HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-17-82 <C<SD Central Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 14, 1982 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AN ADDITIONAL $59,000 FOR CHANGES TO THE FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD FLOORS OF THE NEW OFFICE BUILDING, DISTRICT PROJECT 3000 TYPE OF ACTION ADDITIONAL FUNDS Const. & Services Div. Mana er INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction Div./Engineering Dept. SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The total cost for the proposed changes to the new office building exceeds the previously authorized amount. BACKGROUND: The changes to the new office building were first proposed in November, 1981, to accommodate modifications to the District's organization that had occurred subsequent to the completion of the initial design of the building. A preliminary design for the changes was undertaken and the staff requested $143,000 in March for design and construction. The Board authorized $106,000. Concurrent with the final design effort, the contractor was directed to provide for the proposed changes so as not to delay progress and the design was limited to essential changes. After a month of negotiations, the price for the work is $165,000. The details of the price for the changes are shown on the attachment to this position paper. At this time there are no major items of cost that can be reduced. The proposed change is the minimum required to achieve the desired layout. Further- more, some of this work has already been incorporated into the building by the contractor. There would be a cost in both rework and delay in going back to the original design. Additional funds are needed to pay the total cost of the proposed changes. The total cost of $165,000 minus the previous Board's authorization of $106,000 leaves $59,000 to be authorized. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an additional $59,000 for changes to the first, second, and third floors of the new office building. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITI ING ~ t~ ATTACHMENT Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Description LVW Casework - Furnish wood doors and cabinets Furnish and install hollow metal door frames W. A. Thomas - Layout walls W. A. Thomas - Install wood doors $ 2,985 2,234 480 347 Furnish and Install finish hardware 2,730 W. A. Thomas - Install transoms 132 Interior Contractors - Metal stud walls 18,816 Arrow Acoustics - Dropped ceilings Elegant Floors - Wall base W. G. Thompson - Painting and Wall Covering Sanymetal - Toilet partitions Service Metal Products - Fire extinguishers and toilet accessories 1,959 942 3,341 1,038 701 Brookman Co. - Demountable partitions Bettencourt - Plumbing Viking - Fire sprinklers Aire Sheet Metal - HVAC (8,211) 1,935 9,230 22,561 Hydro Electric - Electrical Cobbledick-Kibble - Glazing W. A. Thomas - Janitorial 38,514 1,782 600 Subtotal $ 102,116 W. A. Thomas, General Contractor, Markup 15,979 Subtotal $ 118,095 MWM, Design Services 23,000 Subtotal $ 141,095 Conklin Bros., Carpet 23,648 GRAND TOTAL $ 164,743 D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'1 V. Adm. 4 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 14 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (M.O.U.) WITH CCCSD EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, LOCAL NO.1, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982 THROUGH ADOPT M.O.U. APRIL 30 1985 SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Your representatives and the Representatives of the CCCSD Employees' Association, Local #1 have agreed to the attached M.O.U.; the Employees' Associa- tion has ratified the agreement and, therefore, presentation to the Board of \. Directors for final approval is nOW appropriate. DISCUSSION: Beginning in April, 1982, Board Representatives and Representatives of the Employees' Associ ati on, Local #1 have, on numerous occasions met and conferred in an effort to develop a Memorandum of Understanding to cover the General Employee Group when our present M.O.U. expires on June 30, 1982. The attached document is the fruit of those efforts. A review of the Document itself will answer any questions that arise regarding its content. Highlights of the 34-month agreement are as follows: o General Employees will receive a 6% general increase, effective July 1, 1982; a 7% general increase, effective May 1, 1983; and a 7% general increase, effective May 1, 1984. o A new streaml ined Grievance Procedure is included that shortens the processing time from beginning to resolution. o An "Agency Shop" provision which also provides for the grandfathering out, on a one-time basis, of those employees who do not wish to partici- pate. o Merit increases will be tied to employee performance for all general employees, District-wide, and evaluations will be done at the time of each employee's anniversary date. o An Optical Plan will be provided to all General Employees commencing July 1, 1982. o Employees will have the opportunity to compete among inhouse