HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-04-82 (((sD Central Cont BOARD OF DIRECTORS District N~ IV. Consent Calendar VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 25, 1982 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY QUITCLAIM EASEMENT - MORAGA AREA - JOB 2181 - PARCEL 1 RIGHT OF WAY Ja S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: SEC Investments, Inc., owners of the property which is encumbered by the subject easement, have requested this District to quitclaim said easement, BACKGROUND: The subject easement was created in 1973 to provide sewer service to a proposed development wttMn the subject property. Development plans have been changed, and a new easement has been dedicated on a Parcel Map to be filed concurrently with this subject quitclaim. The previously installed sewer main is located totally within the new dedicated easement. The developer has paid the required processing fee for this quit- cl aim. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute quitclaim and authorize its re- cording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 14IATI? WY::JV'JMC ',-{, /fiv-r- e ~ C L\! Contra Costa San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Consent Calendar 3 3 4 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 82-5 (DA~VILLE AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT. Februar 26 1982 TYPE OF ACTION MJNEXAT I ON Ja INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and S SUBMITTED BY Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Rema rks Lead Agency 82-5 Danv. Loren D. McBain 1438 Quince Way Upland, CA 91786 197-161-05 2.36 Ac. Property spl it into 2 parcels, one existing house. One new house to be built. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption". CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 82-5 to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI ;;7iJYvZV' JSM ~W CL\</ Contra BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. I V. Consent Ca 1 enda r 4 3 4 82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 25, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX 10 SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 79 ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The above areas are part of a large backlog of properties that have petitioned the District for annexation over the past two years. BACKGROUND: The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) has re- quested that the District submit no more than 10 separate areas under anyone proceeding to avoid over-loading their schedule. This is the sixth group of 10 parcels to be sent to LAFC for pro- cessing. LAFC has indicated that they may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas we submit, to e1 iminate islands or straighten boundary lines. RECOMMENDATION: Pass a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to CCCSD under District Annexation 79. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SM e~CLW Pa rce 1 No. 1 10 P.A.# & Area 0-39 Alamo 2 3 0-35 Alamo 1-20 Alamo 5 1-22 Alamo 7 1-1 Danv. 1-10 Danv. 9 1-5 Danv. 0-9 Danv. Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Kamran Sharareh 2461 Southview Dr. Alamo, CA 94507 193-010-05 .701 AC B. E. Mangur i an 130 Shrene Ln. #26 Walnut Creek, 193-050-027 .627 AC John K. Gordon 34 Tennis Club Dr. Danvil1e, CA 94526 198-050-012 .21 AC Roy A. Hallquist 161 Patricia Ln. Alamo, CA 198-050-05 (1.0AC.) Brian Thiessen P.O. Box 218 Danvil1e, CA 94526 197-050-010 20 AC Jerry Riggs, et ux 302 Montair Dr. Danvi lIe, CA 199-120-06 1 .81 AC W. S. Sa 1 e, et ux 304 W. Prospect Danville, CA 94526 208-071-04 .38 AC Barbara H. Heckly 1156 Oxford Berkeley, CA 94707 208-072-05 .27 AC Renown Enterpris1Mt 150 E. Linda Mesa Ave Danville, CA 200-200-01 2.02 AC Shapell Industries p.O. Box 469 Milpitas, CA 95035 202-110-03,05,06 64.04 AC DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 79 Tabulation of Parcels Date Approved by Board and Remarks Nov. , 19 0 Existing house - Owner is building addition and must connect to public sewer, District to prepare IINotice of Exemption'l. Sept. 17, 19 1 Owner to build one single family home. District to pre- pare "Notice of Exemptionl'. Lead A enc CCCSD CCCSD Oct. 2, 19 0 Existing House - Septic CCCSD tank has failed - District to prepare "Not i ce of Exempt i onll Sept. 3, 19 1 Property to be split into two parcels by M.S. 54-80. One existing house, one additional can be built on new parcel. Tentative map and negative declaration approved by County. Sept. 3, 19 1 Property to be spl it into 4 lot~ by M.S. 41-80. (3 lots of 1 acre - Negative Declaration by C. C. Co. Feb. 5, 19 1 Septic tank has fai led. County Health Dept. has advised pro- perty owner to connect to public sewer District to prepare "Notice of Exempt i onl' Aug. , 19 1 Failing Septic Tank District to prepare "Notice of Exempt i on'l County County CCCSD CCCSD May 7, 19 1 Septic tank is failing CCCSD owner must connect to public sewer. CCCSD to prepare 'INotice of Exemption'l March 5, 19 1 Proposed Subd. 5985 - Planned Unit Development consisting of 21 units - Negative Declaration by C.C. County. Dec. , 19 0 Proposed Sub. 5959 - total of 92 single family homes. E. I.R. approved by County. County County BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. Admi ni strati ve POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 1, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF ADDENDUM NO, 1 TO CONTRACT WITH COMPUTER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TYPE OF ACTION AMEND CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: An amendment to the contract with Computer Resource Management Corpora- tion is required to replace the contracted-for hardware system with an alternative hardware system. BACKGROUND: On December 3, 1981, the Board of Directors authorized execution of a contract with Computer Resource Management Corporation (CRMC) for the design, furnishing, installation, and support of the Districtls Financial Management Information System. The original proposal submitted by CRMC in response to the Districtls Request for Proposal included two alternative hardware configurations: Microdata Reality 4510 and the Applied Digital Data Systems, Inc. (ADDS) Mentor. The ADDS Mentor System was less costly and met all technical requirements, but was dis- counted in the proposal evaluation because it was newly introduced on the market and did not have a proven reliability record. Before placement of the order for the Microdata Reality was completed, CRMC recommended that the ADDS Mentor be reconsidered in view of a recently announced new 1 ine of a larger computer system by Microdata Corporation and the impressive performance of an ADDS Mentor which CRMC acquired for its own system develop- ment use. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. was instructed by the District to perform a comparative evaluation of the two hardware alternatives. The evalua- tion was submitted to the Districtls System Study Group; a copy is attached for the Boardls review. The conclusions and recommendations by the data processing consultants are summarized below: . Either hardware system would be adequate to meet the Districtls require- ments. . The Microdata hardware is an older, yet more Ilproven" system. . The ADDS hardware is technologically superior to the Microdata hardware but 1 acks an extens i ve lit rack record. II . The ADDS hardware is $5,000-$10,000 less costly than the Microdata hardware. ) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IN~ATING D. EPT./DIV. ~L~ . Users of both systems are satisfied. . Peat Marwick, Mitchell & Co. recommended that the System Study Group conduct at least one site visit to an ADDS Mentor site and request a firm written price from CRMC for an ADDS based system; if the site visit and quotation are favorable, an amendment to the contract should be executed for a system using the ADDS Mentor hardware. The System Study Group accepted the recommendations of the data processing con- sultants. A site visit was performed at the Hayward Police Department and a firm quotation from CRMC has been received. An amendment to the CRMC contract has been signed by CRMC and requires execution by the Board of Directors. A copy of the amendment is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize execution of Amendment No. 1 to the CRMC contract to replace the Microdata hardware system with an ADDS Mentor hardware system. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. ce<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Budget and Fi nay ce 2 12/3/81 OS T 0 I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P I I N PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH COMPUTER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CORPORATION FOR THE DESIGN, FURNISHING, INSTALLATION AND SUPPORT OF THE DISTRICT1S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFO. SYSTEM DATE December 1, 1981 TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: A contract for the design, furnishing, installation and support of the District's Financial Management Information System has been satisfactorily negotiated with Computer Resources Management Corporation (CRMC). BACKGROUND: The District's Systems Study Group presented its report titled IIFinancial Management Information System Report" at the October 15, 1981 Board Meeting. The Board of Directors accepted the recommendation contained in the report and authorized contract negotiations with Computer Resources Management Corporation and International Data Applications for the acquisition of an in-house computer system. Contract drafts were requested from both vendors. The draft contracts were reviewed by a subcommittee of the Systems Study Group and the District's data processing consultants. Revisions to the CRMC contract requested by the District were satisfactorily negotiated. The major contract revisions were: o Increase in CPU capacity from 64 KB to 128 KB for an additional cost of $3,900. o Increase tape density from 800 BPI to 1600 BPI for an additional cost of $1,500. o Increase the software application warranty period from two months after each installation to two months after acceptance of the final application. o Relegated classification 4 applications to an optional basis, to be determined by the District. o Removed a stipulation that the warranty for an entire software application would terminate if errors resulted from modifications by the District or any other th i rd pa rty . A copy of the revised contract is appended to this position paper. A summary of the hardware and software costs included in the contract is shown below: Microdata Reality 4510: CPU-128 KB (MOS) l-Tape drive 45 IPS/1600 BPI REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. 