - mUFFin monSTER U.S. PATENT NO. 4,046,324 DISPOSABLE WASTe SYSTems. Inc. September 2, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Nick Bane, Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT: MAZZARATOR - MAJOR COSTS No. 1 Mazzarator 2 Fans on Motor 3 Impellers 2 Shafts 2 Seals and Bearings No. 2 Mazzarator I mpe lIe r No. 3 Mazzarator 2 Impellers 1 Seal Complete new unit New Unit back at factory (assembled wrong) 6 2 1 Impellers Shafts Complete Unit @ $950 @ $350 @ $8,000 Major Parts Cost 5,700 700 8,000 $14,400 labor 206 hrs. @ $25 labor Major Parts +10% Minor Parts Approximate cost for three years does not include lubrication time, lost time for Operations or Maintenance, and minor repairs 5,150 14,400 1,500 21 ,050 NB:mg Nick Bane Maintenance Superintendent - -JlMl>._J....alll_r - -111....i---...--uV.............aTem_...~\;..ii.i.;~1i.w/J4~.~,;;1i:.~~:i:./~.';Z;~~.:.~~'tli:'.;;lr'J:..,~ki~ MUFFIN MONSTER GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS The Muffin Monster shall be of two-shaft design. One shaft speed shall not exceed 40 RPM and the other shaft speed shall not exceed 80 RPM. The two shafts shall counter- rotate and be equipped with cutters that inter- mesh. The Muffin Monster body, and all parts that may be exposed to materials to be pro- cessed, shall be constructed from corrosion resistant materials, and must be compatible so as to resist corrosion due to cavitation or gal- vanic action. The cutters shall be constructed from 17-4 Ph steel as cast to 35-40 Rockwell C, surface ground for uniformity. The Muffin Monster shall be able to operate continuously and shall not require an external water source. Motor shall be TEFC and moisture proof. ~: MOTOR CONTROLLER OPERA TION 1. Operate in a normal "ON" "OFF" operation. 2. Sense an overload (jam) condition, momentarily reverse to clear the condi- tion and return to a forward direction. If the overload has cleared, maintain nor- mal operation. 3. If a second overload (jam) occurs, the same schedule shall apply as for one over- load condition. 4. If a third overload (jam) occurs within 30 seconds of the first, the unit will reverse to release the jam, automatically shut down, and an alarm circuit will be energized. (Alarm not furnished.) - ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Operating Voltage: 220/440V i: 15%, 50-60 Hz, 3 Phase. 2. Motor: 5 H.P. or less (inductive loads only) 3. Continuous ,duty. 4. Solid State Logic Design. 5. Line Transient Protected to 1000 Volts. 6. System automatically stops operation when low voltage condition occurs. Start button must be depressed to restore operation. 7. Grounding: System is designed for operation with or without grounded system. 8. Fuse Protection of all control logic. 9. Circuit arrangement: Internal terminal blocks provided for line and load disconnect. 10. Single Phase protection. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT 1. Temperature Operating Range: -100 to +600C. 2. Logic Circuitry shall be encapsulated to insure absolute moisture-proofing. PHYSICAL SIZE 1. Size: 10" x 8" x 6". 2. Weight: 161bs. ...' 2 -_.,,- - - .........----~I......~:JJl..~ ~~~';;;.f~~liiW''O!la''~~'~j'i}'"1'; - .\;<' OUTSTANDING FEATURES SANITARY OPERATION Coarse 'entrained sol ids are sheared and chopped, without removal from sewage chan- nel, to a particle size that can be readily handled by sewage and sludge pumps. STRONG RESISTANCE TO CORROSION AND WEAR The Muffin Monster is constructed of supe- rior quality, rugged materials such as: · 2" 4140 steel Hex Shafts; · 17-4 Ph Stainless Steel Cutters and Spacers; · Oversize Angular Contact Bearings; · Mechanical Seals that can withstand up to 60 PSI Protect All Bearings. QUIET OPERATION AND VIRTUALLY VIBRATION FREE Documented Tests recorded less than 35 db sound level. Engineered to close tolerances for practi- cally vibration free operation. LOW COST MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION The Muffin Monster requires no daily mainte- nance and processes a large capacity with low power consumption. PROTECTION OF IN-PLANT EQUIPMENT Eliminates costly and troublesome clogging of pumps, piping and other equipment down- stream of the Muffin Monster. The Muffin Monster is not just a sewage waste device. This system is being used by Chemical Refin- eries, Forestry Services, Supermarkets, Oil Recovery Boats, and other vessels. The list of applications is constantly growing. 3 ..~.._____---..J. 25.5/8 4-1/2 At L 3-1/2 MODEL NO. TAB BLOCK DIMENSIONS ABC D E 3??oo-12-6 50-6/8 21 9-1/16 7 6 CLEAN OUT COVER 13.1/4 ...1 DTYP 7 B VOLUME/CAPABILITY IN-LINE CONFIGURATION The Muffin Monster will operate continuously under heavy working conditions. APPROX. APPROX. P.S.I NET SHIPPING PRESSURE MODEL GPM GPD CF/M CF/D WEIGHT WEIGHT DROP - - -, .1L1 - 1 _._1- 30000-12- 6 600 864.000 80.22 115,516.8 380 420 0.41 660 !HI 1IJ B 800 T .1 (;0.888 1888E 1 (; 1.998.8 100 nm --..e. [; :' l .1[,606 16 10 leee 1.446.eeO 188.8e 1 eI,4e!.I ~M 3ee 8.BT . - . .L ...."'''' .,.....v."'vv IVV....... 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