HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-01-82 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Hearlngs 7/l /82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 23, 1982 SUBJECT HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON DISTRICT ANNEXATION 79 AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TYPE OF ACTION HOLD HEARING: D.A.79 SUBMITTED BY Denn i s Ha 11 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The L.A.F.C. has amended the boundaries of several of the parcels included within the above-referenced District Annexation. The District must hold the subject hearing and consider testimony by affected property owners before taking action on the proposed amended annexations. BACKGROUND: The above-referenced annexation was sent to L.A.F.C. as re- quired for the formal annexation process. L.A.F.C. amended the boundaries of several of the parcels during its approval process. These amendments were made to improve the continuity of the resulting District boundary. The amended annexations are designated as D.A. 79-B, 79-C, 79-D, 79-E, 79-F, and 79-G. Maps are attached showing the amended annexations. Legal notice was published, and the affected property owners were notified of this hearing as required by law. A Negative Declaration has been prepared by L.A.F.C. for all of these amended annexations. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. There are three possible actions the District may take: 1. Overrule any protests and order annexations as amended by L.A.F.C. 2. If the owners of land having more than 50 percent of the assessed value (land only) of the total assessed value of land proposed for annexation protest the annexation, the District must dis- approve the annexations as proposed. 3. Continue the hearing at a future date on any particular proposed annexation as the Board deems necessary. RECOMMENDATION: (1) (2) Open hearing, receive and review any testimony, close public hearing. Adopt Resolutions concuring with the Negative Declaration and ordering annexation of all parcels as amended which have insufficient protests. (3) Attachments Take appropriate action as outlined above for any protested annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV'dlr DH jlI/J1 JSM ~CLW Centr"al Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. Consent Calendar 2 7 1 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 23, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 79-A COMPLETE ANNEXATION OF DA 79-A Dennis R. Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The District must pass a resolution to finalize the annexation of the above referenced annexation. BACKGROUND: The District previously made application to the Local Agency Formation Commission for the annexation of 10 parcels of land designated as District Annexation 79. L.A.F.C. has considered this request and has amended the boundaries of Parcels 2,3,6,7,8&9 to include additional terri- tory. The District is concurrently holding a public hearing on these amended parcels. L.A.F.C. did not amend the boundaries of Parcels 1,4,5 and 10 and has designated these parcels to be District Annexation No. 79-A. No public hearing is required and the annexation of these parcels can now proceed. L.A.F.C. has adopted a Negative Declaration for District Annexation No. 79-A. District staff has reviewed this Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution concuring with the Negative Declara- tion and ordering the completion of District Annexation No. 79-A. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~tH jJ;l1 JSM. ~:t.W CLW <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Adm. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 24, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP, EFFECTIVE JULY 1,1982 ADOPT M.O.U. THROUGH APRIL 30, 1985 SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Mgr. Administrative ISSUE: Your Representatives and the representatives of the Management Support/Confi- dential Unit have agreed to the attached M.O.U. The Group has ratified the agreement and, therefore, presentation to the Board of Directors for final approval is now appropriate. BACKGROl.N): For the past two months, Board Representatives and Representatives of the Management Support/Confidential Group have met and conferred, numerous times in an effort to develop a Memorandum of Understanding acceptable to both. The result of those efforts is attached. This agreement with our Management Support/Confidential Group parallels both the general parameters and percentage increases of the recent settlement with the Employees' Association, Local No. 1. Highlights of this agreement are as follows: o MS/CG employees will receive a 20% general wage increase over a 34 month period with 8% provided on July 1, 1982, 8% provided on May 1, 1983 and 4% provided on May 1, 1984. o The new streamlined grievance procedures, as adopted for the general employees is essentially the same for the MS/CG. o Those employees covered by this agreement will have merit (step) increases tied to performance, henceforth. A different set of criteria will be developed for this group of employees, however, to provide for their supervisoral, management and administrative assignments. o The total increase in the Benefit Option Plan provided for this employee group approximates the cost over three years of the optical plan provided the General Employee group. This agreement allows for an increase of $12.00 on July 1, 1982; $12.00 more on May 1, 1983 and a further $6.00 on May 1, 1984. This agreement is equal to that adopted for General Employees as it covers a 34-month period. And too, a degree of stabilization is anticipated for the Management Support/Con- fidential Group with a multi-year agreement. Attached is written confirmation of ratifica- tion. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Memorandum of Understanding for all employees designated Management Support and Confidential, effective July 1, 1982 through April 30, 1985. INI REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PT./DIV. PM "....- , . . I ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Adm. 2 7 1 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 24, 1982 SUBJECT GENERAL INCREASES FOR MANAGEMENT GROUP TYPE OF ACTION Adopt General Increases for Management Group SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Mgr. Administrative ISSUE: The Board approved an M.O.U. for the General Employee Group at their last meeting and at this evenings meeting an M.O.U. has been presented to cover the Management Support/Confidential Group. It follows, therefore, that consideration of increases for District Management and Executive Management employees should be considered by the Board at this time. BACKGROUND - MANAGEMENT EtvPLOYEES: Your Management Employees are cognizant of the Board's desire to provide similar percentage increases to all employee groups over the next 34 months. With this in mind, Managers request the Board consider the following changes in Management compensation: 1. GENERAL INCREASES Using the same 20% overall figure provided to the other employee groups over the upcoming 34 months, it is requested that Managers, with concurrence of the General Manager-Chief Engineer, receive the following general increases: . 