candidates for a promotional examination if at least four employees meet the minimum qualifications of an open position. This agreement is rather an historic one for the District as it represents the first multi-year Labor Agreement in District history. It is felt by all parties that a degree of stabilization will result that would be impossible with a one- REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. year agreement. It is planned that this M.O.U. will be produced in booklet form and issued to all General Employees, Supervisors, and Managers and as such, will become a ready reference. Since the agreement contains most of the District Personnel Policies and Procedures, the potential for misunderstandings and non- uniform administration will be eliminated or significantly reduced. Because of its length and the many topics addressed, the necessary series of talks were not without difficulties on both sides of the table. However, the pro fessional attitude of the CCCSD Employees' Association Representatives and their willingness to address problems and seek resolution allowed the atmosphere that produced the ultimate agreement. Your representatives wish to acknowledge this good faith spirit and compliment them on a fine job of representing their constituency. RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt the attached Memorandum of Understanding for all General Employees, effective July 1, 1982 through April 30, 1985. GE REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION ..~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NoW-M'~L. e~...'- Pt..,.... 1- '17 z..- DATE June 14, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $20,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR TREATMENT PLANT ODOR CONTROL PROJECTS Authorize Funds Charles W. Batts INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department SUBMITTED BY Issue: Several small projects have been identified which will reduce odor emissions at the wastewater treatment plant. Background: The following projects are proposed to improve the Sol ids Conditioning Building odor control systems: I. Construct ducting from the centrate drain I ine to odor control unit No.3. This will reduce centrate odor emission, which is the most significant single odor source at the plant. 2. Construct ducting from the centrifuge cake hoppers to odor control unit No.3. This will restore the cake hopper odor control system, which had to be dismantled because of the land fill gas project. 3. Install an oxidation-reduction monitoring and control system on odor control unit No.3. This will improve the efficiency of the odor control unit by controll ing chemical feed to the unit. The design and construction of these projects will be by Plant Operations Department staff. Recommendation: Authorize $20,000 in Sewer Construction Funds for odor control projects at the treatment plant. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION ~ CWB RAB RJD I BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. .,; Ifft..A, PD L. C. JIJ I ~ / POSITION PAPER V~A: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 9, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACT ION AUTHORIZATION OF $38,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE MODIFICATION OF FIELD MICROPROCES~ORS AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. R.A. BAKER PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Issue: The treatment plant field microprocessors have electronic deficiencies which require correction. Background: During the Board of Directors tour of the treatment plant in February, 1982, a presentation was made on two projects to improve field microprocessor relia- bility. The first project was to design, construct, and install new power supplies in the field microprocessors. The old power supplies have been very unreliable and are no longer supported by the manufacturer, making certain kinds of failures impossible to repair. The second project was to design, construct, and install a special monitor circuit in the field microprocessors to warn the computer when a microprocessor "1ocks Up.11 When the field microprocessor I'locks Up," it keeps sending the same signals to the computer, no matter what is really happening. This mode of failure is particularly dangerous because it is difficult to detect and correct before a plant upset is created. The Instrument Shop has built and tested a prototype power supply and monitor circuit. The prototype units have worked well, and we are now ready to proceed with construction and installation of the units in the 19 remaining field microprocessors. Recommendation: Authorize $38,000 in Sewer eonstruction Funds for the treatment plant staff to construct and install replacement power supplies and new monitor circuits in the field microprocessors. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. R.A.B. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~ POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 11, 1982 SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONCURRING WITH CCC BOARD OF SUPER- VISORS ORDER EXTENDING THEIR RESOLUTION NO. 82/134 WHICH SET FORTH THE AGREEMENT FOR EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE INCREASES TYPE OF ACT ION EXTEND TAX EXCHANGE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The County has extended their resolution setting forth formuli and procedures to be followed in determining property tax exchanges in annexation situations where Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99. I is appl icab1e. BACKGROUND: The County of Contra Costa negotiated a formula for ex- change of property tax revenue increases with the East Bay Municipal Utility District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. This formula was incorporated into a property tax exchange agreement by Board of Supervisors Resolution 82[1,4. Said resolution was con- curred with by the District on February 18, 1982 with an expiration date of April 30, 1982. The recent Supervisors' Board Order extends the existing agreement to April 30, 1983, with automatic renewals for one year periods and, after that, subject to cancellation by any party with 30 days notice to the other parties. The terms of the extension of the agreement are acceptable. This District must take action to keep the agreement in effect. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution concurring with the County Board of Supervisors Order extending the terms contained in County Resolution No. 82/134. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION ~CL""" oc:--.- JSM Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I V. Adm. 3. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 14, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE 1982-1983 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET APPROVE 1982-1983 o & M BUDGET SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki IN ITIATINGDEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: The 1982-1983 Operations and Maintenance Budget should be approved by the Board of Directors for all expenditure categories, except wages and benefits which will be revised to reflect the results of meet and confer sessions with employee bargaining groups which are in progress. BACKGROUND: The Personnel and Equipment Budgets were approved by the Board of Directors on May 6, 1982 and May 20, 1982. The Operations and Maintenance Budget was submitted to the Board for initial review at the June 3, 1982 Board Meeting and .is scheduled for approval at the June 17, 1982 Board Meeting. The 1982-1983 Operations and Maintenance Budget is being submitted for approval at this time to elicit revisions or changes which may result from the Board's review. If no revisions or changes are required, the Board is requested to approve the 0 & M Budget for all expenditure categories except wages and benefits, and to provisionally approve wages and benefits expendl- tures with the requirement that adjustments resulting from the meet and confer process will be incorporated within the budget before submission to the Board for final adoption. Final adoption of the 1982-1983 Personnel, Equipment and Operations and Maintenance Budgets is anticipated in July 1982. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 1982-1983 Operations and Maintenance Budget in its present form with the requirement that wage and benefit changes resulting from the meet and confer process will be incorporated therein before final adoption at a later date. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIAT G DEPT./DIV. WNF ATTACHMENT Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Description LVW Casework - Furnish wood doors and cabinets Furnish and install hollow metal door frames W. A. Thomas - Layout walls W. A. Thomas Install wood doors Furnish and Install finish hardware W. A. Thomas - Install transoms Interior Contractors - Metal stud walls Arrow Acoustics - Dropped ceilings Elegant Floors - Wall base W. G. Thompson - Gyp board and painting Sanymetal - Toilet partitions Service Metal Products - Fire extinguishers and toilet accessories Brookman Co. - Demountable partitions Bettencourt - Plumbing Viking - Fire sprinklers Aire Sheet Metal - HVAC Hydro Electric - Electrical Cobbledick-Kibble - Glazing W. A. Thomas - Janitorial Subtotal W. A. Thomas, General Contractor, Markup Subtotal MWM, Design Services J' 2.,9 rJ' S "22'3'1 , 'I tf' 0 3117 2 7.30 " 13Z I f> t?/b " 19s9 " 9t1Z. 3 3~1 " ~ 03 tf 701 <~ 2//> I 93.$ , tij Zgo , 2.2.,56/ 3r .s/~ ., I 7~2 ., boo ?'/oc 1/' " IS; 979 lit; 095 23 () DO . Subtotal I u,/ 09S -" ;' C3 bY'? ./ GRAND TOTAL 4'/ 6'7. 7~.3 ,I Conklin Bros., Carpet Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 14, 1982 SUBJECT ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF A WRITTEN ~PORT, THE GIVING OF NOTICE AND THE HOLDING OF A HEARING ON JULY 15, 1982, REGARDING THE PLACING 0 DELINOUENT SEWER R TYPE OF ACTION SET HEARING DATE J. S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: A public hearing is legally required to place the delinquent sewer service charges on the tax roll for collection. BACKGROUND: As in past years, there are a few direct billed accounts which are delinquent. The District has previously used the tax roll to collect outstanding charges. It is proposed to continue this practice. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution directing the preparation of a written report, the giving of notice and the holding of a hearing on July 15, 1982 regarding the placing of delinquent sewer service charges on the tax roll. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION JSM -----.--------..--,.-.."'.-......-..---...-----".-.--..._----_.,_.__.,.__.._-_.._",.._,..._---~-- (((S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Adm VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT PUBLIC HEARING FOR COLLECTION OF 1982-1983 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGES ON COUNTY TAX ROLLS DATE June 14, 1982 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: The District Code and State law require adoption of a resolution establishing the Environmental Quality Charge (EQC) rates for 1982-1983 followed by a Public Hearing for their collection on the County tax rolls. BACKGROUND: On June 11,1982, the Board of Directors approved establishment of the 1982-1983 EQC rates by maintaining the same rates as were in effect for the 1981-1982 fiscal year. The collection of the EQC on the Contra Costa County tax rolls is considered the most cost effective method for the District to employ. The District will continue to collect the EQC from some commercial and industrial users and all tax-exempt properties by direct billing. A Public Hearing date to consider collection of the 1982-1983 EQC on the County tax roll should be established. RECOMMENDATION: The Board should direct that a Public Hearing be held on July 15, 1982 to consider the collection of the 1982-1983 EQC on the County tax rolls. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION 17~=' ./ WNF:pd Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I I I. Consent ca I . 4 6/17 OSITIO nAPE T VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P N r""'" R I General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT MODIFICATION OF DISTRICT'S "SEWER AVAILABILITY DATE LETTER" TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE FORM LETTER Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Div. SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The Department of Real Estate (DRE) has stopped issuing Public Reports on vacant lot subdivisions within our District, because of the restrictive timing of our 12 month sewer avail- ability letter. BACKGROUND: The District's present IISewer Availability" letter (copy attached) is issued by the District upon request to meet the Department of Real Estates requirements for issuance of public reports for subdivisions. The information in this letter and other pertinent subdivision information of other public agencies is given to prospective buyers as required by State law. Our present "Sewer Availabi1ity11 letter states that sewers are available for a period of 12 months from the date of the letter, which is presently issued when final sewer construction plans are received by the District for final review. Because of the restrictive 12 month period, the DRE has stopped issuing public reports on selected subdivisions. DRE has reviewed the proposed "Sewer Avai labi I ity11 letter (copy attached) and finds it acceptable for their use. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the "Sewer Avai1ability11 letter as proposed. INITIATING DEPT./DIV.IJid-- DH 1Jt1 ~ , ../ r'}... ~~{N. ~~~Q ~ ENG. A. "\ -- REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION J.J. CARNIATO Counsel for the District Tel. 283-1552 CLYDE M. HOPKINS Secretary CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer CLARK L. WEDDLE. PhO. Deputy Chief Engineer WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 PRESENT CCCSD Job No. Subdivision Project Owner Thomas Bros: Gentlemen: In accordance with the request of this letter is to inform you that the subject development is in the sewer service area of this District and that arrangements for sewering are being made by the project owner in accordance with the District code. This District is planning for the developments which have been and will be approved by the cities and unincorporated areas it serves. Due to circumstances beyond the control of the District, the treatment plant expansion program has been delayed, and it will be necessary to request the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for an extension of time to be in full compliance with the Regional Board Order No. 79-77. This District must be prepared to limit connections should the Regional Board so order. Within present planning concepts as they are understood by this District, all houses which are completed within 12 months from the date of this letter will have a sewer connection available to them, subject to any action by State or regional regulatory authorities. When the sewers planned for this development are completed by the developer and accepted by the District, they will become part of the public sewer system and will be maintained by the District. The cost of installing and connecting to the sewer system will be included in the purchase price of each individual home. Once connected, each residence will be subject to a recurring, annual sewer service charge (Environmental Quality Charge) which has been established at $10.33 per month for fiscal year 1981-1982. Very truly yours, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Dennis Hall Associate Engineer DH: dc uy J.J. CARNIATO Counsel for the District Tel. 283-1552 CLYDE M. HOPKINS Secretary CENTRAL CONTRA COSl A SANITARY DISTRICT 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 State of California Department of Real Estate 185 Berry St., Room 5816 San Francisco, CA 94107 Job No. Subd ivi s i.on; Owne r: Gentlemen: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer CLARK L. WEDDLE. PhD. Deputy Chief Engineer PROPOSED - Lots' In accordance with the request of this letter is to inform you that the s.ubject development i.'s i.n tne sewer service area of this District and that arrangements for sewer- ring are being made by the project owner in accordance with the Distri."ct Code. Based on present planning concepts as they are understood by this District and the scheduled treatment plant expansion program expected to be completed in 1985, it is anticipated that sewer connections will be available to the subject development. However, modifications due to unforeseen circumstances in the plant expansion program and actions imposed by State, Federal or Regional authorities could affect sewer availability at any time. Normally, the cost of installing and connecting to the sewer system is borne by the Developer and is subsequently included in the purchase price of each individual home. After properties are annexed to this District, the property will be subject to the District's bonded indebtedness and the Ad Valorem Tax of the District. Once a residence is connected to the sewer system, the property will be subject to a recurring, annual sewer service charge (Environmental Quality Charge) which has been established at $10.33 per month for fiscal year 1981-82. Very truly yours, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Dennis Hall Associate Engineer DH:dc (JQ ~(9 Recycled Paper Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 3 6/17 VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACTION INITIATING DEPT ./DIV. ~ DH SUBMITTED BY QUITCLAIM PORTION OF EASEMEtJT, JOB 1568, PACHECO AREA EXECUTE QUITCLAIM EASEMENT Dennis Hall INJ.TIATING DEPT./DIV. construction and Services Div. ISSUE: The District has been requested to quitclaim a portion of an un-named alley which lies within the rear (northern) 8 feet of the parcel of land owned by Jerry L. fortman, etux. BACKGROUND: There is a 6-inch sewer main located in the northern portion of the Fortman property. The southern 4.23 feet of the 8 foot strip can be quitclaimed and the District will retain rights over the northern 3.77 feet. This quitclaim will permit the property owner to build no closer than 5 feet to the existing sewer main. A processing fee of $75.00 has been paid by the property owners. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION " JlIl1 e.~ Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.III. c~nsent67~1' POSITION ftAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN r-"" General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT EXECUTE GRANT OF EASEMENT TO PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY ACROSS A PORTION OF THE MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION PROPERTY (JOB 1380 - PARCEL 15) DATE June 9,1982 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denn i 5 Ha 11 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: P.G.&E has requested the District to grant an overhead power line easement across a portion of the Martinez Pumping Station property. BACKGROUND: The East Bay Regional Park District recently constructed a small park office building on property adjacent to our Pump Station. The most logical way to provide electrical service to the new office is from a power pole located within the District's property and serving our present pumping plant. An easement is required before the electrical service may be installed. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and execute Grant of Easement. DH #lil1 e.~ ~. r,.., lb./' .. I1~N.~, .. [II, ENG. \'YO- - \ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./D'iiI- " ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. gz: SOL.td. WJ4c..-Ie... I t:. I POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 15, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF VALLEY DISPOSAL SERVICE GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES Establish Carbage Rates SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: At its May 20, 1982 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors requested that additional information related to establ ishment of garbage collection rates of Valley Disposal Service be obtained. The requested information is provided herein. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors established the residential garbage collection rates for the Valley Disposal Service franchisees by granting a 5% increase effective April 1, 1982. At the following Board Meeting, a 5.7% increase in commercial and apartment rates was granted for Valley Disposal and Diablo Disposal based on providing the Valley Disposal Service franchisees a combined total rate increase which would achieve a 100% operating ratio. On May 13, 1982, Valley Disposal Service requested that the Board consider including $74,424 of interest expense projected to be expended during the April 1, 1982 through March 31, 1983 period, as an allowable operating expense. At its May 20, 1982 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors requested the following information: 1) Clarification from the garbage collector regarding the specific rates which would be affected by any further rate adjustments produced by including $74,424 of interest as an allowable operating expense. 2) A Sou rce and App I i cat i on of Funds Statement. The following attachments to this Position Paper provide the information requested: Attachment I - In a letter dated June 14, 1982, S. Skaggs, representing Valley Disposal Service, requests that increases in revenues to offset the $74,424 interest expense be made in debris box revenue for all franchisees in the amount of $47,046 and in commercial and apartment rates for Valley Disposal and Diablo Disposal in the amount of $27,378. Attachment I I - A presentation of the projected operating results of the franchisees on a cash basis is provided. Attachment I I I - Computations of the percentage increases required to provide an additional $74,424 in revenues is provided. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION 7d~ RECOMMENDATION: Consider the information provided in response to the Board's request and take action which it considers appropriate. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 8, 1982 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION 1982-1983 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGE CONDUCT PUBLIC HEAR- ING; ESTABLISH EQC RATE SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Accounting Division ISSUE: A Public Hearing is scheduled on June II, 1982 to receive public comment on the establishment of the Environmental Quality Charge (EQC) rates for the 1982- 1983 fiscal year. The 1982-1983 EQC rates should be establ ished by the Board of Directors after public comment is obtained. BACKGROUND: The District Code and State law require an annual review of the EQC rates, and establishment of the rates by resolution of the Board of Directors in consideration of the budgeted revenues and expenditures and general reserves of the Running Expense Fund. A prel iminary Operations and Maintenance Budget for the 1982-1983 fiscal year was submitted for Board consideration at the June 3, 1982 Board Meeting. The 1982-1983 Operations and Maintenance Budget is not in final form as it does not include provisions for wage and benefits adjustments which are the subject of on-going negotiations with employee bargaining groups. It is necessary, however, that the EQC rates be established by June 17, 1982 in order to meet a deadl ine imposed by the Contra Costa County for submittal of the 1982-1983 Environmental Qual ity Charges due from users to permit collection on the County tax bills. A summary of expenditures, revenues and reserves of prior fiscal years, the present fiscal year and the 1982-1983 fiscal year is presented in Attachment I. As shown, the reserves as of July I, 1981 of $1,049,765 is projected to increase by $1,027,686, representing the excess of revenues over expenditures projected for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1982; the addition to reserves is a direct result of lower than budgeted expenditures projected in 1981-1982 due to expense reduction measures achieved principally in the Plant Operations Department. The projected reserve balance as of the beginning of the 1982-1983 fiscal year provides the Board with the means to maintain the present 1981-1982 EQC rates by application of reserves to meet anticipated 1982-1983 wage and benefits changes, and to maintain a desired level of reserves. Public correspondence received relating to the matter of the Publ ic Hearing is provided as Attachments I I and I I I. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a Publ ic Hearing and establ ish the 1982-1983 Environ- mental Quality Charge rates for all users, or defer the setting of the EQC rates to the June 17, 1982 Board Meeting, as determined appropriate. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION I Ng;TI. NG DEPT./DIV. /. . .~..... ~ WNF "'TJ J'T1 J'T1 ;xl ;xl J'T1 ;xl J'T1 0 PP C C x ro x 0 nn :J :J -0 Z J'T1 < -0 -onJ'T1 ::t>-o rt :J :J ro 0 :J ro C 0 :J o..ro :J ;xlJ'T1 :J :J < :J 3 OJ ~(O 3 :J 0 OJ.c :J :J a.. I -.C -0 :J ~ -. a.. rt rtC (0 (0 J'T1,(1) rt(1) :J :J -. 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