HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 10-16-80 CCCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NoVII. Cap. Improvements 10/16/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 10 80 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT REVIEW AND COMMENT ON PROPOSED LAYOUT OF NEW MEETING ROOM FOR NEW DISTRICT OFFICE (DSP 3000) Capital Improvements SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. CSE&SD BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors has reviewed several alternate layout options for the new meeting room at several recent Board meetings. Board and management input has been considered by the Architect and staff in the preparation of a new layout proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Review new meeting room layout proposal, provide comments and approve layout for use in developing final design. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION "'T T07~ CLW e.~ ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. Adm. 2 10/16/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 14, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR GM-CE TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT ON THE LANDFILL GAS UTILIZATION PROJECT TYPE OF ACTION NEGOTIATE CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY John Larson INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering/Special Projects BACKGROUND: Getty Synthetic Fuels, Inc., is developing a project to recover fuel gas from the Acme Fill Disposal site. CCCSD is a prospective customer for the fuel gas with the Getty project potentially supplying up to 50% of the treatment plant's current fuel gas requirements. The Getty project could be ready for operation within about six months, with a potential for significant fuel gas cost savings over the next ten years. Technical assistance is required to support any future negotiation. The technical questions include the specifications for fuel gas delivery (location, pressure, heating value, and allowable contaminants), point(s) of utilization within the treatment plant, capital and operating costs associated with fuel gas utilization, and projection of cost savings (if any) with various contractual alternatives. John Carollo Engineers was selected because of their previous experience with landfill gas and digester gas utilization. Exhibit A is a draft scope of work and Exhibit B is a cost estimate. This work will be done on a rate schedule basis (time and materials plus overhead and profit). The estimated cost of $54,000 includes all of the alternatives and all of the items in the scope of work. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the GM-CE to negotiate and the Board President to execute a contract with John Carollo Engineers for Technical Support on the Landfill Gas Utilization Project at a cost not to exceed $54,000. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. :::JO~~~ JL f ,~ ~~WCLW DRAFT EXHIBIT A Feasibility Study for Utilization of Landfill Gas SCOPE OF WORK 1. Estimate current major energy usages at Plant. (Review District's calculations and review past years meter readings and make an inde- pendent assessment of usages) Estimate usages for each of the following: Influent Pump Engines Engine Generators Auxiliary Boilers 2. Determine future energy usages for the following (10 years from now-1990): Auxiliary Boilers Engine Generators Furnaces (information from M&E on energy requirements and projected waste heat recovery)? Influent Pump Engines HVAC for New Office Building 3. Determine and describe existing fuel systems including pipe materials and sizes, operating pressures and design pressures, capacities, etc. Develop single line schematics and plot plan of each system that relate to major points of use including engines, furnaces, and auxiliary boilers. (by District): Natural Gas Fuel Oil Digester Gas Propane 4. Review Getty's proposed LFG quantity and quality. Determine type of treatment or dehydration which Getty proposes if any. Consider need for additional dehydration or scrubbing and discuss advantages and disadvantages of additional treatment for each potential use of the LFG. Analysis to be based on literture review on State-of-the- Art with respect to utilization of LFG. 5. Determine feasibility of using LFG in: Furnaces (to stabilize sludge) Auxiliary Boilers Influent Pump Engines Generator Engines New Office Building Discuss advantages and disadvantages for use in each of above areas and consider both LFG as proposed by Getty and LFG with further treatment. 6. Determine impacts on Air Pollution & APe permit for using LFG in each of above areas. 7. Determine feasibility of utilizing fuel oil in existing engines. 8. Determine general piping modifications which may be necessary to use LFG in each of the above. 9. Develope up to 3 alternatives for utilization of LFG in exising equipment. Also consider an alternative consisting of dedicated generation for continuous use or peak shaving. 10. Estimate capital costs for each alternative. 11. Determine potential maintenance considerations and potential increased maintenance and operation costs for each alternative: Boilers Engines (Headworks and Generators) Piping and Regulators New Generation System 12. Review recent fuel and utility billings to the District for Natural Gas, Fuel Oil, Propane and Electrical Energy. (last 2 years min.) Summarize trends and current costs. 13. An evaluation of major fuels will be accomplished in an effort to determine their availability and their cost. Prepare an estimate of projected rates and availability for propane, natural gas and fuel oil for the next 10 years (1980-1990). Estimates to be based on current literature review and the Department of Energy (DOE) projections as well as discussions with PG&E. This evaluation is considered a necessity to determine the cost effectiveness of any potential energy production project. 14. Review Getty proposal to District (after receipt) for purchase of LFG and assist District in analysis and evaluation of proposal. Determine details of Getty's proposal with respect to ownership of pipeline and operation of compressor station and pipeline. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of District building and owning pipeline. 15. Meet with District on a periodic basis to discuss progress of work. 16. Write final Report including all information and results of work effort including recommendations with regard to feasibility of using LFG at-the District plant. Submit 10 copies of draft report for review by District. Prepare final Report following receipt of comments. Print and submit 50 copies of final Report. Present report to District Board and answer questions as requested. 17. Assist District with negotiation of a contract for purchase of LFG if required. If requested, estimate costs for Getty development of LFG collection and pipeline system. EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED COST Feasibility Study For Utilization Of Landfill Gas Classification of Personnel Estimated Hours Current Fee Sch. Rate (to Oct. 31) Escalated* Fee Sch. Rate (After Nov. 1) Engr. VI Engr. V Engr. III Tech. IV Typing-SS Partner II 112 436 384 88 56 136 46.25 45.00 39. 00 22.50 16.15 55.00 48.50 47.00 40.75 23.50 16.50 55.00 Estimated Costs Personnel Classification Before Nov. 1, 1980 After Nov. 1, 1980 Hrs Rate Cost Hrs Rate Cost Engr. VI 24 $46. 25/HR $1,110. 88 $48.50 $ 4,268. Engr. V 80 45.00 3,600. 356 47.00 16,732. Engr. III 60 39.00 2 , 340. 324 40.75 13,203. Tech. IV 24 22.50 540. 64 23.50 1,504. Typing-SS 16 16.15 260. 40 16.50 660. Partner II 32 55.00 1,760. 104 55. 00 5,720. 236 976 TOTALS $9,610.. $42,087. , I. I Direct Expenses One-2 day trip for 2 to L.A. from Walnut Creek - One-2 day trip for 1 from Phx. to Walnut Creek - Local Mileage - Allow 500 @ $.21/mi1e Printing - 10 draft at 10 50 Final at 20 = TOTAL Direct Exp. $480. 510. 105. 100. 1000. $2195. * Salaries are adjusted on May 1 and Nov. 1 of each year - allow 4~% Escalated each period. $2195. $53,892. Use for Top Limit $54,000. c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. BUd'lB/1~/~8ce-3 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE CX::tober 1, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION PlJRCHASE OF HAIDN FIRE EXTINGUISHER:; FOR ELECI'RICAL, ME<EANICAL AND TECHNICAL mUIPMENT AT A COST OF $2,300 Capi tal Expenditure SUBMITTED BY D, G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department Issue: In order to confonn to codes and properly protect sensiti~ electrical, electronic and mechanical equiprent, noncorrosive fire extinguishers are required at 19 locations. Background: Investigation indicates that the new Treatment Plant facility does not meet OSHA or State Fire Marshall laws and requirements regarding coverage by fire extinguishers on an industrial facility. In order to confom, existing extinguishers must be relocated, new extinguishers purchased, and signs added as required. fust of the work required will be canpleted by the Construction Division on a backcharge basis to the Phase 1 contract. HCMever, 19 of the locations require an extinguisher which will not damage or ham sensi ti ve machinery, electrical equipnent, or solid state circuitry. The best type of extinguisher is a Halon portable unit for this type of protection. 'Ihe portable extinguisher, as specified under the contract, was a dry chemical (ABC systan) . Purchase and installation of 19 Halon extinguishers will cost approximately $2,300. lEcrnmendation: Authorization of $2,300 for the purchase of 19 Halon fire extinguishers to be located at the Treatment Plant facility. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DGN 7tP7/ FPH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. C(71J.(! ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. . V. Adm. 1 10/16/8 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 8, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CLAIM OF DAVID EFRON, 727 OLD JONAS HILL ROAD, LAFAYETTE FOR $50,000 IN PROPERTY DAMAGE Claim SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: This claim is the result of foundation movement and damage to the house at 727 Old Jonas Hill Road. BACKGROUND: The District has an easement and an 8 inch main line sewer which runs along the downhill side of the house approximately 10 feet from the house foundation. Mr. Efron has a Real Property Agreement with the District relating to a redwood deck and swimming pool deck which is within the District's easement. The basis for the claim is that the sewer trench was inadequately compacted thereby allowing house movement. Staff has been unable to discover conclusive evidence to support this claim. RECOMMENDATION: Deny claim for $50,000 and refer to Counsel for the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. R\~\~ RHH c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nt IV. C0907Y~18o5 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 16, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 80-36 (DANVILLE AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN THE NEXT FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY JAY MCCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEM Parcel No. Owner Address Area Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 80-36 DANV. VERN S. RYAN 2565 STONE VALLEY RD DANVILLE, CA 94526 196-061-06 1. 0 AC. An addition to an existing house requires this property to connect to the public sewer. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption". CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 80-36 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATINGf;;;11~. / /I'~JMC ~~ CLW <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. -IV. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT CONFIRM "AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAMS" AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAMS TYPE OF ACTION October 16, 1980 APPORTIONMENT OF L.I.D. BONDS SUBMITTED BY JAY McCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEM ISSUE: The County Auditor-Contro11er's Office has requested this District to apportion the Local Improvement District bonds which are outstanding on several parcels of land. BACKGROUND: These parcels were split for various reasons but the bond apportionment was not requested at the time of the splits. Our apportion- ment fees will be collected with the property taxes, on a one-time basis. RECOMMENDATION: Assessment Diagrams to be amended as follows: AMENDED APPORTIONED ASSESSMENT NO. AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NO. AMOUNT (1) 25-4-2-1 $3,075.49 25-4-2-24 $1,025.16 25-4-2-25 1,025.16 25-4-2-26 1,025.17 (2 ) 44-5-2-11 $3,669.67 44-5-2-12 $3,669.67 44-5-2-13 0.00 (3) 44-6-7-25 $ 785.77 44-6-7-26 $ 392.88 44-6-7-27 392.89 (4) 47-13-6 $2,017.78 47-13-18 $1,008.89 47-13-19 1,008.89 (5) 52-7-10-10 $12,794.48 52-7-10-12 $5,117.80 52-7-10-13 5,117.80 52-7-10-14 1,279.44 52-7-10-15 1,279.44 (6) 54-1-5-84 $1,123.02 54-1-5-115 $1,123.02 -85 1,123.02 54-1-5-116 0.00 54-1-5-117 1,123.02 ( 7) 54-2-3-14 $1,712.50 54-2-3-22 $1,712.50 -16 4,750.00 54-2-3-23 4,750.00 (8) 54-2-4-04 $4,750.00 54-2-4-24 $4,750.00 54-2-3-08 4,750.00 54-2-4-25 4,750.00 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMc ~CLW AREA Lafayette Danvi11e Danville Orinda Diablo Pleasant Hill Danvi11e Danvi11e <<<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 'IV. Con. Cal. 7 10 16 80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 16, 1980 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM EASEMENT - PLEASANT HILL AREA - JOB 894 - PARCEL 1 (PTN.) -(PORTION LOTS 8 THRU 19, AND PARCEL B OF SUBDIVISION 5407) TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY JAY McCOY INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEM ISSUE: The owner, Presley of Northern California, of Subdivision 5407 has requested this District to abandon the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The sewer trunk which was installed within the subject easement, has been abandoned and relocated within Stanmore Drive, Burnham Court and a new public sewer easement within Lot 19 of Subdivision 5407. The owner has paid our quitclaim processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, pass resolution, execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 'e..~CL~