HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-22-82 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. I I. Bi ds & Awards 4 22 82 DATE Apr i 1 19, 1982 SUBJECT AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT NO. 2695 WS 23 TRUNK PARALLEL (NORTH WALNUT CREEK) AND AUTHORIZE $406,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS TYPE OF ACTION AWARD CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE FUNDS, Jarred Miyamoto-Mills INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division SUBMITTED BY BACKGROUND: In November 1974 the Board of Directors authorized acquisition of right of way and engineering design of trunk sewers for Watershed No. 23. Additional trunks were needed to reI ieve an overloaded 1 ine and to provide capacity for ultimate development of the watershed. Construction of the first phase of the project (DSP 2656) from Astrid Drive to Oak Park Boulevard in Pleasant Hill was completed in 1978. Plans and specifications for the final phase of the project (DSP 2695) from Oak Park Boulevard to Second Avenue in Walnut Creek (a map showing project location is attached) were completed and advertisements inviting submission of sealed bids were placed in March 1982. On April 13, 1982 bids were received and opened. The low bid in the amount of $314,216 was submitted by A&H Underground Construction Company of Union City, CA. 17 bids were received ranging from $314,216.00 to $487,995.18 (a tabulation of bids is attached). The Engineering Division had estimated the contract cost of the work at $430,700.00. The difference between the low bid and the engineerls estimate can be attributed to the current ex- tremely competitive bidding environment. A Post-Bid/Pre-Construction cost estimate is attached. $406,000.00 is needed to complete the project including contract construction, construct- ion manager.lent, incidentals and contingencies. This project is included in the Five Year Capital Expenditure Plan, All rights-of-way and easements required for the project have been obtained except for one easement which is under condemnation proceedings. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of DSP 2695 to A&H Underground Construction Company per their bid received on April 13, 1982 and authorize $406,000.00 in sewer construction funds for contract construction, construction management incidentals and contingencies. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JM2 J1'I1Z few J L o JSM ;& RHH ~~ CLW INITIATING DEPT ./DIV, POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2695 ITEM DESCRIPTION 10, ITEM AMOUNT 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) , 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . , . , . . . . , . . , . . . $20.000.00 Inspection ()n~lLJd~s ,$1..5QO..00. TY !n~p.. . $32,000.00 Engineering (.i nc 1 L1des .$10,000.0.0 R/W Cos.t). $15 000.00 Total Estimated Construction Incideptals , . . . . $67.000.00 ... l: 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Survey, Engineering, Printing, Advertising Special Services Right-of-Way Acquisition. . $1)1,000.00 , $ . .$36,500.00 TOTAL , $ 314,216.00 ,$ 15,544.00 $ 67 , 000 . 00 9,000.00 ,$ . $ 405.760.00 Total Preconstruct ion Incidentals (as of 4-15-82 ), . $ 87,500.00 $ 87,500.00 7. 8, Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5 & 7) 9. Funds Previously Authorized Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project, (Item 8 minus Item 9) .' $493,260.00 . $ 87,260.00 , $ 406,000.00 % CONST. CONTRACT 100% 5% 21~ 3% 12<3% .28% 157% 2050-8-78 C:> ~ Location of: WS23 TRUNK SEWER (DSP 2695) 11-. ..- ...'" CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SERVICE AREA AND MAJOR COLLECTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS .," '. i L ..' CENTr'\L CONTRA COSTA --ANITARY DISTRICT JOB DSP 2695, WS 23 Combined DATE Apri 1 t3, 1982 LOCATION Oak Park to Second Ave. Walnut Creek ENGR. EST $430,700 BIDDER . , NAME 810 PRICE ADDRESS , - PHONE - . A & H Underground Construction Co. 'P. 0.Bo;(21lt , 1. Union City, CA 94587 $314,216.00 (415) 471-6156 . . ., Manuel C. Jardim, Inc. 2. 34201 Zwissig Way 321,420.30 P. O. Box 677 Unlon City, CA 94587 (415) 487-0444 '. '. M. J. B. Pipeline P. O. Box 192 '. ,. 3. Mt. Eden, CA 94557 336,319.0Q (415) 785-5805 - A. V. De Brito Construction Co. 4. 3566 East Avenue 337,017.00. Hayward, CA 94542 (415) 582-1394 Peter Cole Jensen, Inc. 5. P. O. Box 553 342,953.00 Danville, CA 94526 (415) 837-7600 .' Manuel Marquez, Jr. 6. P. 0.Box'128 361,183.00 Hayward, CA 94543 (415) 782- 3434 '~ W. H. Ebert Corporation 7. 1620 South 7th Street 364,367.00 San Jose, CA 95112 D. W. Young Construction Co. 1375 Creekside Drive 8. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 367,406.00 Mc Guire & Hester 9. 796 66th Avenue 370,386.00 Oakland, CA 94621 (415) 632-7676 JOB_ CHKD.BY BY__ DATE SHEET NO. DA TE__--:.... OF -----~.~:;;.;o.;;_~...~~~~~........ I ! CENT&:t~L CONTRA COSTA -'SANITARY DISTRICT JOB DSP 2695, WS 23 Combined ()~lrE: April t3, 1982 . . LOCATION Oak Park to Second Ave. Walnut Creek ENGR. EST $430,700 BIDDER NAME ADDRESS PHONE BID PRICE .:Huffman Construction, Inc. 10. P. O. Box 158 Lakeport, CA 95453 (707)279-8858 Pisano Corporation p'. O. Box 389 11. Santa Clara, CA 95052 (408) 286-6490 $373,310.00 _.The QUICO Corporation 12 .399 Preda Street, . . . ." San -I:.eandro, ,cCA /94577 (415) 632-1000 ",. ..' 41I',149~42 Valley Engineers 13. P. O. Box 12227 Fresno, CA 93777 (209) 237-9173 L. J. Krzich Pipeline 326 Phelan Avenue 14. San Jose, CA 95112 417,913.20 420,799.00 Mountain Cascade, Inc. 15 P.'O. Box'i16'. . San Ramon, CA 94583 447,233.00 .... W. R. Thomason, Inc. 1000 Howe Road' . 