HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP (PERSONNEL) 1982 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJEEXTEND DISTRICT PERSONNEL ADVANCEMENT POLICY TO PERSONNEL, CANCEL PERSONNEL ASSIST ANT CLASS DES- CRIPTION AND ADOPT PERSONNEL ANALYST 1/11 CLASS .~ 11-.....1 ~I-{ I~ I 1"-...... DATE April 20, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Personnel Division ISSUE: The District Board, at its meeting of November 15, 1979 approved a Personnel Advancement Procedure for certain positions. We request the District Board to extend the Personnel Advancement Procedure to include Personnel. BACKGROU~: When the Personnel Advancement Procedure was adopted, the Personnel Section was in the process of organizing a new District function. Since this time, the roll and responsibilities of Personnel have increased significantly. To develop personnel to meet the needs of the District, a Personnel Advancement Procedure for Personnel is needed to train and promote a person that has successfully passed the requirements and examination to the next level position. To accomplish the above, the following recommendations have been developed and are shown below or on attachments. 1. Cancel Personnel Assistant Class Description; adopt new class descriptions for Personnel Analyst I and Personnel Analyst II. 2. Establish a Personnel Advancement Program for Personnel staff in accordance with the District's Personnel Advancement Policy. 3. Develop criteria for performance testing the Personnel positions. The new class descriptions are shown as Attachments A and B. The Advancement Procedure is shown as Attachment C. The actions recommended would have the indicated effect on the Personnel section. 1. Personnel Analyst I would replace the Personnel Assistant and would be the entry level position for Personnel with duties as described in Attachment A. This Confidential position would remain at the existing salary range of R-49. The position would require 2 years of Personnel related experience including at least one year of journalism experience. The Personnel Analyst I would have to successfully pass an advancement test after a minimum of eighteen (18) months of District employment to be eligible for promotion to the Personnel Analyst II class. 2. Personnel Analyst II would be a qualified professional journey level person in the field of Personnel with duties and responsibilities as described in Attachment B. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. The salary level for this Confidential position would be set at R-59, $1683-2030. The basis for establishing this salary range was a review of various current salary surveys as well as current salaries for similar type positions at other Districts and cities. The Personnel Analyst II position would be filled by a Personnel Analyst I who has successfully completed the Personnel Advancement program. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Cancel class description of Personnel Assistant and adopt new class description of Personnel Analyst I, Range 49, $1,331-$1,605 (to be designated Confidential). 2. Adopt new class description of Personnel Analyst II, Range 59, $1,683-$2,030 (to be designated Confidential). 3. Authorize the inclusion of Personnel Section into the District's Personnel Advance- ment Procedure as specified in Attachment C. 'N'T'A~'/D'V' v GBK _ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION (7~! \ / , , GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. PM e: 0 ..... ctl= - u a. ~ >< "'0 Q) Q) a> u 0 <A!l= - e: e: a> a> a> a> a> u u a> u + u e: a. !... e: u e: e: Q) x= - Q) Q) e: Q) Q) Q) a. Q) V> .- !... 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EXAMPLES OF DUTIES This class is an entry level in a professional personnel unit which is intended to prepare an able incumbent to assume the more responsible personnel duties charac- teristic of the Personnel Analyst II class. Typical examples of work are: to organize, write, edit, photograph, layout and paste up camera ready an employees' newsletter; assists and coordinates the preparation of necessary recruitment and examination related materials, advertisements, supplies, equipment, facilities and personnel; performs a variety of personnel functions, including maintenance of employment records, pre-employment processing and salary survey information; provides factual information to the public, candidates for examination, and the District's personnel which requires the use of judgment and tact; organizes and types correspondence, reports, memos, forms, examinations and related material from rough drafts, corrected copy, or verbal instructions; classified, indexes, files and locates a variety of materials according to an established filing system. UCENSE Possession of a valid California Operator's License issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Modern office practices and procedures. Correct English grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. Effective news writing techniques, including editing, graphics, layout and publication of an in-house publication. The use of photographic equipment for publications. The use of graph ics. Ability to: Design and publish an effective in-house newsletter. Effectively communicate by telephone and in person with a variety of people from all occupations and social and ethnic groups. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work; Exercise sound judgment when evaluating consequences of alternative courses of action in stressful situations; Accept increased responsibility and work under critical deadlines; PERSONNEL ANAL VST I Maintain attention to detail and produce accurate work while coordinating several concurrent assignments; Rapidly learn the class descriptions, organization, functions, policies and procedures of the District. Type accurately from clear, printed copy. EXPERIENCE Two years of responsible personnel-related experience including at least one year of experience in preparing a periodic publication. EDUCATION A Bachelor's Degree in a personnel related field from an accredited college or university may substitute for the required experience. ATTACHMENT B CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECTIVE: TITLE: PERSONNEL ANALYST II DEFINITION Under the direction of the Personnel Officer, to perform professional personnel work related to the administration of a public personnel system; performs related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES This class is responsible for performing all routine duties necessary and required to provide professional personnel assistance to the various District departments and divisions. The duties of this class require tact, independent judgment within guidelines and a broadening technical knowledge of the District's personnel proce- dures, princ iples and practices. Typical examples of duties are: Confers with department officials and other District personnel on personnel matters as they relate to particular assignments; assists in the preparation of Policies and Procedures and their administration; coordinates the development and administration of the recruit- ment and examination process at the District; provides information and interpre- tation to others concerning District employment opportunities, requirements, benefits, policies, procedures, examination results and related information; researches, compiles, analyzes and evaluates general and statistical information regarding selection procedures and employment practices; conducts surveys and investigations concerning personnel practices of other organizations; handles verbal and written requests for information from other agencies; prepares a variety of memoranda and reports; answers correspondence and performs research necessary to respond to questionnaires; conducts employee benefit orientation for new employees; may organize and direct the work of Section clerical staff. UCENSE Possession of a valid Cali fornia Operator's License issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. DESIRABLE QUAUFICA TIONS Knowledge of: Federal, State and local guidelines relating to recruitment and examination in the hiring process, and in other areas of personnel-related activities; Techniques and principles of employee selection processes, recruitment and examinations; Statistical research and salary survey preparation; Interviewing and extracting relevant information; Modern office practices and procedures; Correct English grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. PERSONNEL ANALYST II Ability to: Effectively communicate by telephone and in person with a variety of people from all occupations and social and ethnic groups. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Exercise sound judgment when evaluating consequences of alternative courses of action and in stressful situations. Accept increased responsibility and work under critical deadlines. Rapidly learn the class descriptions, organization, functions, policies and procedures of the District, as well as maintaining a constant update on all incoming new procedures of the District. Type accurately from clear, printed copy. EXPERIENCE Three years of professional personnel experience involving classification, recruitment salary administration and/or employer-employee relations, or eighteen months as a Personnel Analyst I with the District. EDUCA nON Possession of a Bachelor's Degree in a personnel-related field from an accredited college or university. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the education on a year-for-year basis up to a maximum of 2 years.) · TT ACHMENT C <CCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District NO. POLICY & PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE !.\prilI4, 1981 SUBJECT SECTION PERSONNEL ADVANCEMENTS :>ERSONNEL ESTABLISHED BY: Board of Directors REFERRING TO: Personnel Advancement PERSONNEL Personnel Advancement Procedure PERSONNEL ANALYST I TO PERSONNEL ANALYST II The following program is the advancement procedure for employees in Personnel. It offers the lower level classified employee an avenue to promote to the higher level classification when the employee has met the qualifications for the higher position as well as successfully having passed the requirements and examination as described. The following is a list of specific requirements that must be met for advancement. PERSONNEL ANALYST I TO PERSONNEL ANAL YST II 1. The employee has been at the entry level position for a minimum of eighteen (18)months. 2. The employee must demonstrate satisfactory knowledge in the following are~s of work: a. Thorough understanding of District Personnel Policies and Procedures b. Thorough understanding of overall District organization c. Recruitment and examination activities d. Ability to evaluate applications for employment e. Processing Personnel Actions f. Have knowledge of Personnel filing system 3. The employee must pass the examination. 4. The employee must be recommended for advancement by his/her supervisor. I I SHEET 23 OF 23 (c<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 4/16/82 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE POSITION PAPERS CONTAINED WITHIN THE PERSONNEL PERSONNEL BUDGET BOOK FOR 1982-83, TO BE IMPLEMENTED JULY 1, 1982 SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Personnel Administration ISSUE: The District requests approval of the attached Personnel Budget requests, effective July 1, 1982. BACKGROUND: At this time each year, the District submits departmental requests for staffing changes for the next fiscal year. The summary sheet details each department's staffing changes and summarizes the total net effect on the Personnel ~y~et. .~ ." In the past, the Board has delegated review of these requests to the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee reviews with staff various recommendations, then makes its recommendation to the Board at a later meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the Personnel Budget requests and advise staff if a meeting should be held with tl:e Personnel Committee to review same. ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 6d-. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Personnel POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 4/16/82 APPROVE POSITION PAPERS CONTAINED WITHIN THE PERSONNEL BUDGET BOOK FOR 1982-83, TO BE IMPLEMENTED JULY 1, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Personnel Administration ISSUE: The District requests approval of the attached Personnel Budget requests, effective July 1, 1982. BACKGROUND: At this time each year, the District submits departmental requests for staffing changes for the next fiscal year. The summary sheet details each department's staffing changes and summarizes the total net effect on the Personnel Budget. In the past, the Board has delegated review of these requests to the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee reviews with staff various recommendations, then makes its recommendation to the Board at a later meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the Personnel Budget requests and advise staff if a meeting should be held with the Personnel Committee to review same. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Apri 1 20, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT STAFFING CHANGES FOR 1982-1983 DELETE POSITIONS SUBMITTED BY Robert Baker, Plant Operations Mgr. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant <1perations ISSUE: The Plant Operations Department requests that certain vacant positions be deleted for fiscal year 1982-83. BACKGROUND: The Plant Operations Department is committed to the goal of reducing Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs. Accordingly, the need for positions is re-evaluated each time a position vacancy occurs. In addition, significant effort has been expended in devising more efficient O&M methods to reduce the workforce required to operate future plant unit processes. The following personnel reductions are proposed for fiscal year 1982-83. 1. Delete one Operator 1/1 I position (presently vacant). 2. Change one authorized full-time Laboratory Technician/Chemist I position to a half-time permanent position. 3. Delete five Operator 1/1 I positions which were to be filled six months before furnace start-up. The deletion of one Operator 1/1 I position and one-half Laboratory Technician Chemist I position is due to improvements in productivity in the Operations and Laboratory Sections. The deletion of the Operator 1/1 I positions which were authorized for furnace start-up is due to planned improvements in the computer control system and the furnace control system which should save five operating positions. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Delete one Operator 1/1 I position. 2. Change one authorized full-time Laboratory Technician/Chemist I position to a permanent half-time position. 3. Delete the five Operator 1/1 I positions which were authorized for furnace start-up. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI;?b/lliT./DIV. rf/lJj/ RAB GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Apri 1 20, 1982 SUBJECTRECLASS I FY ONE AUTHOR I ZED POS I T I ON OF SECRETARY (R52) TO TYPE OF ACTION ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (R60) , ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTION AND RECLASSIFY YVONNE BROWN TO THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRA IVE RECLASSIFICATION SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: With the resignation of the Maintenance Operations Supervisor, we have reorganized and redistributed the functions of that position. Yvonne Brown, Department Secretary, has been assigned the administrative work of that class. The purpose of this request is to reclassify Yvonne Brown to the position of Administrative Assistant, Range 6P, which accurately describes her new responsibilities. BACKGROUND: As a consequence of the Department's reorganization, Yvonne Brown has assumed many new responsibilities in the planning, coordinating, and participating in c.s.o. administrative work; organizes, compiles data and assists in the preparation of department reports, assists in the preparation and maintenance of departmental safety and operational manuals; is responsible for property damage claim processing; compiles budget data; monitors and reports on budgetary and fiscal matters; is responsible for the department material requisition function and the coordination with District centralized purchasing procedures. These added responsibilities and the many more indicated in the Administrative Assistant class description are being performed by Yvonne now and have been since October 1, 1981. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve reclassification of one Secretary position to Administrative Assistant. 2. Adopt class description for Administrative Assistant, Range 60. 3. Reclassify Yvonne Brown to the position of Administrative Assistant, Range 60, ($188]), effective July 1, 1982. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION '<T.'V~G(I=~ RHH GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. . A e - OM Ul n M 'i:l 0 1-'- ;:l Cll 0 ;:l I-' tTl <00 I'i ;:l III '""0 1-'- 1-'- < en ::l ;:t> en ;:l 1-'- r;- r;- ~ 1-'- Cll () I'i 0 Cll Cll e:: 0 ~ ::l I'i en () '0 1-'- r;- Cll Z ;:l 01-'- I'i t-'l 00 1-'- 0 III <: ;:l r;- 1-'- 1-'- en e<-> 0 1-'- ::l 0 en ::l ..... g; 'i:l \0 t-j 0 ..... CO ::z:: Ul N W 0 N OH \0 0 VI I :;dt-j 00 HH W NO MZ OUl ~ 0 (;:j - - -- - H N ..... ..... VI..... ..,'\ ..... t-j .0 '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' H .....e: 0 0 r;- :;d 0 \OM Cll Cll 1-'- Cll 0 0 ::r>0 Z OOUl ..... .....0 () Cll Cll o.Cll Ul Nt-'l Cll Cll ::l ..... ..... ..... 0...... 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III 1'1 (J) 0- en ro 0- ro (J) ~ I 0. I I ~ t-' 0- 0 - ~. ro ...... c:: :3:: I ~ I I (J) ~ ~ III ~ a ~. ~ ~. rt en Z I 0 I I 0 ro en ~ ~ H ., S ::r:: I I I z '" c;') I I I en I '""' I I '""' eJ -{J) -{J) '""' a t-' I -{J) I I N -{J) -{J) -{J) (J) W t-' I I w ~ w I w 0 0 00 ...... - t-' W -....J V1 t-' -....J ..... I t-' I I w V1 t-' t-' 0 ......, ......, Z I I I ......, ~ I ::r:: I I I I I I I I I I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. OS 10 n PE I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN DATE P IT N ~A R General Manager-Chief Engineer Apr i 1 20, 1982 SUBJECTELIMINATE THE POSITION OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNICIAN (SENIOR TYPEOFACTION ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR) FROM THE CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES DELETE DIVISION OF THE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The position of Senior Electrical Inspector is no longer needed. BACKGROUND: The position of Senior Electrical Inspector was filled by Jack Strachan who retired in 1981. Since t1r. Strachan's retirement, the position has been kept vacant. A review of the need for this position has led to a conclusion that a permanent Senior Electrical Inspector is not justified. There will be needs in the future for electrical inspection effort, but those needs will be met through the hiring of consultants on a job by job basis. RECOMMENDATION: Eliminate one position of Senior Electrical Inspector. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I/~"NG r;}P)jJl7.L f7 '7~',I)/v~17 JSM GEN. MGR.!CHIEF ENG. ~~ CLW <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. O I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITI N PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT RECLASSIFY ONE POSITION OF ENGINEERING AID III TO REAL PROPERTY SPECIALIST AND ADOPT CLASS DESCRIP- TION FOR THAT POSITION, RANGE 69 ($2126-$2571) April 20. 1982 TYPE OF ACTION RECLASSIFICA TION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction & Services Division ISSUE: A need exists to reclassify one Engineering Aid III position to Real Property Specialist in order to appropriately classify that position's duties and responsibilities. A class description for the proposed reclassified position of Real Property Specialist is required. BACKGROUNJ: Other public agencies in the area were contacted to determine if these agencies had positions with responsibilities and duties similar to those handled by our Engineering Aid III responsible for all right-of-way matters in the District. As shown on the attached summary, no one agency has a position with the wide range of responsibilities presently handled by the District's position. Generally speaking, the duties at cities are split between planners and engineers. Engineers or high level Engineering Technicians have responsibilities for easement descriptions, plats, checking subdivision maps for correctness and preparing legal agreements, while the planners handle annexation-related processes. All cities contacted contract with consultants to appraise and negotiate for easements and property for all but the simplest of cases. EBMUD and Contra Costa County have designated positions which handle real property- related functions; however, each organization also has other classifications which provide support for these real property positions. EBMUD has a new business representative which serves as a contact point for developers, etc. concerned with annexations of territories to their District. The County has an Engineering Technician Group which is responsible for all easements, real property descriptions and plats, and checking of subdivision maps for accuracy and completeness. Of all the positions reviewed from other agencies, the Associate Real Estate Representa- tive from EBMUD more closely resembles the duties and responsibilities of the District's Engineering Aid III (Right-of-Way) position and the proposed classification of Real Property Specialist. It requires full competence in a broad field of property-related transactions. The position is one which has considerable latitude for independent action and judgment within designated District guidelines. It requires tact and negotiation skills. The one significant responsibility which this position does not include, which is also handled by the Engineering Aid III (Right-of-Way), is annexation-related matters. The present salary range of the Associate Real Estate Representative is $2120-$2475. Since the District's position has more responsibilities than the Associate Real Estate Representative position, it is appropriate to establish the salary of the proposed classification somewhat higher than $2120 to $2475. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION '~7;;1~ ~~ GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. RECOMMENDATION: Approve reclassification of one Engineering Aid III position to Real Property Specialist and adopt the class description for the reclassified position of Real Property Specialist, Range 69 ($2126-$2571). Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECTIVE: J u 1 y 1, 1 982 TITLE: REAL PROPERTY SPECIALIST DEFINITION Under minimum supervision, performs difficult and complex work related to the appraisal, acquisition, transfer, sale and disposal of publicly owned real property and property rights; formulates and processes annexations; performs related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Makes appraisals of real properties, improvements and facilities, making field inspections of properties as required; investigates properties regarding ownership, restrictions, zoning, easements, etc.; orders and reviews title reports; gathers and analyzes data and prepares reports, legal descriptions and documents relating to and negotiates for the purchase, sale, rental, or transfer of land, structures, ease- ments, rights of way, licenses, permits, leases, and other property rights. Prepares information and makes recommendations concerning damage claims, encroachments, condemnation actions, and similar matters involving litigation; prepares and reviews environmental impact reports, provides staff assistance to other District units on environmental matters; confers, advises, and coordinates activities with those of other District personnel including accounting, drafting, engineering and legal; prepares escrow information and handles execution of instruments pertaining to property and property rights; takes required steps to clear or perfect title to property; prepares complete and accurate technical reports, memoranda, and correspondence; maintains complete and accurate records; may act as a Notary I Public, maintaining records as required; may direct the work of a subordinate in a specific project or activity. Processes aU annexation requests; acts as District liasan with LAFCO on annexation-related matters. Performs a variety of other real property work. UCENSE Possession of an appropriate California operator's license issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Know ledge of: Principles and methods of real property appraisal and negotiation for the acquisition, management, sale, disposal or transfer of real property and property rights; Real Estate Law and of land transaction procedures and instruments; Surveying and mapping principle~ and construction trade practices as applied to the appraisal, acquisition, and transfer of properties; The form, purposes and use of land descriptions. REAL PROPER TV SPECIALIST Ability to: Conduct effective negotiations; Analyze, interpret, apply and explain complex and technical policies, procedures, codes, statutes, descriptions, and documents; Accurately perform computations, including those involving algebra, plane geometry and trigonometry as related to real property matters; Maintaining complete and accurate records; Preparing clear and concise technical records, memoranda, correspondence, leases and other legal documents; Prepare simple maps, sketches, graphs, and charts; Deal effectively with representatives of other District units, contractors, concessionaires, lea sees and the public. EXPERIENCE Three years of employment in the acquisition, appraisal, or management of real property. EDUCATION Completion of four years of college or its equivalent. Additional experience as outlined above or in work which has provided a familiarity with descriptions and legal documents related to real property transactions may be substituted for the education on a year-for-year basis. >- 0:::: c:( -oJ c:( Vl Vl I l.l.J - :z uo :z - l.l.J~ c:l - c:(Vl o o::::c... l.l.J :::c ~ o x x x x x x )<, x )< x x x x x X I I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X I X X X X X X X X I )- I x x x x x x x x x x x - - ~ '" - - l' M 00 _0 L" ~ <T\ :3'" N N lJ"\ ....... lJ"\_ - I I N O::::NM lJ"\ '" l' I ...... I 0 l' - - N lJ"\ 00 '" N - ...:T ...:T - ...:T ~ l' M I- 0 N ...:T N N '" N N ~ ~ O~ I ~ I ~ ~ lJ"\ ...... ...... N VI N M 00 0 N 00 N ...... .-'-""~ N l' I N I .j..J .j..J > 00 I ~ N I '" VI c: .j..J I- ~ 0 N N ...:T 00 .- Q) c: Q) ...... ~ ...... 00 ~ 0 ~ 01 Q) 0- ...:T ~ M N I CO c:( 01 :J > N . ...... N ...... I .- c:( Vl - ...... 0- ...... U 0- Q) . I- Q) 0 0- ..c ..c: 0:::: 0- Q) 0- I- 0 U U 0- Q) . c: Vl >- c... I- Q) Q) Q) 0:::: \;;. c: ~ c... ~ ~ 0:::: l.l.J 01 CO >- :z ~ . VI c: ~ .j..J :::> CO ~ 01 01 Q) 0:::: VI 0 l.l.J c... I- 0 Q) CO c: c: .j..J Q) :z .j..J Q) U 0:::: Q) .- .- CO Q) c: 0 Q) Q) c: 0- 0:::: l- I- .j..J .j..J .- ~ .j..J .j..J CO 0 c:( . Q) Q) VI CO VI :::c CO CO .j..J I- ~ .j..J . Q) Q) l.l.J .- :J U .- .- ~ c... Vl VI U c: c: u CO - U U :J 0 .- 0 .- .- ~ 0 0:::: 0 0 VI ~ U VI VI 01 01 CO VI 3: VI VI c: CO VI VI c: c: Q) VI Q) I.L. VI VI 0 Q) c:( c:( c:( l.l.J l.l.J 0:::: c:( :z 0 c:( c:( U 0:::: 0:::: 0 0 ~ :::> >- Vl :z ~ ~ U 0 CO - U U l.l.J U U uOl~eWJo~ul MOJJSa saJedaJd .O[ sl~13 sMal^aJ pue ~13 salpn~s [el~lul saJedaJd '6 s~JodaJ a[~l~ SMal^aJ jd14SJauMo ^~JadoJd sa~e51~sa^ul '8 SU01Sl^la ~J1J~Sla Ja4~O 4~lM sal~l^l~Je sa~eU1PJOoJjpaJlnbaJ se [aUUOSJad Ja4~O SaSl^Jadns 'L SJaded UOl~lSOd sa~lJM '9 s~sanba~ 'xauuv sassaJOJd 'S :z o ~ Mj~ 's~uawase3 JO~ 'BaN .~ Vl C c... ~ s[es!eJddV :z l.l.J ^~JadoJd SWJo~aJd 't Vl l.l.J 0:::: c... I.L. 'aaJBv [e6al saJedaJd 'Z o Vl l.l.J ~ paJlnba~ sv Sl~e[d (J :::> o -oJ 'xauuv [aJJed (q c:( u c... s~uawase3 (e >- ~ 'Jsaa [e6al saJedaJd '[ cC{S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. OSITIO ftAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P N r"" General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT DATE Apri 1 20, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION APPOINTMENT OF WILLIAM GREGORY TO THE RECLASSIFIED POSITI N OF "REAL PROPERTY SPECIALIST", RANGE 69-D, $2453, EFFECTIVE JULY 1. 1982 RECLASSIFICATION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: Appointment of William Gregory to the reclassified position of "Real Property Specialist". BACKGROUND: William Gregory has been employed by this District since June I, 1972, in the position of Engineering Aid III (Range 64) handl ing the District's Right-of-Way functions. Originally his duties were under direct superVISion of the present Secretary of the District. His duties have increased in responsibility and complexity and today his actions are mostly independent in nature. His performance has been excellent. To reflect the added importance and responsibilities his position now carries, it is appropriate to appoint William Gregory to the position of "Real Property Special ist". RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Will iam Gregory to the reclassified position of "Real Property Specialistl', Range 69-D, $2453. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INI;7ATING7E PTM-J (U"J . ///t-,h~ ./7 '7 ,/ e~ GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. JSM CLW c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION ftAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN r""" General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT ELIMINATE TWO ENGINEERING AID 1/1 I POSITIONS FROM THE ENGINEERING DIVISION AUTHORIZED STAFFING DATE Apri 1 19, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION DELETE POSITIONS John Larson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Two Engineering Aid 1/1 I positions are not required for Fiscal Year 1982/83. BACKGROUND: Two Engineering Aid 1/1 I positions are currently vacant within the Engineering Division. Based on a current review, there is no need to fill these positions during Fiscal Year 1982/83. However, the product of current studies into workload in the Drafting, Graphics, and Engineering Division Services may point to the need for these positions to be filled in the future. RECOMMENDATION: El iminate two Engineering Aid 1/1 I positions from the Engineering Division authorized staffing. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITfz~~D;:DIV~L k.0CJtJ d CLW GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. N <.!J ~~~~ co Z O"l I- ...... U e:::: l.1.J l.1.J s::::::ex:0 s:::::: ::I: r-::> l.1.J ro e:::: 0 ro U o Z U~ U u e:::: e:::: ...... ro ~:::E ro 0 ex: c.. <.!J ::> . .::> Z :::E Z _r-::>Vl_ z:: ex: l.1.J 0 .....J Vl 0 e:::: e:::: I- ....... l.1.J Z I Z VI <.!J ::I:ex:...... l.1.J 0 Z c.. <.!J Vl z:: 0:: ...... ~~~ ~~~ ~Ol- U LL.. ~VlVle::::1- +-> e::::~ex: U::>......OVlO ~ s:::::: ....... l.1.J 0:: e:::: ex: l.1.J e:::: :::E ex: N ro ro Vl Vl c.. 0 .....JO::I:c:(ZN U u. Cl .....J COI-UUc:(...... ro ro e:::: .....J ~,..;~~~:i ::>::> 0 ...... U <.!J :::E Z l.1.J Z I <.!J e:::: ...... 0 ...... l- I- Vl I- LL.. - 0 I...LJZc:( :::E Cl I...LJ e:::: c:( z:: a >- ex: ...... .....J :::E :::E .....J e:::: OO~8~~OO l.1.J r-::> Vl c.. .......U +->.....Joe::::co+-> Z ...... s::::::c..r-::>l.1.JCOS:::::: <.!J ::I: roe:::::::E<.!J~ro ....... c.. u ......Ze::::u Vl c:( .ro ~ .....J ...... <.!J ro l.LJ e:::: ::> . . . .> Cl <.!J e::::e::::o~ Vl .....J I...LJO <.!J e:::: Z <.!J e:::: I- ~ 0 Zc:(Z c:(Z Vl ...... ::I: 0 NOe:::: e:::: ZUU UI...LJl.1.J ex: Z :::E .....J Z .....J c:( ~ I...LJ ...... e:::: .....J U .....J I...LJ ex: c.. VI e:::: ~ClCl r-::> I...LJ~ 1-0 e::::u~ ex: Vl e:::: .......Vl I- Cl Z e:::: I...LJO I- :::E U e:::: l.1.J I...LJ ex: <.!J e:::: Z Z ::I: c:( 00 U ZI- Vl Vl...... ~~ Z Z a Z ex: ::I: .....J 0 Z :3 o ex: ...... Vl ex: Vl r-::> co O"l N I- I-:::E C'J N ex: z:: e:::: uaa N ex: I...LJ ...... e:::: c.. Z Z <.!J Vl o ex: c.. Z ...... <.!J I- 0 Vl e:::: ...... ......0 I- VI ::::- ...... Z ...... I...LJ Z VlO Cl ::> 0 0...... ...... ...... ...... c.. I- <.!J l- I- Z ...... zex: ex: ...... Cl Vl ...... e:::: e:::: U I...LJO e:::: l- I- I...LJ~ N c.. l.1.J Vl Vl .....J c.. ...... I...LJ ...... ...... :3 .::L e:::: a Cl Z Z Z o ex: OI...LJ Vl ............ ...... u.. U :c .....J U<.!J:::E :::E I- .....J uza a Vl Cl ~...... U l.1.J ex: ex: ex: u.. c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. OS On I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P ITI N r'APER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT C.S.O. PERSONNEL REQUEST FOR 1982-1983 Aori 1 20 1982 TYPE OF ACTION Personnel SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Collection System Operations This year's C.S.O. personnel budget request is to establ ish a new classi- fication, Administrative Assistant, and to fill it by reclassification; el iminate the Maintenance Operations Supervisor position; return Bob Robertson to the class title of Maintenance Crew Member I J; and to hire a temporary Safety Assistant. It is my intention to have this employee work on a one half time basis or less if the project is completed. The economic impact on payroll is a reduction of $35,484 per year for perma- nent employees. With the inclusion of the temporary employee salary, the payroll is still reduced by $25,752 per year. Employee Present Pos it ion Salary New Position Sa 1 a ry Y. Brown Secreta ry $1716 Administrative Assistant $1887 R. Robertson Bldg. & Grounds $2026 Maintenance Crew Member II $2026 Mtce. Wo rke r Temporary Safety Assistant $972P *Total salary for one yearls half time work. Attached documents: 1. Position paper requesting the reclassification of Yvonne Brown to the position of Administrative AssiStant, Range 60C ($1887), effective July 1, 1982. 2. Class description for Administrative Assistant. 3. Position paper requesting the elimination of the title of Maintenance Operations Supervisor. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Q~TI~~ GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. -2- Memorandum to: Board of Directors C.S.O. Personnel Request 1982-83 Apri 1 20, 1982 4. Position paper requesting a change of title for Bob Robertson from Building and Grounds Maintenance Worker to Maintenance Crew Member I I at no change in salary. 5. Position paper requesting authorization to hire a temporary Safety Assistant. 6. The department organization chart including proposed changes. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. os 0 I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P ITI N PAPER General Manager-ChIef Engineer DATE Apri 1 20, 1982 SUBJECT REMOVE THE POSITION OF MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR (R76) FROM THE C.S.O. DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION TYPE OF ACTION Personnel SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: The C.S.O. Department requirements in this position are changing and it is no longer necessary in the department org€loization. BACKGROUND: The class description of this position is generally characterized by administrative and supervisory responsibilities. Characteristics that might no longer typify the needs of the department. Our future requirements, could possibly be better served by a position that provides more technical competence and support for the department staff. Our ultimate needs in this area are yet to be determined and it will require a period of time before the final determi- nation can be made. Eventually, a position at the general level of Maintenance Operations Supervisor will be needed in the department. I see no reason to continue the authorization of this particular title now, and recommend its removal from C.S.O. department organization. RECOMMENDATION: Remove the position of Maintenance Operations Supervisor (R76) from the C.S.O. Department organization. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENPED FOR BOARD ACTION INR~TI~ GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Examples of Duties 1. SAFETY - 15% Monitors and assists in processing employee safety records, safety training schedules, personal safety equipment supplies, state compensation and injury reports, salary continuation; assists in the preparation of safety directives and safety manual; provides administrative support to the C.S.O. safety committee; directs clerical staff work in typing and fil ing. 2. MATERIAL REQUISITION - 30% Coordinates C.S.O. material requIsitions with the Purchasing Department; processes the C.S.O. material requisition form from initiation to final filing; receives and distributes materials and supplies; directs the inventory control program and initiates material requisitions as required; assigns cost centers and account numbers; monitors purchasing and budget accounting reports; performs product research and establ ishes product files. 3. PERSONNEL - 15% Monitors and assists in processing personnel training and development programs, sick leave and vacation records, vacation shcedules, time cards, ~valuations, certification exams; coordinates with the Personnel Department. 4. OFFICE MANAGEMENT - 10% Monitors the operation and maintenance of the mobile radio system and other office machines; provides and receives information from the public, contractors, and other agencies and district departments; manages the office supply inventory; supervises department clerical and secretarial work; manages office security systems; supervises the daily department1s daily work record system; prepares billings for maintenance services. 5. CLAIMS PROCESSING - 5% Records and monitors property damage claims; prepares required memos, letters, releases, and warrant authorizations; arranges for cleaning and damage repair work as required; coordinates with insurance adjuster. 6. SPECIAL REPORTS - 10% Prepares monthly, semi-annual, and annual statistical reports; compiles labor, equipment, and material cost reports and personnel data reports. 7. BUDGET CONTROL - 10% Monitors and reports on budgetary and purchasing reporting systems; maintains department records and files; assists in the preparation of the annual O&M and equipment budget. 8. SECRETARIAL - 5% Directs and participates in clerical and confidential secretarial work. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CLASS DESCRIPTION CODE: EFFECTIVE: July 1, 1982 TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST ANT DEFINITION Under general direction, is responsible for and directs the performance of administra- tive and operational support tasks for the Collection System Operations Department; and performs related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Plans, coordinates and participates in the Collection System Operations Department administrative functions; organizes and compiles data and assists in the preparation of department reports; assists in the preparation and maintenance of departmental safety and operational manuals; is responsible for property damage claim processing; compiles budget data; monitors and reports on budgetary and fiscal matters; is responsible for the department material requisition function and coordinating with District centralized purchasing procedures; directs the preparation of billings for maintenance services; develops and is responsible for the maintenance of recording, reporting and filing systems; is responsible for monitoring and reporting to the department manager and supervisory staff on such personnel matters concerning employee training and development, evalua- tion, safety, certification and affirmative action; monitors the operation and maintenance of the mobile radio communication system and other office machines; provides informa- tion to the general public, contractors and other public agencies and District departments; represents the department in administrative functions with other departments; partici- pates in, and supervises department clerical and secretarial work; is responsible for inventory control, receiving and distribution of materials and supplies; makes both written and oral reports. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Know ledge of: Principles, organization, methods and techniques of office administration; Principles and practices involved in requisition, receiving, handling, storage, issue and inventory control of materials, supplies and equipment; Basic principles of accounting and of budgetary analysis as applied to the construction and maintenance of sewer lines; Princ iples of property damage cl~ims processing; Principles of personnel administration and supervision; Principles of construction and industrial safety, staff development training and employer-employee re lations; Basic principles of computer application; Ability to: Apply administrative assistance techniques in the operation of the District's Collection System Operations office; .' ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST ANT Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication skills; Build and maintain effective interpersonal relationships; Operate accounting machines; Evaluate organizational, administrative and budgetary problems and find work- able solutions; Speak and function effectively in group activities; EXPERIENCE Four years of administrative or staff experience performing administrative, budget- ary and accounting work; EDUCATION Completion of at least two years of college, with emphasis of study in administration, accounting, business, or related fields. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted on a two year for one year basis) cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CHANGE CLASS DESCRIPTION TITLE FOR DONALD R. ROBERTSON FROM BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WORKER (R59) TO MAl T A E REW MEMBER II R SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson Personnel ISSUE: The Administrative and Engineering Departments will relocate to the plant during fiscal year 1982-1983. The District will have the option of leasing the upper level of the vacated District headquarters. .A reduction in the building and grounds work load to the C.S.C. Department is anticipated. BACKGROUND: Mr. Robertson held the position of Crew Member I I prior to his reclassification to Building and Grounds Maintenance Worker in 1977. As the C.S.O. Department's building and grounds responsibilties decline in the future, Mr. Robertson would be able to return to the field as a Crew Member II. In the meantime, he would remain assigned to building and grounds maintenance work as'a Crew Member I I. This title change would give the C.S.O. Department flexi- bility in assigning duties as the work load changes. RECOMMENDATION: Change the class description title for Donald R. Robertson from Building and Grounds Maintenance Worker (R59) to Maintenance Crew Member I I ( R5 9) . REVIEWED AND RECOMMEHDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING D~PT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. ~~ RHH cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Ohief Engineer DATE Apri 1 14. 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE THE HIRING OF A TEMPORARY SAFETY ASSISTANT ON A HALF TIME BASIS. SALARY NOT TO EXCEED $9.732 IN THE 1982-83 Personnel FISCAL YEAR SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: One of the primary goals of C.S.Q. for 1982/1983 is to establish a formal safety program. I believe it is essential to the success of this plan to have an experienced safety person assist us in the organization and imple- mentation of this effort. BACKGROUND: This person will have the responsibility for organizIng and formating the department safety training program; arranging safety programs; developing a safety citation procedure; participate in safety committee meetings; initiate written safety ditectives; conduct simulated OSHA inspections and conduct job safety audits. -The District has a temporary employee assigned to the plant doing this kind of job now. I want authorization to hi re this individual on the same basis as the plant for the 1982/1983 fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the hiring of a temporary safety assistant on a half time basis. salary not to exceed $9.732 in the 1982/1983 fiscal year. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Q ,,\ \ \O~/,,\ GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. I ~ --""..,_::,,:,=:::;::::::':'---;;::::;::::::::'~.~=:"_":"':.~.--~~-~~--.-.....--;-- COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS TEMPORARY SAFETY ASSISTANT Example of Duties 1. ORGANIZING SAFETY TRAINING - 60% Planning and implementing C.S.O. safety training program. Assists in selecting training subjects, designs training formula, prepares course outline and materials for training subjects. 2. SAFETY INSTRUCTION - 25% Instructs supervisors and crew leaders in teaching methods and techniques, sets training subject priority and scheduling. 3. PARTICIPATION - 5% Arranges safety programs, participates in safety committee meetings, assists in developing safety enforcement program. 4. MISCELLANEOUS - 10% Conducts job safety audits, initiates written safety directives, reviews and assists in safety manual revisions. .... :;: ::J ~ X z .... <( V'l g ~ 0 a:: >- <( z >- w Z ~ <( :z: V'l <( <( ~ :;; a o '" u z ~ Q x >- .... <( Z a: o '" u ~ ~ ::E ~ '" >- >- z '" ~ ; Q ..... u '" ..J ..J o U .... '" <( J: U Z o .. o . .. o ~ ~ ~ r . . v_ , ~ N ~ ~ ~ u . -; .~ ~ :; :I: ri .. > ~ ~ ~ to.. ! . ~ c '" .. 6' ~ ~ i z o ..... <f ~ Z :;; o <f .... z OJ :;; !:: ::J :z .. 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'" ~ cid :i.. tio z .~ u,: . ., ..: :5 ~ cc z r- ... ~ \ -' ~ ..; ~ c V ~ ..... u .... ..' ~ . :il . .!: . Il.I ~ v i~ v I.. -, . .. i...... ;; :II :II li 3 ~ .lit " :II ...., < HI~ " 20 .c. .c.4 N 00 CT'I ": "" ... ;; . '" i " :> >- - :3 "") r - . .. , . ~ . . 0 ;; ~ ~ 0 G. .. } ai .. .i. ; - .Q '" '0 >- I .<: "t' :5 ." " ... III c: :; III o 0.. '0 o z t;;1 '" o ... .!. 0; c: o ." :: C5 .c: :; ~ ~ 'M o ... '0 .; z BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 1 12/16/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 7, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION EXTEND DISTRICT PERSONNEL ADVANCEMENT PROCEDURE TO ACCOUNTING PERSONNEL BY ADOPTING THE ACCOUN~ING TECHNICIAN I AND ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN II CLASSIFICATION 'DESCRIPTIONS EXTEND PERSONNEL ADVANCEMENT PROCEDURE SUBMITTED BY 'INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki Administrative De artment ISSUE: The Board of Directors established a Personnel Advancement Procedure in December 1978, for certain District positions. It is requested that the Board extend the Personnel Advancement Procedure to include the Accounting personnel. BACKGROUND: The non-professional staff of ~he Accounting Section presently consists of a Junior Accountant and two Accounting Assistants. In concert with the District's Personnel Advancement policy, the entry level position of Accounting Assistant should be included within the Personnel Advancement Procedure and provided the ability to advance to the next level of Jun;,or Accountant by fulfilling the requirements for advancement established on Attachement C. The present salary ranges for Accounting Assistant and Junior Accountant would not be changed as a result of the recommended actions. The class descriptions for Accounting Assistant and Junior Accountant have been modified to be consistent with provisions of the Personnel Advancement Procedure, including a change in the position titles to Accounting Technician I and Accounting Technician II. The new class descriptions for Accounting Technician I and Accounting Technician II are shown as Attachments A and B. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Cancel class description of Accounting Assistant, G49, $1,403 - $1,693, and adopt new class description of Accounting Technician t, G49, $1,403 - $1,693. 2. Cancel class description of Junior Accountant, G52, $1,505 - $1,819, and adopt a new class description of Accounting Technician II, G52, $1,505 - $1,819. 3. Authorize the extension of the Personnel Advancement Procedure to include AQcounting Technician I with advancement to Account ing Technician I!. I REVIEWED AND RECOMMENpED FOR BOARD ACTION G. INITIA)"ING DEPT./DIV. ./j'--'~' WNF PM District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 1. 11/4/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 2, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION Approve Reorganization & Reclassification within the Administrative Department SUBJECT REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF REORGANIZATION PLANS AND RECLASSIFICA TION OF A POSITION WITHIN THE ADMINISTRA- TIVE DEPARTMENT SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Manager lNITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: The Administrative Department reque:sts the Board approve a reorganization and reclassification of one position, effective upon tne move to the new office building. BACKGROUND: At the present time, the District employs three full-time temporary clerical workers at an average cost of $4,000 per month. These positions are located in the Purchasing office, at the Plant reception desk, and at the Walnut Creek facilitity providing PBX and reception services. These positions are necessary due to the District being co- located at both Walnut Creek, the Pacheco Treatment Plant and in Trailer City. Upon moving, there exists the opportunity to consolid$te and centralize functions in a manner that will eliminate the necessity of employing these three clerical workers after an initial transition period. The Administrative Department, at present, utilizes a pool concept in accomplishing its clerical support functions. Four positions make up this pool (one clerical position is vacant) and provide visitor greeting and direction, PBX switchboard answering, preparation and administration of Board agendas, clerical support for the General Manager-Chief Engineer and the Administrative Department Manager as well as much of the word processing services for the District. This reorganization request, if. approved, will enlarge the present pool from four to seven positions without adding new staff to the overall District organization chart. To effect the consolidation and centralization, it is recommended that two clerical positions be moved from the Engineering Department intd the Administrative Department and that two clerical positions from the Plant Operations Department be moved from there to the Administrative Department. It would, however, be necessary at this time to reclassify the presently vacant clerical position within the Apministrative Department to the position of Supervising Secretary (for job description, see AUachment I). This newly reclassified position would supervise the work of six clerical employees when the relocation to the new office building is complete. With the actions proposed in the foregoing, the proposed Administrative Clerical Section would be staffed as outlined in Attachment II. With the four positions added to the present Administrative Department clerical staffing the temporary positions would be phased out and, as well, many duties that are presently being replicated within each of the three departments (Administrative, Engineering and Plant Operations) could be centralized into one area without adding new staff to the District. A part of this reorganization will be to centralize all word processing within the District. At this time, staff is reviewing its current needs and future workload expectations. To this end, the ADDS-Mentor appears to be the most viable option as the memory and processing feature REVIEWED AND RECOMMEN ED FOR BOARD ACTION is built into our current ADDS-Mentor System requiring only the addition of terminal(s) and printer to be fully operational. It is planned to return to the Board at a future time requesting the necessary hardware after planning is complete. Staffing of the Administrative Clerical Section is recommended to be accomplished within the framework of the District's Memorandum Of Understanding with our General Employee group and Chapter 4 of the District Code. The first step in staffing the Administrative Clerical Section will. be to fill the Supervising Secretary position. It is intended to offer this position to Helen Baumgartner in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 4-502. Following that, the four remaining positions would be transferred to the Administrative Department using seniority as the basis for assignment of incumbents to the functions described in Attach- ment II. An objective of this reorganization is to eliminate the necessity of employing three temporary clerical workers. It will, however, be necessary to phase these positions out over a period of time during this fiscal year until th~ word processing hardware is in place and training is completed and work flow is determined. When all three positions are eliminated, it is expected that a savings of $4,000 per month will be realized. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the reorganlzation of the Administrative Department, effective January 17, 1982, as follows: 1. Laterally transfer two clerical positions from the Plant Operations Department to the Administrative Department. . 2. Laterally transfer two clerical posi~ions from the Engineering Department to the Administrative Department. 3. Delete one authorized position of clerk typist I/II and authorize one position of Supervisory Secretary, Range 60. 4. Adopt class description for the positlon of Supervising Secretary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMEN~ED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV; GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Attachment I I CLERICAL STAFF PROPOSED TO BE LOCATED ON THIRD FLOOR OF NEW OFFICE BUILDING o ADMINlSTRA TIVE SECRETARY This confidential position, filled by Jan F:"rost, would report to the General Manager- Chief Engineer and other managers located on the third floor through the Administrative Department Manager. This position would ~upport the General Manager-Chief Engineer, Legal Counsel, Administrative Department Manager, Deputy Chief Engineer and Deputy General Manager as well as providing labor relations (Confidential) support to the Administrative Department Manager. o SUPERVISING SECRETARY This position would supervise the Administrative Clerical Section and, as well, be a working position that participates in daily wiork assignments, as required. o BOARD RECORDING SECRETARY This position, filled by Julie Vernon, will report to the Secretary of the District through the Supervising Secretary. The tasks and duties presently performed by this position would be unchanged in the proposed reorganization. o FIRST FLOOR RECEPTION COUNTER This presently unfilled position is a part of the Administrative Department and would report to the Supervising Secretary and handle the PBX system on the first floor as well as greeting and directing all visitors to : the District; other clerical duties would be assigned as receptionist's time and administrative workload dictate. o THIRD FLOOR, FRONT DESK This position would report to the Supervisil1g Secretary and coordinate call routing for all third floor stations, greet and direct third floor visitors as well as participating in general work assignments as assigned by the Supervising Secretary. o PURCHASING DESK This position would report to the Supervising Secretary with direction of the Purchasing Officer and provide services for purchase orders, contracts, letters and reports, input into CRT hardware, and provide other clerical support tasks as assigned by the Supervising Secretary. o MAIL DISTRIBUTION CENTER This position would open, stamp, sort and distribute U.S. Mail, UPS parcels, and interoffice correspondence District wide. Other duties would be the franking of all outgoing mail and arranging for pickup and delivery to Post Office. Specific work on the word processor such as specifications as well as typing and filing assignments as directed by the Supervising Secretary would be expected by this position; it is presently filled by Ruth Merchant. o CLERICAL DESK This position will report to the Supervising Secretary with direction from the Deputy General Manager and would be responsible. for handling Administrative Support work as regards litigation (approximately 80%) as well as a variety of other clerical and typing tasks as directed by the Supervising Secretary. Clerical pool tasks will broaden as litigation activities wind down. .' ~ g . 0 ~ ~ ~ :r ~ -; " '- . . ;: <", .. ~ ~ n :0 ::r o " :0 a J P :;::J " ~!!. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. o ~. ~ "" '. ~ i ~ <II <: ~ ,. " ~. . ~. ~~ ~ ~ s: > ...." "'e ";n ~~ IJ>> n!!! oz z(;) ;,. o r " '" " Ul o z z '" r ~ ~ i'l r n . " ~ ;; . 0;" [ i5" I I I I I I I :" s: ~ .. :0 " n' :!~ ~~ "",- ~~-~ o . .", 2 ~ ~ o :!: Z~ u;~ -I :n :n~ ~r- on zo oZ m -t ",:n >> :nn -to :!:1Jl ~~ -t1Jl 0> :0 3; G)-t >> z:n N-< > 0 -1- -(fl o -I z:n no :I;-t > :0 -t :; -g '" )> > !" [ rT 0. ~ rT 3 ~ llJ ," [ ~ ~ () ~ ~ :r ." ~ 3 ~ U> (l) . :J n . rT . ~ ........ ........ ........ Costa Sanitar$y District BOARD OF DI$ECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN ' General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 23, 1982 SUBJECT , AUTHORIZE A MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR EDWARD BOKINSKIE FROM OCTOBER 26, 1982 THROUGH JANUARY 31, 1983 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE LEAVE Jay S. McCoy IINITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: It is requested that Edward :Bokinskie receive a medical Leave of Absence until his return to active employment with the District. BACKGROUND: Edward Bokinskie was i~ a serious automobile accident in December, 1981 which resulted in th~ amputation of both legs. Since the time of the accident, Mr. Bokinskie has been drawing on his accumulated vacation and sick leave 'accruals which are scheduled to expire on October 25, 1982. It is c1nticipated that he will return to work in January, 1983, after the ne~ Administration Offices are occupied. After several discussions with Mr. ~okinskie, it has been determined that he will be unable to resume his former position responsibilities as Survey instrumentman. District ~taff has assessed the requirements of the Engineering and Construction :Department and have determined that an office position assisting with cQntract administration and treatment plant as-builts is needed. It is irltended that we will address the Board regarding this change in pos~tion responsibilities in the near future. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a medical: Leave of Absence for Edward Bokinskie from October 26, 1982 to January 31, 1983 (in coordination with move to new Administrative Office Building). REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e~ CLW cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I NOVI1. Personnel POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN : General Manager-Chit Engineer DATE September 13, 1982 SUBJECT ' REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF REGISTRATION DIFrERENTIAL FOR ALAN R. GRIEB TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY William Brennan I ITIATING DEPT./DIV. P~ant Operations Dept., Operations Division ISSUE: Alan R. Grieb has passed the Civ~l Engineering Registration Examination. It is requested that the District grant him registration differential. BACKGROUND: Alan R. Grieb is the Process Control Engineer for the Plant Operations Department. His classificatibn does not require registration as a professional engineer. Mr. Grieb h~s passed the Civil Engineering P.E. examination. Mr. Grieb has demonst:rated an ability to assist in the accomplishment of District activities requiring a level of skills and importance normally expected of a registered engineer. Mr. Grieb was notified of his successful completion of registrtion requirements effective August 19, 1982. RECOMMENDATION: Grant Mr. Alan Grieb the District's 5% professional registration incentive effective August 19, 1982. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDtD FOR BOARD ACTION INIT~T'/DIV. STATE OF CALIFORNIA-STATE AND CONSUMER SERVICES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Govomor NSnsumer \r::AFPcurs BOARD OF REGISTRA liON FOR PROFESSIONAL I ENGINEERS 1006 FOURTH ST., SIXTH flOOR, 5ACRAMENTO, CA 95814 TelEPHONE: (91~ 445-5544 August 191, 1982. Registration No.: C 34726 Alan Randolph Grieb 323 Cambe fback Rd., Apt. 7 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Renewal Date: September 30, 1983 Dear Sir/Madam: Congratulations: Weare pleased to inf~rm you that you have successfully passed the recent civil engineering registratiQn examination. This letter will serve as temporary evidence that you now hold 'a valid registration as a registered civil engineer. A formal certificate will be 'prepared and mailed to you, as the Board's workload permits. Your certificatenum~er and the date of expiration are shown above. , Section 6731 of the Professional Engineers Act does not permit civil engineers who became registered after January 1, 1982 to practice land surveying unless slhe passes the 8 hour land surveying examination. If you intend to practice land sur- veying, your civil engineering registration will qualify you to be admitted to the next land surveyor examination which is: scheduled for October 30, 1982. Your application and $60.00 fee must be recetved by this Board or postmarked no later than September 8, 1982. An application package wil~ be sent upon request. You should be aware that all certificates are subject to renewal, and the payment of a renewal fee will be required. A r~newal'notice will be mailed to you several weeks before the date of expiration shoWn above, but even if you do not receive the notice, you are still responsible fpr renewing your certificate. You should return the renewal notice with the indicated fee promptly. A penalty fee will be ~ssessed if t~erenew~li~ not paid ~tpin 30 days after ~he.~xpiration d~te. You are required to advise the Board in; the event you have a change of address. The mailings from the Board cannot reac~ you unless you have a current address on file. . . You may wish to order a stamp and/or a ~eal. The approved designs are .set forth. in Board Rule 411. The seal may be ordered from any stationery store or suitable vendor in your own locality. STATE BOAR.D OF ~GISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS -cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District NO. 1 C; POLICY & PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE July 1, 1981 SUBJECT SECTION REGISTRA TION DIFFERENTIAL PERSONNEL Gail B. Koff. Personnel Officer REFERRING TO: Memorandum of Understand inn 1981-82 ESTABLISHED BY: POLICY It is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to grant salary merit increases to permanent employees who achiev~ registration or license as Professional Engineer, land Surveyor or Certified Public Ac~ountant while employed by the District in a position not requiring such registration or license. Such merit increase shall be subject to the employee's demonstration of ability to assist in the accomplishment of District activities requiring a level of skills and importa~ce normally expected from a person with such certification. The salary merit increase shall be in the amount of five percent (5%) of the employee's regular salary. PROCEDURE A. Employees shall be responsible for producing the evidence of qualification for such merit increase to their respective supervi~ors for consideration under this policy. B. The supervisor shall, upon receipt of the employee's evidence of qualifications, review such evidence and if found to be l3.ffirmative, give written recommendation for a merit increase to the Department Manager. C. Upon review and concurrence by,the Department Manager, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the General Man~ger-Chief Engineer for his approval. If approved by the General Manager-Chief Engineer, the matter shall be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration. . D. The District Board of Directors shall consider each recommendation of the merit increase, and, if granted, it shall becom~ initially effective on the date that the employee received notification of the registration and/or license and will continue while that employee occupies a positidn not requiring such registration and/or license. I SHEET 1 OF 1 D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. Personnel 2 9 16 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 9, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUEST BY DAVID FREITAS Personnel SUBMITTED BY Will i am Brennan INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Division Issue: David Freitas has requested a leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed nine weeks beginning on or about September 24, 1982. Background: Mr. Freitas currently occupies the position of Operator Apprentice. The Operator Apprentice program is a means of training people from within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to m~et the minimum qualifications of the Operator I classification. His absence will not have a substantial negative impact on the Operations Division. The District does not provide benefits during a personal leave of absence. The reason" for Mr. Freitas' request has been reviewed, and it is sufficiently compelling to recommend approval. Recommendation: Approve David Freitas' request for personal leave of absence without pay commencing approximately September 24, 1982. REVIEWED AND RECOMMEIlIDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Nml~~ WEB c<<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DlrfECTORS NO'VII. Personnel POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chi;ef Engineer DATE August 24, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CREATE A NEW POSITION OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Personnel (G 71, $2,362-$2,859) AND ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTIO SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Baker, Plant Ops Dept. Manager iNITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: The Plant Operations Department requests a position change. BACKGROUND: Garth Williams, the former Assistant Engineer (Computer Programmer), has successfully competed for and has been awpointed to the Control Systems Engineer position. This personnel action leaves a vacancy in the first level position in the treatmentplant Computer Section. The Class Description for this position has been re- evaluated with the following factors in mind: . Now that the treatment plant computer system has been in operation for four years, the work emphasis has shifted somewhat from software development to hardware development. . If possible, it is desirable to fill the Computer Section vacancy with an in-house candidate familiar with the plant's computer and instrumentation systems. Taking the above factors into account, the Plant Operations Department recommends that the entry level Computer Section position change from a professional engineering position to a technical position. This makes the position available to the experienced technical employees of the District such as our Instrum~nt Technicians. A salary survey has been conducted of comparable positions in the wastewater industry which shows that a proposed salary level of Range G 71 ($2,362-$2,859) is both competitive and appropriate. It is requested that the Assistant Engineer (Computer Programmer) position class description be retained for possible future use. No new personnel would be added as a result of this class description retention; only one person would perform the Computer Technician/Assistant Engineer (Computer Programmer) function at anyone time. RECOMMENDATION: Create a new position of Computer Systems Technician (G 71, $2,362-$2,859) and adopt new class description. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. IAf3 ECOMMENPED FOR BOARD ACTION D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ IX. Personnel 1 7 1 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 24, 1982 SUBJECT EXPAND DISTRICT PERSONNEL ADV ANCEME;:NT POLICY FOR CLERICAL SUPPORT PERSONNEL BY ADOPTING THE CLERK TYPIST I TO CLERK TYPIST II CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS TYPE OF ACTION Personnel Advancemt. SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: The District Board, at its meeting o.f November 15, 1979, approved a Personnel Advancement Procedure for certain positions. lt is requested that the District Board expand the Personnel Advancement Procedure to include Clerk Typist I with advancement to Clerk Typist II level. BACKGROUND: In January, 1980, the Records Clerk classification was restructured because of the lack of promotional opportunities available for our clerical support staff. It was decided, at that time, to create a new entry level position at a lower range whereby with a practical knowledge of the District and increased responsibility and skill level, an employee at this entry level position, designated Clerk Typist I, would be able to promote to the Clerk Typist II level (formerly known as Records Clerk and maintained at the same salary level). At the time the Personnel Advancement Procedure was established, there was no need for inclusion of these positions due to the low attrition rate. However, in the past two years, the turnover of clerical employees has created a situation where we now have a group of employees who have been hired at thE1 lower classification and are appropriate for promotional consideration. This request for inclusion does not change either our classifica- tion structure or salary levels. RECOMMENDATION: Expand the District Personnel Advancement Policy for Clerical Support Personnel by adopting the Clerk Typist I to Clerk Typist II classifications. REVIEWED AND RECOMME~DED FOR BOARD ACTION Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N'1 I 1. Cons ent Ca 1 . POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Apr i 1 20, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT A REVISED CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (CIVIL) ADOPT REVISED CLASS DESCRIPTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. J ISSUE: The current class description is incomplete. BACKGROUND: The Associate Engineer ~lass description in effect in 1977 contained references to surveying. The revised class description effective 12/20/79 did not contain these references. Apparently said references were inadvertant1y omitted. It is appropriate to reinsert the references and adopt a revised class description. The proposed class description, with changes underl ined, is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a revised class description for Associate Engineer (Civil). Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMME~DED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI:TING DEPT.tz c.~ : / //Iv rJSM G:sA-- - CUI Central Contra Cost!a Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IX. Pers. 4/1/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE DISCIPLlNAR Y POLICY AND PROCEDURES March 29, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION Adopt Rev ised Dis- ciplinary Policy & Procedures SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Mgr. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: On December 2, 1981, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Local III requested that Meet and Confer activities commence regarding the District's Disciplinary Policy and Procedures. BACKGROUN): With instruction from the Board of Directors, your representatives drafted rev ised procedures for disciplinary actions and m~t and conferred with representatives of the Employee's Association, Local III and Representatives of the Management Support/Confiden- tial Group on several occasions over the last three months. The attached document is the fruit of these efforts. The procedures presented for your approval provide for progressive steps in the discipline process, what constitutes grounds for discipline and notification procedures. Too, the attached document outlines the procedural steps, causes and notification necessary for dismissal. Finally, the document spells out an appeal process that affected employees may pursue if they feel they have been treated unfairly. In short, the recommended procedures provide for documentation and due process and are generally in concert with other public agenc ies' disciplinary procedures, meet legal requirements and modern employee relations practice. . It has been agreed by all three parties that this document will not be a subject open to Meet and Confer in the upcoming Memorandum of Uhderstanding talks which are expected to commence during the month of April 1982. We, therefore, have settled on one issue in advance. RECOMMENDATION: (1) Adopt attached Disciplinary Policy and Procedures to be appli- cable to both the CCCSD Employees' Assodation, Local III and the Management Support/Confidential Group, effective this date. (2) Declare that terms of this Policy and Procedure supersedes any presently conflicting sections of Chapter 4 regarding Disciplinary Procedures and with the understanding that Chapter 4 be appropriately amended at a future date. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ----.--..-.--'--~_____'m~_'._.~.~.,__,__,_...._____.._.,_ Ma rch 26, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: Jay McCoy, Construction and Services Division Manager FROM: Robert A. Baker, Plant :Operations Department Manager SUBJECT: SEASONAL EMPLOYEE REQUEST Number of Persqns Needed $11.00/Hr. Person Months 1982 Total $5.00/Hr. $6. OO/H r. $9. OO/H r. 7 5 2 61 15 Authorized Last :Year (1981) 19 Seasonal e~ployees The Plant Operations Departmen~ is scaling down its seasonal emp 1 oyee reques t th i s yea r by fou r pos i:t ions, for a tota 1 of 15 seasona 1 positions. Improvements in maintenanc~ productivity and a reduction in scope of our summer preventive mai:ntenance program are primari ly responsible for the reduction in our request from last year. The $5.00/Hr. and $6.00/Hr. positions are for the Buildings and Grounds Crew (6), the Pump Stations (2), Maintenance (2), and the Laboratory (1). The positions in Maint:enance and for the Pump Stations are for summer-related activities such as weed control and outside painting. The Laboratory position is ~or vacation relief. The position 1 isted at $9.00/Hr. is a programmer for the Computer Section to work on a preventive maintenance program. We 'tried to hi re a programmer last summer at $6.00/Hr. and were unsucc~ssful. Programmers are in high demand, and we feel it will take $9.00/Hr. to recruit a suitable student. The positions listed at $11.00/Hr. are to hire University of California Berkeley graduate studentis for the slide/tape operator training project which wi 11 be complete:d this summer. This program was highly successful last year and should be again this year. ~.3~ RAB:bc Robert A. IBaker Plant Operations Department Manager cc: R. Dolan G. Koff Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Ch et Engineer DATE March 24, 1982 SUBJECT I AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE PERSONS FOR SEASONAL PROJECTS IN 1982 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SEASONAL HIRES Jay S. McCoy 'INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. I Construction and Services SUBMITTED BY Number of Persqns Needed Authorized Person 1982 Last Year @5/Hr . @6/Hr. @9/Hr . @ll/Hr. Months Total 1982 Administrative Dept. 8 2 1 Construction Div. 8 2 1 Engineering Div. 2 8 2 1 Co 11. Sys. Opers. Dept. 6 4 40 10 11 Plant Opers. Dept. 7 5 2 -2J. 1 5 .!2 117 31 33 It is recommended that the hourly rate for ,seasonal help (persons not having special qualifications or prior experience at the District) be maintained at $5.00 per hour and the rate for persons having special qu~lifications and/or prior experience with the District be maintained at $6.00 per hour. The $9.00/hour and $11 .OO/hour categories are recommended for those persoris who are about to graduate from college or who are graduate students and would off~r specialized experience to the District. Last year we received authorization to hire 33 persons for our summer program and 27 the previous. Attached are memos from each Division or Department outl ining the goals they wish to achieve with the additional personnel. The approximate cost of this action would be $140,000. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the hiring of personnel for seasonal projects. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENl?ED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ CLW 4/tG; RHH ""Ii: \/6 JL !1JB RAB ENG. March 12, :1982 MEMORANDUM TO: JAY McCOY, CONSTRUCTION & SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER FROM: Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SEASONAL S~ER HELP The Personnel Office requests 1 t~mporary summer employee for clerical support during the upcoming summer months. It is intended that the person will microfilm recruit*ent and examination activity materials currently retained in hard copy, as well as assist in reorganizing the Personnel Filing Syst~m. Additionally the person will serve as a vacation replacement. Number of Persons Rate of Pay 1 $6.00 GBK:wl Activated Time Frame 4 months March 24, 1982 MEMO FROM: Jay McCoy SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SEASONAL HELP Construction and Services Division is in need of two temporary positions for the coming summer. One position in survey is warranted to compen- sate for vacations taken especially since the permanent work force has been reduced by one person recently. The other position will be used to microfilm records prior to the move to the new office and can assist in developing the Department fi1 ing system and record keeping. $5/Hr. Number ofPers?ns Needed Person, 1982 Total $6/Hr. Months Persons 8 2 & March 29, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: Jay McCoy, Construction a~d Services Division Manager FROM: F. Patrick Hassey, Safety:and Training Officer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SEASONAL HELP One person is requested whose special qualifications include advanced communication and writing skills, photography background or multimedia training and experience in either personnel related work or safety and health activities. This is a combination personnel and ~afety position extending for a period of 4-! months beginning July 15, J!982 and ending November 30, 1982 during which time two major projects are scheduled to be completed. The recommended rate of pay is $9/hr. based on the Plant Operations Department experience during the 81-82 fiscal year hiring and retaining qualified personnel for similar short-ter~ assignments. The first project is to assist the Personnel Officer and Safety and Training Officer with the development of a new employee slide/tape orientation program with a project completion date of September 15, 1982. The second project is to assjst the Safety and Training Officer with the development of Departmental audit forms to identify the essential elements necessary to accomplish implementation of District-wide safety, health, and accident prevention program tq include departmental priorities and responsibilities. FPH:mg ~~~~~ Safety and Tra in ing Off i cer March 2? 1982 MEMO TO: ~ay McCoy FROM: SUBJECT: John Larson 1982 SUMMER HELP I would like to hire two temporary p~op1e to work in the Engineering Division during the summer of 1982. I plan on recruiting either seniors or graduate students in civil/sanitary eJ!lgineering as we have done in the past. The work would be: - Design/studies at the treatment plant LP/NG system modifications . Aeration diffuser headlos$ Concord Flowmeter testing Assist on other projects - Watershed studies/project planning . Assist in completion of w~tershed study update Assist in planning and id,ntification of future projects The level of experience/ability req~ired for this work is well above the $5-$6/hour category. Last summer we1paid $l-/hour and this summer I propose that $lO-$ll/hour is appropriate. ~~~~/~F /sf cc: Clark Weddle Ma rch 22, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: JAY McCOY, CONSTRUCTION & SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER FROM: Robert H. Hinkson, Manager, Collection System Operations SUBJECT: SEASONAL HELP REQUEST FOR SUMMER PROJECTS IN 1982 The C.S.O. department requests 10 persons for vacation fill in~ to augment maintenance programs; and for special projects undertaken in the summer months. The workers will be used in the,following manners: 1. Vacat ion Re 1 i ef. . ; . . . . . . . . ..5 2. Building & Grounds.........l 3. Monitoring & Testlng.......2 4. Construction...............2 , There will be: 4 persons at toe $6.00 rate, 6 persons at the $5.00 rate. Employment will be from June thru August,~1982. ~t- tI ~ tl---ff4e~ Robert H. HInkson Manager, Collection System Operations RH H : y b Central Contra Cost,a Sanitary District BOARD OF DI~ECTORS NO. IX. 1erson27~8/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN , General Manager-C"ief Engineer DATE February 16, 1982 SUBJECT ,TYPE OF ACTION CREATE AN ENGINEERING AID I I I POSITION1 IN THE ENGINEERING DIVISION AND ELIMINATE AN ENGINEERING AID II PERSONNEL POSITION SUBMITTED BY John Larson ,INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division BACKGROUND The Engineering Division is responsible: for the implementation of the Districtls Capital Improvement Program as well as the maintenance of its ongoing tasks. There are currently ove~ $20 million in projects in construction (the new office building ahd Stage 5A project completion for example) and an additional $13 million is about to start design (Stage 5B capacity expansion project). This level of effort is taxing the Divisionis availability of engineers. tn order to increase the avail- ability of engineers, some projects are: being rescheduled and some of the engineering workload is being shifted tb other job classifications. Both the EQC Program and the Source Con~rol Program are administered within the Engineering Division. The EQC Program generates approximately $13 million in revenue from some 90,000; residential, commercial and industrial accounts. The source contron program provides for the monitor- ing and regulation of the discharges frpm commercial and industrial accounts. The two programs are interre~ated and have been handled by an Associate Engineer and an Engineering A~d II. As the engineering workload has increased, more and more of the program work has been accomplished by the Engineering Aid II. The EQC/Source Control Program work has, evolved to the point where the responsibilities are at the EngineeringlAid III level. The Engineering Aid III differs from Engineering Aid II in that the former is required to work more independently, represent the District to the public, handle district funds, meet demanding deadlines, initiate correspondence, and prepare written reports. The additional annual cost for this charge would be $2260 per year for 1981/82. The increased cost can be accpmmodated within the Engineering Divisionis 1981/82 budget. RECOMMENDATION: Create an Engineering Aid III position within the Engineering Division and eliminate an Engineering Aid II position. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENCED FOR BOARD ACTION JL Ii~,. CLW . GBK PT./DIV. .. - I .. District tPeA--s ;P.P BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer No.VII. Wtr. Pol. Control 1 1 28 82 DATE 1/28/82 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE STATUS FOR LEE DEVOL (OPERATOR III) TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE LEAVE OF ABSENCE SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Baker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Treatment Plant Operations ISSUE: The employment status of Lee Devol needs to be clarified. BACKGROUND: Lee Devol, Operator III, suffered a stroke in June, 1981. He has been on sick leave since that time and has now exhausted his sick and vacation leave. The District's physician has confirmed that Mr. Devol will be unable to return to work. Accordingly, Mr. Devol has applied for Disability Retirement. Leave of absence status will allow Mr. DeVol sufficient time to process the paperwork required to effect Disability Retirement. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize leave of absence status for Lee DeVol (Operator III) effective January 29, 1982. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I~ DEPT./DIV. ((sD Central Contra BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.VII. Personnel POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT January 7, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION LATERAL TRANSFER POLICY & PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION ADOPT P01ICYAu~D PROCEDURE SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Personnel ISSUE: Adopt Lateral Transfer Policy & Procedure. BACKGROUND: Among the agreements in our recently adopted Memorandum of Understanding with the Employees Association was one specifying that the District would meet and confer with the Employees Association regarding a Lateral Transfer Policy & Procedure. The District Board Representatives have met and conferred with the Employees Association and have agreed to a policy & procedure regarding lateral transfers which is attached for your consideration. In essence, this policy provides an avenue for an employee to laterally transfer to another position in the same class prior to any other recruitment activity. In the event an employee requests and is granted a lateral transfer, the most recently vacated position would then be filled by the regular examina- tion procedure. This policy & procedure affects only those employees represented by the Employees Association. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Lateral Transfer Policy & Procedure, effective January 7, 1982, for the employees represented by the Employees Association. /," INITIATING DEPT./~/ G.B~~- P.M. \ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION