HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-18-82 . <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. '2 i 0. ._ ). '..- I'" POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 18, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 3525, HIGH VOLTAGE ESSENTIAL ELECTRICAL SERVICE, BID OPENING AND AWARD Edwin J. Anderson AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. 3525 & SUBMITTED BY BACKGROUND: On March 16, 1982, five bids were opened for the subject project. The bid tabulations are attached. The low bidder is St. Francis Electric, San Leandro, CA. The proposal documents of St. Francis Electric were examined and found to be in conformity with the Instructions to Bidders. This is a grant funded project and was approved by the State Water Resources Control Board on December 16, 1981 under Project No. C-06-100Q-110. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following Board actions are recommended: (1) Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to submit the Approval to Award document, with attachments, to the State Water Resources Control Board for its approval. (2) Upon receipt of approval from the State Water Resources Control Board, award the contract for Project 3525 to St. Francis Electric, San Leandro, Californiaf and (3) Authorize funding in the amount of $33,308 to complete Project 3525. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~,..;;.).: ...,......... "." .~. :. ',,~')7 I' ..,' i 1 I i-[ ~_.~-. ..'....,....... .~.~:~";~~ .:.,-." . j: j' l (...'...... _" J.>",' ,. ~ - -' c((SD Ce~tral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS -=-~:.c";;:"; ._~. ._ .. _. .. -~ .,' ~-' r . NO. VI!. Eng. 3 18 82 2 ,iI' VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ma rch 10, 1982 POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT PROPOSAL BY THE WILLOWS SHOPPING CENTER TO~l!SE)OIS PROPERTY FOR PARKING .:-"..., i;. SUBMITTED BY. ..... ,'..i' . ." I ,...,;~.', INIT-IATlNG DEP'T./DIV. Jay ~~"Mc.C(jY~'.~::;:?., ~~qs truct Lq,n ;~nd Ser,':iCes Oi v. . ISSUE: The Wi 1 lows Shopping Center has requested the District to permit the installation of paved parking over Line A immediately west of the Center. .~. ~ . ....,. ".j - BACKGROUND: The Willows is in the process of adding new stores to the Center. In'an effort to provide more parking for these stores, the Center mantlge.rtler'lt contacted staff and has offered ,to pay the District $2500 p~r!year (see attached letters) for the use of - approximately 20,000 square feet (12.5c per square foot per year) of District land (see attached map). Staff took an initial position on the charge for use of the land of a minimum price of $10,080 per year (50.4c per square foot per year) based on the following comparisons: 1. A private owner pays the District $3060 per year for 6880 square feet of parking in Orinda 44.5c per square foot per year. 2. A private business pays Caltrans 45.6c per square foot of land per year for parking south of the District office. Mr. Paul Carlson, Managing Partner of the Willows, indicated verbally that the use of District land is not a condition of the expansion of the Center. Mr. Carlson has been informed of and will accept the conditions for using the land such as the Center will be responsible for the cost of removing and restoring the proposed paving if the District ever needs to work on the existing pipeline, install a new pipeline, etc. The Center is not willing to increase the $2500 offer. In keeping with good business practice, it is appropriate for the District to lease land for the "going rate" 'regardless of the position of the potential leasee. If the Willows does not enter into an agreement, the District will loose $2500 a year of potential income. The District leases land from Caltrans southeast of the District office at 16c per square foot per year. Considering the potential income from the Wi 110ws and the low risk to the District associated with the proposed parking use, it is appropriate to accept a lower -' ~ *. . .-.\.'.. ... ,- REVIEWED AND RECOMMENOfD. FOR BOARD ACTION - Page 1 of 2 -' e~ CLW @;':"'.." '~'~.~~,~~~~ ::::7' amount i~or the lease of District land based on l6~ per square foot per year eqi.:a 1 ling $3200 per year. RECOHHEt:DATlON: Authorize ~istrict staff to formulate a written arranger,ent with the Willows Shopping Center for the use of District land for parking at a charge of $3200 per year. Atta<..hm€nts # i'- :f! fI ~!l:~'. "",.".. 'R' i .. - .~. Page 2 of 2 (.... . ~, REVIEWED J.ND RECOMMENDED FOR SOJ.RD J.CT/ON INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. cc(S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIII. C~h87~~' 1 POSITION PAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ma rch 15, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CLAIM OF JAY HORNBACHER, 2124 WALNUT BLVD., WALNUT CREEK FOR $6,689.90 IN PROPERTY DAMAGE Authorize SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: This claim is the result of a sewage backup in the District's sewer serving the Hornbacher residence. BACKGROUND: On January 4, 1982, the trunk sewer serving the Hornbacher home became surcharged and overflowed into the building interior. Three bedrooms, the kitchen-dining area, two bathrooms and the hallway were involved. There was extensive property and personal possession damage. The George Hills Company recommends that this claim be settled for the amount indicated. RECOMMENDATION: Pay claim of $6,689.90 in property damage. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION t.Y " YGEN. '~:~ j::::~ I~~il~~ RHH ,... Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'VI1. 1 Eng. 3/18/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 8, 1982 SUBJECT CONDUCT A HEARING ON THE CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY OWNE BY SHARON A. GRACE FOR PROJECT 2695 AND AUTHORIZE $5900 TO BE DEPOSITED WITH THE COURT. TYPE OF ACTION HOLD HEARING AUTHORIZE FUNDS Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The property owner and the District have not been able to come to an agreement on the value of a proposed sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement is one of 14 that are requVred for the north Walnut Creek Trunk Sewer Project. This project includes the installation of 4,800 feet of pipeline and appurtenant structures. It will relieve a badly overloaded existing system which has had sewage overlows into private property in the past. The easement through the Grace property is one of two outstanding ease- ments for the project which have not been acquired. We have verbal confirmation that the other remaining easement will be signed. The District has offered $5900 for the easement and Ms. Grace stated she will accept $8500. It appears that Ms. Grace is firm on the $8500 amount. The construction project is out to bid and work will start in early May. It has become obvious that an agreement on price will not be reached and authorization for condemnation is now necessary. Negotiations will be attempted until the court date. Immediate possession may be required and will be obtained if it is needed to meet the contractors schedule. If no new evidence or material is presented at the hearing, the follow- ing is recommended: RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize District Counsel to proceed with con- demnation proceedings. 2. Authorize $5900 to be deposited with the court for the condemnation action. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON ~CL (L Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'VI I. ~ ~8 8~ POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ma rch 18, 1982 SUBJECT ESTABLISH A HEARING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF TH BUTTNER ROAD SEWER PROJECT IN THE PLEASANT HILL AREA TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY J. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: Establish hearing date for the Buttner Road sewer project. BACKGROUND: The Buttner Road Association now intends to proceed with the sewer project to serve the Buttner Road area (see attached map). Prior to the start of the project, an environmental review must be completed. A negative declaration is appropriate for this project and a hearing is necessary as a part of the environmental review. RECOMMENDATION: Establ ish Apri 1 1, 1982 as the date for the hearing and conslderation of the negative declaration and approval or disapproval of the Buttner Road sewer project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 12TING ~E2:c.v. e~ ~L/.?A/JSM CLW BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Ad~718/8~ POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 4, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION Adopt Ordinance and Resolutions SUBJ9JlPLOYER/EMPLOYEE RELA nONS ORDINANCE AND A TT ACHED RESOLUTIONS DESIGNATING THOSE POSITIONS WITHIN THE MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT /CON- FIDENTIAL REPRESENT A nON UNIT SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Mgr. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: An Employer/Employee Ordinance provides rules and regulations regarding member- ship in Representation Units and rules and regulations regarding any action to modify those units or change their representation. As well, such an Ordinance provides rules and regulations for the general administration of Employer and Employee activities under Government Code Section 3500. BACKGROUNJ: For some time now, the District has recognized a need for an Employ- er/Employee Relations Ordinance that speaks to many areas of concern among labor and management. In the past, meet and confer sessions on the issue were held, but only recently have serious negotiations transpired to resolve this very important issue. Shortly after the adoption of last year's Memorandum of Understanding, several employees petitioned the Board asking that their positions be placed in the Management Support/Con- fidential group. At that time, the Board took no action preferring once and for all to establish a workable set of rules that would govern such actions. Furthermore, the Board directed staff to develop a proposed Ordinance including such rules and meet and confer in good faith with both employee Representative Units regarding this issue. Thanks to the cooperative spirit of both groups, three-way negotiations were conducted over the past three months and the work product of that effort is presented for your consideration and approval. The document deals with the following issues: o The disposition of a newly created or reclassified position into an appropriate Representative Unit; o The designation of present positions into Representative Units; o The Certification of an exclusive representative for a Representation Unit; o The modification of an established Representation Unit o Decertification of an incumbent certified Employee Organization o General administration of employer/employee labor relations activities INI REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION T,/DIV. .~ All parties agree that the document provides a necessary vehicle to establish an equitable labor relations environment at the District. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt attached Employer/Employee Labor Relations Ordinance and adopt attached resolutions designating those positions within the Management and Manage- ment Support/Confidential Representation Units. ..I REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT,/DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 1 .:: . \ ( ~/ POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ma rch 11, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 82-6 (ALAMO AREA) AND P.A. 82-7 (CONCORD AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEX- ATION TO THE DISTRICT. TYPE OF ACTION ANNEXATION Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services SUBMITTED BY Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks 82-6 Alamo S.W. Glaser 283 Cross Rd. Alamo, CA 196-110-30 0.55 Ac. Owners building one new single family house. District to prepare "Notice of Exempt i onll. CCCSD 82-7 Concord Garaventa Industrial Park P.O. Box 5397 Concord, CA 94524 159-050-03 & 05 35.92 Ac. A 30 lot industrial park is planned for this site. "Negative Declaration'l by the City of Concord. Concord RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 82-6 and P.A. 82-7 to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON '"'Z;;ZJ1Z; SM ~ CU.J