HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-30-82 ce<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. II I. Bi ds & Awards 2 DATE September 22, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD PURCHASE FOR TWO VEHICLES; A 10,000 LB. GVW AND A 24,000 LB. GVW CAB AND CHASSIS TYPE OF ACTION Award of Purchase K. F. Lavert INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Two vehicles were authorized in the 1982-1983 Equipment Budget for the CSO Department, staff work has been completed, and we hereby recommend to the Board that the purchases be approved. BACKGROUND: Formal public bidding started August 6, 1982 with bid opening on August 26, 1982. Nine bids were received. A commercial and technical evaluation was conducted by Purchasing and CSODepartment. This joint evaluation showed that the following bidders meet all District criteria and are under the approved dollar limitation of the Equipment Budget. OSun Valley Ford was lowest responsible bidder for the 10,000 lb. GVW cab and chassis at $8,968.66. OAvery Green Motors was lowest responsible bidder for the 24,000 lb. GVW, diesel, cab and chassis at $22,940.47. These vehicles will have dump bodies installed on them. The 10,000 lb. GVW cab and chassis will be fitted with the Districts existing dump body, which will be reconditioned then mounted. The 24,000 lb. GVW cab and chassis wi.ll require a new dump body since the old bed is beyond reconditioning. The new dump body is estimated to cost less than $5,000 installed. It is our intention to separately bid the new dump body to assure the best equ,ipment and competitive prices are obtained. RECOMMENDATION: Award purchase orders to Sun Valley Ford for the 10,000 lb. GVW cab and chassis at $8,968.66 and to Avery Green Motors for the 24,000 lb. cab and chassis at $22,940.47. ~~\~l RHH COMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RJ D INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 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DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 28, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AWARD CONTRACT FOR FURNITURE AND PARTITIONS FOR THE NEW OFFICE BUILDING AND AUTHORIZE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS SUBMITTED Bbark Weddl e AWARD CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering & Construction Department ISSUE: Bids have been received on furniture and partitions for the new office building. The Board must award a contract or reject all bids by November 8, 1982. BACKGROUND Eight bids were received on September 23, 1982 for furniture and partitions for the new office building. The furniture and partitions included in the bid package are consistent with the direction provided by the Board. The staff is currently evaluating the bids and will be prepared to recommend action at the September 30, 1982 Board meeting. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~. ~LW Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I I I. Bids & Awards 3 9 30 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 24, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3644-1982 STORM DAMAGE RELOCATION OF EX. (611 - x 1552) LELAND DR., LAFAYETTE AND AUTHORfZATfON OF FUNDS FOR THE PROJ AWARD CmlTRACT AND AUTHORIZE FUNDS Jarred Miyamoto-Mills Division SUBMITTED BY BACKGROUND: On AprJl 15, 1982 the Board of Directors authorized funds for engineering design of storm damage repairs to the collection system. One project entails the relocation of the District's 6 inch main off Leland Drive, Lafayette. The work generally consists of the installation of 184 lineal feet of 6 inch diameter pipe and appurtenant structures. Plans and specifications for the project (DP 3644): Relocation of EX. (611 - x 1552) Leland Dr., Lafayette were completed and adver- tisements inviting submission of sealed bids were placed on September 7, 1982. On September 29, 1982 sealed bids will be opened. District staff will review the bids and will then recommend award of the contract or rejection of bids at the September 30, 19~2 meeting. The Engineering Division has estimated the contract cost of the work at $12,000.00. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ JM2 ~~~" JL ~CLW INITIATING DEPT./DIV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. III. Bids & Awards 3 9/30/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 1982 STORM DAMAGE REPAIR TO EX (6"-XI552), LAFAYETTE AND AUTHORIZE $17,200 FROM SEWER FUNDS Sept. 30, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AWARD CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mills EINIT.IATINGPEPTJPIV.. . nglneerlng UIVISlon ISSUE: On Sept. 29, 1982 sealed bids for District Project No. 3644 were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award a contract or reject proposals within 30 days of the opening of sealed bids. BACKGROUND: On April 15, 1982 the Board of Directors authorized funds for design of storm damage repairs to the collection system. Erosion of a steeply sloping hillside during winter storms caused a portion of our 6-inch sewer main near Leland Drive, Lafayette to be displaced. CSO Department has taken all emergency measures required to keep the system in operation. Plans and specifications for the project (DP 3644: 1981-1982 Storm Damage Repair to EX (6"-XI552) Leland Drive. Lafayette) were completed and advertisements inviting submission of sealed bids were placed on September 7 & 14, 1982. Six bids ranging from $11,599.00 to $28,262.00 were received (see attached tabulation). The apparent low bidder is: Overmiller, Inc., dba Roto-Rooter Service/B&J Sewer Contractors of Walnut Creek, California. The Engineer's estimate for the work was $12,000.00. A Post-Bid/Pre-Construction cost estimate is attached. $17,200.00 is needed to complete the project including contract construction, construction management, incidentals and contingencies. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant funds will be available to reduce the Net Project Cost to the District. An estimate of this funding is noted in the cost estimate referred to above. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of District Project No. 3644 to Overmiller, Inc., dba Roto-Rooter Service/B&J Sewer Construction per their bid received on Sept. 29, 1982 and authorize $17,200 in sewer construction funds for contract construction, construction management, incidentals and contingencies. INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. \}?t~ JM2 0L JL ~PJMC CLW REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON CENTRh_ CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BID SUMMARY JOB 3644 LOCATION Le 1 and Dr.. L~f~yette DATE September 29. 1982 ENGR. EST $12.000.00 BI DDE R NAME BID PRICE ADDRESS PHONE 1. Overmi ller; lnc. dba Roto-Rooter Service/ B & J Sewer Contractor $11,599.00 1504 Parks ide Dr. Walnut Creek, CA (415) 939-3100 2. Mountain Cascade Inc. P.O. Box 116 $12,345.67 San Ramon, CA 94583 (415) 837-1101 3. R . A . Ag u i a r 1790 Ellis Street #36 .$13,588.00 Concord, CA 94520 (415) 827-2320 I 4.. Jardin Pipeline 2774 Jeffrey Court $15,670.00 Castro Valley, CA 94546 (415) 581-6946 5. Duran Jones Construction P.O. Box 181 Pleasanton, CA 94566 $17,180.00 (415) 462-1550 6. L. Ferdig & Co. Inc. 5505 Broadway $28,262.00 Vallejo, CA 94589 (707) 557-2719 / JOB_~ 31144 CHKD.BY BY DATE SHEET No.1 D A TE-9J2 7i.13.L. OF 1 ITEM 7. 8. 9. 10. POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3644 DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT 1 . Construction Contract (As Bid) . 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies . . . . . . $ 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . . $ 800 . 00 Inspection . $ 1 ,000.00 Engineering . $ 400.00 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals . $2,200.00 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat . . . . . . . . . . $ 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Survey, Engineering, Printing, Advertising CSO Emargency.Wark Right-ot-Way Acquisition. . . . . . . . $ 6,800.00 . $ 1 .400.00 . $ 3, 1 00 . 00 Total Preconstruct ion Incidentals (as ot 9-30-82 ). . $11,300.00 Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5 & 7) Funds Previously Authorized Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. (Item 8 minus Item 9) NOTE: Estimated FEMA participation. . . . . . . Net Project Cost. . . . . . . (Item 8 - FEMA participation) TOTAL . $ 11.599.00 601.00 $ 2,200.00 . $14.400. 00 $ 11 ,300.00 . $ 25.700.00 . $ 8,500.00 . $ 17,200.00 $14,700.00 $11,000.00 % CONST. CONTRACT 100% 5% 19% 124% 86% 210% 2050-8-78 <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ IV. CONSENT CALENDAR POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 27, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 82-16 (MARTINEZ AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ANNEXATIUN SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Owner Parcel Address No. Area Parcel No. & Acreage Rema rks Lead Agency 82-16 Martinez ETHELYN FORD 8 CAPRI LANE PLEASANT HILL, CA 372-164-07, -08 & -09 1. 27 Ac. Three lot Minor Sub. (101 P.M.35), Proposed for 3 Mobil Homes. Negative Declaration by City of Martinez City of Martinez RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 82-16 to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1~;;J!/}iZ; ~~ JSM CLW <CCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV., CONSENT : GALEN DA POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 27, 1982 SUBJECT ESTABLISH NOVEMBER 4, 1982 AS THE DATE FOR A HEARING ON ANNEXATION 80 AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FOR- MATION COMMISSION TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH DATE OF HEARING SUBMITTED BY Denni s Ha 11 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The L.A.F.C. has amended the territories to be included within several of the parcels which are a part of the above referenced District Annexation. A hearing must be held before this District can order the annexation of these parcelsas amended. BACKGROUND: The above referenced annexation was sent to LAFC as required for the formal annexation process. LAFC has amended the boundaries of several of the parcels submitted for its approval. The amended parcels are designated as D.A. 80, Parcels B, C, 0, E, and F. All affected property owners will be notified 15 days prior to the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, establishing a hearing date of November 4, 1982, for the annexation of the above referenced territories as amended by LAFC. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ,(J1c/- t..~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. DH JSM CLW Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Se tember 27, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUT A CONTRACT FOR A PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE TELEPHONE SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZE FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED 49 500 SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Manager ISSUE: A telecommunication system is required for the District's new Headquarters Office Bui Iding. A contract must be executed with the selected supplier of the Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system in sufficient time to assure installation of an operational system coincident with building occupancy. Authorize Contract Execution and Funds. BACKGROUND: Staff members of the Engineering and Administrative Departments began preparation of the specifications for the PBX system and the Request For Proposal in early 1981. Because of the rapid pace of technological advancements in telecommunications, a number of potential suppliers were contacted during the initial requirements definition phase of the project to insure that all relevant technical issues would be addressed in the Request For Proposal. Funds were authorized by the Board of Directors in November 1981 for a comprehensive review of telecommunication requirements and preparation of the final system specifications. As a result of the review, a system design was determined in consideration of the following criteria: o o o o To obtain a system with advanced technological design to maximize future flexibility. To minimize maintenance expenses and problems. To minimize the number of telephone stations. To provide Plant Operations and Collection System Operations Departments with expense reduction features of the new system. To maximize the use of existing telephone instruments. To provide expansion capability to meet future telephone requirements. To evaluate all optional features of the system on the basis of cost effectiveness only. To provide for emergency communications and operational requirements of the Plant Operations Department. o o o o ( A Schematic of the Proposed System is attached on the following page) The continuing telecommunications requirements of the Collection System Operations (CSO) Department in the Walnut Creek Office subsequent to occupancy of the new Headquarters Office Building were considered in the system design. The Board of Directors has previously been advised that the Walnut Creek Office is intended to undergo interior restructuring to meet long-standing space requirements of the CSO Department and to convert excess office space for leasing. The District's presently leased Walnut Creek Office PBX system, which will be acquired by exercise of a lease purchase option in late 1982, will be modified to serve the requirements of the CSO Department and the leaseable office space. The CSO T./DIV. ~ PM (/) (/) (/) (/) z (/) z z z t- (/) 0 UJ z9 0 0 z UJ z z- Z 01- z- I- W o~ o!:i .....J 0 _<:t <:t ~~- -I- :I: 1-1- -l- I- ~en 0- <ten I-en (/) t-w-UJ 0:: ~UJ <:t 0 I-UJ a:: 0:: 0:: I-UJ t- w o::wen (/)z w 0 z 0 (/)z z z <I:D::i 0 w 0 O>~ 0 wO UJO 0 a..uUJ ...J (!):I:e<t ...J (!):I: 0 (!):I: W :r: WI-&: u.. <:t 0..- <(a. ...J <:to. ~ a. (/)UJ"Ow u.. (/)UJ UJ o::>u.. en.....J.=O- lL. enUJ W (/).....J (/).....J .....J ozu.. "'C UJUJo(/) "'C Ww UJUJ en w '- ~ I- .: v c: ~I- - ~I- <I: I- en<J.P (/) rt') -I'- C\I -0 -10 m C\J u3:C\J C\J C\J ::E LLJ I- 00 >- 00 LLJ Z o :I: a.. LLJ ...J LLJ l- X m a.. I- Z <( Q Z W I- ~ en Zo. _Oe z~-:;: a Q) ~ .!!! . C> j::.51- ~ Z <t (/)- _ I- W 3: (/) z w a t- (!) :I: <t 0- en en w W en .....J w w 3=:i l- I'- 10 (2) en 0:: o t- z U 0 W I- 0:: <t -0;::: I- o~ (/) o lL.o w 00:: 5 o en :I: 0:: => a. c::{ U ~ o=> w m<tl- u- :I: XU all- Cl.?; en z j::: :::> g en ~ z :::> a:: I- a en ~ z :) a:: I- a (!) I-I-Z en en- <(o~ ~uo 0:: :I: o X W LL (f) cri I- '- <:t ~ ~ g 0> e :.;: -- elf) ~= 00 00 o <t~ inl- Oe 00 - Department portion of the system will be connected to the PBX system in the Headquarters Office Building to realize expense reduction features of the new system. The new PBX system will have a small increase in the number of telephone stations as compared to the present system (138 vs 132). The new system wi II include features for expense reduction in long distance and East Bay/San Francisco exchange calls. Accountabil- ity for toll calls by originator will be provided for cost accounting and control. The system requirements provide for maximum telephone reception and message distribution efficiency. Service and maintenance commitment and responsiveness, as well as proximity of service personnel and facilities, were considered to be of paramount import; accordingly, response time and personnel experience and training requirements were included in the specifications. Requests For Proposals were distributed to seventeen prospective suppliers on July 23, 1982. Eleven proposals were received. The proposals were reviewed by two members of the selection committee to determine compliance with the technical and contractual requirement contained in the Request For Proposal. During the review, six proposals were found not in compliance with minimum requirements. The five proposals selected for further consideration were distributed to each committee member for independent review. In addition to technical criteria, the following additional comparative measures were evaluated: purchase price; lease price and terms; price of options; maintenance expenses; service response time; location of service personnel; remote diagnostic capability and training of District personnel. The results of the committee members' evaluations were reviewed by the committee as a whole. Suppliers were contacted by telephone to obtain proposal clarification. A number of PBX systems were visited by committee members to observe proposed and other systems in operation. Customer references of each supplier were contacted. The evaluation of the committee is summarized in the Analysis section which follows. ANAL YSIS: The PBX system proposed by each of the five suppliers were evaluated based on technical requirements specified by the District. Each supplier was determined to meet the minimum requirements of the specifications, with technical exceptions being acceptable and not detrimental to the functional operation of the system. The suppliers were ranked, based on the technical requirements, in descending order as follows: I) Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company 2) Northern Telecom, Inc. 3) Star Datacom, Inc. 4) Mall Telecommunications 5) Harris Digital Telephone Systems Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, Star Datacom, Inc. and Harris Digital Telephone Systems were completely responsive to the District's requested contractual terms and conditions; Northern Telecom, Inc. and Mall Telecommunications deviated from the requested provisions in a number of respects. Attachment I summarizes certain salient features of the system proposed by each supplier. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. (3) Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company is prohibited under its present tariffs to offer its telecommunication systems on anything but a leased basis. The other four suppliers proposed their systems on a purchase or lease purchase option. Attachment II summarizes the purchase costs, monthly lease expense, monthly maintenance expense, cumulative lease costs, and their discounted values, for each supplier. In order that the lease purchase costs of the proposed systems be comparative, monthly maintenance expenses beginning in the second year are required to be added to other supplier's lease purchase costs, as maintenance services are included in the lease costs of Pacific Telephone. The results of the cost comparison summarized on Attachment II are presented below: Cumulative Lease & Maintenance Expenses Cumulative Discounted Purchase Purchase Cost & Discounted Cum. Mtce. Expense Cost Harris Digital Telephone Systems Northern Telecom, Inc. Star Datacom, Inc. Pacific Telephone Mall Telecommunications $182,364 231,047 25 I , I 09 260,538 273,906 $140,649 165,711 180,047 203,338 I 96,431 $103,045 104,824 136,951 N/A 156,976 $128,525 127,292 164,961 N/A 183,299 The cumulative lease and maintenance expenses over the lease term, and the discounted values to restate such expenses in current dollars, as well as the purchase cost and purchase cost plus the discounted value of cumulative maintenance expenses are indicated for each supplier. While Pacific Telephone does not presently sell its systems, changes in its marketing policies may occur in 1983 as a result of the American Telephone & Telegraph Company divestiture agreement. Pacific Telephone's present policy of leaving its system exclusively and its higher cumulative lease and maintenance expenses compelled evaluation of the leasing' or purchasing alterna- tives. It was the committee's conclusion that superiority in equipment characteristics and maintenance support and training, as well as the avoidance of technological obsolescence in a rapidly changing environment, were critical considerations. CONCLUSIONS: No other item of equipment to be acquired for the Headquarters Office Building will have as critical a long-term importance in the effective conduct of the District's business as wi II the PBX system. The PBX system wi II be used during each work day by virtually every staff member for internal communication and contact with business associates and the public. Because of its pervasive impact on District operations, the selection committee considered it essential that a supplier of a telecommunication system which would provide a reasonably long-range and stable relationship be selected. Accord- ingly, the system proposed by Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company is being recom- mended. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. (4) It is evident from the financial analysis that the Pacific Telephone system is not the least costly in terms of apparent cost, although every effort has been made to minimize system cost through avoidance of unnecessary stations and features and by making maximum use of existing equipment. The following compelling reasons, however, were the bases for the committee's recommendation: Future Flexibility - Because of its modular design, the system permits a variety of line and trunk combinations and simplifies future expansion. The addition or removal of equipment features and stations as well as incorporating new technology can be accomplished easily. If so determined at a future date, the lease may be terminated and the system replaced by another after one year. All other suppliers required a three to five year minimum lease period. Supplier Reliability - Pacific Telephone has been in operation since 1906 and it is unlikely that any major interruption of service would occur because of bankruptcy, a change in corporate marketing policies or other unforeseen circumstances. Should a portion or all of the PBX system be destroyed as a result of disaster, negligence or wear and tear, affected equipment is replaced free of charge. All specifications and requirements under Pacific Telephone's proposal will be assumed by the successor company established by American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Cost Effectiveness - Expense reduction features of the system include selection of optimal long distance modes and providing accountabi Iity and control. A customer administration panel permits changes to the system by trained District personnel, thus avoiding $300-$400 charges per service call usually required for other systems. Training programs before and after cutover are provided without additional charges. Maintenance Support - Pacific Telephone service includes preventive and remedial maintenance for the life of the contract. The maintenance program is extensive and includes continuous internal routine maintenance within the system, remote diagnostics, disaster recovery, and an extensive maintenance support organization. Training - Pacific Telephone will provide complete training before and after cutover in the use of the system. Special in-depth training will be provided to one or more employees designated as Communication Counselors. For the foregoing reasons, the committee believes it to be in the District's best interests to select Pacific Telephone to furnish the PBX system for the Headquarters Office Building. Attachment III presents a summary of funds now required for the PBX system. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract with Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for a PBX system, and authorize funds for design and installation costs not to exceed $49,500. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. (5) -~- ---- >- co ~ V) I.. U .- Vl I.. 4l I.. CO.- e "'C U e co "'C "'C W aJ aJ V) .- 4l-4- 0 aJ .- ~ 4l 0 aJ >- V) - ~"'C > U "'C ~ U 4- .- O1"'C V) 01 I.. 01 I.. ..c U lJ.J l- e I.. .- .- - ~ :J e co ~ co 0 V) 0 co "'C co 0 0 .- U - aJ 0 V) ~ co ~ "'C aJ co I.. co ~ 0 ~ I.. U ~ e ~ ~ - ~ - ...J U U e V) :J U V) 4l U ~ ~ aJ U V) 3: e 4l V) co V) co V) V) 4l V) > - e 4l 4l 0 e.- "'C e 01.- "'C 4l E co >- 4l > 4l 4l ~ 0 aC co 4l OJ::. ~ e e4- aJ :J 4l co - co 4- 4l 4l I.. 0 I.. ~ aJ ...J 4l 0 > 01 0 0 e - w <( U U 4l 0 01 co 4- 01- UVl co V) .- ua::: I.. ~ ~ e u U Z 0 eVl E 01 Vl 0... .- I.. E co I co co U .- .- :J I.. .- :J V) e :J .- e .- ~ I1lU 4l co ~ <( > e a. 4l .- .- I.. 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U 1Il U Q)Q) ...... ...... 4- e: ro 4- <X: L.. Q) U c po-., Q) 1Il ro Q) ..c: a:l U L.. e: L..:J ro 00.. U Q) Q) L.. 1Il 1Il Q) ro ro E Q) Q) <X: ....J....J -----.. ITEM 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ttachment III PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE (PBX) TELEPHONE SYSTEM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION COSTS DESCR I PTI ON ITEM AMOUNT 1. Installation Cost 2. Recorded Message System 3. 4. Contingencies @ 10% Estimated incidentals to project completion Engineering Inspection Plant Maintenance $1,500 1,500 4,000 5. Pre-installation expenditures Engineering Total estimated project cost Funds previously authorized Total additional funding authorization requested (Item 6 minus Item 7) Estimated salvage value of equipment replaced Total estimated net project cost (Item 6 minus Item 9) (1) Estimated salvage value of Plant Operations Department telephone system spare parts which will become surplus after conversion to the new PBX system. TOTAL $34,000 2,000 3,400 7,000 7 , 1 00 53,500 (4,000) 49,500 (1) (18,000) $31,500 <c<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 1 9/30/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 27, 1982 SUBJECT EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH RICHARD TODOROFF, ET UX. JOB NO. 421 - WALNUT CREEK AREA TYPE OF ACTION Approve Real Property Agreement SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The property owners, Richard Todoroff, et ux, desire to maintain in place, a carport which was erroneously constructed over a District easement. BACKGROUND: In April of 1981, the District1s Collection System Operations Department became aware of a damaged sewer main within the above mentioned District easement. The damage was repaired at District expense. After negotiation between all parties involved, it was agreed that Founders Title Company would pay the District's costs of $3,039.05. Staff has determined that the carport will not interfere with the operation of our sewer. The subject agreement makes the property owner responsible for additional maintenance costs which could result from the encroachment of the carport. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute "Agreement" and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CLW INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1tY-- DH jI~SM e.~ .~ <(<SD 12;.> (!; ~i~J! ~.-,.. ~~~~7 c' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 28, 1982 SUBJECT ESTABLISH BUDGET FOR MHF SYSTEM RENOVATION PROJECT, AUTHORIZE $1,875,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH MALCOLM TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS APPROVE CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY Steve McDonald INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division ISSUE Funds must be authorized to allow the multiple hearth furnace renovation project to proceed. Authorization is required for the General Manager- Chief Engineer to execute a contract for professional engineering services with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. BACKGROUND , Two multiple hearth furnace (MHF) systems were installed at the treatment plant to recalcine lime and to incinerate sludge prior to disposal as part of the Stage 5A Project. Several attempts were made by the contractor to place the MHFs in operation; however, the contractor did not achieve suc- cessful operation prior to dismissal in 1979. The MHFs were mothballed and the District engaged Metcalf & Eddy and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for making the MHF systems operational. Engineering activities have included facilities planning in light of changed discharge requirements, establishing the current condition of the equipment, identifying required repairs/modifications, and preparing a plan of action to place the MHFs into operation. Since 1976, dewatered sludge from the treatment plant has been landfilled . at Acme Fill. Disposal of unstabilized sewage sludge is in violation of ~'-'...::.> state 'law; however, the Regional Water Quality Control Board issued a waiver~for an indefinite period to allow the treatment plant to operate until the District can meet the stabilization requirement. Four methods of sludge stabilization, including anaerobic digestion, composting, and' lime stabilization, were evaluated during Facilities Planning. Inciner- ation was identified as the least costly method of sludge stabilization even after the treatment plant is converted to a conventional secondary process. Work by both Metcalf & Eddy and Malcolm Pirnie has shown that while construction of the MHF systems is essentially complete, both repairs and modifications are required prior to long term operation. Furthermore, testing is required to demonstrate whether or not the existing air pol- lution control equipment can meet the current regulations. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. -%L"--SMC JL JL e~CLW GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. 0':,0,-';'" . .,. "..' ~. ,.......: L--:-......_: ' ~--/_: L':.'" -,.::': ",:\..:., Page Three The possible wor~t case cost estimate for all four phases is $4,600,000 as detailed in Attachment A. A better estimate of the total project cost will be available upon the conclusion of Phases I and II. The Board is being asked to authorize $1,875,000 for Phases I and II at this time. Funding for Phases I and II is anticipated from the following sources: Stage 5A Settlement Stage 5A Project Completion Grant $ 400,000 255,000 $1,220,000 $1,875,000 CCCSD To ta 1 The benefits associated with the proposed project include a reduction in the cost of sludge disposal, a reduction in the cost of steam production, the ability to stabilize sludge prior to disposal in compliance wit~ State law, and the effective use of $18 million worth of currently idle facilities. The annual savings associated with using the MHF instead of landfi11ing raw sludge is estimated to be $650,000. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. will provide design and field assistance during the start-up and testing (Phase 1) and they will provide design services in conjunction with Phase II. A contract has been negotiated with Malcolm Pirnie at a not to exceed cost of $444,750. This project is included in the 5~year Capital Expenditure Plan as part of the Stage 5A Project Completion Project. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $1,875,000 from sewer construction funds for Phases I and II for the renovation of the MHF systems and authorize the General Manager- Chief Engineer to execute a contract with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., for professional engineering services in conjunction with the project. Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. HSM CWS JL CLW