HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-02-81 <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 1 - ~-'?J POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 1, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION JOHN J. CARNIATO lAW OfFICE, JUNE 26, 1981 BilliNGS Li t i ga t ion SUBMITTED BY D. G. Ni les INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Deputy General Manager Issue: John J. Carniato law office, June 26, 1981, billings. Background: The John J. Carniato, June 26, 1981, bill ings are for professional services relative to the following matters from March 21, 1981, through June 25, 1981. Included in this bill ing are three new cases: Current Cases Fees Cost Bill ing Acme Fi 11 Corp. (condemnation) $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Acme Fi 11 Corp. (damage) 1 ,050.00 $ 141.. 1 5 1,194.15 Fred J. Ea r 1 y Jr. Co. vs. C.C.C.S.D. 1,195.50 1,195.50 East Bay Municipal Utility District 88.00 88.00 Ka i se r Industries vs. C.C.C.S.D. 161.00 47.00 208.00 King vs. C.C.C.S.D. 92.50 92.50 McEvoy vs. C.C.C.S.D. 114.00 Peterson Simpson vs. C.C.C.S.D. 2,081.00 15.00 2,096.00 Contra Costa County Water Dist./Alum 750.00 750.00 D. W. Young Construction Company 225.00 225.00 Total, Current Cases $5,832.00 $206.15 $5,924.15 New Cases Fees Cost Bill i ng Altech-Keenan vs. C.C.C.S.D. $185.00 $185.00 Great American Homes vs. C.C.C.S.D. 75.00 75.00 lin vs. C.C.C.S.D. 110.00 110.00 Tota 1, New Cases $370.00 $370.00 General Matters $55.00 $ 55.00 Recommendation: Board approval of bill ings for current cases and review of new cases in Executive Session with District counsel for inclusion in professional services bi 11 ings. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION /(). 0. DGN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ra San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. ~ __ if- _~ } POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 2, 1981 SUBJECT A~JARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 3431, REPAIRS T MARTINEZ & LOWER ORINDA PUMP STATtONS, GROUP I REPAtRS AND AUTHORIZE $64,710 FOR PROJECT COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION AWARD & AUTHORIZE FUNDS Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Engineering SUBMITTED BY BACKGROUND: On May 15, 1981 the Board authorized staff to advertise for bids for subject project. Bids were received July 1, 1981, and are summarized on the attached tabulation. The low bid by Monterey Mecahnical Co. is $49,710.00, 118% of the Engineers estimate. The Engineers estimate, prepared by our consultant Waste & Water International, and the bid prices are anaylzed on the attached WWI letter. The post bid, preconstruction cost estimate (attached) is $74,710.00. An authorization of $64,710.00 is necessary to complete project. RECOMMENDATION: Award contract to Monterey Mechanical Co. and authorize $64,710.00 for project completion. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e~ CLW POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3431 ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) . 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . . $ 0 Inspection . $ 4,500.00 Engineering . $ ~. 000.00 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals . $ 7,500.00 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat . . . . . . . . . . $ 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project 6. Pre Bid Expenditures (Group I contract only) Survey, Engineering, Printing, Advertising Specia I Services Right-ot-Way Acquisition. . . $ 1 0, 000. 00 . $ .$ 0 7. Total Preconstruct ion Incidentals (as ot 6-1-81 ). . $ 10,000.00 8. Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5 & 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL . $ 49,710.00 . . . $ 7,500.00 $7,500.00 o . $64.710.00 $10,000.00 . $74,710.00 9. Funds Previously Authorized ($6.7, aOO tota 1. p roj .). G.ro\.lP. 6111 Y' $ 10,000 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. (Item 8 minus Item 9) . . . . . $ 64,71 0.00 % CONST. CONTRACT 100% 15% 15% 2050-8-78 CENTr .L CONTRA COSTA /ANITARY DISTRICT JOB District Project DATE July 2, 1981 LOCATION 'Martinez & Orinda ENGR. EST $42.220.00 B I DDE R NAME BID PRICE ADDRESS PHONE Monterey'Mec'han i tal $49,710.00 8275 San Leandro S~reet Oa k 1 and, CA 94521 K.G. Walters Construction Co. Inc. $56,298.00 P.O. Box 4359 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 .' ;>..... ,--.,': , :, ~. ,. - JOB BY DATE____ CHKD.BY DATE: SHEET NO. OF_ D Centra.. ';ontra Costa San ita, BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. VII 1. 2 7/2/81 VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 30,1981 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACT ION SUBMITTED BY AUTHORIZE SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $367,000 FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS - SUMMARY PPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS Clark L. Weddle INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering BACKGROUND: Several projects have exceeded the budgeted amounts and some need additional authorization of expenditures to continue work required by staff. Attached is a summary of authorizations requested, followed by a position paper explaining each authorization request. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize $165,000 in supplemental funds for treatment plant construction - Stage 5A - Phase I. , 2. Authorize $83,100 in supplemental funds for treatment plant construction - Stage 5B - Phase I. 3. Authorize $15,900 in supplemental funds for the influent sampler installation, Project 3346. 4. Authorize $17,000 in supplemental for Project 3474, Treatment Plant North Parking Lot. 5. Approve $5,000 budget for contract preparation. obtaining funding agency approval, and bid advertisement for the emergency ___________ __ _ power system. 6. Authorize an additional $70,000 for chlorination F9cility Improvements, Project 5B-I. I 7. Authorize $11,000 in supplemental funds for the Alternative Disinfection Study, Project 52000.719. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING D:"\T./_D~~. ~.~LW :l>-i c 0 -<I> -<I> rtrt \.0 N N :::r0.l C> V1 .I:- 0' \,J.J \.0 0 - \,J.J W V1 C> ex> V1 C> ""l W C> 0 -....J .I:- 0 N ex> 0 0 0 0 0 ex> 0 0.1 N 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 rt 0 :J <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 26. 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $165,000 IN SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS FOR TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION - STAGE 5A PHASE I TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY John Larson, Special Projects Engineering Division BACKGROUND In November 1979. the Board authorized funds in the amount of $125,000 to cover work on the project by District staff. The work that has been accomplished since that time includes consultant procurement and review and coordination of the Metcalf & Eddy Task A work. Supplemental funds in the amount of $45.000 are necessary at this time to cover prior expenditures associated with this project through June 30, 1981. An additional $120,000 is necessary to cover future District staff work in conjunction with grant administration, completion of current engineering studies and design work. and approval of final plans and specifications by SWRCB. This work is planned for completion in April 1982. The total authorization of supplemental funds requested is $165,000. This work will be partially reimbursable under the Clean Water Grant Program. RECOMMENDA TI ON Authorize the expenditure of $165,000 of Sewer Construction Funds to cover District Staff work on treatment plant construction - Stage 5A Phase I. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION EN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. JAL ~~ CLW SHEET OF t((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 26. 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $15.900 IN SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE INFLUENT SAMPLER INSTALLATION. PROJECT 3346 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BJohn Larson. Special Projects Engineering Division BACKGROUND The original design for the influent and primary effluent samplers was accomplished by the Engineering Department. In an attempt to minimize cost. the original influent sample pump was reused in the new location. Since the installation was completed in Summer 1980. the level of operator attention to maintain operation has been excessive. Interim modifications were made at a cost of $6.000 over the original authoriza- tion with partial success. It now appears that the reused sample pump and some of the piping will have to be replaced at an additional cost of $9.900. This work will be completed during July 1981. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the expenditure of $15.900 of sewer construction funds to supplement funds for the influent sampler installation. Project 3346. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON OF JAL ~CLW <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 26, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $83,100 IN SUPPLEMENTAL ~UNDS FOR TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION - STAGE 5B PHASE I TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITT~DIiBY L S' 1 P . t E' . D'" vO n arson, pecla rOJec s nglneerlng lV1Slon BAC KGROUND In April 1976, the Board authorized funds in the amount of $56,082 to cover work on the project by the District Staff. The work that has been accomplished since that time includes the review and coordination of the Stage 5B Phase I design by Brown and Caldwell, review and appeal of grant eligibility decisions by SWRCB, subsequent consultant procurement (Metcalf & Eddy), and review and coordination of the Metcalf & Eddy Task B work (this includes prepurchase of the electric motor driven aeration blower). Supplemental funds in the amount of $68,100 are necessary at this time to cover prior expenditures associated with this project through June 30, 1981 . An additional $15,000 is necessary to cover future District staff work in conjunction with grant administration, completion of the aeration blower design, and completion of the Task I-B Report (this report summarizes the Brown and Caldwell work that can be used for the next capacity expansion). The total authorization of supplemental funds requested is $83,100. This work may be partially reimbursable under the Clean Water Construction Grant Program. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the expenditure of $83,100 of sewer construction funds to cover District Staff work on Treatment Plant Construction - Stage 58 Phase I. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JAL C~ CLW OF Cent BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 26, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $17,000 IN SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS FOR PROJECT 3474, TREATMENT PLANT NORTH PARKING LOT TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Collection/Engineering System ISSUE: The incidental account for the Parking Lot Project is over- expended. BACKGROUND: In estab1 ishing the funds for Project 3474, an error was made in calculating the amount of money which was expended on pre- construction incidentals. This error resulted in an lnsufficient authorization of funds. It is appropriate to augment existing funds by $17,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $17,000 in supplemental funds for project 3474, Treatment Plant North Parking Lot. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM ~~ CL ENG. . <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT June 17, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $5,000 FOR PREPARATION OF CONTRACT AND PUBLIC ADVERTISING, PROJECT 3525, EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEM BUDGET APPROVAL K. Barker SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Budget approval for contract prpeparation, obtaining funding agency approval, and bid advertising is required on Project No. 3525, Emergency Power System. The estimated cost for this work is $5,000. BACKGROUND: The Board authorized preparation of the contract and public advertisement at the April 23, 1981 meeting. The Position Paper is attached. Since the estimated cost for the remaining work included construction, no budget was approved. When the State Water Resources Control Board has approved the contract, the Emergency Power System Contract will be advertised. RECOMMENDATION: Approve $5,000 budget for contract preparation, obtaining funding agency approval, and bid advertisment. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~c8~. \:.~ -<((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~IV. Engineering 4. 4 23 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 17, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORIZE PUBLIC ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3525 BID AUTHORIZATION SUBMITTED BY K. Barker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Construction ISSUE: An emergency power system is required at the Treatment Plant. The estimated cost for the remaining work is $65,000. BACKGROUND: The Board has previously recognized the need for an emergency power supply at the Treatment Plant and has previously authorized the purchase of a 20.8 KVA electrical transformer. District Project No. 3525 covers the District's design, construction, and construction management costs for installing the previously-purchased transformer and making the emergency power system operable. The work will be performed by an outside contractor selected by competitive bids. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the Contract Documents. 2. Authorize public advertising of District Project No. 3525. INITIATING DEPTo/D"Z&. K. Barker CLW REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 30, 1981 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY AUGUMENT FUNDS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED FOR CHLORINATION FACILITY BY AN ADDITIONAL $66,000 APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS INITIATING DEPT./DIV. K. Barker Engineering/Construction ISSUE: $73,100 was previously authorized by the Board for modifications to the Treatment Plant Chlorination Facility. BACKGROUND: The construction phase of this project has now been completed and formally accepted by District. The project incurred cost overruns over the amount previously authorized, and an additional $70,000 is required to cover the actual expenditures on this project. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an additional $70,000 for the Chlorination Facility, 5B-I, for a total to date of $143,100. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. e~ CLW k..~~ lt~ <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 30, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $11,000 IN SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE ALTERNATIVE DISINFECTION STUDY TYPE OF ACT ION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY John Larson - Special Projects Engineering Division BACKGROUND The original authorization for this work was $40,000. An additional $11,000 is required to supplement the original authorization. The consultant's scope of work was increased by the addition of an executive summary, the analysis on one additional alternative, and by the requirement to obtain more meteorological data. The increase in the consultant's work accounts for $6,000 while the remaining $5,000 is needed to cover the cost of work on this project by District staff. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the expenditure of $1 Y,OOO of Sewer Construction Funds for completion of the project report and to cover District staff work on the Alternative Disinfection Study. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ CLW SHEET OF JL ..,... . - San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Hear; ngs: 1 a&B POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 26, 1981 SUBJECT HEARING ON DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE (EQC) CHARGES AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS AND ADOPT ING THE REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 5473, HEALTH AND TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection/Engineering Systems BACKGROUND: The District is legally required to conduct a hearing for the purpose of placing delinquent sewer service charges on the tax roll for collection. Notices of this hearing were published in the newspaper and each of the delinquent property owners was notified in writing of the hearing date. The report containing the names of the owners who have not paid delinquent sewer service charges is attached. Considering valid protests, the outstanding charges should be placed on the tax roll.for collection. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution overruling protests and adopting the report pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI T7~DIV. ~ , r JSM CL\-J ~ . - BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Hear; ngs: 1 a&B POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 26,1981 SUBJECT HEARING ON DELINQUENT SEWER SERVfCE (EQC) CHARGES AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS AND ADOPT ING THE REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 5473, HEALTH AND TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection/Engineering Systems BACKGROUND: The District is legally required to conduct a hearing for the purpose of placing delinquent sewer service charges on the tax roll for collection. Notices of this hearing were published in the newspaper and each of the delinquent property owners was notified in writing of the hearing date. The report containing the names of the owners who have not paid del inquent sewer service charges is attached. Considering valid protests, the outstanding charges should be placed on the tax roll .for collection. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution overruling protests and adopting the report pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ CU.} ;. a .a DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS SEWER SERVICE CHARGE The following list of owners are delinquent in payment of previously invoiced sewer service charges for their respectively listed proper- ties: County De 1 i nquent Assessors No. Owner & Address Property Address Balance Penalty Total 198-061-004 Lorrine McClure 1445 Danvi11e Blvd. $105.00 10% $115.50 Address Unknown Alamo, CA 94507 373-152-003 Allan & Ann DeFraga 924 Court St. $399.30 10% $439.23 5215 Smith Dr. Martinez, CA 94553 Martinez, CA TOTAL: $554.73 I BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 26, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY - M.S.24-81 (JOB 934-Parcel 20) RIGHT OF \~AY SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection/Engineering System ISSUE: A portion of M.S.24-81 is being dedicated to the County for publ ic road purposes. An existing public sewer easement is located within the dedicated area. BACKGROUND: The County requires a IIConsent to Dedicationll whenever an area dedicated for public road purposes encroaches upon an existing easement. This is our standard consent document, the District retains prior rights. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute document and authorize its recording by the County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INIT ;2/J2;IVO JSM ~ CL\.J , '" r I Centra ';ontra Costa Sanit~~ :I District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IX. WATER POL CONTRa POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Jun,e 25, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $49,UOO FOR THE REMOVAL. AND DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS INSULATION PRESENTLY COATING PORTIONS OF THE Capital Expenditure PUMP BUILDING AND BASEMENT OF THE PRIMARY CONTROL B SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Robert A. Baker Plant Operations Issue: The asbestos insulation placed in the Pump Building and basement of the Primary Control Building poses a potential health hazard. Background: In the late 19501s, asbestos insulation was placed in the basement of the Primary Control Building and on the ground-level floor and first basement of the Pump Building. This insulation was painted by the contractor, at that time, after installation. The area has been recently repainted with a polyurethane-type paint to insure proper encapsulation of tbe asbestos. Air sample tests taken prior to the painting of the polyurethane paint passed the safe-l imit criteria as establ ished by Cal/OSHA. However, a potential hazard exists as long as the asbestos remains on the plant property. At any time during operation or maintenance of the area, the asbestos may be damaged, resulting in a condition that may not conform to safety requirements. Due to the serious nature of the potential hazard, the Plant Operations Department recommends that the asbestos be removed and disposed of as outl ined by the Division of Industrial Safety. Three informal bids were sol icited from the asbestos removal industry. The price on these bids indicates that it will cost the District approximately $49,000 to remove and dispose of the asbestos in the manner prescribed by Cal/OSHA. A formal bidding procedure will be used to permanently solve this problem. Recommendation: Authorization of a capital expenditure of $49,000 for the removal and disposal of asbestos insulation currently in the Primary Control Building and the Pump Building. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. PAF RAB <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIII. Engineering 1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 25, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF SEHER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR INTERIM MODIFICATIONS TO THE ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM AT THE TREATMENT PLANT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE SUBMI,TT~D EjY S' 1 P . t E' . D'" VOlin Larson, pecla rOJec s nglneerlng lVlslon BACKGROUND: As the result of engineering investigations conducted by Metcalf & Eddy, the capacity of three of the odor control units at the treatment plant has been found to be below the anticipated capacity. Prior to the expenditure of large sums of money to correct this deficiency, a test will be conducted during August to determine the required capacity. New equipment, if required, would then be designed and installed for next summer under the auspices of the Stage 5A Project Completion Work. Interim modifications totaling $14,850, as summarized on the reverse side of this position paper, are recommended to maximize the capacity of the existing odor control units. By increasing their chemical delivery capacity this action is intended to minimize odor complaints that are anticipated later this summer. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the expenditure of $14,850 for modifications to the odor control system at the treatment plant. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON JL {{J-b RAB ~~ CLH GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. SHEET OF INTERIM MODIFICATIONS TO THE ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM COST ESTIMATE EQUIPMENT COST (INCLUDES CONTINGENCY) INSTALLATION COST (INCLUDES CONTINGENCY) CONTRACTOR OH&P (@ 15%) SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION/MANAGEMENT 8 DAYS X $250/DAY SUBTOTAL START-UP AND TROUBLESHOOTING 3 DAYS X $250/DAY TOTAL $5,500 5,000 1,600 $12,100 $ 2,000 $14,100 750 $14,850 Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT DATE NO. .vl CONSENT CALENDAR A' 7/?/Ql June 26, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 81-13 (SAH RAMON AREA) AND P.A. 81-14 (\JALNUT CREEK AREA) TO BE INCLUDED I N A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection/Engineering System Parcel No. Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Area 81-15 Conc Public Storage 11828 Dub 1 in Blvd. Dub 1 in, CA 911566 110-120-10,-11 & 39 4.2 Acres 81-16 Mtz. Clyde R. King 4849 Pleasant Hilta~~' Martinez, CA 162-150-001 6.73 Ac Remarks Owner plans to build a 20,000 sq. ft. light industrial building and a 65,300 sq. ft. mini- warehouse complex. Plans approved and "Negative Declarationl' by City of Concord. Proposed Subd. 5992, Ma~i mum 12 lots (may be less). Seven of the lots are in an area presently within the District. Plan appro- ved and "Negative Declara- tion" by the city. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION '"1;7 ;;Z;'v, JSM e~ CL~J Lead Agency City of Concord City of Mart i nez /"\ , ~ ~p.7l. ':