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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 11-17-83 c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.IV. Consent Calendar 7 11/17/83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF OUTFAll PROTECTION BRIDGES, WATERFRONT ROAD, MARTINEZ, (PROJECT 3824) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION November 8 1 8 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Munawar Husain INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: Work has been completed on the Outfall Protection Bridges project and is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: Albay Construction Company was issued a Notice to Proceed on August 29, 1983. By October 27, 1983, the Contractor had completed the contract work. It is appropriate to accept the work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Contract for construction of the Outfall Protection Bridges (Project 3824) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. JI. II!! ; , REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. M. Husain j)., ;~B Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. Administrative 1 11/1 /8 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 14, 1983 TYPE OF ACT ION SUBJECT DISTRICT-WIDE GOALS FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING APRIL 1, 1984 Request Board's Input SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Ro er Dolan General Mana er-Chief Enginee Administrative ISSUE: District Management requests the Boardls input on developing District-wide Goals and Departmental Objectives for the period beginning April 1, 1984 through September 30, 1985. BACKGROUND: In the past, planned Goals and Objectives have been developed by and for each individual department. At last July.s Performex Management Planning Seminar, one of the decisions made was to prepare District-wide goals and have individual departments develop objectives to reach these goals beginning with the upcoming Goals and Objectives period. At a meeting to be held at the end of November, 1983, Department Managers will begin to develop the objectives necessary to accompl ish the District-wide goals establ ished for the coming period. Naturally, the first step in developing District-wide goals is to ascertain those areas the Board is interested in having addressed as areas in which they would 1 ike to see accompl ishments during the upcoming goals and objectives period. The following have been identified as goal areas that have been set forth that are of a District-wide nature: o Reduce costs o Improve services o Improve planning o Improve management of resources o Improve communication with publ ic o Maintain District functions It is requested that the Board review the areas suggested above and indicate changes or other goals they feel should be pursued. Moreover, if there are specific objectives that the Board is interested in including, the staff would appreciate that information. RECOMMENDATION: Provide staff with discussion concerning goal areas of the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Distr'ict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. V I. Eng i nee ring 1 11 1 8 ~o~ember 7, 1983 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH LARRY WALKER ASSOCIATES FOR AUDIT CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE STAGE 5A-II PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE $27,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Curtis Swanson INIT,.lATI~G DEPT./D1'k. . . tnglneerlng U1V1Slon ISSUE: Authorization is required to execute an agreement with Larry Walker Associates to conduct a pre-audit review of the Stage 5A Phase II Project. Authorization of funds for this work is also required. BACKGROUND: The District has applied for $86,000,000 in Federal and State grant funds for the Stage 5A and 5B plant expansion projects. At the completion of each grant project, federal and state grant agencies conduct audits to verify that grant funds were expended in accordance with regulations and procedures. Although interim audits have been conducted on the Stage 5A Phase I Project and portions of the other projects, final audits have not been conducted on any of the District grant projects. Agencies who have already received their final audits of clean water grant projects have experienced many problems with the auditors and have had substantial grant expenditures disallowed. In fact, a typical experience has been that local project expenditures have doubled as a result of audit decisions. Because of the particular complexities of the Stage 5A and 5B projects, staff feels that it is prudent to prepare for the forthcoming audits of these projects. To prepare for the final audits, staff is proposing a pre-audit review of the Stage 5A Phase II Project. The pre-audit review will identify audit problems with the Stage 5A Phase II Project and recommend actions for the District to take to resolve these problems and minimize the loss of grant funds by adverse audit findings. The proposed pre-audit review will consist of the following three tasks: Task 1 is to perform a detailed examination of the policy, procedural, and documentation aspects of the Stage 5A Phase II Project. District records and files including accounting records, plans and specifications, consultant contracts, and construction reports will be reviewed for potential audit REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INlf~;iPT ./DIV. i/JJD.. 4 /tJ/-~ problems. District staff involved with the Stage 5A Phase II Project will also be interviewed. Task 2 is to provide in-depth verbal and written reports to the District of the pre-audit review findings and recommendations. The verbal report will be made to the appropriate District engineering and accounting staff during a two-day meeting. Task 3 is to provide consultation and assistance on difficult problems during audit preparations and during the actual federal and state audit. The Stage 5A Phase II Project was selected for this pre-audit review because it will be the first project to be audited. Staff will be able to apply information gained from the pre-audit review of this project to future audits of the other six grant projects. The pre-audit review will be conducted by Larry Walker Associates, Inc. (LWA). LWA has conducted pre-audit review for several other sanitation agencies in California and throughout the country. Mr. Walker was formerly Manager of the California Clean Water Grants Program, and is an acknowledged authority in the grant audit field. LWA will provide these audit consulting services on an hourly basis at a cost not to exceed $21,000. District staff will assist LWA in locating and interpreting project records during the pre-audit review. The cost for this effort as well as project management is estimated to be $4,800. A summary of the funds being requested is presented in Attachment A. Tasks 1 and 2 of the pre-audit review will be completed by March, 1984. The time schedule for Task 3 is dependent on the audit schedule established by the federal and state agencies. The pre-audit review will accomplish in part two of the 1983-84 Goals and Objectives for the Engineering and Construction Department. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the agreement with Larry Walker Associates for pre-audit review of the Stage 5A Phase II Project on an hourly basis at a cost not to exceed $21,000. Authorize expenditure of $27,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for consultant and District costs associated with this work. ATTACHMENT A COST SUMMARY Pre-Audit Review by Larry Walker Associates Task - Project Records Review Task 2 - Pre-Audit Review Task 3 - Consultation Before and During Audit District Force Account Contingency Total Funds Requested 11/2/83 $11,700 2,800 7,000 $21 ,500 4,800 700 $27,000