HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-16-81 ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIII. Solid Waste 1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE J u I y 1 4, 1 981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION NOTIFICATION TO CUSTOMERS OF GARBAGE COLLECTORS OF RATE INCREASE REQUESTS CONSIDER HOMEOWNER REQUEST SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Department ISSUE: Direct notification to customers of garbage rate increase applications has been requested. BACKGROUND: A letter directed to the Board of Directors by Virginia Mills, 549 Garden Creek Place, Danville, California, requested that the Board require notices of rate increase applications be sent to all customers with the garbage collector's quarterly billing statements. It is asserted that the public notices placed in newspapers of general circulation by the District of the rate of .increase applied for, as well as for the public hearings to consider the rate increase appl ications, are insufficient. The Board directed District staff to obtain an estimate of the additional expense to the collector in implementing a direct notification procedure. Sanford Skaggs, attorney for Valley Disposal Service, Inc., the affected collector, advises that the company's computerized billing system which is being developed will enable printing a general notification of an impending rate increase application without additional cost. However, the rate increase percentage would not be known because the operating results for the quarter preceding the effective date of the increase would not be available when the quarterly statements are normally issued. Mr. Skaggs inquired whether the general notification would be sufficient, or whether an estimate of the cost of a separate direct mailing is still required. A copy of Mr. Skagg's letter is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Determine whether the general notification of an impending rate increase application by the collector in conjunction with the subsequent placing of public notices by the District are sufficient, or whether direct notification by separate mailing warrants further consideration. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ING DEPT./DIV. WNF: dw ^._._------~-_._-_._'-~.~------_._.~-_..~- ~,_.-..~---"... .------.----.-...-...." ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. Engineering POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 10, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE BIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL PILOT STUDY SUBMITTED BY Curtis Swanson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Special Projects Engineering BACKGROUND: On January 8,1981, the District Board of Directors authorized $140,000 for the design, installation, and operation of the biological phosphorus removal pilot study. The pilot plant has been constructed and operating since April. The pilot plant costs to date have nearly reached the original authori- zation and an additional $62,000 authorization is necessary to complete the pilot study. Approximately $46,000 of the additional authorization is for costs incurred during design and construction of the pilot plant. The pilot plant equipment and tanks obtained from the Reno/Sparks Treatment Plant required more modification than originally envisioned to simulate the District's treatment process. Additional engineering and construction were necessary to eliminate hydraulic and process control problems encountered during the Reno/Sparks pilot study, and to provide operating flexibility for the District's pilot study. The remaining portion of the additional authorization is for operation and project management costs. The delay in constructing the pilot plant has extended completion of the pilot study from November, 1981 to February, 1982. The additional authorization will cover the costs for this three month period, equipment and supply costs which were not originally envisioned, and the salary of a student engineer who is working at the pilot plant this summer. The cost of the pilot study is being funded in part by federal and state grants. The State Water Resources Control Board has verbally approved a $36,000 increase for the pilot study. District staff will request approval for the remaining $26,000. RECOMMENDAT ION: Authorize an additional $62,000 in sewer construction funds for the design, installation, and operation of the biological phosphorus removal pilot study. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INI{!)JJPT./DIV. CWS JL ~~ CLH <CCSD Central Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'1 1. Hearin - POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE PUBLIC HEARING FOR COLLECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGES ON TAX ROLL J u 1 y 1 3, 1 981 TYPE OF ACTION PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The District Code and State law require adoption of a resolution setting the Environmental Quality Charge (EQC) for 1981-1982 followed by a public hearing for its collection on the tax roll. BACKGROUND: At the June 18, 1981 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors adopted an EQC rate of $124 per year for residential users and an equivalent increase of 18.1% for all other users. A public hearing to consider collection of the 1981- 1982 EQC on the County tax roll was set for July 16, 1981. The collection of the EQC on the Contra Costa County tax roll is considered the most effective method for the District to employ. The District will continue to collect the EQC from some commercial and industrial users and all tax-exempt properties by direct billing. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to consider collection of the 1981-1982 Environmental Quality Charges on the tax roll, with further consideration of the EQC rates at that hearing. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON IN~ING DEPT./DIV. . ef~ WNF - - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING IN REGARD TO INTENT TO COLLECT 1981-82 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGES ON TAX BILL AND TO CONSIDER RATES FOR SEWER SERVICE i i Not i ce is hereby given that: State and Federal Governments require that operation and maintenance costs of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) be collected through a direct charge to the users. The District has designated this charge as an IIEnvironmental Quality Chargell (EQC). Accordingly, the District is required to equitably allocate operation and maintenance costs among the users of the District, in accordance with use. Ordinance No. 117, as amended, providing for these charges, and a written report containing all of the essential details, and the Resolution establishing rates, are on file at the office of the District. The District has tentatively established 1981-82 EQC rates for all users at a 18.1% increase above the 1980-81 rates. This increase results in a monthly rate of $10.33 for residential users. The District proposes for reasonS of economics to collect the 1981-82 charges on the tax roll. A hearing to consider any comments or protests on these matters will be held by the District Board of Directors at 7:30 p.m. on July 16, 1981, in the ~ e-,JJ..... ~ L-- offices of the Oounty~t-Contra Costa Sanitary District, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. Dated this 1st day of July 1981. /s/ Clyde M. Hopkins Secretary of the District <c(sD Central Contra San BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. VI. Col. System - 1 7 16 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 14, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION REQUEST AUTHORIZATION OF $2,800 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FOR STRUCTURE ADJUSTMENTS ON CROW CANYON ROAD, SAN RAMON Capital Expense SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: Contra Costa County is Crow Canyon Road in San Ramon. because of this construction. done. initiating a L.I.D. for the reconstruction of Ten District manholes will need adjustment This request is for funds to have this work BACKGROUND: The County's contractor on this project has submitted a price of $280.00 per manhole for the adjustments. I believe this is a good price, the alternative is do it with District forces and we couldn't do it for this amount. The $2,800 will be forwarded to the County to administer and pay for the work. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $2,800 from sewer construction for structure adjust- ments on Crow Canyon Road in San Ramon. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. H cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. v. Engi neeri ng - 2 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 13, 1981 SUBJECT ADOPTION OF THE DRAFT PROJECT REPORT FOR THE DISINFECTION AND ODOR CONTROL STUDY TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT REPORT SUBMITTED ./3Yh L JO n arson, Special Projects Engineering Division BACKGROUND Liquid chlorine is currently employed at the treatment plant for effluent disinfection and for odor control. In August 1980, the District Staff recommended that a study be conducted to evaluate the risk of accident associated with the use of liquid chlorine and to evaluate alternatives to the use of liquid chlorine. The staff recommendation was based on concern that a major accident would impact a significant area around the treatment plant. The evaluation, conducted by Kennedy/Jenks Engineers, was initiated shortly after approval by the District Board. The evaluation made preliminary recommendations for interim actions to improve the safety of the existing chlorine and sulfur dioxide facilities. Work is currently in progress to complete the interim improvements project. At this time the evaluation is complete and the results are contained in the Draft Project Report for the Dinsinfection and Odor Control Study dated June 10, 1981. The findings contained in the Draft Project Report are: 1. Although the probability of the correct wind conditions occurring is small, there could be some hazard to plant personnel and nearby residents if a large leak should occur. 2. The probability of a large leak occurring at the treatment plant is extremely low. 3. The risk of an accident that would cause injury or death to treatment plant personnel and/or the general public is very small. 4. The cost of alternatives to the use of liquid chlorine is extremely high. 5. The hazards associated with the use of liquid sulfur dioxide, while similar to those associated with liquid chlorine, pose a much lower threat to treatment plant personnel and/or the general public. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JL ~ ~ CLW r;t}.t oF DGN RAB OF INITIATING DEPT./DIV. July 13, 1981 Page Two 6. There are limited cost alternatives available to further reduce the risk associated with the use of liquid chlorine and liquid sulfur dioxide. Based on these findings, the Draft Project Report recommends the following actions: 1. Continue the use of liquid chlorine for disinfection and odor control and continue the use of liquid sulfur dioxide for effluent detoxification. 