1-30 MB Disc drive 1-300 LPM Printer 2-Prism CRT 1-0pen Port $ 60,765 Software Applications for Classifications 1 through 4 81,000 Total Contract Cost $141,765 It is recommended that the hardware be purchased instead of being acquired under a five- year lease/purchase plan offered by the vendor, primarily because of the system's capacity for upgrading to meet increased volume demands. In addition to the initial hardware and software costs, the following additional equip- ment costs are anticipated to be required during the period of the system conversion: Five additional CRT video display terminals at $4,000 each Four word processor terminals at $7,000 each $ 20,000 28,000 Miscellaneous stands and cabinets Total 2,000 $ 50,000 District forces labor charges and outside keypunching services to be obtained in connec~ tion with the initial system conversion is projected to cost $6,000. The initial stock of forms, supplies and magnetic tape is estimated to cost $2,500. The total project cost for hardware and software, accessory equipment and initial con- version labor charges and forms is projected to be $200,265. The District's Capital Expenditure Plan included a provision of $200,000 for this project. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize execution of a contract with Computer Resources Management Corporation and provide $200,265 in capital funds to implement Districtls Financial Management Information System. r-.:_~EVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ATING DEPT./DIV. /~~) WNF ((<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'VI. Budget and Financ~ 1 l?/</Rl O P I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITI N ~PER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 30, 1981 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR DATA PROCESSING CONSULTING SERVICES FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000 TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE SERVICE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. provided data processing consulting services to the District leading to the successful negotiation of a contract with Computer Resources Management Corporation. The consulting firm has prepared a Professional Services Agreement to provide assistance during the implementation of the Financial Management Information System for consideration by the District. BACKGROUND: A Professional Services Agreement was executed with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. which provided for the following scope of work in connection with the District's Financial Management Information System: Determine System Requirements Prepare Request for Proposal Assist in Vendor Evaluation, Selection and Negotiation The requirements of the Professional Services Agreement have been capably fulfilled by the consultants for the contracted cost of $23,400. Execution of a contract with the selected vendor, Computer Resources Management Corporation, is being recommended to the Board of Directors in an accompanying position paper. Assistance in system implementation was not included in the consultants' scope of work as the assistance required would be largely dependent on the data processing alternative ultimately selected from the five under consideration: new minicomputer; service bureau; shared facility; upgrade present system; use backup modcomp computer. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. has submitted for consideration by the District a Professional Services Agreement for assistance during the implementation of the new minicomputer system under the following basic terms: The scope of work performed by the consultants will be determined by the District and assistance will be provided on an as-requested basis; no work will be performed unless it is specifically requested and authorized by the District. The following are areas in which the consultants' assistance may be requested: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Review of the vendor's work program for completion of the project Review of the vendor's detail design report, planning documentation for development and implementation and programming specifications Assistance during the development phase which involves converting the system specifications into an operational system ready for implementa- tion. Assistance during the implementation phase which involves installing the accepted and fully tested system in a production environment. As the degree of involvement by the data processing consultant is to be determined by the District, it is not possible to dev~lop a definite estimate of hours and fees. When work is requested by the District, the consultants and the District will agree on the approximate number of hours required and the related cost. An authorization for an amount not to exceed $15,000 is recommended. A copy of the proposed Professional Services Agreement is appended for review. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. for implementation assistance for an amount not to exceed $15,000. ./-~ - REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ Secretary for Resources 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1311 Sacramento, CA 95814 TO: D NOTICE OF EXEMPTION FROM: ~ County Clerk County of Contra Costa Exempt Status: x Contact Person Project Title DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 79 Project Location - Specific Project Location - City ~Project Location - County None . Contra Costa Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project This project consists of the annexing of ten single areas consisting of 10 separate properties to CCCSD. The beneficiaries of this project are the owners of the properties and in the case of failing septic tanks, the residents around the property. Name of Public Agency Approving Project Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project Central CCCSD (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 15073) Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071 (a)) Emergency Project (Sec. 15071 (b) and (c)) Categorical Exemption. State type and section number: New construction of small structures, Section 4.6c. Annexation of existing facilities, Section 4.60. Reasons why project is exempt: All of the lands to be annexed where CCCSD is the lead agency involve the connect- ion of existing homes on septic tanks to the public sewer sytem or the connection of newly constructed homes on individual lots to the public sewer system. Area Code Telephone Ext. 934-6727 415 (;)~~!7 Cf:::r1tral Contra Costa Sanitary Dist. oct PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Name of Project: District Annexation No. 79 Location: Walnut Creek Entity of Person Undertaking Project: (Check appropriate box) (x) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District () Other: Name Address Staff Determination: The District's stafft having undertaken and completed a pre- liminary review of this project in accordance with the District's guidel ines entitled "Local Guidel ines Implementing the Cal ifornia Environmental Quality Act," has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: () 1. The proposed action does not constitute a project within the meaning of Section 2.23 or Section 2.24. () 2. () 3. () 4. (x) 5. () 6. () 7. (x) 8. Date: The project constitues a feasibility or planning study under Section 4.3. The project is an Emergency Project under Section 4.4. The project is a Ministerial Project under Section 4.5. The project is Categorically Exempt under Section 4.6. As to parcels 1,2,3,6,7 and 8 Applicable Exemption Class, Local Guidelines - Class I II Applicable Exemption Class, State Guidelines - 15103 Class 3 The project is covered by an Environmental Impact Report with Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as lead agency. The project is covered by a negative declaration which was pre- pared by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as lead agency. The project involves one other agency which constitutes the lead agency. As to parcels 4,5,9 and 10. Name of Lead Agency Contra Costa County Authorized Person Roger J. Dolan General Manager-Chief Engineer Central Contra Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 26, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION REPORT ON THE FINDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL PILOT PLANT STUDY INFORMATIONAL Jarred Miyamoto-Mills INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division SUBMITTED BY BACKGROUND: In January 1981 the Board of Directors authorized the staff to design, construct and operate a pilot-scale activated sludge plant incorporating biological phosphorus removal. Pilot plant operation was started on March 27, 1981 and the facility operated until December 21, 1981. At the time of the initial authorization, biological phosphorus removal offered the least cost option for wastewater reclamation. However, there was concern that the process might not perform at CCCSD because: (1) Specific design and operating procedures for the process were not well establ ished. (2) At the time of the pilot plant study, very little long-term full- scale operating experience had been reported. I (3) Because the basic mechanism of phosphorus uptake and release in a}ternating aerobic/anoxic environments is poorly understood, there was concern that the success of the process might depend on specific wastewater character- i st i cs, (4) The process had not been tested with concurrent single-stage nitri- fication except on a bench-scale with synthetic wastewater. A report on the findings of the Pilot Plant study is attached. The principal finding is that the biological phosphorus removal process works very well producing secondary quality effluent with a total phosphorus concentration consistently less than 1.0 mg/L regardless of whether or not the process was nitrifing. The authors of the stage 5B facilities plan were provided with the month to month updates of the ongoing pilot plant study. Based upon their analysis this process would provide the least cost wastewater reclamation process for reclaimed water demands in excess of 10 MGD. While the biological phosphorus removal process is not recommended for implementation at this time, it remains a viable alternative for any future wastewater reclama- tion that may occur. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./~ ~t. 0# JM2 V0JL ~~W CL\1 2 Several other findings were made during the pilot plant study which will be incorporated into the Stage 5B project including: (1) an in- expensive method for control of the settl ing characteristics of the mixed 1 iquor, and, (2) a method for the control of "Brown Foam" problems. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. \f2~ GEN, MGR./CHIEF ENG. JM2 JL CL\.J (((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ mlnlstratlve 2 3/4/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 26, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION REPORT ON OCCUPATIONAL INJURY AND/OR ILLNESS INCIDENT RATES Information Item SUBMITTED BY F. Patrick Hassey INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Safety and Training ISSUE: A comparison of the 1980-81 Injury and/or Illness statistics has been prepared for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and is presented for the Board's review. BACKGROUND: The statistical data being presented is referred to as Total Incident Rate and Lost Workday Incident Rate; each is calculated using a standard formula which lends itself to comparison among District departments, sanitary agencies, and other industries. The more important of the two incident rates is the lost time as the total incident rate includes poison oak cases, insect bites, bee stingsl and rashes which are not necessarily under the control of the employer. The District, as a whole, showed significant improvement in 1981 over 1980 for both total and lost workday incident rates, and the Plant Operations Department had an exceptionally good lost workday incident rate in 1981 for a facility that has as large a plant staff as Central Contra Costa Sanitary District1s. In 1980, District employees worked 515,220 hours, including overtime, and had 20 lost time injury and/or illness incidents which resulted in 256 lost workdays - an annual lost workday incident rate of 7.76. Calculation: (20)(200,000) = 7 76 515,220 . In 1981, District employees worked 457,669 hours, including overtime, and had 10 lost time injury and/or illness incidents which resulted in 88 lost workdays - an annual lost workday incident rate of 4.37. Calculation: (10)(200,000) = 4 37 457,669 . For each group of 100 full-time District employees during the 1981 calendar year, there were 4.37 injuries and/or illness incidents which resulted in one or more lost workdays per incident. o The table below indicates incident rate comparisons among Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's various departments and or divisions for the period of 1980 and 1981. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. i~1I Lost Time Incident Rate 1980 1981 5.90 17.28 0.00 0.00 0.93 4.37 Administration Dept. Collection Sys. Dept. Engineering Dept. Plant Operations Dept. 0.00 14.46 3.88 6.83 7.76 Cons t. D i v. Engr. Div. Total District Tota 1 I nc i dent Rate 1980 8.3 27.31 13.58 13.65 16.69 1981 Cons t. D i v. Engr. Div. 5.90 41,03 0.00 8.15 11. 11 14.42 Note 1: In 1981, the Engineering Department was split into two Divisions: Construction and Services Division and Engineering Division Note 1 I: The Collection Systems Department had 19 total incidents in 1981 which reflects a total incident rate of 41.03; however, of these 19 incidents, 10 were poison oak cases, one was an insect bite, and two were rashes for a total of 13 uncontrollable incidents. Subtracting the 13 uncontrollable incidents, the Collection Systems Department would have had a total incident rate of 12.95 and would have changed the total District's Total Incident Rate to 9.17 for 1981.- o Table (B) indicates incident rate comparison among Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and other agencies and industries. TABLE - B Lost Time Incident Rate Total Incident Rate 1980 1981 1980 1981 C.C.C.S.D. 7.76 4.37 16.69 14.42 Nat 11 Safety Counc i 1 10.50 16.94 C.A.S.A. 8.99 19.68 C.W.P.C.A. 7.50 20.90 Cal ifornia 26.70 36.20 Note: When no figures are shown, statistics were unavailable at this time. RECOMMENDATION: No action required; information only. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. r A A Central C"nt Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I NO. VI. Engineering 2 3/4/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 4, 1982 SUBJE-:T DECLARE AN EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZE $40,000 FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF AN 18" MAIN IN DOWNTOWN MARTINEZ, DSP 3653 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS John Larson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division SUBMITTED BY BACKGROUND: A section of the 18 inch main serving the Alhambra Valley and a portion of downtown Martinez has failed where it crosses under the Southern Pacific (SP) Tracks on Berrellesa Street, one block west of the Martinez Southern Pacific Station. Service is being maintained by repeated rodding; however, high flows resulting from another large storm could cause flooding and possibly undermine the SP mainline tracks. The resultant spillage would pose a hazard to public health. Declaration of this project as an emergency would allow the District to hire a contractor on a Force Account basis to take immediate corrective action. The work, estimated to cost $40,000, would include installing a 25 inch casing parallel to the failed main, installing and connecting an 18 inch bypass, and filling the old pipe to prevent further damage due to erosion/cave-in. RECOMMENDATION: Declare that the repair to the Berrellesa Street main railroad crossing in Martinez as an emergency project required to pro- tect the public and authorize $40,000 in sewer construction funds for the repair work (DSP 3653). REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV'J!: ~~ J L C L\4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE JOB NO. 1811RR X-ING @ BERRELLESA, MARTINEZ ITEM NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 80 L. F. 2411 ~ Bored pipe casing $250.00 $20,000 2 120 L. F. 1811 Li ne r pipe 40.00 4,800 3 2 EA. Trunk Manholes 2,500.00 5,000 4 L.S. Abandon old pipe L. S. 2,200 SUB TOTAL $ 32,000 INCIDENTALS % 1 .600 6.400 o CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY % SEAL COAT ACREAGE R/W o BUILDING SITES UNITS OF ASSESSMENT REBATE UN ITS SEWERING COST $ 40.000 JOB 18" RR