16. P. O. Box 2249 Martinez, CA 94553 R. E. Jones, Inc. J. V.. . 888 Howe Roa d 17. Martinez, CA 94553 (415) 228-6116 466,098.00 487,995.18 'JOB_ CHKD.BY BY__ DATE SH EET NO. DATE___ OF ~~~~~.M:;.:.;.o~~~.~~~ ~ _ .' '~~"''\~''~_''l''-4_'~''_''''''-~_ \., 1 11 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. II I . Adm 4/22/82 POSITION PAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT Anril 1<3 TYPE OF ACTION 1<382 REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR GARBAGE RATE INCREASES Review Garbage Rate Appl ications W;,]t-",,.. N . i Fi Off jr:pr INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Financp Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: At the April 15, 1982 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors authorized Valley Disposal Service, Inc. a 5% increase in its residential rates effective April 1, 1982, with the commercial and apartment rates to be established at the next Board Meeting based on providing the garbage franchisees a total rate increase sufficient to achieve a 100% operating ratio. BACKGROUND: A Publ ic Hearing was conducted on April 15, 1982 to consider the rate increase application submitted by the three franchise holders comprising Valley Disposal Service, Inc. After receiving the District staff analysis of the rate application and public comment, the Board of Directors approved the following action: IIThat the Valley Disposal Company and the associated operations we are considering tonight be guaranteed a rate increase sufficient to bring them to a 100% operating ratio in all the zones, and during that time collectors would propose to the Sanitary District nomina- tion of up to five managerial consultants to conduct a managerial audit. The Sanitary District would select one of these who would report back to the collector and the Sanitary District the results of the study. The costs would be accumulated with the understand- ing that these costs would be recovered during the period for which the Board would be setting rates for the future.11 The above action was modified to permit the collector to increase residential rates by 5% effective April 1, 1982 with the commercial and apartment rates to be reviewed at the next Board Meeting, within the limits of the overall 100% operating ratio. The calculation of the rate increases which would be allowable for commercial and apartment customers in accordance with the action of the Board follows: -1- REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Valley Disposal Service Garbage Rate Analysis Computation of Commercial and Apartment Rate Increase Based on 5% Increase in Residential Rates and 100% Operating Ratio Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1983 Zone 4 (Valley) Zone 5 (Diablo) Zone 2 (Lafayette) Zones 4 & 5 Zones 4, 5 & 2 Projected Revenue $2,247,008 $1,317,916 $ 973,208 $3,564,924 $4,538,132 Projected Operating 2,341,540 1,375,307 1,001,542 3,716,847 4,718,389 Expenses Effect of Increase 18,894 7,896 6,212 26,790 33,002 in Dumping Charges Projected Operating 2,360,434 1,383,203 1,007,754 3,743,637 4,751,391 Expenses, Adjusted Additional Revenue 113,426 65,287 34,546 178,713 213,259 Required For 100% Operat i ng Rat io Projected Residential 1,345,958 962,079 522,613 2,308,037 2,830,650 I Revenue Projected Commercial 901,050 355,837 450,595 1,256,887 1,707,482 & Apartment Revenue Additional Residential 67,298 48,104 26,131 115,402 141,533 Revenue (5%) Commercial & Apartment 46,128 17,183 8,415 63,311 71,726 Revenue Increase Required For 100% Operating Ratio % Increase in Commercial 5.1% 4.8% 1.9% 5.0% 4.2% & Apartment Revenue Allocation of Revenue 51,408 20,318 - 71,726 71,726 Increase to Equalize Valley Disposal and Diablo Disposal % Increase in Commercial & Apartment Rates % Increase in Commercial & Apartment Revenue 5.7% 5.7% 5.7% -2- REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. RECOMMENDATION: Establish new commercial and apartment rates for Valley Disposal Service, Diablo Disposal Service and Lafayette Garbage Disposal Service after review of the above rate calculations, and the implementation date for these rates. -3- EVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WNF PM Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. ng. 4/22/82 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ap r ill 9, 1982 SUBJECT ESTABL I SH DATE FOR AtlNEXAT I ON HEAR I ~!G - D I STR I CT ANNEXATIONS 73,75,76,77 and 78 AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH DATE OF HEARING SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INATIATING DE;P.T./DIV. d ~onstructlon an Services Division ISSUE: The L.A.F.C. has amended the territories to be included within several of the parcels included within the above referenced District Annexations. A hearing must be held before this District may order the annexation of these parcels as amended. BACKGROUND: The above referenced annexations were sent to LAFC as re- quired for the formal annexation process. LAFC has amended the boundarfesof several of the parcels submitted for its approval. The amended parcels are designated as D.A, 73, Parcels B,C,D, E, F and G; D.A. 75 Parcels ~ and D; D.A. 76 Parcels n, C and D; D.A. 77 Parcels B,C,D, and E; and D.A. 78 Parcels B,C and D. All affected property owners must be notified 15 days prior to the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, establish hearing date of Hay 20, 1982 for the annexation of the above referenced territories as amended by LAFC. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM ~~ ell!