HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-18-80 ,~D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS !. '.) I ..~- \ .' NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 17, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $35,000 FOR INFilTRATION/INFLOW (1/1) MONITORING AND ANALYSIS SERVICES FOR AN 1/1 INVESTIGATION AND CORRECTION PROJECT IN ORINDA CAPITAL FUNDING AUTHORIZATION SUBMITTED BY James R. Coe INITIATING DEPT./DIV. erations ISSUE: Older sections of the weather flow last winter. In significant amounts of 1/1, a analysis project is proposed. Orinda area sustained up to ten times normal dry order to cost effectively locate and seal off detailed, accurate flow monitoring and computer BACKGROUND: American Digital Systems, Inc. (ADS) offers a rainfall and sewer flow monitoring and computer analysis program which is capable of locating and isolating sections of the sewer system which contribute up to 80% of the 1/1 from approximately only 20% of the sewers. We propose to contract with ADS to monitor about 70,000 1 ineal feet of sewers in the northwest protion of Orinda. The rainfall and sewer flow data gathered from approximately 20 flow measuring devices and one or two rain gauges in the area would allow the C.S.O. Department to systematically renovate the 14,000 lineal feet which would be the SOUTce of up to 80% of tb:eJ / I p'roM ern <for that area. The information and experience to be gained from this project would allow us to assess our repair and rehabilitation methods as they relate to 1/1 reduc- tion, to determine the cost effectiveness of an 1/1 reduction program, and to analyze the potential for a more comprehensive long range 1/1 program which may qualify for grant funding. The proposed authorized cost of $35,000 includes a 15% contingency over the ADS contract price which is intended to cover unfores€en field conditions and unpredictable weather. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $35,000 for Infiltration/Inflow monitoring and analysis services by ADS for an 1/1 investigation and correction project in Orinda. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ,..,-;:1 "'1 ' ,J:./.;/ <~/.~ / JRC Q \ RHH <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Dec. 1, 1 98 t) SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $3,000 FOR THE REPAIR OF CONDUIT FROM THE DRAINBACK STRUCTURE TO MUX 82, LOCATED IN SUBSTATION Capital Expenditure 82 SUBMITTED BY D. G. Ni les INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant 0 erations De artment Issue: The treatment plant has experienced loss of power and control data from the drainback structure to Substation 82. Background: District forces have attempted to repair the broken conduit connecting Substation 82 with the drainback gate to no avail. It has been proven impossible to remove the existing cables from the conduit, indicating a probable rupture in the conduit itself. This may be due to settlement of the ground in this location. It is unknown at this time if the existing conduit can be replaced. A bid has been obtained for replacing the conduit in the amount of $3,000. Repair may consist of cable replacement only with repair of conduit and would appear to be in the approximate amount of $1,000. In either event the use of outside forces will be required for this task. Recommendation: Authorization of $3,000 for the repair of cable and conduit from the drainback structure to Substation 82. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. IJc/6 DGN L .~~--."....- .\.... c<<5D Central Conll.l a Costa Sanitary District 1250 SPRIN'3SROOK ROAD - WALNUT CREEK, CALIF. 94596 TELEPHONE (4151 934-6727 ,..,- ., ~ SHOW THIS NUMBER ON !NVOICES. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. SHIPPING CARTONS PURCHASE ORDER ORDER DATE CONTRACT ORDER NO. 1/- 19 go SUBMIT QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS ORDER TO. ISHII" VIA ITERMS DELIVERY REQUIRE~ L TO. HEREIN CALLED CONTRACTOR/VENDOR r ~y'LJee.s()/I/ .E/~<::,.e Ie /77~ ///",?(;rrNy.!JIeIl/S L ....:5n~/ Li:RI'I.o.eO U 9,1j:5'7? HEREIN CALLED DISTRICT BEl CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY :lISTRICT o 1250 5p",,.c;aIltOOK ROAD. WALNUT CREEK. C A g4~ge ~ TREAT....E..T PLAltT, END 0' IMHO,.1I' ROAO. PACHECO, CA V4'" o I. ~:L':t0.!.':~i!!i::;~.':L~iJ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, P.O. BOX !52CCl, WALNUT CREEK. CA VA!5IlC. 2. '~vE_"/ERY IS NOT OR CANNOT BE MADE PROMPTLY BY CONTRACTOR MUST SO NOTIFY DISTRICT IMME::>'ATELY. AND DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THIS ORDER IN WHOLE OR IN PART. 3. 00 "10'1' FILL THIS ORDER IF UNABLE TO FILL EXACTLY AS WRITTEN INCLUDING PrllCE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM PURCHASING AGENT. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES MUST BE PREPAID ON ALL PURCHASES WHERE F.O.B. POINT IS OTHER THAN SHIPP'NG ADDRESS. THESE CHARGES MAY BE ADDEO TO VENDOR'S INVOICE AND SHOWN AS A SEPARATE ITEM. .. SHO.... CASH viSCOUNT TERMS ON INVOICE. ALL INVOICES FOR MATERIAL ON WHICH NO DISCOUNT IS ALLOWED WILL. BE PAID 3~ CAYS FROM DATE INVOICE IS RECEIVED. ITEM NO. QUANTITY MATERIAL OR SERVICE UNIT PRICE UNIT AMOUNT /er //7 4/t'P /.5 /-- 6// c/ t/ / / 41t'p /~ 'h~R/ SUB TOTAL. SALES TAX 1n0'i,1'j:.t.#,~ ALL PROVISIONS ON THE! FACE HEREOP. AS We!.L AS THE TERMS AND COHOITfOHS 01'1 THE BACK HEREOF. ARE PART OF THIS ORDER. TOTAL AMOUNT o s.c. -----0 R.E. COUNT Nt..;"~HJER PURCHASING AGENT OR AUTHORIZED RitPRESItNTA Tlve: APPROVED fly ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI!. Cap. Improvemen 3 12 18 80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 3, 1980 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $4,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO PLACE A THREE-INCH CAST-IRON DRAIN FROM MANHOLE NO.3 TO THE EXISTING SUMP IN THE DIVERSION STRUCTURE Capital Expenditure SUBMITTED BY D. G. Ni les INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department Issue: The water infiltrates the high voltage electrical system at the Filter Plant and collects at manhole No.3. Background: During the past winter the Plant Operations Department encountered electrical difficulties in the high voltage conduit system at the Filter Plant. One of the major causes was due to deterioration of the system by excessive ground water infiltrating the conduits and draining to the lowest elevation at manhole No.3. This manhole fills up with three to four feet of water during storm flow. In the past a sump pump was utilized to periodically drain the system. It is possible to drain the manhole by placing a three-inch cast-iron drain from manhole No.3 to an existing sump located within the diversion structure; thus maintaining a drier system throughout the entire year. Estimates of t~e work cost have been obtained from local construction companies and appears to be in the amount of $4,000. Recommendation: Authorization of $4,000 for the construction of a three-inch cast- iron drain from manhole No.3 to the existing sump pump located in the diversion structure. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. DGN M-:'/ <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~V. Consent Calendar 5 12/18/80 PQSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 15, 1980 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM EASEMENT - LAFAYETTE AREA - JOB 2865, PARCEL 2 TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF VJAY SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Coli. System ISSUE: Mr. and Mrs. Ivor E. Samson have requested this District to quitclaim the subject easement which lies within their property. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was created to serve property to the west of Samson's property with an 8-inch public sewer main. Development plans of this western property have changed and it can now be served with a 4-inch private sewer line. A private sewer easement will be granted to replace the subject easement. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI~~ c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'IV'6consent27~~7H8ar POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 15, 1980 SUBJECT EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH DONALD CHAIKEN, ET UX, LAFAYETTE AREA (JOB 3363 - PARCEL 1 R-l). TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./D7IV. ENGINEERING COLL. SYSTEM ISSUE: The property owners desire to construct a patio area, with retaining walls and stairs and other landscape improvements within an existing District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The property owners have cooperated with District staff by altering their original plans to reduce the amount of improvements within the easement area. Staff has determined that the improvements do not interfere with the present use of our sewer, however, if it should become an interference, the agreement requires the property owner to remove the structure within 30 days of notice to do so. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute "Agreement" and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 15, 1980 SUBJECT EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH ORINDAWOODS ASSOCIATION, JOB 3250, SUBDIVISION 5545, ORINDA AREA TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY JAY S. McCOY IN IT IAJIN!:i..D~PT.LQJ:ll ENGiNEERING/COLL. SYSTEM ISSUE: The developers of Subdivision 5545 have constructed a concrete patio and redwood benches and redwood trellis over an existing District sewer easement. The property owners have requested permission to maintain these improvements in place. BACKGROUND: The sewer main was installed prior to the above improvements. The improvements were designed and built to take full advantage of the site and the view it affords. The property owners have executed our standard 'agreement'. Staff has determined that the improvements do not interfere with the present use of our easement. However, if they become an interference, the agreement requires the property owner to remove the improvements within 30 days of written notice to do so. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, pass Resolution, execute "Agreement" and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION '~?~~ <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.VII. Cap. Imgrove 1 12/18/80 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 15, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH WEGMAN/CAROLLO FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. John Larson, Senior Engineer-Project Manage ent Special Projects Engineering Division BACKGROUND Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has accepted a $438, 431 Preconstruct ion Grant from the California State Solid Waste Management Board (CSS~1B) for Predesign Engineering on the District's Solid Waste to Energy Project. Proposals were received from nine engineering firms for this work and the four most qualified firms were in- terviewed by a selection committee. A joint venture between Leonard S. Wegman Company of New York and John Carollo Engineers of Walnut Creek was selected as the most qualified firm. A contract has been negotiated and approved by the California State Solid Water ~funagement Board. That contract is now complete and ready for execution. The Board of Directors authorized $516,000 from Sewer Construction Funds on June 19, 1980, to cover the cost of this work. RECOMHENDATION Authorize the President of the Board of Directors to execute an agreement with Wegman/Carollo for professional engineering services in connection with predesign engineering on Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Solid Waste to Energy Proj ecL JL:jm REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PT.!DIV. <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Dec. 9, 1980 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR t~NDLE WHIPPLE, SUPERVISING SURVEYOR, TO ATTEND THE WESTERN FEDERATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 17-20, 1980 IN RENO, NEVADA AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF 580 TYPE OF ACTION BUDGET & FINANCE SUBMITTED BY Ja INITIATING DEPT./DIV. BACKGROUND: The surveying requirements for the District are varied and complex, requiring a broad range of surveying knowledge and experience. Our Survey Division is able to accomplish the diverse surveying tasks for the District with only one regular crew with a second crew being needed about 10% of the time. The current total cost to the District for fielding one survey crew is $766.40 per day. In order to utilize our surveyors as effectively as possible, the District Survey Division maintains a proficiency in, and an awareness of, best surveying practices. Participation in the annual State Land Surveyors Conferences and the annual American Congress on Surveying & Mapping conferences is part of our training program. This provides a continuing education process which is conveyed to all the District survey personnel. The California State Land Surveyors Conference for 1981 has been combined with the Western Federation of Professional Land Surveyors Conference. The total estimated cost for this conference is $580 and it provides over a dozen programs specifically applicable to District needs (see attachment). The 6-hour workshop at this conference on Adverse Possession and Prescriptive Rights is in answer to a request by our District Surveyor and requests from surveyors for other utilities. The District is interested in this subject because of the large number of undocumented easements in the Martinez and in the Los Lomitas area in Danville which need to be acquired. Funds have been included in the 1980-81 budget for this conference. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize payment of $75 for registration, plus actual expenses for meals, lodging, and transportation for attendance of Wendle Whipple, Supervising Surveyor, at the Western Federation of Professional Land Surveyors Conference in Reno, Nevada, February 17-20, 1980. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .'-::':'.;.' ...;..,:.; ..... .'C ",0 tVESTERN FEDERATIL OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS RENO '81 FEBRUARY 17-20.1981 MGM GRAND HOTEL RENO, NEVADA '.. ;'. - '.';:!..~"- '., : - ,~,:>2:':.:\~": _ ,::'J;..:.::.-." . ,;, :;;<~;~~"1-"'::O~, """< ~l " : . . ~,:<~;.::;", :.' 0;::1 : ,,::X'.'<.,'~J:... . .' ~,.' . . ';,,,.~':," P 1-. P t:,::<::.,:"..v;.. . re Immary:~;;;~ ,; .;\~~~1~,;;1i~4iS;i~:,;ii;;;~~r,f~' '..Thursday ," '~eb~ary"J.~,,',"l~1E};/; .','. A~ ~~~~~~IS~~~:~O~~~~~i"":t'"' Meetngs ,~];~~~~iL~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ,'......l',. """'~., " ~""':''':::'~';;;'"''''''.:':'':'';'. .'~ \,'" ....'.'.""~Time Management Workshops ''t'': .~"l~:"JJ'~' ' '," ~- . ;: '", ' . ...'"........: :'t ... -,....,.::...,."'.;-~ , _ "_ ':.... " .,.).:.,_......;1'-., ,. . P.M. ". .' ,.;' .,. :':'yBasic PhotogrammetryWorkshop ,,:;:";~;:q.': . ......Retracement of Evidence Workshop" ", "'. :,Influencing the Course of Survey . . . .....Practical Photogrammetry Workshop ,','j':);""'Education for Surveyors. a . Homestead Entry and Mineral Surveys, ,,;--:::'::-:~::f.i~Triangle . ..' Workshop.". ....;~:~.~o:.;i~;,7.",J.::'.'yl':M.<:::.;' ~e..A. *~~rve~ Instrume'7t Adj~~tment W~~k~h;p'.\I...'r11f,~co~~unications. . H.lstorlcal SurveYing ~q~'~ment Workshop .. '.' .'. ';\';;;":':Training, Hiring and Firing Workshop . lI"'Tltle, Research an~ Liability Workshop '.. ." Government Proposals and Negotiations NCEE. Sunset Laws and Continuing Education .. ,~ . .,1 . . . '~:~~::~~~~~~..7i:.:' ......,.,.. , .','. ...',:" . ..,f .' . Friday, Febru~ry20 . A.M..':'j~.;::?,".,':~'. ...{.,...?~~i~~::;<::~ . · ~..Government Proposals and "" Basic Photogrammetry I"':.!ime Management Workshop \Vednesday,~ebruary18 . . - . -, ..:~~;, :,. A M . . ~~:--:~.,;~_,~}t.:~r.'~~,. .-" . . .,.i...c .. . " Opening Ceremonies ......?:..:.__..'~i.;: .'.... ;::'),....0,--"::"- ..:,,<";"";~~.;_';:< ;'.".;j__!.' ,. P. M. .. ::', \ ...;~" '_ ';-;:~:~~~'~~;.i.;-"::",:".' Coming of the Age of the Surveyor . Surveyor, Who is He? . .... Surveyor and Legislation :S*. ..~Repeat of Tuesday P.M. Workshops ';. '. .: Exhibitor's Workshops"' . - PREREGISTRATION NOTE: . Preregistration forms and conference information will be mailed in November. 1 980 to all persons receiving this flyer. If you know of someone interested in attending this conference and did not receive this flyer, please contact WFPLS. P.O. Box 7400. Santa Rosa. CA 95401. Tel. (707) 539-3633 to have their name placed on our mailing list to receive preregistration material. NOTE: The MGM Grand Hotel expects to be filled the weekends preceding and following the conference. therefore if you propose to stay at the hotel over those weekends. you MUST make separate reservations with the hotel for the above weekends at least 6 months in advance. For hotel reservations during the conference. hotel reservation forms will be provided in the preregistration package. ;~":;~":.._+ .'....,._.........."".........(_..,J__~__"'...~_..,...........__ ,......_ ,,_ ..._...._.~_ ...... '~"."_' .....~'-~~~ _. -.,. ~. -'----'.-., -,"'--' ......w. .. _ .., ,__ i....,_ -..""~-.I>".-.....-......--- .~ ,-"- ~'; .-.... ........A,.. "_,-