HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-20-83 D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS " , C' ,,-/- No1II. Consent Ca 2 1 20 83 VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT POSITION PAPER Januar 12 1983 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 83-3 PLEASANT HILL AREA AND TYPE OF ACTION PA 83~4 (ALAMO AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Pa rce 1 No. Area 83-3 P.H. 83-4 Alamo Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division Owne r Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency Stan Brodie 1824 Landana Dr. Concord, CA 94519 152-092-06 0:60 Ac Vacant land. Owner wants CCCSD to build one single family residence. District to p repa re I'Not i ce of Exempt i on II. Chase National Inc. 375 Diablo Road Danville, CA 94526 197-082-14,-16,-17,18, -20 and 197-050-11 151.80 Ac. Total Owner is going to build two County office buildings and two barns within a horse race track comptex.EIR approved by San Ramon Valley Ptanntng Commission RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 83-3 and P.A. 83-4 to be included in a future formal annexation. JSM .; REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUBJECT POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBMITTED BY AUTHORIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT #3662, BLACKHAWK ROAD IN LAFAYETTE NO. DATE January 10,1983 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION Jay S. McCoy CINITIATING UEPT./DI~. S . D... onstructlon anu ervlce IVISlon ISSUE: The project contractor, Engineering Construction Inc. has satisfactorily completed the work on the reconstruction of an exist- ing creek crossing off of Blackhawk Road. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the project as complete and authorize the District General Manager-Chief Engineer to file a Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1~;/4~SM 't=..~ ENG. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Adm. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJ~(JTHORIZE $82,735 OF SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR SOFTW ARE DEVELOPMENT AND ADDITIONAL HARDWARE COMPONENTS & PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE DATE January 14, 1983 TYPE OF ACTION Authorize Funds and Contract Executions SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative De artment ISSUE: The District's Financial Management Information System (FMIS) Committee has reviewed alternative methods for completion of the Financial Management Information System project, since contract termination by Computer Resource Management Corporation (CRMC) by its dissolution. This Position Paper presents the recommendations of the FMIS Committee to successfully complete the project expeditiously in a cost efficient manner. BACKGRDlI'IJ: The Board of Directors accepted the FMIS Committee's recommendation and authorized $167,265 for software development and an initial complement of hardware and peripheral equipment. In early 1982, a contract was executed with CRMC for fourteen software applications at a cost of $81,000. When it liquidated in August 1982, CRMC had received $20,637 in progress payments for completing the general system design phase and the Budgeting application. Funding for the initial phase of the FMIS project consisted of software development cost and the acquisition of a minicomputer, printer and two terminals. Provision for subsequent phases of the project for anticipated computer capacity increases, the addition of peripheral equipment and a word processing system, and additional software applications was included in the District's Five-Year Capital Projects Plan at a cumulative cost of $250,000. When notified of CRMC's liquidation, the FMIS Committee proceeded to determine the best courses of action which would insure successful project completion on a timely and cost effective basis: o Alternative Courses Considered - The FMIS Committee considered completion of the project by a software vendor which had hired key employees of CRMC, contracting directly with former CRMC personnel involved in the project, contacting software vendors to demonstrate their applications, or reissuing a Request For Proposal (RFP). The FMIS Committee determined that selection of another qualified software vendor who could fulfill the District's specific requirements would be best accomplished through the RFP process. o Selection of Vendor - Requests For Proposal were sent to twelve firms in November 1982 to select a successor software vendor. Proposals were received from Creative Computer Solutions, Inc. and Alexander Grant/MMI. These proposals were evaluated by the FMIS Committee and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. (PMM&Co.), data processing consultants. Demonstrations of each firm's software applications were attended by members of the committee and PMM&Co. After consideration of proposal evaluations, software demonstrations, customer reference checks, and a credit and financial statement review of Creative Computer Solutions, Inc., the Alexander Grant/MMI proposal was selected for further negotiation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Alexander Grant & Company is the tenth largest public accounting and consulting firm in the United States. It is a full-service public accounting firm offering services in auditing, tax, accounting and management consulting. Because of increasing demand for public sector application software, Alexander Grant formed an information systems consulting group which provides services in all phases of system development projects, including system design, programming, and systems testing. Alexander Grant distributes and supports a packaged Government Management Information System developed by MMI Management System. The MMI system has been successfully installed in over twenty-five public agencies. The FMIS Committee has negotiated a contract with Alexander Grant/MMI for software development of eleven. of the District's fourteen applications for a cost of $81,000. Proposed costs of the remaining three applications will be obtained after a requirements definition is performed by the vendor. o Hardware Components and Peripheral Equipment - The ADDS Mentor computer, line printer, two video display terminals and associated furniture which constituted a basic configuration, were acquired at a cost of $57,410. Additional hardware component and peripheral equipment requirements were intended to be funded in a subsequent phase of the FMIS project as their specifications, costs, and justifications were obtained. The FMIS Committee believes funding for the acquisition of such hardware components and peripheral equipment which are shown on Attachment II is appropriate at this time to serve the software applications which will be installed. A contingency of 10% of hardware and equipment costs is provided. The manufacturer of the ADDS Mentor has recently introduced a compatible word processing system. The major portion of the equipment shown on Attachment II is related to the word processing system which would be purchased during the 1982-1983 fiscal year. The ADDS Mentor word processing system has the following cost effective features: - As the existing computer which is integral to the word processing system has been acquired, word processing capability can be obtained at a comparatively low cost. - Because of system commonality, the word processing system is able to access all FMIS data files, such as employee and vendor records, thereby eliminating duplicate files. - Word processing terminals may be used as FMIS input-output video display terminals, thereby maximizing equipment usability. A demonstration of the word processing system provided assurance that its high productivity and ease of use in preparing reports, letters, contracts and purchasing documents justified initial placement within the Administrative Clerical Support Section and Purchasing Section, and eventual placement in the Plant Operations Department and Engineering Division. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. The additional disk and memory capacity requested for the computer will alleviate response time degradation as more applications become operational; however, these components will be acquired only when processing and response times become unsatisfactory. Future hardware and equipment requirements beyond the configuration recommended in this document will be specified and supported in separate requests to the Board of Directors which will normally be made during the annual budgeting process. o Use of Data Processinq Consultant - Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. has provided effective professional assistance during the selection of the successor vendor, and has charged the District for its services using a reduced fee schedule. PMM&Co. should be engaged to provide implementation assistance during software development. This assistance will be limited to project management planning and technical quality control for the first five software applications. As part of the engagement, PMM&Co. will train the Plant Operations Department's Control System Engineer to provide technical guidance and assistance through project completion. By employing this procedure, PMM&Co. 's fee of $15,000 for complete implementation assistance can be reduced to $4,000. The limited implementation assistance by PMM&Co. and the use of the District's Control System Engineer is recommended by the FMIS Committee because of its strong commitment to completing the current project within the cumulative cost included in the Five-Year Capital Projects Plan. PMM&Co.'s proposal for implementation assistance for a fee of $4,000 is provided as Attach ment III. o Cost Summary - A summary of the costs of the FMIS project authorized in 1982 for the initial phase, and costs for the total project included in the Five-Year Capital Projects Plan is presented on Attachment I. The total current cost of the project is equivalent to the cost included in the Capital Projects Plan, despite $24,500 of costs resulting from the CRMC liquidation; this was achieved because of the following: Hardware and peripheral equipment cost reductions of $10,000 were realized from a change from the original higher-priced computer to the technologically more advanced ADDS Mentor, and because of cost reductions for the word processing system during the intervening period. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.'s implementation assistance will be limited in scope to offset, to a large extent, $14,500 of costs resulting from CRMC's liquidation. The FMIS Committee was committed to recommending courses of action which would enable successful implementation of the District's basic FMIS project for a cumulative cost which would not exceed the projected cost of $250,000 included in the Five-Year Capital Projects Plan. The recommended actions are a realization of that commitment. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following actions are recommended: o Authorize execution of a contract with Alexander Grant/MMI for software development of eleven applications (at a cost of $81,000). REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. . -----_.__._--_.._._..,-_._-_.~--".-....,..._._"'.._-------.--------- o Authorize execution of a professional services agreement with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. for implementation assistance (at a fee of $4,000). o Authorize the expenditure from Sewer Construction Fund of the supplementary amount of $82,735 covering remaining cost of software development by Alexander Grant and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., and acquisition of hardware components and peripheral equipment. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. C'l C .-... <1J L/\ .J'\ ~ r--. 0 0 u... -1-1 ..0 ro L/\ O~ L/\ ~ en 0 ~ <1J 00 -1-1 00 00 en '" r--. 0 r--. C'l 0 -0 0 0 -0 -1-1 <1J I- r--. L/\ r--. ~ 0 ~ N U ::J L. .......- ~N N N ~ a::l -0 0 <1J ::J U -0 L. >-0- -1-1 C <1J L. <1J C ro -0 -1-1 roo:: <1J 00 ~ ~ 0 ~ C -1-1 ::J Q) 00 L/\ L/\ 0 L/\ l/'I l/'I <1J C C 0- 1Il 00 0 en -1-1 C E <1J 0 <1J ro C 0 '..C r--. E'- l/'I ..s:::: L/\ L/\ ~ ~ ~ N <1J U U <1J-I-I ..0 CL. ~~ N N E ro ~ ro ::J ::J 1Il .-1-1 a.N V) U '-1-1 a..- 0 C c:( ::J L. -0 0 C V) 0 0 ..s:::: .-... C-I-I -1-1 ro <1J L/\ L/\ r--. r--. 0 C'lro -1-1 ::J 1Il L/\ L/\ ~ ~ 0 .- -0 ro '" c:( -1-1 ro 00 00 '" '" 0 lIl'- ..s:::: 0 <1J ::J -1-1 C CL. r--. r--. 0 0 r--. en u -0 0- 0 N N C'l 0 E~ Q) U <1J C -1-1 1Il -1-1 -0 Ul- -1-1 C <1J >-U U <1J -0 ~ ~ 0 ~ Ul~ ro ::J <1J C L/\ L/\ 0 L/\ 0:: L. 0- Ul <1J 0 en ~U -1-1 L/\ <1J ro a. ro C Ul ..s:::: X L/\ L/\ ~ ~ ~ N L. 4- 0 ..0 CL. <1J ~~ N N <1J 0 U ::J C C V) ::> <1J-I-I -0 C'l~ C ::J ro E Ul -0 Ul I- <1J 0 0 0 0 r--. r--. 0 ::J <1J <1J u -1-1 0 0 ~ ~ 0 -1-1 L. C 1Il ro ~ 0 0 '" '" 0 ~ <1J 0 0:: >- ~ -1-1 ~ ro l- V) 0 r--. r--. '" 0 r--. 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N -1-1 a.. u L. 3 ::J ::J C'l L. 0. >-1Il ro V) C ro ro -1-1 0. 0. ro CL. -1-1 .. 4- 0. ro 0 3 Cl -0 L. -0 -0 -1-1 3 4- >- E C ro 2~ · CL. U -0 Cl C ::J -0 C-I-I -1-1 0 <1J: 0 ro ro <1J L. c:( ro I.L. c:( roc:( 4- V) ~ U~ -1-1 CL. .-... ro 0 ro o~ N :::c V) Cl Z Attachment II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Financial Management Information System Additional Hardware Components and Peripheral Equipment Description Hardware Components: Increase Central Processor Unit Capacity from 256KB to 512KB in 128KB increments ($4,000 each) Increase Disk Drive from 30MB to 60MB Peripheral Equipment: Word Processing System: Software for DocuMentor system 2 Word Processor Terminals Word Processor Printer Word Processor Terminal Video Display Terminals: 1 VDT 1 VDT Location ADDS Mentor ADDS Mentor ADDS Mentor Admin. Clerical Support Admin. Clerical Support Purchasing Purchasing Plant Operations Cost $ 8,000 6,000 14,000 2,500 3,000 3 , 1 00 1,500 1 0, 1 00 1 , 1 00 1 , 1 00 2,200 Terminal and Printer Stands and Chairs 1,000 Sub-total 27,300 Contingency at 10% of Hardware and Equipment Costs (1) 8,500 (1) Hardware and Equipment: Acquired Per Attachment Required Per Above Total $35,800 $ 57,410 27,300 $ 84,710 -- fill Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. Eng. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Jqnuary 12, 1983 SUBJECT AUTHOR I ZE $6800 FOR THE ARREBA STREET STORM DAMAGE REPAIR PROJECT, DSP NO. 3641 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Funds are necessary to complete the Arreba Street Repair Proj ecL BACKGROUND: Work on this project has been accomplished thus far with funds established by the General Manager-Chief Engineer's advance authorization of $5000. This work includes the replacement of the damaged portion of the Arreba Street creek crossing as shown on the attached drawing. During the completion of this work, the rema,inder of the creek crossing pipe was observed as being so deteriorated that it needs to be replaced. The existing cast iron pipe has thin walls and cracked longitudinally when it was cut by the Contractor. The total cost of the project is now estimated to be $6800.. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $6800 for the Arreba Street Storm Damage Repair Project, DSP 3641. Attachment INIT)..'I'TING DEPT./ f;r/ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ .. ,. ((<5D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. ng. 2 1/20/83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Januar 10 1983 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2695, MANOR AVENUE IN WALNUT CREEK AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The project contractor, A & H Underground Construction Co., has satisfactorily completed the work on the installation of the trunk sewer parallel in Watershed 23. BACKGROUND: The work on this project was completed in early January. Because of financial difficulties, the Contractor did not complete the work within the prescribed contract time limits. On this particular project there are liquidated damages, four stop notices and one claim including the District as an incidental party. All of the requirements necessary to initiate a notice of completion have been satisfied and the filing of the notice will establish a base from which to resolve the financial issues. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the project as complete and authorize the District General Manager-Chief Engineer to file a Notice of Completion. 'l- REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION e.:..vJ . -- . t Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Real Property POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE January 10, 1983 SUBJECT APPROVE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH WILLOWS SHOPPING CENTER FOR USE OF DISTRICT LAND FOR PARKING PURPOSES. TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE LEASE AGREEMENT Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Service Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The Willows has requested that the District enter into a lease for use of District owned property for parking purposes. BACKGROUND: The \4illows has recently added a Cost Plus store to their center. Because of the new store and because of anticipated increases in patronage at the center, the Willows is desirous of expanding their parking. District staff and the Willows have negotiated a lease agreement (attached) for parking purposes. Key points of the agree- ment are: 1. The term is twenty years and is automatically renewed for subsequent twenty year periods. 2. The lease may be cancelled by either party at the end of any twenty year period with one year's notice. 3. The lease payment is $3200 per year based on comparable public agency - private enterprise leases. 4. The payment will be reviewed every five years and will be modified based on 50 per cent of the change in the Bay Area Consumers Price Index for the five year period. 5. The District retains the right to enter the leased area for maintenance of existing facilities or installation of new ones. 6. The Willows is required to bear the expense of restoring their parking improvements should the District have to remove the im- provements for maintenance or installation work. 7. The Willows is required to submit plans for parking improvements to the District for approval prior to work commencing on the improvements. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the lease agreement with the Willows Shopping Center for parking purposes and authorize the President and Secretary to sign. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~