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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-02-82 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'IV. ADM. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 24, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT RECEIVE RESUBMITTED AUDIT REPORT FOR THE 1981-1982 FISCAL YEAR Receive Audit Report SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: The audit report prepared by Laventhol & Horwath, the District's independent auditors, was submitted to the Board of Directors at the October 21, 1982 Board Meeting. The Board of Directors requested modifications to the Fund Equity section of the Balance Sheet and to the presentation of the Statement of Revenues and Expenses. BACKGROUND: Upon review of the financial statements presented in the 1981-1982 audit report, the Board of Directors requested the following changes: o Balance Sheet - The appropriateness of the caption IIRetained Earningsll within the Fund Equity section of the Balance Sheet was discussed and an acceptable alternative caption was considered desirable. Addition- ally, the amount of State and Federal construction grant funds was considered to be more properly disclosed separately within Fund Equity rather than being included within the Retained Earnings total. o Statement of Revenues and Expenses - The identification of sources of revenues and expenses by funds within the Statement of Revenues and Expenses to replace the combined statement was requested. The changes requested by the Board of Directors have been reviewed with the auditors and members of the Board. The requested changes have been made within the audit report which is submitted herewith, with the exception of the replacement of the term Retained Earnings; Retained Earnings is regarded as generally accepted in enterprise fund reporting and its use is shown in financial reports of other public agencies which are provided with this Position Paper. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the resubmitted 1981-1982 audit report prepared by the District's independent auditors. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM SAN rRANCISCO WASTEWATER PROGRAM FUND GROUP (a public .ervlce enterprl.. fund of the City and County of San BALANCE SHEETS, ~un. 30, 1'7' .nd 1'7. ill! 1978 for for $ 6,111, U5 $ 5,306,973 23,442,462 41,328,941 76,480,386 56,201,271 9,951,692 2,274,614 23,019,883 21,180,532 139,005,768 126,292,331 36 ,'3l, 275 36 , 878 , 1 0 1 171,841,612 170,875,698 12,674,086 ',688,009 17-5,779,337 90,181,360 397,226,310 307,623,168 87,715,744 85,008,080 309,510,566 222,615,088 103,2U 108,773 5448.619.576 5349 .016.192 ASSETS R..tricted current ....t.. Account. receivabl. frOm, 1... allowance uncollectible account. of $154,000 and $87,000 1979 .nd 1978, re.pectiv.1y General obligation bond fund. (Not. 5) San Sewer Revenue Bond fund. (Note 2) Grant pay.ent. rec.ivable (Not. 1). BUled UnbUled Total r..tricted current ....t. Property, plant and equipment (Not. 1). Treatment plant. and equipment Sewer line. . Land and right. of way Con.truction in progre.. Le.. .ccumulated depreciation Total property, plant .nd equipment Unamortized Revenue Bond i..ue co.t. LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current 1iabl1itie.. Unearned revenue Due to City and County of San Current portion of City and County of San general obligation bond. (Note 4) Current portion of San Sewer Revenue Bonda (Note 3) Accrued intereat Con.truction contract. payable Total current 1iabi1itie. A~cumulated vacation .nd .ick leave (Note 6) City and County of San Francisco general obligation bond., less current portion (Note 4) San Francisco Sewer Revenue Bonda, lea. current portion (Note 3) Commitments and contingencies (Note 7). Fund equity. Contributed capital. rederal capital grant. (Note 1) State capital granta (Note 1) Contribution of the City .nd County of San (Note '1) Retained earninga, beginning July 1, 1977 306,711 277,705 3,842,274 6,773,000 4,890,000 1,535,000 3,346,849 3,407,171 18,730,427 9,932,994 30,691,987 22,350,144 1,612 ,000 1,403,000 87,185,000 93,958,000 53,465,000 55,000,000 134,356,176 21,989,964 91,249 ,081 247,595,221 28,070,368 275,665,589 67,585,120 10,889,261 91,249,081 169,723,462 6,581,586 176,305,048 $448.619.576 $349.016.192 The accompanying notea are .n integral part of the financi.l at.tementa. 2 I . SAN FRANCISCO WASTEWATER PROGRAM FUND GROUP (a public service enterprise fund of the City and County of San Francisco) STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND RETAINED EARNINGS (NOTE 2) for the years ended June 30, 1979 and 1978 Net income 1979 1978 $33,413,891 $24,082,801 6,251,123 5,152,873 1,211,807 1,136,354 1,457,475 1,281,213 1,852,457 1,839,862 2,707,664 2,690,198 670,789 343,588 14,151,315 12,444,088 19,262,576 11,638,713 10,512,344 1,382,403 (8,286,138) (6,439,530) 2,226,206 (5,057,127) 21,488,782 6,581,586 6,581,586 $28,070,368 $ 6,5811586 Sewer service charges and other operating revenue operating expenses: Salaries and wages Fringe benefits Contracted services Materials and supplies Depreciation Other Operating income Nonoperating income (expense): Interest income (Note 5) Interest expense Retained earnings, beginning of year , Retained earnings, end of year The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 3 CITY OF MILLBRAE MUNICIPAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY FUND BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 1979 AND 1978 ASSETS 1979 Current assets Cash with treasurer $ 663,430 Total current assets 663,430 Property, plant and equipment, Land Plant and Furniture Autos and improvements and fixtures trucks at cost , c1.v-~r()rj., 9 321 (/II.dt..d.tA ~..v.