HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-18-83 Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATEA t ugus SUBJECT AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DIS I PROTECTION BRIDGES, AUTHORIZE THE GM-CE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMEN AMENDMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND 000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND INITIATIN,l> DEpT./DIV.. D'" Jarred Miyamoto-Mills tnglneerlng lV1Slon TYPE OF ACTION AWARD CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY ISSUE Sealed bids for District Project No. 3824 - Outfall Protection Bridges were received and opened on August 15, 1983. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of proposals. BACKGROUND Bridges are required at three locations near Waterfront Road in Martinez to protect the District's 72-inch Outfall Sewer from the load of heavy construction equipment. The condemnation lawsuit with Acme Fill has been settled. The District will own the land in which the outfall repair pipeline was placed. The District has agreed to build these bridges as part of the settlement of the 1 awsu it. Plans and Specifications for the project were completed and advertisements inviting submission of sealed bids were placed on July 29 and August 4, 1983. Eight bids ranging from $138,928 to $247,872 were received (see attached tabulation). The apparent low bidder is Albay Construction Company. An evaluation of the bids by the Engineering and Construction Department and Woodward-Clyde Consultants has determined that the apparent low bid is reasonable and favorable to the District. A "post-Bid Preconstruction Cost Estimate" is attached. $197,000 is needed to complete the project including contract construction, construc- tion management, consultant services durinq construction and as-built drawings. It is required that Woodward-Clyde Consultants provide a portion of the construction services including field inspection of pile driving operations, submittal review and geotechnical problem resolution because of their specialized expertise and the constraints of current workload on District staff. The work will be provided through an amend- ment to the existing geotechnical engineering services agreement on a cost-plus basis. This cost is reflected in the "post-Bid Preconstruction Cost Estimate". REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION JM2 WS Jl/J{] RAB INITIATiNG DEPT./DIV. The new District overhead rate for force account work on capital projects has not yet been calculated. The project budget will be credited with the appropriate funds when the new overhead rate is available. RECOMMENDATION Award the contract for construction of District Project No. 3824 to Albay Construction Company per their bid received August 15, 1983 and authorize $197,000 in sewer construction funds for project completion. Authorize the GM-CE to execute Agreement Amendment No. 2 with Woodward-Clyde Consultants for services during construction. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOFr SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. JM2 CWS RAB POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT No. 3824 ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL 1 . Construction Contract (As Bid) . . $ 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies Sub-total . $ $ 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Inspection . . . .. ........ $ Engineering (; nCllJdj ng c.on.su)tqn't: s~ry; <;e~)s 5 , 1 00 7.500 16,400 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals 29,000 29,000 . . . . $ $ 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project .$ 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Survey, Engineering, Printing, Advertising .$ 28,000 Special Services .$ Right-of-Way Acquisition. . $ 3,500 7. Total Preconstruct ion Incidentals (as of 8/18/83 ) . .$ 31,500 $ 31,500 8. Total Estimated Project Cost .$ (Items 5 & 7) 9. Funds Previously Authorized .$ 30,200 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. . $ (Item 8 minus Item 9) %CONST. CONTRACT 100 o o 2050-8-78 Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'III. Bids & Awards 2 8 18 3 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 12, 1983 SUBJECT AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 3660 _ CHLORINE TYPE OF ACTION & SULFUR DIOXIDE FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS, AUTHORIZE THE GM-CE T AAWuATHRODRCIOzNETRFAUNCTDS EXECUTE AN AG E N MENDMENT FOR SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mills ISSUE: On July 26, 1983 sealed proposals for District Project No. 3660 - Chlorine and Sulfur Dioxide Facilities Improvements were received and opened. A tabulation of the bids is attached. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of proposals. BACKGROUND: In November 1981, Kennedy/Jenks Engineers submitted the results of a comprehensive study of the alternatives available for disinfection and odor control at the treatment plant. The study recommended the continued use of chlorine and sulfur dioxide as well as several improvements to each system. Following acceptance of the Final Project Report, Kennedy/Jenks Engineers were retained for design of the recommended improvements which include: (1) A new chlorine leak detection/alarm system which interfaces with building HVAC systems for shut down if a leak occurs. (2) Automatic safety valves on the chlorine and sulfur dioxide liquid lines to isolate sections of pipe in the case of a leak or break in the line. (3) Provision of chloriniation facilities for primary effluent bypasses. (4) Improved piping in the Chlorinator/Evaporator Room for ease of repair/maintenance of equipment and more flexibility in system operation. (5) Improved access and escape routes for the tank car area with safety hardware and shower at each gate. (6) An additional sulfur dioxide storage tank and new tank foundations for more flexible and economical facility operation, and assured REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 2 of 3 performance during and after an earthquake. (7) A permanent building housing sulfur dioxide evaporators, sulfonators and controls and incorporating improved safety features (leak detection, better control computer interface, emergency exhaust fan). Plans and Specifications for the project were completed and advertisements inviting the submission of sealed bids were placed on June 20 and 27, 1983. Seven bids ranging from $488,000 to $684,748 were received (see attached tabulation). The apparent low bidder is Monterey Mechanical Company. The Engineer's Estimate for the work was $400,000. However, subsequent to the receipt of bids, understatement of cost in the electrical, mixer modification and equipment reconditioning portions of the estimate were identified. An' evaluation of the bids by the Engineering Department and Kennedy/Jenks project engineer has determined that the apparent low bid is reasonable and is favorable to the District. A "Post-Bid-Preconstruction Cost Estimate" is attached. $630,700- is needed to complete the project including contract construction, construction management, consultant services during construction, as-built drawings, and preparation of a comprehensive Operations & Maintenance Manual for the overall chlorination/dechlorination systems. The cost of construction incidentals (contract administration, inspection, Plant Operations Department force account work, etc.) is estimated or the basis for the following considerations. o The modification of existing complex chemical handling systems requires exceptionall.y close supervision. The hazard associated with chlorine and sulfur dioxide requires unusual coordination and scheduling by Plant Operations, Maintenance, contract administrator and field inspect~rs. There must be no interruption of effluent disinfection. As-built drawings are being allocated as a capital expense on this project. As-built drawings have generall.y been billed as an O&M expense in the past. o o o o Plant Operations and Maintenance a$sistance in coordination, review, safety orientation, -troubleshooting, etc. has .been explicitly budgeted and capitalized on this project. In the past most of these expenses have been billed against O&M funds. ItEV,nED AND ItECOUENDED I'01t .0AItD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. 3 of 3 It is required that Kennedy/Jenks Engineers provide a portion of the construction services including electrical/control system inspection, submittal review and completion of as-built drawings because of the constraints of current workload on District staff. The work will be provided through an amendment to the existing agreement on a cost-plus basis. This cost is reflected in the "Post Bid-Preconstruction Cost Estimate". The new District overhead rate for force account work on capital projects has not yet been calculated. The project budget will be credited with the appropriate funds when the new overhead rate is available. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of District Project 3660 to Monterey Mechanical Company per their bid received July 26, 1983 and authorize'1630.700 in sewer construction funds for project completion. Authorize the GM-CE to execute Agreement Amendment No. 5 with Kennedy/Jenks Engineers for services during construction. REVIEWED ~ND RECOMMENDED FOR 80~RD ~CTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. I I Costa BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. I I I. Bi ds & Awards 3 8 18 83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE CAUCUS ROOM EXTENSION AND AUTHORIZE $13,545 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS Au ust 18 1983 TYPE OF ACTION Award of Contract Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV Engineering/Construction Services SUBMITTED BY ISSUE Bids have been opened and it is appropriate to award a contract for the Caucus Room Extension Project. BACKGROUND The project for extension of the Caucus Room was formally advertised July 22, 1983. Invitation notices were mailed to 33 bidders. Three (3) bids were received, as I isted on attached bid tabulation sheet. The low bidder, John M. Derespini Construction, $11,287.00, is 12.9% higher than the District's estimate of $10,000.00. The overage is within acceptable limits, considering the nature of the project and the variation in bids received. John M. Derespini Company is currently 80% complete on an elementary school alteration for Mt. Diablo School District costing $24,000.00. Mr. Ray Dunne, Director of Maintenance & Operation, Mt. Diablo School District, states this contractor does satisfactory work on time and recommends John M. Derespini Company as a competent cont ractor. RECOMMENDATION Award a contract to John M. Derespini for construction of the Caucus Room extension and authorize $11,287.00 for the contract and $2,258.00 for contract administration and inspection, for a total authorization of $13,545.00. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION f)fjJ iQ Q .... _ G> '- l.l 3d: . . .. 0 .- . <i ~ r:: u - ...... .- '" co 0. . 0 N III - .... . CIl r::- - L.. 0'- - CIl.- :I: <I> 0 .... u.... ::l r:: , .. " 2: L.. III .... III G> ; . r:: III III c~ I ! ..r:: r:: CIl ::ld: 0 0- ,.' ..,UO- 0 ~ <o!l <( - - to .... en u 0 co U r:: -0 = '" 0 . .... .... W III u..>t. LI'\ en 0 ..r:: r:: CIl - i5 u- CIl <I> 0 L.. >- . .U '" - E ~.... <( '" III .... ..r:: ..r:: ::l <Il Z ..>t...>t. r:: .~ (,) I L.. L.._ 5,E <( III en :><:.:><: :3 ',' <( .... r:: en "" 0 0 0 u .- 0 ....<( - <( Uu to 0"1 '" ::l '0 co .... L.. . r-;, Z ......>t. .... 0 III CIl ..:t ~ U r:: CIl N ~ 0 L.. <I> <( uu '" III .... ~ .... L.. ::l Z CIl r:: 'lJ w U U CIl- c _ I . 0. III :Jet "':3 Vl Z 0 0 ~ >= 2 0 <( - 0 ..J to '" ::l C '0 0 '" .... 0 <( <II .; .... w 0 <II - <I> . iii 0; .~ .....s s;> <Il I UJ 'c .~ , ::let I ~ M co .; '" 0"1 ~I\ s - Co ~ ..:t . M - .... c - 0 iii '" .... "'" '" :::> .... '" c r:: r '" :::> .~ 0 w <( a. .- :::> en III 1;:( r c:I ~ ti r:: z w w CIl 0 a:: E = <II .... ci. <Il )( -.j Vl 0 0 0 w J z - iii w '" 0 g .... 0 . X M -ci -- w 0 N <Il a:: 0"1 > 2: M Z '4; III >- 0 "'" w u ::l II> 0 0- <Il U >- a:: 0 a: ::l II> 0 ::i <Il III W '" :; u 0 :::> 0 w u.. w .., 0 z - :::> - w a:: <( 0 0- W U Z - 0 > Ie ,;, I at coo o .... Contra Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. U 1 . - B j ds & Awa rds POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 8/15/83 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO AWARD THE CONTRACT FOR THE GROUP I STORM REPAIR PROJECT (NO. 3874) TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction Services SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: It is necessary to award the contract for the Group 1 storm damage repairs as soon as possible to allow the contractor the maximum time to work before rains commence. BACKGROUND: The Group 1 storm repair project was put out to bid in early August 1983. The Group 1 project includes storm damaged sites which require minimal design for the corrective work. Of the nineteen original sites, seven are included in this project. The remaining twelve sites have been determined to be the responsibility of others, will be handled by the CSO Department or will be deferred for corrective action until a later date. The staff engineer's estimate of the contract cost is $65,000. Bids will be opened on August 18, 1983, the day of the Board meeting. If there is sufficient time to evaluate bids, a tabulation of bids will be placed in the Board Book. If there is not the time to evaluate bids, the Board will be asked to delegate authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer to award the contract. A request for funds for force account work and design services during construction will be forthcoming at the next Board Meeting. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION f!ili District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. onsent Ca . 