7% effective July 1, 1982 . 7% effective May 1, 1983 . 6% effective May 1, 1984 2. BENEFITS Both the General and Management Support/Confidential Groups presently have a disability plan but, to date, the District's Managers do not. Again, to insure equitable provisions among all employee groups, the Managers request the Board authorize a long term disability plan for them, effective July 1, 1982 by amending our policy with Standard Insurance Company (same company that the other groups are insured under) to include Management Long Term Disability (Policy 11430277-Amendment B). 3. BENEFITS OPTION PLAN In addition to those benefits presently in place, General Employees received a Family Optical Plan while the Management Support/Confidential Group received an additional $30.00 over the next 34 months for use on the Benefits Option Plan. The Management Group requests the Board provide them with $30.00 as follows: . $10.00 added to Benefits Option Plan, effective July 1, 1982 . $10.00 added to Benefits Option Plan, effective May 1, 1983 . $10.00 added to Benefits Option Plan, effective May 1, 1984 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JIfJ . /J.~ { t.:cw ~:~. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. 4. MERIT INCREASES Other employee groups receive 5% merit increases upon their anniversary date until such time as they reach the end of their salary range. With the implementation of salary ranges for Managers last year, it is possible to place the Managers on the same merit system as other employees. The General Manager-Chief Engineer, therefore, recommends that he be given the authority, by the Board, of approving merit increases of 0% - 5% to all Managers upon their anniversary date, dependent on their demonstrated performance. BACKGRO~ - EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES: The General Manager-Chief Engineer and District Counsel have asked me to include their requests for salary and benefit adjustments on this Position Paper so that the matter can be disposed of expeditiously and all adjustments can be accounted for in the final budget. 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER The General Manager-Chief Engineer requests he be considered for the same general salary increase as the other managers and as well, be provided the same Disability Insurance Program and Benefits Option Plan increases, effective upon the dates outlined above. 2. DISTRICT COUNSEL The District Counsel requests that the Board consider providing him with the Disability Insurance Program and Benefit Option Plan increases, effective upon the dates outlined above. As regards a general salary increase, Counsel is pursuing a salary survey to ascertain his salary in relation to attorneys similarly situated, and until the results of this effort are known, asks that the Board maintain his salary at the same level as in fiscal year 1981-1982. It is felt, however, by this memorandum's author, that the Finance Officer should include the same adjustment for the District Counsel in the Fiscal Year '82-'83 Budget as the Managers in order that a possible increase granted later not overrun the salary account. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION FOR MANAGEMENT AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES: Adopt salary and benefit adjustments as set forth in this position paper for employees designated as Management and Executive Management. INI pn vAl - <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. VI. Adm. 3 7/1/82 June 28, 1982 DATE SUBJECT ADOPT 1982-1983 PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, AND OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGETS TYPE OF ACTION BUDGET ADOPTION SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accountin Division ISSUE: The 1982-1983 Personnel, Equipment, and Operations and Maintenance Budgets require adoption by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1982-1983 Personnel and Equipment Budgets were approved, as submitted, at the May 6, 1982 and May 20, 1982 Board Meetings. The Operations and Maintenance Budget for the 1982-1983 fiscal year was approved at the June 17, 1982 Board Meeting for all expenditure categories except wages and benefits with the requirement that adjustments resulting from the meet and confer process be incorporated in the budget before submission for final adoption. At that Board Meeting, the Environmental Quality Charge rates for 1982-1983 were reestablished at the same levels as for 1981-1982. The 1982-1983 Operations and Maintenance Budget has been revised to include the effects of the wage and benefit changes which have been concluded with employee groups and are being presented for Board approval by other Position Papers on this Board Agenda. A copy of the final 1982-1983 Operations and Maintenance Budget is provided with this Position Paper. RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel, Equipment, and Operations and Maintenance Budgets for the 1982-1983 fiscal year should be adopted. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INI7TING DEPT./D~V. ~ ....A'......, WNF BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 1 7, 1 982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $15,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR SECURITY FENCING OF THE KIEWIT PROPERTY Authorize Funds SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Maintenance Division Manager Issue: The District is the owner of two parcels north of Highway 4 between Walnut and Grayson creeks that should be secured by fencing. Background: The District purchased two parcels of land known as the Kiewit property, which adjoins the treatment plant, for future expansion. At present this property is undeveloped and could be used as leased range site for grazing. The property is also used by the general public for various unauthorized activities such as dirt bike riding, dumping, etc. In order to protect the District's interest and security of the property from unwarranted public injury liability, fencing should be installed, and such fencing should be compatible with the requirements for grazing operations. Some of the parcel has existing chain link fabric fence; however, it is proposed to enclose the rest of the property with a "hog" wire and barbed wire, standard range fence with access gates. This measure would provide some security for these parcels and protect the District1s interest. It may also allow the District to lease this acreage for cattle grazing, if economically feasible. Recommendation: Authorize $15,000 in sewer construction funds for security fencing of the Kiewit property. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ./DIV. CWB RJD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 29, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC., FOR MULTIPLE HEARTH TURNACE PROJECT PRELIMINARY DESIGN MEMO PREPARATION AND AUTHORIZE $38,0 0 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Steve McDonald INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division BACKGROUND: During the past several months, Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., has conducted preliminary tests to assess the operability of the multiple hearth furnace system as part of the Stage 5AI settlement process. Their findings, based on a limited effort, indicate that the nature of the system deficiencies would allow correction under a conventional design/construct approach. Work is required at this time to initiate a preliminary design effort in the context of the overall project. This preliminary effort would result in a well defined Scope of Work for the engineering services to follow. In addition, a realistic schedule will allow the planning to proceed to avoid conflicts with the Stage 5B project. This work is the first step in a multipart engineering effort. The next step would consist of preliminary design. Authorization for this effort will be requested in August, 1982. The final design effort would follow. The estimated cost of this work is $30,0'00 for Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., and $8,000 for District forces. A detailed Scope of Work and Cost Estimate are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract not to exceed $30,000 with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., for Multiple Hearth Furnace Project Planning and authorize $38,000 from Sewer Construction Funds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON HSM JiJ J L e~ CLW GEN G / ~:: INITIATING DEPT ./DIV. SCOPE OF WORK Task A. Prepare a Preliminary Design Memorandum for Major Modifications A.l. Discuss proposed modifications, including main control room relocation and ultimate ash handling configuration with District. Confirm sludge quantities and moisture content. A.2. Develop design criteria for known proposed modifications i nc 1 ud i ng : - boil er bypass 02 Analyzer Stairs and platforms Equipment access Emergency damper repair Dry Scrubber removal A.3. Discuss other anticipated modifications subject to full scale evaluations and tests: - Bottom ash system - Exhaust gas train - Burner system & fans - Fuel gas system - Analog controls - Boiler insulation A.4. Develop conceptual criteria for relocating the main control room. A.5. Specify testing and evaluation procedures needed to develop final design criteria for the above items. A.6. Develop preliminary construction cost estimates - Known modification - Anticipated alternative modifications A.7. Revise design and construction schedule A.8. Submit a design memorandum to the District for review and comment. COST ESTIMATE Malcolm Pirnie 375 man hours @ $65/MH Expenses Subtotal $24,500 2,500 $27,000 3,000 $30,000 $3,000 5,000 $38,000 Contingency @ 10% CCCSD Engineering Plant Operations Total Tota 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. OS On I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P ITI N r'APER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AGREEMENT WITH KENNEDY / JENKS ENGINEERS FOR CHLORINE/SULFUR DIOXIDE SYSTEM IMPROVE- MENTS AND AUTHORIZE $23,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS. DATE June 29, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT AMENDMENT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mills INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division BACKGROUND: Kennedy/Jenks Engineers are under contract with the District to provide engineering services related to design of improvements to the Chlorine and sulfur dioxide systems at the treatment plant. District staff proposes to increase Kennedy/Jenks' scope of work to include: 1. Final design of a primary effluent bypass chlorination system to provide disinfection capabilities to improperly treated wastewater which may be discharged to the outfall as may occur in such instances during a severe storm. 2. Final design of modifications to the post chlorination system mixers. These mixers are an important function in mixing chlorine with final effluent as rapidly as possible to assure maximum kill of pathogenic organisms. The present mixers that are installed do not provide an efficient mode of mixing. Mechanical problems with their anchorage, their type of im- pellers, and baffling in the mixing chamger all need improve- ment to increase our plant coliform reduction and potentially reduce our chorine usage. 3. Formalize sketches of liquid chlorine piping changes. Approximately two years ago major modifications were made to our chlorination system to improve its operability, bU4more importantly its safe use. The design work for these modifica- tions was done by CCCSD's engineers. There now exists a need to formalize the design sketches and work sheets into a standard set of bid documents so the system can now be com- pleted. Kennedy/Jenks' work and their knowledge of the chlorination system positions them to perform this work in an efficient manner. 4. Provide additional time for CCWD to review Kennedy/Jenks proposed design. The proposed location of facilities by Kennedy/Jenks interferred with various piping and conduits that have been installed by CCWD in conjunction with their NAX plant, located north of CCCSDls filtration facilities. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. 4. Consequently, it was necessary for Kennedy/Jenks t9 relocate CCCSDts new sulfur dioxide storage facilities to a place where interference with CCWD facilities would be el iminated. This additional effort was beyond Kennedy/ Jenks I. ori gi na 1 contractual agreement and, therefore, they are entitled to additional compensation. A contract amendment has been negotiated with Kennedy/Jenks for $23,000. . RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the subject contract amendment and authorize $23,000 in Sewer Construction Funds for the completion of the design work. REVIEWED AHD RECOMMEHDED FOR BOARD ACTIOH JM2 v/...J JL ~ CLW INITIATING DEPT./DIV,