X-I NG @ BERRELLEZA BY MARTINEZ RIL DATE 3-2-82 CHKD. BY DATE SHEET NO. OF 2101-10-76 Costa Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. SUBJECT POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 22, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF \oJENDLE HHIPPLE AT THE CALIFORNIA LAND SURVEYORS ASSOCIATION 1982 CONFERENCE IN AN DIEGO ON APRIL 1,2, and 3 AT AN ESTIMATED COST APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Jay S. McCoy ISSUE: The estimated cost for this conference exceeds $500 and must have formal Board approval. BACKGROUND: The survey profession changes as new technology evolves. With the incorporation of computers into the everyday work effort of the surveyor, changes are occurring at a more rapid pace. District survey personnel keep up with these changes through participation with local, state and national surveying organizations and the programs they provide. The material learned is incorporated into our in-house survey training program. Computer graphics, aerial photography, leqislative actions, organi- zation and presentation of material, surveyors liabilities and rattle snake safety are relevant topics that are included in this years California Land Surveyors Conference and are explained in detail in the attachments. The total estimated cost is $670,00. The cost of flying and car rental versus driving was compared and driving was determined to be more economical. This conference is included in the Engineering budgeted funds for this fiscal year, ~Jendle Ilhipple is a member of CLSA and ACSt1. The California Land Surveyors Association is a supporting affiliate of the National American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize payment of $90,00 for registration, plus actural expenses for meals, lodging, workshop fee, and mileage for attendance of Wendle Whipple, Supervising Surveyor, at the annual California Land Surveyors Conference in San Diego, April 1,2,3, 1982. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~/ /lALrJSM (:.~ CLv! Central Costa San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO~IIAge~d~m~ 1ate ~?4/8 DATE March 4, 1982 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER/CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS RELATED TO REVISED OFFICE SPACES AND AUTHOR- IZE $143,~00 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS. SUBMITTED BY AUTHORIZE CONTRACT CHANGE, AUTHORIZE FUNDS R. S. Klimczak INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorization is required to proceed with revising the office spaces within the new Administration Building. BACKGROUND: Construction on the new Administration Building is currently In-progress with completion scheduled for late 1982. The construction contract price is roughly $4,600,000. Since the date of award, several changes have taken place in the District oranization and revisions to the office spaces are desirable at this time. A preliminary revision was presented to the Board of Directors on February 4t 1982. Subsequently, a rough construction cost estimate was prepared by W.A. Thomas Co.. Their estimate was $129,000. The Architect, MWMt has prepared a more detailed cost estimate for design and construction of the changes. The cost estimate is: DESIGN COST Architectural Electrical Mechanical Total CONSTRUCTION COST Architectural HVAC Plumbing Electrical Total $IOt500 7,100 5,500 $23tl00 $78 t 900 6,000 12t300 17,000 lt4,200 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING D~V f \~SK JL ~CLW 2 In addition, the cost of additional staff effort by the District is $3000 and the cost of installing the carpet on the second floor is $3000. The total estimated cost of revising the new office building is $1~3,300. Further efforts are planned during the design phase to reduce the construction cost. As a result of the current construction status, changes can be accomodated at this time with little or no impact on the contractor's work. Any delay in the decision to revise the office spaces past this time can be expected to significantly tncrease the construction cost. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute contract amendments as required for revisions to the office spaces in the new Administration Building (DSP 3000) and authorize$143,~O from sewer construction funds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. cc{S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER GARBAGE RATE INCREASE APPLICATION. ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY Wa 1 ter N. Funasak i Fi ance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accountin Division ISSUE: A rate increase application has been submitted to the District by Valley Disposal Service. BACKGROUND: On March 3, 1982, Valley Disposal Service submitted its rate increase application to the District for consideration by the Board of Directors. The rate increase is requested to be effective Apri 1 I, 1982. Staff analysis of the rate increase application will be prepared for the Board's review by March 19, 1982 and may be considered at a special Board Meeting on March 25, 1982. It is recommended that a Public Hearing to obtain public comment be scheduled for the April 1, 1982 Board Meeting. Final Board action may be taken on April 1, 1982 or at the subsequent regular Board Meeting on Apri 1 15, 1982. RECOMMENDATION: Establish a Public Hearing on April 1, 1982 to con- sider the Valley Disposal Service rate increase application. 7d~FN EVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM