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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-05-82 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'IV. Bids & Awards POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J, DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE J u 1 y 26, 1982 SUBJECT AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3636 - 1981 1982 STORM DAMAGE REPAIR TO EX (30" - X1618) LINCOLN AVE/CARMEL CT, WALNUT CREEK AND AUTHORIZE $47,600 FROM o TYPE OF ACTION AWARD CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mills INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division ISSUE: On July 13, 1982 sealed bids for District Project No. 3636 were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award a contract or reject proposals within 30 days of the opening of sealed bids. BACKGROUND: On April 15, 1982 the Board of Directors authorized funds for design of storm damage repairs to the collection system. The first of several projects will be the repair of the 30-inch trunk sewer parallel in Walnut Creek. Erosion during winter storms caused the pipe to be exposed and displaced. CSO Department has taken all emergency measures required to keep the system in operation. Plans and specifications for the project (DP 3636: 1981-1982 Storm Damage Repair to EX (3011 - X1618) Lincoln Ave/Carmel Ct., \.Ja1nut Creek) were completed and advertisements inviting submission of sealed bids were placed on July 2, 1982. Three bids ranging from $38,870.00 to $54,640.00 were received (see attached tabulatton). The apparent low bidder is: Kenneth Barker, General Engineering Contractor of Alamo, California. The Engineerls Estimate for the work was $40,700.00. A Post-Bid/Pre-Construction cost estimate is attached. $47,600 is needed to complete the project including contract construction, construction management, incidentals and contingencies. Action on award of the contract for this project was deferred by the Board on July 15, 1982 because comments and requirements of the California Department of Fish and Game had not been received. Sub- sequently District staff met with Fish and Game's representative and obtained a permit for the work. All comments and requirements are addressed in the Plans & Specifications for the project. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of District Project No. 3636 to Kenneth Barker, General Enqineering Contractor per their btd recetved on July 13, 1982 and authorize $47,600 in sewer construction funds for contract construction, construction management,incidentals and contingencies. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. 'J..; Jt12 ..J/- J L ~:t. WCLW POST BID - PBECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3636 Lincoln Ave/Carmel Ct. Storm Damage Repairs ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT 1. Construction Contract (As Bid pl us street resurfacing) 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . $ 2,000. 00 Il1spection . $ 3,000.00 Engineering (Including As-Builts) . $ 2,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals . $ 7 .000. 00 4. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project 5. Pre Bid Expenditures Survey, Ehgineering, Printing, Advertising Spec)al Services(Soil s Consultant) TOTAL $42,170.00 . $ 6,830.00 $ 7.000.00 . $56.00D.00 % CONST. CONTRACT 100% 16% 17'i: 133% .$23,300.00 (incls. Emergency Repairs) . $ 700.00 6. Total Preconstruction Incidentals (as of 6-30-82 ). . $ 24 ,000.00 7. Total Estimated Project Cost 8. Funds Previous Iy Authori zed 9. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. $24,000.00 . $80,000.00 . $32,400.00 _ $47,600.00 57'i: 190% 2050-8-78 CENTRj CONTRA COSTA S_ ~NITARY DISTRICT JOB DISTRICT PROJECT 3636 LOCATION L I ~ICOLN AVE/CARMEL CT. WALNUT CREEK DATE July 13. 1982 ENGR. EST $40.700.00 BIDDER -- NAME BID PRICE ADDRESS PHONE 1. Kenneth Barker, P.O. Box 425 Alamo. CA 94507' $38.870.00 415 - 820-3006 2. R.A. Agu i a r 1790 Ell is St. #36 $39.980.00 Concord. CA 94520 415 - 827-2320 3. D. Cahill. Inc. 0- 391 Arbor Ct. , $5q_~-640. 00 Benicia, CA 94510 707 - 746-0460 - JOB CHKD.BY BY DATE SHEET NO. DATE___ OF ',-.-:---- -~---~"'-:"='""''-~~-~'''''''~~-~::':::7-:.""~;;.;:,.:.;.~~,'f!'l:~'Jt.~_ ....,~...:..-....~'.:....,- ......;....."'-.,.~-.'!...~-;....,.".- . .~<.."'.,..,.~..,.,..._..-:'.- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 30, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AWARD CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 3623. ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN BLOWER INSTALLATION, AND AUTHORIZE $301.143 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS AWARD CONTRACT, AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Curtis Swanson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division ISSUE: On July 27, 1982 sealed bids for District Project 3623 were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award a contract or reject proposals within 90 days of the opening of sealed bids. BACKGROUND: The primary purpose of the electric motor driven blower is to provide standby aeration air blower capacity in the event that the steam system fails. In addition to its primary purpose, the electric motor driven blower may be used in combination with the steam driven blowers to reduce operating costs by operation during off-peak hours. The Board has taken a series of actions to authorize the electric motor driven blower project. To date $787,594 has been authorized to cover predesign, final design, blower prepurchase, and construction management. The electric motor driven blower has been manufactured, tested and delivered to the District for installation. The last step in project implementation is the award of the installation contract. On July 27. 1982, sealed bids for the installation of the electric motor driven blower were received and opened. The bid tabulation is attached. The low bidder is Amos and Andrews at $241,948. The Engineer's estimate prepared by Metcalf & Eddy was $478,000. The reasons for the discrepancy between the low bid and the Engineer's estimate are: 1. The design was modified after the Engineer's estimate was made to reduce the cost of the installation project. Structural steel was used to replace a complicated reinforced concrete foundation. 2. The blower has been delivered and is ready for installation eliminating the need for a contingency associated with delays due to late delivery. 3. The current bidding environment appears to be very competitive. A post bid/pre-construction cost estimate ;s attached. The total project cost is estimated to be $1,088,737. $301,143 in additional funds are required for the installation contract cost, construction contingencies, developing O&M instructions. and startup/acceptance testing. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION '" 'nA"'f!)J2D 'v. CWS \.JL JL JSM a CLW The SWRCB has given advance construction approval for this project. This approval will allow the District to be reimbursed for eligible project costs if and when a future grant is awarded. The District will continue to follow the grant procedures until such time that it is certain whether or not a grant will be awarded. No grant funding can be guaranteed at this time. This project is included in the 5-year Capital Expenditure Plan. . RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of District Project 3623 to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Amos and Andrews, per their bid received July 27, 1982, contingent upon SWRCB Approval to Award. Authorize $301,143 in additional sewer construction funds for construction, construc- tion management, incidentals and contingencies. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./D1V. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. CWS JL JSM CLW POST BID-PRECONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3623 ELECTRIC MOTOR-DRIVEN AERATION BLOWER Construction Contracts Prepurchase Electric Blower Unload Blower Install Blower Subtota 1 Contingency @ 5% Contract Subtotal Construction Management Survey Inspection Office Engineering/As-Builts/ Operating Instructions Contract Administration Grant Administration Startup & Testing Construction Mgmt. Subtotal Pre-Bid Expenditures Design, Advertising, Printing Total Estimated Project Cost Funds Previously Authorized Additional Funds Required to Complete Project $1,500 18,000 17,500 9,000 9,000 2,500 Total $597,341 5,000 241 ,948 $844,289 42,200 $886,489 $ 57,500 $144,748 $1 ,088,737 $ 787,594 $ 301,143 % Const. Contracts 6.5 16.3 123 CENTR~ _ CONTRA COSTA S~ ~NITARY DISTRICT B (0 SUMMARY . JOB District Project No. 3623 DATE July 27, 1982 LOCATION Wastewater Treatment PlantENGR. EST $480,000 BIDDER NAME BID PRICE ADDRESS PHONE Amos & Andrews ;; ".' ,., P.O. Box 250 Fairfield, CA 94533 $241 ,948 Monterey Mechanical Co. 8275 San Leandro St. Oakland, CA 94621 $288,700 .. Da1 tell Corp. , '. P.O. Box 8284 , Erne ryv i 11 e , CA 94662 $322,000 - JOB DSP 3623 CHKD. BY JM2 BY_Curt Swanson DATE 7/27/82 SHEET NO. DATE7/27/~ OF 1 ::;.:K~~.~ ......;..;,~.:...-~~~.:.~.;c.; _':::,,-:;~.~~___~___--:--_. --.~-____.~__--'___.........._'__"....__ ',"-"'-~_."~'.~;..o.~""'<.~~'''''., ".._........,.....'.... . ....--...., .~~'.--- Cent Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. ~ 8J~a/. /J1.-()J9,4-J. ...3 I{ &J z..- POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 30, 19RZ SUBJECT A\,'ARD OF CONTRACT FOP, D I STR I CT PROJECT 3433, REN0VA- Tlotl OF LOHER ORINDA MID MARTn!EZ PUt1P STATlm!S AND AUTHORIZATION OF $ 641).700 FROM SEVIER COtISTRlJCTION FUNOS TYPE OF ACTION AWARD OF CONTRACT Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY BACKGROUND: This project is the third in a series of recent pump station modification projects performed by the District. The work consists of: Lower Orinda 1. Installation of a new shut-off gate on the station inlet pipe to provide capability to control incoming flows to the station. 2. Installation of a permanent chemical feed system to control odors. 3. Modification of the wet well ventilation system to improve safety. 4. Replacement of a malfunctioning plug valve between the two dis- charge force mains. 5. Installation of a new hoisting system which will be used to facilitate pump maintenance. 6. Modification to the existing variable speed pumping control system to improve operational efficiency. Martinez 1. Correction of yard drainage problems. 2. Installation of landscaping, new entry gate and fencing to make the site more compatible with its surroundings. 3. Painting existing structures. 4. Installation of a permanent chemical feed system for odor control. 5. Installation of an enclosure for the chemical feed system. 6. Modification of the wet well ventilation system to improve safety. 7. Replacement of existing stairs in order to meet CAL-OSHA safety re- quirements. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION c:.~~ CUJ The proposed work will result in cost savings to the District in the use of diesel fuel, engine maintenance and use of sodium hydroxide. The modified variable speed pumping system at Lower Orinda will save approximately $10,000 per year in diesel fuel because the amount of time that the diesel engines will be used will be reduced. With the reduction in use of the diesel engines, maintenance on the engines will be reduced. Of course: electrical costs will increase because the electric motors will be used more frequently. It is anticipated that the differential between the reduced engine maintenance costs and the increased electricity costs will not be significant. The new sodium hydroxide feed system at Martinez could save as much as $15,000 per year over and above todaysl costs with the potential of additional cost savings by maximizing the timing of the interjection of the chemical. $64,000 of the contract relates to safety issues, i.e., better venti- lation wi.ll be provided and four unsafe stairways will be replaced. Two pump station projects recently completed included minor repairs at Lower Orinda and Martinez and the installation of chemical feed systems at three other stations at a total cost of $205,000. On July 28, bids for this project were received and opened. The apparent low bidder is Dalzell Corporation, Emeryvi lIe, Cal ifornia. A total of 6 bids were received as shown on the attached bid tabula- tion sheet. The Engineers estimate (by Waste and Water International) was $473,000, 7% below the lowest bid. The main reason that the Engineer's estimate was low was because the Engineer underestimated the cost of bid item I I, the chemical feed system at M~,tinez. Previous project references for Dalzell Corporation have been checked and the firm has been found to perfor~ the type of work included in this contract satisfactorily. An e~timate of costs for-project completion is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for District Project 3433 to Dalzell Corporation and authorize $645,700 from Sewer Construction Funds for completion of the project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. CENTRA_ CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT J 08 3433 DATE July 28; 19~2 Renovation of Lower Orinda LOCATION and Martinez Pump Stations ENGR. EST $473,000 BIDDER NAME BID PRICE ADDRESS PHONE l. Oa 1 ze 11- Gorp" P.O. Box 8284 Emeryvi 11e, CA 94662 415 - 835-0732 $508,000.00 . 2. Hi 1 son Pacific Construction P.O. Box 5336 Concord, CA 94524 415 - 671-0900 $540,000.00 3. Engineering Construction Inc. ." P.O. Box 906 Concord, CA 94522 415 - 827-3339 $544,839.00 4. C.I.'. Roen Construction P.O. Box 4 Danvi11e, CA CJ4526 411) - R~7-SS01 $590,350.00 5. Robert J. Co11 ins Gen. Engineering-Contractor P.O. Box 96 Martinez, CA 94553 ," $596,000.00 L,1e:: - 7.7?-7(...n(... 6. \-f.R. Thomason P.O. Box 2249 Martinez, CA 94553 415 - 229-2720 $602,000.00 .. I 7/2'0/'62 JOB 3433 CHKD.BY G77 BY__ DATE 7-30--r.z DATE___ SHEET NO.-----1- OF 1 ---:.~~ :.........~-.~--.,;;,.:.......',,~:--:-':'.'...:-...... ':_~'-~'~:-''''''''''-~~--'-'''---''-.-'------------------..._-_._-.--'._-_..:..._,~,- - POST BID ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 3433 DESCRIPTION COST % OF CONSTRUCTION Construction Cost Contract - Contingency - Subtotal $508,000 50,800 $558,800 100.0 Construction Management Administr~tion - Inspection - Engineering - Surveying - Testing - Plant Operations - Subtotal 19,700 22,200 25,200 1,000 1,000 2,500 71 ,600 12.8 Other Incidentals Startup - Asbuilts - O&M Manual 15,300 2.7 TOTAL PROJECT COST - $645,700 115.5 G) "WI WASTE ~ WATER INTERNATIONAL HENRY C. HYDE, P.E. EMILIO DE l.A FUENTE, P.E. AKHTAR HAMID, P.E. VICTOR VON ASPERN SHAHNA WAZ AHMAD, P.E. 5850 SHELLMOUND STREET, SUITE 100 0 EMERYVILLE, CALIFORNIA 94608 0 (415)428-2381 August 2, 1982 Mr. Jay McCoy, P.E., Manager Construction and Services Division Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596 RE: DISTRICT PROJECT NO~3433-';' WWI JOBNO~026:"222 Dear Jay: Regarding construction of the Renovation of Lower Orinda and Martinez Pump Stations project,we recommend that the contract be awa~ded to the lowest responsible bidder, Dalzell Corporation of Emeryvi11e, California. Sincerely, ~~~ EMILIO DE LA FUENTE, P.E. Project Manager ccCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE J u 1 y 1 5, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD THE PURCHASE OF CHLORINE LIQUID TO OCCIDENTAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION FOR THE PERIOD THROUGH JUNE, 1983 TYPE OF ACTION AWARD OF PURCHASE KEN F. LAVERTY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ADMINISTRATION/PURCHASING SUBMITTED BY Issue: The District has advertised and requested bids for chlorine liquid, Bid Request TP-1-8283. Background: Bids were solicited from four separate companies. The bid was formally advertised. There were two responses to the bid: one from Dow Chemical for a total delivered unit price of $63.37; and one from Occidental Chemical for a total delivered unit price of $57.66. Analysis reveals that Occidental Chemical is the lowest responsible bidder. Estimating an annual usage of 880 tons, the anticipated value of the proposed blanket purchase order effective through June, 1983 is $51,000. Recommendation: Authorization to award the purchase of chlorine liquid to Occidental Chemical Corporation for the period through June, 1983. Admi n ./Purch. R OARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. '\ r' l:-1I 1~7 '~I . ~ ....w .u 0-- 011: ...L 0-'" Z!'! :)11: L ~ . ~ " ....'" ~!,! 011: ...L I " \ ... ~ 0 ...'" -u z - ~f ....... IS Gl :i ....... ~ z: t; i! Y ~ "' 011: X ...L III ..."' Z!:! ;:)11: L ~ ~i~~ ~ ,~ " ~ ~ ~ .~~ , ~ ,~ " ~ .~ , \ ~ <:\' f '" i ~' ~ ~ ~ V \l ~~ ~ ~ '\.. ?:; ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ef ~ ~ "" '<:)~ ~ ~ ~ I '~ \\ ~ w ~ '- ~ ') 1'1 \, ~!,!~~~~ ~ ;:)f '" ~. I) I't\ \l\ ~ -~ .......~N\~. ~ ~ .2 t('\ 1\ "I;II: ~ " ~...L ~ ~ \1\ t'-- '" <l ~ t'C'\ \\ \} I ~.... ~ ~ ~I'" t'- ~ I~ ~ i ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a:~ i... 50:i 6~~'-l; a:aDZ ~ 0:06.1ii 811:~~aiL ~~u... ~~ zoggcSd.<<!.I .Iy\. ,~~oO":oS~l:I 1"- = '- ~ ... . ~ ~ .~ ~ en ~ ~ Q ~ Cii,~ \l ...~ ~ o " -g) ~ ':$ J ~ ::J " , ~ ~ , ... ~ ~ Q ~ z ~ i ~ 0 i I i q \l ,~ '5 ~Q ~ ~ '< o ~~ ~ ':I", ~ '1>.. ~I' U " ..;J .", ~ z~'.l~ i , t ~ \( ~ ~'II ~ o"'t" \I ~ ~ t " \I ~ ~'I..,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ \:t '\ ~ ~ :t ~J ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ '\ ~ ~.\ ~~ ol-~""-.\~'J '" " I"" c z I~~'-- .~ f ~ ~ .....: r-( ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ " ~ ~ rf\ ,ot ~ ~ t'-. 1'(\ .~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ " ~' ,'1 ~. ~ .... <:) ~ ,t... ~ ~ ~;~~ ~ ~~l~' ~ \.z I 31 ~ ~ '" ~, ~i~~ ~ ~.f ~.I'f\ \l ,,~~~,. ~ I~ \) ~ '" . . " \1\ ~ ,~ ~ .