2. Correct minor safety and operating problems associated with the chlorine system. 3. Improve security and correct minor safety and operating problems associated with the sulfur dioxide storage and metering facility. 4. Prepare a formal operation and maintenance manual for the chlorination and dechlorination systems. 5. Implement a more rigorous training program based on the contingency plan and the operation and maintenance manual. The estimated cost of implementing the recommendations is $428,000. The District Staff is reviewing the scope of work and not requesting funds pending conclusions based on this review. The District Staff concurs with the recommendations contained in the Draft Project Report. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Draft Project Report and the major recommendations contained therein. ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. /fci4 / /C-' 'T !/6/~1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ju I y 15, 1981 SUBJECT REVIEW OF PROPOSED, UPDATED PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION FEES FOR MAINLINE SEWER CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS TYPE OF ACTION DISCUSSION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection Systems Engineering BACKGROUND: As part of the current overall review of the District's rates and charges~ the existing plan review and inspection fees for mainline sewer construction projects have been investigated. These fees were last reviewed in 1976, leading to adoption of the current charges in February 1977. Consequently, the existing fees have been in effect for more than 4 years. Plan review fees, currently $0.20/ft. of sewer ($100 minimum), are intended to reimburse the District for the costs associated with reviewing mainline sewer const- ruction plans. District costs include the salary (with benefits) of the people involved in the plan review process, 50% of the wages (with benefits) associated with the three individuals assigned to the permit counter as well as a prorated portion of the Division Manager's salary (with benefits). Sewer mainline inspection fees, currently $1.00/ft. of sewer ($100 minimum), are intended to reimburse the District for the costs incurred in the field inspection of 8-inch diameter or larger sewer installation projects. The costs incurred by the District include inspection staff salaries (with benefits) and vehicle expense as well as the cost of televising the sewer installation by District maintenance personnel. APPROACH: The approach selected for reviewing the current plan review and inspection fees was based on analyzing the fees collected and the actual District costs of per- forming the services over a specific period of time. To reduce the possibility of using non-representative data (e.g. slack construction period), a decision was made to use a full two-year period of time. The 1978-1979 and 1979-1980 period was sel- ected to use the most current data available without including the 1980-1981 period of construction slowdown. Once actual District costs were calculated for the two-year period, the costs were inflated to include actual 1980-1981 wage and rate increases as well as a projected overall 10% increase for 1981-1982. Using these "updatedll two year cost figures, and the actual quantities of plans reviewed or sewers inspected in the 1978-1980 two year base period, plan review and inspection fees were calculated which would fully compensate the District for performing the same services at today's cost. Table A presents a summary of the cost and income figures that were developed. A review of the data shows that District costs for the two year period exceeded income by approximately 50% for inspection services and by approximately 140% for plan review services. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ - 2 - The proposed new rates for plan review and inspection shown in Table A, also include a revised minimum charge. This minimum charge is intended to compensate the District for the minimum costs associated with reviewing or inspecting a relatively short sewer installation project. FUTURE ACTION: If the Board concurs with the approach used by staff as outlined above, it is proposed that a revised rate schedule would be circulated to various private firms for comment. The schedule would include a notice that a hearing on the proposed rate increases will be scheduled for sometime in the fall to solicit input prior to formal adoption of new rates. Other District rates and charges are also in various stages of review. It is intended that the results of the review of other fees will be presented to the Board for comment as various studies are completed. Board input would be incorporated prior to presenting final rates and charges to the Board for adoption. RECOMMENDATION: Review and comment on the staff approach used to analyze the current plan review and inspection fees, as well as the proposed new fees to be considered for adoption at a future hearing. JSMcC:dw Attachment TABLE A INSPECTION FEES: Fees Length of P . d C 11 d M I I' S Actual 0' C 78-80 Olst, Costs f 1 d 81 82 C Required Rate To Compensate Minimum 0' Ch er 10 0 ecte a nine ewer 1St. osts n ate to - osts 1st. Costs arqe 1978-79 $198,776 $269,987 $734,430 _ 385,085 ft. 1979- 80 +$186,309 +$308,995 $1.90/ft. (Tota 1 ) $385,085 385,085 ft. $578,982 $734,430 $186 PLAN REVIEW FEES: Fees Length of P . d C 11 d M' l' S Actual 01 C 78-80 Oist. Costs f1 d 81 82 C Required Rate To Compensate Minimum O' Ch erlo 0 ecte aln Ine ewer st. osts n ate to - osts 1st. Costs