-f/)" 2 404'086 IJ./ a r..tA. _II I'\..L-O , , 23,334 15,370 2,452,111 664,600 1,787,511 Less accumulated depreciation $2,450,941 ... LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current liabilities Matured bonds and interest payable $ Revenue bonds payable, current portion (Note 2) Accounts payable 20,375 15,000 7,157 Total current liabilities 42,532 Revenue bonds payable, less current maturities (Note 2) 390,000 .. Contributed capital 75,840 Retained earnings 1,942,569 2,018,409 $2,450,941 .. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. . -2- .. i I ~ I 1978 $ 598,663 598,663 9,321 2,340,606 23,334 5,321 2,378,582 613,444 1,765,138 $2,363,801 $ 10,000 3,246 13,246 405,000 75,840 1,869,715 1,945,555 $2,363,801 CITY OF MILLBRAE MUNICIPAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1979 AND 1978 . 1979 $ 538,542 3,387 541,929 169,945 44,509 182,715 51,156 448,325 93,604 Operating revenues Sewer service charges (Note 1) Sewer permits and other Total operating revenues '- Operating expenses Salaries Insurance and employee benefits Maintenance and operation Depreciation '- Total operating expenses Operating income ,. Nonoperating revenue Federal construction grant Trans fers from Capital projects fund Revenue sharing fund .. Nonoperating expense Interest 20,750 Net income 72,854 Less transferred to contributed capital I Transferred to retained earnings 72,854 Retained earnings - beginning of period 1,869,715 Retained earnings - end of period $1,942,569 .I I The accompanying notes are an 1nteg~al part of these financial statements. . -3- I 1978 $ 485,099 12,086 497,185 167,591 54,684 164,551 47,476 434,302 62,883 21,763 15,000 39,077 75,840 21,250 117,473 75,840 41,633 1,828,082 $1,869,715 District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nq~I. Consent Calendar VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 24, 1982 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY Parcel No. 82-19 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 82-19 (SAN RAMON AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency San Ramon Albert Marcotte 81 Haven Lane Walnut Creek, CA 208-280-01 & -20 12.71 AC & 10.489 Ac Planned office complex site. Tentative map approval, Negative Declaration by County. County RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 82-19 to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ptI DH e.~ CL\4 District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I I I. Consent Ca 1 . VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT POSITION PAPER DATE November 24, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY EXECUTE I'CONSENT TO COMMON USE" AGREEMENT WITH P.G.&E. - JOB 3482 WALNUT CREEK AREA APPROVE CONSENT TO COMMON USE ISSUE: A public sewer has been designed to cross an existing P.G.&E. easement. A "Consent to Common Use" is required to permit the District to cross P.G. & E. IS easement. BACKGROUND: The subject document will permit the public sewer to cross P.G. & E's easement while protecting P.G.&Els prior rights. The document protects both parties interests in the "consent area" from actions of the other party. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute document. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ DH ~~ CL\.J District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. ar POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 22, 1982 SUBJECT EXECUTE" CONSENT TO DEDICATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT" TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. JOB 1574, PARCEL 13, WALNUT CREEK AREA. TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CONSENT TO DEDICATION Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Mr. Delta Pelzel is subdividing his property into three parcels. The County is requiring the dedication of a drainage easement covering the area of a natural creek crossing the subject property. BACKGROUND: At the present time the County does not have any plans to improve the existing creek, which is in a heavily wooded area. If it becomes necessary to do work in the creek, the subject drainage ease- ment will establish their right to do so. The "Consent" document is our standard form and it protects the Districts prior rights in the area of Consent. The document requires that the cost of any relocation of District facilities will be borne by the County. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute document and authorize its recording by the County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 6ltt DH '4JJ e..~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 24, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE MATERNITY LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR D. BARONE, JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT, EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 13, 1982 AUTHORIZE LEAVE OF ABSENCE SUBMI:rWT;Cl BY N F k' a ter . unasa 1 INITIA1.lilIG .PEPTt!DIVt. AamlnlS ra lve Department ISSUE: D. Barone, Junior Accountant, has requested a five month maternity leave of absence effective December 13, 1982. BACKGROUND: Consistent with District policy, D. Barone should be granted a maternity leave of absence with a continuation of all health, medical, life insurance and long-term disability insurance benefits. Applicable benefit provisions under the State Disability Insurance program will be available during the maternity leave. The Board of Directors has indicated its amenability to having normal leaves of absences approved by the General Manager-Chief Engineer. The General Manager-Chief Engineer's approval is provided by signature below; however, the Memorandum of Understanding with Employees' Association Public Employees' Local No.1 requires Board approval for a leave of absence without pay exceeding five working days. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a five month maternity leave of absence for D. Barone, effective December 13, 1982. _ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. h~ WNF I BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. V. ENG. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 29, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $5,000.21 FOR THE CLOSE OUT OF THE HIGH VOLTAGE EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL SERVICE, DISTRICT PROJEC NO. 3525 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction & Services Division ISSUE: The design/contract management (District labor) account for this project has been overexpended. BACKGROUND: This project provides for an alternate source of power if the Treatment Plant's main source of power is interrupted. Preparation of contract documents began in the spring of 1981. The District received approval to award a construction contract from the State a year later. The contract with St Francis Electric extended from May 26, 1982 to July 29, 1982. PG&E completed the metering compartment during August 1982 and the 21 KV power connection on November 2, 1982. Costs for small, grant-funded projects run high because of the large amount of paperwork. This fact combined with a delay in project approval by the State and delays by PG&E in activating the power source have caused the project account to overrun. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an additional $5,000.21 on the High Voltage Emergency Electrical Service Project No. 3525 for a total project authorization of $81,300. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. INITIATING ~DIV. r/ ~ JSM e.~W CLW Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. COL. SYSTEM 1 12 2 2 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Nov. 23, I 982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $3,206 FROM C.S.O. 1982-1983 EQUIPMENT BUDGET CONTINGENCY FUND TO REPLACE THREE (3) EMMET CGS-10 Authorize Funds TRI-TECTOR GAS aETEC~ORS SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: The purpose of this request is to replace 3 Emmet CGS-10 tri-tectors with 3 Seen-Trio Gas Detectors. BACKGROUND: Our Emmet tri-tectors are used for confined space atmosphere monitoring and testing. They have proven to be difficult to keep in operation and cannot be depended on. The Seen-Trio detectors have a reliable reputation and are used extensively in the bay area. Reliable equipment is essential for confined space work. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $3,206.00 from c.s.o. 1982-1983 Equipment Budget contingency fund to replace three (3) Emmet CGS-10 Tri-tector Gas Detectors. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. t\~~ ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VI. COL. SYSTEM 2 12 2 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT EXPRESSIONS OF APPRECIATION from Mr. & Mrs. Jack Huddleston, Walnut Creek, and Mrs. Diane Morrison, Lafa ette TYPE OF ACTION Information SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ISSUE: The C.S.O. Department has recently received expressions of appreciation from Mr. & Mrs. Jack Huddleston, 18 Grandview Place, Walnut Creek, and Mrs. Diane Morrison, 1528 Reliez Valley Rd., Lafayette, for the courteous and informative service accorded them by Department employees. BACKGROUND: The Huddleston's letter deals with the work of Doug Crocker, Al Hornsby, Lee Hopkins, Jesse Lawrence, Joe White, and Jim Hampton on a sewer repair project on Grandview Place, Walnut Creek. The Morrison call was in thanks for the service provided by Bill Katsuleres and Chuck Gardner in regards to her concern about sewer overflow protection at her home on Reliez Valley Rd., in Lafayette. RECOMMENDATION: Accept Expressions of Appreciation from Mr. & Mrs. Jack Huddleston and Mrs. Diane Morrison. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. . ----- November 17, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: BILL KATSULERES, MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER AND CHARLES GARDNER, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II FROM: R. H. Hinkson, Manager, Collection System Operations SUBJECT: LETTER OF APPRECIATION ATTENTION: BILL KATSULERES Bill, on October 25, 1982, Ginnie Gerber took a phone call from a Mrs. Morrison in Lafayette. She had called us earlier regarding the potential for overflow at her home based on the "Ray Horne" story in the Lafayette Sun. You and Chuck checked it out. As you can see from Ginnie's notes on the conversation, Mrs. Morrison was extremely pleased with your explanation and courteous treatment. I want to congratulate you for an excellent piece of work from both a technical and public relations viewpoint. I am sure, your individual conduct in this matter makes the rest of us in the District look a little better too. Thank you. -\ ~.' ~~'Hl~~+(V\ Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:vg cc: Roger J. Dolan Personnel File .<((sD TELEPHONE CONVERSATION NOTES SUBJECT OVERFLOW DEVICE PROJECT FILE I PAGE 1 OF 1 CALL TO ORGANIZATION DATE I TIME GINNIE GERBER C.S.O. 10-25-82 9:35 a.m. CALL FROM ORGANIZATION PHONE NO. MRS. MORRISON PROPERTY OWNER ( 415) 934-0637 Mrs. Morrison called to let us know that in all of her previous experiences she has never received such courteous and informative service from representatives ....--. '-'--"'--"'-~-'-"-~ of a public agency as she had today. "'-'--"--"--- ..._-_._.._-_...__.....__.._~-_..__.._-~ Two men (Bill Katsuleres and Charles Gardner) came out this a.m. to examine her property to see if an overflow device was required. (She had requested this exam because of the "Horne" article in the newspaper. ) They showed her in detail how the sewer system works, walking her out and showing here where her line flows, giving her dye tablets to deomonstrate the flow, and continued their explanation until she felt she totally understood how ".__._~-_.~---,-- the system functions. "They didn't talk down to me because I am a woman, they gave me personal examples of how they do things in their homes so that I could understand." She said she felt they were sincere "not phony", "not putting on a fake show" in wanting to help her relieve her fears because of the news article. I said I wished the manager had been available to receive her call, she said she would be glad to tell him the same thing, she just wanted to thank us for our excellent public service. /7/' !:!y , C/{I -- November 18, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: DOUG CROCKER, MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR AL HORNSBY, MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER LEE HOPKINS, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II JESSE LAWRENCE, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II JOE WHITE, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II JIM HAMPTON, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER I FROM: R. H. Hinkson, Manager, Collection System Operations SUBJECT: LETTER OF APPRECIATION ATTENTION: DOUG CROCKER I know you guys are good worker's and I thought you were good at public relations, but I'll be damned if I thought you were this good! ~ To be serious, this letter from the Huddleston's is one of the most enjoyable letters I have ever read. I am extremely pleased to commend you all for your excellent response to the public on the Grandview job and to the Huddleston's in particular. Q \ lJ (W-~)~~ R. H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:vg cc: Roger Dolan Personnel File Attachment ............." .~L;._....~........~ ,. . ....,: - -K:':' - -.....-.. 'm c--J ~!"::: -; "~~;.~ ~::,". . c, a~~i pl fO ~.,:~ ~ ~ : : :,~ ~ : : ~ ~ ~ : : ~ltvr' 't ~----,-,-,,~._-- . I~ ~It ~J -::T .s .5 ~ : ~ : : C! ~ : : : : : : : : j' tT(/ /) ,~"l.i':= 'I .8j C) . ~ ~ ~,.:~ ~ ~ ~ g .;. ~ ,~. J! : : ~ ; -:.I / IIJ~ ~~ I."; :> 't:~;1:i~"; :~~'2~ct 2 ~~ : :"" ~ --I 'v ,...-,. "'" ~- '" ... >.! -.. ,~ "":l: <J~' "" . . . ~f~;:l" '-' . g.~~i-:;;2~ :~::;;'~~'*~~~:: .~;:" . ~: c: :. ~ c. . _ '-' -; :~ . .. . ... '" .." . " ': . . .': : :. '.: ~~ - . . /)..57) . .:..' .......:.. . : ft;~ ..' ~ JLJuvp j -- ~~~o. ULUI ~ffi ~jJ,~~tdhu ..' ffi ~k ~ p fI Hd- ~ ~~~ v' 1 ,/ ~ ~>~ ~ .~~.~a-.7?uv Pt1v . -' . . ~~ ~~~W ", ~ (!i'tt!L ff~ c. .tk ,i?~ff,- .11'& .:e! . ~ ~~ f'~ . {d ~~~bl/W /~~/ - . , .'M . .~ __!:~iv ~~~ r fr~~ de--J~~ .' v~dt:: ~~r:;:;t::: ~ffi%fi~~ ~pr~ p;:d ; ';t@c/. ." ~ da I ~ jib ~ ar~;dI ~._- n .. /J / J 'L-t' ~_ tl /'.L--U . ' 1m ~ } ~ti":Z ~_ te--Jv ~~ ~%0 _ , _ dlut ~il rdtv 7%6-;t(/ ifdiJ fIJ1kL tJv' if. -r'J'-a{-.$/~~:<<-~J~ ;pi/ .- .;,V Pti-C~cL;z:;t~/; - i r A'~;zIlt?t{ ~7U - iN! /?tIGP . j!tt~ .0r~ thd- tda~ -G - " 11 btu-:M",.J,ok K.R"""""" 7-- - . "'--~. tC?1~-t4 ,. . ~ 18 Grandview Place a.. " ~ ~ . _ Walnut Creek, cal..i.f. ... -$~r" ,~ 94595 ,< ' t/ ' - . - _._~-,. . - --_...----..._--~--_.._-- --.... - dud