{) '^, ..c. ' , -ai ~ ~l, ~~ ~ ~~ ~ . ' I Central Contra Costa itary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ar POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE J u 1 y 30, 1982 SUBJECT EXECUTE EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT FOR WATER MAIN OilER TREATMENT PLANT PROPERTY (JOB 3698) TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE EASEMENT AGREEMENT Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The Water District has requested this District to grant a water pipe line easement across a portion of our Treatment Plant property. BACKGROUND: The subject easement will provide for the installation of a 12-inch pipe line which will extend northwesterly from Imhoff Drive, 810 feet to a point in Imhoff Place. The new pipe line will provide service to businesses on Imhoff Place. The subject easement lies with- in existing easement this District recently granted to the County for access from Imhoff Place to Imhoff Drive. Staff has reviewed the Water District's design for this water main. The water main is not expected to interfere with any future District plans within the ease- ment area. The Water District will coordinate their construction with W.A. Thomas and this District. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Easement Agreement. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /1M- DH .;> P~/1 / "jSM e~CL\.J REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION a Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. ar POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 2R, 19~2 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT QU ITCLA I M SEVIER EASEMENT, JOB 3578, OR I NDA AREA TO DONALD & lOREllE HUNT QUITCLAIM EASEMFNT Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The District has been requested to quitclaim an existing sewer easement located within Parcel D of Book 100 of Parcel Maps, page 14. BACKGROUND: The sewer main intended to be installed in the subject easement has been re-designed to the north. A replacement easement in the new location has been granted to this District. Therefore, the subject easement is no longer required. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. INITIATING DEPT.!DIV&~ DH e.~ Cll:! REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. ar POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH JOHN w. PIGGOTT, ET UX. JOB 1462 - SUBD. 3681, LOT 16, LAFAYETTE TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The property owner wants to maintain in place a covered wooden deck, stairway and conversation pit over a portion of a District easement. BACKGROUND: The property owners have met with District staff and they have made requested modifications to the design of the subject wooden deck so that the deck supports are clear of the District's sewer line. . Staff has determined that the improvements do not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should arise, the agreement requires the property owner to move the structure at his expense within 30 days of notice to do so. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute "Agreement" and authorize its record- ing. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ CLW Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH WILLIAM J. BONDY JR., ET UX, JOB 165 - SUBD. 2138 - LOT 7 - ORINDA AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The property owner wants to install a hot tub and wooden deck together with auxiliary water pipe 1 ines over a portion of a District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: Staff has determined that the improvements do not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should arise, the agreement requires the property owner at his expense to remove the structure within 30 days of notice to do so. RECOMMENDAT ION: Approva 1, execute "Agreementl' and author i ze its record- ing. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e~ CLW Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 6 8/5/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 2R, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 82-12 (~IALNUT CREEK AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATIO~1 TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ANNEXATION Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 82-12 W.C. J . M. Younger 300 Bowfin Foster City, CA 187-150-015 (0.47 Ac.) Property vacant, owner plans to build one single family home. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption") CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 82-12 to be included in a futre formal annexation to the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM ~~ CLW Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO~ . Englneerlng 1 8/5/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 2, 1982 SUBMITTED BY Curtis ~. Swanson TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CONTRACT AMENDMENT, AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBJECTAPPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE FINAL DESIGN OF SLUDGE THICKENERS AND AUTHORIZE $307,434 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS ISSUE: Approval is required for Amendment No.2 to the John Carollo Engineers Agreement. Additional funds are required for continuation of the Stage 5B Project. BACKGROUND: The District began preliminary design of the Stage 5B Project in February, 1982. The Stage 5B Project will provide conventional secondary treatment and sludge processing for wastewater flows up to 45 MGD. The project con- sists of the following five major elements: hydraulic capacity expansion, sludge thickening, sludge dewatering, emergency power improvements, and other facility improvements as discussed in the Facilities Plan Supplement. John Carollo Engineers was authorized to proceed with final design of the hydraulic capacity element on June 3, 1982. At this time the sludge thickening portion of the project can be advanced to the final design phase and some additional predesign work is required on sludge dewatering. Based on the results of the preliminary design work and a successful demonstration, dissolved air flotation (OAF), is the most cost effective method of waste activated sludge thickening. The capital cost of OAF thickeners is estimated to be $3,000,000; however, this unit process will eliminate the need for lime addition for an annual cost saving of approxi- mately $715,000 per year. District staff has negotiated a lump sum cost of $238,000 for final design of the sludge thickening facility. Final design will be completed by March, 1983. During the thickening and dewatering demonstration test conducted in June, serious questions were raised over our ability to successfully control the odors that were associated with the belt filter press operation. The odors experienced at CCCSD were more severe than those at any of the other belt filter press installations observed by any of the staff or our consultants. The only viable alternative is centrifuge dewatering and there is a new generation of centrifuges on the market that offer a significant savings in energy and polymer when compared to our existing units. A two stage demonstration test is recommended to verify performance. The first stage test, estimated to cost $47,100, will show if the cost savings can be REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITle~:2T'/DIV' CWS JL- JL e.:c~ CL achieved and the second stage test, estimated to cost $~2,200, would be used as the basis for an evaluated bid for the equipment purchase and a separate Board authorization would be requested. District staff has negotiated a cost plus fixed fee price with John Carollo Engineers of $23.352 for assistance on the demonstration test and certain preliminary design work on centrifuge dewatering. If Clean Water Grant funding is obtained. the District may be required to perform value engineering on the sludge thickening design. District staff has negotiated with John Carollo Engineers to provide assistance with value engineering on a per diem basis for a total cost not to exceed $5.000. The total cost of Amendment No. 2 is $259,334. Included in the cost estimate for the first centrifuge demonstration is $12.100 for District staff effort. District staff will provide project management, pilot study coordination. laboratory sampling and analysis. and sludge cleanup. The total authorization request is for $307,434 as detailed in the attached cost summary. This work is included in the 5-Year Capital Expenditure Plan with the exception of the demonstration test. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute Contract Amendment No.2 with John Carollo Engineers and authorize $307.434 in sewer construc- tion funds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV, CWS JL CLW GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. COSTS OF CENTRIFUGE PILOT STUDY AND JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 2 Sludge Thickening OAF Design by JCE Value Engineering (if required) $238,000 5,000 Hydraulic Expansion Credit due to OAF Scope Change Centrifuge Pilot Study (First Stage) JCE & Equipment (1) Set-up (2) Force Account Subtotal Centrifuge Pilot Study (Second Stage) $(7,018) 23,352 35,000 13,100 $71 ,452 JCE (3) Set-Up & Equipment (3) Force Account (3) Subtotal (3) o 51 ,000 11 ,200 $62,200 Total Authorization Request $307,434 (1) Includes centrifuge rental, pilot study assistance and report, centrifuge layout, and sludge cake pumping evaluation. (2) Includes odor control monitoring, ancillary equipment rental, electrical and mechanical contractors. (3) Funds for second stage request will be requested if first stage pilot study is successful. Central Cont itary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER NO. JZl EN ~ ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT APPROVE AMENDMENT TO THE AGREE ENT HI TH HASTE & WATER INTERNATIONAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR REMOVATION OF DISTRICT PUMPING STATIONS, (PROJECT 3433) AND AUTHORIZE THE EX- ECUTION OF THE AMENDMENT DATE July 29, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE AMENDMENT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. . Construction and Services Division ISSUE: It is necessary to amend the existing agreement with Waste & Hater International (\..1\-11) to provide for engineering services during construct ion. BACKGROUND: The basic ~~f1 agreement and the first three amendments there to include provisions for the preparation of plans and speci- ficiations for pump station projects. Amendment No.4 covers engineering services durin~ construction including electrical inspec- tion. The cost of this amendment has been negotiated to $42,332 This amount is a maximum which will not be exceeded unless a change in scope of services occurs. The authorization of $42,332 is in- cluded in the money authorized with the award of Project 3433. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Amendment No. l~ to the agreement with V!aste & Water International for engineering services for renovation of District Pumping Stations, (Project 3433) and authorize the execution of the agreement by the General Manager-Chief Engineer. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION t,~ CUI Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 3 8/5/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 28, 1982 SUBJECT EXECUTE JOINT USE AGREEMENT WITH C.C. COUNTY FOR STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES TO BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER EXISTING DISTRICT 66-INCH TRUNK SEWER JOB 1541 CONCORD AREA TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE JOINT USE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: Contra Costa County plans to construct an 84-inch storm drainage structure under the District's 66-inch trunk sewer located in the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way south of Monument Boulevard. An agreement with this District is required before they begin work. BACKGROUND: The county has met with District staff concerning details and methods of construction in the area of our trunk sewer. The county has modified their original proposal to satisfy District requirements. The proposed agreement provides for protection of District facilities, spells out rights and responsibilities of each party and recognizes our prior interest in the area. District Counsel has reviewed and approved the subject agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Approve execution of Joint-Use Agreement between Contra Costa County and CCCSD for crossing of the Districtls 66-inch trunk sewer by the county1s proposed 84-inch storm drain. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATING DEPT./DIV.,{l DH #1)1 JMc ~ ~ CU! JC <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VII. Solid Waste 1 8 5 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 2, 1982 SUBJECT CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS BY PRICE WATERHOUSE FOR MANAGERIAL REVIEW OF VALLEY DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER CONSULTANTS' PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: On July 15, 1982, the Board of Directors considered the work plan submitted by Price Waterhouse for the managerial review of Valley Disposal Service, Inc. and requested that a revised work plan be submitted for the Board's consideration at the August 5, 1982 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: The firm of Price Waterhouse, Certified Public Accountants, submitted its proposed work plan and fee estimate for a managerial review of Valley Disposal Service, Inc. at the July 15, 1982 Board Meeting. A copy of the original work plan is provided as Attachment I. The Board of Directors requested the following modifications to the work plan and the submission of a revised work plan and fee estimate at the next Board Meeting: o In view of the completion of a Garbage Collection Survey and Rate Analysis report prepared by District staff in 1977, a reduced level of effort for Task 1, Assessment of Refuse Collection Effectiveness and Productivity, should be proposed. Changes in the nature of services presently provided were not to be included in the scope of Task 1. o A greater emphasis was requested for development of alternative rate setting methods. Price Waterhouse has reviewed the District's 1977 report and concluded that the report woul d not be useable for productivi ty recommendations within Task 1, primarily because the information in the report is dated. The consulting firm has prepared an alternative proposal, which includes a significantly diminished Task 1 effort, for $35,000. Additionally, a revised work plan which reflects a modest decrease in Task 1 and a greater level of effort in Task 4, Review of Rate Setting Procedures, and Task 5, Preparing Final Report, with a transfer of $5,000 from Task 1 to Task 4 and Task 5 without changing the total fee estimate of $50,000, is proposed. A copy of the alternative proposals is presented as Attachment II. - Cant i nued- WNF EVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION <c<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIReCTORS NO. Page 2 POSITION PAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS BY PRICE WATERHOUSE FOR MANAGERIAL REVIEW OF VALLEY DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. DATE August ~, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION. CONSIDER CONSULTANTS' PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki I!IlITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Accounting Division The Board of Directors initiated the managerial review by the followi~g motion on April 15, 1982: "After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Dalton, as follows: (1) that Valley Disposal Company, Diablo Disposal and Lafayette Disposal, be granted a rate increase which would raise the operating ratio up to 100% in Zones 4, 5 and 2, respectively; (2) that the Collector submit to the District the names of five managerial consultants, of which the District staff would select one for the purpose of conducting a managerial audit; and (3) that it be understood that the costs of the study will be paid by the franchisee and recoverable under a future rate setting process." The following three alternative methods of paying the consultants' fee are suggested to meet the terms of Item (3) in the above motion: (1) Valley Disposal Service should join with the District in contracting with the consulting firm. Valley Disposal is pay the consultants directly and recover the cost through next regular rate setting process. tb the (2) The District should contrattwHh the consulting firm and pa~ the consultants' fee. The District is to bill Valley Disposal as payments to the consultants are made. Valley Disposal is to repay the District within 30 days of receipt of District's bill and recover such costs through the next regular rate setting process. (3) The District should contract with the consulting firm and pay the consultants' fee. The District is to bill Valley Dispo:sal for the total amount of the consultants' fee when the next, regular rate increase application is granted, and Valley Disposal will repay the District within six months after the new rates are impl emented. V:a 11 ey Di sposa 1 wi 11 recover t~e consultants' fee by inclusion of the fee as operating expenses in the previously described ~ate increase application. -Continued- REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. GEN. MGR.VCHIEF ENG. <c<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. Pa ge 3 POSITION PAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS BY PRICE WATERHOUSE FOR MANAGERIAL REVIEW OF VALLEY DISPOSAl SERVICE, INC. DATE Au gus t ?, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION' CONSIDER CONSULTANTS' PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki IN'ITIATING DEPT./DIV. A~counting Division RECOMMENDATION: Consider the two alternative work plans and fee estimates submitted by Price Waterhouse and determine the alternative to be incorporated in a professional services agreement; additionally, the method of payment of the consultants' fee should be determined. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. I