HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 11-19-81 t((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I II . r POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 19 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPTANCE OF DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3330, SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING REPAIRS, PHASE I ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Edwin J. Anderson ISSUE: The Contractor, Ric Mar Construction Company, has satisfactorily completed construction of the Project. The Project is ready for acceptance by the District Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: On April 16, 1981, District entered into an agreement with Ric Mar Construction Company for siding repairs to the Solids Conditioning Building at the Treatment Plant. The Contractor satisfactorily completed all construction work on October 14, 1981, including punch list items. RECOMMENDATION: The following Board actions are recommended: 1. Accept Contract work for Project No. 3330. 2. Authorize filing the Notice of Completion with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 3. Authorize final payment to the Contractor 35 days after the Notice is filed provided no claims are received. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. e. CLW ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. ADM. ? ll/l'/Rl POSITION n I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN r>APER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT DATE SLUDGE HAULING RATE INCREASE REQUEST November 12, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION Consider Rate Increase Req ues t SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal advised the District by letter dated August 11, 1981 that its sludge hauling rate would increase from $125 to $145 per pull beginning September 1, 1981. BACKGROUND: Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal has provided sludge hauling service for the District since 1977. The $20 increase per pull, which represents a rate increase of 16%, is the first rate adjustment sought by the company. The District requested that the company provide data in support of the rate increase on August 28, 1981. A subsequent letter was sent by District Counsel on September 16, 1981 requesting the supporting information. Information provided by the company was received by the District on November 3, 1981 and is summarized below: Comparison of Certain Sludge Hauling Operating Expenses For the Period From 1977 to 1981 Typical Cost Increase Expense 1977 1981 Amount Percent Driver Wages & All Employee Benefits, annual $23,617 $37,258 $13,641 57.8 Fuel per gallon: Diesel $.39 $ .95 $.56 143.6 Gasoline .54 1. 32 .78 144.4 Dumping Fees, per cu. yd. .55 .80 .25 45.5 Invoice copies in support of operating expense increases and computations of labor and benefit increases which were submitted by the company were reviewed by District staff. The average monthly number of sludge hauling pulls during the 11 months through August 1981 were 489 for an average monthly cost of $62,398. The 16% rate increase will increase the present average monthly sludge hauling cost by $9,984. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. \mF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Directors authorize acceptance of the rate increase for sludge hauling from $125 to $145 per pull with such increase becoming effective November 1, 1981. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION ce<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. ADM. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 16, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Notification of Staff Rev i ew SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: A review of the District's workers' compensation insurance program should be undertaken to determine whether self-insurance is cost effective and feasible. BACKGROUND: In their risk management audit report which was issued in July 1978, Warren, McVeigh & Griffin recommended that the District revise its insurance program by self-insuring a portion of the risks of property, liability and workers. compensation losses. The District did revise its insurance coverages to include self-retained limits of $25,000 and $50,000 for property and general liability losses, respectively, beginning the policy year 1979-1980. Self-insuring workers' compensation losses to a maximum limit with the purchase of excess coverage for losses above the self- retained limit was deferred for later review. The District's workers' compensation insurance coverage is presently provided by the State Compensation Insurance Fund. The District's premium and loss experience is pooled with 22 other sanitary districts which are members of CASA. The District's premiums and incurred loss history for the past 7 years are summarized below: 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 Net Incurred Premium Losses $74,988 $38,038 57, 194 24,377 71 , 1 82 30, 1 50 59, 132 23,820 33,930 8,888 28,898 29,785 21 ,878 1 ,464 Fiscal Year While Warren, McVeigh & Griffin recommended that a self-insurance program for workers' compensation be implemented for the District, the following cautionary observations were made: ZIN=. EVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 0"-.. . Organizationswiththe District's premium volume usually do not self-insure; however, most organizations with the District's premium volume do not have the advantage of the District's risk retention capacity. . The costs of administration and excess insurance may offset any savings. These costs can be easily determined by requesting proposals for claims administration, loss control, and excess insurance. . The possibil ity of several large losses could reverse the indicated financial advantage of self-insurance; however, excess insurance can be designed to protect the District against losses in excess of its risk retention capacity. RECOMMENDATION: This position paper advises the Board of the initiation of a review to determine the feasibility of implementing a self-insured workers' compensation insurance program, and subsequent submission of a report to the Board of Directors of the results of the review. REVIEWED AHD RECOMMEHDED FOR BOARD ACTIOH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. ADM. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AN ADDITIONAL MEMBER OF THE DISTRICT STAFF TO ACT AS SECRETARY PRO-TEM IN THE ABSENCE OF THE DISTRICT SECTRETARY TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT! ON OFRESOLUT! ON SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. f District ADMINISTRATION BACKGROUND: The Secretary of the District, due to vacation or other reasons, is occasionally absent from Board of Directors Meetings or unabailable at other times to conduct necessary District business. For that reason, Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, was authorized on August 4,1977, by Resolution No. 77-21& to act as Secretary Pro-Tern. The increasing number of meetings and conferences concerning District business that require the attendance of the GM-CE, make it desirable to authorize an additional member of the Administration Department to act as Secretary Pro-Tern. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing the Administrative Department Manager to act as Secretary Pro-Tern in the absence of the District Secretary. EVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ((<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. v. ENG. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 29, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT CONSIDER REQUEST OF BRIAN THEISSEN ON BEHALF OF THE DEVELOPERS OF RANCHO DEL SOL SUBDIVISION CONSIDER REQUEST SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services ISSUE: The developers of Rancho Del Sol have requested that the Sanitary District operate and maintain a package treatment plant for their proposed development east of Blackhawk (see attached map). BACKGROUND: On August 6, 1981, the engineer for Rancho the District to accept the responsibility for operating a package treatment plant for the proposed development. Weddle responded to this request on September 11, 1981, the position of staff as one of not being in a position responsibility (see attached letter). Del Sol requested and maintaining Dr. Clark establishing to accept said Subsequently, several letters were received from the County (copies attached) and from Brian Thiessen (copy attached) again requesting the District accept the responsibility for operating and maintaining the proposed package treatment plant. It is now appropriate to establish a position of the Board on this matter. It is the position of staff that there is no reason to accept the responsibility. In fact it is anticipated that the package plant would become an unwanted burden. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the request that the District operate and main- tain a package treatment plant for the Rancho Del Sol subdivision. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION c~ CL~J Central Costa San BOARD OF DIRECTORS District POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. . Eng. 2 11/19/81 DAT~ovember 13, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION REPORT ON THE REGIONAL WASTEWATER REUSE STUDY REPORT SUBMITTED,BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Div. BACKGROUND: CH2M Hill in conjunction with Bay Area water suppliers and wastewater dischargers have completed a 3-year, $2 million program to evaluate the potential for large scale reuse of San Francisco Bay Area wastewater. Two apprarent best projects have been identified. They are the Southern San Joaquin Valley Project and the Delta Salinity Control Project. Maps are attached depicting the general routes for the two projects. Details on the two projects will be presented in an oral report at the Board meeting. The conclusion of the three years of effort is that the Delta Salinity Control Project is the apparent best reuse project and warrants further consideration. Staff has concerns about the effects of the discharge of treated wastewater on the Delta. It appears that the Department of Water Resources will continue ongoing studies and that agency will consider the effects of the proposed discharge on the Delta. One position the Board could take is to support the continuance of the studies with a stipulation that CCCSD will not take a position on the Delta alternative until discharge effects are fully determined. On the other hand, the Board might conclude that the apparent best alternative project is unacceptable. In this case the Board could decide that the appropriate position to take would be that the study should be completed with no recommendation to continue by any other party. RECOMMENDATION: Support the continuance of ongoing Delta alternative studies with specific emphasis on water qual ity issues. Withhold establishing a position on the Delta alternative until after water quality concerns are satisfactively