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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-28-82 Central Cont Costa BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY ACCEPT CONTRACT AND GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - WALNUT CREEK AREA - JOB 2695 - Parcel 10 RIGHT OF WAY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction Services Division ISSUE: The subject easement is one of the three outstanding easements required before construction can begin on Job 2695. BACKGROUND: The Board previously executed the subject document on November 5, 1981. The U.S.A. executed the document on December 24, 1981. It is now necessary for the District to formally accept the document and authorize its recording. RECOMMENDAT ION: APPROVAL, accept "Cont ract and Grant of Easement') and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INIT TINi$Ji JSM e~LW District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 1 28 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Janu~ry 2Q, 19B2 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT ACCEPT EASEMENT AGREEMENT FROM SOUTHERN PAClFLC TRANSPORTATION CO. FOR SEWER CROSS LNG S.P's. RAILp ROAD PROPERTY IN SAN RAMON AREA p JOB 3519 RLGHT OP WAY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction Servl.ces Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The subject easement is required to provide sanitary sewer service to Subdivisions 5692 and 5967. BACKGROUND: The subdivision devetope~ Granada Sales, lnc., has negotiated with Southern Pacific Transportation Company in acquiring the subject easement. Granada has paid $1,000,00 for the granting of the subject easement. This easement agreement is similar to easements previously granted this District from Southern Pacific. The terms and conditions of the agreement are, of course, designed to protect Southern Pacifies' interests. RECOMMENDATfON: Approval, execute document in dupli.cate and authorize recording of said document after Southern Pacific has executed same. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e~ CLW '?el(s. P F c..-------~ Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. AamlnlstratlVe 1 1/28/82 OSITIO nAp I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P N r.... ER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT DATE January 14, 1982 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TYPE OF ACTION Establish Standing Committee SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: The establishment of a District Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee would facilitate plan administration. BACKGROUND: The District established a Deferred Compensation Plan in January 1976 after voluntarily withdrawing from participation in the Federal Social Security System. The Plan is administered by the District which has the sole authority to enforce the Plan and is responsible for the operation of the Plan in accordance with its terms; the District is to determine all questions arising out of the administra- tion, interpretation and application of the Plan, and such determination shall be conclusive and binding. The District appointed the Hartford Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company to maintain a deferred compensation fund to which deferred compensation payments are credited for employee participants. A statement of each employee's account which shows the amount of deferred compensation contribution, account balance, investment gains or losses and service fees assessed are provided to each participant quarterly. The establishment of the Deferred Compensation Plan was originally proposed by an employee committee which, with the assistance of District Counsel, reviewed deferred compensation plans offered by various providers, recommended the selected plan to the Board of Directors and prepared a plan document which met the Internal Revenue Service requirements for tax deferral of contributions to the Plan. The administra- tion of the Plan in the areas of communicating problems regarding accountability to Hartford, reviewing employee requests for emergency withdrawal of funds and recom- mending action for consideration by the Board of Directors has devolved to the employee committee. The Deferred Compensation Plan provides a major employee benefit for District employees and the accumulated fund balance represents a significant monetary value. The internal administration of the Deferred Compensation Plan would be facilitated by establishment of a standing advisory committee. The scope of activities and the composition of the committee are described below: SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES: Internal District Administration of Plan The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee will establish internal District administrative procedures within the provisions of the Deferred Compensation Plan document. The administrative procedures will describe the routine document processing for enrollment and termination of participants, REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. the frequency and timing of revisions to account allocations and the require- ments for withdrawal of funds. All internal administrative procedures developed by the Advisory Committee will be submitted for approval by the Board of Directors. Education The Advisory Committee will develop a document which summarizes the Dis- trict's Deferred Compensation Plan for distribution to participants. The document will be revised as changes to the Plan or administrative procedures are made. The Advisory Committee will receive queries from participants regarding the Plan provisions and administrative procedures and provide response. Review Accountability By Plan Administrator The Advisory Committee will receive queries from participants related to accuracy or propriety of account balances and other information presented on quarterly statements prepared by Hartford. Such queries will be researched by review of records maintained within the District and communication with the Plan Administrator, as required, and response provided to the partici- pant. Review Requests For Emergency Withdrawals Requests for emergency withdrawals of funds from the Deferred Compensation Plan will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee. The Committee's recommenda- tion to honor or deny requests will be forwarded to the District Board of Directors for consideration during the Board's review of the withdrawal request. Review Investment Performance The Advisory Committee will prepare an annual analysis of the investment. performance of the District Deferred Compensation Plan for the current year and Plan inception to-date. Reports To District Management And The Board of Directors The Advisory Committee will submit an annual report to District management and the Board of Directors which will include statistical data such as numbers of participants, average fund balances and 'average net investment revenue or loss, as well as an evaluation of the performance by the Plan Administrator and the local broker. The report will also describe activities of the Advisory Committee and provide recommendations for changes to the Plan document and admini strati ve procedures for consi derati on by the Board of Directors. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. The analysis of investment performance for the year and Plan inception to- date will be included in the annual report. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee will operate under the guid- ance of the District Finance Officer. One nonmanagement employee will be selected to serve on the Advisory Committee from the Administrative, Engineering, Collection System Operations and Plant Operations Departments, respectively. The District Counsel will provide assistance to the Advisory Committee on legal issues, and interpretation of Plan provisions. Members of the present Deferred Compensation Committee, namely, D. Lloyd Smith and Peter Wiebens, will continue as ex officio members of the Advisory Committee for a term of one year from the date the Advisory Committee is established. If any of these employees are selected as a departmental representative, he will serve for the term established for that representative. The terms of membership for the representatives of the Administrative, Engineer- ing, Collection System Operations and Plant Operations Departments will be two years. However, in order to overl ap the expirati on of members I terms, the initial membership terms will be as follows: Administrative Department -2 years; Engi neeri ng Department - 1 year; Co 11 ecti on System Operati ons Department - 2 years; Plant Operations Department - 3 years. The successor representatives to the initial membership will serve for two year terms thereafter. In the opinion of District Counsel, recent changes to the federal tax laws will not have adverse effects on the District's Deferred Compensation Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize establishment of a Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee with a scope of activities and membership composition as described in this Position Paper. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION ~ ->-.~ f:ItIlfJ CU~ I <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 21, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACT ION REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE NEW OFFICE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT REPORT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. [~cCoy INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Construction and Services Construction work continues at the District's Treatment Plant on the new Headquarters Office Building, Board Meeting Room, and the Plant Operations West Wing areas. The present status of the work is as follows: West Wing Renovation Progress in the West Wing has been slower than what was anticipated in the November 13, 1981 report to the Board. A revised Construction Schedule was submitted by the Contractor in December, 1981. This schedule showed West Wing completion by the second week of February, 1982. Current indications are that this date can be met. However, quarry tile patchup work and lock set installation work will not be possible by this date because of delivery problems. Quarry tile installation will be delayed because quarry tiles to match the existing West Wing tiles have not been available for a few years and the factory is planning a new production run in late February. Installation should take place in early March. This work, however, does not delay the occupancy of the West Wing offices. Lock set installation will be delayed because the specified manufacturer~tz. Russwin requires a long lead time between the placement of order and delivery. Present indications are that the locks will arrive on the job by early April. Installation of locks should not hold up the occupancy of the West Wing offices since the use of temporary locks is being planned. Occupancy of the West Wing offices is, however, dependent on the availability and installation of the specified carpet for these areas. Conklin Bros. have recently been awarded the carpeting contract. The present estimate for installation of carpet tile indicates completion by the end of March, 1982. Relocation of telephone and other services from the office trailers to the West Wing offices is also being planned and arranged at the present time. r~eet i ng Room Construction work on the Board Meeting Room continues at a good pace. District's contract with W. A. Thomas Company requires completion of this phase by March 20, 1982. The revised Construction Schedule submitted by the Contractor Page 1 of 2 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ -2- in December, 1981 showed completion of this work by the first week of March, 1982. Actual progress to date indicates that the contract completion date can be met. New Office Building Work on the Office Building has been slow from the very start. This has been aggravated by delays in delivery of structural steel. District1s contract with the Contractor requires completion of this phase by August 17, 1982. In its revised December, 1981 Construction Schedule, the Contractor indicates completion by the third week in October, 1982. It is difficult to realistically estimate actual completion at this time, but once structural steel is delivered and installed, and the effect of recent weather delays is known, a reasonable projection will be possible. The present Construction Schedule (Revised December, 1981, schedule) indicates delivery of structural steel in the third week of February, 1982. With the exception of some minor site work, work on the Office Building is at a standstill at the present time awaiting the arrival of structural steel. The Contractor plans to improve progress considerably after the installation of structural steel for the Office Building. The District1s staff continues to furnish all job related information to the Contractor in a timely manner in accordance with District's contractual obligations. Contractor's job progress is being closely monitored and the Board will be kept advised in the coming months. Contract Statistics: (as of December 21, 1981) W. A. Thomas Contract Bid Approved Change Orders W. A. Thomas. Contract plus Approved Change Orders Value of Work Completed Percentage Work Completed to Date Total Contract Time Time Extensions Granted Elapsed Contract Time Percentage Elapsed Time to Date 420 Calendar o Calendar 191 Calendar $ 4,560,000 $ 9,724 $ 4,569,724 $ 949,766 21% Days Days Days 45% Costa San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Engi neeri ng 2 2 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Januar 21 1982 SUBJECT APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE AGREEMENT WITH TYPE OF ACTION WASTE AND WATER INTERNATIONAL FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINEER- APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT ING SERVICES ON THE MARTINEZ PUMP STATION (PROJECT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division BACKGROUND: During the time Waste and Water International was designing major modifications to the Martinez Pump Station. District staff com- pleted an evaluation of the use of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as a means of odor control. The estimated cost to construct the NaOH facilities is $61,000. The projected savings in costs of chemicals is $130,000 for a one year period. Because of the large potential savings, it is advant- ageous to modify the existing chemical feed design for Martinez to pro- vide for use of NaOH. The cost of the additional engineering work has been negotiated at $11,387. There are also two existing exterior stairways which must be replaced for safety considerations. The cost to design the replacement stairs is $1,798. Both the NaOH and stair design work is beyond the scope of the original agreement as amended. It is appropriate to modify the existing agreement with Waste and W~ter International to include this change in scope. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Amendment No.3 to the Agreement with Waste and Water International for additional engineering services on the Martinez Pumping Station CDSP 34311 and authorize $13,186 as a maximum not to be exceeded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INIYATING D#T/.;V. j I/I~SH ~ CLW G'.~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII I. Co 1. System 1 1/28/82 I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT ADOPT RESOLUTION APPOINTING ROGER DOLAN AS DISTRICT"S AGENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING CERTAIN FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE DISASTER REHABILITATION ACT, PUBLIC LAW 288 DATE January 26,1982 TYPE OF ACTION Adopt Reso 1 ut ion SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: The Federal Emergency Management Agency requires the appointment of an agent by the District's Board of Directors to act for the District in matters pertaining to disaster assistance. BACKGROUND: Damage to public facilities as a result of the storm of January 4th through the 9th can qualify for federal disaster funds. This resolution is required as part of the application procedure. RECOMMENDATION: Pass resolution appointing Roger Dolan the District's agent for the purpose of filing applications for Federal disaster funds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION - GEN~' /~H:~NG. ,-At".{ ~ r7 A'TI~1 DEPT./DIV. k.l~~ RHH