HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP (PERSONNEL) 1981 . ctCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IX. Personnel POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 17, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION EXPAND DISTRICT PERSONNEL ADVANCEMENT POLICY TO PURCHASING, CANCEL BUYER AND SR. BUYER CLASS DESCRIPTIONS AND ADOPT BUYER l/iI AND SR. BUYER CLASS DESCRIPTIONS PERSONNEL Ken F. Laverty INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administration/Purchasing SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The District Board, at its meeting of November 15, 1979, approved a personnel advancement procedure for certain positions. We request the District Board to expand the personnel advancement procedure to include Purchasing. BACKGROUND: When the personnel advancement procedure was adopted, Purchasing was a unit that handled only the purchasing requirements of the Plant Operations Department. Since this time Purchasing has been structured into a centralized District purchasing division, thus significantly increasing all of duties and responsibilities of Purchas- ing personnel. In order to develop personnel to meet the needs of the District, a personnel advancement procedure for Purchasing is needed to train and promote a person that has successfully passed the requirements and examination to the next level position. To accomplish the above, the following recommendations have been developed and are shown below or on attachments. 1. Cancel Buyer and Senior Buyer class descriptions; adopt new class descriptions for Buyer I, Buyer I I and Senior Buyer. 2. Establish a personnel advancement program for Purchasing personnel in accordance with the Districtls personnel advancements policy. 3. Develop criteria for performance testing the Purchasing positions. The new class descriptions are shown as Attachments A, Band C. The advancement. procedure is shown on Attachment D. The actions recommended would have the indicated effect on the Purchasing organization. 1. Buyer I would be the entry-level position for Purchasing personnel with duties as described in Attachment.A. The position would remain at the existing salary range of R-49 and would require two (2) years of responsible purchasing experience in governmental, construction, or a closely related field. The Buyer I would have to successfully pass an advancement test after a minimum of eighteen (18) months as a Buyer I to be eligible for promotion to the Buyer I I class. 2. Buyer I I would be a qualified professional buyer with duties as described in Attachment B. The salary level would be set at R-59 for this position. The basis for establishing this salary range was the review of similar buying positions at local Districts, Universities, Cities and private industry. The Buyer I I position would be filled by a Buyer I who has successfully completed the personnel advance- ment program. The Buyer I I after a minimum of one (1) year could advance to a Senior Buyer position; in accordance with the District personnel advancement procedure. Ken Laverty ~. COMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 3. Senior Buyer, no change in salary rate which is R-68 and only minor changes in class description to allow for the personnel advancement procedure. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Cancel class description of Buyer and adopt new class description of Buyer I, R-49. 2. Cancel class description of Senior Buyer and adopt new class description of Senior Buyer, R~68. 3. Adopt new class description of Buyer I I and establish salary range of. R-59, $1,675 - $2,026. 4. Authorize the inclusion of Purchasing personnel into the District's personnel advancement procedure as specified in Attachment D. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWE COMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION /CHIEF ENG. , c(<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 1 ra 1nl ng ") 12/17/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General M-.ager-Chief Engineer DATE December 17,1981 SUBJECT ATTENDANCE OF PURCHASING SEMINAR BY C.P. O'CONNOR, SENIOR BUYER TYPE OF ACTION Approve Attendance SUBMITTED BY Ken F. Laverty INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administration/Purchasing ISSUE: In order to further train the Purchasing staff to increase its effectiveness in the procurement of District's goods and services, its requested that C. P. O'Connor, Senior Buyer be allowed to attend a two day purchas!ng seminar on January 13-14, 1982. BACKGROUND: The Seminar is entitled "Purchasing Policies, Procedures & Techniques for the Smaller Company" and will cover the major areas of the District's purchasing operation, see attached outline for details. The cost of this Seminar was budgeted for in the 1981-1982 fiscal budget for Purchasing. The estimated cost to attend this Seminar is: Seminar Cost Hotel, one night Meals Other Misc. TOTAL $510 40 30 40 Sb20 RECOMMENDATION: Approve attendance for C. P. O'Connor, Senior Buyer, at the two day purchasing seminar at a cost not to exceed $620. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Ken Laverty /-:t--, REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION i>,..,~.' '\ \, .~ ~ 'C__ .... =- =ca=.:.:::ca .c:~>cn= ..-==ca= =~== c....a"c.. = == =- ~ ~Qt; '! ~Zi:l : rT' ~l C ~ oS :>> L....t ~ ~ ~.! ~~S~S Z - ii;(1) if ~icil. rT' ~!o a ~ oQ--' ....U.~~c ~ S:~cX~ " ~ -s ~ f/j ~ ~ ! < ~A fitS i a' "->> "->> ~ ... GI GI B !a .1::: =~ ..v "->> ... e:r t .sa U.c ~ a.A~i c..- -VI 81;:: .J> N .., ~ o ~ u u O 00 - s s ~ iE '" Q en .- o~<~~ 0: .... 0 > I en......,.- c:. c:C: o ;:J '" ::> z en Q.. N ,,; <Il ., .~ ::s ~ .... o ~ u CI:l = ., e g- o; > ~ ~ ~ i= i= ... e o if ... E o :I: .!! .. cii = e ~ c: ~ e ::E g- o<:! 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DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 11, 1981 STATE DISABiliTY INSURANCE PROGRAM TYPE OF ACTION Adopt Policy and Proce- dure and Resolution SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: The District employees elected to obtain disability insurance coverage under the Cal ifornia Unemployment Insurance Code. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding dated August 20, 1981, an election was held by secret ballot of all District employees to determine whether the District should participate in the California State Disability Insurance program. By a vote of 94 to 64, participation was affirmed. While disabil ity insurance is compulsory for private organizations under the provisions of the California Unemployment Insurance Code, it is elective for public agencies. Section 710.5 of the Code provides that any public agency employer may elect to become an employer for disability insurance purposes only. Upon filing an election for coverage under Section 710.5 and obtaining approval of the Employment Development Department, the District will become an employer subject to the unemployment compensation disability insurance law to the same extent as other employers. Beginning at that time, the District shall withhold from the wages of employees the contributions required for unemployment compensation disability benefits. District participation in the State Disability Insurance program is intended to commence as of January 1, 1982. Employee contributions for the 1982 calendar year are required at the rate of eight- tenths of one percent of the first $17,000 of wages. The disability insurance benefits will be integrated with the District's sick leave pol icy as described in the attached Policy and Procedure titled "State Disability Insurance program" (Attachment I). The Policy and Procedure was developed through negotiation with the employee bargaining units and has received their ratification. The application for elective coverage is filed on Form DE 1378 N (Attachment I I). By such election, the District agrees to remain a covered employer for not less than two complete calendar years. A copy of the Board resolution approving the filing of an application for elective coverage is required with the application (Attachment I I I). RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Policy and Procedure titled "State Disabil ity Insurance program" and a resolution approving the filing of an application for elective coverage under Section 710.5 of the California Unemployment Insurance Code. REVIEWED AN~~ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITrNG DEPT./DIV. . ~'c-. ~--~ ~M. ~~\ ATTACHMENT I ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District NO. 18 POLICY & PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE December 17, 1981 SUBJECT SECTION STATE DISABiliTY INSURANCE PROGRAM Personnel ESTABLISHED BY: REFERRING TO: Board of Directors State Disability Insurance Prog. Memorandum Of UnderSI:analng I~OT 1982 POll CY: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District insurance program beginning January 1982. insurance program for wage loss because of occupat i ona 1 ill ness or i nj ury. will participate in the California disability Benefits are paid under the disability absences resulting primarily from non- The disability insurance premium is withheld from the employee's paycheck based on a prescribed rate applied to a maximum wage amount in each calendar year. The premiums withheld by the District are paid to the State Disabil ity Fund. PROCEDURE: 1. Claims Processing: a. The employee is responsible to file a claim directly to the State Disability Fund. b. The State Disability Fund will send the District Form DE 2503, Notice of State Disability Claim Filed. c. The District will verify information supplied by the employee and complete the form before returning it to the State Disability Fund. d. Benefit payments are made directly to the employee by the State Disability Fund. II. Integration with the District's Sick leave Program: a. Absence due to non-occupational illness or injury are to be charged to the available sick leave balance in the usual manner. b; Based on receipt of Form DE 2503, benefit payments will be withheld from the employee's paycheck at the maximum weekly benefit amount, and the equivalent number of sick leave hours will be reinstated to the employee's sick leave balance. c. If the benefits paid were based on less than the maximum weekly amount, the employee should provide copies of DE 2500 C, Record of Disability Benefits Paid, to the District and an adjustment to net pay and the sick leave balance will be made. d. For medical disability absences in excess of 30 days, an employee who does not wish to integrate State Disability Insurance payments with sick leave benefits may request a medical leave of Absence for Board consideration. I SHEET 1 OF 1 -----_._~.._--'-_._._~.~_._"---_.__._-_...__._-~_._---._-~._-----,.._.._,...__._--~'----,---~~--_..--_._-~_._----~.._-----_._---------- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Adm. 2 12 17 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 15, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN COMMITTEE TYPE OF ACTION Establish Standing Committee SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting ISSUE: The establishment of a District Deferred Compensation Plan Committee composed of representatives of management and employee groups would facilitate plan administra- tion. BACKGROUND: The District established its Deferred Compensation Plan in January 1976 after voluntarily withdrawing from participation in the Federal Social Security System. The Plan is administered by the District which has the sole authority to enforce the Plan and is responsible for the operation of the Plan in accordance with its terms; the District is to determine all questions arising out of the administration, interpretation and application of the Plan and such determination shall be conclusive and binding. The District has appointed the Hartford Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company to main- tain a deferred compensation fund to which deferred compensation payments are credited for each employee participant. A statement of each employee's account which shows the amount of deferred compensation credited, share account balances, investment gains or losses and service fees assessed are provided to each participant quarterly. The District's budgeted contribution to the Deferred Compensation Plan for 1981-1982 is $407,548; the deferred compensation contribution by employees through voluntary payroll withholdings will be approximately $144,000 for 1981-1982. The establishment of the Deferred Compensation Plan was originally proposed by an employee committee which, with the assistance of District Counsel, reviewed deferred compensation plan programs offered by various providers, recommended the selected program to the Board of Directors and prepared a plan document which met the Internal Revenue Service requirements for the tax deferral of contributions to the Plan. The administration of the Plan in the areas of communicating problems regarding accountability to Hartford Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company, reviewing employee requests for emergency withdrawal of funds and recommending action for consideration by the Board of Directors has devolved to the employee committee. As a result of the departure from the District of committee members, the employee committee is presently composed of three members; one of the three employees plans to retire within a year. The significant monetary value of the Deferred Compensation Plan and its importance in providing a major employee benefit for District employees require establishment of a standing Deferred Compensation Plan Committee which is charged with the responsibility to meet at scheduled intervals to insure administration of the Plan according to its terms, assess the performance of the Hartford Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company in fund accountability and investment experience, communicate decisions regarding emergency REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITYNG DEPT./DIV. . t7Cfth.., ~ withdrawals or other matters made by the Board of Directors and provide periodic reports in connection with the Plan performance to District management and the Board of Directors. It is recommended that the committee be composed of one representative of management and one employee representative from each employee group and with direction and coordination by the Finance Officer who is responsible for financial transactions between the District and Hartford. Assistance regarding legal issues is to be provided by District Counsel. The selection of the representatives and their terms should be provided to the Adminis- trative Department Manager by the employee groups. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the establishment of a District Deferred Compensation Plan Committee to be composed of one representative of management and each employee group and with direction and coordination by the Finance Officer to administer the Plan according to its terms. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACr/ON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. WN F : dw ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.VI I. Personnel 1 12/3/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 23, 1981 SUBJECT APPROVE MODIFICATION OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR DANIEL NELSON, MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN I TYPE OF ACTION Rescind diciplinary actio & approve modified recommendation SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Mgr. Administrative BACKGROUND: At your regular meeting of November 5, 1981, the Board approved a two week suspension without pay for Daniel Nelson due to disciplinary reasons. I have again reviewed this matter and, based upon all available facts, have concluded that a lesser penalty would be in the best interests of all concerned. Due to this being a confidential Personnel matter. I feel it inappropriate to discuss the details of this recommendation in a public document but, of course, would welcome the opportunity to provide a detailed explanation in closed session if the Board is so inclined. RECOMMENDATION: Rescind previously authorized two week suspension without pay for Daniel Nelson, Maintenance Technician I and approve a seven (7) day suspension without pay. IN REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION c-- <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'III. Consent Cal. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 13,1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CANCEL SENIOR MATERIALS COORDINATOR CLASS DESCRIP- TION AND ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION I PERSONNEL ACTION SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: A need exists to update the current Senior Materials Coordinator class description. BACKGROUl'l:>: Ed Sukacz recently retired from this position and the District is about to begin recruitment activity to fill this vacancy. A standard practice of the Personnel Office is to review each class description prior to advertising a position opening. A review of the Senior Materials Coordinator class description indicates that minor changes in language could be appropriately handled at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Cancel Senior Materials Coordinator class description and adopt new class description. #/- ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. v: CONSENT CALEND R 8 11 5 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 3,1981 SUBJECT RECOMMENDA TION FOR HANDLING FUR THER PETITIONS OF EMPLOYEES DESIRING TO BE REPRESENTED BY THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP TYPE OF ACTION Consider Petitions SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Mgr. Administrative ISSUE: Additional employees have petitioned the Board requesting that their positions be represented by the Management Support/Confidential Group. BACKGROUN): At previous meetings, several petitions have been presented by employees requesting they be allowed to be represented by the Management Support/Confidential Group. The Board acknowleged receipt of the petitions and directed that staff draft language that would provide direction for employees who wish to change representatives and further directed that this matter be discussed with both bargaining units in a good faith meet and confer process. Considering the foregoing, it appears that this group of petitions should be handled in the same manner. RECOMMENJATION: Acknowledge receipt of the attached petitions and take no action until procedures are adopted and the meet and confer process regarding this matter is completed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION <c(sD Costa BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 30, 1981 SUBJECT ADOPT A NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR SENIOR ENGINEER (PROJECT MANAGEMENT) TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail Koff INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Personnel BACKGROUND: The position of Senior Engineer (Project Management) was part of Special Projects Engineering Division. With the reorganization of the Engineering Department, the class description for Senior Engineer (Project Management) required revision to show the new areas of responsibility. A copy of the proposed class description is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the proposed class description for Senior Engineer (Project Management) . REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GK '1L JL ~~ CLW Centra; Con~ra Costa Sanitary Dis-trict BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. CONSENT CALENDAR SUBJECT POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 22, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION ~;?&Z;JSM SUBMITTED BY ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR SENIOR ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES. PERSONNEL Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services ISSUE: A new position of Senior Engineer has been created in the Construction and Services Division of the Engineering and Construction Department. BACKGROUND: The reorganization of the former Engineering Department included the creation of a new position of Senior Engineer in the Construction and Services Division. The existing class description for Senior Engineer does not include an adequate description of the duties of the new position. tt is therefore necessary to adopt a new class description including the duties of the new position. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a new class description for Senior Engineer - Construction and Services Division. R BOARD ACTION PM ~~ CLW ~GBK Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 11/5/81 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE EXPENDITURE OF $1 ,000 FOR SUPERVISOR- MANAGEMENT DINNER, DECEMBER 8, 1981, AT THE SHERATON INN, CONCORD Personnel SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Personnel/Administration ISSUE: The District recommends that a Supervisor-Management Dinner be held on December 8, 1981 at the Sheraton Inn, Concord. BACKGROUND: The Supervisor-Management Dinner held last February was well received by those in attendance and the District recommends that a sec~~d dinner be held. It is anticipated that each dinner will cost $13 and we intend to invite approximately 68 employees. Board Members William Dalton and Al Stanley were present at the last dinner. We request the Board to advise us as to which Board Members will attend the December 8 dinner. RECOMMENDATION: Approve expenditure of $1,000 for Supervisor-Management Dinner, December 8, 1981, at the Sheraton Inn, Concord. EVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. SUBJECT RECOMMENDA TION FOR HANDLING FUR THER PETITIONS OF EMPLOYEES DESIRING TO BE REPRESENTED BY THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP TYPE OF ACTION Consider Petitions SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Mgr. Administrative ISSUE: Additional employees have petitioned the Board requesting that their positions be represented by the Management Support/Confidential Group. BACKGROUNJ: At your last meeting, several petitions were presented by employees requesting they be allowed to be represented by the Management Support/Confidential Group. The Board acknowleged receipt of the petitions and directed that staff draft language that would provide direction for employees who wish to change representatives and further directed that this matter be discussed with both bargaining units in a good faith meet and confer process. Considering the foregoing, it appears that this group of petitions should be handled in the same manner. RECOMMENJATION: Acknowledge receipt of the attached petitions and take no action until procedures are adopted and the meet and confer process regarding this matter is completed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer 1 DATE October 9, 1981 SUBJECT CANCEL CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR SENIOR ACCOUNTANT AND ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION SUBMITTED BY ~alter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Department ISSUE: A scheduled staffing change and conversion to a new financial management information system make it appropriate to update the Class Description for Senior Accountant at this time. BACKGROUND: R. Reagan, Senior Accountant, has submitted his resignation effective January 8, 1982 to devote full-time to a public accounting practice which he recently established. In order to hire a replacement by mid-December, it is necessary to initiate the hiring process immediately. The present Class Description for Senior Accountant was prepared in 1976. During the intervening five years, the assigned duties have undergone modification and the new Class Description has been updated to more clearly describe present duties. It is anticipated that the Di.trict's financial reporting system will be converted in 1981-1982 to a new financial management information system based on electronic data processing. The new Class Description has been revised to include knowledge of electronic data processing applications. The experience requirement has been increased from two to three years with at least two years in municipal fund accounting. RECOMMENDATION: Cancel Class Description for Senior Accountant dated February 1976 and adopt new Class Description. ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON CENTRAL CONTRA CO~_A SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: DRAFT EFFECTIVE: October 15, 1981 TITLE: SENIOR ACCOUNTANT DEFINITION Under minimal supervision, is responsible to perform complex accounting functions related to the establishment and maintenance of financial accounts and records; to prepare financial statements, reconciliations and analyses; and does related work as required. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES Reviews and analyzes accounting operations and systems and, as necessary, implements new or revised systems and procedures; controls, coordinates and partici- pates in the preparation of monthly financial statements and account reconciliations; prepares a variety of journal entries to record payroll, expense accruals, investment transactions and revenue, fund transfers, capital project authorizations; account adjust- ments and other account activities; maintains government grant records and prepares payment requests; assists in preparation of analyses and reconciliations required for financial audits; assists in the preparation of annual operating budgets; personally performs a variety of account record keeping, including the maintenance of general journals, investment subsidiary records, and general and subsidiary ledgers; as assigned, performs a variety of special projects related to accounting, financial and budgeting activities; supervises operations of the Accounting Office in the absence of the Finance Officer. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Municipal accounting principles and practices Enterprise fund accounting procedures Budget preparation principles Basic electronic data processing applications Ability to: Apply sound accounting procedures to facilitate fiscal control and analysis; Analyze financial systems, operations, and data and develop sound conclusions and courses of action; Understand and function in an EDP environment; Speak and write effectively; Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work; and Experience: Three years of professional accounting and/or auditing experience, including two years of responsible experience in municipal fund accounting. Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor's degree in accounting. Costa San BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. IV. VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Oc tobe r 7, 1981 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACT ION SUBMITTED BY APPROVE THE REORGANIZATION OF THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION APPROVAL CIa rk L. Wedd 1 e INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection/Engineering Division ISSUE: The reorganization of the Engineering Department is proposed for the purpose of consolidating functions and economizing operations. BACKGROUND: The proposed reorganization is depicted on the attached organization chart. Significant changes are colored on the chart. Actions required by the Board are contained in the attached position papers including new titles and salaries for John Larson and Jay McCoy and adding one position of Senior Engineer to the Engineering Department. It is also proposed that the title of the Department be changed to Engineeri'ng and Construction Department. RECOMMENDATIONS: I. Cancel the existing Class Description for Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager and adopt a new class description for Construction and Services Division Manager. 2. Cancel the existing Class Description for Special Projects Engineering Division Manager and adopt a new class description for Engineering Division Manager. 3. Reclassify Jay McCoy to Construction and Services Division Manaaer at a salary of $4216 (minimum range $3575; maximum range $43L:6) . 4. Reclassify John Larson to Engineering Division Manager at a salary of $4216 (minimum range $3575; maximum range $434G). 5. Eliminate the position of Construction Division Manager. 6. Establish a position of Senior Engineer in the Construction and Services Division. 7. The effective date of the above actions will be October 21, 1981. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~'~LW Cont Costa San BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 21, 1981 SUBJECT CANCEL EXISTING CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR COLLECTION SYSTE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER AND ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES TYPE OF ACTION Clark L. Weddle INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System/Engineering SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The reorganization of the Engineering Department includes the creation of a new position titled Construction and Services Division Manager. BACKGROUND: The position of Construction Division Manager is being eliminated. The Construction Division is being combined with Collection System Engineering and Services Division and a new Division, Construction and Services, is being created. The Manager for Collection System Engineering and Services Division will become Construction and Services Division Manager. It is necessary to revise class descriptions to reflect the changes. RECOMMENDATION: Cancel the class description for Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager and adopt a new class description for Construction and Services Division Manager. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION /CHIEF ENG. INITIATING DEP~./DIV. ~v4",.;c:. ~ CENTRAL CONTRA C, . A SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECTIVE: TITLE: CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER DEFINITION -, Under general direction of the Deputy Chief Engineer, manage the Construction and Services Division of the Engineering and Construction Department of the District; perform special managerial duties as required; act as Deputy Chief Engineer in his absence and do all related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Manages the Construction and Services Division of the Engineering and Construction Department making independent decisions as necessary in the management of the division; attends to division personnel management matters, including safety and training programs, evaluations, promotions, transfers and disciplinary actions; coordinates work of the division with that of other divisions and departments; reviews and appraises division project and work reports; reviews and approves designs, plans and specifications; makes decisions regarding proper sewer service for existing properties and new developments; confers with the public and representatives of other agencies; represents the District at public and professional meetings and conferences in regard to present and future projects and various District matters; prepares reports and position papers and submits appropriate materials to management and/or the Board of Directors for necessary action; oversees the investigation of new techniques and products for approval for use in the District; coordinates and directs through subordinate supervisors all construction management, investigations, studies, research, analyses, programs, projects, operations and maintenance assigned to or being a responsibility of the division. UCENSE REQUIREMENT Possession of a valid Certificate of Registration as a Professional Engineer in Civil Engineering isued by the California State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers. Possession of an appropriate California Operator's License issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Thorough knowledge of: Engineering princ iples and practices as related and applied to the design, construction and operation of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems and facilities; Materials, procedures and equipment used in construction, operation and main- tenance of wastewater facilities and equipment; Principles and techniques of organization, management, personnel administra- tion, budgeting and staff development; Local, regional, state and federal-related organizations and programs. and CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER Ability to: Plan, organize, direct and control the work of others; Apply engineering principles and techniques in the solution of difficult and complex engineering problems; Prepare clear complete and concise reports and letters; Perceive and analyze problems and take effective corrective action; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships; " and Experience: Ten years of progressively responsible professional engineering experience, including four years of experience in supervising professional, technical and trade personnel; and Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university with major work in civil or sanitary engineering or a closely-related field. CENTRAL CONTRA (. ,A SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECTIVE: TITLE: ENGINEERING DIVISION MANAGER DEFINITION Under general direction of the Deputy Chief Engineer, manage the Engineering Division of the Engineering and Construction Department of the District; perform special managerial duties as required; and do all related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Provides professional engineering expertise in planning, organIzmg, directing and coordinating the Engineering Division of the Engineering and Construction Department, making independent decisions as necessary in the management of the division; coordinates with all departments and divisions in the scheduling and/or development of District projects, including assignment of projects and activities; coordinates and participates in the hiring and direction of outside consultants; attends to division personnel management matters, including safety and training programs, evaluations, promotions, transfers and disciplinary actions; coordinates work of the division with that of other divisions and departments; reviews and appraises division project and work reports; reviews and approves designs, plans and specifications; confers with State and Federal grant funding agencies, and at professional meetings and conferences in regard to present and future projects and various District matters; prepares reports and position papers and submits appropriate materials to management and/or the Board of Directors for necessary action; oversees the investigations of new techniques and products for approval for use in the District; coordinates and directs through subordinate supervisors all investigations, studies, research, analyses, programs, projects, operations and maintenance assigned to or being a responsibility of the division. UCENSE REGlUIREMENT Possession of a valid Certificate of Registration as a Professional Engineer in civil, mechanical or chemical engineering issued by the California State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers. Possession of an appropriate California Operator's License by the State Depart- ment of Motor Vehicles. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Thorough knowledge of: Engineering principles and practices as related and applied to the design, construction and operation of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems and facilities; Materials, procedures and equipment used in construction, operation and main- tenance of wastewaterfacilities and equipment; Principles and techniques of organization, management, personnel administra- tion, budgeting and staff development; Local, regional and state related programs, including State and federal grants; and ENGINEERING DIVISION MANAGER Ability to: Plan, organize, direct and control the work of others; " Apply engineering prinicples and techniques in the solution of difficult and complex engineering problems; Prepare complete and concise technical reports, grants and letters; Perceive and analyze problems and take effective corrective action; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships; and Experience: Ten years of progressively responsible professional engineering experience including four years of experience in supervising professional, technical and trade personnel; and Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university with major work in civil, mechanical or chemical engineering or a closely related field. A Masters Degree in sanitary or chemical engineering is desirable. <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT CANCEL EXISTING CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION MANAGER AND ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR ENGINEERING DIVISION MANAGER October 9, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION ENGINEERING artment ISSUE: The reorganization of the Engineering Department includes the creation of a new position titled Engineering Division Manager. BACKGROUND: The Special Projects Engineering Division is being combined with portions of the Collection System Engineering and Services Division to form the Engineering Division. The Special Projects Engineering Division Manager will become the Engineering Division Manager. It is necessary to revise the Class Description to reflect this change. RECOMMENDATION: Cancel the Class Description for Special Projects Engineering Division Manager and adopt a new Class Description for Engineering Division Manager. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON ~::(. -_._~--'---'--"---"'----,--""-,-------,.,,,,---,,-..--.------...-.--.,'...-.-.-,....--........---..,-..--.----., <<ISD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE RECLASSIFY JOHN LARSON, SPECIAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER ($3833) TO ENGINEERING DIVISION MANAGER ($4216) RECLASSIFICATION October 9 1981 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Clark L. Weddle, Deputy Chief Enginee Engineering Department ISSUE: The Engineering Department reorganization includes the combining of three division manager positions into two positions. BACKGROUND: With the reorganization in Engineering, the Construction Division Manager position has been eliminated and two other Division Manager positions are proposed for reclassification. John Larson is presently the Manager of the Special Projects Engineering Division. The former Special Projects Engineering Division will be combined with the design portion of the former Collection System Engineering and Services Division. The new Division will have responsibility for project planning, grants management, rates and charges, drafting and records, and engineering and design for the collection system and the Treatment Plant. In keeping with the net added responsibility which will be placed on Mr. Larson, a ten percent salary increase is warranted. RECOMMENDATION: Reclassify John Larson, Special Projects Engineering Division Manager ($3833) to Engineering Division Manager ($4216). REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~1Il..... ~;(. ~)... ./CHIEF ENG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 21, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT RECLASSIFY JAY MCCOY, COLLECTION SYSTEM ENGINEERING AND SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER ($3833) TO CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER ($4216) RECLASSIFICATION SUBMITTED BY Clark L. Heddle INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System/Engineering ISSUE: The Engineering Department reorganization includes the combining of three division manager positions into two positions. BACKGROUND: With the reorganization in Engineering, the Construction Division Manager position has been eliminated and two other Division Manager positions are proposed for reclassification. Jay McCoy is presently the Manager of Collection System Engineering and Services Division. The Design and Records Sections of that Division will be transferred to a new Division titled Engineering and Design. The former Construction Division will be transferred to a new Division titled Construction and Services Division with Jay McCoy as Manager. Mr. McCoy will essentially assume the duties of the former Construction Division Manager. A senior engineer position is proposed for the new Construction and Services Division to assist Mr. McCoy in his management of the new Division. In keeping with the net added responsibility which will be placed on Mr. McCoy, a ten percent salary increase is warranted. RECOMMENDATION: Reclassify Jay McCoy, Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager ($3833) to Construction and Services Division Manager ($4216). REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~,,::t. ~~i..>- - ..~ L\.J /CHIEF ENG. Cont San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 13, 1981 SUBJECT ELIMINATE THE POSITION OF CONSTRUCTION DIVISION MANAGER FROM THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY Clark L. Weddle INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department BACKGROUND: The proposed reorganization of the Engineering Department includes the consolidation of three Division Manager positions into two. The Construction Division Manager position is being incorporated into the new Construction and Services Division Manager position. Hence, the Construction Division Manager position can be eliminated. RECOMMENDATION: Eliminate the position of Construction Division Manager from the Engineering Department. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~.:r.~~ G. San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 22, 1981 SUBJECT ESTABLISH A POSITION OF SENIOR ENGINEER IN THE CON- STRUCTION AND SERVICES DIVISION OF THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH A POSITION SUBMITTED BY Clark L. Heddle INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System/Engineering ISSUE: It is necessary to add a Senior Engineer position to the Engineering Department so that the proposed Construction and Services Division can function adequately and properly. BACKGROUND: The reorganization of the Engineering Department in- cludes the addition of one Senior Engineer position in the new Construction and Services Division. The purpose of the proposed position is to assume some of the responsibility of the former position of Construction Division Manager. Along with the new Construction and Services Division Manager, the Senior Engineer wi 11 oversee all of the construction management functions of the District. The creation of a position at the level of Senior Engineer is appropriate because of the capabilities of existing District engineering personnel and the existence of a void in the current structure of the Construction Division. RECOMMENDATION: Establ ish a position of Senior Engineer in Construction and Services Division of the Engineering Department. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~~IW~ " .;) .. ~ 'X '~ " , ') ~ ~ ~ ~ \0 ..J ~ ~ \' ," I... I- '" I-~ U:c iiiu I-Z "'0 at: ,..~ ",N ~~ "'0 ~ ..c ~ ~ ... - ~:z It. ~; :: ~ ~i ~ S ~. j: _ )- e:; ~_ a Q .~ U u=- .'.. :l ~ i Q:: UJ ~ ffi ~ '-' uffi ~ <( ...J .. ii .. .... w '" u :::: .... ~z "'- ....a :cO 0" u i - l~ Ji _ '. [.,. ,'".':;". .' ....... ,..:.;.... ~: :.t>:,,',,_-::::_," ',' ,'."""C-'.,' . ~' Hill, ,''.Ih:', . -', Ji- , .W ' _ 0::> . . \" "W ~ i t::a:::: _ ::: % !"., , " ~~~~,.' :- o tr c i i 5 1 lj ~ i 1 ~ i .t . ! . ~ .; , j 1 .. :: i j . 01 '" ..; -{BLd .. 0 ~ . < - - - - - 1.. iii"': 0 ~' . ; : I . ' : ; i . . .... ",)" I W Q ~I . I ' .= ~,~ 5 i u: III . t: t i.~ 5 ~ u.. Ii t i--lillc~ f-{ill::-.! ~~i :!~.! :!..1 j:. l1:~ ~Pi .. _ Ii u.. ... w ..Z t ci~ zw 1 . wo !..:~. '- ?i .c v.: :::: .i zr .J 1:,": .~ 1-'" uz a~ "," ......J ... .., "'" ....w z", ~.. "'z "'~ " t i i' ,- ,; ::: i j . .I U' ! I- i .; t: '. i ~! : ~ u'; U ";",,- ........ ~ [G = i ~ : t t << ~ ITl ; 'i . : 1 t . or: . Q tw j. (;= H :. -: OM \~Y.:... Jh v i.~ · . J . .J \ rG' -m- I '0:'" E i !: f .J I 'J. . .. ci "'....:t ~ f . 0) . i c. I ~:ft1 1\~.1 . !':r: g.~j .l'" ~~;~, 1,:' 'l :}.- ;.; ,i~':,,_,' 1':,' ~< I 6 ,; :i".,-:';:' : ::: ~\ t- ~ ~' ...J ~ iii ~ I- w '" U W ... ! .. i j : ~ ... c o t ~ '< '\j (~ ..:: ~ ~ \.I ... ~- -.;:: -- III o Co .- .J i ~ QJ Z o 0 ~ f -~ ~ C o III ... QJ Co C o - U :J ... - III C O. U E i 1..1 n & ! .. ! i '0 .; z i ! .~ ! I ~ & '! J ! i '5 .; z a; C C o III ... QJ Co .." oc5 W .." U ~ ~ o ~ ,~",v,. . fl' ; 1 . . , 1 ~i. ~ ~"'o BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 1, 1981 SU'J:t'ECOMMENDA TION FOR HANDLING PETITIONS OF EMPLOYEES DESIRING TO BE REPRESENTED BY THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT CONFIDENTIAL GROUP TYPE OF ACTION Consider Petitions SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Mgr. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Issue: Several employees have petitioned the Board to be allowed to have the Management Support/Confidential Group represent them in wage, benefit and working condition matters and, at present, the District has no Policy or Procedure in this regard. Background: The adoption of the MOU with the Employees' Association for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1982 included a provision that exempted twelve positions from being represented by the Employees' Association. Subsequently, the twelve employees in these positions organized their own bargaining unit with which the Board reached settlement at your last meeting. Several employees in the District have now petitioned (petitions attached) the Board to change their representation from the Employees' Association to the Management Support/Confidential Group. An issue such as this dictates that the District must meet and confer on these peititions in hopes that a mutually acceptable agreement can be hammered out. At this time, the District has no Ordinance, Policy or Procedure to provide employees direction when they desire to excercise their rights under Meyers, Milias Brown (Government Code Section 3500, eta!). Accordingly, common sense would indicate that such direction should precede any move by the District to act on the petitions that have been presented. Producing a clear set of rules for movement from one representative unit to another, the forming of additional units, and a procedure for those who choose to represent themselves, therefore, should be the District's first priority in this matter. Recommendation: Direct your representatives to draft language that would provide direction for employees who wish to change representatives and further direct that this matter be discussed with both bargaining units in a good faith meet and confer process. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .~ INI ./DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. X. Personnel 1 10/1/81 POSITION PAPER CANCEL PURCHASING & MATERIALS SUPERVISOR CLASS DESCRIP- TION AND SAFETY & TRAINING SUPERVISOR CLASS DESCRIPTION AND ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTIONS FOR PURCHASING AND VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 22, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION CANCEL & ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTIONS SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Personnel Division In July 1981, the District Board approved certain reorganizational recommendations regarding the Administration Department. The Purchasing and Materials section and the Safety and Training functions were both moved to the Administration Department under the Supervision of Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Manager. The intent for the reorganization is to provide District-wide availability of these services to all departments. The class descriptions of the above mentioned positions do not accurately describe the extended sphere of responsibility to all departments and it is, therefore, our recommenda- tion to adopt class descriptions which accurately reflect new responsibilities. The titles have also been changed from "Supervisor" to "Officer" to reflect the increased District-wide responsibility. It is proposed that the salary ranges for these two positions remain unchanged at the present time. After an appropriate time frame, the position responsibilities will be reviewed and any recommendations or changes to the current salary structure will be brought before the Board for their consideration, if appropriate. RECOMMENDATION: Cancel Purchasing and Materials Supervisor Class Description and Safety and Training Supervisor class description and adopt new class descriptions for Purchasing and Materials Officer and Safety and Training Officer. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION . CHIEF ENG. September 22, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: MOLLY MULLIN, PRESIDENT, EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FROM: Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer SUBJECT: PURCHASING & MATERIALS SUPERVISOR Enclosed please find the Position Paper for the Board's consideration regarding a new class description for the Purchasing & Materials position. As you are probably aware, we are requesting only the concerns you may have regarding the positions that fall within your representative unit. Please advise me of any comments you may have regarding the above position by Monday, September 28,1981. GB K: wl Enclosure C,.".., :.:.,-,:..,,, ,'..;C..,:" G.."; ..' ,...', ~ l DRAFT CENTRAL CONTRA COS SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECTIVE: TITLE: PURCHASING AND MATERIALS OFFICER DEFINITION Under general direction of the Administrative Department Manager, plans, directs, and coordinates the purchasing activities, inventory control, warehousing, inspection, delivery, rental, lease of materials, surplus disposal, and performs other related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES This class is responsible for planning, development, and direction of a program in compliance with District code, for purchasing, rental, and lease of materials, supplies and equipment and the procuring of services as required by the District. Some typical examples of work performed are plans, directs, coordinates and reviews the purchasing, material control, and clerical activities of the Districts purchasing unit; reviews purchase orders and directs the placement of purchase orders to purchase maintenance, operational and repair supplies and equipment; coordinates the administration of purchase orders and assists in foilowup on contracts for material and equipment; coordinates change orders and billing corrections; directs the preparation of formal purchasing proposals for materials, supplies and equipment; writes purchasing specifica- tions when standard or other specifications are not available; keeps informed on purchasing trends, obtains samples and literature, visits manufacturers, calls at display rooms and attends demonstrations to keep abreast of new products of interest; develops diversified sources for purchase of supplies and equipment; conducts analytical studies and negotiates settlement of claims and price changes for damaged or disputed shipments and change orders; assists with the preparation of the annual budget, as requested, for the purchase of materials and equipment for the District; compiles special and periodic reports regarding purchasing activities; provides an inventory control program to maintain materials and supplies required by the District at efficient and cost effective levels; keeps informed of laws, rules and regulations affecting the District's purchasing unit; seeks advice from the District's legal counsel, as needed; and provides for the increased efficiency of the unit by training personnel and developing procedures to meet immediate and future needs. LICENSE Possession of an appropriate Cali fornia Operator's license issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Purchasing princ iples, practices and procedures; Standard price and purchasing reference sources; Procedures for proposal advertising and bid acceptance; Technical purchasing specification writing; Budgeting and budgetary control; Methods of purchasing by specification and competitive bidding; Common supply sources; Inventory control and material storage practices; legal aspects of purchasing and purchase contracts; PURCHASING AND MATERIALS OFFICER C.,. ,.:....:. .. and Ability to: Plan, direct, coordinate and review the work of others; Analyze technical purchasing problems; Read and interpret civil and mechanical engineering drawings; Review requisitions and relate them to current and proposed purchasing activities and market conditions; _ Prepare clear and concise reports and correspondence; Direct the maintenance of purchasing records; Prepare, compile, and analyze statistical data; Establish and maintain effective relationships with those contacted in the course of work. EXPERIENCE Five years of responsible employment in purchasing and/or materials control of construction or related materials and equipment which includes a minimum of two years of responsible supervisory experience. EDUCA nON (-- Graduation from an accredited four-year college with major work in business administration, engineering, or a related field. Additional experience as described above may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis for up to two years. l DRAFT CENTRAL CONTRA Cc. . SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECT I VE: TITLE: SAFETY AND TRAINING OFFICER DEFINITION Under general direction of the Administrative Department Manager, directs, coordinates and supervises the implementation and maintenance of a comprehensive and effective District Safety, Health and Training Program and, performs other related work as required. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES Assists the District's various departments in developing and maintaining a continuous and comprehensive safety and accident prevention program; inspects, monitors and audits District buildings, property, equipment and work sites; reviews plans and designs, analyzes work practices and makes recommendations to ensure compliance with safety standards, laws, and ordinances, as well as safe work techniques; investigates accidents, analyzes causes, reviews accident injury reports and implements measures to prevent the recurrence of accidents; serves as staff for District Central Safety Committee; evaluates District-wide training programs and assists in the departmental development of needs and objectives and the implementation of these programs; drafts and recommends District-wide safety and training policies and procedures; provides annual budget assistance for departmental training programs, secures and coordinates necessary safety and health consultants or instructors; represents the District at various public meetings and professional conferences pertaining to safety, health and training programs; responsible for preparation of annual safety budget and control of expendi- tures. LICENSE Possession of an appropriate California Operator's license issued by State Depart- ment of Motor Vehicles. DESIRABLE QUALIFICA nONS Knowledge of: Principles of industrial safety, health and accident prevention principles and practices; The applicable features of the California Occupational Safety and Health Act regulations of the California compensation insurance laws; California traffic laws; fire prevention techniques and the use of fire suppression equipment/systems; Personal protective and engineering princ iples applicable to controlling occupational hazard~ and then elimination; The principles and procedures of employee training, leadership skills, and conference and training techniques. "< ..,........-.--~.~-........ ._.,...._'"....~..,__.._,.''O___ ___~.___~..____. SAFETY AND TRAiNING OFFICER Ability to: Plan, promote and assemble, organize and analyze data; Prepare clear and concise reports and write and speak effectively; Implement effective safety, health, and training programs; Plan and direct the work of others; Read and interpret civil and mechanical engineering drawings; Develop and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work; To analyze and identify hazardous operations, c'onditions and equipment and develop remedial measures. EXPERIENCE Five years of experience in industrial safety and employee training which has included at least two years in the development and instruction of training programs, two years in developing and conducting a comprehensive safety and accident prevention program, and one year in responsible supervisory experience. Experience in a wastewater treatment or water reclamation facility is highly desirable. EDUCA nON Graduation from an accredited four-year college or university or its equivalent. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis, up to two years.) ~ ) j -' c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.X Personnel 2 10/1/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 1, 1981 SUBJECT APPROVE THE PROMOTION OF GREGORY DE CHAMBEAUX, OPERA TOR I TO OPERATOR III, RANGE 65-A, $1930, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 15, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION Personnel SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Baker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department Issue: The treatment plant is critically short of persons in the Operator III classification. Background: The treatment plant presently has three unstaffed Operator III positions. One position is unstaffed due to the retirement of Ollie Downing, and two positions are unstaffed due to the extended illnesses of Lee Devol and Robert Sperl. Gregory DeChambeaux, Operator I, is presently acting as a provisional Operator III. Mr. DeChambeaux scored No.1 on the Operator III eligibility list, is the only person left on the list, but is not eligible for promotion until he meets the experience requirement in April, 1982. Normally, when a vacancy occurs with no eligible person on the Eligibility List, the list is cancelled, and any employees on the list who do not yet satisfy the job requirements have to reapply for the position. Due to the critical shortage of Operator Ill's, the Plant Operations Department recommends that Mr. DeChambeaux be promoted to Operator III with the stipulation that he serve a 12-month probationary period. Normally, this is done by staff without Board approval. However, due to the critical staffing shortage, we are requesting Board approval on this recommendation due to the large variance between class description experience require- ments and candidate qualifications. Recommendation: Promote Gregory DeChambeaux to Operator III, Range 65-A, $1930 and stipulate that he serve a 12-month probationary period. RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION R.A.B. Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. X. Personnel POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 16, 1981 SUBJECT EST ABLlSHMENT OF MANAGEMENT COMPENSA nON LEVELS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT MANAGEMENT COMPENSA nON SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: The District's upper level management group has not had salaries adjusted for fiscal year 1981-1982 due to delays in reaching settlements with our other groups. DISCUSSION: As a result of discussions with the General Manager-Chief Engineer, I have been directed to prepare a proposal for a compensation package for the District's managers for fiscal year 1981-1982. Accordingly, four recommendations are presented for the Board's consideration as regards managers' compensation: 1. Establishment of Salary Ranges for Managers: At the present time, the District's management employees are compensated at a flat rate. This method of compensation does not allow the flexibility that would provide for salary negotiations with newly recruited managers where competition from other employers is keen. In addition, establishing ranges would tend to maintain the compensatory relationship between management positions and avoid problems of compaction. Finally, the publishing of ranges in our recruiting materials will demonstrate possible upward mobility to our prospective employees. Attached is a proposed salary range chart for Managers that simply recognizes minimum and maximum figures allowing the General Manager-Chief Engineer the flexibility of recommending merit increases within a fixed limit. The chart delineates the proposed ranges and indicates the placement of our managers within this schedule. 2. Across the Board Increases: It is recommended that a 7.5% across the board increase be granted to all managers, effective July 1, 1981. The attached salary chart reflects both the proposed ranges of management employees and their proposed compensation with the 7.5% increase. This increase will place all managers within their proposed range with one exception. Robert Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager is occupying a position that is extremely difficult to find qualified individuals to fill and one which needs to be compared to managers of the most technically advanced of wastewater treatment plants. Therefore, an additional $86 per month should be added to Mr. Baker's salary beyond the 7.5% increase to place the position at the minimum of the proposed range (present salary of $3,590 monthly+ 7.5% +$86 = $3,945). It is felt that a 7.5% across the board increase is a reasonable recommendation considering the recent settlement between the District and the Employees' Association. 3. Merit Increases: It is planned that the General Manager-Chief Engineer would recommend merit increases for individual managers separately from this document. These merit increases will take into account a manager's demonstrated performance and will reflect efficiency, ability and contribution to the District operation. It is ~ GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. ~~ (r\el(f f' ", e.. J proposed that these recommendations be returned to the Board at your regular meeting of October 1, 1981. 4. Benefits: In addition to those benefits presently available for management employees, it is recommended that the District make available a selective benefit program that would allow managers the opportunity to select from the following list those benefits that would best suit their personal circumstances: Vision Plan Additional Life Insurance Increased Orthodontal Coverage ($500 more) Short Term Disability Plan (to be coordinated with SDI Election) Fitness Program Plan Additional Deferred Compensation Co-Insurance Reimbursement Yearly Physical Tuition (in addition to present) Long Term Disability A plan such as this is in keeping with compensation packages in the private sector as well as larger public section jurisdictions from which the District frequently recruits its higher level management personnel. It is recommended that each manager be authorized a monthly sum of $120 to be used to purchase the above benefits. This plan would be made available on November 1, 1981 and would equal an average 2% increase for the eight months remaining in fiscal year 1981-82. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: 1. Implement the attached salary range chart as the compensation schedule for managers. 2. Provide across the board salary increases of 7.5% to all managers with an additional $86 for the Plant Operation Department Manager in order that this position falls in the recommended salary range. 3. Authorize General Manager-Chief Engineer to bring recommendations for Merit Increases to the Board at your regular meeting of October 1, 1981. 4. Implement the Selective Benefit Plan for Managers as described in the foregoing and provide each manager $120 per month to be used in selecting available benefits. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION f . SALARY RANGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 . 'Jj . t~(~. I '''''.:'''-,;._''~..- ....~" ~ ::.,~"'"'-, ,~::_.:;;.~~<"; '<..: ;';~'l~",!--~~r:;~~~~:"~'~~~t~)~~tk:t~::'f:~~~~"':~'/~::'V~:j4.~;~~,~-;r.;;:,,'.'!'.~:.. .-,.,.._-~.......,.,....-- .'-.'" PROPOSED MGMT. SALARY RANGES (NOT INCLUDING LONGEVITY PAY (MONTHL Y SALARY) EFFECTIVE 7/1/81 MIMIMUM RANGE MAXIMUM RANGE NAME & POSITION C. Weddle D. Ni les R. Baker /R. Hinkson .c-- P. Morsen /J. Larson ..::::::.- J. M c Coy C. Batts W. Funasak i c--G. Koff ~ C. Hopkins Deputy Chief Engr. Deputy Gen. Mgr. PIt. Ops. Dept. Mgr. Manager, C.S.O. Admin. Dept. Mgr. Spec. Projects Div. Coll.Sys.Engr. Div. PIt. Mtce.Div.Mgr. Finance Officer Personnel Officer Secretary to Board * See Position Paper Narrative ** Does not include Longevity pay *** Does not include longevity or supplemental pay 6,625 6,464 6,306 6,152 6,002 5,856 5,713 5,573 5,437 5,305 5,176 5,050 4,927 4,805 4,688 4,574 4,462 4,354 4,248 4,145 4,044 3,945 3,850 3,756 3,665 8,052 7,856 7,665 7,478 7,295 7,118 6,945 6,775 6,609 6,448 6,292 6,138 5,989 5,840 5,697 5,560 5,423 5,293 5,163 5,039 4,915 4,794 4,680 4,565 4,454 3,575 3,488 3,403 4,346 4,239 4,137 3,321 3,240 3,161 3,083 3,008 2,935 2,864 2,794 2,726 4,036 3,939 3,842 3,747 3,656 3,568 3,481 3,397 3,313 PRESENT SALARY $4590 $3930 $3590 $3833 $3500 $3565 $3565 $3380 $3131 $$2539 3056 SALARY W /7.5% INCREASE $4934 $4225 ~,,', $3945 ,', $4120 ,'n', $3763 $3833 $3833 $3634 $3366 \~~~~ .'. .'. -'. ,~ ,.. ,.. c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO~III. Personnel 5 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 3, I 981 SUBJECTCANCEL THE EXISTING CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSIST ANT I AND ADOPT A NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT I TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEMS BACKGROUI'[): This position is the first step in the professional level in the Engineering/Collections Department and includes personnel in the Survey Division. With the passing of Senate Bill No.2 in 1979, which becomes effective January I, 1982, the Engineers exemption in the Land Surveyors Act will no longer be in effect. The class description for Civil Engineering Assistant I should reflect this by being changed as shown underlined on the attachment. RECOMMEl'VATION: Cancel the existing class description for Civil Engineering Assistant I and adopt a new class description for Civil Engineering Assistant I to reflect the substitution of Land Surveyor Certificates for required Education. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. O I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITI N PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 6, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT CONSIDER DISTRICT POLICY ON OVERTIME PA Y FOR MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Roger J. Dolan INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: A question has been raised concerning District policy regarding the payment of overtime compensation to District Managers. BACKGROUI'V: Upon my appointment as General Manager-Chief Engineer of the District, I was verbally advised of the District policy with regard to overtime. This policy was essentially as set forth in a memorandum to all District employees from the then D i s tr i ct Manager -Ch i ef Engi neer , dated May 8, I 963, copy of that memorandum be i ng attached hereto. My understanding of that policy was that it had been required by the then Board. As the policy states, no overtime was to be paid to "Department Heads" unless such was specifically authorized or ordered by the General Manager-Chief Engineer. In those cases, the managers would receive straight time payments. It is my understanding that in 1963, the term "Department Heads" was used to designate a management-non-management dividing line since in 1963, the highest non- management position was Engineering Associate and the lowest management position was Department Head. In the intervening years, higher non-management positions were added that were considered to be eligible for overtime pay and also lower management positions were added which were considered not eligible for overtime pay. The current definition of which positions are management, and therefore generally not entitled to overtime compensation is as set forth in Chapter 4, Sec. (4-409A) of the Code. They are General Manager-Chief Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer, District Counsel, Secretary of the District, Department and Division Managers, Finance and Personnel Officers. To these would be added the Deputy General Manager, a position created in February 1981. RECOMMENDATION: It is requested that the Board of Directors state what they consider to be the policy for payment of overtime compensation to management personnel as the term "management personnel" is defined above. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION - %0f7 ~:H'-~NG. /71)/l v --- INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Centr1 Contra Costa Sanil.. , District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 'VI II. Personnel 1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 23~ 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPOINT LAWRENCE PAUL MORSEN TO THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT MANAGER, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1 1981 Personnel SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Gail B Koff Personnel Officer Personnel Administration ISSUE: The District has completed the recruitment activity for the position of Administrative Department Manager. The management/consulting firm of Firby & Associates was retained for this purpose. The District interviewed those candidates selected by Firby & Associates and after discussion. with the Board~ offered the position to Mr. Morsen~ Director of Administration and Personnel~ Del Norte County~ Crescent City, California. Mr. Morsen accepted our offer and began his employment with the District on August 1, 1981. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Lawrence Paul Morsen to the position of Administrative Department Manager~ effective August 1, 1981. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. ."",~~ ,,,"-..,,.' ,,...:,,,,,:, - _''';''''",;.,-..\,,~...:~ ~ jf:.. ; ,~ ~.~:...:;.....;.;.~.~....~~;~,~ '~"~k;'-" "'\"'~~~~~':;~i,.,.'~I.~s.~..:~~~~,..:'~;;'.:-L,:..;,.,',"" Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT TYPE OF ACT ION APPROVE TERMINATION OF THOMAS ECKERT, MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN I Personnel INITIATING DEPT./DIV. SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Mr. Thomas Eckert has been an employee of the District since September 15, 1980. Mr. Eckert has been absent from his position for over 30 calendar days and has not contacted the District, despite our attempts to communicate with him. His continued absence has created a manpower shortage in the maintenance division which has resulted in a backlog of work that must be completed. A certified letter was sent to Mr. Eckert's home advising him that the Board would be considering his termination of employment. RECOMMENDATION: In accordance with Chapter 4, Section 4-603 (2) failure to perform duties, it is recommended that Mr. Eckert be terminated effective August 6, 1981. cc: Employees Association REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. W R.A.B. G.B.K. <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 3, I 981 SUBJECT CONSIDER DISTRICT POLICY ON OVERTIME PAY FOR MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMIT1:l[D BY ~O er J. Dolan INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: A question has been raised concerning District policy regarding the payment of overtime compensation to District Managers. BACKGROUN): Upon my appointment as General Manager-Chief Engineer of the District, I was verbally advised of the District policy with regard to overtime. This policy was essentially as set forth in a memorandum to all District employees from the then District Manager-Chief Engineer , dated May 8, 1963, copy of that memorandum being attached hereto. My understanding of that policy was that it had been required by the then Board. As the policy states, no overtime was to be paid to "Department Heads" unless such was specifically authorized or ordered by the General Manager-Chief Engineer. In those cases, the managers would receive straight time payments. It is my understanding that in 1963, the term "Department Heads" was used to designate a management-non-management dividing line since in 1963, the highest non- management position was Associate Engineer and the lowest management position was Department Head. In the intervening years, higher non-management positions were added that were considered to be eligible for overtime pay and also lower management positions were added which were considered not eligible for overtime pay. The current definition of which positions are management, and therefore generally not entitled to overtime compensation is as set forth in Chapter 4, Sec. (4-409A) of the Code. They are General Manager-Chief Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer, District Counsel, Secretary of the District, Department and Division Managers, Finance and Personnel Officers. To these would be added the Deputy General Manager, a position created i n February I 981. RECOMMEl\DATION: It is requested that the Board of Directors state what they consider to be the policy for payment of overtime compensation to management personnel as the term "management personnel" is defined above. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. <c(sD Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII 1. POSITION n P VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN ~A ER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT CREATE ONE ASSOCIATE ENGINEER POSITION AND DELETE ONE ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER POSITION IN SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION DATE July 31, TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY John Larson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Special Projects Engineering Division BACKGROUND The current authorized staffing for the Special Projects Engineering Division (SPED) includes one vacant Assistant Environmental Engineer position. Since the time that the position was authorized in April 1979, the character of the projects has changed. The Stage 5A project completion work, especially the modifications to the Multiple Hearth Furnaces, requires greater experience. The work is more appropriate for the Associate Engineer level. There are adequate funds in the current O&M Budget to cover the cost of thi s change. REcm~MENDATION Authorize the creation of one Associate Engineer (Environmental) position and delete one existing Assistant Environmental Engineer position in the Special Projects Engineering Division. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GK JAL --.-, -----.>..>...-~-----,-.~--~..- '_'M~_'."-'_~_"'~____"_~_''''''_'____.____,~_"____.".~a ._._ _ ___.....___.._.._._...._ August 5, 1981 MEMO .TO: Roger J. Dolan VIA: Cl ark Weddl e c..;tW FROM: John Larson SUBJECT: SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION ORGANIZATION The current Special Projects Engineering Division (SPED) organization (attachment) includes two engineers at the assistant level. This organization was selected to provide limited technical support for the Metcalf & Eddy project, accomplish small design projects (e.g. influent and primary effluent sampler installation), and provide support to Plant Operations. Some of this work continues; however, the remainder has advanced to the design phase. The coordination and project management responsibilities for the design work is more appropriate to the Associate Engineer level. The most notable example is the multiple hearth furnace modification project. Successful completion of this work will require close coordination between the designer, the contractor, the regulator, and the operator. Failure to properly coordinate and manage this work will result in costly delays and possible failure to meet design/operating requirements. I recommend that the Assistant Environmental Engineer position vacated by Doug McMillan be upgraded to an Associate Engineer (Environmental) po s it ion. /sf A ttac hment SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION ORGANIZATION DIVISION MANAGER John Larson I SENIOR ENGINEER (Project Management) Vacant ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (Contract Specialist) Curt Swanson ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (Environmental) Joye Kura sa k i TEMPORARY ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (Pilot Plant Operations) Jarred Miyamoto-Mills ASSISTANT ENGINEER Steve McDonald ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER Vacant SECRETARY Shirley Fowle TEMPORARY SUMMER EMPLOYEE Greg Slocum ---~----"._'----'''''''''''-'-'''----'''''-'''-'--'-------.._-_..-,.... - . - - ...._.."_._..._,,..,,~-------,_.,-_.,,'~.. '-'--"'-'-"~-~'-'''''-'''''--''''-'''-''-''-- D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I X. Personnel 3 7 16 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 13, 1981 SUBJECT DELETE THE SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER POSITION (RANGE 82) AND CREATE A SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER POSITION (RANGE 82) TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED B~ b tAB k KO er . a er W,ITIAT1"W DEPT./PIV. Plant uperatlons Department Manaqer ISSUE: The Plant Operations Department requests a position change. BACKGROUND: In the reorganization of the Plant Ooerations Department, which was authorized by the Board of Directors in February, 1981, the position of Solids Conditioning Supervisor was deleted and the position of Senior Mechanical Engineer was created. The main purpose for creating the Senior Mechanical Engineeer was to provide training and planning for furnace start-up and operation. The Senior Mechanical Enqineer Dosition was extensively advertised, and oral interviews were held. Unfortunately, no suitable apolicant was found. Based on our exoerience thus far, it is unlikely that a suitable candidate for this position can be recruited. A re-evaluation of the technical/supervisoral needs of the Plant Operations Department has revealed another option. It is proposed to create a Senior Environmental Engineer position that will take the responsibility for furnace start-up coordination. In addition, the Senior Environmental Enaineer will direct the Process Control Engineer. It is believed that the environmental engineer marketplace is more favorable than the mechanical engineering market- place at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Delete the Senior ~echanical Enqineer position (Ranqe 82) in the Plant Operations Department and create a Senior Environmental--Engineer position (Range 82) and adopt the Class Description for Senior Environmental Engineer. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB RJD INITIA~~IV. _.,__+..._~~,",,_____..__'n""""____'_'_._+__"'"'__ w __.__,.____.__._"'__.,__,____".._.~_____. .. -...-'--- .,---.---~.,,----.-,._._,.---"_._'--.- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IX. Personne 2 7 16/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT 7/16/81 TYPE OF ACTION APPOINTMENT OF CHARLES BATTS TO PLANT MAINTENANCE DIVISION MANAGER, RANGE 86C, EFFECTIVE MARCH 9, 1981 Personnel SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INIJ.IATING DEP-1Tl~DIV... . personne Momlnlstratlon ISSUE: A recent review of past Board actions indicated that the Board never officially appointed Charles Batts to the Plant Maintenance Division Manager position, as required by District Ordinance Code Section 4-409 (A). In accordance with the September 26, 1980 position paper enclosed, Mr. Batts accepted our offer of employment, and has been with the District since March 9, 1981. RECOMMENDATION: Appointment of Charles Batts to Plant Maintenance Division Manager, Range 86C, effective March 9,1981. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA'(ING/DEPT./DIV. ;' / #V/drY/ / <C<SD Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. IX. )ers o9n ~/ 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT Julv 16, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION ELIMINATE THE POSITION OF PERMANENT-INTERMITTENT CLAIMS ANALYST, CONSTRUCTION SERVICES DIVISION Personnel SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff Personn 1 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. On February 5, 1981 the Board approved several recommendations made by staff regarding the Construction Services Division. One of the Board approved recommendations was the continuation of one Permanent-Intermittent Claims Analyst position for purchasing related activities. Since the District had not yet centralized the purchasing function of the District, continued purchas- ing demands of the Construction Services Division justified the continuation of this position for the immediate future. Within the scope of this years request for Personnel changes, the District recommended and the Board approved consolidation of all District purchasing activities under the Administration Department. The Purchasing Division requested an additional position (Sr. Buyer) to absorb this increased workload which included the purchasing needs of the Construction Services Division. Therefore, the Permanent-Intermittent Claims Analyst position in the Construction Services Division became surplus when the Board approved the additional Sr. Buyer position. Although this issue was discussed at some length, a position paper concern- ing this matter was not included in the Personnel Budget Request Book nor was it reflected in the 1981-82 CSD Personnel Salaries Budget. We have met and conferred on the program for implementation of this staff reduction with the Employees Association. The District advised Donal Gallagher, Permanent-Intermittent Claims Analyst, that his position would become surplus on June 30, 1981 and offered him the Permanent Sr. Buyer position in the Purchasing Division. Mr. Gallagher accepted the appointment of Sr. Buyer, Range 68E, effective July 1, 1981. RECOMMENDATION: Eliminate the position of Permanent-Intermittent Claims Analyst, Construction Services Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION l,. .- I Centr.a~ Contra Costa San~1Y.dry District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. XI. Personnel - 1 7 2 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE, SUBJECT INCREASE MAItHENANCE TECHN I C IAN III, I NSTRUMENTATI ON SALARY TO R69 ($1978 to $2392) AND II~CREASE MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN IV, INSTRUMENTATION SALARY TO R74 ($2228 to $2698) June 24., 1981 TYPE OF ACTION Personnel Robert A. Baker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations SUBMITTED 8V Issue: An industry-wide shortage of qualified Instrument Technicians has resulted in elevated salaries in the marketplace. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's salary range for Maintenance Technician I I I, Instrumentaion is no longer competitive. Background: In the past several months, it has become evident that the Instrumentation Technician salaries are critically low. In the spring of 1981, one Instrumentation Technician I I I resigned his position with the District to take a similar position with the city of San Francisco. His reason for leaving was advancement opportunity and pay. A second Instrumentation Technician I I I applied for a position in Instrumentation Maintenance at the San Jose Treatment Plant strictly on the monetary issue; fortunately he decided to stay for personal reasons. A third Instrumentation Technician I I I has been offered a position with the city of San Francisco, but wishes to remain with the District if the economic penalty is not too great. The following is a comparison of the present Instrumentation Technician salaries between Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, San Jose, and the city of San Francisco: CCCSD San Jose San Franc i sco;'; $1796 - $2176 per month $1954 - $2374 per month - $2743 per month *San Francisco is currently offering top step salary for Instrumentation Technician. The District's Water Pollution Control/Reclamation Plant is unique in many ways; from the aspect of instrumentation, its computer control and highly automated systems challenge the most experienced and professional Instrument Technicians. Our Instrumenta- tion Class Descriptions require an accompl ished and skilled individual who can maintain, install, test, cal ibrate, and diagnose problems in all types of instruments. The plant depends on such instruments for process control, equipment protection, problem identifi- cation, as well as safety and environmental monitoring. These requirements make the position of Instrumentation Technician one of the most critical within the plant, and one of the most difficult positions to replace.' A recent classified ~dvertisement ran by the District for this position in several area newspapers brought very few responses from possible applicants; further review showed that only one may be qualified. This position paper would affect the salary of the six budgeted Instrumentation positions and would be in addition to any general increase granted by the Board of Directors in 1981. Maintenance Technician I I I 's in the electrical and mechanical areas REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB C4b INlm DEPT./DIV. GK RJD I '- Position Paper: Incre ~_.ary Range -2- would not be affected by this increase. There is substantial precedent in private industry and governmental agencies for compensating Instrumentation Technicians at a higher level than other trades. This position paper is to bring the District's salary range for qualified Instrumentation Technicians to a level required to attract people in today's business environment. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board adopt the R69 salary range for Maintenance Technician I II, Instrumentation and the R74 salary range for Maintenance Technician IV, Instrumentation. June 24, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO, Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer ~ VIA: Robert A. Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager SUBJECT: INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN SALARY RANGE The Treatment Plant Maintenance Division has become acutely aware of a problem within the Instrumentation Section. The problem is twofold; first, we have been unable to fill the open Instrumentation Maintenance Technician I II position which is now vacant. In my conversations with Ms. Gail Koff, the response to our advertisements placed in the Contra Costa Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland Tribune, San Jose Mercury, and Sacramento Bee have been poor. The hope was to get two strong, well- qualified candidates; one for the present vacancy and one to fill the position requested in the plant's 1981-82 personnel budget. The second problem is the fact that other sanitary districts could well lure our present instrument staff away. As you are aware, our vacancy is due to Gary Moller's leaving to go the city of San Francisco; Jim Meiers also applied for a position with the city of San Jose but for personal reasons decided not to take the examination at that time. These facts have required us to review our shop practices and salary ranges for the Instrumentation positions. A recent development has brought these problems into focus. Doyle Hill, the instrumentman who has just developed a cathodic protection system for our dissolved oxygen probes, has received an offer from the city of San Francisco which amounts to almost a 40 percent increase in pay. He has been put in the difficult position of staying with the District at the R65 -B step or going with San Francisco. Like many people in this area, Doyle has recently purchased a home and is feeling the pressure of the financial burden. To lose people of this cal iber, who are proficient, skilled technicians that already know our plant and its processes, would greatly reduce the effectiveness of our maintenance effort and be debil ita- ting to proper plant operation. It is with these facts in mind that I submit the attached position paper to correct this situation. I am proposing that the salary range of the entire instrumentation work force be raised. As a guide for a proper salary range, I have requested the data for this position from the Oxicon Salary Survey and set the salaries accordingly. I would hope the Memo To: Roger J. Dolan -2- June 24, J 981 Board would look favorably on this, even though I realize that the timing is poor since we are in negotiations with the Employees' Association. The position paper states the case fairly clearly for this increase in pay for the Instrumentation Technicians. If there are any changes or questions, please do not heSi7'~4 me; , Charles Bat~ CB:gv Plant Maintenance Division Manager Attachment cc: G. Koff R~ J~~ Robert A. Baker Plant Operations Department Manager D~..'.' " , ,,' Central (,,,,"Vlra Costa Sani'tar) )istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1'<( VII. Personnel - 2 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 5/28/81 SUBJECT ADOPT POLICY AND PROCEDURE ON MILITARY LEAVE TYPE OF ACTION Personnel SUBMITTED ,BY , Gall B. Koff, Personnel Offlcer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Personnel/Administration The District has prepared a Military Leave Policy & Procedure (Exhibit A) with respect to compensation for employees on military leave, which is in compliance with the California Military and Veterans Code. Board representatives have met and conferred with the Employees Association on the policy and procedure language. The Employees Association suggested some modification, including a provision for compensation on a proportional basis for employees who have less than a full year service with the District. Board representatives agreed to include all of the Associations modifications except the provision to include employees with less than one year service. The applicable State and Federal statutes do not require compensation for these employees. The purpose of the District policy is to comply fully with the law pertaining to military leave pay. The policy is not intended to create additional benefits in excess of the legal requirements or in excess of the negotiated wage structure set forth in the current Memorandum of Understanding with the Employees Association. Board representatives advised the Employees Association that we would not recommend this provision to the Board of Directors although we agreed to attach a copy of the Employees Associations statement to this position paper (Exhibit B.) Although not discussed in the meet & confer meetings, the applicable effective date of this policy was addressed in Molly Mullin's memorandum of May 8, 1981. It is the Board Representatives recommendation to make the Policy & Procedure effective on the same date as Board approval. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Policy & Procedure on Military Leave. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION -1 <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District NO. POLICY & PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE 6/17/81 SUBJECT SECTION MILITARY LEAVE Personnel ESTABLISHED BY: Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer REFERRING TO: POLICY Employees who are assigned to military duty are entitled to military leave in accordance with the provisions of applicable state laws (California Military and Veterans Code Section 395 et seq.). Employees who have been in the service of the District for a period of not less than one year prior to the date on which the military leave commences are entitled to receive one hundred (100) percent of their full compensation without remittance to the District of any military pay received for such military duty for the first thirty (30) calendar days of a military leave for active military duty. PROCEDURE I. Pay for such purposes shall not exceed thirty (30) days in anyone calendar year. There shall be no carry-over of unused military leave time from one year to the next. 2. In determining whether an employee has completed one year's service with the District, time spent in recognized military service shall count as District employment. 3. Prior to use of any military leave, employees must submit an official copy of Military Order; along with a Leave Request Form, via the Supervisor, to the Personnel Office. Upon return from military leave, employees must submit an official notice from the Military Unit Commander verifying attendance and inclusive hours and dates. 4. Failure of the employee to submit the required documentation shall result in charging such time as leave without pay. I SHEET OF . CENTRAL ["'NTRA COSTA SANIT,"-~Y DISTRICT EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIA THJN EXHIBIT B ,r' 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD P.O. BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 May 8, 1981 , ;. MEMORANDUM TO: GAIL B. KOFF, PERSONNEL OFFICER , " ~.,,' ,'.;.., '> " " ~l > ' . ~ ", I . '1 t~, 1-' ':))', l. ,';,l }' ,) '). .... ',.t.} ',) ., J' Ii" ... , ~) , '), ,', \ ~" / - I J" ,) " FROM: Molly Mullin, President, CCCSDEA ~ SUBJECT: MILITARY LEAVE POLICY .. The C.C~C.S.D. Employees' Association requests consideration for employees, , (other than temporary and emergency appointees), with less 'than one (1) year of riist'iid:' serVice~ inasmuch'as the subject' policy is' founded 'upon patrioti'c' nat':ionai service barring any adverse economi~ impact to the employee. It is the Employees' Association's viewpoint that this policy should provide no less than the District's existi~~ policy entitling employees to leave for community service as a j~or. Such jury duty leave ,does not require a,prequalification of any period of District service before effecting the entitlement. ,-, > The-basis 'for 'the 25% figure 'for 'remittance'~ies in'the'assertioh that military base pay is for performance of duty up to 24 hours per day, regardless of time allotted for sleep, 7 days per week for the entire calendar period of military service. This assertion relates to District regular compensation on a 40-hour work week basis by the following equation: " . Military equivalent = 8 hrs. District x 24 hrs . Military 5 days District 7 days Military , , . . = 0.238 District~25% Military It is the Employee's Association's understanding, per discussions at the our last meet & confer session on the issue, that there will be no impact on existing employees facing upcoming summer military duty as this Policy and Procedure has not been formally adopted. I have attached our input for your review and consideration.' I have charged the standing Wage & Benefit meet and confer committee with the responsi- bility of meeting on military leave. The contact person for setting up a meeti~g is Pete Wiebens. /nun Attachment: , " " cc: " , Wage & Benefit Committee members ~'-_""'''''....c.',,~ , '((~D Central ~ontra Costa San it;" y District EXHIBIT B NO. POLICY & PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE CCCSDEA DRAFT 5/8 SECTION SUBJECT MILITARY LEAVE PERSONNEL ", . t' " ESTABLISHED BY: REFERRING TO: ") .' ;... ... , " }l ) , . \ 'I,' . .' I f~' 't-. '~ .> ,. ,. ::.\ j ~ " ). .0,_ )..t. ') .,) , I . I j'. ... '1 " ., ? . .' .,. \ / - I )" ,) \. , POLICY "; EMPLOYEES WHO ARE ASSIGNED TO r-ULITARY DUTY ARE ENTITLED TO MILITARY LEAVE IN AC- CORDANCE WITH Tt-E PROVISIONS OF APPLICABLE STATE LAWS (CALIFORNIA ~1ILITARY AND VETERANS CoDE SECTION 395 ET SEQ.) EMA..:OYEES WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE SERVICE OF THE DISTRicT FOR A PERIOD oF N!JT. LE,SS TtiAN ONE YEAR 'PRIOR'TO THE DATE ON'WHICH'THE MILITARY LEAVE' COMMENCES ARE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ONE HLNDRED PERCENT OF THEIR FlLL COMPENSATION WITHOUT REMITTANCE TO THE DISTRICT OF ANY MILITARY PAYS RECEIVED FOR SUCH MILITARY DUTY FOR THE FJRST (30) , ; CALENDAR DAYS OF .A MILITARY L~VE FOR ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY .;'_ ' ,. , EMPLOYEES, WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE SERVICE OF THE DISTRICT FCR A PERIOD OF LESS THAN ONE YEAR PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH THE MILITARY LEAVE COfvlv1ENCES, t-1AY RECEIVE 100% > OF THEIR REGlLAR.'COMPENSATION FOR 'nE FIRST'THIRTY' (30)' CALENDAR 'DAYS' OF A MILITARY' LEAVE FOR ACTIVE DUTY PROVIDING SUCH EMPLOYEES REMIT TO ~ DISTRICT TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT (25%) OF THEIR DAILY MILITARY BASE PAY RECEIVED FOR SUCH MILITA,RY DUTY. PROCEDURE :1. PAY FOR SUOi PlRPOSES SHALL NOT EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS IN ANY ONE CALENDAR YEAR. THERE SHALL BE NO CARRy-oVER OF LNUSED MILITARY LEAVE TIME FROM ONE YEAR TO TJ-E NEXT. ;, . . . 2. IN DETERMINING WHETHER AN 84P\..OYEE HAS COMPLETED ONE YEAR'S SERVICE WITH THE DISTRICT, TIME SPENT IN RECOGNIZED MILITARY SERVICE DlRING THE YEAR PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH THE MILITARY LEAVE CG1MENCES SHALL COUNT AS DISTRICT EMPLOY- MENT. 3. PRIOR TO USE OF ANY MILITARY LEAVE, EMPlOYEES MUST SUBMIT AN OFFICIAL COpy OF MILITARY ORDER, ALONG WITH A LEAVE REQUEST FORM, VIA THE SUPERVISOR, TO THE PERSONNEL OFFICE. UPON RETlRN FROM r.lILITARY LEAVE, EMPLOYEES MUST SUBrJlIT AN OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM THE MILITARY UNIT COMMANDER VERIFYING ATTENDANCE AND INCLUSIVE DATES OF DUTY. EMPLOYEES WITH LESS THAN ONE YEAR'S DISTRICT SERVICE MUST ALSO SUBMIT A CERTIFIED COPY OF PER DIEM MILITARY PAY RECEIVED, (VOUCHER OR CHECK), FOR CALCULATION OF DISTRICT REMITTANCE. , 4. FAILURE OF THE EMPLOYEE TO SUBMIT THE REQUIRED OOCU1ENTATION SHALL RESULT IN CHARGING SUCH TIME AS LEAVE WITHOUT PAY. I SHEET OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD P.O. BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALlFORI-.lIA 94596 May 20, 1981 Ms. Mary Lu Christie Corbett, Kane & Berk Suite 500, Cutter Tower 2200 Powell Street O&kland CA 94608 Dear Ms. Christie: Thank you for carboning me on your May 19 transmittal letter to J. J. Carniato regarding the policy and procedure on Military Leave. I have reviewed the policy and procedure that you recommend for adoption by the Board of Directors. I feel that your policy as written is inadequate as it leaves no written guidelines to be followed if an employee with less than one year's employment at the District is called to report for military service. Additionally, in your letter to Mr. Carniato, you have commented on two "seemingly inaccurate statements'l from my May 8 memorandum to Gail Koff. My statements are not inaccurate, they were misconstrued -- by you. - I have no problem with the Board approving a policy and the District following the ap- proved policy. I do; however, have a problem with any actions withholding payor requesting a reimbursement of military pay in the absence of an approved procedure. Secondly, you construed my notification that Pete Wiebens schedules meetings, as he is the contact person for the Wage & Benefit Committee, to mean that I have requested a meeting. I have not. However, we are available if you desire to meet. If so, contact Pete Wiebens. This statement was a reiteration of my request on April 24 to Corbett, Kane & Berke that all communications be directed to Pete Wiebens. it is obvious that you did not understand this as you mailed your letter directly to me. Very truly yours, ryu1; J< /7~ Mb 11 y I. Mu 11 in President .. /mm CCCSD Board of DirectorsV cc: J. Carniato R. Dolan G. Koff G. Lucey -.-------.-.--..-..----------,.--...-.-..---.-- -_._._^..__.~,_._-"._---,_._---_..,--_...,_.__._,.~_..'_.~,'..."----_._,.__._,-----_._~-------,_._-,"_._---_._.._._---_._-,-_.-~ (((sD Centrai .,;ontra Costa San ita. BOARD OF DIRECTORS District - NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 27, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT THE NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT AND CANCEL THE EXISTING CLASS DESCRIPTION Personnel Charles Batts INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations/Maintenance SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The Maintenance Superintendent's Class Description must be changed to reflect present duties and reporting responsibilities. BACKGROUND: The Maintenance Superintendent's Class Description was written in 1977 during plant startup and does not reflect existing duties. This position now reports to the Plant Maintenance Division Manager and is responsible for controlling the activities of six Maintenance Technician IV's. The Class Description has been altered to emphasize supervisory abil ity. The attached Class Description for the Maintenance Superintendent reflects this change in responsibility and qualifications and has gone through the meet and confer process with the Employees' Association. RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt the new class description for Maintenance Superintendent and cancel the existing class description. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RJD GK <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.VII. Personnel - 1 5 7 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT May 4, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION APPOINTMENT OF JOHN LARSON AS SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION MANAGER (SPED), RANGE 86, EFFECTIVE MAY II, 1981 PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY CLARK L. WEDDLE INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING ISSUE: The SPED Division Manager position was approved by the Board of Directors on August 7, 1980. No person has been appointed to the position. BACKGROUN:>: The SPED was established to enhance the District's engineer- ing capabilities for assistance to Plant Operations and coordination of consulting firms working on plant-related projects. Engineers were hired to establish this Division and it has functioned in a satisfactory manner, primarily under the direction of John Larson, a Senior Engineer. To fulfill the position of Division Manager, a national search was conducted by advertisements placed in various newspapers and technical journals. A number of applicants applied for the position. Their job applications and personnel resumes were reviewed and telephone interviews were conducted with those having the best qualifications. From this effort, it was determined and agreed to by the General Manager-Chief Engineer, the Deputy Chief Engineer, and the Personnel Officer that John Larson was the most qualified person for the position. John Larson has a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering and an M.S. degree in Sanitary Engineering. He has worked for the District as a Senior Engineer for the past three years. Prior to this time, Mr. Larson worked a number of years in the Special Projects Division at EBMUD's treatment plant. In addition to his strong educational background, Mr. Larson has had considerable construction work experience while in the U.S. Navy. Mr. Larson has been active in technical associations and he is a registered mechanical engineer in the State of California. RECOMMEN)ATlON: Appointment of John Larson to the position of Special Projects Engineering Division Manager, Range 86, $3,565/month, to be effective May II, 1981. Successful completion of a one-year probationary period is required. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DE ~.;c . c((SD Central ~ontra Costa Sanital y District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'VII. Personnel POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT April 17, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION CREATE ONE TEMPORARY ENGINEERING ASSISTANT POSITION IN THE SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION Personnel SUBMITTED BY John A. Larson, Special Projects Initiating Dept. Div. Special Projects Engineerin Division BACKGROUND: In previous years, engineering students and newly graduated engineers have been recruited by the Special Projects Engineering Division as temporary employees. These temporary employees have accomplished productive work and, in turn, they have gained useful engineering experience. This year, there is a significant backlog of projects that could be undertaken by a temporary employee. The backlogged projects include facilities planning for Stage 5B and Stage 6 and miscellaneous small design projects. This level of work is appropriate to the Engineering Assistant classificat10n (Salary Range 71-A, $11. 96/hour). The duration of the temporary position would be twelve weeks (June 22, 1981 through September 11, 1981) and the approximate cost would be $6,000. Funds were budgeted in the 1980-81 personnel budget for this purpose through June 30, 1981 and the remainder of the funds will be requested as part of the 1981-82 personnel budget. . RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the creation of one temporary engineering position (Salary Range 71-~ $11.96/hour) in the Special Projects Engineering Division for the period from June 22, 1981 thorugh September 11, 1981. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e~ OF cc<SD Central Cont BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. Personnel 2 4 23 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RESCIND RESOLUTION # 81-26 AND ADOPT NEW RESOLUTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. At the Board meeting of February 5, 1981, the Board approved a position paper with the title "Make Certain Organizational Changes, Create And Eliminate Certain Positions, Adopt Class Descriptions, Reclassify, Transfer And Appoint Certain Employees To New Positions." Item 5 of the recommendation requested Board conceptual agreement, but delegated to staff the responsibility of meeting and conferring on several personnel-related class descriptions, includtrig Sent6r Engineer (Mechanical) and Associate Engineer (Maintenance). Meet and Confer Sessions have been taking place and the Board approved the above- mentioned class descriptions at the Board Meeting of April 2,1981. Resolution # 81-26 incorrectly lists those same two class descriptions as being approved on February 5, 1981 and we therefore need to correct that resolution. RECOMMENDATION: Rescind Resolution #81-26 and adopt new resolution as attached. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. Personnel - 2 4 9 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 7, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CREATE TWO TEMPORARY ENGINEERING ASSISTANT POSITIONS FOR THE SLIDE/TAPE OPERA TOR TRAINING PROJECT PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Robert Baker, Plant Operations Dept. Mgr. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations BACKGROU(\[): The elimination of the Plant Operations Division Manager position and the increase in "Fix and Finish" related workload has reduced the staff time available for the grant funded slide/tape operator training project. In order to complete the project in a timely manner, it will be necessary to hire additional personnel. Preliminary discussions have been held with Dr. David Jenkins of the University of California concerning the use of graduate students in the "sewage treatment plant management" sanitary engineering program for work/study projects. It is proposed that two U.c. Berkeley sanitary engineering students be hired at the range 71-A salary level ($1l.96jhour)to work on the project this summer. The cost to hire these students for the summer wi II be about $17,000. The funds for the portion of the work to be performed before July I, 1981 will come from the presently allocated Plant Operation Department budget. The funds for the portion of the work to be performed after July I, 1981 wi II be requested as part of the Plant Operations Department fiscal 1981-82 personnel budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the creation of two temporary Engineering Assistant positions for the slide/tape operator training project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /Ifft <C<SD Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VII. Personne - 4/9/81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 4 9 81 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT A CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR THE POSITION OF ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (MAINTENANCE), RANGE 77 PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administration/Personnel At the Board Meeting of February 5, 1981, the District presented a reorganization concept for the Plant Operations Department. This reorganization was approved and adopted by the Board with the understanding that class descriptions for new pos"itions would be subject to meet and confer with the Employees Association. Meet and Confer sessions have taken place and the Employees Association is in agreement with the Associate Engineer (Maintenance) class description. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a class description for the position of Associate Engineer (Maintenance), Range 77. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION G.B.K. CENTRAL CONTRA C( . SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECTIVE: c'" TITLE: ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (MAINTENANCE) DEFINmON Under general direction of the Plant Maintenance Division Manager, provides engineering and technical support and planning leadership for the Maintenance Division; performs related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Assists in planning, directing, and reviewing the activities of the Maintenance Division; develops job planning, preventive maintenance, testing and other maintenance programs; provides technical expertise in the maintenance and repair of plant equipment piping, structures, and grounds; prepares plans and estimates for plant modifications; reviews plans for plant modifications and improvements; investigates field problems and makes reports and recommendations; makes economic evaluations of repair versus replacement costs; coordinates activities with outside engineers and contractors; works with plant Machine Shop on repair, modification, and fabrication problems. LICENSE C' Possession of a valid Certificate of Registration as a Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field. Possession of an appropriate California operators license issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Civil and Mechanical Engineering principles and practices as related to the design, construction and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants; Mechanical, electrical and instrumentatio'n equipment found in wastewater treatment plants; Repair methods and practices; Machinery practices and principles; Basic metallurgy and materials; Preventive maintenance programs; Specialized testing equipment used for preventive maintenance such as vibration analysis, infra red scanner and others. Ability to: Plan, coordinate and organize work activities; Prepare complete and comprehensive reports; Establish and maintain cooperative work relationships. EXPERIENCE ( '-. Five years of increasingly responsible engineering experience, including at least two years of experience comparable to that of a Civil Engineering Assistant II in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. ... ;r- ~'.."'. ;.~.<..... _-.~' ......\.,,,..'>1. "'''.~-- - ",'------ .-.----..-- -"-'-'-- - .------, ,,~~-""... " '"cr,,,--,', ._~'.;. "-...;...... '_,,""",,,," ------~--.:- -'~_.._.- '-------..-.:..-_~,~~......._...._....._"'c....,_,".~._;...;.". '" _.._---------_..._--,...,'_._------"-,------"._._..~-_.._--~---"---,---_.__.,------_.__._-_.._--_.._.., .,,?"-- - ASSOCIA TE ENGII\.L-c.R (MAINTENANCE) c EDUCA nON Equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field. (. L ---~---- ,-- -- ---------------- ------- ----.;...... --- ----.~--....;----.,-- -'-,-------~ ((sD Central Contra BOARD OF DIRECTORS V~479~Bfsonnel - 3 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 4 9 81 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT A CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR THE POSITION OF SENIOR ENGINEER (MECHANICAL), RANGE 82 PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administration/Personnel At the Board Meeting of February 5, 1981, the District presented a reorganization concept for the Plant Operations Department. This reorganization was approved and adopted by the Board with the understanding that class descriptions for new positions would be subject to meet and confer with the Employees Association. Meet and Confer sessions have taken place and the Employees Association is in agreement with the Senior Engineer (Mechanical) class description. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a class description for the position of Senior Engineer (Mechanical), Range 82. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CENTRAL CONTRA CO, SANITARY DISTRICT r.....-.... ~ - ' CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECTIVE: TITLE: SENIOR ENGINEER (MECHANICAL) DEFINITION Under the general direction of the Plant Maintenance Division Manager, provides engineering support, training, and technical advice for the operation and maintenance of the Solids Conditioning Building, performs other duties as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES (-. Provides professional engineering expertise to assist in the operation and mainten- ance of the Solids Conditioning Building; supervises, reviews, and personally performs the most complex and difficult engineering design work; prepares studies, reports, and recommendations for review and approval by management; investigates field conditions and recommends solutions to engineering problems; investigates and tests new materials and equipment and makes appropriate recommendations. Provides engineering analysis, training, written operating procedures, written preven- tive maintenance procedures, and advice in support of the operation and maintenance of the multiple hearth furnaces, waste heat recovery loops, boilers, turbines, condensate system, centrifuges, and other equipment located in the Water Pollution Control/Reclama- tion Plant. (1'.'" .~; '.. ...:;,.... UCENSE Possession of a valid certificate of registration as a Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering. Possession of an appropriate California operator's license issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. DESIRABLE QUALIFICA nONS Knowledge of: Engineering principles and practices; combustion processes relating to incineration and steam generation; boiler operation and feedwater conditioning chemistry and processes; safety rquirements, code requirements, and general good practice as it relates to combustion, incineration, steam generation and transport; thermodynamics and heat transfer; engineering methods and practices as applied to the design and operation of a sophisticated industrial facility. Ability to: Supervise nontechnical personnel; apply engineering principles and techniques in the solution of difficult and complex problems; analyze situations accurately, make sound conclusions, and recommend appropriate action; prepare accurate and concise reports, establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. EXPERIENCE i \. . '--' Five years of increasingly responsible mechanical engineering experience. One year of experience related to combustion, incineration, or steam generation. One year of <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.VI I. PerS~?B7Al- POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 9, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE PERSONS FOR SEASONAL PROJECTS IN 1 981 PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Personnel Number of Persons Needed Authorized Person 1981 Last Year @ 5.00/Hr. @ 6.00/Hr. Months Total 1980 Accounting Division 0 1 Personnel Division 1 4 1 1 Eng. Collection System 2 8 2 2 Eng. Construction Q 0 1 Eng. Special Projects 0 1 ColI. System Operations Dept. 5 6 55 11 10 Plant Operations Dept. 11 6 1l lZ. 11 138 31 27 It is recommended that the hourly rate for seasonal help (persons not having special qual ifications or prior experience at the District) be increased from $4.50 per hour to $5.00 per hour and the rate for persons having special qualifications and/ or prior experience with the District be increased from $5.50 to $6.00 per hour based on a Bay Area salary survey completed for similar type temporary workers. Last year we received authorization to hire 27 persons for our summer program and 37 the previous year. Attached are position papers from each Division or Department outlining the goals they wish to achieve with the additional personnel. The approximate cost of this action would be $150,000. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the hiring of personnel for seasonal projects. attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GBK c::. W (\~tt #//1 /AJ3 GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. March 23, 1981 MEMO TO: /Gail Koff FROM: Jay McCoy SUBJECT; SEASONAL PERSONNEL NEEDS FOR 1981 This coming summer we will need to hire two people for four months each( one for the office and one for the field. The main purpose for employing these people is to fill in for vacationing, permanent personnel. aaky (sf cc; Clark Weddle Apri I 6, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: ROGER J. DOLAN, GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER FROM: Gail Koff, Personnel Officer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE PERSONS FOR SEASONAL PROJECTS in 1981 One seasonal clerical person is requested in the Personnel Division. This person will be needed to fill in for the vacation periods of the Secretarial support group as well as complete various clerical functions within the Personnel Office. $4.50/hr $5.50/hr Person Months 1981 Total Personnel Division 4 GBK:dw <C<SD Central Cont itary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. OSITIO nAp I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P N r""" ER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS TO HIRE 11 PERSONS FOR SUMMER PROJECTS IN 1981 DATE March 27, 1981 TYPE OF ACT ION Personnel SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: This personnel is needed for vacation fill in; to augment regular maintenance programs; and for special projects undertaken in the summer months. BACKGROUND: The workers will be used in the following manner: 1. Vacation Relief.........6 2. Building and Grounds....l 3. Monitoring and Testing..2 4. Construction............2 1. During the vacation season we average 6.5 absences per day. 6 people should allow us to cover this loss adequately. 2. This extra help is used to assist our building and grounds man on both special projects and routing work as well as vacation relief. 3. As part of our 1/1 work we will be doing extensive smoke testing in the Orinda area and will need two people for this work. 4. The employees assigned to the construction section will be used to augment regular construction crews. RECOMMENDATION: Approve authorization to employ 11 temporary employees for summer projects in the Collection System Operations Department. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./oOIV. ^ . n/d f<.J, ~ )5(YL. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. RHH G BK ---.--'-----,----~-~"~-_._.-.,-.---,--.--.-.....-"...-. .. ~.-.,...,-..~,-----_..- _...."_~"....,._,_._._.M._."'_....,,...~_._..... ._""._.._.._..'_"n'.'_'..,._..._,__.',.._.__._...._______.~._~__ '''__'_'__~_~"A..__ , . _'"'___"__'_ Ma rch 25, 1981 ." MEMORANDUM TO: Robert A. Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager FROM: Ken Laverty, Purchasing and Materials Supervisor SUBJECT: SUMMER HELP One full time summer help person is needed in the Materials Control Section this summer. Last year we borrowed a person from Maintenance to help out; however, he was taken back before the needed work was accomplished. The projects that we hope to complete this summer are: 1. Taking of physical inventory both at the plant and Walnut Creek. 2. Relocating (rearranging) of all spare parts by commodity as defined in the inventory card system. 3. Visually tagging/marking each bin location with proper part number and price, if applicable. 4. Setting up parts in "sta'9ing" areas in the Materials Control Building by shops or possibly work order, etc. 5. General housekeeping duties in areas surrounding Materials Control Building, 6. Filling in for permanent employees during the heavIly scheduled vacation months. We could use this person starting now through August. KL:gv /t.r:~ Ken Laverty Purchasing and Materials Supervisor Ap r i 1 6. 1981 MEMORANDUM TO~ Gail Koff. Personnel Officer FROM: Robert A. Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager SUBJECT: SEASONAL HELP Following is a revised Plant Operations Department request for seasonal projects: Low Range High Range Person Months Purchasing & Materials 4 Safety 5 Maintenance 10 50 4 2 Engineering Laboratory 4 4 Computer ~.~ RAB:mg Robert A. Baker Plant Operations Department Manager 1981 Total Positions 12 1 17 March 20, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: R. A. Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager FROM: F. Patrick Hassey, Safety and Training Supervisor SUBJECT: STUDENT SUMMER HELP My Plant Operations Department Safety and Training Supervisor position will be transferred to a District position on or about July 1, 1981. Between now and then I have two major projects which will consume the major portion of my time. It is my recommendation that you appropriate the funds for one full- time summer help position to work on the Plant Operations Department safety projects, under my specific direction, in order to maintain the continuity and quality of our safety program during this transition pe r i od . I have attached a detailed report indicating where my time is presently being spent. With my additional workload I believe this request is warranted. I have discussed this matter with Mr. Al Barnes~ District safety consultant. He will provide me with a list of qualifled candidates which are presently enrqlled at Hayward State College in the Bachelor of Science Safety Professional program. FPH:gv Attachments ':( iJ~~ F. Patrick Ha~ Safety and Training Supervisor ....;. .l ~ , . - . CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY. DI~TRICT WATER POLLUTION CONTROL/RECLAMATION PLANT WHAT YOUR SAFETY AND TRAINING SUPERVISOR .DOES AND HOW HE SPENDS HIS TIME PERFORMING THE THINGS HE DOES The figures used are based on 2,080 work hours per year or 173.3 \-/ork hours a month; therefore, when a specific number of hours are figured for a daily task, multiplied times five for weekly figures, then multiplied by four for monthly figures, it is necessary to add a "fudge factor" to these figures to approximate monthly hOUI-S as 40 hours per .week times four weeks equals 160 hours/month, not 173.3 hours/month. I . Meetings and Reports (required) Time Spent/Month: 20 percent A. Plant Operations Department Staff Breakdown: 3 hours each, four times/month, and 1 hour preparation/meeting for total of 16 hours/month. B. Central Safety Committee Breakdown: 2.5 hours/month, 2 hours preparation/meeting, and 2 hours writing report for a total of 6.5 hours/month. Examples: 1. Accident investigation 2. Policy development 3. Budget C. Plant Operations Department Safety Committee Breakdown: 1.5 hours/month, 1 hour preparation; and 2 hours writing report for a total of 4.5 hours/month. Example: , . Accident investigation D. Plant Operations Department Monthly Safety Meeting Breakdown: 1 hour/month and 2 hours preparation for a total of 3 hours/month. E. Plant Operations Department Division Reports Breakdown: Two semimonthly reports and one monthly report for a total of 5 hours/month. II. Safety Directives, Memorandums, Procedures and Policys Time Spent/Month: 13.8 percent Examples: A. Tag and Lockout (Safety Directive) B. Confined Space (Safety Directive)- C. Use and Care of S.C.B.A. (Safety Directive) -'I 't' .. -2- I I . Safety Dir....~tives, Memorandums, Procedures ~.Id Policys (continued) D. Chlorine Emergency (Operating Procedure) E. Tailgate Topics (Memorandums) - F. Emergency Drills (Memorandum) G. Safety Recommendations (Hemorandum) H. Emergency or Drill Notification of Outside Agency (Procedure) I. Safety Directive Management Review (Policy) III. Clerical and Filing Time Spent/Month~ 26 percent Breakdown~ 2 hours/day, 10 hours/week or 45 hours/month. Examples: A. Memorandums sent out and received (filing) B. Correspondence sent out and received (filing) C. Tai Igate topic material (fi 1 ing) D. Training material (filing) E. Cbpying and Xeroxing reports and training material (clerical) F. Indexing pi lot instructor manual (clerical) G. Telephone time answering safety questions and logging of safety suggestions (clerical) - H. Coordinating and scheduling training sessions (clerical) IV. Developing and Instructing Training Programs Time Spent/Month: 18.4 percent Breakdown: 1.5 ~ours/day, 7.5 hours/week or approximately 32 hours/month. Examples: A. Researching OSHA regulations B. Communicating with equipment manufacturers C. Reviewing other industries' training material D. Writing training session criteria E. Writing instructor's manual F. Writing certification examinations v. Reading Time Spent/Month: 18.5 percent Breakdown: 1.5 hours/day, 7.5 hours/week or approximately 32 hours/month. A. Updated GISO OSHA regulationS B. Contractor shutdown request C. Cal/OSHA newsletter D. State Fund Public Agency Safety News E. Safety and security booklet for supervisors F. Memorandums received G. Speed safety memorandums H. C.W.P.C.A. Highlights I. National Safety Council newsletters J. Safety engineers' newsletter and magazine- ,t t -;,- - , VI. Field Insl- cion and Survei llance Time S(.- /Honth: 18.5 percent _.".,"_._-,.____"_._____~akd0~Q~"_J.5 110urs/day, 7.5 hoursh"eek for approximately 32 hours/month. Examples: A. Pump Stations (inspections) B. Water Pollution Control/Reclamatlon Plant (inspections) C. Contractor (surveillance) D. Work Crews (surveillance) VI I. Meeting (Miscellaneous) Time Spent/Month: 6 percent Examples: A. Public relations with other industries B. Acquiring information from other industries, such as Exxon C. C.W.P.C.A. Confined Space Committee D. Training Supervisor VIII. Safety Budget Time Spent/Month: 3.5 percent Breakdown: 6 hours/month The preceding outline covers 124.7 percent of my time and does not cover special projects such as District safety shoe project, Water Pollution Control/Reclamation Plant and Pump Station safety equipment and location manual, OSHA variances and OSHA injury log, nor does it cover one night/ month spent at C.W.P.C.A. Bay Section meeting and one night/month spent at American Society of Safety Engineers meeting. See attached average charged monthly overtime and clerical support time spent on Water Pollution Control /Recl amat ion Plant safety program. FPH:bc Attachments -;.fJ~W~ F. Patrick Hassey Safety and Training Supervisor March 18, 1981 . . ~...__.._.'---_._-'-'--_.~,-",-,,----,,-,~-"~-- - . ,_".._......_..._"_____..________...,,s.._.__,___.__.___. ___..___~. _ Charged Overtime Expended on Safety Program February 21-March 20, 1980 March 21-April 20, 1980 April 21-May 20, 1980 May 21-June 20, 1980 June 21-Ju1y 20, 1980 Juiy 2]-August 20, 1980 August 21-September 20, 1980 September Zl-0ctober 20, 1980 October 21-November 20, 1980 November 21-December 20, 1980 pecember 21, 1980-January"20, 1981 January 21, 1981-February 20, 1981 TOTAL Number of Hours 17 .5 47.5 37.5 21.5 15.5 23.0 13.0 11.0 28.0 38.0 " 9.0 41.0 302.5 302.56ividedby 13 = 23.26 hours/month or 13.5 percent --.....'-.,~-_.~...~,~.." -"~'.'-~'~-".''''''-''-'.-.~'.'-' - '^.;.;..~~~ ... ...~,.. ,-.._.,~.~ .,--,."~~_...,-_.".,,~y~~.,~~,,,>--~.,- --'-~;-:~~7~~=~~",==":':'=='='::'~ ~ c ....... -J.;r . t6;':'}~-, ~ co ~ ':';~~:~7'~':""1'~~~ .:':. 0 Q -- CO ... ~".J__~_............,~ U cr: D f:-lr -!"--" l2' <( ~, >- '\ --<? ...,-~." a: II) I- .,J:;~~ ..1::' __~.~,___.~..~..___.._..~._. 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CO 1- .j.J 0 C ~ .j.J ..... 0) . en L := C "'0 I\) I\) ~ 0) .0 .- c:: I\) L > en (l)CJ 0 C "0 "0 en I+- -0.. -lJ" 1- 0. I\) :c ::L en I\) 0.. n. . 10 C.- U.- C 0 0 :c ::> ::>1'0-0 0 en .- 1+-...... U fJ U 0 en 0) en -lJ en > en ro CI) ro CI) . ~I. 0.. m .c: m '" CV\ N _'",~'. ,....,. .r,".~,,,,,...~..;.....~,,,,",,,..~,,,~,,_~,~,,,~ __-'" 0.-;..-___...........__....._ '_'" ,.~ March 23,1981 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert A. Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager FROM: Charles Batts, Plant Maintenance Division Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SUMMER HIRES This is a request for summer temporary help for the summer period 1981, budgeted for 1981 and 1982. listed below are the position requests and job classificationaprequalifications for each area of responsibility. Please review. MAINTENANCE 1. Position: Maintenance Engineering Trainee Qualifications: Mechanical engineering junior or senior student Justification: To aid in laborious task of reasearching manu- facturer's information, spare part inventory and formulation, and aiding in the general write up of a plant preventive maintenance program. Student to work under the direction of Maintenance Manager and Maintenance Engineer. 2. Position: Maintenance Draftsman Qualifications: Engineering student with knowledge of mechanical drafting Justification: To develop prints of plant equipment and instru- mentation modification done at plant since design; workload estimated to fill all available time. Student will work under the direction of Maintenance Superintendent and Maintenance Engineer. 3. Position: Mechanical Group Aide(2 required} Qualifications: High school graduate willing to do physical work Justification: To aid mechanics in summer tank work, running errands for parts and tools, preparing area for work, aiding in lifting and moving chains, flights, etc. Will work under the supervision of Maintenance Supervisor. ,~, "'. ...~., ..<,,.q. -~'''''' '.....' " -'.' ,. .."'.,........,--". '.: "'........"-~_.....,.~....-:'''';..~'.-... "".,'"",".,~..,.:-..,t;~ """""'---"" ".,,,".'~"':" ~ ~. .....,..... ....,.,. "',__'"'._'.'___ .....,...".,~w, :~'t'''~:-1'...----r'''''''''''''''- ...,...~..".""""..~.......""...........,,~ "~,,...,_ ...~, ,,",,,..~.. '~""""'_'''..'~ , Memorandum To: Robert A. Baker -2- March 23 ~ 1981 4. Position: Building and Grounds Aide(6 required) Qualifications: High school graduate willing to do heavy physical work Justification: Historically the District has hired.summerhelp for these positions to aid in tank work by scraping~ cleaning, and painting; also, to aid in heavy summer grounds maintenance and general labor. PUMP STAT! ONS 1. Position: Pump Station Aide (2 required) Qualifications: Summer student willing to do physical work Justification: HistoriCally two summer hires have worked at the pump stations to do general painting, clean up, ground mairtenance, and act as maintenance helpers. Students to work under the supervision of Superintendent of Pump Stations. Any questions to me. CB:gv Charles Batts Plant Maintenance Division Manager concerning the foregoing ()jM cc: N. Bane C. Covey D. Ohda .".....,.............;",~..>IOo...-_..-..-.,.~..._~~,._"'______,.__.. March 25. 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert A. Baker. Plant Operations Department Manager FROM: A. C. Russell, Senior Engineer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SUMMER HELP The Engineering Division requests the hiring of one student summer employee with an engineering or drafting background to accomplish one or more of the following projects: Priority I .The Update of Electrical As-Builts Estimated Time - 12 weeks There is the need for a concerted effort to document modifications and additions to the Phase II contract electrical drawings. This project would increase system and personnel safety and contribute to greater certainty and speed for the Maintenance Divislon. An on-site student draftsperson would have access to engineering and electrical records with- out interrupting the work flow of these two Divisions. Priority 2 Reorganization of Engineering Files Estimated Time - 3 weeks Dur.ing the past three years a variety of -legal, engineering, operational, and maintenance uses of- the contract files have left the contract files and historical materials often disassociated from their appropriate categories and locations. In addition there is the need to set up the I itigation files for D. G. Niles, l1eputy General Manager iir charge of 1itigation, and to separate and refile superfluous material previously re- moved during the process of legal research. Priority 3 Miscellaneous Engineering Projects Estimated Time - Continuing Many short-term projects are continuing or incomplete which would improve the certainty of the Engineering Division. supported Divisions and associated consultants. Such projects include: 1. The update of Pump Station as-builts 2. Machine Shop drawings and file established 3. O&M file update 4. The update and reprjnt of mechanical equipment number booklets Robert A. Baker -2- March 25, 1981 The Engineering Division can provide temporary work space at present for one additional person and can make maximum use of student background in mechanical drawing, familiarity with blueprint reading, engineering and construction terms, ani possession of a logical mind for organizing file systems. /Jc~ ACR:bc A. C. Russell Senior Engineer _......'_,.",~.._._~..,"_.~.'"u _._~:::":':"::"":':'~'.':"":":""'-:.~_."",:":,;,;,.;;:_.~:--:,'~~~:,,:;,,,,'''':i.'',"'' -"..."'....".~:;,.~---'-,..-.v ,'.." "" ~.._r_,.'...._....,.~,."::1t~ ~...,......._.."~_....." """""~'_""''''~''~'_''''''''' 0,_" .....,.~"., ,~......., Ap r i 1 2, 1 981 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert A. Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager FROM: Bhupinder Dhal iwal, Laboratory Superintendent SUBJECT: SUMMER HELP The Special Projects Engineering Division Phosphorous Removal Pilot Plant sampl ing and analyses schedule has created extra work equivalent to approximately 20 man-hour/week. Additionally this summer (May thru August) the laboratory plans to spend approximately 150 man-hours on additional quality control work and special projects such as bacteriological tests, isolation of Nocardia from primary effluent, and anlayses of reference samples from the Environmental Protection Agency and Environmental Resources Associates. It is therefore requested that temporary summer help (40 man-houri week) be budgeted in the 1981-82 Plant Operations Department budget. BD:jl I (~!c/1v~ ~~nder Dhaliwal Laboratory Superintendent BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. ADM. - 1 4/2/8 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 3/25/81 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPOINTMENT OF ROBERT A. BAKER TO BE A BOARD REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENT OF TO MEET AND CONFER WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EMPLOYEES ASSN. REPRESENTATIVE SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Personnel BACKGROUND: On July 3, 1980 the Board of Directors appointed in addition to other staff members, all Department Managers as representatives of the Board to meet and confer with representatives of the Employees' Association in regard to wages, benefits, working conditions, etc. Subsequent to that date, as a result of organi- zational changes, Robert A. Baker was appointed as Manager of the Plant Operations Department. Management now proposes that as a Department Manager, Robert A. Baker be appointed as a Board representative to meet and confer with Employees' Association representatives. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution appointing Robert A. Baker as representative of the Board of Directors for the purpose of meeting and conferring with representatives of the Employees' Association. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON ((sD Central Cont BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. IX. Personnal - 1 4/2 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 2, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION " APPROVE 5% SALARY"INCREASE FOR STEVE McDONALD DUE TO ATTAINMENT OF P.E. LICENSE, EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1981 PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administration/Personnel Steve McDonald, Assistant Engineer, acquired his Professional Engineer Certification on March 13, 1981 and is currently in a class position which does not require such certification. The District has a policy of granting a 5% salary increase for those employees who, while District employees, acquire a Professional Engineer Certification, and receive their supervisor's recommendation that the employee has demonstrated a professional ability to give assistance in accomplishing District activities (see attached.) Steve McDonald has met all of the above criteria and the District recommends this increase. RECOMMENDATION: Approve 5% salary increase for Steve McDonald due to attainment of P.E.License, effective March 1,1981. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~PT'/DIV' ~ ~. G B K March 20, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: IGail Koff, Personnel Officer VIA: Clark Weddle, Deputy Chief Engineer FROM: John Larson, Senior Engineer-Project Management SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR STEP INCREASE FOR H. S. MC DONALD FOR REGISTRATION AS A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I request that H. S. McDonald be given a step increase, from range 72B to 72C, for obtaining registration as a Professional Engineer. At the time of his hiring, Mr. McDonald was not registered and his position, that of Assistant Engineer, does not require registration. My understanding is that Mr. McDonald meets the requirements for this step increase. Mr. McDonald has undertaken the work required to pass the written examination on his own time yet that review has significantly improved his work product; consequently, the District has benefited from Mr. McDonald's efforts. I feel that the requested step increase is warranted. I've attached a copy of Mr. McDonald's Letter of Notification as proof of his accomplishment. Management Senior JL/et Attachment Reviewed by: ~'.,.A t.. ~~- Clark L. Weddle Deputy Chief Engineer STArE 'Of CALlfORNIA--SlATE AND CONSUl IVICES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Gon,no, @nsumer AfFCI1rs BOARD OF REGISlRA liON FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS @. 1006 fOURTH ST., SIXTH fLOOR, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 TELEPHONE: (916) 4.5.55.. March 13, 1981 Hugh Ste~n MCDonald 1908-P Camino Verde Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Registration No.: M 20740 Renewal Date: June 30, 1981 Dear Sir/Madam: You are hereby notified that your registration has been approved in California. This letter will serve as temporary evidence that you now hold a valid registration as a Professional Engineer. A formal certi- ficate will be prepared and mailed to you in the near future, as the Board's workload permits. Your certificate number and the date of expiration are shown above. You should be aware that all certificates are subject to renewal, and the payment of a renewal fee will be required. A renewal notice will be mailed to you several weeks before the date of expiration shown above, but even if you do not receive the notice, you are still-responsible for renewing your certificate. You should return the renewal notice with the indicated fee promptly. A penalty fee will be assessed in the event the renewal is not accomplished within 30 days of the expiration date. You are required to advise the Board in the event you have a change of address. The mailings from the Board cannot reach you unless you have a current address on file. You may wish to order a stamp and/or a seal. The approved designs are set forth in Board Rule 411. The seal may be ordered from any stationery store or suitable vendor in your own locality. STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS OlE-88 (Rev. 12-80) <c(sD Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. X Personnel 3/5/81 DATE March 4, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL ACTIONS CONCERNING REDUCTION IN WORK FORC OF LITIGATION SUPPORT UNIT OF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES PERSONNEL DIVISION PURSUANT TO BOARD ACTION OF FEBRUARY 5 1981 SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ISSUE: The Board of Directors at its meeting of February 5, 1981, having adopted the recommendation of the management analysis of the staffing requirements for the Construction Services Division submitted by Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, authorized funding of the surplus positions of that unit through March 15, 1981 and authorized District Board Representatives to meet and confer with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association to develop the implementation of the reduction in staff. The authorized Board Representatives, having met and conferred with the Employees' Association on the effects of the reduction in force, hereby recommends: RECOMMENDATION: 1. Donal Gallaqher, P.I. Construction Technician (Claims Analyst), Date of Hire: 8/14/78 Due to his seniority in this class, it is recommended that he be offered the one authorized Permanent-Intermittent Construction Technician (Claims Analyst) position. 2. Peter Filipovich, P.I. Construction Technician (Claims Analyst), Date of Hire 10/15/79 Donald Risden, P.I. Construction Technician (Claims Analyst), Date of Hire 10/22/79 Euqene Mello, P.I. Construction Technician (Claims Analyst), Date of Hire 12/03/79 The remaining three P.I. Construction Technician (Claims Analyst) positions, have been eliminated pursuant to adoption of the recommendation for staffing of the Construction Services Division, and it is recommended that Mr. Filipovich, Mr. Risden, and Mr. Mello receive an executed copy of the attached letter of termination. 3. Helen Baumqartner, P.I. Supervising Clerk Typist, Date of Hire 7/03/78 Diane Cappucini, P .1. Clerk Typist II, Date of Hire 10/2/7 8 The position of P.I. Supervising Clerk Typist and P.I. Clerk Typist II have been eliminated pursuant to adoption of the recommendations for staffing of the Construction Services Division, and it is recommended that Ms. Baumgartner and Ms. Cappucini, the two most senior members of the affected clerical support group, be offered the currently vacant permanent Clerk Typist II positions at the District, that Ms. Cappucini retain her current level of compensation; and that Ms. Baumgartner be offered the E salary step , range applicable to the Clerk Typist II classification. 4. Nadine Sweeney, P.I. Clerk Typist II, Date of Hire 7/23/79 Virqinia Gerber, P.I. Clerk Typist I, Date of Hire 7/14/80 Linda Page, P.I. Clerk Typist, Date of Hire 8/11/80 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION The remaining three P.I. Clerk Typist 1/11 positions, have been eliminated pursuant to the adoption of the recommendations for staffing of the Construction Services Division, and it is recommended that Ms. Sweeney be offered a temporary Clerk Typist 1/11 position in the Collection Systems Operation Department at an hourly rate equivalent to her current level of salary compensation; and that Ms. Gerber and Ms. Page be offered temporary clerical appointments at an hourly rate of $5.50. These two positions are currently occupied by seasonal help employees. 5. Subsequent to Board action, each employee should receive an executed copy of the appropriate attached draft letter. 6. Pursuant to the meet and confer meetings concerning the effects of the layoff, the authorized Board Representatives also recommend that the District offer any current or future temporary appointments to affected employees if they meet the qualification and experience requirements of the position. This recommendation exceeds the District's obligation to offer employment to laid off employees pursuant to District Code Section 4-502. c((SD Central ';ontra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT BOARD AUTHORIZATION TO PROVIDE LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR THE MANAGEMENT GROUP EQUAL TO TWO TIMES THEIR ANNUAL SALARY March 4, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION MANAGEMENT BENEFITS SUBMITTED BY D. G. Niles INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Deputy General Manager ISSUE: Management's request for modification of its benefit package. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors authorized the remarketing of the District employees' benefit package with subsequent savings in cost being applied to increased life insurance and an addition of a long-term disability plan. The management group of the District has been included in the remarketed medical and dental plans and concurs with this. In reviewing the employees' adjusted life insurance plan of twice the E salary range with a $50,000 maximum limit, and, the new long-term disability plan,. we can see no significant benefit to the management group in the minor increase that would occur in life insurance limit or the long-term disability plan. In response to the Board's position that the management's group benefit package would be considered and modified after the finalization of the employees' benefit package, we are proposing the following: 1. The Management group's life insurance program be modified to provide two times the management employee's annual salary. 2. We would request that we not be included in the employees' long-term disability program. The management proposal of increased life insurance to two times annual salary and not requesting the employees' long-term disability plan represents an annual cost savings of $2,131 as detailed on the attached summary. RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to provide life insurance coverage for the management group equal to two times annual salary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. '-~~ DGN MANAGEMENT GROUP INSURANCE BENEFIT SUMMARY COL.l COL.2 COL. 3 COL.4 COL.5 COL. 6 COL. 7 Current Twice 2XSalary $50,000 Life Ins. L.T.Disability Col. 6 Management Annual Annual Life Ins. Life Ins. Premium Program Premium less Employee Salary Salary Premium Premium Differential @O:. 9%XSalary Col. 5 R. Baker 43,080 86,000 359 209 150 388 238 K. Barker 42,780 86,000 359 209 150 385 235 W. Funasaki 37,572 75,000 314 209 105 338 233 R. Hinkson 48,852 98,000 410 209 201 440 239 c. Hopkins 43,092 86,000 359 209 150 388 238 G. Koff 30,468 61,000 255 209 46 274 228 J. McCoy 42, 780 86,000 359 209 150 385 235 D. Niles 51,336 103,000 431 209 222 462 240 C. Weddle 55,080 HO,OOO 460 209 251 496 245 3,306 1,881 1,425 3,556 2,131 <CCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. Februar 2 1981 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE x. PERS. 2 2/5/81 SUB-MAKE CERTAIN ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES, CREATE AND ELIMINA TE CERTAIN POSITIONS, ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTIONS, RECLASSIFY, TRANSFER AND APPOINT CERTAIN EMPLOYEES TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engr. Administrative ISSUE: A number of recent developments have made it necessary to recommend several changes in the organization of the District. BACKGROUNJ: This position paper recommends a series of organizational and adminis- trative changes. The specific recommendations for change are presented below or on attachments. The major recommendations are summarized here: 1. Create a position of Administrative Department Head and centralize the Accounting, Personnel, Safety, Purchasing and Secretary of the District under that person. 2. Appoint the present Plant Operations Department head into a position of Deputy General Manager with the responsibility to act for the General Manager-Chief Engineer in matters relation to District activities and litigation. 3. Make certain changes within Plant Operations Department to accommodate recommendation 2 above as well as other needs which have been identified within the department. 4. Create position of Clerk Typist in Special Projects Division. The effect of these recommended changes is shown on Exhibits Band C. These are the existing and proposed management organization charts for the District. The changes which have produced these recommendations are indicated below. The changes are grouped by affected department. I. Administrative Department Until December of 1979, the Administrative Department was headed by Mr. W. C. Dalton. In this capacity he oversaw the Accounting and Personnel activities of the District as well as being involved in District-wide planning. Since his retirement, the planning function has been assigned to the Engineering Department where a new position was created to handle this and certain other work. The General Manager took over the direct supervision of the Accounting and Personnel activities. Recent increases in the administrative work load, particularly in the need for upper management involvement in the personnel area have created a work load which threatens to take needed attention away from other vital areas of District activity. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. -2- Another matter of concern is the need for the improved effectiveness and efficiency which would result from centralizing safety and purchasing, two functions which are currently carried on mainly by Plant Operations. a. Safety A clear need for an increased safety activity for the District was identified over a year ago. In appointing the present incumbent of the Safety and Training Supervisor position, it was pointed out that the District intended to centralize the safety function so that in the future, one individual could coordinate the safety activities of the entire District. The position was to remain in the Plant Operations Department for the first year to provide additional developmental work on the Safety Program for that department. The first year will be completed June 11, 1981. (Corresp. Exhibit A) b. Purchasing The District presently carries on purchasing activities within each department. The largest volumes of purchasing are in Plant Operations and Collection Systems Operation Department. At the plant, a professional purchasing section has been established with three full time positions. In CSO, less than one full time position is committed to purchasing. Anticipated changes in staffing of the purchasing activity in CSO are expected to create a need for supplimental purchasing expertise within the CSO Department. Currently, with the exception of the Construction Services Division, the District staff in engineering and administration spend minor amounts of time purchasing. For the most part, the purchases they make are routine. Hence, while some increase in labor efficiency is possible as a result of centralization, it is expected that this will be minimal. In the Construction Services Division, there is a certain amount of purchasing work being done by one Claims Analyst position. This position has been justified through the end of the fiscal year. It is recommended that the work and personnel from CSD not be consolidated into the Administrative Department at this time. Rather, this should be the subject of analysis during the normal personnel budgeting process for F. Y. 81/82. The chief advantage to the District of centralization is the cost efficiency possible as the result of the application of professional purchasing techniques to a larger percentage of the District's purchases. Furthermore, centralization will provide greater assurance that our overall purchasing activities conform to the miriad regulations which have been and are being adopted by the State Legislature, as well as our own internal regulations. c. Secretary To The Board The Secretary to the Board has a dual reporting responsibility. As is quite common in public agencies, the Secretary reports to the Board relating to the business conducted at board meetings. For other District responsibilities of the Secretary, he reports within the organization. Until last July, the Secretary reported within the Engineer- ing Department. He currently reports to the General Manager. Because of the Secretary's long experience and understanding of the administrative activities of the District and his special background and interest in safety matters, the most appropriate reporting relationship would be within the Administrative Department. -3- The class description for the Administrative Department Manager is shown on Exhibit D. The salary would be set after review by the Oxicon study. II. Deputy General Manaqer In October 1980, the Board appointed the law firm of Crosby Heafey, Roach and May (CHRM) to handle certain major items of litigation. Prior to that time, this work was being handled by the Counsel to the District with reporting reponsibility to the Board. CHRM has completed an exhaustive study looking at the most effective and efficient manner of executing their responsibilities. While their specific report has been provided under attorney client privilege, it is germain not only to this issue, but also to the Construction Services Division Budget. The report will be discussed with