5 8/18/83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 9, 1983 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 83~12 (CONCORD) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT Accept for Processing SUBMITTED BY Denn i s Ha II INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction & Services Division Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agenc 83-12 Concord Ted Lewis 4057 Port Chicago Hwy. Concord, CA 159-050-015 1.00 Acres Owner to construct one office building on site~~ CCCSD to prepare I'Notice of Exempt ion'l CCCSD Recommendation: Authorize P.A. 83-12 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. J1Jf? DH JSM RAB District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ IV. Consent Cal. 6 8 18 83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 1, 1983 SUBJECT ACCEPT tHE CONTRACT FOR THE ELECTRICAL MOTOR DRIVEN BLOWER (PROJECT 3623) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK JAY S. MC COY SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The Electrical Motor Driver Blower contract is ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: Amos and Andrews started work on the project in October 1982. The project was substantially complete on May 25, 1983. Outstanding items of work have been completed, and it is appropriate to accept the project. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract for the Electrical Motor Driven Blower (Project No. 3623) and authorize the fil ing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION RAB ~f_~ f /-; yo VQ!j-'?"(D JSM f/tt3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~-IV. Consent Cal. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 18, 1983 SUBJECT ACCEPT DISTRICT PROJECT X3650, 1982 STORM DAMAGE REPAIR, SOARES LANE, LAFAYETTE, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION Project Acceptance SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services ISSUE: Work on Project 3650, Soares Lane Storm Damage Repair, has been completed, and it is appropriate to file a Notice of Completion. BACKGROUND: District made and entered into a contract agreement with Mountain Cascade, Inc., contractor, on November 2, 1982, for performing the work. The contract work was completed within the project budget. The original contract completion date was June 30, 1983. Justifiable delays occurred due to rain and wet grade which extended the contract completion date to July 27, 1983, by which time all work was completed. RECOMMENDATION: Accept District Project X3650, 1982 Storm Damage Repair, Soares Lane, Lafayette, and authorize the General Manager--Chief Engineer to sign and file the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION ~ JSM RAB 'Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I V. Consent Ca I . POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 12, 1983 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION OF $3,600 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PROGRAMMER FOR THE PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT TYPE OF ACTION Purchase Equipment Charles W. Batts INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department SUBMITTED BY Issue: It is proposed to purchase a programmer to program, compare, read, and dupl icate "chips," 256 x 8-bit chips, and I kilobyte chip used in the Treatment Plant's field microprocessors. Background: The Treatment Plant's field microprocessors or MUXls, which are used for process control and data storage, contain chips that have to be programmed to perform properly. This is done by the plant instrumentation technicians who use a programming device to "burn" the microscopic semi-conductor junctions open to represent a hexadecimal number. This device is a 15-year-old design and was used in the original programming of the MUX and MCU memories. During the last month there have been several MUX failures from "soft" junctions, which were due to the failure of the programming device. While the existing unit can be repaired, the. economics justify the purchase of a new unit that can verify the program- ming of the chips. By being able to verify and edit the data stored in the chip's memory and test the programming functions in place, a considerable labor saving is also anticipated. This unit is needed to maintain the Treatment Plant's microprocessor units. Recommendation: Authorize $3,600 from Sewer Construction Fu~ds for the purchase of a programmer for the Plant Operations Department. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. Solid Waste POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 12, 1983 TYPE OF ACTION GARBAGE FRANCHISE SUBJECT CONSIDER REQUEST FROM AN ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL CUSTOMER FOR INCLUSION OF REMITTANCE ENVELOPE WITH BILL SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: The attached letter addressed to the Board of Directors requests insertion of a self-addressed remittance envelope in Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service bi II ings. BACKGROUND: On an infrequent basis, customers of Valley Disposal Services, Inc. and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service have requested that the refuse collectors include a remittance envelope with their quarterly billings. Mr. D. Anderson's letter is the most recent request. During the past year, Valley Disposal converted its billing to a computer-based system under which a remittance envelope is produced during bill production. Orinda-Moraga Disposal discontinued the practice of inserting remittance envelopes 6 years ago as an expense reduction measure; the refuse collector estimates that an annual expense reduction of approximately $4200 is achieved thereby. If a change in this refuse collector1s practice is considered appropriate, it would be reasonable to implement the change coincident with the next rate increase applica- tion. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the request of D. Anderson for inclusion of a remittance envelope in the Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service billing statements. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION WNF PM POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT No. 3660 %CONST. ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL CONTRACT 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) . . $ 488,000 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies (.@ .1 O~) . . $ 48,800 536,800 100% 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . $ 2,000 Inspection .$ 44.600 Engineering (including Contract Admin., .$ 48,900 SUDmitta 1 'Review) Plant Operations & Maintenance 11 ,400 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals .$ $ 106.900 20 4. As-built Drawings & O&M Manual . $ 18,700 3 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project . $ 662,400 123 6. Pre Bid Expenditures District Survey,Engr. ,Print.Advt. .Co.st. $ 35,000 Kennedy Jenks Design Cost . $ 99,800 District Pre-purchase Cost . $ 12.000 7. Total Preconstruction Incidentals (as of 8-18-83 ) . . $ 146,800 $ 146,800 27 8. Total Estimated Project Cost . $ 809,200 151 (Items 5 & 7) 9. Funds Previously Authorized . $ 178,500 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. . $ 630,700 (Item 8 minus Item 9) 2050-8-78 CENTR 4 CONTRA COSTA! :\JITARY DISTRICT SUMMARY . OF 6' DS JOB District Project 3660 [)J\1rE: July 26. 1983 - 2:00 p~m. LOCATION BIDDER NAME ADORESS PHONE _Mo.t~re.x ,~~,rd(;~L~o..: ~27$ S......Leandro.St. '.' .' Oatl and, CA;.' 94621.e.;. Treatment Plant Martinez CA ENGR. EST j409.000 BID PRICE Robert J. Collins P. O. Box'96 Martinez. CA 94553 $549.129 C.W. Roen Construction P. O. Box 4 Danville. CA 94526 $56.8.600 -Amos & Andrews, Inc. 1801 Walters Ct. Fairfield. CA 94533 $583.000 Engineering Construction. Inc. P. O. Box 906 Concord. CA 94522 $589.490 PMI Corp. . P. O. Box 15264 Sacramento, CA 95851 $652,460 Albay Construction Co. 865 Howe Road Martinez, CA 94553 $684,748 JOB CHKD.BY BY DATI!' SHEET NO. DATE-__ OF _......,_..._-.---.~~~----.,.,----_.-_,.._..._---------- Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. Eng. 1 8 18 83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Au ust 16 1983 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY AT 4 STORM DAMAGE LOCATIONS WITHIN THE COLLECTION SYSTEM DECLARE EMERGENCY SUBMITTED BY Curtis Swanson, Sr. Engineer, INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engi neeri ng ISSUE: A declaraton of emergency is required to allow repair of storm damage at 4 locations in the collection system to prevent possible pollution and public health hazards. BACKGROUND: The District suffered damage to the collection system at 45 locatons this past winter. Projects to repair damage at 11 locations were classified as Group 2 projects. Group 2 projects are large or complex projects requiring detailed engineering evaluation and design. The preliminary design effort for the Group 2 projects has revealed that 4 projects must be completed before next winter to prevent possible public health and pollution hazards. However, these 4 projects cannot be completed within the time constraints by following conventional construction contracting methods because of their complex nature. The locations of the,4 projects are: - St Mary's Road - Sacramento Northern Right of Way - Oak Arbor, Orinda - Evergreen Drive, Orinda - Tarry Lane, Orinda A declaration of emergency for these 4 projects will allow the Engineering and Construction Department to take action to complete construction by early November. The Board will be asked to authorize funds for engineering and construction of the 4 projects at future meetings. The Engineering and Construction Department may ask for a declaration of emergency for other storm damage projects at future Board Meetings if an engineering analysis indicates the need. RECOMMENDATION: Declare the existance of an emergency at 4 storm damage locations within the collection system due to possible public health and pollution hazards. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION ./DIV. !2&/2 RAB