arqe 1978-79 $ 57,469 $118,111 $313,969 = $250 I 500,000 ft, (2 pre I im. 1979-80 +$ 49,827 +$136,734 final rev, $0.63/ft, $ 34 (Tota 1 ) $107,296 $254,845 I $ 313 ,969 (ea. prel im 500,000 ft. rev. after second) & ) <e<sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS t:: o,v 7,//6/tl POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 15, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $10,000 FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF GRIT LINE, PROJECT NO. 3574 EXPENDITURE K. Barker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. En Construction SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The new 8-inch diameter grit pipeline from the existing primary tanks to the new grit handling facility must be installed during the dry weather flow period in order to avoid plant shutdowns during peak wet weather flow conditions. BACKGROUND: The new grit handling facility will be constructed later this ~ear and is planned to be completed during the wet weather, high flow period. To make the new grit handling facility operable, it must be tied into the existing primary tanks via a new 8-inch diameter pipeline. The tie-in work requires approximately 150 lineal feet of new 8-inch diamter pipe, and six (6) 12-inch diameter holes must be drilled through the existing concrete tank walls. This work can only be accomplished when the primary tanks are empty. To avoid losing half of the plant capacity during the peak wet weather flow period, it is highly desirable to perform the tie-in work this summer. The new grit handling facility will be covered by the EPAjSWRCB funding. However, because of time considerations, it would not be possible to obtain EPAjSWRCB funding approval for the 8-inch diamter tie-in pipeline expenditure prior to the wet weather flow period. Therefore, the requested amount of $10,000 will probably not be covered by grant funding. The construction work will be performed on a time and material basis by two (2) specialty contractors. One contractor will drill the holes, and the other will install the piping. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $10,000 for construction of the new 8-inch diameter grit pipeline tie-in work. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ,Z' 8a-4. vA c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.VII. Budget & Finane 1 7 16 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE J u I y 1 4, 1 981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AUTHORIZE RFP ISSUANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki Accounting Dept ISSUE: Authorization to issue Request for Proposals in connection with the Financial Management Information System is requested. BACKGROUND: A Professional Services Agreement for data processing consulting services was executed by the Board of Directors on May 21,1981. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. the data processing consulting firm, was commissioned to review the present and future management information requirements of the District, and to prepare a Request For Proposal for a new Financial Management Information System to fulfill those require- ments. The data processing consulting firm's scope of work includes: Phase 1 - Requirements Definition A. Review Current System B. Determine System Requirements Phase 11- Request for Proposal (RFP) Preparation A. Formulate Evaluation Criteria B. Prepare RFP Phase I I I-Vendor Evaluation, Selection and Negotiation A. Proposal Evaluation and Vendor Selection B. Contract Negotiation The Request for Proposal, which incorporates a definition of system require- ments, has been reviewed by the District Systems Study Group. A copy of the RFP is provided for Board review. A presentation by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. of the District's financial management information requirements, an evaluation of data processing alternatives and a review of the Request For Proposal is scheduled for the July 16, 1981 Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the issuance of the Request for Proposal prepared by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WN F : dw c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'III. Consent Calenda POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT EXECUTE EASEMENT DOCUMENTS AND AGREEMENT FOR PARCEL 11 JOB 2695 AND AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $5,510 FOR SAID EASEMENTS J u 1 Y 1 3, 1 981 TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY SUBMITTED BY S M C Jay . c oy ISSUE: The subject easement is one of 4 outstanding easements of the 14 easements required for Job 2695. Also related to this easement is a temporary working "Permit'l and a letter of understanding to be executed by this District and the East Bay Regional Park District BACKGROUND: The permanent easement lies within EBMUD property and also within an existing Park District paved trail. The temporary working easement is within the EBMUD aqueduct property, and will provide sufficient working area to install the proposed sanitary sewer within adjoining private property. Both the permanent and temporary easements contain requirements which are favorable to EBMUD; however, none are un-reasonable. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the execution of the temporary permit, the Grant of Easement, and the letter of agreement, and authorize payment of $5,510 to EBMUD. Also authorize acceptance of said Grant of Eastment and recording of said easement with the County Recorders Office. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ;:2/!1:Z