addressed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM e~ CLW Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. Eng. 3 11 /19/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 13, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE NEW OFFICE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT REPORT SUBMITTED BY Ja INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services w. A. .Thomas Construction Company began work on the new office building, meeting room and Plant Operations West Wing renovation in June, 1981. W. A. Thomas. initial construction schedule provided for completion of the West Wing renovation on December 20, 1981, completion of the meeting room on March 20, 1982 and completion of the new office build- ing on August 17, 1982. The current status of each phase of the project is reported below. West Wing Renovation The initial work effort of the constractor was minimal. By September, the contractor was well behind schedule. Approximately a month aqo a more experienced project manager was put in charge by the Contractor. Since that time the contractor has made a concerted effort on the West Wino and is close to his orioinal schedule. It is anticioated th~t th~ majority.of the work on the West Wing will be completed by December 31, 1981. . There is a current problem with respect to light fixtures. There is a 90 day delivery on the light fixtures specified. A substitution of equal, alternate fixtures is being pursued. If readily available,and satisfactory fixtures are foun~ this problem will be solved. Other existing problems with obtaining matching floor tiles and locksets will not be solved by the end of December. The renovated area can be occupied without the completion of these items. The contractor projects that he will have most of the work on the West Wing completed by the end of December. Meeting Room The contractor estimates that he will complete the meeting room on schedule (March 20, 1982). There is a current problem on delivery of structural steel. The date for delivery is November 23, 1981 which is five weeks behind the original schedule. The contractor plans to put more emphasis on the meeting room after steel is de 1 i vered. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON Page 1 of 2 -e. ~ CLW -2- New Office Building Work on the main building proceeded slowly at first generally due to a lack of manpower commitment on specific work phases by the Contractor. Excavation, utility relocations, reinforcing steel and forming took longer than scheduled mainly due to the Contractor having a low number of workmen on said phases. After the new project manager was assigned by the Contractor, the number of workmen increased and the Contractor improved his progress. Wet weather has slowed the Contractorls progress, a situation which occurs in any large contract. This particular contractor has aggravated the effect of weather due to his slow, initial progress resulting in the walls of the building not being completed and backfilled prior to the starting of the rains. Structural steel is also a problem with the schedule for the main building. Delivery of steel is estimated to occur at the end of January. Subsequent work efforts will be rescheduled and consolidated to result in a modified completion near the end of October. The revised completion date is approximately two months later than the completion date contained in the contract. A two month delay in completion of the project is an unacceptable situation. It is recognized that time extensions will not be granted for delays caused by the Contractor's inadequate staffing. But, the Contract documents provide for extensions of time for delays which are not the fault or are beybnd the control of the Contractor. If delays caused by bad weather, strikes, natural disasters, etc. actually impair the contractorls progress, he will be given time extensions accordingly. Staff will continue to monitor the contractor's progress and advise accordingly. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. ((sD BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. v. ~t!i-'A>61F"".J - .y " /,/'1' POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 13, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $15,000 FOR DESIGN OF HOLDING BASIN C RENOVATION, DISTRICT PROJECT 3615 AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY John Larson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division BACKGROUND There are three holding basins at the treatment plant providing storage for flows that are bypassed during peak storm flows and emergencies. The District has embarked on a three-year program to return all three holding basins to their original operating condition. Holding Basin A was renovated in 1979 and Holding Basin B was renovated in 1980. Holding Basin C was used between 1975 and August 1980 to store alum sludge accepted from CCCWD. During the last construction season the alum sludge was turned to facilitate drying and a portion of the alum sludge was removed. Holding Basin C is now ready for the renovation work. Funds are required for the preparation of plans and specifications. The overall project will consist of removal of alum sludge deposits, reconturing the basin interior for proper drainage, improvements to the drain-back structure, and improvements to the dechlorination facility piping that is located in Holding Basin C. Upon completion, HOlding Basin C will provide approximately 30 million gallons of additional storage capacity t20 hours at current dry weather flows). RECOMMENDATION Authorize $15,000 for design of Holding Basin C renovation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JL CLW ((sD BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO..lt ~AJ;ltJEEA.I>> ..s- /I /11A I POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 13, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $3,300 TO PURCHASE A FINAL EFFLUENT FLOWMETER FOR TESTING AUTHORIZE FUNDS Jo e L nn Kurasaki Division SUBMITTED BY BACKGROUND A final effluent flowmeter is required for the District's plant in order to ensure compliance with its NPDES discharge flow requirements and to provide accurate flow pacing control for chlorination and dechlorination. A final effluent flowmeter was provided under Stage 5A, however, it did not perform as designed. Metcalf & Eddy has recommended the procurement and testing of a magnetic velocity probe type flowmeter for monitoring final effluent flow. The Monitek unit, which costs $3,300, offers a $100,000 cost savings in installed cost over the next best alternative, a Venturi flowmeter. The unit requires testing because there is not extensive operating history in the wastewater field. The cost of the meter is eligible for reimbursement under the Clean Water Grant Program. The SWRCB is being notified that the District will prepurchase the flowmeter. Since the meter cost is less than $10,000, prior approval is not required. RECOMMENDATION Authorize $3,300 in Sewer Construction Funds for the purchase of one Monitek flowmeter. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JL CLW cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. v. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 30, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE CSSWMB/ CCCSD ANDWEGMAN/CAROLLO-CCCSD CONTRACTS TYPE OF ACTION APPROVAL OF CONTRACT AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED BY Steve McDonald, Associate Engineer Engineering Division BACKGROUND On June 13, 1980 the Board of Directors adopted a resolution accepting a $438,431 grant from the California State Solid Waste Management Board (CSSWMB) to perform Predesign Engineering for a Solid Waste to Energy project at the District. The contract with the CSSWMB includes a rough definition of the work to be performed, and an associated Schedule of Grant Payments. This preliminary Scope of Work was also included in the contract with Wegman/ Carollo Engineers for engineering services on the project. District staff and Wegman/Carollo have recently refined the Scope of Work as necessary to reflect minor modifications in detail that have arisen. Also, the sequential order of tasks was modified to more closely reflect the progress to date. To satisfy our contractual obligation with the CSSWMB it is necessary to amend the finalized Scope of Work to the original grant contract, and to amend the associated contract with Wegman/Carollo. These are no-cost amendments with no changes in the cost to complete the work. The CSSWMB moved to Adopt Amendment No. 1 to incorporate the final Scope of work in their contract with the District on October 29, 1981. Wegman/Carollo has also agreed to adopt Amendment No.1. RECOMMENDATION (1) Authorize the GM-CE to execute Amendment No.1 (copy attached) to the CSSWMB/CCCSD contract. (2) Authorize the President of the Board to execute Amendment No.1 to the Wegman/Carol10-CCCSD contract. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION tf:>lv.- SMc J/rL- JL e.~ CLW OF INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Costa BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. VI. Items Late for VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT POSITION PAPER DATE November 18,1981 TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTIZE FOR BIDS FOR CARPETING IN THE RENOVATED PLANT OPERATIONS BUILDING AND NEW DISTRICT OFFICE BUILDING AUTHORIZg AOVERTIZING Ron Klimczak INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering Division BACKGROUND: The office building construction contract with W.A. Thomas includes carpeting in the meeting room area only. Per Architect and carpet sales representative recommendations, it was decided that a separate contract should be awarded for the balance of the carpet in- stallation to insure installation by the most qualified personnel at the lowest cost. The Architect intends to finalize the carpet layout drawings within the next several days. The District Purchasing Division is currently preparing the contract specifications and associated bidding documents. Since the remodeling of the Plant Operations Building has a December 20, 1981 completion date, the carpeting work must be advertized as soon as the plans and specifications are completed to avoid any delay in the District occupying the remodeled space. The carpeting contract would provide for carpeting of the New Office Building upon completion of the work in the fall of 1982. Although a final engineer1s estimate has not been completed pending an accurate quantity takeoff by the Architect, a rough cost estimate for the quantity of carpeting required (including overage for storage and cleaning equipment) would be approximately $75,000. A bid item will be included to allow for possible deletion of carpeting on a portion of the second floor. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Purchasing Division to advertize for bids for carpeting in the Renovated Plant Operations Building and New District Office Building as soon as the plans and specifications are completed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DE~V ~ (~. ~ JL CLW