the Board in closed session. One of the several responsibilities of this position will be to provide needed liaison and coordination with CHRM. The direction of the CHRM activities will be provided by the General Manager with support from the Deputy General Manager and Counsel for the District. In addition to the work with CHRM, this position will also have responsibilities in the ongoing plant expansion and 5A-I completion projects. This position is immensely important to the District because of the significance of the projects being undertaken. It is vital that the position be filled by an individual familiar with the development of the 5A-I project as well as the design needs for plant operations and management. For this reason, it is recommended that the position be filled by the Plant Operations Department Manager. The class description for this position is shown on Exhibit E. III. Plant Operations Department The proposed appointment of D. G. Niles to Deputy Manager will create a Plant Operations Department Manager vacancy. In addition, the impending startup of the furnaces in the Solids Conditioning Building, the "fix and finish" project, the 10 MGD hydraulic expansion and the alternative water reclamation project will create a need for additional mechanical engineering expertise in the Plant Operations Department. Follow- ing is a plan which is designed to make the most effective use of Department personnel to meet present and upcoming challenges along with enabling the effective management of the Plant Operations Department. The central features of the recommended plan are as follows: a. The present Plant Operations Division Manager ($3,071 per month) will be appointed to the Plant Operations Department Manager position ($3,590 per month) eligible for a 5% salary increase in six months. b. The Plant Operations Division Manager ($3,071 per month) position will be elimina- ted. c. The Solids Conditioning Supervisor (R-71) position will be eliminated. d. A Senior Mechanical Engineer position will be created (R-82 salary level). e. The Civil Engineering Assistant II position (R-72) will be reclassified to the Maintenance Engineer position (R-77 salary level). Following are detailed justifications for each of the above actions: -4- a. Department Manaqer Appointment It is proposed that Robert Baker, the present Plant Operations Division Manager be appointed to the Plant Operations Department Manager position. Mr. Baker has qualifications and proven ability in both engineering and management. Mr. Baker possesses master degrees in Biological Science and Environmental Engineering, maintained a 4.0 (A) average in coursework in pursuit of the M.S. degree in Environmental Engineering, is a registered Civil Engineer in California; is a member of the review board of the Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, is the author of over ten scientific and technical publications; has four years of experience in scientific research; and has five years of experience in Environmental Engineering. Mr. Baker has proven to be an effective manager in his 14 months as Plant Operations Division Manager. A significant number of positive accomplishments have occurred under his direction. b. Division Manaqer Position Elimination Supervision of Operations, the Laboratory, and the Process Control Engineer will report directly to the Plant Operations Department Manager. Supervision of the Control Systems Engineer will be delegated to the Plant Maintenance Division Manager. Consequently the Plant Operations Division Manager position can be eliminated. In the future, when the size of the Plant Operations Department increases, this position could be revived by the Board if needed to reduce the workload on the Plant Operations Department Manager. c. Solids Conditioning Building Supervisor Position elimination This position is vacant due to a termination. In the past, this job description has been written as a combined line/staff position. Experience has shown that at this level, it is difficult to find individuals with sufficient technical and supervisorial ability to optimally perform both functions. In addition, overlap between Superintendent of Opertions authority and Solids Conditioning Supervisory authority has created con- flicts in the past. During the past 18 months, a great deal of effort has been put into improving Operations supervision. The Superintendent of Operations and all of the Shift Supervisors are all recently hired or recently promoted individuals who have met demanding standards of performance. These individuals have taken formal five-day courses in basic supervision and are all being managed under a goals and objective system. As a result, the competence of the supervisorial staff has risen to the point where it is possible to eliminate the necessity for a full-time line supervisor in the Solids Conditioning Building. It is proposed that the line supervisorial authority be transferred to the Shift Supervisors, a change which would improve supervisorial accountability. The technical responsibilities of the Solids Conditioning Supervisor are proposed to be shifted to the Senior Mechanical Engineer. d. Senior Mechanical Engineer Position Creation It is proposed to create a Senior Engineer position for the Maintenance Division. This position is required because of the proposed elimination of the Solids Conditioning Supervisor position, because of the impending furnace startup, and because of increasing mechanical engineering work required by the treatment plant. The duties for providing technical support for the Solids Conditioning Building were originally performed by a Process Analyst at the R-77 salary level. Line supervision was provided by a Solids Conditioning Supervisor at the R-71 salary level. The -5- Process Analyst position was eliminated after the unsuccessful attempt to start the furnaces in early 1979. (At that time, it wasn't clear if the furnaces would ever be operated again). The Solids Conditioning Supervisor position is being eliminated because of improvements in performance of the Shift Supervisor. Due to impending furnace startup, it is important to provide technical support for the Solids Condition- ing Building. During the 1979 attemptd furnace startup, Plant Operations learned that the technical requirments for furnace startup and operation are greata and that contrac- tors and/or consultants cannot be depended upon to provide adequate training and planning. For these reasons, it is proposed to recruit an experienced, highly competent mechanical engineer with combustion experience for furnace startup and operation. The engineer should be hired when Metcalf and Eddy starts the furnace design work. This way he can provide a design review function and will have time to intimately learn the furnace systems and to put together a good quality operator training program. Much of the pre furnace startup time of the Senior Engineer should be grant fundable thereby reducing the cost to the District of hiring this person before furnace startup. e. Civil Engineering Assistant II Position Reclassification to Maintenance Enqineer This position has recently been utilized to provide close technical support for the Maintenance Division. The level of expertise required to adequately perform this function exceeds that required in the Civil Engineering Assistant II job description. The Maintenance Engineer will be responsible for planning the performance of preventive maintenance projects. He/she will perform engineering alternative analyses to determine when major equipment should be replaced and when mainten- ance tasks should be contracted out or performed in-house. This Maintenance Engineer will be responsible for reviewing maintenance tasks for safety and effec- tiveness and will perform staffing studies and assist in preparation of annual budgets for the Maintenance Division. Dale Ohda, Civil Engineering Assistant II, is presently on the Sanitary District's Associate Engineer eligibility list, has a B.S. degree in Metallurgical Science, and is a registered Civil Engineer. He has been employed by the Sanitary District for 8! years and has worked at the treatment plant for 5! years. During his employment at the treatment plant, Mr. Ohda has performed engineering alternative analyses, and has planned large maintenance projects, has made detailed vibration analyses, and has assisted in complicated projects to align major pieces of equipment. Mr. Ohda has an ideal background and abilities for this Maintenance Engineer position and is in fact presently performing the functions of the Maintenance Engineer job description. It is recommended that Mr. Ohda be reclassified into the Maintenance Engineer position. The net effect of the above recommended changes will be to eliminate one position in the Plant Operations Department. The proposed changes are shown on the attached organizational charts for the Plant Opertions Department. Exhibit F shows the current organization, Exhibit G shows the effect of the proposed changes. The class descriptions are referenced as follows: Exhibit Plant Operations Department Manager H Senior Mechanical Engineer I Maintenance Engineer J -6- IV. Special Projects Enqineering Division-Addition of Clerk/Typist 1/11 Due to a significant increase in clerical and typist work in the Special Projects Engineering Division, it is recommended that a permanent position be created for a Clerk/Typist 1/11 (Range 45/49). The increase in workload mentioned above, results from the large amounts of typing, filing, and other functions associated with the numerous projects being managed by this Division, including "Fix & Finish" work, plant expansion, facilities planning, solid waste to energy and many others. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board take the following actions. 1. Create the positions: a. Administrative Department Manager b. Deputy General Manager c. Senior Mechanical Engineer in Plant Operations Department d. Clerk Typist 1/11 in Special Projects Engineering Division 2. Eliminate position of Plant Operations Division Manager to be vacated by proposed appointment to higher position. 3. Adopt class description for: a. Administrative Department Manager b. Deputy General Manager c. Plant Operations Department Manager 4. Make the following personnel appointments: a. Appoint Mr. David G. Niles to the position of Deputy General Manager at a salary of $4,278 per month (including 2!% for 20 year longevity pay and 2!% for having 30 years in retirement plan. This is a 2!% increase in salary. b. Appoint Mr. Robert A. Baker to the position of Plant Opertions Department Manager at a salary of $3,590/mo. 5. Indicate conceptional agreement with the following matters. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to Meet and Confer with the Employees' Association as appropriate. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to take the appropriate action on these matters following Meeting and Conferring. a. Adoption of class description for Senior Mechanical Engineer. b. Adoption of class description for Maintenance Engineer. c. Elimination of vacant position of Solids Conditioning Building Supervisor. d. Reclassification of the position of Civil Engineering Assistant II within the Plant Operations Department to the position of Maintenance Engineer, R-77. e. Transfer of a P.I. Clerk Typist to fill new permanent Special Projects Division position. cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 17, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT DELEGATE THE AUTHORITY TO THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO DISMISS JERRY JACKSON PURSUANT TO SECTION 4-415 OF THE DISTRICT CODE PERSONNEL Robert A. Baker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Manager, Plant Operations SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: During his 14 months of employment with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Jerry Jackson has consistently made excessive use of unscheduled leave. In addition, Mr. Jackson has not complied with his supervisor's instruction to provide doctors' excuses for all sick leave. BACKGROUND: Jerry Jackson has accumulated 34 unscheduled absences in his 14 months of employment with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. His use of unscheduled leave averages 24 days per year. Mr. Jackson was instructed in June, 1980 by Nick Bane, Maintenance Superintendent, in the presence of Edward Schnitzel, Maintenance Technician IV, Mechanical, to provide doctors' excuses for all sick leave. Since then, Mr. Jackson has failed to provide doctors' excuses to substantiate sick leave absences on all ten occasions of sick leave absence. The Board of Directors will be provided with a confidential comparison of Mr. Jackson's attendance record with the records of other District employees which shows that Mr. Jackson's record is clearly excessive and which also shows that Mr. Jackson is not being treated in any unusual or prejudicial manner. RECOMMENDATION: Delegate the authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer to dismis Jerry Jackson pursuant to Section 4-415 of the District Code. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GlJEIV' RAB <C<SD Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar, District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. X. Personnel POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE ~anuary 14, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE A PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION FOR FOUR QUALIFIED DISTRICT Er~LOYEES FOR THE POSITION OF CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Collection System One vacancy currently exists in the position of Construction Inspection. The vacancy is being filled on a provisional basis and it is necessary to make a permanent appointment. The opening has been advertised within the District and four qualified District employees have submitted applications. The District Code provides for a promotional examination for District personnel if there are five qualified applicants. A modification to this provision has been a subject of meet and confer sessions. The intent of this modification is to create a procedure whereby the Board may authorize a "closed" promotional examination for less than five qualified District employees if management recommends such action. It is the intent of management to recommend to the Board that this modification be adopted after meet and confer sessions are completed. Since the modification is not official and since management has determined justification exists for a promotional examination for the four qualified District employees, it is the purpose of this paper to request that the Board approve such a promotional examination. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a promotional examination for four qualified District employees for the position of Construction Inspector. ~J~JMC ~CLW ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON GK c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE JANUARY 8, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION REQUEST EIGHT WEEK MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR D. BARONE, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 5, 1981 PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY WALTER N. FUNASAKI, FINANCE OFFICER INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ACCOUNTING DIVISION ISSUE: A SIX-MONTH MATERNITY LEAVE OF ABSENCE WAS PREVIOUSLY GRANTED TO D. BARONE, JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT, EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1981. DUE TO MEDICAL REASONS, AN EIGHT WEEK MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 5, 1981 IS NOW BEING REQUESTED IN LIEU OF THE MATERNITY LEAVE. BACKGROUND: AT THE NOVEMBER 20, 1980 BOARD MEETING, THE BOARD AUTHORIZED D. BARONE'S REQUEST FOR A SIX MONTH MATERNITY LEAVE OF ABSENCE, AND AN ADDITIONAL POSITION OF ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT TO PROVIDE STAFFING DURING MRS. BARONE'S ABSENCE. AT THE END OF HER MATERNITY LEAVE, D. BARONE WAS TO RETURN TO WORK IN HER PRESENT CLASSIFICATION ON A 20-HOUR PER WEEK PERMANENT PART-TIME BASIS. UPON HER RETURN FROM HER MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE IN EARLY MARCH 1981, D. BARONE WILL PROBABLY CONTINUE HER PRESENT 32-HOUR PER WEEK PART-TIME SCHEDULE UNTIL THE END OF THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEFORE ASSUMING HER PLANNED 20 HOURS PER WEEK WORK SCHEDULE. DURING THE FOUR MONTH PERIOD WHICH WOULD OTHERWISE HAVE BEEN SPENT ON MATERNITY LEAVE. D. BARONE WILL CONTINUE THE TRAINING OF THE NEW ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT AND WILL BE INVOLVED IN UPGRADING OF THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. INCLUDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FIXED ASSET SYSTEM. RECOMMENDATION: RESCIND THE PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED MATERNITY LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR D. BARONE, AND AUTHORIZE AN EIGHT WEEK MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 5, 1981. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION , GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. x. perS~?~7al c POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE October 31, 1980 \ \ \ SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AOOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE PffiITIONS OF LABORA'IORY TEClINICIAN, CHEMIST I, AND CHEMIST II AND CANCEL Personnel 'IHE OLD ClASS DESCRIPTIONS FOR LABORA'roRY TEOINICIAN AND CHEMIS . SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Issue: ']be class descriptions for Laboratory Technician and Chemist need to be revised. Background: 'Ihe policy and procedure statement on personnel advancanents which was approved by the Board of Directors in December, 1979 has necessitated that rrod.i- fications be made to certain job descriptions. Specifically, the Laboratory Technician class description has been rewritten to fit the entry level position as defined in the procedure for personnel advancements i a Chemist I class description has been written to fit the second level position as defined in the procedurei and the present Chemist class description has been rewritten and retitled as Chemist II. 'Ihe salary level of the Laboratory Technician position will remain at R59, and the salary level of the Chemist II position will remain at the salary level of the old Chemist position (R65). It is requested that the Chemist I salary level be set at R62. Reccmnendation: Adopt the new class descriptions for Laboratory Technician, Chemist I, and Chemist II and cancel the old class descriptions for laboratory Technician and Chemist. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. ((sD Central Contra Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. X. Personnel b 1 8 81 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT APPOINTMENT OF KEN ROAN TO THE RECLASSIFIED POSITION OF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I I, RANGE 65E ($2176), EFFECTIVE JANUARY 9, 1981 January 2, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION Personnel SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: Ken Roan should be appointed to the reclassified position of Vehicle and Maintenance Mechanic I I to correctly relfect the duties that he is currently performing and that are required of the position. BACKGROUND: The Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic I I classification has been developed and adopted to reflect the more complex mechanical, diagnostic and repair work on engines, transmissions and electrical systems found in the District's varied fleet of vehicles and specialized equipment. Ken Roan has filled the position on a provisional basis since August 1, 1980. His performance has been excellent and he has demonstrated a real ability and desire to accept duties of increased complexity and responsibility. The needs and interests of the District would be best served by the reclassification of Ken Roan to this position. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the appointment of Ken Roan to the position of Vehicle and Maintenance Mechanic I I, Range 65E ($2176.00) effective January 9, 1981. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~TIA~wJ je;Z RHH GBK ENG. ~ D Central Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. e. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 6, 1981 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACT ION CREATE TWO TEMPORARY POSITIONS TO SUPPORT THE BIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL PilOT PLANT STUDY AUTHORIZE CREATION OF TWO TEMPORARY POSITIONS SUBMITTED BY John A. larson, Special Projects INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division BACKGROUND: Two temporary positions are required to support the proposed biological phosphorus removal pilot plant. The two positions required are: Associate Engineer (Environmental), Range 77 The person selected for this position will be responsible for the day-to- day operation of the pilot plant data reduction/organization/interpreta- tion, coordination with outside consultants, and report preparation. This position would be full time and would be in the Special Projects Engineering Division. laboratory Technician, Range 59 This position will be responsible for augmenting laboratory personnel to allow analysis of pilot plant samples. This position would be part time and would be in the Plant Operations Division. The estimated duration of these positions is 8 - 10 months.* RECOMMENDATION: Create the temporary position of Associate Engineer (Range 77) in the Special Projects Engineering Division and the temporary position of laboratory Technician (Range 59) in the Plant Operations Division. * The funding for these positions was included in the $140,000 authorization requested for the Pilot Plant Study. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Co "L W :.<.